From 2aa4a82499d4becd2284cdb482213d541b8804dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Baumann Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:29:10 +0200 Subject: Adding upstream version 86.0.1. 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100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/pyproject.toml create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/setup.cfg create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/ create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/test-requirements.txt create mode 100644 third_party/python/jsonschema/tox.ini (limited to 'third_party/python/jsonschema') diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.appveyor.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.appveyor.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..80d5aa5a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.appveyor.yml @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +build: false +environment: + VENV: "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\\venv" + + matrix: + - TOXENV: py35-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python35" + + - TOXENV: py35-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python35-x64" + + - TOXENV: py36-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python36" + + - TOXENV: py36-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python36-x64" + + - TOXENV: py37-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python37" + + - TOXENV: py37-tests + PYTHON: "C:\\Python37-x64" + +init: + - echo "TOXENV - %TOXENV%" + +install: + - ps: Update-AppveyorBuild -Version "v$(python --version) b$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER" + - virtualenv -p "%PYTHON%\\python.exe" "%VENV%" + - "%VENV%\\Scripts\\pip install tox" + +test_script: + - "%VENV%\\Scripts\\tox" diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.coveragerc b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.coveragerc new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0f24d2f04c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.coveragerc @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# vim: filetype=dosini: +[run] +branch = True +source = jsonschema +omit = */jsonschema/,*/jsonschema/,*/jsonschema/benchmarks/* diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/FUNDING.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/FUNDING.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc40c007ca --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/FUNDING.yml @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# These are supported funding model platforms + +github: "Julian" +patreon: "JulianWasTaken" +tidelift: "pypi/jsonschema" diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fd524e9476 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.github/ @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# Security Policy + +## Supported Versions + +In general, only the latest released ``jsonschema`` version is supported +and will receive updates. + +## Reporting a Vulnerability + +To report a security vulnerability, please send an email to +```` with subject line ``SECURITY +(jsonschema)``. + +I will do my best to respond within 48 hours to acknowledge the message +and discuss further steps. + +If the vulnerability is accepted, an advisory will be sent out via +GitHub's security advisory functionality. + +For non-sensitive discussion related to this policy itself, feel free to +open an issue on the issue tracker. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.gitignore b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31236db578 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +_cache +_static +_templates + +TODO diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/.travis.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d31d77e842 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +sudo: false + +language: python + +dist: xenial + +python: + - 3.5 + - 3.6 + - 3.7 + - 3.8 + - pypy + - pypy3 + +install: + - pip install tox-travis + +script: + - tox + +after_success: + - tox -e codecov + +addons: + apt: + packages: + - libenchant-dev + +git: + depth: false diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/CHANGELOG.rst b/third_party/python/jsonschema/CHANGELOG.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8f0a2700ea --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/CHANGELOG.rst @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +v3.2.0 +------ + +* Added a ``format_nongpl`` setuptools extra, which installs only ``format`` + dependencies that are non-GPL (#619). + +v3.1.1 +------ + +* Temporarily revert the switch to ``js-regex`` until #611 and #612 are + resolved. + +v3.1.0 +------ + +* Regular expressions throughout schemas now respect the ECMA 262 dialect, as + recommended by the specification (#609). + +v3.0.2 +------ + +* Fixed a bug where ``0`` and ``False`` were considered equal by + ``const`` and ``enum`` (#575). + +v3.0.1 +------ + +* Fixed a bug where extending validators did not preserve their notion + of which validator property contains ``$id`` information. + +v3.0.0 +------ + +* Support for Draft 6 and Draft 7 +* Draft 7 is now the default +* New ``TypeChecker`` object for more complex type definitions (and overrides) +* Falling back to isodate for the date-time format checker is no longer + attempted, in accordance with the specification + +v2.6.0 +------ + +* Support for Python 2.6 has been dropped. +* Improve a few error messages for ``uniqueItems`` (#224) and + ``additionalProperties`` (#317) +* Fixed an issue with ``ErrorTree``'s handling of multiple errors (#288) + +v2.5.0 +------ + +* Improved performance on CPython by adding caching around ref resolution + (#203) + +v2.4.0 +------ + +* Added a CLI (#134) +* Added absolute path and absolute schema path to errors (#120) +* Added ``relevance`` +* Meta-schemas are now loaded via ``pkgutil`` + +v2.3.0 +------ + +* Added ``by_relevance`` and ``best_match`` (#91) +* Fixed ``format`` to allow adding formats for non-strings (#125) +* Fixed the ``uri`` format to reject URI references (#131) + +v2.2.0 +------ + +* Compile the host name regex (#127) +* Allow arbitrary objects to be types (#129) + +v2.1.0 +------ + +* Support RFC 3339 datetimes in conformance with the spec +* Fixed error paths for additionalItems + items (#122) +* Fixed wording for min / maxProperties (#117) + + +v2.0.0 +------ + +* Added ``create`` and ``extend`` to ``jsonschema.validators`` +* Removed ``ValidatorMixin`` +* Fixed array indices ref resolution (#95) +* Fixed unknown scheme defragmenting and handling (#102) + + +v1.3.0 +------ + +* Better error tracebacks (#83) +* Raise exceptions in ``ErrorTree``\s for keys not in the instance (#92) +* __cause__ (#93) + + +v1.2.0 +------ + +* More attributes for ValidationError (#86) +* Added ``ValidatorMixin.descend`` +* Fixed bad ``RefResolutionError`` message (#82) + + +v1.1.0 +------ + +* Canonicalize URIs (#70) +* Allow attaching exceptions to ``format`` errors (#77) + + +v1.0.0 +------ + +* Support for Draft 4 +* Support for format +* Longs are ints too! +* Fixed a number of issues with ``$ref`` support (#66) +* Draft4Validator is now the default +* ``ValidationError.path`` is now in sequential order +* Added ``ValidatorMixin`` + + +v0.8.0 +------ + +* Full support for JSON References +* ``validates`` for registering new validators +* Documentation +* Bugfixes + + * uniqueItems not so unique (#34) + * Improper any (#47) + + +v0.7 +---- + +* Partial support for (JSON Pointer) ``$ref`` +* Deprecations + + * ``Validator`` is replaced by ``Draft3Validator`` with a slightly different + interface + * ``validator(meta_validate=False)`` + + +v0.6 +---- + +* Bugfixes + + * Issue #30 - Wrong behavior for the dependencies property validation + * Fixed a miswritten test + + +v0.5 +---- + +* Bugfixes + + * Issue #17 - require path for error objects + * Issue #18 - multiple type validation for non-objects + + +v0.4 +---- + +* Preliminary support for programmatic access to error details (Issue #5). + There are certainly some corner cases that don't do the right thing yet, but + this works mostly. + + In order to make this happen (and also to clean things up a bit), a number + of deprecations are necessary: + + * ``stop_on_error`` is deprecated in ``Validator.__init__``. Use + ``Validator.iter_errors()`` instead. + * ``number_types`` and ``string_types`` are deprecated there as well. + Use ``types={"number" : ..., "string" : ...}`` instead. + * ``meta_validate`` is also deprecated, and instead is now accepted as + an argument to ``validate``, ``iter_errors`` and ``is_valid``. + +* A bugfix or two + + +v0.3 +---- + +* Default for unknown types and properties is now to *not* error (consistent + with the schema). +* Python 3 support +* Removed dependency on SecureTypes now that the hash bug has been resolved. +* "Numerous bug fixes" -- most notably, a divisibleBy error for floats and a + bunch of missing typechecks for irrelevant properties. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/COPYING b/third_party/python/jsonschema/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af9cfbdb13 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Copyright (c) 2013 Julian Berman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/DEMO.ipynb b/third_party/python/jsonschema/DEMO.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f008b793f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/DEMO.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# jsonschema\n", + "---" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "`jsonschema` is an implementation of [JSON Schema]( for Python (supporting 2.7+ including Python 3)." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Usage" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "from jsonschema import validate" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load()\n", + "schema = {\n", + " \"type\" : \"object\",\n", + " \"properties\" : {\n", + " \"price\" : {\"type\" : \"number\"},\n", + " \"name\" : {\"type\" : \"string\"},\n", + " },\n", + "}" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "# If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid.\n", + "validate(instance={\"name\" : \"Eggs\", \"price\" : 34.99}, schema=schema)" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "ValidationError", + "evalue": "'Invalid' is not of type 'number'\n\nFailed validating 'type' in schema['properties']['price']:\n {'type': 'number'}\n\nOn instance['price']:\n 'Invalid'", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[0;31mValidationError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 1\u001b[0m validate(\n\u001b[1;32m 2\u001b[0m \u001b[0minstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m{\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\"name\"\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"Eggs\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"price\"\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\"Invalid\"\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m}\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 3\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mschema\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m\u001b[0mschema\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 4\u001b[0m )\n", + "\u001b[0;32m~/Development/jsonschema/jsonschema/\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36mvalidate\u001b[0;34m(instance, schema, cls, *args, **kwargs)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 899\u001b[0m \u001b[0merror\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mexceptions\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mbest_match\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mvalidator\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0miter_errors\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0minstance\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 900\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mif\u001b[0m \u001b[0merror\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mis\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mnot\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mNone\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m:\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m--> 901\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32mraise\u001b[0m \u001b[0merror\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[1;32m 902\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 903\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[0;31mValidationError\u001b[0m: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number'\n\nFailed validating 'type' in schema['properties']['price']:\n {'type': 'number'}\n\nOn instance['price']:\n 'Invalid'" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "validate(\n", + " instance={\"name\" : \"Eggs\", \"price\" : \"Invalid\"},\n", + " schema=schema,\n", + ")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "It can also be used from console:" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "!echo '{\"name\" : \"Eggs\", \"price\" : 34.99}' > /tmp/sample.json" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "!echo '{\"type\" : \"object\", \"properties\" : {\"price\" : {\"type\" : \"number\"}, \"name\" : {\"type\" : \"string\"}}}' > /tmp/sample.schema" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "!jsonschema -i /tmp/sample.json /tmp/sample.schema" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "## Do your own experiments here..." + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "Try `jsonschema` youself by adding your code below and running your own experiments 👇" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import jsonschema\n", + "\n", + "# your code here\n", + "jsonschema." + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.7.4" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 4 +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a951c8a5e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +include *.rst +include COPYING +include tox.ini +recursive-include json * diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/PKG-INFO b/third_party/python/jsonschema/PKG-INFO new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc0c592f96 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/PKG-INFO @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +Metadata-Version: 2.1 +Name: jsonschema +Version: 3.2.0 +Summary: An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python +Home-page: +Author: Julian Berman +Author-email: +License: UNKNOWN +Project-URL: Docs, +Description: ========== + jsonschema + ========== + + |PyPI| |Pythons| |Travis| |AppVeyor| |Codecov| |ReadTheDocs| + + .. |PyPI| image:: + :alt: PyPI version + :target: + + .. |Pythons| image:: + :alt: Supported Python versions + :target: + + .. |Travis| image:: + :alt: Travis build status + :target: + + .. |AppVeyor| image:: + :alt: AppVeyor build status + :target: + + .. |Codecov| image:: + :alt: Codecov Code coverage + :target: + + .. |ReadTheDocs| image:: + :alt: ReadTheDocs status + :target: + + + ``jsonschema`` is an implementation of `JSON Schema `_ + for Python (supporting 2.7+ including Python 3). + + .. code-block:: python + + >>> from jsonschema import validate + + >>> # A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load() + >>> schema = { + ... "type" : "object", + ... "properties" : { + ... "price" : {"type" : "number"}, + ... "name" : {"type" : "string"}, + ... }, + ... } + + >>> # If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid. + >>> validate(instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : 34.99}, schema=schema) + + >>> validate( + ... instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema=schema, + ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number' + + It can also be used from console: + + .. code-block:: bash + + $ jsonschema -i sample.json sample.schema + + Features + -------- + + * Full support for + `Draft 7 `_, + `Draft 6 `_, + `Draft 4 `_ + and + `Draft 3 `_ + + * `Lazy validation `_ + that can iteratively report *all* validation errors. + + * `Programmatic querying `_ + of which properties or items failed validation. + + + Installation + ------------ + + ``jsonschema`` is available on `PyPI `_. You can install using `pip `_: + + .. code-block:: bash + + $ pip install jsonschema + + + Demo + ---- + + Try ``jsonschema`` interactively in this online demo: + + .. image:: + :target: + :alt: Open Live Demo + + + Online demo Notebook will look similar to this: + + + .. image:: + :alt: Open Live Demo + :width: 480 px + + + Release Notes + ------------- + + v3.1 brings support for ECMA 262 dialect regular expressions + throughout schemas, as recommended by the specification. Big + thanks to @Zac-HD for authoring support in a new `js-regex + `_ library. + + + Running the Test Suite + ---------------------- + + If you have ``tox`` installed (perhaps via ``pip install tox`` or your + package manager), running ``tox`` in the directory of your source + checkout will run ``jsonschema``'s test suite on all of the versions + of Python ``jsonschema`` supports. If you don't have all of the + versions that ``jsonschema`` is tested under, you'll likely want to run + using ``tox``'s ``--skip-missing-interpreters`` option. + + Of course you're also free to just run the tests on a single version with your + favorite test runner. The tests live in the ``jsonschema.tests`` package. + + + Benchmarks + ---------- + + ``jsonschema``'s benchmarks make use of `pyperf + `_. + + Running them can be done via ``tox -e perf``, or by invoking the ``pyperf`` + commands externally (after ensuring that both it and ``jsonschema`` itself are + installed):: + + $ python -m pyperf jsonschema/benchmarks/ --hist --output results.json + + To compare to a previous run, use:: + + $ python -m pyperf compare_to --table reference.json results.json + + See the ``pyperf`` documentation for more details. + + + Community + --------- + + There's a `mailing list `_ + for this implementation on Google Groups. + + Please join, and feel free to send questions there. + + + Contributing + ------------ + + I'm Julian Berman. + + ``jsonschema`` is on `GitHub `_. + + Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, + it'd be most welcome! + + You can also generally find me on Freenode (nick: ``tos9``) in various + channels, including ``#python``. + + If you feel overwhelmingly grateful, you can also woo me with beer money + via Google Pay with the email in my GitHub profile. + + And for companies who appreciate ``jsonschema`` and its continued support + and growth, ``jsonschema`` is also now supportable via `TideLift + `_. + +Platform: UNKNOWN +Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable +Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License +Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy +Provides-Extra: format +Provides-Extra: format_nongpl diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/README.rst b/third_party/python/jsonschema/README.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccfb55d02d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/README.rst @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +========== +jsonschema +========== + +|PyPI| |Pythons| |Travis| |AppVeyor| |Codecov| |ReadTheDocs| + +.. |PyPI| image:: + :alt: PyPI version + :target: + +.. |Pythons| image:: + :alt: Supported Python versions + :target: + +.. |Travis| image:: + :alt: Travis build status + :target: + +.. |AppVeyor| image:: + :alt: AppVeyor build status + :target: + +.. |Codecov| image:: + :alt: Codecov Code coverage + :target: + +.. |ReadTheDocs| image:: + :alt: ReadTheDocs status + :target: + + +``jsonschema`` is an implementation of `JSON Schema `_ +for Python (supporting 2.7+ including Python 3). + +.. code-block:: python + + >>> from jsonschema import validate + + >>> # A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load() + >>> schema = { + ... "type" : "object", + ... "properties" : { + ... "price" : {"type" : "number"}, + ... "name" : {"type" : "string"}, + ... }, + ... } + + >>> # If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid. + >>> validate(instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : 34.99}, schema=schema) + + >>> validate( + ... instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema=schema, + ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number' + +It can also be used from console: + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ jsonschema -i sample.json sample.schema + +Features +-------- + +* Full support for + `Draft 7 `_, + `Draft 6 `_, + `Draft 4 `_ + and + `Draft 3 `_ + +* `Lazy validation `_ + that can iteratively report *all* validation errors. + +* `Programmatic querying `_ + of which properties or items failed validation. + + +Installation +------------ + +``jsonschema`` is available on `PyPI `_. You can install using `pip `_: + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ pip install jsonschema + + +Demo +---- + +Try ``jsonschema`` interactively in this online demo: + +.. image:: + :target: + :alt: Open Live Demo + + +Online demo Notebook will look similar to this: + + +.. image:: + :alt: Open Live Demo + :width: 480 px + + +Release Notes +------------- + +v3.1 brings support for ECMA 262 dialect regular expressions +throughout schemas, as recommended by the specification. Big +thanks to @Zac-HD for authoring support in a new `js-regex +`_ library. + + +Running the Test Suite +---------------------- + +If you have ``tox`` installed (perhaps via ``pip install tox`` or your +package manager), running ``tox`` in the directory of your source +checkout will run ``jsonschema``'s test suite on all of the versions +of Python ``jsonschema`` supports. If you don't have all of the +versions that ``jsonschema`` is tested under, you'll likely want to run +using ``tox``'s ``--skip-missing-interpreters`` option. + +Of course you're also free to just run the tests on a single version with your +favorite test runner. The tests live in the ``jsonschema.tests`` package. + + +Benchmarks +---------- + +``jsonschema``'s benchmarks make use of `pyperf +`_. + +Running them can be done via ``tox -e perf``, or by invoking the ``pyperf`` +commands externally (after ensuring that both it and ``jsonschema`` itself are +installed):: + + $ python -m pyperf jsonschema/benchmarks/ --hist --output results.json + +To compare to a previous run, use:: + + $ python -m pyperf compare_to --table reference.json results.json + +See the ``pyperf`` documentation for more details. + + +Community +--------- + +There's a `mailing list `_ +for this implementation on Google Groups. + +Please join, and feel free to send questions there. + + +Contributing +------------ + +I'm Julian Berman. + +``jsonschema`` is on `GitHub `_. + +Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, +it'd be most welcome! + +You can also generally find me on Freenode (nick: ``tos9``) in various +channels, including ``#python``. + +If you feel overwhelmingly grateful, you can also woo me with beer money +via Google Pay with the email in my GitHub profile. + +And for companies who appreciate ``jsonschema`` and its continued support +and growth, ``jsonschema`` is also now supportable via `TideLift +`_. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/codecov.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/codecov.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a370000d6b --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/codecov.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +coverage: + precision: 2 + round: down + status: + patch: + default: + target: 100% + +comment: + layout: "header, diff, uncovered" + behavior: default diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/demo.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/demo.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a2d7e46f55 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/demo.