path: root/xpfe/appshell/AppWindow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'xpfe/appshell/AppWindow.cpp')
1 files changed, 3333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xpfe/appshell/AppWindow.cpp b/xpfe/appshell/AppWindow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e2bdc4ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpfe/appshell/AppWindow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,3333 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 ci et: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
+// Local includes
+#include "AppWindow.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+// Helper classes
+#include "GeckoProfiler.h"
+#include "nsPrintfCString.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsWidgetsCID.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nsNetCID.h"
+#include "nsQueryObject.h"
+#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
+// Interfaces needed to be included
+#include "nsGlobalWindowOuter.h"
+#include "nsIAppShell.h"
+#include "nsIAppShellService.h"
+#include "nsIContentViewer.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
+#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsScreen.h"
+#include "nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
+#include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h"
+#include "nsIIOService.h"
+#include "nsIObserverService.h"
+#include "nsIOpenWindowInfo.h"
+#include "nsIWindowMediator.h"
+#include "nsIScreenManager.h"
+#include "nsIScreen.h"
+#include "nsIWindowWatcher.h"
+#include "nsIURI.h"
+#include "nsAppShellCID.h"
+#include "nsReadableUtils.h"
+#include "nsStyleConsts.h"
+#include "nsPresContext.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+#include "nsGlobalWindow.h"
+#include "nsXULTooltipListener.h"
+#include "nsXULPopupManager.h"
+#include "nsFocusManager.h"
+#include "nsContentList.h"
+#include "nsIDOMWindowUtils.h"
+#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
+#include "prenv.h"
+#include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/PresShell.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BarProps.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DOMRect.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Event.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserHost.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/BrowserParent.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/LoadURIOptionsBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/intl/LocaleService.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+# include "mozilla/PreXULSkeletonUI.h"
+# include "mozilla/XULStore.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentL10n.h"
+#ifdef XP_MACOSX
+# include "nsINativeMenuService.h"
+#define SIZEMODE_NORMAL u"normal"_ns
+#define SIZEMODE_MAXIMIZED u"maximized"_ns
+#define SIZEMODE_MINIMIZED u"minimized"_ns
+#define SIZEMODE_FULLSCREEN u"fullscreen"_ns
+#define WINDOWTYPE_ATTRIBUTE u"windowtype"_ns
+#define PERSIST_ATTRIBUTE u"persist"_ns
+#define SCREENX_ATTRIBUTE u"screenX"_ns
+#define SCREENY_ATTRIBUTE u"screenY"_ns
+#define WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE u"width"_ns
+#define HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE u"height"_ns
+#define MODE_ATTRIBUTE u"sizemode"_ns
+#define TILED_ATTRIBUTE u"gtktiledwindow"_ns
+#define ZLEVEL_ATTRIBUTE u"zlevel"_ns
+#define SIZE_PERSISTENCE_TIMEOUT 500 // msec
+//*** AppWindow: Object Management
+namespace mozilla {
+using dom::AutoNoJSAPI;
+using dom::BrowserHost;
+using dom::BrowsingContext;
+using dom::Document;
+using dom::Element;
+using dom::EventTarget;
+using dom::LoadURIOptions;
+AppWindow::AppWindow(uint32_t aChromeFlags)
+ : mChromeTreeOwner(nullptr),
+ mContentTreeOwner(nullptr),
+ mPrimaryContentTreeOwner(nullptr),
+ mModalStatus(NS_OK),
+ mFullscreenChangeState(FullscreenChangeState::NotChanging),
+ mContinueModalLoop(false),
+ mDebuting(false),
+ mChromeLoaded(false),
+ mSizingShellFromXUL(false),
+ mShowAfterLoad(false),
+ mIntrinsicallySized(false),
+ mCenterAfterLoad(false),
+ mIsHiddenWindow(false),
+ mLockedUntilChromeLoad(false),
+ mIgnoreXULSize(false),
+ mIgnoreXULPosition(false),
+ mChromeFlagsFrozen(false),
+ mIgnoreXULSizeMode(false),
+ mDestroying(false),
+ mRegistered(false),
+ mPersistentAttributesDirty(0),
+ mPersistentAttributesMask(0),
+ mChromeFlags(aChromeFlags),
+ mSPTimerLock("AppWindow.mSPTimerLock"),
+ mWidgetListenerDelegate(this) {}
+AppWindow::~AppWindow() {
+ {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mSPTimerLock);
+ if (mSPTimer) mSPTimer->Cancel();
+ }
+ Destroy();
+// AppWindow::nsISupports
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIInterfaceRequestor)
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference)
+ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIWebProgressListener)
+nsresult AppWindow::Initialize(nsIAppWindow* aParent, nsIAppWindow* aOpener,
+ int32_t aInitialWidth, int32_t aInitialHeight,
+ bool aIsHiddenWindow,
+ nsWidgetInitData& widgetInitData) {
+ nsresult rv;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> parentWidget;
+ mIsHiddenWindow = aIsHiddenWindow;
+ int32_t initialX = 0, initialY = 0;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> base(do_QueryInterface(aOpener));
+ if (base) {
+ int32_t x, y, width, height;
+ rv = base->GetPositionAndSize(&x, &y, &width, &height);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mOpenerScreenRect.SetEmpty();
+ } else {
+ double scale;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(base->GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(&scale))) {
+ mOpenerScreenRect.SetRect(
+ NSToIntRound(x / scale), NSToIntRound(y / scale),
+ NSToIntRound(width / scale), NSToIntRound(height / scale));
+ } else {
+ mOpenerScreenRect.SetRect(x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ initialX = mOpenerScreenRect.X();
+ initialY = mOpenerScreenRect.Y();
+ ConstrainToOpenerScreen(&initialX, &initialY);
+ }
+ }
+ // XXX: need to get the default window size from prefs...
+ // Doesn't come from prefs... will come from CSS/XUL/RDF
+ DesktopIntRect deskRect(initialX, initialY, aInitialWidth, aInitialHeight);
+ // Create top level window
+ if (gfxPlatform::IsHeadless()) {
+ mWindow = nsIWidget::CreateHeadlessWidget();
+ } else {
+ mWindow = nsIWidget::CreateTopLevelWindow();
+ }
+ if (!mWindow) {
+ }
+ /* This next bit is troublesome. We carry two different versions of a pointer
+ to our parent window. One is the parent window's widget, which is passed
+ to our own widget. The other is a weak reference we keep here to our
+ parent AppWindow. The former is useful to the widget, and we can't
+ trust its treatment of the parent reference because they're platform-
+ specific. The latter is useful to this class.
+ A better implementation would be one in which the parent keeps strong
+ references to its children and closes them before it allows itself
+ to be closed. This would mimic the behaviour of OSes that support
+ top-level child windows in OSes that do not. Later.
+ */
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parentAsWin(do_QueryInterface(aParent));
+ if (parentAsWin) {
+ parentAsWin->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(parentWidget));
+ mParentWindow = do_GetWeakReference(aParent);
+ }
+ mWindow->SetWidgetListener(&mWidgetListenerDelegate);
+ rv = mWindow->Create((nsIWidget*)parentWidget, // Parent nsIWidget
+ nullptr, // Native parent widget
+ deskRect, // Widget dimensions
+ &widgetInitData); // Widget initialization data
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect r = mWindow->GetClientBounds();
+ // Match the default background color of content. Important on windows
+ // since we no longer use content child widgets.
+ mWindow->SetBackgroundColor(NS_RGB(255, 255, 255));
+ // All Chrome BCs exist within the same BrowsingContextGroup, so we don't need
+ // to pass in the opener window here. The opener is set later, if needed, by
+ // nsWindowWatcher.
+ RefPtr<BrowsingContext> browsingContext =
+ BrowsingContext::CreateIndependent(BrowsingContext::Type::Chrome);
+ // Create web shell
+ mDocShell = nsDocShell::Create(browsingContext);
+ // Make sure to set the item type on the docshell _before_ calling
+ // InitWindow() so it knows what type it is.
+ mDocShell->SetTreeOwner(mChromeTreeOwner);
+ r.MoveTo(0, 0);
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(mDocShell->InitWindow(nullptr, mWindow, r.X(), r.Y(),
+ r.Width(), r.Height()),
+ // Attach a WebProgress listener.during initialization...
+ mDocShell->AddProgressListener(this, nsIWebProgress::NOTIFY_STATE_NETWORK);
+ mWindow->MaybeDispatchInitialFocusEvent();
+ return rv;
+// AppWindow::nsIIntefaceRequestor
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aSink) {
+ nsresult rv;
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIPrompt))) {
+ rv = EnsurePrompter();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ return mPrompter->QueryInterface(aIID, aSink);
+ }
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIAuthPrompt))) {
+ rv = EnsureAuthPrompter();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ return mAuthPrompter->QueryInterface(aIID, aSink);
+ }
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(mozIDOMWindowProxy))) {
+ return GetWindowDOMWindow(reinterpret_cast<mozIDOMWindowProxy**>(aSink));
+ }
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMWindow))) {
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> window = nullptr;
+ rv = GetWindowDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(window));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow = do_QueryInterface(window);
+ domWindow.forget(aSink);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIWebBrowserChrome)) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(EnsureContentTreeOwner()) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(mContentTreeOwner->QueryInterface(aIID, aSink)))
+ return NS_OK;
+ if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow)) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(EnsureContentTreeOwner()) &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(mContentTreeOwner->QueryInterface(aIID, aSink)))
+ return NS_OK;
+ return QueryInterface(aIID, aSink);
+// AppWindow::nsIAppWindow
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetDocShell(nsIDocShell** aDocShell) {
+ *aDocShell = mDocShell;
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aDocShell);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetZLevel(uint32_t* outLevel) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator(
+ if (mediator)
+ mediator->GetZLevel(this, outLevel);
+ else
+ *outLevel = normalZ;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetZLevel(uint32_t aLevel) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator(
+ if (!mediator) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ uint32_t zLevel;
+ mediator->GetZLevel(this, &zLevel);
+ if (zLevel == aLevel) return NS_OK;
+ /* refuse to raise a maximized window above the normal browser level,
+ for fear it could hide newly opened browser windows */
+ if (aLevel > nsIAppWindow::normalZ && mWindow) {
+ nsSizeMode sizeMode = mWindow->SizeMode();
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized || sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
+ }
+ }
+ // do it
+ mediator->SetZLevel(this, aLevel);
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(PAD_MISC);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> cv;
+ mDocShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(cv));
+ if (cv) {
+ RefPtr<dom::Document> doc = cv->GetDocument();
+ if (doc) {
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ RefPtr<dom::Event> event =
+ doc->CreateEvent(u"Events"_ns, dom::CallerType::System, rv);
+ if (event) {
+ event->InitEvent(u"windowZLevel"_ns, true, false);
+ event->SetTrusted(true);
+ doc->DispatchEvent(*event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetChromeFlags(uint32_t* aChromeFlags) {
+ *aChromeFlags = mChromeFlags;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetChromeFlags(uint32_t aChromeFlags) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mChromeFlagsFrozen,
+ "SetChromeFlags() after AssumeChromeFlagsAreFrozen()!");
+ mChromeFlags = aChromeFlags;
+ if (mChromeLoaded) {
+ ApplyChromeFlags();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::AssumeChromeFlagsAreFrozen() {
+ mChromeFlagsFrozen = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetIntrinsicallySized(bool aIntrinsicallySized) {
+ mIntrinsicallySized = aIntrinsicallySized;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetIntrinsicallySized(bool* aIntrinsicallySized) {
+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aIntrinsicallySized);
+ *aIntrinsicallySized = mIntrinsicallySized;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetPrimaryContentShell(
+ nsIDocShellTreeItem** aDocShellTreeItem) {
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aDocShellTreeItem = mPrimaryContentShell);
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::RemoteTabAdded(nsIRemoteTab* aTab, bool aPrimary) {
+ if (aPrimary) {
+ mPrimaryBrowserParent = aTab;
+ mPrimaryContentShell = nullptr;
+ } else if (mPrimaryBrowserParent == aTab) {
+ mPrimaryBrowserParent = nullptr;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::RemoteTabRemoved(nsIRemoteTab* aTab) {
+ if (aTab == mPrimaryBrowserParent) {
+ mPrimaryBrowserParent = nullptr;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::GetPrimaryRemoteTab(nsIRemoteTab** aTab) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRemoteTab> tab = mPrimaryBrowserParent;
+ tab.forget(aTab);
+ return NS_OK;
+static LayoutDeviceIntSize GetOuterToInnerSizeDifference(nsIWidget* aWindow) {
+ if (!aWindow) {
+ return LayoutDeviceIntSize();
+ }
+ LayoutDeviceIntSize baseSize(200, 200);
+ LayoutDeviceIntSize windowSize = aWindow->ClientToWindowSize(baseSize);
+ return windowSize - baseSize;
+static CSSIntSize GetOuterToInnerSizeDifferenceInCSSPixels(nsIWidget* aWindow) {
+ if (!aWindow) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ LayoutDeviceIntSize devPixelSize = GetOuterToInnerSizeDifference(aWindow);
+ return RoundedToInt(devPixelSize / aWindow->GetDefaultScale());
+AppWindow::GetOuterToInnerHeightDifferenceInCSSPixels(uint32_t* aResult) {
+ *aResult = GetOuterToInnerSizeDifferenceInCSSPixels(mWindow).height;
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::GetOuterToInnerWidthDifferenceInCSSPixels(uint32_t* aResult) {
+ *aResult = GetOuterToInnerSizeDifferenceInCSSPixels(mWindow).width;
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::GetLiveResizeListeners() {
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::LiveResizeListener>> listeners;
+ if (mPrimaryBrowserParent) {
+ BrowserHost* host = BrowserHost::GetFrom(mPrimaryBrowserParent.get());
+ listeners.AppendElement(host->GetActor());
+ }
+ return listeners;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::AddChildWindow(nsIAppWindow* aChild) {
+ // we're not really keeping track of this right now
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::RemoveChildWindow(nsIAppWindow* aChild) {
+ // we're not really keeping track of this right now
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::ShowModal() {
+ AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("AppWindow::ShowModal", OTHER);
+ // Store locally so it doesn't die on us
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> window = mWindow;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> tempRef = this;
+ window->SetModal(true);
+ mContinueModalLoop = true;
+ EnableParent(false);
+ {
+ AutoNoJSAPI nojsapi;
+ SpinEventLoopUntil([&]() { return !mContinueModalLoop; });
+ }
+ mContinueModalLoop = false;
+ window->SetModal(false);
+ /* Note there's no EnableParent(true) here to match the false one
+ above. That's done in ExitModalLoop. It's important that the parent
+ be re-enabled before this window is made invisible; to do otherwise
+ causes bizarre z-ordering problems. At this point, the window is
+ already invisible.
