From 2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:29:10 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 86.0.1. Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann --- .../dom/chrome/accessibility/ | 360 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 360 insertions(+) create mode 100644 l10n-es-ES/dom/chrome/accessibility/ (limited to 'l10n-es-ES/dom/chrome/accessibility/') diff --git a/l10n-es-ES/dom/chrome/accessibility/ b/l10n-es-ES/dom/chrome/accessibility/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..84b69e8874 --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-es-ES/dom/chrome/accessibility/ @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, +# You can obtain one at + +# Screen reader started/stopped +screenReaderStarted = Lector en pantalla iniciado +screenReaderStopped = Lector en pantalla detenido + +# Roles +menubar = barra de menú +scrollbar = barra de desplazamiento +grip = asa +alert = alerta +menupopup = menú emergente +document = documento +pane = panel +dialog = diálogo +separator = separador +toolbar = barra de herramientas +statusbar = barra de estado +table = tabla +columnheader = cabecera de columna +rowheader = cabecera de fila +column = columna +row = fila +cell = celda +link = enlace +list = lista +listitem = elemento de lista +outline = contorno +outlineitem = elemento de contorno +pagetab = pestaña +propertypage = página de propiedades +graphic = gráfico +switch = interruptor +pushbutton = botón +checkbutton = casilla seleccionable +radiobutton = botón de radio +combobox = caja desplegable +progressbar = barra de progreso +slider = deslizador +spinbutton = botón de incremento/decremento +diagram = diagrama +animation = animación +equation = ecuación +buttonmenu = menú de botón +whitespace = espacio en blanco +pagetablist = lista de pestañas +canvas = canvas +checkmenuitem = elemento de menú seleccionable +label = etiqueta +passwordtext = texto de contraseña +radiomenuitem = elemento de menú de radio +textcontainer = contenedor de texto +togglebutton = botón de alternancia +treetable = tabla/árbol +header = cabecera +footer = pie de página +paragraph = párrafo +entry = entrada +caption = (sub)título +heading = encabezado +section = sección +form = formulario +comboboxlist = lista desplegable +comboboxoption = opción de caja desplegable +imagemap = mapa de imágenes +listboxoption = opción +listbox = caja de lista +flatequation = ecuación plana +gridcell = rejilla +note = nota +figure = cantidad +definitionlist = lista de definiciones +term = término +definition = definición + +mathmltable = tabla matemática +mathmlcell = celda +mathmlenclosed = entre paréntesis +mathmlfraction = fracción +mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fracción sin barra +mathmlroot = raíz +mathmlscripted = guionizado +mathmlsquareroot = raíz cuadrada + +# More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles +textarea = área de texto + +base = base +close-fence = elemento de cierre +denominator = denominador +numerator = numerador +open-fence = elemento de apertura +overscript = sobrescritura +presubscript = presubscript +presuperscript = presuperscript +root-index = índice raíz +subscript = subíndice +superscript = superíndice +underscript = baja escritura + +# Text input types +textInputType_date = fecha +textInputType_email = correo electrónico +textInputType_search = buscar +textInputType_tel = teléfono +textInputType_url = dirección + +# More sophisticated object descriptions +headingLevel = encabezado de nivel %S + +# more sophisticated list announcement +listStart = Primer elemento +listEnd = Último elemento +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (listItemsCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# See: +listItemsCount = 1 elemento;#1 elementos + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE: # %1$S is the position of the item n the set. +# %2$S is the total number of such items in the set. +# An expanded example would read "2 of 5". +objItemOfN = %1$S de %2$S + +# Landmark announcements +banner = panel publicitario +complementary = complementario +contentinfo = información sobre el contenido +main = principal +navigation = navegación +search = buscar + +region = región + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# Number of columns within the table. +# See: +tblColumnInfo = con 1 columna;con #1 columnas +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# Number of rows within the table or grid. +# See: +tblRowInfo = y 1 fila;y #1 filas + +# table or grid cell information +columnInfo = Columna %S +rowInfo = Fila %S +spansColumns = abarca %S columnas +spansRows = abarca %S filas + +# Invoked actions +jumpAction = saltado +pressAction = presionado +checkAction = seleccionado +uncheckAction = no seleccionado +onAction = activado +offAction = desactivado +selectAction = seleccionado +unselectAction = no seleccionado +openAction = abierto +closeAction = cerrado +switchAction = activado +clickAction = pulsado +collapseAction = contraído +expandAction = expandido +activateAction = activado +cycleAction = rotado + +# Live regions +# 'hidden' will be spoken when something disappears in a live region. +hidden = oculto + +# Tab states +tabLoading = cargando +tabLoaded = cargado +tabNew = pestaña nueva +tabLoadStopped = carga detenida +tabReload = recargando + +# Object states +stateChecked = seleccionado +stateOn = activado +stateNotChecked = no seleccionado +stateOff = desactivado +statePressed = presionado +# No string for a not pressed toggle button +stateExpanded = expandido +stateCollapsed = contraído +stateUnavailable = no disponible +stateReadonly = sólo-lectura +stateRequired = requerido +stateTraversed = visitado +stateHasPopup = tiene ventana emergente +stateSelected = seleccionado + +# App modes +editingMode = editando +navigationMode = navegando + +# Quick navigation modes +quicknav_Simple = Por omisión +quicknav_Anchor = Enlaces internos +quicknav_Button = Botones +quicknav_Combobox = Cajas desplegables +quicknav_Landmark = Puntos de referencia +quicknav_Entry = Entradas +quicknav_FormElement = Elementos de formulario +quicknav_Graphic = Imágenes +quicknav_Heading = Encabezados +quicknav_ListItem = Elementos de lista +quicknav_Link = Enlaces +quicknav_List = Listas +quicknav_PageTab = Pestañas de página +quicknav_RadioButton = Botones de radio +quicknav_Separator = Separadores +quicknav_Table = Tablas +quicknav_Checkbox = Casillas de selección + +# MathML menclose notations. +# See +notation-longdiv = división larga +notation-actuarial = actuarial +notation-phasorangle = ángulo de fase +notation-radical = radical +notation-box = caja +notation-roundedbox = caja redondeada +notation-circle = círculo +notation-left = izquierda +notation-right = derecha +notation-top = superior +notation-bottom = inferior +notation-updiagonalstrike = raya diagonal hacia arriba +notation-downdiagonalstrike = raya diagonal hacia abajo +notation-verticalstrike = raya vertical +notation-horizontalstrike = tachado horizontal +notation-updiagonalarrow = flecha diagonal hacia arriba +notation-madruwb = madruwb + +# Shortened role names for braille +menubarAbbr = barra de menú +scrollbarAbbr = barra de desplazamiento +gripAbbr = asa +alertAbbr = alerta +menupopupAbbr = menú emergente +documentAbbr = documento +paneAbbr = panel +dialogAbbr = diálogo +separatorAbbr = separador +toolbarAbbr = barra de herramientas +statusbarAbbr = barra de estado +tableAbbr = tbl +columnheaderAbbr = cabecera de columna +rowheaderAbbr = cabecera de fila +columnAbbr = columna +rowAbbr = fila +cellAbbr = celda +linkAbbr = enl +listAbbr = lista +listitemAbbr = elemento de lista +outlineAbbr = contorno +outlineitemAbbr = elemento de contorno +pagetabAbbr = pestaña +propertypageAbbr = página de propiedades +graphicAbbr = gráfico +pushbuttonAbbr = bot +checkbuttonAbbr = casilla seleccionable +radiobuttonAbbr = botón de radio +comboboxAbbr = caja desplegable +progressbarAbbr = barra de progreso +sliderAbbr = deslizador +spinbuttonAbbr = botón de incremento/decremento +diagramAbbr = diagrama +animationAbbr = animación +equationAbbr = ecuación +buttonmenuAbbr = menú de botón +whitespaceAbbr = espacio en blanco +pagetablistAbbr = lista de pestañas +canvasAbbr = canvas +checkmenuitemAbbr = elemento de menú seleccionable +labelAbbr = etiqueta +passwordtextAbbr = txtcontr +radiomenuitemAbbr = elemento de menú de radio +textcontainerAbbr = contenedor de texto +togglebuttonAbbr = botón de alternancia +treetableAbbr = tabla/árbol +headerAbbr = cabecera +footerAbbr = pie de página +paragraphAbbr = párrafo +entryAbbr = entrada +captionAbbr = (sub)título +headingAbbr = encabezado +sectionAbbr = sección +formAbbr = formulario +comboboxlistAbbr = lista desplegable +comboboxoptionAbbr = opción de caja desplegable +imagemapAbbr = mapimg +listboxoptionAbbr = opción +listboxAbbr = caja de lista +flatequationAbbr = ecuación plana +gridcellAbbr = rejilla +noteAbbr = nota +figureAbbr = fig +definitionlistAbbr = lista de definiciones +termAbbr = término +definitionAbbr = definición +textareaAbbr = areatxt + +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# Number of columns within the table. +# See: +tblColumnInfoAbbr = #1c;#1c +# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. +# Number of rows within the table or grid. +# See: +tblRowInfoAbbr = #1r;#1r +cellInfoAbbr = c%Sr%S + +stateCheckedAbbr = (x) +stateUncheckedAbbr = ( ) +statePressedAbbr = (x) +stateUnpressedAbbr = ( ) + +mathmlenclosedAbbr = entre paréntesis +mathmltableAbbr = tbl +mathmlcellAbbr = celda +mathmlfractionAbbr = frac +mathmlfractionwithoutbarAbbr = frac sin bar +mathmlrootAbbr = raíz +mathmlscriptedAbbr = guionizado +mathmlsquarerootAbbr = rzcuad + +baseAbbr = base +close-fenceAbbr = cierre +denominatorAbbr = den +numeratorAbbr = num +open-fenceAbbr = apertura +overscriptAbbr = sobr +presubscriptAbbr = presub +presuperscriptAbbr = presup +root-indexAbbr = índice +subscriptAbbr = sub +superscriptAbbr = sup +underscriptAbbr = baja + +notation-longdivAbbr = divlarga +notation-actuarialAbbr = act +notation-phasorangleAbbr = ángfas +notation-radicalAbbr = rad +notation-boxAbbr = caja +notation-roundedboxAbbr = cajred +notation-circleAbbr = círc +notation-leftAbbr = izda +notation-rightAbbr = dcha +notation-topAbbr = superior +notation-bottomAbbr = bot +notation-updiagonalstrikeAbbr = raydiagarb +notation-downdiagonalstrikeAbbr = rayadiagabajo +notation-verticalstrikeAbbr = rayavert +notation-horizontalstrikeAbbr = tachdhor +notation-updiagonalarrowAbbr = flecdiagarb +notation-madruwbAbbr = madruwb -- cgit v1.2.3