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +requirements: + - jsonschema==3.0.1 diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.gitignore b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1333ed77b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +TODO diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.travis.yml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f65e40bb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +language: python +python: "3.7" +node_js: "9" +install: + - pip install tox +script: + - tox + - npm install && npm test || true diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/LICENSE b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c28adbadd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Copyright (c) 2012 Julian Berman + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f65934c4f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/ @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +JSON Schema Test Suite [![Build Status](]( +====================== + +This repository contains a set of JSON objects that implementors of JSON Schema +validation libraries can use to test their validators. + +It is meant to be language agnostic and should require only a JSON parser. + +The conversion of the JSON objects into tests within your test framework of +choice is still the job of the validator implementor. + +Structure of a Test +------------------- + +If you're going to use this suite, you need to know how tests are laid out. The +tests are contained in the `tests` directory at the root of this repository. + +Inside that directory is a subdirectory for each draft or version of the +schema. + +If you look inside the draft directory, there are a number of `.json` files, +which logically group a set of test cases together. Often the grouping is by +property under test, but not always, especially within optional test files +(discussed below). + +Inside each `.json` file is a single array containing objects. It's easiest to +illustrate the structure of these with an example: + +```json + { + "description": "the description of the test case", + "schema": {"the schema that should" : "be validated against"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a specific test of a valid instance", + "data": "the instance", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another specific test this time, invalid", + "data": 15, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +``` + +So a description, a schema, and some tests, where tests is an array containing +one or more objects with descriptions, data, and a boolean indicating whether +they should be valid or invalid. + +Coverage +-------- + +Drafts 03, 04, 06, and 07 should have full coverage, with drafts 06 and 07 +being considered current and actively supported. Bug fixes will be made as +needed for draft-04 as it is still the most widely used, while draft-03 +is long since deprecated. + +If you see anything missing from the current supported drafts, or incorrect +on any draft still accepting bug fixes, please file an issue or submit a PR. + +Who Uses the Test Suite +----------------------- + +This suite is being used by: + +### Clojure ### + +* [jinx]( +* [json-schema]( + +### Coffeescript ### + +* [jsck]( + +### C++ ### + +* [Modern C++ JSON schema validator]( + +### Dart ### + +* [json_schema]( + +### Elixir ### + +* [ex_json_schema]( + +### Erlang ### + +* [jesse]( + +### Go ### + +* [gojsonschema]( +* [validate-json]( + +### Haskell ### + +* [aeson-schema]( +* [hjsonschema]( + +### Java ### + +* [json-schema-validator]( +* [everit-org/json-schema]( +* [networknt/json-schema-validator]( +* [Justify]( + +### JavaScript ### + +* [json-schema-benchmark]( +* [direct-schema]( +* [is-my-json-valid]( +* [jassi]( +* [JaySchema]( +* [json-schema-valid]( +* [Jsonary]( +* [jsonschema]( +* [request-validator]( +* [skeemas]( +* [tv4]( +* [z-schema]( +* [jsen]( +* [ajv]( +* [djv]( + +### Node.js ### + +For node.js developers, the suite is also available as an +[npm]( package. + +Node-specific support is maintained in a [separate +repository]( +which also welcomes your contributions! + +### .NET ### + +* [Newtonsoft.Json.Schema]( +* [Manatee.Json]( + +### PHP ### + +* [json-schema]( +* [json-guard]( + +### PostgreSQL ### + +* [postgres-json-schema]( +* [is_jsonb_valid]( + +### Python ### + +* [jsonschema]( +* [fastjsonschema]( +* [hypothesis-jsonschema]( + +### Ruby ### + +* [json-schema]( +* [json_schemer]( + +### Rust ### + +* [valico]( + +### Swift ### + +* [JSONSchema]( + +If you use it as well, please fork and send a pull request adding yourself to +the list :). + +Contributing +------------ + +If you see something missing or incorrect, a pull request is most welcome! + +There are some sanity checks in place for testing the test suite. You can run +them with `bin/jsonschema_suite check && npm test` or `tox && npm test`. They will be run automatically by +[Travis CI]( as well. diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/bin/jsonschema_suite b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/bin/jsonschema_suite new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..6b1c486450 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/bin/jsonschema_suite @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +#! /usr/bin/env python3 +from __future__ import print_function +from pprint import pformat +import argparse +import errno +import fnmatch +import json +import os +import random +import shutil +import sys +import textwrap +import unittest +import warnings + +if getattr(unittest, "skipIf", None) is None: + unittest.skipIf = lambda cond, msg : lambda fn : fn + +try: + import jsonschema +except ImportError: + jsonschema = None +else: + validators = getattr( + jsonschema.validators, "validators", jsonschema.validators + ) + + +ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath( + os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir).rstrip("__pycache__"), +) +SUITE_ROOT_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "tests") + +REMOTES = { + "integer.json": {u"type": u"integer"}, + "name.json": { + u"type": "string", + u"definitions": { + u"orNull": {u"anyOf": [{u"type": u"null"}, {u"$ref": u"#"}]}, + }, + }, + "name-defs.json": { + u"type": "string", + u"$defs": { + u"orNull": {u"anyOf": [{u"type": u"null"}, {u"$ref": u"#"}]}, + }, + }, + "subSchemas.json": { + u"integer": {u"type": u"integer"}, + u"refToInteger": {u"$ref": u"#/integer"}, + }, + "folder/folderInteger.json": {u"type": u"integer"} +} +REMOTES_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "remotes") + +with open(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "test-schema.json")) as schema: + TESTSUITE_SCHEMA = json.load(schema) + +def files(paths): + for path in paths: + with open(path) as test_file: + yield json.load(test_file) + + +def groups(paths): + for test_file in files(paths): + for group in test_file: + yield group + + +def cases(paths): + for test_group in groups(paths): + for test in test_group["tests"]: + test["schema"] = test_group["schema"] + yield test + + +def collect(root_dir): + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_dir): + for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.json"): + yield os.path.join(root, filename) + + +class SanityTests(unittest.TestCase): + @classmethod + def setUpClass(cls): + print("Looking for tests in %s" % SUITE_ROOT_DIR) + cls.test_files = list(collect(SUITE_ROOT_DIR)) + print("Found %s test files" % len(cls.test_files)) + assert cls.test_files, "Didn't find the test files!" + + def test_all_files_are_valid_json(self): + for path in self.test_files: + with open(path) as test_file: + try: + json.load(test_file) + except ValueError as error: +"%s contains invalid JSON (%s)" % (path, error)) + + def test_all_descriptions_have_reasonable_length(self): + for case in cases(self.test_files): + description = case["description"] + self.assertLess( + len(description), + 70, + "%r is too long! (keep it to less than 70 chars)" % ( + description, + ), + ) + + def test_all_descriptions_are_unique(self): + for group in groups(self.test_files): + descriptions = set(test["description"] for test in group["tests"]) + self.assertEqual( + len(descriptions), + len(group["tests"]), + "%r contains a duplicate description" % (group,) + ) + + @unittest.skipIf(jsonschema is None, "Validation library not present!") + def test_all_schemas_are_valid(self): + for schema in os.listdir(SUITE_ROOT_DIR): + schema_validator = validators.get(schema) + if schema_validator is not None: + test_files = collect(os.path.join(SUITE_ROOT_DIR, schema)) + for case in cases(test_files): + try: + schema_validator.check_schema(case["schema"]) + except jsonschema.SchemaError as error: +"%s contains an invalid schema (%s)" % + (case, error)) + else: + warnings.warn("No schema validator for %s" % schema) + + @unittest.skipIf(jsonschema is None, "Validation library not present!") + def test_suites_are_valid(self): + validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(TESTSUITE_SCHEMA) + for tests in files(self.test_files): + try: + validator.validate(tests) + except jsonschema.ValidationError as error: + + + def test_remote_schemas_are_updated(self): + files = {} + for parent, _, paths in os.walk(REMOTES_DIR): + for path in paths: + absolute_path = os.path.join(parent, path) + with open(absolute_path) as schema_file: + files[absolute_path] = json.load(schema_file) + + expected = { + os.path.join(REMOTES_DIR, path): contents + for path, contents in REMOTES.items() + } + + missing = set(files).symmetric_difference(expected) + changed = { + path + for path, contents in expected.items() + if path in files + and contents != files[path] + } + + self.assertEqual( + files, + expected, + msg=textwrap.dedent( + """ + Remotes in the remotes/ directory do not match those in the + ``jsonschema_suite`` Python script. + + Unfortunately for the minute, each remote file is duplicated in + two places.""" + (""" + + Only present in one location: + + {}""".format("\n".join(missing)) if missing else "") + (""" + + Conflicting between the two: + + {}""".format("\n".join(changed)) if changed else "") + ) + ) + + +def main(arguments): + if arguments.command == "check": + suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SanityTests) + result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) + sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful()) + elif arguments.command == "flatten": + selected_cases = [case for case in cases(collect(arguments.version))] + + if arguments.randomize: + random.shuffle(selected_cases) + + json.dump(selected_cases, sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + elif arguments.command == "remotes": + json.dump(REMOTES, sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + elif arguments.command == "dump_remotes": + if arguments.update: + shutil.rmtree(arguments.out_dir, ignore_errors=True) + + try: + os.makedirs(arguments.out_dir) + except OSError as e: + if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: + print("%s already exists. Aborting." % arguments.out_dir) + sys.exit(1) + raise + + for url, schema in REMOTES.items(): + filepath = os.path.join(arguments.out_dir, url) + + try: + os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filepath)) + except OSError as e: + if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: + raise + + with open(filepath, "w") as out_file: + json.dump(schema, out_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) + out_file.write("\n") + elif arguments.command == "serve": + try: + from flask import Flask, jsonify + except ImportError: + print(textwrap.dedent(""" + The Flask library is required to serve the remote schemas. + + You can install it by running `pip install Flask`. + + Alternatively, see the `jsonschema_suite remotes` or + `jsonschema_suite dump_remotes` commands to create static files + that can be served with your own web server. + """.strip("\n"))) + sys.exit(1) + + app = Flask(__name__) + + @app.route("/") + def serve_path(path): + if path in REMOTES: + return jsonify(REMOTES[path]) + return "Document does not exist.", 404 + + + + +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="JSON Schema Test Suite utilities", +) +subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="utility commands", dest="command") + +check = subparsers.add_parser("check", help="Sanity check the test suite.") + +flatten = subparsers.add_parser( + "flatten", + help="Output a flattened file containing a selected version's test cases." +) +flatten.add_argument( + "--randomize", + action="store_true", + help="Randomize the order of the outputted cases.", +) +flatten.add_argument( + "version", help="The directory containing the version to output", +) + +remotes = subparsers.add_parser( + "remotes", + help="Output the expected URLs and their associated schemas for remote " + "ref tests as a JSON object." +) + +dump_remotes = subparsers.add_parser( + "dump_remotes", help="Dump the remote ref schemas into a file tree", +) +dump_remotes.add_argument( + "--update", + action="store_true", + help="Update the remotes in an existing directory.", +) +dump_remotes.add_argument( + "--out-dir", + default=REMOTES_DIR, + type=os.path.abspath, + help="The output directory to create as the root of the file tree", +) + +serve = subparsers.add_parser( + "serve", + help="Start a webserver to serve schemas used by remote ref tests." +) + +if __name__ == "__main__": + main(parser.parse_args()) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/index.js b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b138226b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +'use strict'; + +const Ajv = require('ajv'); +const jsonSchemaTest = require('json-schema-test'); +const assert = require('assert'); + +const refs = { + 'http://localhost:1234/integer.json': require('./remotes/integer.json'), + 'http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json': require('./remotes/subSchemas.json'), + 'http://localhost:1234/folder/folderInteger.json': require('./remotes/folder/folderInteger.json'), + 'http://localhost:1234/name.json': require('./remotes/name.json'), + 'http://localhost:1234/name-defs.json': require('./remotes/name-defs.json') +}; + +const SKIP = { + 4: ['optional/zeroTerminatedFloats'], + 7: [ + 'format/idn-email', + 'format/idn-hostname', + 'format/iri', + 'format/iri-reference', + 'optional/content' + ] +}; + +[4, 6, 7].forEach((draft) => { + let ajv; + if (draft == 7) { + ajv = new Ajv({format: 'full'}); + } else { + const schemaId = draft == 4 ? 'id' : '$id'; + ajv = new Ajv({format: 'full', meta: false, schemaId}); + ajv.addMetaSchema(require(`ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-0${draft}.json`)); + ajv._opts.defaultMeta = `${draft}/schema#`; + } + for (const uri in refs) ajv.addSchema(refs[uri], uri); + + jsonSchemaTest(ajv, { + description: `Test suite draft-0${draft}`, + suites: {tests: `./tests/draft${draft}/{**/,}*.json`}, + skip: SKIP[draft], + cwd: __dirname, + hideFolder: 'tests/' + }); +}); diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/package.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3980136cc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +{ + "name": "json-schema-test-suite", + "version": "0.1.0", + "description": "A language agnostic test suite for the JSON Schema specifications", + "main": "index.js", + "scripts": { + "test": "mocha index.js -R spec" + }, + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git+" + }, + "keywords": [ + "json-schema", + "tests" + ], + "author": "", + "license": "MIT", + "bugs": { + "url": "" + }, + "homepage": "", + "devDependencies": { + "ajv": "^6.0.0-rc.1", + "json-schema-test": "^2.0.0", + "mocha": "^3.2.0" + } +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/folder/folderInteger.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/folder/folderInteger.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b50ea3085 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/folder/folderInteger.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "type": "integer" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/integer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/integer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b50ea3085 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/integer.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "type": "integer" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name-defs.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name-defs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dab4a4343 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name-defs.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "$defs": { + "orNull": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + }, + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ] + } + }, + "type": "string" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fceacb8097 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/name.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "definitions": { + "orNull": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + }, + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ] + } + }, + "type": "string" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/subSchemas.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/subSchemas.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9f8030bceb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/remotes/subSchemas.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "integer": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "refToInteger": { + "$ref": "#/integer" + } +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/test-schema.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/test-schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..670d2804cb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/test-schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "definitions": { + "outputItem": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "valid": {"type": "boolean"}, + "keywordLocation": {"type": "string"}, + "absoluteKeywordLocation": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri" + }, + "instanceLocation": {"type": "string"}, + "annotations": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/outputItem"} + }, + "errors": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/outputItem"} + } + } + } + }, + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "object", + "required": ["description", "schema", "tests"], + "properties": { + "description": {"type": "string"}, + "schema": {}, + "tests": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "object", + 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{ + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "items is schema, no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": {}, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array of items with no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": [{}, {}, {}], + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "fewer number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "equal number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items are not permitted", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems as false without items", + "schema": {"additionalItems": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": + "items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first item is validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeac6b381 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobarbaz", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties are not additional properties", + "data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-ASCII pattern with additionalProperties", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": {"^á": {}}, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matching the pattern is valid", + "data": {"ármányos": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not matching the pattern is invalid", + "data": {"élmény": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties can exist by itself", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default", + "schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional properties are allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties should not look in applicators", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"properties": {"foo": {}}} + ], + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "properties defined in allOf are not allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/allOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/allOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb612091aa --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/allOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[ + { + "description": "allOf", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allOf", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}}, + "required": ["bar"], + "allOf" : [ + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "baz": {"type": "null"} + }, + "required": ["baz"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first allOf", + "data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second allOf", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch both", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf simple types", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"maximum": 30}, + {"minimum": 20} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": 25, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch one", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, some false", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"allOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with two empty schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the first empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + { "type": "number" } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the last empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anchor.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anchor.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06b0ba4d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anchor.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/bar#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/bar", + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/root", + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/nested.json#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$id": "nested.json", + "$defs": { + "B": { + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anyOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anyOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab5eb386b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/anyOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +[ + { + "description": "anyOf", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "anyOf" : [ + { + "maxLength": 2 + }, + { + "minLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one anyOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, some true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"anyOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf complex types", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 123, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested anyOf, to check validation semantics", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "anything non-null is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/boolean_schema.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/boolean_schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d40f23f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/boolean_schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +[ + { + "description": "boolean schema 'true'", + "schema": true, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean schema 'false'", + "schema": false, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/const.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/const.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c089625dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/const.json @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +[ + { + "description": "const validation", + "schema": {"const": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same value is valid", + "data": 2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another value is invalid", + "data": 5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with object", + "schema": {"const": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "same object with different property order is valid", + "data": {"baz": "bax", "foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with array", + "schema": {"const": [{ "foo": "bar" }]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same array is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another array item is invalid", + "data": [2], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array with additional items is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with null", + "schema": {"const": null}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not null is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"const": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"const": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"const": 0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"const": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/contains.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/contains.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7ae5a25fe --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/contains.json @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +[ + { + "description": "contains keyword validation", + "schema": { + "contains": {"minimum": 5} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (5) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items matching schema (5, 6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without items matching schema is invalid", + "data": [2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not array is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with const keyword", + "schema": { + "contains": { "const": 5 } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without item 5 is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"contains": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"contains": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/default.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/default.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17629779fb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/default.json @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +[ + { + "description": "invalid type for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "integer", + "default": [] + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"foo": 13}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid string value for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "bar": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 4, + "default": "bad" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"bar": "good"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/defs.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/defs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2fbec42b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/defs.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[ + { + "description": "valid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid definition schema", + "data": {"$defs": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "invalid definition schema", + "data": {"$defs": {"foo": {"type": 1}}}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/dependencies.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/dependencies.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd78aa5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/dependencies.json @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +[ + { + "description": "dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": ["foo"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependant", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with empty array", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": []} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "empty object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with one property", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"quux": ["foo", "bar"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependants", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependencies", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "quux": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing other dependency", + "data": {"bar": 1, "quux": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing both 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"valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with property having schema false is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object with both properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "empty array of dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo": [] + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with property is valid", + "data": { "foo": 1 }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-object is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo\nbar": ["foo\rbar"], + "foo\tbar": { + "minProperties": 4 + }, + "foo'bar": {"required": ["foo\"bar"]}, + "foo\"bar": ["foo'bar"] + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + 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b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/enum.json @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +[ + { + "description": "simple enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": 4, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "heterogeneous enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "objects are deep compared", + "data": {"foo": false}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enums in properties", + "schema": { + "type":"object", + "properties": { + "foo": {"enum":["foo"]}, + "bar": {"enum":["bar"]} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties are valid", + "data": {"foo":"foo", "bar":"bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing optional property is valid", + "data": {"bar":"bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing required property is invalid", + "data": {"foo":"foo"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing all properties is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "enum": ["foo\nbar", "foo\rbar"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "member 1 is valid", + "data": "foo\nbar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "member 2 is valid", + "data": "foo\rbar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another string is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"enum": [false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"enum": [true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"enum": [0]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"enum": [1]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMaximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMaximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc3cd709d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMaximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + { + "description": "exclusiveMaximum validation", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 3.0 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the exclusiveMaximum is valid", + "data": 2.