+ No known current implementation of Enable would have a problem with
+ re-enabling the parent twice, so we could do it again here without
+ breaking any current implementation. But that's unnecessary if the
+ modal loop is always exited using ExitModalLoop (the other way would be
+ to change the protected member variable directly.)
+ */
+ return mModalStatus;
+// AppWindow::nsIBaseWindow
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::InitWindow(nativeWindow aParentNativeWindow,
+ nsIWidget* parentWidget, int32_t x,
+ int32_t y, int32_t cx, int32_t cy) {
+ // XXX First Check In
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Not Yet Implemented");
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::Destroy() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ mDocShell->RemoveProgressListener(this);
+ }
+ {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mSPTimerLock);
+ if (mSPTimer) {
+ mSPTimer->Cancel();
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ mSPTimer = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!mWindow) return NS_OK;
+ // Ensure we don't reenter this code
+ if (mDestroying) return NS_OK;
+ mozilla::AutoRestore<bool> guard(mDestroying);
+ mDestroying = true;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShellService> appShell(
+ NS_ASSERTION(appShell, "Couldn't get appShell... xpcom shutdown?");
+ if (appShell)
+ appShell->UnregisterTopLevelWindow(static_cast<nsIAppWindow*>(this));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> parentWindow(do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow));
+ if (parentWindow) parentWindow->RemoveChildWindow(this);
+ // Remove modality (if any) and hide while destroying. More than
+ // a convenience, the hide prevents user interaction with the partially
+ // destroyed window. This is especially necessary when the eldest window
+ // in a stack of modal windows is destroyed first. It happens.
+ ExitModalLoop(NS_OK);
+ // XXX: Skip unmapping the window on Linux due to GLX hangs on the compositor
+ // thread with NVIDIA driver 310.32. We don't need to worry about user
+ // interactions with destroyed windows on X11 either.
+ if (mWindow) mWindow->Show(false);
+#if defined(XP_WIN)
+ // We need to explicitly set the focus on Windows, but
+ // only if the parent is visible.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parent(do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow));
+ if (parent) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> parentWidget;
+ parent->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(parentWidget));
+ if (parentWidget && parentWidget->IsVisible()) {
+ bool isParentHiddenWindow = false;
+ if (appShell) {
+ bool hasHiddenWindow = false;
+ appShell->GetHasHiddenWindow(&hasHiddenWindow);
+ if (hasHiddenWindow) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseHiddenWindow;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> hiddenWindow;
+ appShell->GetHiddenWindow(getter_AddRefs(hiddenWindow));
+ if (hiddenWindow) {
+ baseHiddenWindow = do_GetInterface(hiddenWindow);
+ isParentHiddenWindow = (baseHiddenWindow == parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // somebody screwed up somewhere. hiddenwindow shouldn't be anybody's
+ // parent. still, when it happens, skip activating it.
+ if (!isParentHiddenWindow) {
+ parentWidget->PlaceBehind(eZPlacementTop, 0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RemoveTooltipSupport();
+ mDOMWindow = nullptr;
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ RefPtr<BrowsingContext> bc(mDocShell->GetBrowsingContext());
+ mDocShell->Destroy();
+ bc->Detach();
+ mDocShell = nullptr; // this can cause reentrancy of this function
+ }
+ mPrimaryContentShell = nullptr;
+ if (mContentTreeOwner) {
+ mContentTreeOwner->AppWindow(nullptr);
+ NS_RELEASE(mContentTreeOwner);
+ }
+ if (mPrimaryContentTreeOwner) {
+ mPrimaryContentTreeOwner->AppWindow(nullptr);
+ NS_RELEASE(mPrimaryContentTreeOwner);
+ }
+ if (mChromeTreeOwner) {
+ mChromeTreeOwner->AppWindow(nullptr);
+ NS_RELEASE(mChromeTreeOwner);
+ }
+ if (mWindow) {
+ mWindow->SetWidgetListener(nullptr); // nsWebShellWindow hackery
+ mWindow->Destroy();
+ mWindow = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!mIsHiddenWindow && mRegistered) {
+ /* Inform appstartup we've destroyed this window and it could
+ quit now if it wanted. This must happen at least after mDocShell
+ is destroyed, because onunload handlers fire then, and those being
+ script, anything could happen. A new window could open, even.
+ See bug 130719. */
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obssvc = services::GetObserverService();
+ NS_ASSERTION(obssvc, "Couldn't get observer service?");
+ if (obssvc)
+ obssvc->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "xul-window-destroyed", nullptr);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetDevicePixelsPerDesktopPixel(double* aScale) {
+ *aScale = mWindow ? mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale().scale : 1.0;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(double* aScale) {
+ *aScale = mWindow ? mWindow->GetDefaultScale().scale : 1.0;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetPositionDesktopPix(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) {
+ mWindow->Move(aX, aY);
+ if (mSizingShellFromXUL) {
+ // If we're invoked for sizing from XUL, we want to neither ignore anything
+ // nor persist anything, since it's already the value in XUL.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (!mChromeLoaded) {
+ // If we're called before the chrome is loaded someone obviously wants this
+ // window at this position. We don't persist this one-time position.
+ mIgnoreXULPosition = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(PAD_POSITION);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ return NS_OK;
+// The parameters here are device pixels; do the best we can to convert to
+// desktop px, using the window's current scale factor (if available).
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetPosition(int32_t aX, int32_t aY) {
+ // Don't reset the window's size mode here - platforms that don't want to move
+ // maximized windows should reset it in their respective Move implementation.
+ DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale currScale = mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();
+ DesktopPoint pos = LayoutDeviceIntPoint(aX, aY) / currScale;
+ return SetPositionDesktopPix(pos.x, pos.y);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetPosition(int32_t* aX, int32_t* aY) {
+ return GetPositionAndSize(aX, aY, nullptr, nullptr);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetSize(int32_t aCX, int32_t aCY, bool aRepaint) {
+ /* any attempt to set the window's size or position overrides the window's
+ zoom state. this is important when these two states are competing while
+ the window is being opened. but it should probably just always be so. */
+ mWindow->SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode_Normal);
+ mIntrinsicallySized = false;
+ DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale scale = mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();
+ DesktopSize size = LayoutDeviceIntSize(aCX, aCY) / scale;
+ mWindow->Resize(size.width, size.height, aRepaint);
+ if (mSizingShellFromXUL) {
+ // If we're invoked for sizing from XUL, we want to neither ignore anything
+ // nor persist anything, since it's already the value in XUL.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (!mChromeLoaded) {
+ // If we're called before the chrome is loaded someone obviously wants this
+ // window at this size & in the normal size mode (since it is the only mode
+ // in which setting dimensions makes sense). We don't persist this one-time
+ // size.
+ mIgnoreXULSize = true;
+ mIgnoreXULSizeMode = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(PAD_SIZE);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetSize(int32_t* aCX, int32_t* aCY) {
+ return GetPositionAndSize(nullptr, nullptr, aCX, aCY);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetPositionAndSize(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t aCX,
+ int32_t aCY, uint32_t aFlags) {
+ /* any attempt to set the window's size or position overrides the window's
+ zoom state. this is important when these two states are competing while
+ the window is being opened. but it should probably just always be so. */
+ mWindow->SetSizeMode(nsSizeMode_Normal);
+ mIntrinsicallySized = false;
+ DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale scale = mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();
+ DesktopRect rect = LayoutDeviceIntRect(aX, aY, aCX, aCY) / scale;
+ mWindow->Resize(rect.X(), rect.Y(), rect.Width(), rect.Height(),
+ !!(aFlags & nsIBaseWindow::eRepaint));
+ if (mSizingShellFromXUL) {
+ // If we're invoked for sizing from XUL, we want to neither ignore anything
+ // nor persist anything, since it's already the value in XUL.
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (!mChromeLoaded) {
+ // If we're called before the chrome is loaded someone obviously wants this
+ // window at this size and position. We don't persist this one-time setting.
+ mIgnoreXULPosition = true;
+ mIgnoreXULSize = true;
+ mIgnoreXULSizeMode = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(PAD_POSITION | PAD_SIZE);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetPositionAndSize(int32_t* x, int32_t* y, int32_t* cx,
+ int32_t* cy) {
+ if (!mWindow) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect rect = mWindow->GetScreenBounds();
+ if (x) *x = rect.X();
+ if (y) *y = rect.Y();
+ if (cx) *cx = rect.Width();
+ if (cy) *cy = rect.Height();
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::Center(nsIAppWindow* aRelative, bool aScreen,
+ bool aAlert) {
+ int32_t left, top, width, height, ourWidth, ourHeight;
+ bool screenCoordinates = false, windowCoordinates = false;
+ nsresult result;
+ if (!mChromeLoaded) {
+ // note we lose the parameters. at time of writing, this isn't a problem.
+ mCenterAfterLoad = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (!aScreen && !aRelative) return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> screenmgr =
+ do_GetService(";1", &result);
+ if (NS_FAILED(result)) return result;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen;
+ if (aRelative) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> base(do_QueryInterface(aRelative, &result));
+ if (base) {
+ // get window rect
+ result = base->GetPositionAndSize(&left, &top, &width, &height);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ double scale;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(base->GetDevicePixelsPerDesktopPixel(&scale))) {
+ left = NSToIntRound(left / scale);
+ top = NSToIntRound(top / scale);
+ width = NSToIntRound(width / scale);
+ height = NSToIntRound(height / scale);
+ }
+ // if centering on screen, convert that to the corresponding screen
+ if (aScreen)
+ screenmgr->ScreenForRect(left, top, width, height,
+ getter_AddRefs(screen));
+ else
+ windowCoordinates = true;
+ } else {
+ // something's wrong with the reference window.
+ // fall back to the primary screen
+ aRelative = 0;
+ aScreen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aRelative) {
+ if (!mOpenerScreenRect.IsEmpty()) {
+ // FIXME - check if these are device or display pixels
+ screenmgr->ScreenForRect(mOpenerScreenRect.X(), mOpenerScreenRect.Y(),
+ mOpenerScreenRect.Width(),
+ mOpenerScreenRect.Height(),
+ getter_AddRefs(screen));
+ } else {
+ screenmgr->GetPrimaryScreen(getter_AddRefs(screen));
+ }
+ }
+ if (aScreen && screen) {
+ screen->GetAvailRectDisplayPix(&left, &top, &width, &height);
+ screenCoordinates = true;
+ }
+ if (screenCoordinates || windowCoordinates) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(mWindow, "what, no window?");
+ double scale = mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale().scale;
+ GetSize(&ourWidth, &ourHeight);
+ int32_t scaledWidth, scaledHeight;
+ scaledWidth = NSToIntRound(ourWidth / scale);
+ scaledHeight = NSToIntRound(ourHeight / scale);
+ left += (width - scaledWidth) / 2;
+ top += (height - scaledHeight) / (aAlert ? 3 : 2);
+ if (windowCoordinates) {
+ mWindow->ConstrainPosition(false, &left, &top);
+ }
+ SetPosition(left * scale, top * scale);
+ // If moving the window caused it to change size,
+ // re-do the centering.
+ int32_t newWidth, newHeight;
+ GetSize(&newWidth, &newHeight);
+ if (newWidth != ourWidth || newHeight != ourHeight) {
+ return Center(aRelative, aScreen, aAlert);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::Repaint(bool aForce) {
+ // XXX First Check In
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Not Yet Implemented");
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetParentWidget(nsIWidget** aParentWidget) {
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aParentWidget = mWindow->GetParent());
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetParentWidget(nsIWidget* aParentWidget) {
+ // XXX First Check In
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Not Yet Implemented");
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetParentNativeWindow(
+ nativeWindow* aParentNativeWindow) {
+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aParentNativeWindow);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> parentWidget;
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(GetParentWidget(getter_AddRefs(parentWidget)),
+ if (parentWidget) {
+ *aParentNativeWindow = parentWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WIDGET);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetParentNativeWindow(
+ nativeWindow aParentNativeWindow) {
+ // XXX First Check In
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Not Yet Implemented");
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetNativeHandle(nsAString& aNativeHandle) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mainWidget;
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(mainWidget)),
+ if (mainWidget) {
+ nativeWindow nativeWindowPtr = mainWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW);
+ /* the nativeWindow pointer is converted to and exposed as a string. This
+ is a more reliable way not to lose information (as opposed to JS
+ |Number| for instance) */
+ aNativeHandle =
+ NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(nsPrintfCString("0x%p", nativeWindowPtr));
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetVisibility(bool* aVisibility) {
+ // Always claim to be visible for now. See bug
+ //
+ *aVisibility = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetVisibility(bool aVisibility) {
+ if (!mChromeLoaded) {
+ mShowAfterLoad = aVisibility;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (mDebuting) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mDebuting = true; // (Show / Focus is recursive)
+ // XXXTAB Do we really need to show docshell and the window? Isn't
+ // the window good enough?
+ mDocShell->SetVisibility(aVisibility);
+ // Store locally so it doesn't die on us. 'Show' can result in the window
+ // being closed with AppWindow::Destroy being called. That would set
+ // mWindow to null and posibly destroy the nsIWidget while its Show method
+ // is on the stack. We need to keep it alive until Show finishes.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> window = mWindow;
+ window->Show(aVisibility);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> windowMediator(
+ if (windowMediator)
+ windowMediator->UpdateWindowTimeStamp(static_cast<nsIAppWindow*>(this));
+ // notify observers so that we can hide the splash screen if possible
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obssvc = services::GetObserverService();
+ NS_ASSERTION(obssvc, "Couldn't get observer service.");
+ if (obssvc) {
+ obssvc->NotifyObservers(static_cast<nsIAppWindow*>(this),
+ "xul-window-visible", nullptr);
+ }
+ mDebuting = false;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetEnabled(bool* aEnabled) {
+ if (mWindow) {
+ *aEnabled = mWindow->IsEnabled();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ *aEnabled = true; // better guess than most
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetEnabled(bool aEnable) {
+ if (mWindow) {
+ mWindow->Enable(aEnable);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetMainWidget(nsIWidget** aMainWidget) {
+ *aMainWidget = mWindow;
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aMainWidget);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetFocus() {
+ // XXX First Check In
+ NS_ASSERTION(false, "Not Yet Implemented");
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetTitle(nsAString& aTitle) {
+ aTitle = mTitle;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle) {
+ mTitle.Assign(aTitle);
+ mTitle.StripCRLF();
+ return NS_OK;
+// AppWindow: Helpers
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::EnsureChromeTreeOwner() {
+ if (mChromeTreeOwner) return NS_OK;
+ mChromeTreeOwner = new nsChromeTreeOwner();
+ NS_ADDREF(mChromeTreeOwner);
+ mChromeTreeOwner->AppWindow(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::EnsureContentTreeOwner() {
+ if (mContentTreeOwner) return NS_OK;
+ mContentTreeOwner = new nsContentTreeOwner(false);
+ NS_ADDREF(mContentTreeOwner);
+ mContentTreeOwner->AppWindow(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::EnsurePrimaryContentTreeOwner() {
+ if (mPrimaryContentTreeOwner) return NS_OK;
+ mPrimaryContentTreeOwner = new nsContentTreeOwner(true);
+ NS_ADDREF(mPrimaryContentTreeOwner);
+ mPrimaryContentTreeOwner->AppWindow(this);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::EnsurePrompter() {
+ if (mPrompter) return NS_OK;
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> ourWindow;
+ nsresult rv = GetWindowDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(ourWindow));
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> wwatch =
+ if (wwatch) wwatch->GetNewPrompter(ourWindow, getter_AddRefs(mPrompter));
+ }
+ return mPrompter ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::EnsureAuthPrompter() {
+ if (mAuthPrompter) return NS_OK;
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> ourWindow;
+ nsresult rv = GetWindowDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(ourWindow));
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> wwatch(
+ if (wwatch)
+ wwatch->GetNewAuthPrompter(ourWindow, getter_AddRefs(mAuthPrompter));
+ }
+ return mAuthPrompter ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetAvailScreenSize(int32_t* aAvailWidth,
+ int32_t* aAvailHeight) {
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> domWindow;
+ GetWindowDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow));
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(domWindow);
+ auto* window = nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(domWindow);
+ RefPtr<nsScreen> screen = window->GetScreen();
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(screen);
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ *aAvailWidth = screen->GetAvailWidth(rv);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(rv.Failed())) {
+ return rv.StealNSResult();
+ }
+ *aAvailHeight = screen->GetAvailHeight(rv);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(rv.Failed())) {
+ return rv.StealNSResult();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+// Rounds window size to 1000x1000, or, if there isn't enough available
+// screen space, to a multiple of 200x100.
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::ForceRoundedDimensions() {
+ if (mIsHiddenWindow) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ int32_t availWidthCSS = 0;
+ int32_t availHeightCSS = 0;
+ int32_t contentWidthCSS = 0;
+ int32_t contentHeightCSS = 0;
+ int32_t windowWidthCSS = 0;
+ int32_t windowHeightCSS = 0;
+ double devicePerCSSPixels = 1.0;
+ GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(&devicePerCSSPixels);
+ GetAvailScreenSize(&availWidthCSS, &availHeightCSS);
+ // To get correct chrome size, we have to resize the window to a proper
+ // size first. So, here, we size it to its available size.
+ SetSpecifiedSize(availWidthCSS, availHeightCSS);
+ // Get the current window size for calculating chrome UI size.
+ GetSize(&windowWidthCSS, &windowHeightCSS); // device pixels
+ windowWidthCSS = NSToIntRound(windowWidthCSS / devicePerCSSPixels);
+ windowHeightCSS = NSToIntRound(windowHeightCSS / devicePerCSSPixels);
+ // Get the content size for calculating chrome UI size.
+ GetPrimaryContentSize(&contentWidthCSS, &contentHeightCSS);
+ // Calculate the chrome UI size.
+ int32_t chromeWidth = 0, chromeHeight = 0;
+ chromeWidth = windowWidthCSS - contentWidthCSS;
+ chromeHeight = windowHeightCSS - contentHeightCSS;
+ int32_t targetContentWidth = 0, targetContentHeight = 0;
+ // Here, we use the available screen dimensions as the input dimensions to
+ // force the window to be rounded as the maximum available content size.
+ nsContentUtils::CalcRoundedWindowSizeForResistingFingerprinting(
+ chromeWidth, chromeHeight, availWidthCSS, availHeightCSS, availWidthCSS,
+ availHeightCSS,
+ false, // aSetOuterWidth
+ false, // aSetOuterHeight
+ &targetContentWidth, &targetContentHeight);
+ targetContentWidth = NSToIntRound(targetContentWidth * devicePerCSSPixels);
+ targetContentHeight = NSToIntRound(targetContentHeight * devicePerCSSPixels);
+ SetPrimaryContentSize(targetContentWidth, targetContentHeight);
+ return NS_OK;
+void AppWindow::OnChromeLoaded() {
+ nsresult rv = EnsureContentTreeOwner();
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ mChromeLoaded = true;
+ ApplyChromeFlags();
+ SyncAttributesToWidget();
+ if (mWindow) {
+ SizeShell();
+ if (mShowAfterLoad) {
+ SetVisibility(true);
+ }
+ AddTooltipSupport();
+ }
+ // At this point the window may have been closed already during Show() or
+ // SyncAttributesToWidget(), so AppWindow::Destroy may already have been
+ // called. Take care!
+ }
+ mPersistentAttributesMask |= PAD_POSITION | PAD_SIZE | PAD_MISC;
+bool AppWindow::NeedsTooltipListener() {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!docShellElement || docShellElement->IsXULElement()) {
+ // Tooltips in XUL are handled by each element.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // All other non-XUL document types need a tooltip listener.
+ return true;
+void AppWindow::AddTooltipSupport() {
+ if (!NeedsTooltipListener()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsXULTooltipListener* listener = nsXULTooltipListener::GetInstance();
+ if (!listener) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(docShellElement);
+ listener->AddTooltipSupport(docShellElement);
+void AppWindow::RemoveTooltipSupport() {
+ if (!NeedsTooltipListener()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsXULTooltipListener* listener = nsXULTooltipListener::GetInstance();
+ if (!listener) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(docShellElement);
+ listener->RemoveTooltipSupport(docShellElement);
+// If aSpecWidth and/or aSpecHeight are > 0, we will use these CSS px sizes
+// to fit to the screen when staggering windows; if they're negative,
+// we use the window's current size instead.
+bool AppWindow::LoadPositionFromXUL(int32_t aSpecWidth, int32_t aSpecHeight) {
+ bool gotPosition = false;
+ // if we're the hidden window, don't try to validate our size/position. We're
+ // special.
+ if (mIsHiddenWindow) return false;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(windowElement, false);
+ int32_t currX = 0;
+ int32_t currY = 0;
+ int32_t currWidth = 0;
+ int32_t currHeight = 0;
+ nsresult errorCode;
+ int32_t temp;
+ GetPositionAndSize(&currX, &currY, &currWidth, &currHeight);
+ // Convert to global display pixels for consistent window management across
+ // screens with diverse resolutions
+ double devToDesktopScale = 1.0 / mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale().scale;
+ currX = NSToIntRound(currX * devToDesktopScale);
+ currY = NSToIntRound(currY * devToDesktopScale);
+ // For size, use specified value if > 0, else current value
+ double devToCSSScale = 1.0 / mWindow->GetDefaultScale().scale;
+ int32_t cssWidth =
+ aSpecWidth > 0 ? aSpecWidth : NSToIntRound(currWidth * devToCSSScale);
+ int32_t cssHeight =
+ aSpecHeight > 0 ? aSpecHeight : NSToIntRound(currHeight * devToCSSScale);
+ // Obtain the position information from the <xul:window> element.
+ int32_t specX = currX;
+ int32_t specY = currY;
+ nsAutoString posString;
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(SCREENX_ATTRIBUTE, posString);
+ temp = posString.ToInteger(&errorCode);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) {
+ specX = temp;
+ gotPosition = true;
+ }
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(SCREENY_ATTRIBUTE, posString);
+ temp = posString.ToInteger(&errorCode);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(errorCode)) {
+ specY = temp;
+ gotPosition = true;
+ }
+ if (gotPosition) {
+ // our position will be relative to our parent, if any
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parent(do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow));
+ if (parent) {
+ int32_t parentX, parentY;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(parent->GetPosition(&parentX, &parentY))) {
+ double scale;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(parent->GetDevicePixelsPerDesktopPixel(&scale))) {
+ parentX = NSToIntRound(parentX / scale);
+ parentY = NSToIntRound(parentY / scale);
+ }
+ specX += parentX;
+ specY += parentY;
+ }
+ } else {
+ StaggerPosition(specX, specY, cssWidth, cssHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ mWindow->ConstrainPosition(false, &specX, &specY);
+ if (specX != currX || specY != currY) {
+ SetPositionDesktopPix(specX, specY);
+ }
+ return gotPosition;
+static Maybe<int32_t> ReadIntAttribute(const Element& aElement, nsAtom* aAtom) {
+ nsAutoString attrString;
+ if (!aElement.GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aAtom, attrString)) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ nsresult res = NS_OK;
+ int32_t ret = attrString.ToInteger(&res);
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(res) ? Some(ret) : Nothing();
+static Maybe<int32_t> ReadSize(const Element& aElement, nsAtom* aAttr,
+ nsAtom* aMinAttr, nsAtom* aMaxAttr) {
+ Maybe<int32_t> attr = ReadIntAttribute(aElement, aAttr);
+ if (!attr) {
+ return Nothing();
+ }
+ int32_t min =
+ std::max(100, ReadIntAttribute(aElement, aMinAttr).valueOr(100));
+ int32_t max = ReadIntAttribute(aElement, aMaxAttr)
+ .valueOr(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ return Some(std::min(max, std::max(*attr, min)));
+bool AppWindow::LoadSizeFromXUL(int32_t& aSpecWidth, int32_t& aSpecHeight) {
+ bool gotSize = false;
+ // if we're the hidden window, don't try to validate our size/position. We're
+ // special.