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "above the exclusiveMaximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMinimum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMinimum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b38d7ecec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/exclusiveMinimum.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + { + "description": "exclusiveMinimum validation", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": 1.1 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the exclusiveMinimum is valid", + "data": 1.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "below the exclusiveMinimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/format.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/format.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93305f5cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/format.json @@ -0,0 +1,614 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores booleans", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IDN e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "idn-email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true 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+ ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores booleans", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URI references", + "schema": {"format": "uri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores 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@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ignore if without then or else", + "schema": { + "if": { + "const": 0 + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when valid against lone if", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid when invalid against lone if", + "data": "hello", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ignore then without if", + "schema": { + "then": { + "const": 0 + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when valid against lone then", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid when invalid against lone then", + "data": "hello", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ignore else without if", + "schema": { + "else": { + "const": 0 + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when valid against lone else", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid when invalid against lone else", + "data": "hello", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "if and then without 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"valid through then", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "invalid through then", + "data": -100, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "valid through else", + "data": 4, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "invalid through else", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-interference across combined schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "if": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 0 + } + }, + { + "then": { + "minimum": -10 + } + }, + { + "else": { + "multipleOf": 2 + } + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid, but would have been invalid through then", + "data": -100, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid, but would have been invalid through else", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/items.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/items.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e98ee82da --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/items.json @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +[ + { + "description": "a schema given for items", + "schema": { + "items": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid items", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "wrong type of items", + "data": [1, "x"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "JavaScript pseudo-array is valid", + "data": { + "0": "invalid", + "length": 1 + }, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "an array of schemas for items", + "schema": { + "items": [ + {"type": "integer"}, + {"type": "string"} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "correct types", + "data": [ 1, "foo" ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "wrong types", + "data": [ "foo", 1 ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "incomplete array of items", + "data": [ 1 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + 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{"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "too many sub-items", + "data": [ + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong item", + "data": [ + {"foo": null}, + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong sub-item", + "data": [ + [ {}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "fewer items is valid", + "data": [ + [ {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested items", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": 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"description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": "f", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/minProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/minProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a0726e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/minProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minProperties validation", + "schema": {"minProperties": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": 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+ "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation with signed integer", + "schema": {"minimum": -2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "negative above the minimum is valid", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "positive above the minimum is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": -2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/multipleOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/multipleOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca3b761805 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/multipleOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "description": "by int", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + 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"data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "other match", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "forbidden property", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "not": {} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property present", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "property absent", + "data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"not": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"not": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/oneOf.json 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"oneOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with empty schema", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one valid - valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with required", + "schema": { + "type": "object", + "oneOf": [ + { "required": ["foo", "bar"] }, + { "required": ["foo", "baz"] } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both invalid - invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "first valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz" : 3}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fac275e21f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/content.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/content.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5a7430b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/content.json @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of string-encoded content based on media type", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON document", + "data": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid JSON document", + "data": "{:}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary string-encoding", + "schema": { + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64 string", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string (% is not a valid character)", + "data": "eyJmb28iOi%iYmFyIn0K", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary-encoded media type documents", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json", + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64-encoded JSON document", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a validly-encoded invalid JSON document", + "data": "ezp9Cg==", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string that is valid JSON", + "data": "{}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d82e0feb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/ecmascript-regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex non-compliance", + "schema": { "format": "regex" }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET", + "data": "^\\S(|(.|\\n)*\\S)\\Z", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex $ does not match trailing newline", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^abc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches in Python, but should not in jsonschema", + "data": "abc\n", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "should match", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex converts \\a to ascii BEL", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\a$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0007", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cC$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cC", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\d$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero matches", + "data": "0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) does not match", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\D$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero does not match", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) matches", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\w$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' matches", + "data": "a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches everything but ascii letters", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\W$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' does not match", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\s matches ascii whitespace only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\s$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space matches", + "data": " ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\S matches everything but ascii whitespace", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\S$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space does not match", + "data": " ", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date-time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date-time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfccee6e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date-time.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string without second fraction", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with plus offset", + "data": "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with minus offset", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:50.123-08:00", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a invalid day in date-time string", + "data": "1990-02-31T15:59:60.123-08:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid offset in date-time string", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:60-24:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd23baae3a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/date.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date strings", + "schema": {"format": "date"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date string", + "data": "1963-06-19", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c837c84bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d22e57db03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid punycoded IDN hostname", + "data": "xn--4gbwdl.xn--wgbh1c", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character", + "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name containing illegal characters", + "data": "not_a_valid_host_name", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..637409ea8f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of an internationalized e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "idn-email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid idn e-mail (example@example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례@실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid idn e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3291820e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/idn-hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of internationalized host names", + "schema": {"format": "idn-hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name (example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "illegal first char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "〮실례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "contains illegal char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "실〮례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례실례.테스트", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv4.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv4.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..661148a74d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv4.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address without 4 components", + "data": "127.0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address as an integer", + "data": "0x7f000001", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv6.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv6.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f67559b35d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/ipv6.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fd779c23c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRI References", + "schema": {"format": "iri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative IRI Reference", + "data": "//ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI Reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒrägmênt", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒräg\\mênt", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed54094c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/iri.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRIs", + "schema": {"format": "iri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "http://ƒøø.com/blah_(wîkïpédiå)_blah#ßité-1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI though valid IRI reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65c2f064f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation)", + "schema": {"format": "json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON-pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar~0/baz~1/%a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (~ not escaped)", + "data": "/foo/bar~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with empty segment", + "data": "/foo//bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with the last empty segment", + "data": "/foo/bar/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #1", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #2", + "data": "/foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #3", + "data": "/foo/0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #4", + "data": "/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #5", + "data": "/a~1b", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #6", + "data": "/c%d", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #7", + "data": "/e^f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #8", + "data": "/g|h", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #9", + "data": "/i\\j", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #10", + "data": "/k\"l", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #11", + "data": "/ ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #12", + "data": "/m~0n", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer used adding to the last array position", + "data": "/foo/-", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (- used as object member name)", + "data": "/foo/-/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (multiple escaped characters)", + "data": "/~1~0~0~1~1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #1", + "data": "/~1.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #2", + "data": "/~0.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1", + "data": "#", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2", + "data": "#/", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3", + "data": "#a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #1", + "data": "/~0~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #2", + "data": "/~0/~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #1", + "data": "/~2", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #2", + "data": "/~-1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (multiple characters not escaped)", + "data": "/~~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #1", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #2", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #3", + "data": "a/a", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d99d021ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of regular expressions", + "schema": {"format": "regex"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid regular expression", + "data": "([abc])+\\s+$", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a regular expression with unclosed parens is invalid", + "data": "^(abc]", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceeb743a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of Relative JSON Pointers (RJP)", + "schema": {"format": "relative-json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid upwards RJP", + "data": "1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid downwards RJP", + "data": "0/foo/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid up and then down RJP, with array index", + "data": "2/0/baz/1/zip", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid RJP taking the member or index name", + "data": "0#", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid RJP that is a valid JSON Pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ec8a01a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/time.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of time strings", + "schema": {"format": "time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid time string", + "data": "08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid time string", + "data": "08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "01:01:01,1111", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4c9eef63c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URI References", + "schema": {"format": "uri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI Reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI fragment", + "data": "#fragment", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI fragment", + "data": "#frag\\ment", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-template.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33ab76ee73 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri-template.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "format: uri-template", + "schema": {"format": "uri-template"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid uri-template without variables", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative uri-template", + "data": "dictionary/{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25cc40c80a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/format/uri.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid puny-coded URL ", + "data": "http://xn--nw2a.xn--j6w193g/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL based on IPv4", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with ftp scheme", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL for a simple text file", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL ", + "data": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid mailto URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid newsgroup URI", + "data": "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid tel URI", + "data": "tel:+1-816-555-1212", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URN", + "data": "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces", + "data": "http://", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces and missing scheme", + "data": ":// should fail", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bcdf96036 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float without fractional part is an integer", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a matching pattern is valid", + "data": "aaa", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": true, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "pattern is not anchored", + "schema": {"pattern": "a+"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches a substring", + "data": "xxaayy", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/patternProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/patternProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d04a1675c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/patternProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "patternProperties validates properties matching a regex", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*o": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple valid matches is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a single invalid match is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "a*": {"type": "integer"}, + "aaa*": {"maximum": 20} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"a": 21}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a simultaneous match is valid", + "data": {"aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple matches is valid", + "data": {"a": 21, "aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to one is invalid", + "data": {"a": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to the other is invalid", + "data": {"aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to both is invalid", + "data": {"aaa": "foo", "aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "regexes are not anchored by default and are case sensitive", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "[0-9]{2,}": { "type": "boolean" }, + "X_": { "type": "string" } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "non recognized members are ignored", + "data": { "answer 1": "42" }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "recognized members are accounted for", + "data": { "a31b": null }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive", + "data": { "a_x_3": 3 }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive, 2", + "data": { "a_X_3": 3 }, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties with boolean schemas", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*": true, + "b.*": false + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with property matching schema true is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with property matching schema false is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object with both properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/properties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/properties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b86c181982 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/properties.json @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +[ + { + "description": "object properties validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"type": "string"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties present and valid is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one property invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "doesn't invalidate other properties", + "data": {"quux": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3}, + "bar": {"type": "array"} + }, + "patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property validates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "property invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty validates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty ignores property", + "data": {"bar": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty validates others", + "data": {"quux": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty invalidates others", + "data": {"quux": "foo"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "properties with boolean schema", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": true, + "bar": false + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no property present is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only 'true' property present is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only 'false' property present is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties present is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "properties with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo\nbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\"bar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\\bar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\rbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\tbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\fbar": {"type": "number"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all numbers is valid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 1, + "foo\\bar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 1, + "foo\tbar": 1, + "foo\fbar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with strings is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": "1", + "foo\"bar": "1", + "foo\\bar": "1", + "foo\rbar": "1", + "foo\tbar": "1", + "foo\fbar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/propertyNames.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/propertyNames.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8423690d90 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/propertyNames.json @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +[ + { + "description": "propertyNames validation", + "schema": { + "propertyNames": {"maxLength": 3} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all property names valid", + "data": { + "f": {}, + "foo": {} + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "some property names invalid", + "data": { + "foo": {}, + "foobar": {} + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object without properties is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "propertyNames with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"propertyNames": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with any properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "propertyNames with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"propertyNames": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with any properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/ref.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/ref.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..285de55c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/ref.json @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +[ + { + "description": "root pointer ref", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"$ref": "#"} + }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": {"foo": false}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "recursive match", + "data": {"foo": {"foo": false}}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"bar": false}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "recursive mismatch", + "data": {"foo": {"bar": false}}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "relative pointer ref to object", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"$ref": "#/properties/foo"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": {"bar": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "relative pointer ref to array", + "schema": { + "items": [ + {"type": "integer"}, + {"$ref": "#/items/0"} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match array", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch array", + "data": [1, "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "escaped pointer ref", + "schema": { + "tilda~field": {"type": "integer"}, + "slash/field": {"type": "integer"}, + "percent%field": {"type": "integer"}, + "properties": { + "tilda": {"$ref": "#/tilda~0field"}, + "slash": {"$ref": "#/slash~1field"}, + "percent": {"$ref": "#/percent%25field"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "slash invalid", + "data": {"slash": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "tilda invalid", + "data": {"tilda": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "percent invalid", + "data": {"percent": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "slash valid", + "data": {"slash": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "tilda valid", + "data": 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{ + "description": "remote ref, containing refs itself", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "remote ref valid", + "data": {"minLength": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "remote ref invalid", + "data": {"minLength": -1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "property named $ref that is not a reference", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "$ref": {"type": "string"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property named $ref valid", + "data": {"$ref": "a"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "property named $ref invalid", + "data": {"$ref": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "$ref to boolean schema true", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/$defs/bool", + "$defs": { + "bool": true + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "$ref to boolean schema false", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/$defs/bool", + "$defs": { + "bool": false + } + 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}, + { + "description": "invalid tree", + "data": { + "meta": "root", + "nodes": [ + { + "value": 1, + "subtree": { + "meta": "child", + "nodes": [ + {"value": "string is invalid"}, + {"value": 1.2} + ] + } + }, + { + "value": 2, + "subtree": { + "meta": "child", + "nodes": [ + {"value": 2.1}, + {"value": 2.2} + ] + } + } + ] + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "refs with quote", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo\"bar": {"$ref": "#/$defs/foo%22bar"} + }, + "$defs": { + "foo\"bar": {"type": "number"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with numbers is valid", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with strings is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/refRemote.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/refRemote.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9cadc92666 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/refRemote.json @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +[ + { + "description": "remote ref", + "schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/integer.json"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "remote ref valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "remote ref invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "fragment within remote ref", + "schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "remote fragment valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "remote fragment invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ref within remote ref", + "schema": { + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/refToInteger" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ref within ref valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ref within ref invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "base URI change", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/", + "items": { + "$id": "folder/", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "base URI change ref valid", + "data": [[1]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "base URI change ref invalid", + "data": [["a"]], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "base URI change - change folder", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs1.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": {"list": {"$ref": "#/$defs/baz"}}, + "$defs": { + "baz": { + "$id": "folder/", + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "base URI change - change folder in subschema", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs2.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": {"list": {"$ref": "#/$defs/baz/$defs/bar"}}, + "$defs": { + "baz": { + "$id": "folder/", + "$defs": { + "bar": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "root ref in remote ref", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/object", + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "name": {"$ref": "name-defs.json#/$defs/orNull"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": { + "name": "foo" + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": { + "name": null + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": { + "name": { + "name": null + } + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] 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"foo": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required by default", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with empty array", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + }, + "required": [] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property not required", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "required": [ + "foo\nbar", + "foo\"bar", + "foo\\bar", + "foo\rbar", + "foo\tbar", + "foo\fbar" + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all properties present is valid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 1, + "foo\\bar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 1, + "foo\tbar": 1, + "foo\fbar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with some properties missing is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": "1", + "foo\"bar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/type.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/type.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea33b1821f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/type.json @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer type matches integers", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is an integer", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an integer", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an integer", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not an integer, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an integer", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an integer", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an integer", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an integer", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number type matches numbers", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is a number", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is a number", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a number", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not a number, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a number", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a number", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not a number", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not a number", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string type matches strings", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "1 is 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+ }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an array", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an array", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean type matches booleans", + "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not a boolean", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not a boolean", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a boolean", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a boolean", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not a boolean", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a boolean", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a boolean", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is a boolean", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "false is a boolean", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is not a boolean", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "null type matches only the null object", + "schema": {"type": "null"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not null", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not null", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not null", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not null", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not null", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not null", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not null", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is not null", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not null", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple types can be specified in an array", + "schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type as array with one item", + "schema": { + "type": ["string"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array or object", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array, object or null", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object", "null"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d312ad71ab --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft2019-09/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not equal to zero", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "true is not equal to one", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d4bff51cf --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +[ + { + "description": "additionalItems as schema", + "schema": { + "items": [], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, "foo" ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "items is schema, no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": {}, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array of items with no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": [{}, {}, {}], + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional items present", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items are not permitted", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems as false without items", + "schema": {"additionalItems": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": + "items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": []}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first items are validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bfb0844a26 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + 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"bar": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 4, + "default": "bad" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"bar": "good"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/dependencies.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/dependencies.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d7e09256ab --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/dependencies.json @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +[ + { + "description": "dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": "foo"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependant", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", 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true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/minItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/minItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5118815e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/minItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minItems validation", + "schema": {"minItems": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/minLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/minLength.json new file mode 100644 index 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"valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccc7c17fe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "maximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137, + "exclusiveMaximum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "minimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137, + "exclusiveMinimum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03fe97724c --- /dev/null +++ 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invalid", + "data": "^(abc]", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of date strings", + "schema": {"format": "date"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date string", + "data": "1963-06-19", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date string", + "data": "06/19/1963", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of time strings", + "schema": {"format": "time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid time string", + "data": "08:30:06", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid time string", + "data": "8:30 AM", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ip-address"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "host-name"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a 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"description": "an invalid CSS color name", + "data": "puce", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a CSS color name containing invalid characters", + "data": "light_grayish_red-violet", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b50ea2776 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float is not an integer even without fractional part", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a matching pattern is valid", + "data": "aaa", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": true, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "pattern is not anchored", + "schema": {"pattern": "a+"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches a substring", + "data": "xxaayy", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/patternProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/patternProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ca9aaebdd --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/patternProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "patternProperties validates properties matching a regex", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*o": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple valid matches is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a single invalid match is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "a*": {"type": "integer"}, + "aaa*": {"maximum": 20} + } + }, + 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"recognized members are accounted for", + "data": { "a31b": null }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive", + "data": { "a_x_3": 3 }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive, 2", + "data": { "a_X_3": 3 }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/properties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/properties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a830c67e7b --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/properties.json @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +[ + { + "description": "object properties validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"type": "string"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties present and valid is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one property invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "doesn't invalidate other properties", + "data": {"quux": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3}, + "bar": {"type": "array"} + }, + "patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property validates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "property invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": []}, + "valid": 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+ ] + }, + { + "description": "escaped pointer ref", + "schema": { + "tilda~field": {"type": "integer"}, + "slash/field": {"type": "integer"}, + "percent%field": {"type": "integer"}, + "properties": { + "tilda": {"$ref": "#/tilda~0field"}, + "slash": {"$ref": "#/slash~1field"}, + "percent": {"$ref": "#/percent%25field"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "slash invalid", + "data": {"slash": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "tilda invalid", + "data": {"tilda": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "percent invalid", + "data": {"percent": "aoeu"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "slash valid", + "data": {"slash": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "tilda valid", + "data": {"tilda": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "percent valid", + "data": {"percent": 123}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested refs", + "schema": { + "definitions": { + "a": {"type": "integer"}, + "b": {"$ref": 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+ }, + { + "description": "remote ref invalid", + "data": {"items": {"type": 1}}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/refRemote.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/refRemote.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ca804732c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/refRemote.json @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +[ + { + "description": "remote ref", + "schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/integer.json"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "remote ref valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "remote ref invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "fragment within remote ref", + "schema": {"$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "remote fragment valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "remote fragment invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ref within remote ref", + "schema": { + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/refToInteger" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ref within ref valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ref within ref invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "change resolution scope", + "schema": { + "id": "http://localhost:1234/", + "items": { + "id": "folder/", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "changed scope ref valid", + "data": [[1]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "changed scope ref invalid", + "data": [["a"]], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/required.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/required.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aaaf024273 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/required.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "required validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"required" : true}, + "bar": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "present required property is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-present required property is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required default validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required by default", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required explicitly false validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"required": false} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required if required is false", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/type.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/type.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49c9b40a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/type.json @@ -0,0 +1,489 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer type matches integers", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is an integer", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an integer", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an integer", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not an integer, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an integer", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an integer", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an integer", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an integer", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number type matches numbers", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is a number", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is a number", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a number", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not a number, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a number", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a number", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not a number", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not a number", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string type matches strings", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "1 is not a string", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a string", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is a string", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is still a string, even if it looks like a number", + "data": "1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a string", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a string", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not a string", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not a string", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "object type matches objects", + "schema": {"type": "object"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not an object", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an object", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an object", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is an object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an object", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an object", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an object", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array type matches arrays", + "schema": {"type": "array"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not an array", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an array", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an array", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an array", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is an array", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an array", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an array", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean type matches booleans", + "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not a boolean", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a boolean", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a boolean", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a boolean", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a boolean", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is a boolean", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is not a boolean", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "null type matches only the null object", + "schema": {"type": "null"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not null", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not null", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not null", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not null", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not null", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not null", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "any type matches any type", + "schema": {"type": "any"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any type includes integers", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes float", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes string", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes array", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes boolean", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "any type includes null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple types can be specified in an array", + "schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "types can include schemas", + "schema": { + "type": [ + "array", + {"type": "object"} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an array is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "when types includes a schema it should fully validate the schema", + "schema": { + "type": [ + "integer", + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "null"} + } + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an object is valid only if it is fully valid", + "data": {"foo": null}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid otherwise", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "types from separate schemas are merged", + "schema": { + "type": [ + {"type": ["string"]}, + {"type": ["array", "null"]} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an array is valid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..59e3542cef --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft3/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abecc578be --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "additionalItems as