+ if (mIsHiddenWindow) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(windowElement, false);
+ // Obtain the sizing information from the <xul:window> element.
+ aSpecWidth = 100;
+ aSpecHeight = 100;
+ if (auto width = ReadSize(*windowElement, nsGkAtoms::width,
+ nsGkAtoms::minwidth, nsGkAtoms::maxwidth)) {
+ aSpecWidth = *width;
+ gotSize = true;
+ }
+ if (auto height = ReadSize(*windowElement, nsGkAtoms::height,
+ nsGkAtoms::minheight, nsGkAtoms::maxheight)) {
+ aSpecHeight = *height;
+ gotSize = true;
+ }
+ return gotSize;
+void AppWindow::SetSpecifiedSize(int32_t aSpecWidth, int32_t aSpecHeight) {
+ // constrain to screen size
+ int32_t screenWidth;
+ int32_t screenHeight;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetAvailScreenSize(&screenWidth, &screenHeight))) {
+ if (aSpecWidth > screenWidth) {
+ aSpecWidth = screenWidth;
+ }
+ if (aSpecHeight > screenHeight) {
+ aSpecHeight = screenHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(mWindow, "we expected to have a window already");
+ int32_t currWidth = 0;
+ int32_t currHeight = 0;
+ GetSize(&currWidth, &currHeight); // returns device pixels
+ // convert specified values to device pixels, and resize if needed
+ double cssToDevPx = mWindow ? mWindow->GetDefaultScale().scale : 1.0;
+ aSpecWidth = NSToIntRound(aSpecWidth * cssToDevPx);
+ aSpecHeight = NSToIntRound(aSpecHeight * cssToDevPx);
+ mIntrinsicallySized = false;
+ if (aSpecWidth != currWidth || aSpecHeight != currHeight) {
+ SetSize(aSpecWidth, aSpecHeight, false);
+ }
+/* Miscellaneous persistent attributes are attributes named in the
+ |persist| attribute, other than size and position. Those are special
+ because it's important to load those before one of the misc
+ attributes (sizemode) and they require extra processing. */
+bool AppWindow::UpdateWindowStateFromMiscXULAttributes() {
+ bool gotState = false;
+ /* There are no misc attributes of interest to the hidden window.
+ It's especially important not to try to validate that window's
+ size or position, because some platforms (Mac OS X) need to
+ make it visible and offscreen. */
+ if (mIsHiddenWindow) return false;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(windowElement, false);
+ nsAutoString stateString;
+ nsSizeMode sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Normal;
+ // If we are told to ignore the size mode attribute, force
+ // normal sizemode.
+ if (mIgnoreXULSizeMode) {
+ windowElement->SetAttribute(MODE_ATTRIBUTE, SIZEMODE_NORMAL,
+ IgnoreErrors());
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, read sizemode from DOM and, if the window is resizable,
+ // set it later.
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(MODE_ATTRIBUTE, stateString);
+ if ((stateString.Equals(SIZEMODE_MAXIMIZED) ||
+ stateString.Equals(SIZEMODE_FULLSCREEN))) {
+ /* Honor request to maximize only if the window is sizable.
+ An unsizable, unmaximizable, yet maximized window confuses
+ Windows OS and is something of a travesty, anyway. */
+ if (mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_WINDOW_RESIZE) {
+ mIntrinsicallySized = false;
+ if (stateString.Equals(SIZEMODE_MAXIMIZED))
+ sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Maximized;
+ else
+ sizeMode = nsSizeMode_Fullscreen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> ourWindow;
+ GetWindowDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(ourWindow));
+ auto* piWindow = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(ourWindow);
+ piWindow->SetFullScreen(true);
+ } else {
+ // For maximized windows, ignore the XUL size and position attributes,
+ // as setting them would set the window back to normal sizemode.
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized) {
+ mIgnoreXULSize = true;
+ mIgnoreXULPosition = true;
+ }
+ mWindow->SetSizeMode(sizeMode);
+ }
+ gotState = true;
+ // zlevel
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(ZLEVEL_ATTRIBUTE, stateString);
+ if (!stateString.IsEmpty()) {
+ nsresult errorCode;
+ int32_t zLevel = stateString.ToInteger(&errorCode);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(errorCode) && zLevel >= lowestZ && zLevel <= highestZ)
+ SetZLevel(zLevel);
+ }
+ return gotState;
+/* Stagger windows of the same type so they don't appear on top of each other.
+ This code does have a scary double loop -- it'll keep passing through
+ the entire list of open windows until it finds a non-collision. Doesn't
+ seem to be a problem, but it deserves watching.
+ The aRequested{X,Y} parameters here are in desktop pixels;
+ the aSpec{Width,Height} parameters are CSS pixel dimensions.
+void AppWindow::StaggerPosition(int32_t& aRequestedX, int32_t& aRequestedY,
+ int32_t aSpecWidth, int32_t aSpecHeight) {
+ // These "constants" will be converted from CSS to desktop pixels
+ // for the appropriate screen, assuming we find a screen to use...
+ // hence they're not actually declared const here.
+ int32_t kOffset = 22;
+ uint32_t kSlop = 4;
+ bool keepTrying;
+ int bouncedX = 0, // bounced off vertical edge of screen
+ bouncedY = 0; // bounced off horizontal edge
+ // look for any other windows of this type
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> wm(do_GetService(NS_WINDOWMEDIATOR_CONTRACTID));
+ if (!wm) return;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!windowElement) return;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> ourAppWindow(this);
+ nsAutoString windowType;
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(WINDOWTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, windowType);
+ int32_t screenTop = 0, // it's pointless to initialize these ...
+ screenRight = 0, // ... but to prevent oversalubrious and ...
+ screenBottom = 0, // ... underbright compilers from ...
+ screenLeft = 0; // ... issuing warnings.
+ bool gotScreen = false;
+ { // fetch screen coordinates
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> screenMgr(
+ do_GetService(";1"));
+ if (screenMgr) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> ourScreen;
+ // the coordinates here are already display pixels
+ screenMgr->ScreenForRect(aRequestedX, aRequestedY, aSpecWidth,
+ aSpecHeight, getter_AddRefs(ourScreen));
+ if (ourScreen) {
+ int32_t screenWidth, screenHeight;
+ ourScreen->GetAvailRectDisplayPix(&screenLeft, &screenTop, &screenWidth,
+ &screenHeight);
+ screenBottom = screenTop + screenHeight;
+ screenRight = screenLeft + screenWidth;
+ // Get the screen's scaling factors and convert staggering constants
+ // from CSS px to desktop pixel units
+ double desktopToDeviceScale = 1.0, cssToDeviceScale = 1.0;
+ ourScreen->GetContentsScaleFactor(&desktopToDeviceScale);
+ ourScreen->GetDefaultCSSScaleFactor(&cssToDeviceScale);
+ double cssToDesktopFactor = cssToDeviceScale / desktopToDeviceScale;
+ kOffset = NSToIntRound(kOffset * cssToDesktopFactor);
+ kSlop = NSToIntRound(kSlop * cssToDesktopFactor);
+ // Convert dimensions from CSS to desktop pixels
+ aSpecWidth = NSToIntRound(aSpecWidth * cssToDesktopFactor);
+ aSpecHeight = NSToIntRound(aSpecHeight * cssToDesktopFactor);
+ gotScreen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // One full pass through all windows of this type, repeat until no collisions.
+ do {
+ keepTrying = false;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> windowList;
+ wm->GetAppWindowEnumerator(windowType.get(), getter_AddRefs(windowList));
+ if (!windowList) break;
+ // One full pass through all windows of this type, offset and stop on
+ // collision.
+ do {
+ bool more;
+ windowList->HasMoreElements(&more);
+ if (!more) break;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> supportsWindow;
+ windowList->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(supportsWindow));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> listAppWindow(do_QueryInterface(supportsWindow));
+ if (listAppWindow != ourAppWindow) {
+ int32_t listX, listY;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> listBaseWindow(
+ do_QueryInterface(supportsWindow));
+ listBaseWindow->GetPosition(&listX, &listY);
+ double scale;
+ listBaseWindow->GetDevicePixelsPerDesktopPixel(&scale))) {
+ listX = NSToIntRound(listX / scale);
+ listY = NSToIntRound(listY / scale);
+ }
+ if (Abs(listX - aRequestedX) <= kSlop &&
+ Abs(listY - aRequestedY) <= kSlop) {
+ // collision! offset and start over
+ if (bouncedX & 0x1)
+ aRequestedX -= kOffset;
+ else
+ aRequestedX += kOffset;
+ aRequestedY += kOffset;
+ if (gotScreen) {
+ // if we're moving to the right and we need to bounce...
+ if (!(bouncedX & 0x1) &&
+ ((aRequestedX + aSpecWidth) > screenRight)) {
+ aRequestedX = screenRight - aSpecWidth;
+ ++bouncedX;
+ }
+ // if we're moving to the left and we need to bounce...
+ if ((bouncedX & 0x1) && aRequestedX < screenLeft) {
+ aRequestedX = screenLeft;
+ ++bouncedX;
+ }
+ // if we hit the bottom then bounce to the top
+ if (aRequestedY + aSpecHeight > screenBottom) {
+ aRequestedY = screenTop;
+ ++bouncedY;
+ }
+ }
+ /* loop around again,
+ but it's time to give up once we've covered the screen.
+ there's a potential infinite loop with lots of windows. */
+ keepTrying = bouncedX < 2 || bouncedY == 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (true);
+ } while (keepTrying);
+void AppWindow::SyncAttributesToWidget() {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!windowElement) return;
+ MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mWindow, "No widget on SyncAttributesToWidget?");
+ nsAutoString attr;
+ // "hidechrome" attribute
+ if (windowElement->AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::hidechrome,
+ nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) {
+ mWindow->HideWindowChrome(true);
+ }
+ // "chromemargin" attribute
+ nsIntMargin margins;
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"chromemargin"_ns, attr);
+ if (nsContentUtils::ParseIntMarginValue(attr, margins)) {
+ LayoutDeviceIntMargin tmp =
+ LayoutDeviceIntMargin::FromUnknownMargin(margins);
+ mWindow->SetNonClientMargins(tmp);
+ }
+ // "windowtype" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(WINDOWTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, attr);
+ if (!attr.IsEmpty()) {
+ mWindow->SetWindowClass(attr);
+ }
+ // "icon" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"icon"_ns, attr);
+ if (!attr.IsEmpty()) {
+ mWindow->SetIcon(attr);
+ }
+ // "drawtitle" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"drawtitle"_ns, attr);
+ mWindow->SetDrawsTitle(attr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("true"));
+ // "toggletoolbar" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"toggletoolbar"_ns, attr);
+ mWindow->SetShowsToolbarButton(attr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("true"));
+ // "macnativefullscreen" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"macnativefullscreen"_ns, attr);
+ mWindow->SetSupportsNativeFullscreen(attr.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("true"));
+ // "macanimationtype" attribute
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(u"macanimationtype"_ns, attr);
+ if (attr.EqualsLiteral("document")) {
+ mWindow->SetWindowAnimationType(nsIWidget::eDocumentWindowAnimation);
+ }
+enum class ConversionDirection {
+ InnerToOuter,
+ OuterToInner,
+static void ConvertWindowSize(nsIAppWindow* aWin, const nsAtom* aAttr,
+ ConversionDirection aDirection,
+ nsAString& aInOutString) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aAttr == nsGkAtoms::width || aAttr == nsGkAtoms::height);
+ nsresult rv;
+ int32_t size = aInOutString.ToInteger(&rv);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t sizeDiff = aAttr == nsGkAtoms::width
+ ? aWin->GetOuterToInnerWidthDifferenceInCSSPixels()
+ : aWin->GetOuterToInnerHeightDifferenceInCSSPixels();
+ if (!sizeDiff) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t multiplier = aDirection == ConversionDirection::InnerToOuter ? 1 : -1;
+ CopyASCIItoUTF16(nsPrintfCString("%d", size + multiplier * sizeDiff),
+ aInOutString);
+nsresult AppWindow::GetPersistentValue(const nsAtom* aAttr, nsAString& aValue) {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!docShellElement) {
+ }
+ nsAutoString windowElementId;
+ docShellElement->GetId(windowElementId);
+ // Elements must have an ID to be persisted.