schema", + "schema": { + "items": [{}], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" 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"ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first item is validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeac6b381 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobarbaz", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties are not additional properties", + "data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-ASCII pattern with additionalProperties", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": {"^á": {}}, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matching the pattern is valid", + "data": {"ármányos": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not matching the pattern is invalid", + "data": {"élmény": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties can exist by itself", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default", + "schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional properties are allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties should not look in applicators", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"properties": {"foo": {}}} + ], + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "properties defined in allOf are not allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/allOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/allOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ce9fdd466c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/allOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +[ + { + "description": "allOf", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allOf", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}}, + "required": ["bar"], + "allOf" : [ + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "baz": {"type": "null"} + }, + "required": ["baz"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first allOf", + "data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second allOf", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch both", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf simple types", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"maximum": 30}, + {"minimum": 20} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": 25, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch one", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with two empty schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the first empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + { "type": "number" } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the last empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/anyOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/anyOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09cc3c2f64 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/anyOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +[ + { + "description": "anyOf", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "anyOf" : [ + { + "maxLength": 2 + }, + { + "minLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one anyOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf complex types", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": 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"bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type both", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo\nbar": ["foo\rbar"], + "foo\tbar": { + "minProperties": 4 + }, + "foo'bar": {"required": ["foo\"bar"]}, + "foo\"bar": ["foo'bar"] + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid object 1", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 2 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid object 2", + "data": { + "foo\tbar": 1, + "a": 2, + "b": 3, + "c": 4 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid object 3", + "data": { + "foo'bar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 2 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "invalid object 1", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo": 2 + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "invalid object 2", + "data": { + "foo\tbar": 1, + "a": 2 + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "invalid object 3", + "data": { + "foo'bar": 1 + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "invalid object 4", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": 2 + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/enum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/enum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32d79026e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/enum.json @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +[ + { + "description": "simple enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": 4, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "heterogeneous enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "objects are deep compared", + "data": {"foo": false}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enums in properties", + "schema": { + "type":"object", + "properties": { + "foo": {"enum":["foo"]}, + "bar": {"enum":["bar"]} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties are valid", + "data": {"foo":"foo", "bar":"bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing optional property is valid", + "data": {"bar":"bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing required property is invalid", + "data": {"foo":"foo"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing all properties is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "enum": ["foo\nbar", "foo\rbar"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "member 1 is valid", + "data": "foo\nbar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "member 2 is valid", + "data": "foo\rbar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another string is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"enum": [false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"enum": [true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"enum": [0]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"enum": [1]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/format.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/format.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61e4b62a53 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/format.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores 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index 0000000000..3b53a6b371 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxItems validation", + "schema": {"maxItems": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811d35b253 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxLength validation", + "schema": {"maxLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": "f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..513731e4c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maxProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxProperties validation", + "schema": {"maxProperties": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..02581f62a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/maximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maximum validation", + "schema": {"maximum": 3.0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the maximum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "above the maximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "maximum validation (explicit false exclusivity)", + "schema": {"maximum": 3.0, "exclusiveMaximum": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the maximum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "above the maximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "exclusiveMaximum validation", + "schema": { + "maximum": 3.0, + "exclusiveMaximum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the maximum is still valid", + "data": 2.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5118815e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minItems validation", + "schema": {"minItems": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f09158dee --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minLength validation", + "schema": {"minLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": "f", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a0726e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/minProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minProperties validation", + "schema": {"minProperties": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact 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+ "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation (explicit false exclusivity)", + "schema": {"minimum": 1.1, "exclusiveMinimum": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the minimum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "exclusiveMinimum validation", + "schema": { + "minimum": 1.1, + "exclusiveMinimum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the minimum is still valid", + "data": 1.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation with signed integer", + "schema": {"minimum": -2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "negative above the minimum is valid", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "positive above the minimum is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": -2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/multipleOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/multipleOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca3b761805 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/multipleOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "description": "by int", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "int by int", + "data": 10, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "int by int fail", + "data": 7, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 1.5}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "zero is multiple of anything", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "4.5 is multiple of 1.5", + "data": 4.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "35 is not multiple of 1.5", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by small number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 0.0001}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "0.0075 is multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.0075, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0.00751 is not multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.00751, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/not.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/not.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cbb7f46bf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/not.json @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +[ + { + "description": "not", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allowed", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "disallowed", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not multiple types", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "other mismatch", + "data": true, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not more complex schema", + "schema": { + "not": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "other match", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "forbidden property", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "not": {} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property present", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "property absent", + "data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } + +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/oneOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/oneOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9dfffe13b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/oneOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +[ + { + "description": "oneOf", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "oneOf" : [ + { + "minLength": 2 + }, + { + "maxLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one oneOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf complex types", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with empty schema", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one valid - valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with required", + "schema": { + "type": "object", + "oneOf": [ + { "required": ["foo", "bar"] }, + { "required": ["foo", "baz"] } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both invalid - invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "first valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz" : 3}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccc7c17fe8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "maximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137, + "exclusiveMaximum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "minimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137, + "exclusiveMinimum": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d82e0feb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/ecmascript-regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex non-compliance", + "schema": { "format": "regex" }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET", + "data": "^\\S(|(.|\\n)*\\S)\\Z", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex $ does not match trailing newline", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^abc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches in Python, but should not in jsonschema", + "data": "abc\n", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "should match", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex converts \\a to ascii BEL", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\a$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0007", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cC$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cC", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\d$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero matches", + "data": "0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) does not match", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\D$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero does not match", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) matches", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\w$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' matches", + "data": "a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches everything but ascii letters", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\W$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' does not match", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\s matches ascii whitespace only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\s$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space matches", + "data": " ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\S matches everything but ascii whitespace", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\S$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space does not match", + "data": " ", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/format.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/format.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4bf4ea8e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/format.json @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string without second fraction", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with plus offset", + "data": "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with minus offset", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:50.123-08:00", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a invalid day in date-time string", + "data": "1990-02-31T15:59:60.123-08:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid offset in date-time string", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:60-24:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid puny-coded URL ", + "data": "http://xn--nw2a.xn--j6w193g/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL based on IPv4", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with ftp scheme", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL for a simple text file", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL ", + "data": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid mailto URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid newsgroup URI", + "data": "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid tel URI", + "data": "tel:+1-816-555-1212", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URN", + "data": "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces", + "data": "http://", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces and missing scheme", + "data": ":// should fail", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address without 4 components", + "data": "127.0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address as an integer", + "data": "0x7f000001", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character", + "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name containing illegal characters", + "data": "not_a_valid_host_name", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b50ea2776 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float is not an integer even without fractional part", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a matching pattern is valid", + "data": "aaa", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": true, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "pattern is not anchored", + "schema": {"pattern": "a+"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches a substring", + "data": "xxaayy", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/patternProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/patternProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5f741dfca6 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/patternProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "patternProperties validates properties matching a regex", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*o": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple valid matches is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a single invalid match is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "a*": {"type": "integer"}, + "aaa*": {"maximum": 20} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"a": 21}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a simultaneous match is valid", + "data": {"aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple matches is valid", + "data": {"a": 21, "aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to one is invalid", + "data": {"a": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to the other is invalid", + "data": {"aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to both is invalid", + "data": {"aaa": "foo", "aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "regexes are not anchored by default 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"bar": {"type": "string"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties present and valid is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one property invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "doesn't invalidate other properties", + "data": {"quux": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3}, + "bar": {"type": "array"} + }, + "patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property validates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "property invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty validates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty ignores property", + "data": {"bar": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty validates others", + "data": {"quux": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty invalidates others", + "data": {"quux": "foo"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "properties with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo\nbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\"bar": {"type": "number"}, + 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change folder", + "schema": { + "id": "http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs1.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": { + "list": {"$ref": "#/definitions/baz"} + }, + "definitions": { + "baz": { + "id": "folder/", + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "base URI change - change folder in subschema", + "schema": { + "id": "http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs2.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": { + "list": {"$ref": "#/definitions/baz/definitions/bar"} + }, + "definitions": { + "baz": { + "id": "folder/", + "definitions": { + "bar": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + 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"bar": {} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "present required property is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-present required property is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 1}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required default validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required by default", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "required": [ + "foo\nbar", + "foo\"bar", + "foo\\bar", + "foo\rbar", + "foo\tbar", + "foo\fbar" + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all properties present is valid", + "data": { + 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false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not null", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not null", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is not null", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not null", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple types can be specified in an array", + "schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type as array with one item", + "schema": { + "type": ["string"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array or object", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array, object or null", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object", "null"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d312ad71ab --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft4/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not equal to zero", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "true is not equal to one", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abecc578be --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "additionalItems as schema", + "schema": { + "items": [{}], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "items is schema, no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": {}, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array of items with no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": [{}, {}, {}], + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "fewer number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "equal number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items are not permitted", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems as false without items", + "schema": {"additionalItems": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": + "items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first item is validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeac6b381 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobarbaz", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties are not additional properties", + "data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-ASCII pattern with additionalProperties", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": {"^á": {}}, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matching the pattern is valid", + "data": {"ármányos": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not matching the pattern is invalid", + "data": {"élmény": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties can exist by itself", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default", + "schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional properties are allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties should not look in applicators", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"properties": {"foo": {}}} + ], + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "properties defined in allOf are not allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/allOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/allOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb612091aa --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/allOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[ + { + "description": "allOf", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allOf", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}}, + "required": ["bar"], + "allOf" : [ + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "baz": {"type": "null"} + }, + "required": ["baz"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first allOf", + "data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second allOf", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch both", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf simple types", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"maximum": 30}, + {"minimum": 20} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": 25, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch one", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, some false", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"allOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with two empty schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the first empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + { "type": "number" } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the last empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/anyOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/anyOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab5eb386b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/anyOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +[ + { + "description": "anyOf", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "anyOf" : [ + { + "maxLength": 2 + }, + { + "minLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one anyOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, some true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"anyOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf complex types", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 123, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested anyOf, to check validation semantics", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "anything non-null is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/boolean_schema.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/boolean_schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d40f23f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/boolean_schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +[ + { + "description": "boolean schema 'true'", + "schema": true, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean schema 'false'", + "schema": false, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/const.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/const.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c089625dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/const.json @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +[ + { + "description": "const validation", + "schema": {"const": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same value is valid", + "data": 2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another value is invalid", + "data": 5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with object", + "schema": {"const": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "same object with different property order is valid", + "data": {"baz": "bax", "foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with array", + "schema": {"const": [{ "foo": "bar" }]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same array is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another array item is invalid", + "data": [2], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array with additional items is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with null", + "schema": {"const": null}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not null is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"const": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"const": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"const": 0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"const": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/contains.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/contains.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..67ecbd991a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/contains.json @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +[ + { + "description": "contains keyword validation", + "schema": { + "contains": {"minimum": 5} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (5) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items matching schema (5, 6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without items matching schema is invalid", + "data": [2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not array is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with const keyword", + "schema": { + "contains": { "const": 5 } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without item 5 is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"contains": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"contains": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-arrays are valid", + "data": "contains does not apply to strings", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/default.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/default.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17629779fb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/default.json @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +[ + { + "description": "invalid type for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "integer", + "default": [] + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"foo": 13}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid string value for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "bar": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 4, + "default": "bad" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"bar": "good"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/definitions.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/definitions.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f3b8997d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/definitions.json @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[ + { + "description": "valid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid definition schema", + "data": { + "definitions": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "invalid definition schema", + "data": { + "definitions": { + "foo": {"type": 1} + } + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/dependencies.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/dependencies.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd78aa5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/dependencies.json @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +[ + { + "description": "dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": ["foo"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependant", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with empty array", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": []} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "empty object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with one property", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"quux": ["foo", "bar"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": 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+ "description": "invalid object 3", + "data": { + "foo'bar": 1 + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "invalid object 4", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": 2 + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/enum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/enum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32d79026e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/enum.json @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +[ + { + "description": "simple enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": 4, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "heterogeneous enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is 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"member 2 is valid", + "data": "foo\rbar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another string is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"enum": [false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"enum": [true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"enum": [0]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"enum": [1]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMaximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMaximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc3cd709d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMaximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + { + "description": "exclusiveMaximum validation", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 3.0 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the exclusiveMaximum is valid", + "data": 2.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "above the exclusiveMaximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMinimum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMinimum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b38d7ecec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/exclusiveMinimum.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + { + "description": "exclusiveMinimum validation", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": 1.1 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the exclusiveMinimum is valid", + "data": 1.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "below the exclusiveMinimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/format.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/format.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..32e81524aa --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/format.json @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores booleans", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores booleans", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ignores integers", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores floats", + "data": 13.7, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores objects", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores booleans", + 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"wrong type of items", + "data": [1, "x"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "JavaScript pseudo-array is valid", + "data": { + "0": "invalid", + "length": 1 + }, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "an array of schemas for items", + "schema": { + "items": [ + {"type": "integer"}, + {"type": "string"} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "correct types", + "data": [ 1, "foo" ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "wrong types", + "data": [ "foo", 1 ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "incomplete array of items", + "data": [ 1 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with additional items", + "data": [ 1, "foo", true ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array", + "data": [ ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "JavaScript pseudo-array is valid", + "data": { + "0": "invalid", + "1": "valid", + "length": 2 + }, + "valid": 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{"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong item", + "data": [ + {"foo": null}, + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong sub-item", + "data": [ + [ {}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "fewer items is valid", + "data": [ + [ {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested items", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "number" + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid nested array", + "data": [[[[1]], [[2],[3]]], [[[4], [5], [6]]]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nested array with invalid type", + "data": [[[["1"]], [[2],[3]]], [[[4], [5], [6]]]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not deep enough", + "data": [[[1], [2],[3]], [[4], [5], [6]]], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b53a6b371 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxItems validation", + "schema": {"maxItems": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811d35b253 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxLength validation", + "schema": {"maxLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": "f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..513731e4c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maxProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxProperties validation", + "schema": {"maxProperties": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8150984ee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/maximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maximum validation", + "schema": {"maximum": 3.0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the maximum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "above the maximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5118815e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minItems validation", + "schema": {"minItems": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f09158dee --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minLength validation", + "schema": {"minLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": "f", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a0726e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minProperties validation", + "schema": {"minProperties": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minimum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minimum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a9c42b3c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/minimum.json @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minimum validation", + "schema": {"minimum": 1.1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the minimum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation with signed integer", + "schema": {"minimum": -2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "negative above the minimum is valid", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "positive above the minimum is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": -2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/multipleOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/multipleOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca3b761805 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/multipleOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "description": "by int", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "int by int", + "data": 10, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "int by int fail", + "data": 7, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 1.5}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "zero is multiple of anything", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "4.5 is multiple of 1.5", + "data": 4.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "35 is not multiple of 1.5", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by small number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 0.0001}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "0.0075 is multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.0075, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0.00751 is not multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.00751, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/not.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/not.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98de0eda8d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/not.json @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +[ + { + "description": "not", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allowed", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "disallowed", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not multiple types", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "other mismatch", + "data": true, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not more complex schema", + "schema": { + "not": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "other match", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "forbidden property", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "not": {} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property present", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "property absent", + "data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"not": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"not": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/oneOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/oneOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57640b7afb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/oneOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +[ + { + "description": "oneOf", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "oneOf" : [ + { + "minLength": 2 + }, + { + "maxLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one oneOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, more than one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"oneOf": [false, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf complex types", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf 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a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fac275e21f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d82e0feb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/ecmascript-regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex non-compliance", + "schema": { "format": "regex" }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET", + "data": "^\\S(|(.|\\n)*\\S)\\Z", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex $ does not match trailing newline", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^abc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches in Python, but should not in jsonschema", + "data": "abc\n", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "should match", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex converts \\a to ascii BEL", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\a$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0007", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cC$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cC", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\d$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero matches", + "data": "0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) does not match", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\D$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero does not match", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) matches", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\w$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' matches", + "data": "a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches everything but ascii letters", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\W$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' does not match", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\s matches ascii whitespace only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\s$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space matches", + "data": " ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\S matches everything but ascii whitespace", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\S$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space does not match", + "data": " ", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/format.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/format.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3dd265fe4f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/format.json @@ -0,0 +1,491 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string without second fraction", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with plus offset", + "data": "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with minus offset", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:50.123-08:00", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a invalid day in date-time string", + "data": "1990-02-31T15:59:60.123-08:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid offset in date-time string", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:60-24:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid closing Z after time-zone offset", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.28123+01:00Z", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid puny-coded URL ", + "data": "http://xn--nw2a.xn--j6w193g/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL based on IPv4", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with ftp scheme", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL for a simple text file", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL ", + "data": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid mailto URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid newsgroup URI", + "data": "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid tel URI", + "data": "tel:+1-816-555-1212", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URN", + "data": "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces", + "data": "http://", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces and missing scheme", + "data": ":// should fail", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of URI References", + "schema": {"format": "uri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI Reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI fragment", + "data": "#fragment", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI fragment", + "data": "#frag\\ment", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "format: uri-template", + "schema": {"format": "uri-template"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid uri-template without variables", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative uri-template", + "data": "dictionary/{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address without 4 components", + "data": "127.0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address as an integer", + "data": "0x7f000001", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character", + "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name containing illegal characters", + "data": "not_a_valid_host_name", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation)", + "schema": {"format": "json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON-pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar~0/baz~1/%a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (~ not escaped)", + "data": "/foo/bar~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with empty segment", + "data": "/foo//bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with the last empty segment", + "data": "/foo/bar/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #1", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #2", + "data": "/foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #3", + "data": "/foo/0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #4", + "data": "/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #5", + "data": "/a~1b", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #6", + "data": "/c%d", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #7", + "data": "/e^f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #8", + "data": "/g|h", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #9", + "data": "/i\\j", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #10", + "data": "/k\"l", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #11", + "data": "/ ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #12", + "data": "/m~0n", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer used adding to the last array position", + "data": "/foo/-", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (- used as object member name)", + "data": "/foo/-/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (multiple escaped characters)", + "data": "/~1~0~0~1~1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #1", + "data": "/~1.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #2", + "data": "/~0.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1", + "data": "#", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2", + "data": "#/", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3", + "data": "#a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #1", + "data": "/~0~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #2", + "data": "/~0/~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #1", + "data": "/~2", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #2", + "data": "/~-1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (multiple characters not escaped)", + "data": "/~~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #1", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #2", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #3", + "data": "a/a", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bcdf96036 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float without fractional part is an integer", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a matching pattern is valid", + "data": "aaa", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": true, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "pattern is not anchored", + "schema": {"pattern": "a+"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches a substring", + "data": "xxaayy", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/patternProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/patternProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d04a1675c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/patternProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "patternProperties validates properties matching a regex", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*o": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple valid matches is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "foooooo" : 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a single invalid match is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "fooooo": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "multiple invalid matches is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "foooooo" : "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple simultaneous patternProperties are validated", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "a*": {"type": "integer"}, + "aaa*": {"maximum": 20} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is valid", + "data": {"a": 21}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a simultaneous match is valid", + "data": {"aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "multiple matches is valid", + "data": {"a": 21, "aaaa": 18}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to one is invalid", + "data": {"a": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to the other is invalid", + "data": {"aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid due to both is invalid", + "data": {"aaa": "foo", "aaaa": 31}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "regexes are not anchored by default and are case sensitive", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "[0-9]{2,}": { "type": "boolean" }, + "X_": { "type": "string" } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "non recognized members are ignored", + "data": { "answer 1": "42" }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "recognized members are accounted for", + "data": { "a31b": null }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive", + "data": { "a_x_3": 3 }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "regexes are case sensitive, 2", + "data": { "a_X_3": 3 }, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties with boolean schemas", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*": true, + "b.*": false + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with property matching schema true is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with property matching schema false is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object with both properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/properties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/properties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b86c181982 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/properties.json @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +[ + { + "description": "object properties validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"type": "string"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties present and valid is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one property invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties invalid is invalid", + "data": {"foo": [], "bar": {}}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "doesn't invalidate other properties", + "data": {"quux": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "properties, patternProperties, additionalProperties interaction", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "array", "maxItems": 3}, + "bar": {"type": "array"} + }, + "patternProperties": {"f.o": {"minItems": 2}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property validates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "property invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates property", + "data": {"foo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty validates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": [1, 2]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperty invalidates nonproperty", + "data": {"fxo": []}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty ignores property", + "data": {"bar": []}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty validates others", + "data": {"quux": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperty invalidates others", + "data": {"quux": "foo"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "properties with boolean schema", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": true, + "bar": false + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no property present is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only 'true' property present is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only 'false' property present is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "both properties present is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "properties with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo\nbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\"bar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\\bar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\rbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\tbar": {"type": "number"}, + "foo\fbar": {"type": "number"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all numbers is valid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 1, + "foo\\bar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 1, + "foo\tbar": 1, + "foo\fbar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with strings is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": "1", + "foo\"bar": "1", + "foo\\bar": "1", + "foo\rbar": "1", + "foo\tbar": "1", + "foo\fbar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/propertyNames.