+ if (windowElementId.IsEmpty()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ RefPtr<dom::Document> ownerDoc = docShellElement->OwnerDoc();
+ nsIURI* docURI = ownerDoc->GetDocumentURI();
+ if (!docURI) {
+ }
+ nsAutoCString utf8uri;
+ nsresult rv = docURI->GetSpec(utf8uri);
+ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 uri(utf8uri);
+ nsDependentAtomString attrString(aAttr);
+ rv = XULStore::GetValue(uri, windowElementId, attrString, aValue);
+ if (!mLocalStore) {
+ mLocalStore = do_GetService(";1");
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!mLocalStore)) {
+ }
+ }
+ rv = mLocalStore->GetValue(uri, windowElementId, nsDependentAtomString(aAttr),
+ aValue);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (aAttr == nsGkAtoms::width || aAttr == nsGkAtoms::height) {
+ // Convert attributes from outer size to inner size for top-level
+ // windows, see bug 1444525 & co.
+ ConvertWindowSize(this, aAttr, ConversionDirection::OuterToInner, aValue);
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::GetDocXulStoreKeys(nsString& aUriSpec,
+ nsString& aWindowElementId) {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!docShellElement) {
+ }
+ docShellElement->GetId(aWindowElementId);
+ // Match the behavior of XULPersist and only persist values if the element
+ // has an ID.
+ if (aWindowElementId.IsEmpty()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ RefPtr<dom::Document> ownerDoc = docShellElement->OwnerDoc();
+ nsIURI* docURI = ownerDoc->GetDocumentURI();
+ if (!docURI) {
+ }
+ nsAutoCString utf8uri;
+ nsresult rv = docURI->GetSpec(utf8uri);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ aUriSpec = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(utf8uri);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::MaybeSaveEarlyWindowPersistentValues(
+ const LayoutDeviceIntRect& aRect) {
+#ifdef XP_WIN
+ nsAutoString uri;
+ nsAutoString windowElementId;
+ nsresult rv = GetDocXulStoreKeys(uri, windowElementId);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!windowElementId.EqualsLiteral("main-window") ||
+ !uri.EqualsLiteral("chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml")) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ SkeletonUISettings settings;
+ settings.screenX = aRect.X();
+ settings.screenY = aRect.Y();
+ settings.width = aRect.Width();
+ settings.height = aRect.Height();
+ settings.maximized = mWindow->SizeMode() == nsSizeMode_Maximized;
+ settings.cssToDevPixelScaling = mWindow->GetDefaultScale().scale;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ Document* doc = windowElement->GetComposedDoc();
+ Element* urlbarEl = doc->GetElementById(u"urlbar"_ns);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = mDocShell->GetWindow();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowUtils> utils =
+ nsGlobalWindowOuter::Cast(window)->WindowUtils();
+ RefPtr<dom::DOMRect> urlbarRect;
+ rv = utils->GetBoundsWithoutFlushing(urlbarEl, getter_AddRefs(urlbarRect));
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ double urlbarX = urlbarRect->X();
+ double urlbarWidth = urlbarRect->Width();
+ // Hard-coding the following values and this behavior in general is rather
+ // fragile, and can easily get out of sync with the actual front-end values.
+ // This is not intended as a long-term solution, but only as the relatively
+ // straightforward implementation of an experimental feature. If we want to
+ // ship the skeleton UI to all users, we should strongly consider a more
+ // robust solution than this. The vertical position of the urlbar will be
+ // fixed.
+ nsAutoString attributeValue;
+ urlbarEl->GetAttribute(u"breakout-extend"_ns, attributeValue);
+ // Scale down the urlbar if it is focused
+ if (attributeValue.EqualsLiteral("true")) {
+ // defined in as 2px
+ int urlbarBreakoutExtend = 2;
+ // defined in as 5px
+ int urlbarMarginInline = 5;
+ // breakout-extend measurements are defined in
+ urlbarX += (double)(urlbarBreakoutExtend + urlbarMarginInline);
+ urlbarWidth -= (double)(2 * (urlbarBreakoutExtend + urlbarMarginInline));
+ }
+ CSSPixelSpan urlbar;
+ urlbar.start = urlbarX;
+ urlbar.end = urlbar.start + urlbarWidth;
+ settings.urlbarSpan = urlbar;
+ Element* navbar = doc->GetElementById(u"nav-bar"_ns);
+ Element* searchbarEl = doc->GetElementById(u"searchbar"_ns);
+ CSSPixelSpan searchbar;
+ if (navbar->Contains(searchbarEl)) {
+ RefPtr<dom::DOMRect> searchbarRect;
+ rv = utils->GetBoundsWithoutFlushing(searchbarEl,
+ getter_AddRefs(searchbarRect));
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ searchbar.start = searchbarRect->X();
+ searchbar.end = searchbar.start + searchbarRect->Width();
+ } else {
+ // There is no searchbar in the UI
+ searchbar.start = 0;
+ searchbar.end = 0;
+ }
+ settings.searchbarSpan = searchbar;
+ nsAutoString bookmarksVisibility;
+ Preferences::GetString("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility",
+ bookmarksVisibility);
+ settings.bookmarksToolbarShown =
+ bookmarksVisibility.EqualsLiteral("always") ||
+ (Preferences::GetBool("browser.toolbars.bookmarks.2h2020", false) &&
+ bookmarksVisibility.EqualsLiteral("newtab"));
+ Element* menubar = doc->GetElementById(u"toolbar-menubar"_ns);
+ menubar->GetAttribute(u"autohide"_ns, attributeValue);
+ settings.menubarShown = attributeValue.EqualsLiteral("false");
+ ErrorResult err;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLCollection> toolbarSprings = navbar->GetElementsByTagNameNS(
+ u""_ns,
+ u"toolbarspring"_ns, err);
+ if (err.Failed()) {
+ }
+ mozilla::Vector<CSSPixelSpan> springs;
+ for (int i = 0; i < toolbarSprings->Length(); i++) {
+ RefPtr<Element> springEl = toolbarSprings->Item(i);
+ RefPtr<dom::DOMRect> springRect;
+ rv = utils->GetBoundsWithoutFlushing(springEl, getter_AddRefs(springRect));
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ CSSPixelSpan spring;
+ spring.start = springRect->X();
+ spring.end = spring.start + springRect->Width();
+ if (!settings.springs.append(spring)) {
+ }
+ }
+ settings.rtlEnabled = intl::LocaleService::GetInstance()->IsAppLocaleRTL();
+ PersistPreXULSkeletonUIValues(settings);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::SetPersistentValue(const nsAtom* aAttr,
+ const nsAString& aValue) {
+ nsAutoString uri;
+ nsAutoString windowElementId;
+ nsresult rv = GetDocXulStoreKeys(uri, windowElementId);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || windowElementId.IsEmpty()) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ nsAutoString maybeConvertedValue(aValue);
+ if (aAttr == nsGkAtoms::width || aAttr == nsGkAtoms::height) {
+ // Make sure we store the <window> attributes as outer window size, see
+ // bug 1444525 & co.
+ ConvertWindowSize(this, aAttr, ConversionDirection::InnerToOuter,
+ maybeConvertedValue);
+ }
+ nsDependentAtomString attrString(aAttr);
+ return XULStore::SetValue(uri, windowElementId, attrString,
+ maybeConvertedValue);
+ if (!mLocalStore) {
+ mLocalStore = do_GetService(";1");
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!mLocalStore)) {
+ }
+ }
+ return mLocalStore->SetValue(
+ uri, windowElementId, nsDependentAtomString(aAttr), maybeConvertedValue);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SavePersistentAttributes() {
+ // can happen when the persistence timer fires at an inopportune time
+ // during window shutdown
+ if (!mDocShell) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!docShellElement) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ nsAutoString persistString;
+ docShellElement->GetAttribute(PERSIST_ATTRIBUTE, persistString);
+ if (persistString.IsEmpty()) { // quick check which sometimes helps
+ mPersistentAttributesDirty = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ bool isFullscreen = false;
+ if (nsPIDOMWindowOuter* domWindow = mDocShell->GetWindow()) {
+ isFullscreen = domWindow->GetFullScreen();
+ }
+ // get our size, position and mode to persist
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect rect;
+ bool gotRestoredBounds = NS_SUCCEEDED(mWindow->GetRestoredBounds(rect));
+ // we use CSS pixels for size, but desktop pixels for position
+ CSSToLayoutDeviceScale sizeScale = mWindow->GetDefaultScale();
+ DesktopToLayoutDeviceScale posScale = mWindow->GetDesktopToDeviceScale();
+ // make our position relative to our parent, if any
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parent(do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow));
+ if (parent && gotRestoredBounds) {
+ int32_t parentX, parentY;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(parent->GetPosition(&parentX, &parentY))) {
+ rect.MoveBy(-parentX, -parentY);
+ }
+ }
+ nsAutoString sizeString;
+ bool shouldPersist = !isFullscreen;
+ ErrorResult rv;
+ // (only for size elements which are persisted)
+ if ((mPersistentAttributesDirty & PAD_POSITION) && gotRestoredBounds) {
+ if (persistString.Find("screenX") >= 0) {
+ sizeString.Truncate();
+ sizeString.AppendInt(NSToIntRound(rect.X() / posScale.scale));
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(SCREENX_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::screenX, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ if (persistString.Find("screenY") >= 0) {
+ sizeString.Truncate();
+ sizeString.AppendInt(NSToIntRound(rect.Y() / posScale.scale));
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(SCREENY_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::screenY, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((mPersistentAttributesDirty & PAD_SIZE) && gotRestoredBounds) {
+ LayoutDeviceIntRect innerRect =
+ rect - GetOuterToInnerSizeDifference(mWindow);
+ if (persistString.Find("width") >= 0) {
+ sizeString.Truncate();
+ sizeString.AppendInt(NSToIntRound(innerRect.Width() / sizeScale.scale));
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::width, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ if (persistString.Find("height") >= 0) {
+ sizeString.Truncate();
+ sizeString.AppendInt(NSToIntRound(innerRect.Height() / sizeScale.scale));
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::height, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Unused << MaybeSaveEarlyWindowPersistentValues(rect);
+ if (mPersistentAttributesDirty & PAD_MISC) {
+ nsSizeMode sizeMode = mWindow->SizeMode();
+ if (sizeMode != nsSizeMode_Minimized) {
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized)
+ sizeString.Assign(SIZEMODE_MAXIMIZED);
+ else if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen)
+ sizeString.Assign(SIZEMODE_FULLSCREEN);
+ else
+ sizeString.Assign(SIZEMODE_NORMAL);
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(MODE_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist && persistString.Find("sizemode") >= 0) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::sizemode, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ bool tiled = mWindow->IsTiled();
+ if (tiled) {
+ sizeString.Assign(u"true"_ns);
+ } else {
+ sizeString.Assign(u"false"_ns);
+ }
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(TILED_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (persistString.Find("zlevel") >= 0) {
+ uint32_t zLevel;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator(
+ if (mediator) {
+ mediator->GetZLevel(this, &zLevel);
+ sizeString.Truncate();
+ sizeString.AppendInt(zLevel);
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(ZLEVEL_ATTRIBUTE, sizeString, rv);
+ if (shouldPersist) {
+ Unused << SetPersistentValue(nsGkAtoms::zlevel, sizeString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mPersistentAttributesDirty = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetWindowDOMWindow(mozIDOMWindowProxy** aDOMWindow) {
+ if (!mDOMWindow) mDOMWindow = mDocShell->GetWindow();
+ *aDOMWindow = mDOMWindow;
+ NS_ADDREF(*aDOMWindow);
+ return NS_OK;
+dom::Element* AppWindow::GetWindowDOMElement() const {
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocShell, nullptr);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> cv;
+ mDocShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(cv));
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(cv, nullptr);
+ const dom::Document* document = cv->GetDocument();
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(document, nullptr);
+ return document->GetRootElement();
+nsresult AppWindow::ContentShellAdded(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aContentShell,
+ bool aPrimary) {
+ // Set the default content tree owner
+ if (aPrimary) {
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(EnsurePrimaryContentTreeOwner(), NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
+ aContentShell->SetTreeOwner(mPrimaryContentTreeOwner);
+ mPrimaryContentShell = aContentShell;
+ mPrimaryBrowserParent = nullptr;
+ } else {
+ aContentShell->SetTreeOwner(mContentTreeOwner);
+ if (mPrimaryContentShell == aContentShell) mPrimaryContentShell = nullptr;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::ContentShellRemoved(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aContentShell) {
+ if (mPrimaryContentShell == aContentShell) {
+ mPrimaryContentShell = nullptr;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::GetPrimaryContentSize(int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight) {
+ if (mPrimaryBrowserParent) {
+ return GetPrimaryRemoteTabSize(aWidth, aHeight);
+ } else if (mPrimaryContentShell) {
+ return GetPrimaryContentShellSize(aWidth, aHeight);
+ }
+nsresult AppWindow::GetPrimaryRemoteTabSize(int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight) {
+ BrowserHost* host = BrowserHost::GetFrom(mPrimaryBrowserParent.get());
+ // Need strong ref, since Client* can run script.