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/propertyNames.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8423690d90 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/propertyNames.json @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +[ + { + "description": "propertyNames validation", + "schema": { + "propertyNames": {"maxLength": 3} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all property names valid", + "data": { + "f": {}, + "foo": {} + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "some property names invalid", + "data": { + "foo": {}, + "foobar": {} + }, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object without properties is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "propertyNames with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"propertyNames": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with any properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "propertyNames with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"propertyNames": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with any properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/ref.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/ref.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53f3a9e9d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/ref.json @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +[ + { + "description": "root pointer ref", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"$ref": "#"} + }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": {"foo": false}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "recursive match", + "data": {"foo": {"foo": false}}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"bar": false}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "recursive mismatch", + "data": {"foo": {"bar": false}}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "relative pointer ref to object", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"$ref": "#/properties/foo"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": {"bar": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "relative pointer ref to array", + "schema": { + "items": [ + {"type": "integer"}, + {"$ref": "#/items/0"} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match array", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch array", + "data": [1, "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "escaped pointer ref", + "schema": { + "tilda~field": 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"child", + "nodes": [ + {"value": 2.1}, + {"value": 2.2} + ] + } + } + ] + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "refs with quote", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo\"bar": {"$ref": "#/definitions/foo%22bar"} + }, + "definitions": { + "foo\"bar": {"type": "number"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with numbers is valid", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with strings is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\"bar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "#foo" + }], + "definitions": { + "A": { + "$id": "#foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": 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"http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs2.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": { + "list": {"$ref": "#/definitions/baz/definitions/bar"} + }, + "definitions": { + "baz": { + "$id": "folder/", + "definitions": { + "bar": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "root ref in remote ref", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/object", + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "name": {"$ref": "name.json#/definitions/orNull"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": { + "name": "foo" + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": { + "name": null + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": { + "name": { + "name": null + } + }, + 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"properties": { + "foo": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required by default", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with empty array", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + }, + "required": [] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property not required", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "required": [ + "foo\nbar", + "foo\"bar", + "foo\\bar", + "foo\rbar", + "foo\tbar", + "foo\fbar" + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all properties present is valid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 1, + "foo\\bar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 1, + "foo\tbar": 1, + "foo\fbar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with some properties missing is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": "1", + "foo\"bar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/type.json 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"data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array or object", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array, object or null", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object", "null"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d312ad71ab --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft6/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not equal to zero", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "true is not equal to one", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abecc578be --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "additionalItems as schema", + "schema": { + "items": [{}], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "items is schema, no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": {}, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array of items with no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": [{}, {}, {}], + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "fewer number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "equal number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items are not permitted", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems as false without items", + "schema": {"additionalItems": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": + "items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first item is validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeac6b381 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobarbaz", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties are not additional properties", + "data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-ASCII pattern with additionalProperties", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": {"^á": {}}, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matching the pattern is valid", + "data": {"ármányos": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not matching the pattern is invalid", + "data": {"élmény": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties can exist by itself", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default", + "schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional properties are allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties should not look in applicators", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"properties": {"foo": {}}} + ], + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "properties defined in allOf are not allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/allOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/allOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb612091aa --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/allOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[ + { + "description": "allOf", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allOf", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}}, + "required": ["bar"], + "allOf" : [ + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "baz": {"type": "null"} + }, + "required": ["baz"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first allOf", + "data": {"bar": 2, "baz": null}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second allOf", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch both", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf simple types", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"maximum": 30}, + {"minimum": 20} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": 25, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch one", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, some false", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"allOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with two empty schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the first empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + { "type": "number" } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the last empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/anyOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/anyOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab5eb386b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/anyOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +[ + { + "description": "anyOf", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "anyOf" : [ + { + "maxLength": 2 + }, + { + "minLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one anyOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, some true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"anyOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf complex types", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 123, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested anyOf, to check validation semantics", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "anything non-null is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/boolean_schema.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/boolean_schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d40f23f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/boolean_schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +[ + { + "description": "boolean schema 'true'", + "schema": true, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean schema 'false'", + "schema": false, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/const.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/const.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c089625dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/const.json @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +[ + { + "description": "const validation", + "schema": {"const": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same value is valid", + "data": 2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another value is invalid", + "data": 5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with object", + "schema": {"const": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "same object with different property order is valid", + "data": {"baz": "bax", "foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with array", + "schema": {"const": [{ "foo": "bar" }]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same array is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another array item is invalid", + "data": [2], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array with additional items is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with null", + "schema": {"const": null}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not null is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"const": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"const": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"const": 0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"const": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/contains.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/contains.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..67ecbd991a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/contains.json @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +[ + { + "description": "contains keyword validation", + "schema": { + "contains": {"minimum": 5} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (5) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items matching schema (5, 6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without items matching schema is invalid", + "data": [2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not array is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with const keyword", + "schema": { + "contains": { "const": 5 } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without item 5 is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"contains": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"contains": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-arrays are valid", + "data": "contains does not apply to strings", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/default.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/default.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17629779fb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/default.json @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +[ + { + "description": "invalid type for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "integer", + "default": [] + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"foo": 13}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid string value for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "bar": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 4, + "default": "bad" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"bar": "good"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/definitions.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/definitions.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..436040650a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/definitions.json @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[ + { + "description": "valid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid definition schema", + "data": { + "definitions": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "invalid definition schema", + "data": { + "definitions": { + "foo": {"type": 1} + } + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/dependencies.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/dependencies.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd78aa5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/dependencies.json @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +[ + { + "description": "dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": ["foo"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependant", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores 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{"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "too many sub-items", + "data": [ + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong item", + "data": [ + {"foo": null}, + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong sub-item", + "data": [ + [ {}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null}, {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "fewer items is valid", + "data": [ + [ {"foo": null} ], + [ {"foo": null} ] + ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested items", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "number" + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid nested array", + "data": [[[[1]], [[2],[3]]], [[[4], [5], [6]]]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nested array with invalid type", + "data": [[[["1"]], [[2],[3]]], [[[4], [5], [6]]]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not deep enough", + "data": [[[1], [2],[3]], [[4], [5], [6]]], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b53a6b371 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxItems validation", + "schema": {"maxItems": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811d35b253 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maxLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maxLength validation", + "schema": {"maxLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "shorter is valid", + "data": "f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too long is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git 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a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8150984ee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/maximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "maximum validation", + "schema": {"maximum": 3.0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the maximum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "above the maximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed5118815e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minItems validation", + "schema": {"minItems": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f09158dee --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minLength validation", + "schema": {"minLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": "f", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a0726e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minProperties validation", + "schema": {"minProperties": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minimum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minimum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a9c42b3c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/minimum.json @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minimum validation", + "schema": {"minimum": 1.1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the minimum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation with signed integer", + "schema": {"minimum": -2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "negative above the minimum is valid", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "positive above the minimum is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": -2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/multipleOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/multipleOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca3b761805 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/multipleOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "description": "by int", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "int by int", + "data": 10, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "int by int fail", + "data": 7, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 1.5}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "zero is multiple of anything", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "4.5 is multiple of 1.5", + "data": 4.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "35 is not multiple of 1.5", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by small number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 0.0001}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "0.0075 is multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.0075, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0.00751 is not multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.00751, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/not.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/not.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98de0eda8d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/not.json @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +[ + { + "description": "not", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allowed", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "disallowed", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not multiple types", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "other mismatch", + "data": true, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not more complex schema", + "schema": { + "not": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "other match", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "forbidden property", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "not": {} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property present", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "property absent", + "data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"not": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"not": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/oneOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/oneOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57640b7afb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/oneOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +[ + { + "description": "oneOf", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "oneOf" : [ + { + "minLength": 2 + }, + { + "maxLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one oneOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, more than one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"oneOf": [false, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf complex types", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with empty schema", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one valid - valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with required", + "schema": { + "type": "object", + "oneOf": [ + { "required": ["foo", "bar"] }, + { "required": ["foo", "baz"] } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both invalid - invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "first valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz" : 3}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fac275e21f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/content.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/content.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5a7430b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/content.json @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of string-encoded content based on media type", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON document", + "data": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid JSON document", + "data": "{:}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary string-encoding", + "schema": { + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64 string", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string (% is not a valid character)", + "data": "eyJmb28iOi%iYmFyIn0K", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary-encoded media type documents", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json", + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64-encoded JSON document", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a validly-encoded invalid JSON document", + "data": "ezp9Cg==", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string that is valid JSON", + "data": "{}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d82e0feb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/ecmascript-regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex non-compliance", + "schema": { "format": "regex" }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET", + "data": "^\\S(|(.|\\n)*\\S)\\Z", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex $ does not match trailing newline", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^abc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches in Python, but should not in jsonschema", + "data": "abc\n", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "should match", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex converts \\a to ascii BEL", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\a$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0007", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cC$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cC", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\d$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero matches", + "data": "0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) does not match", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\D$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero does not match", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) matches", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\w$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' matches", + "data": "a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches everything but ascii letters", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\W$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' does not match", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\s matches ascii whitespace only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\s$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space matches", + "data": " ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\S matches everything but ascii whitespace", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\S$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space does not match", + "data": " ", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date-time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date-time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfccee6e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date-time.