+ RefPtr<dom::Element> element = host->GetOwnerElement();
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(element);
+ *aWidth = element->ClientWidth();
+ *aHeight = element->ClientHeight();
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::GetPrimaryContentShellSize(int32_t* aWidth,
+ int32_t* aHeight) {
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(mPrimaryContentShell);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> shellWindow(do_QueryInterface(mPrimaryContentShell));
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(shellWindow);
+ int32_t devicePixelWidth, devicePixelHeight;
+ double shellScale = 1.0;
+ // We want to return CSS pixels. First, we get device pixels
+ // from the content area...
+ shellWindow->GetSize(&devicePixelWidth, &devicePixelHeight);
+ // And then get the device pixel scaling factor. Dividing device
+ // pixels by this scaling factor gives us CSS pixels.
+ shellWindow->GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(&shellScale);
+ *aWidth = NSToIntRound(devicePixelWidth / shellScale);
+ *aHeight = NSToIntRound(devicePixelHeight / shellScale);
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::SetPrimaryContentSize(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) {
+ if (mPrimaryBrowserParent) {
+ return SetPrimaryRemoteTabSize(aWidth, aHeight);
+ } else if (mPrimaryContentShell) {
+ return SizeShellTo(mPrimaryContentShell, aWidth, aHeight);
+ }
+nsresult AppWindow::SetPrimaryRemoteTabSize(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) {
+ int32_t shellWidth, shellHeight;
+ GetPrimaryRemoteTabSize(&shellWidth, &shellHeight);
+ double scale = 1.0;
+ GetUnscaledDevicePixelsPerCSSPixel(&scale);
+ SizeShellToWithLimit(aWidth, aHeight, shellWidth * scale,
+ shellHeight * scale);
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::GetRootShellSize(int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight) {
+ return mDocShell->GetSize(aWidth, aHeight);
+nsresult AppWindow::SetRootShellSize(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) {
+ return SizeShellTo(mDocShell, aWidth, aHeight);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SizeShellTo(nsIDocShellTreeItem* aShellItem,
+ int32_t aCX, int32_t aCY) {
+ // XXXTAB This is wrong, we should actually reflow based on the passed in
+ // shell. For now we are hacking and doing delta sizing. This is bad
+ // because it assumes all size we add will go to the shell which probably
+ // won't happen.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> shellAsWin(do_QueryInterface(aShellItem));
+ int32_t width = 0;
+ int32_t height = 0;
+ shellAsWin->GetSize(&width, &height);
+ SizeShellToWithLimit(aCX, aCY, width, height);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::ExitModalLoop(nsresult aStatus) {
+ if (mContinueModalLoop) EnableParent(true);
+ mContinueModalLoop = false;
+ mModalStatus = aStatus;
+ return NS_OK;
+// top-level function to create a new window
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::CreateNewWindow(int32_t aChromeFlags,
+ nsIOpenWindowInfo* aOpenWindowInfo,
+ nsIAppWindow** _retval) {
+ if (aChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_OPENAS_CHROME) {
+ !aOpenWindowInfo,
+ "Unexpected nsOpenWindowInfo when creating a new chrome window");
+ return CreateNewChromeWindow(aChromeFlags, _retval);
+ }
+ return CreateNewContentWindow(aChromeFlags, aOpenWindowInfo, _retval);
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::CreateNewChromeWindow(int32_t aChromeFlags,
+ nsIAppWindow** _retval) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShellService> appShell(
+ // Just do a normal create of a window and return.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> newWindow;
+ appShell->CreateTopLevelWindow(
+ this, nullptr, aChromeFlags, nsIAppShellService::SIZE_TO_CONTENT,
+ nsIAppShellService::SIZE_TO_CONTENT, getter_AddRefs(newWindow));
+ newWindow.forget(_retval);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::CreateNewContentWindow(
+ int32_t aChromeFlags, nsIOpenWindowInfo* aOpenWindowInfo,
+ nsIAppWindow** _retval) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppShellService> appShell(
+ // We need to create a new top level window and then enter a nested
+ // loop. Eventually the new window will be told that it has loaded,
+ // at which time we know it is safe to spin out of the nested loop
+ // and allow the opening code to proceed.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ nsAutoCString urlStr;
+ urlStr.AssignLiteral(BROWSER_CHROME_URL_QUOTED);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> service(do_GetService(NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID));
+ if (service) {
+ service->NewURI(urlStr, nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(uri));
+ }
+ // We need to create a chrome window to contain the content window we're about
+ // to pass back. The subject principal needs to be system while we're creating
+ // it to make things work right, so force a system caller. See bug 799348
+ // comment 13 for a description of what happens when we don't.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> newWindow;
+ {
+ AutoNoJSAPI nojsapi;
+ appShell->CreateTopLevelWindow(this, uri, aChromeFlags, 615, 480,
+ getter_AddRefs(newWindow));
+ }
+ AppWindow* appWin =
+ static_cast<AppWindow*>(static_cast<nsIAppWindow*>(newWindow));
+ // Specify which flags should be used by browser.xhtml to create the initial
+ // content browser window.
+ appWin->mInitialOpenWindowInfo = aOpenWindowInfo;
+ // Specify that we want the window to remain locked until the chrome has
+ // loaded.
+ appWin->LockUntilChromeLoad();
+ {
+ AutoNoJSAPI nojsapi;
+ SpinEventLoopUntil([&]() { return !appWin->IsLocked(); });
+ }
+ NS_ENSURE_STATE(appWin->mPrimaryContentShell ||
+ appWin->mPrimaryBrowserParent);
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(appWin->mPrimaryContentShell,
+ !aOpenWindowInfo->GetNextRemoteBrowser());
+ newWindow.forget(_retval);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetHasPrimaryContent(bool* aResult) {
+ *aResult = mPrimaryBrowserParent || mPrimaryContentShell;
+ return NS_OK;
+void AppWindow::EnableParent(bool aEnable) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parentWindow;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> parentWidget;
+ parentWindow = do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow);
+ if (parentWindow) parentWindow->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(parentWidget));
+ if (parentWidget) parentWidget->Enable(aEnable);
+// Constrain the window to its proper z-level
+bool AppWindow::ConstrainToZLevel(bool aImmediate, nsWindowZ* aPlacement,
+ nsIWidget* aReqBelow,
+ nsIWidget** aActualBelow) {
+#if 0
+ /* Do we have a parent window? This means our z-order is already constrained,
+ since we're a dependent window. Our window list isn't hierarchical,
+ so we can't properly calculate placement for such a window.
+ Should we just abort? */
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> parentWindow = do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow);
+ if (parentWindow)
+ return false;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator(
+ if (!mediator) return false;
+ bool altered;
+ uint32_t position, newPosition, zLevel;
+ nsIAppWindow* us = this;
+ altered = false;
+ mediator->GetZLevel(this, &zLevel);
+ // translate from WidgetGUIEvent to nsIWindowMediator constants
+ position = nsIWindowMediator::zLevelTop;
+ if (*aPlacement == nsWindowZBottom || zLevel == nsIAppWindow::lowestZ)
+ position = nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBottom;
+ else if (*aPlacement == nsWindowZRelative)
+ position = nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBelow;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mediator->CalculateZPosition(
+ us, position, aReqBelow, &newPosition, aActualBelow, &altered))) {
+ /* If we were asked to move to the top but constrained to remain
+ below one of our other windows, first move all windows in that
+ window's layer and above to the top. This allows the user to
+ click a window which can't be topmost and still bring mozilla
+ to the foreground. */
+ if (altered &&
+ (position == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelTop ||
+ (position == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBelow && aReqBelow == 0)))
+ PlaceWindowLayersBehind(zLevel + 1, nsIAppWindow::highestZ, 0);
+ if (*aPlacement != nsWindowZBottom &&
+ position == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBottom)
+ altered = true;
+ if (altered || aImmediate) {
+ if (newPosition == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelTop)
+ *aPlacement = nsWindowZTop;
+ else if (newPosition == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBottom)
+ *aPlacement = nsWindowZBottom;
+ else
+ *aPlacement = nsWindowZRelative;
+ if (aImmediate) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> ourBase = do_QueryObject(this);
+ if (ourBase) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> ourWidget;
+ ourBase->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(ourWidget));
+ ourWidget->PlaceBehind(*aPlacement == nsWindowZBottom
+ ? eZPlacementBottom
+ : eZPlacementBelow,
+ *aActualBelow, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* CalculateZPosition can tell us to be below nothing, because it tries
+ not to change something it doesn't recognize. A request to verify
+ being below an unrecognized window, then, is treated as a request
+ to come to the top (below null) */
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> windowAbove;
+ if (newPosition == nsIWindowMediator::zLevelBelow && *aActualBelow) {
+ windowAbove = (*aActualBelow)->GetWidgetListener()->GetAppWindow();
+ }
+ mediator->SetZPosition(us, newPosition, windowAbove);
+ }
+ return altered;
+/* Re-z-position all windows in the layers from aLowLevel to aHighLevel,
+ inclusive, to be behind aBehind. aBehind of null means on top.
+ Note this method actually does nothing to our relative window positions.
+ (And therefore there's no need to inform WindowMediator we're moving
+ things, because we aren't.) This method is useful for, say, moving
+ a range of layers of our own windows relative to windows belonging to
+ external applications.
+void AppWindow::PlaceWindowLayersBehind(uint32_t aLowLevel, uint32_t aHighLevel,
+ nsIAppWindow* aBehind) {
+ // step through windows in z-order from top to bottommost window
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> mediator(
+ if (!mediator) return;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> windowEnumerator;
+ mediator->GetZOrderAppWindowEnumerator(0, true,
+ getter_AddRefs(windowEnumerator));
+ if (!windowEnumerator) return;
+ // each window will be moved behind previousHighWidget, itself
+ // a moving target. initialize it.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> previousHighWidget;
+ if (aBehind) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> highBase(do_QueryInterface(aBehind));
+ if (highBase) highBase->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(previousHighWidget));
+ }
+ // get next lower window
+ bool more;
+ while (NS_SUCCEEDED(windowEnumerator->HasMoreElements(&more)) && more) {
+ uint32_t nextZ; // z-level of nextWindow
+ nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> nextWindow;
+ windowEnumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(nextWindow));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> nextAppWindow(do_QueryInterface(nextWindow));
+ nextAppWindow->GetZLevel(&nextZ);
+ if (nextZ < aLowLevel)
+ break; // we've processed all windows through aLowLevel
+ // move it just below its next higher window
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> nextBase(do_QueryInterface(nextAppWindow));
+ if (nextBase) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> nextWidget;
+ nextBase->GetMainWidget(getter_AddRefs(nextWidget));
+ if (nextZ <= aHighLevel)
+ nextWidget->PlaceBehind(eZPlacementBelow, previousHighWidget, false);
+ previousHighWidget = nextWidget;
+ }
+ }
+void AppWindow::SetContentScrollbarVisibility(bool aVisible) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> contentWin(
+ do_GetInterface(mPrimaryContentShell));
+ if (!contentWin) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsContentUtils::SetScrollbarsVisibility(contentWin->GetDocShell(), aVisible);
+// during spinup, attributes that haven't been loaded yet can't be dirty
+void AppWindow::PersistentAttributesDirty(uint32_t aDirtyFlags) {
+ mPersistentAttributesDirty |= aDirtyFlags & mPersistentAttributesMask;
+void AppWindow::ApplyChromeFlags() {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> window = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!window) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (mChromeLoaded) {
+ // The two calls in this block don't need to happen early because they
+ // don't cause a global restyle on the document. Not only that, but the
+ // scrollbar stuff needs a content area to toggle the scrollbars on anyway.
+ // So just don't do these until mChromeLoaded is true.
+ // Scrollbars have their own special treatment.
+ SetContentScrollbarVisibility(mChromeFlags &
+ nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_SCROLLBARS);
+ }
+ /* the other flags are handled together. we have style rules
+ in navigator.css that trigger visibility based on
+ the 'chromehidden' attribute of the <window> tag. */
+ nsAutoString newvalue;
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_MENUBAR))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("menubar ");
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_TOOLBAR))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("toolbar ");
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_LOCATIONBAR))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("location ");
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_PERSONAL_TOOLBAR))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("directories ");
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_STATUSBAR))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("status ");
+ if (!(mChromeFlags & nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_EXTRA))
+ newvalue.AppendLiteral("extrachrome ");
+ // Note that if we're not actually changing the value this will be a no-op,
+ // so no need to compare to the old value.
+ IgnoredErrorResult rv;
+ window->SetAttribute(u"chromehidden"_ns, newvalue, rv);
+AppWindow::BeforeStartLayout() {
+ ApplyChromeFlags();
+ LoadPersistentWindowState();
+ SyncAttributesToWidget();
+ if (mWindow) {
+ SizeShell();
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::LockAspectRatio(bool aShouldLock) {
+ mWindow->LockAspectRatio(aShouldLock);
+ return NS_OK;
+void AppWindow::LoadPersistentWindowState() {
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> docShellElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ if (!docShellElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if the window wants to persist anything.
+ nsAutoString persist;
+ docShellElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::persist, persist);
+ if (persist.IsEmpty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ auto loadValue = [&](const nsAtom* aAttr) {
+ nsDependentAtomString attrString(aAttr);
+ if (persist.Find(attrString) >= 0) {
+ nsAutoString value;
+ nsresult rv = GetPersistentValue(aAttr, value);
+ NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Failed to get persistent state.");
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !value.IsEmpty()) {
+ IgnoredErrorResult err;
+ docShellElement->SetAttribute(attrString, value, err);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ loadValue(nsGkAtoms::screenX);
+ loadValue(nsGkAtoms::screenY);
+ loadValue(nsGkAtoms::width);
+ loadValue(nsGkAtoms::height);
+ loadValue(nsGkAtoms::sizemode);
+void AppWindow::SizeShell() {
+ AutoRestore<bool> sizingShellFromXUL(mSizingShellFromXUL);
+ mSizingShellFromXUL = true;
+ int32_t specWidth = -1, specHeight = -1;
+ bool gotSize = false;
+ nsCOMPtr<dom::Element> windowElement = GetWindowDOMElement();
+ nsAutoString windowType;
+ if (windowElement) {
+ windowElement->GetAttribute(WINDOWTYPE_ATTRIBUTE, windowType);
+ }
+ CSSIntSize windowDiff = GetOuterToInnerSizeDifferenceInCSSPixels(mWindow);
+ // If we're using fingerprint resistance, we're going to resize the window
+ // once we have primary content.
+ if (nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting() &&
+ windowType.EqualsLiteral("navigator:browser")) {
+ // Once we've got primary content, force dimensions.
+ if (mPrimaryContentShell || mPrimaryBrowserParent) {
+ ForceRoundedDimensions();
+ }
+ // Always avoid setting size/sizemode on this window.
+ mIgnoreXULSize = true;
+ mIgnoreXULSizeMode = true;
+ } else if (!mIgnoreXULSize) {
+ gotSize = LoadSizeFromXUL(specWidth, specHeight);
+ specWidth += windowDiff.width;
+ specHeight += windowDiff.height;
+ }
+ bool positionSet = !mIgnoreXULPosition;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> parentWindow(do_QueryReferent(mParentWindow));
+#if defined(XP_UNIX) && !defined(XP_MACOSX)
+ // don't override WM placement on unix for independent, top-level windows
+ // (however, we think the benefits of intelligent dependent window placement
+ // trump that override.)
+ if (!parentWindow) positionSet = false;
+ if (positionSet) {
+ // We have to do this before sizing the window, because sizing depends
+ // on the resolution of the screen we're on. But positioning needs to
+ // know the size so that it can constrain to screen bounds.... as an
+ // initial guess here, we'll use the specified size (if any).
+ positionSet = LoadPositionFromXUL(specWidth, specHeight);
+ }
+ if (gotSize) {
+ SetSpecifiedSize(specWidth, specHeight);
+ }
+ if (mIntrinsicallySized) {
+ // (if LoadSizeFromXUL set the size, mIntrinsicallySized will be false)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> cv;
+ mDocShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(cv));
+ if (cv) {
+ RefPtr<nsDocShell> docShell = mDocShell;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeOwner> treeOwner;
+ docShell->GetTreeOwner(getter_AddRefs(treeOwner));
+ if (treeOwner) {
+ // GetContentSize can fail, so initialise |width| and |height| to be
+ // on the safe side.
+ int32_t width = 0, height = 0;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(cv->GetContentSize(&width, &height))) {
+ treeOwner->SizeShellTo(docShell, width, height);
+ // Update specified size for the final LoadPositionFromXUL call.
+ specWidth = width + windowDiff.width;
+ specHeight = height + windowDiff.height;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now that we have set the window's final size, we can re-do its
+ // positioning so that it is properly constrained to the screen.
+ if (positionSet) {
+ LoadPositionFromXUL(specWidth, specHeight);
+ }
+ UpdateWindowStateFromMiscXULAttributes();
+ if (mChromeLoaded && mCenterAfterLoad && !positionSet &&
+ mWindow->SizeMode() == nsSizeMode_Normal) {
+ Center(parentWindow, parentWindow ? false : true, false);
+ }
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::GetXULBrowserWindow(
+ nsIXULBrowserWindow** aXULBrowserWindow) {
+ NS_IF_ADDREF(*aXULBrowserWindow = mXULBrowserWindow);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_IMETHODIMP AppWindow::SetXULBrowserWindow(
+ nsIXULBrowserWindow* aXULBrowserWindow) {
+ mXULBrowserWindow = aXULBrowserWindow;
+ return NS_OK;
+void AppWindow::SizeShellToWithLimit(int32_t aDesiredWidth,
+ int32_t aDesiredHeight,
+ int32_t shellItemWidth,
+ int32_t shellItemHeight) {
+ int32_t widthDelta = aDesiredWidth - shellItemWidth;
+ int32_t heightDelta = aDesiredHeight - shellItemHeight;
+ if (widthDelta || heightDelta) {
+ int32_t winWidth = 0;
+ int32_t winHeight = 0;
+ GetSize(&winWidth, &winHeight);
+ // There's no point in trying to make the window smaller than the
+ // desired content area size --- that's not likely to work. This whole
+ // function assumes that the outer docshell is adding some constant
+ // "border" chrome to the content area.
+ winWidth = std::max(winWidth + widthDelta, aDesiredWidth);
+ winHeight = std::max(winHeight + heightDelta, aDesiredHeight);
+ SetSize(winWidth, winHeight, true);
+ }
+nsresult AppWindow::GetTabCount(uint32_t* aResult) {
+ if (mXULBrowserWindow) {
+ return mXULBrowserWindow->GetTabCount(aResult);
+ }
+ *aResult = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+nsresult AppWindow::GetInitialOpenWindowInfo(
+ nsIOpenWindowInfo** aOpenWindowInfo) {
+ *aOpenWindowInfo = do_AddRef(mInitialOpenWindowInfo).take();
+ return NS_OK;
+PresShell* AppWindow::GetPresShell() {
+ if (!mDocShell) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return mDocShell->GetPresShell();
+bool AppWindow::WindowMoved(nsIWidget* aWidget, int32_t x, int32_t y) {
+ nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance();
+ if (pm) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ pm->AdjustPopupsOnWindowChange(window);
+ }
+ // Notify all tabs that the widget moved.
+ if (mDocShell && mDocShell->GetWindow()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<EventTarget> eventTarget =
+ mDocShell->GetWindow()->GetTopWindowRoot();
+ nsContentUtils::DispatchChromeEvent(
+ mDocShell->GetDocument(), eventTarget, u"MozUpdateWindowPos"_ns,
+ CanBubble::eNo, Cancelable::eNo, nullptr);
+ }
+ // Persist position, but not immediately, in case this OS is firing
+ // repeated move events as the user drags the window
+ SetPersistenceTimer(PAD_POSITION);
+ return false;
+bool AppWindow::WindowResized(nsIWidget* aWidget, int32_t aWidth,
+ int32_t aHeight) {
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ mDocShell->SetPositionAndSize(0, 0, aWidth, aHeight, 0);
+ }
+ // Persist size, but not immediately, in case this OS is firing
+ // repeated size events as the user drags the sizing handle
+ if (!IsLocked()) SetPersistenceTimer(PAD_POSITION | PAD_SIZE | PAD_MISC);
+ // Check if we need to continue a fullscreen change.
+ switch (mFullscreenChangeState) {
+ case FullscreenChangeState::WillChange:
+ mFullscreenChangeState = FullscreenChangeState::WidgetResized;
+ break;
+ case FullscreenChangeState::WidgetEnteredFullscreen:
+ FinishFullscreenChange(true);
+ break;
+ case FullscreenChangeState::WidgetExitedFullscreen:
+ FinishFullscreenChange(false);
+ break;
+ case FullscreenChangeState::WidgetResized:
+ case FullscreenChangeState::NotChanging:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool AppWindow::RequestWindowClose(nsIWidget* aWidget) {
+ // Maintain a reference to this as it is about to get destroyed.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> appWindow(this);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window(mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow()
+ : nullptr);
+ nsCOMPtr<EventTarget> eventTarget = do_QueryInterface(window);
+ RefPtr<PresShell> presShell = mDocShell->GetPresShell();
+ if (!presShell) {
+ mozilla::DebugOnly<bool> dying;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(mDocShell->IsBeingDestroyed(&dying)) && dying,
+ "No presShell, but window is not being destroyed");
+ } else if (eventTarget) {
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = presShell->GetPresContext();
+ nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
+ WidgetMouseEvent event(true, eClose, nullptr, WidgetMouseEvent::eReal);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(EventDispatcher::Dispatch(eventTarget, presContext, &event,
+ nullptr, &status)) &&
+ status == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault)
+ return false;
+ }
+ Destroy();
+ return false;
+void AppWindow::SizeModeChanged(nsSizeMode sizeMode) {
+ // An alwaysRaised (or higher) window will hide any newly opened normal
+ // browser windows, so here we just drop a raised window to the normal
+ // zlevel if it's maximized. We make no provision for automatically
+ // re-raising it when restored.
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Maximized || sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
+ uint32_t zLevel;
+ GetZLevel(&zLevel);
+ if (zLevel > nsIAppWindow::normalZ) SetZLevel(nsIAppWindow::normalZ);
+ }
+ mWindow->SetSizeMode(sizeMode);
+ // Persist mode, but not immediately, because in many (all?)
+ // cases this will merge with the similar call in NS_SIZE and
+ // write the attribute values only once.
+ SetPersistenceTimer(PAD_MISC);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> ourWindow =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ if (ourWindow) {
+ // Ensure that the fullscreen state is synchronized between
+ // the widget and the outer window object.
+ if (sizeMode == nsSizeMode_Fullscreen) {
+ ourWindow->SetFullScreen(true);
+ } else if (sizeMode != nsSizeMode_Minimized) {
+ if (ourWindow->GetFullScreen()) {
+ // The first SetFullscreenInternal call below ensures that we do
+ // not trigger any fullscreen transition even if the window was
+ // put in fullscreen only for the Fullscreen API. The second
+ // SetFullScreen call ensures that the window really exit from
+ // fullscreen even if it entered fullscreen for both Fullscreen
+ // Mode and Fullscreen API.
+ ourWindow->SetFullscreenInternal(
+ FullscreenReason::ForForceExitFullscreen, false);
+ ourWindow->SetFullScreen(false);
+ }
+ }
+ // And always fire a user-defined sizemodechange event on the window
+ ourWindow->DispatchCustomEvent(u"sizemodechange"_ns);
+ }
+ if (PresShell* presShell = GetPresShell()) {
+ presShell->GetPresContext()->SizeModeChanged(sizeMode);
+ }
+ // Note the current implementation of SetSizeMode just stores
+ // the new state; it doesn't actually resize. So here we store
+ // the state and pass the event on to the OS. The day is coming
+ // when we'll handle the event here, and the return result will
+ // then need to be different.
+void AppWindow::UIResolutionChanged() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> ourWindow =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ if (ourWindow) {
+ ourWindow->DispatchCustomEvent(u"resolutionchange"_ns,
+ ChromeOnlyDispatch::eYes);
+ }
+void AppWindow::FullscreenWillChange(bool aInFullscreen) {
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> ourWindow = mDocShell->GetWindow()) {
+ ourWindow->FullscreenWillChange(aInFullscreen);
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mFullscreenChangeState == FullscreenChangeState::NotChanging);
+ mFullscreenChangeState = FullscreenChangeState::WillChange;
+void AppWindow::FullscreenChanged(bool aInFullscreen) {
+ if (mFullscreenChangeState == FullscreenChangeState::WidgetResized) {
+ FinishFullscreenChange(aInFullscreen);
+ } else {
+ mFullscreenChangeState == FullscreenChangeState::WillChange,
+ "Unexpected fullscreen change state");
+ FullscreenChangeState newState =
+ aInFullscreen ? FullscreenChangeState::WidgetEnteredFullscreen
+ : FullscreenChangeState::WidgetExitedFullscreen;
+ mFullscreenChangeState = newState;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ // Wait for resize for a small amount of time.
+ // 80ms is actually picked arbitrarily. But it shouldn't be too large
+ // in case the widget resize is not going to happen at all, which can
+ // be the case for some Linux window managers and possibly Android.
+ NS_DelayedDispatchToCurrentThread(
+ NS_NewRunnableFunction(
+ "AppWindow::FullscreenChanged",
+ [this, kungFuDeathGrip, newState, aInFullscreen]() {
+ if (mFullscreenChangeState == newState) {
+ FinishFullscreenChange(aInFullscreen);
+ }
+ }),
+ 80);
+ }
+void AppWindow::FinishFullscreenChange(bool aInFullscreen) {
+ mFullscreenChangeState = FullscreenChangeState::NotChanging;
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ if (nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> ourWindow = mDocShell->GetWindow()) {
+ ourWindow->FinishFullscreenChange(aInFullscreen);
+ }
+ }
+void AppWindow::OcclusionStateChanged(bool aIsFullyOccluded) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> ourWindow =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ if (ourWindow) {
+ // And always fire a user-defined occlusionstatechange event on the window
+ ourWindow->DispatchCustomEvent(u"occlusionstatechange"_ns,
+ ChromeOnlyDispatch::eYes);
+ }
+void AppWindow::OSToolbarButtonPressed() {
+ // Keep a reference as setting the chrome flags can fire events.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> appWindow(this);
+ // rjc: don't use "nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_EXTRA"
+ // due to components with multiple sidebar components
+ // (such as Mail/News, Addressbook, etc)... and frankly,
+ // Mac IE, OmniWeb, and other Mac OS X apps all work this way
+ uint32_t chromeMask = (nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_TOOLBAR |
+ nsIWebBrowserChrome::CHROME_LOCATIONBAR |
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome> wbc(do_GetInterface(appWindow));
+ if (!wbc) return;
+ uint32_t chromeFlags, newChromeFlags = 0;
+ wbc->GetChromeFlags(&chromeFlags);
+ newChromeFlags = chromeFlags & chromeMask;
+ if (!newChromeFlags)
+ chromeFlags |= chromeMask;
+ else
+ chromeFlags &= (~newChromeFlags);
+ wbc->SetChromeFlags(chromeFlags);
+bool AppWindow::ZLevelChanged(bool aImmediate, nsWindowZ* aPlacement,
+ nsIWidget* aRequestBelow,
+ nsIWidget** aActualBelow) {
+ if (aActualBelow) *aActualBelow = nullptr;
+ return ConstrainToZLevel(aImmediate, aPlacement, aRequestBelow, aActualBelow);
+void AppWindow::WindowActivated() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> appWindow(this);
+ // focusing the window could cause it to close, so keep a reference to it
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ nsFocusManager* fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager();
+ if (fm && window) {
+ fm->WindowRaised(window, nsFocusManager::GenerateFocusActionId());
+ }
+ if (mChromeLoaded) {
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(PAD_POSITION | PAD_SIZE | PAD_MISC);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+ }
+void AppWindow::WindowDeactivated() {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> appWindow(this);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window =
+ mDocShell ? mDocShell->GetWindow() : nullptr;
+ nsFocusManager* fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager();
+ if (fm && window && !fm->IsTestMode()) {
+ fm->WindowLowered(window, nsFocusManager::GenerateFocusActionId());
+ }
+static void LoadNativeMenus(Document* aDoc, nsIWidget* aParentWindow) {
+ if (gfxPlatform::IsHeadless()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINativeMenuService> nms =
+ do_GetService(";1");
+ if (!nms) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the menubar tag (if there is more than one, we ignore all but
+ // the first).
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINodeList> menubarElements = aDoc->GetElementsByTagNameNS(
+ nsLiteralString(
+ u""),
+ u"menubar"_ns);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> menubarNode;
+ if (menubarElements) {
+ menubarNode = menubarElements->Item(0);
+ }
+ if (menubarNode) {
+ nsCOMPtr<Element> menubarContent(do_QueryInterface(menubarNode));
+ nms->CreateNativeMenuBar(aParentWindow, menubarContent);
+ } else {
+ nms->CreateNativeMenuBar(aParentWindow, nullptr);
+ }
+class L10nReadyPromiseHandler final : public dom::PromiseNativeHandler {
+ public:
+ L10nReadyPromiseHandler(Document* aDoc, nsIWidget* aParentWindow)
+ : mDocument(aDoc), mWindow(aParentWindow) {}
+ void ResolvedCallback(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue) override {
+ LoadNativeMenus(mDocument, mWindow);
+ }
+ void RejectedCallback(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JS::Value> aValue) override {
+ // Again, this shouldn't happen, but fallback to loading the menus as is.
+ "L10nReadyPromiseHandler rejected - loading fallback native "
+ "menu.");
+ LoadNativeMenus(mDocument, mWindow);
+ }
+ private:
+ ~L10nReadyPromiseHandler() = default;
+ RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> mWindow;
+class AppWindowTimerCallback final : public nsITimerCallback, public nsINamed {
+ public:
+ explicit AppWindowTimerCallback(AppWindow* aWindow) : mWindow(aWindow) {}
+ NS_IMETHOD Notify(nsITimer* aTimer) override {
+ // Although this object participates in a refcount cycle (this -> mWindow
+ // -> mSPTimer -> this), mSPTimer is a one-shot timer and releases this
+ // after it fires. So we don't need to release mWindow here.
+ mWindow->FirePersistenceTimer();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ NS_IMETHOD GetName(nsACString& aName) override {
+ aName.AssignLiteral("AppWindowTimerCallback");
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ private:
+ ~AppWindowTimerCallback() {}
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> mWindow;
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(AppWindowTimerCallback, nsITimerCallback, nsINamed)
+void AppWindow::SetPersistenceTimer(uint32_t aDirtyFlags) {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mSPTimerLock);
+ if (!mSPTimer) {
+ mSPTimer = NS_NewTimer();
+ if (!mSPTimer) {
+ NS_WARNING("Couldn't create;1 instance?");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ RefPtr<AppWindowTimerCallback> callback = new AppWindowTimerCallback(this);
+ mSPTimer->InitWithCallback(callback, SIZE_PERSISTENCE_TIMEOUT,
+ nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+ PersistentAttributesDirty(aDirtyFlags);
+void AppWindow::FirePersistenceTimer() {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(mSPTimerLock);
+ SavePersistentAttributes();
+// nsIWebProgessListener implementation
+AppWindow::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress* aProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest,
+ int32_t aCurSelfProgress, int32_t aMaxSelfProgress,
+ int32_t aCurTotalProgress,
+ int32_t aMaxTotalProgress) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress* aProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest,
+ uint32_t aStateFlags, nsresult aStatus) {
+ // If the notification is not about a document finishing, then just
+ // ignore it...
+ if (!(aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP) ||
+ !(aStateFlags & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_NETWORK)) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (mChromeLoaded) return NS_OK;
+ // If this document notification is for a frame then ignore it...
+ nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> eventWin;
+ aProgress->GetDOMWindow(getter_AddRefs(eventWin));
+ auto* eventPWin = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(eventWin);
+ if (eventPWin) {
+ nsPIDOMWindowOuter* rootPWin = eventPWin->GetPrivateRoot();
+ if (eventPWin != rootPWin) return NS_OK;
+ }
+ mChromeLoaded = true;
+ mLockedUntilChromeLoad = false;
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ // Find the Menubar DOM and Load the menus, hooking them up to the loaded
+ // commands
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> cv;
+ mDocShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(cv));
+ if (cv) {
+ RefPtr<Document> menubarDoc = cv->GetDocument();
+ if (menubarDoc) {
+ RefPtr<DocumentL10n> l10n = menubarDoc->GetL10n();
+ if (l10n) {
+ // Wait for l10n to be ready so the menus are localized.
+ RefPtr<Promise> promise = l10n->Ready();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(promise);
+ RefPtr<L10nReadyPromiseHandler> handler =
+ new L10nReadyPromiseHandler(menubarDoc, mWindow);
+ promise->AppendNativeHandler(handler);
+ } else {
+ // Something went wrong loading the doc and l10n wasn't created. This
+ // shouldn't really happen, but if it does fallback to trying to load
+ // the menus as is.
+ LoadNativeMenus(menubarDoc, mWindow);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OnChromeLoaded();
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress* aProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest,
+ nsIURI* aURI, uint32_t aFlags) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::OnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest,
+ nsresult aStatus, const char16_t* aMessage) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::OnSecurityChange(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress, nsIRequest* aRequest,
+ uint32_t aState) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
+ return NS_OK;
+AppWindow::OnContentBlockingEvent(nsIWebProgress* aWebProgress,
+ nsIRequest* aRequest, uint32_t aEvent) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("notification excluded in AddProgressListener(...)");
+ return NS_OK;
+ * ExecuteCloseHandler - Run the close handler, if any.
+ * @return true iff we found a close handler to run.
+ */
+bool AppWindow::ExecuteCloseHandler() {
+ /* If the event handler closes this window -- a likely scenario --
+ things get deleted out of order without this death grip.
+ (The problem may be the death grip in nsWindow::windowProc,
+ which forces this window's widget to remain alive longer
+ than it otherwise would.) */
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIAppWindow> kungFuDeathGrip(this);
+ nsCOMPtr<EventTarget> eventTarget;
+ if (mDocShell) {
+ eventTarget = do_QueryInterface(mDocShell->GetWindow());
+ }
+ if (eventTarget) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> contentViewer;
+ mDocShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(contentViewer));
+ if (contentViewer) {
+ RefPtr<nsPresContext> presContext = contentViewer->GetPresContext();
+ nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore;
+ WidgetMouseEvent event(true, eClose, nullptr, WidgetMouseEvent::eReal);
+ nsresult rv = EventDispatcher::Dispatch(eventTarget, presContext, &event,
+ nullptr, &status);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && status == nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault)
+ return true;
+ // else fall through and return false
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+} // ExecuteCloseHandler
+void AppWindow::ConstrainToOpenerScreen(int32_t* aX, int32_t* aY) {
+ if (mOpenerScreenRect.IsEmpty()) {
+ *aX = *aY = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t left, top, width, height;
+ // Constrain initial positions to the same screen as opener
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreenManager> screenmgr =
+ do_GetService(";1");
+ if (screenmgr) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScreen> screen;
+ screenmgr->ScreenForRect(
+ mOpenerScreenRect.X(), mOpenerScreenRect.Y(), mOpenerScreenRect.Width(),
+ mOpenerScreenRect.Height(), getter_AddRefs(screen));
+ if (screen) {
+ screen->GetAvailRectDisplayPix(&left, &top, &width, &height);
+ if (*aX < left || *aX > left + width) {
+ *aX = left;
+ }
+ if (*aY < top || *aY > top + height) {
+ *aY = top;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+nsIAppWindow* AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::GetAppWindow() {
+ return mAppWindow->GetAppWindow();
+PresShell* AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::GetPresShell() {
+ return mAppWindow->GetPresShell();
+bool AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::WindowMoved(nsIWidget* aWidget,
+ int32_t aX, int32_t aY) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ return holder->WindowMoved(aWidget, aX, aY);
+bool AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::WindowResized(nsIWidget* aWidget,
+ int32_t aWidth,
+ int32_t aHeight) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ return holder->WindowResized(aWidget, aWidth, aHeight);
+bool AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::RequestWindowClose(nsIWidget* aWidget) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ return holder->RequestWindowClose(aWidget);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::SizeModeChanged(nsSizeMode aSizeMode) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->SizeModeChanged(aSizeMode);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::UIResolutionChanged() {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->UIResolutionChanged();
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::FullscreenWillChange(
+ bool aInFullscreen) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->FullscreenWillChange(aInFullscreen);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::FullscreenChanged(bool aInFullscreen) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->FullscreenChanged(aInFullscreen);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::OcclusionStateChanged(
+ bool aIsFullyOccluded) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->OcclusionStateChanged(aIsFullyOccluded);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::OSToolbarButtonPressed() {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->OSToolbarButtonPressed();
+bool AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::ZLevelChanged(
+ bool aImmediate, nsWindowZ* aPlacement, nsIWidget* aRequestBelow,
+ nsIWidget** aActualBelow) {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ return holder->ZLevelChanged(aImmediate, aPlacement, aRequestBelow,
+ aActualBelow);
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::WindowActivated() {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->WindowActivated();
+void AppWindow::WidgetListenerDelegate::WindowDeactivated() {
+ RefPtr<AppWindow> holder = mAppWindow;
+ holder->WindowDeactivated();
+} // namespace mozilla