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string without second fraction", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with plus offset", + "data": "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with minus offset", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:50.123-08:00", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a invalid day in date-time string", + "data": "1990-02-31T15:59:60.123-08:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid offset in date-time string", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:60-24:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd23baae3a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date strings", + "schema": {"format": "date"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date string", + "data": "1963-06-19", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c837c84bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d22e57db03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid punycoded IDN hostname", + "data": "xn--4gbwdl.xn--wgbh1c", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character", + "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name containing illegal characters", + "data": "not_a_valid_host_name", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..637409ea8f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of an internationalized e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "idn-email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid idn e-mail (example@example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례@실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid idn e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3291820e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of internationalized host names", + "schema": {"format": "idn-hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name (example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "illegal first char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "〮실례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "contains illegal char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "실〮례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례실례.테스트", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv4.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv4.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..661148a74d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv4.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address without 4 components", + "data": "127.0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address as an integer", + "data": "0x7f000001", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv6.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv6.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f67559b35d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv6.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fd779c23c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRI References", + "schema": {"format": "iri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative IRI Reference", + "data": "//ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI Reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒrägmênt", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒräg\\mênt", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed54094c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRIs", + "schema": {"format": "iri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "http://ƒøø.com/blah_(wîkïpédiå)_blah#ßité-1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI though valid IRI reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65c2f064f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation)", + "schema": {"format": "json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON-pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar~0/baz~1/%a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (~ not escaped)", + "data": "/foo/bar~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with empty segment", + "data": "/foo//bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with the last empty segment", + "data": "/foo/bar/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #1", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #2", + "data": "/foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #3", + "data": "/foo/0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #4", + "data": "/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #5", + "data": "/a~1b", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #6", + "data": "/c%d", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #7", + "data": "/e^f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #8", + "data": "/g|h", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #9", + "data": "/i\\j", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #10", + "data": "/k\"l", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #11", + "data": "/ ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #12", + "data": "/m~0n", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer used adding to the last array position", + "data": "/foo/-", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (- used as object member name)", + "data": "/foo/-/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (multiple escaped characters)", + "data": "/~1~0~0~1~1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #1", + "data": "/~1.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #2", + "data": "/~0.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1", + "data": "#", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2", + "data": "#/", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3", + "data": "#a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #1", + "data": "/~0~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #2", + "data": "/~0/~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #1", + "data": "/~2", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #2", + "data": "/~-1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (multiple characters not escaped)", + "data": "/~~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #1", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #2", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #3", + "data": "a/a", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d99d021ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of regular expressions", + "schema": {"format": "regex"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid regular expression", + "data": "([abc])+\\s+$", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a regular expression with unclosed parens is invalid", + "data": "^(abc]", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceeb743a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of Relative JSON Pointers (RJP)", + "schema": {"format": "relative-json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid upwards RJP", + "data": "1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid downwards RJP", + "data": "0/foo/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid up and then down RJP, with array index", + "data": "2/0/baz/1/zip", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid RJP taking the member or index name", + "data": "0#", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid RJP that is a valid JSON Pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ec8a01a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/time.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of time strings", + "schema": {"format": "time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid time string", + "data": "08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid time string", + "data": "08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "01:01:01,1111", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4c9eef63c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URI References", + "schema": {"format": "uri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI Reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI fragment", + "data": "#fragment", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI fragment", + "data": "#frag\\ment", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-template.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33ab76ee73 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-template.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "format: uri-template", + "schema": {"format": "uri-template"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid uri-template without variables", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative uri-template", + "data": "dictionary/{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25cc40c80a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag", + "data": 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a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bcdf96036 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float without fractional part is an integer", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + 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"object", + "properties": { + "list": {"$ref": "#/definitions/baz"} + }, + "definitions": { + "baz": { + "$id": "folder/", + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "base URI change - change folder in subschema", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/scope_change_defs2.json", + "type" : "object", + "properties": { + "list": {"$ref": "#/definitions/baz/definitions/bar"} + }, + "definitions": { + "baz": { + "$id": "folder/", + "definitions": { + "bar": { + "type": "array", + "items": {"$ref": "folderInteger.json"} + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": {"list": [1]}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": {"list": ["a"]}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "root ref in remote ref", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/object", + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "name": {"$ref": "name.json#/definitions/orNull"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": { + "name": "foo" + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": { + "name": null + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": { + "name": { + "name": null + } + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/required.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/required.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abf18f3459 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/required.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +[ + { + "description": "required validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {}, + "bar": {} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "present required property is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-present required property is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 1}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required default validation", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "not required by default", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with empty array", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": {} + }, + "required": [] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property not required", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "required with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "required": [ + "foo\nbar", + "foo\"bar", + "foo\\bar", + "foo\rbar", + "foo\tbar", + "foo\fbar" + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with all properties present is valid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": 1, + "foo\"bar": 1, + "foo\\bar": 1, + "foo\rbar": 1, + "foo\tbar": 1, + "foo\fbar": 1 + }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with some properties missing is invalid", + "data": { + "foo\nbar": "1", + "foo\"bar": "1" + }, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/type.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/type.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea33b1821f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/type.json @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer type matches integers", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is an integer", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an integer", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an integer", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not an integer, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an integer", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an integer", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an integer", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an integer", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number type matches numbers", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is a number", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is a number", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a number", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is still not a number, even if it looks like one", + "data": "1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a number", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a number", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not a number", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not a number", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string type matches strings", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "1 is not a string", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a string", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is a string", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is still a string, even if it looks like a number", + "data": "1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is still a string", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a string", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a string", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not a string", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not a string", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "object type matches objects", + "schema": {"type": "object"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not an object", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an object", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an object", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is an object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an object", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an object", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an object", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array type matches arrays", + "schema": {"type": "array"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not an array", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an array", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an array", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an array", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is an array", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an array", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an array", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean type matches booleans", + "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not a boolean", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not a boolean", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a boolean", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a boolean", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not a boolean", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a boolean", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a boolean", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is a boolean", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "false is a boolean", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is not a boolean", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "null type matches only the null object", + "schema": {"type": "null"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not null", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not null", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not null", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not null", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not null", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not null", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not null", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is not null", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not null", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple types can be specified in an array", + "schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type as array with one item", + "schema": { + "type": ["string"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array or object", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array, object or null", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object", "null"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d0a94d8cf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/draft7/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not equal to zero", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "true is not equal to one", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..abecc578be --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "additionalItems as schema", + "schema": { + "items": [{}], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional items match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items do not match schema", + "data": [ null, 2, 3, "foo" ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "items is schema, no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": {}, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "all items match schema", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array of items with no additionalItems", + "schema": { + "items": [{}, {}, {}], + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "fewer number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "equal number of items present", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "additional items are not permitted", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems as false without items", + "schema": {"additionalItems": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": + "items defaults to empty schema so everything is valid", + "data": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": {"foo" : "bar"}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalItems are allowed by default", + "schema": {"items": [{"type": "integer"}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "only the first item is validated", + "data": [1, "foo", false], + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffeac6b381 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/additionalProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "additionalProperties being false does not allow other properties", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "patternProperties": { "^v": {} }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : "boom"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobarbaz", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "patternProperties are not additional properties", + "data": {"foo":1, "vroom": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "non-ASCII pattern with additionalProperties", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": {"^á": {}}, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matching the pattern is valid", + "data": {"ármányos": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not matching the pattern is invalid", + "data": {"élmény": 2}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties allows a schema which should validate", + "schema": { + "properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}, + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "no additional properties is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2, "quux" : 12}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": + "additionalProperties can exist by itself", + "schema": { + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an additional valid property is valid", + "data": {"foo" : true}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an additional invalid property is invalid", + "data": {"foo" : 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties are allowed by default", + "schema": {"properties": {"foo": {}, "bar": {}}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "additional properties are allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": true}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "additionalProperties should not look in applicators", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {"properties": {"foo": {}}} + ], + "additionalProperties": {"type": "boolean"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "properties defined in allOf are not allowed", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": true}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/allOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/allOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eb612091aa --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/allOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +[ + { + "description": "allOf", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allOf", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch second", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "mismatch first", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "integer"}}, + "required": ["bar"], + "allOf" : [ + { + "properties": { + "foo": 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"schema": {"allOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, some false", + "schema": {"allOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"allOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with two empty schemas", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any data is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the first empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + {}, + { "type": "number" } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "allOf with the last empty schema", + "schema": { + "allOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anchor.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anchor.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..06b0ba4d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anchor.json @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +[ + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI", + "schema": { + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/bar#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/bar", + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema", + "schema": { + "$id": "http://localhost:1234/root", + "allOf": [{ + "$ref": "http://localhost:1234/nested.json#foo" + }], + "$defs": { + "A": { + "$id": "nested.json", + "$defs": { + "B": { + "$anchor": "foo", + "type": "integer" + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "data": 1, + "description": "match", + "valid": true + }, + { + "data": "a", + "description": "mismatch", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anyOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anyOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab5eb386b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/anyOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +[ + { + "description": "anyOf", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "anyOf" : [ + { + "maxLength": 2 + }, + { + "minLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one anyOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, some true", + "schema": {"anyOf": [true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"anyOf": [false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf complex types", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "neither anyOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "anyOf with one empty schema", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 123, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "nested anyOf, to check validation semantics", + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "null" + } + ] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "anything non-null is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/boolean_schema.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/boolean_schema.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d40f23f26 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/boolean_schema.json @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +[ + { + "description": "boolean schema 'true'", + "schema": true, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean schema 'false'", + "schema": false, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "boolean false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/const.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/const.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c089625dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/const.json @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +[ + { + "description": "const validation", + "schema": {"const": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same value is valid", + "data": 2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another value is invalid", + "data": 5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with object", + "schema": {"const": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same object is valid", + "data": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "bax"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "same object with different property order is valid", + "data": {"baz": "bax", "foo": "bar"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another object is invalid", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "another type is invalid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with array", + "schema": {"const": [{ "foo": "bar" }]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "same array is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "another array item is invalid", + "data": [2], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "array with additional items is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with null", + "schema": {"const": null}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not null is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with false does not match 0", + "schema": {"const": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is valid", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is invalid", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"const": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"const": 0}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "const with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"const": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/contains.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/contains.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7ae5a25fe --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/contains.json @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +[ + { + "description": "contains keyword validation", + "schema": { + "contains": {"minimum": 5} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (5) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with item matching schema (6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items matching schema (5, 6) is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 6], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without items matching schema is invalid", + "data": [2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not array is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with const keyword", + "schema": { + "contains": { "const": 5 } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array with item 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array with two items 5 is valid", + "data": [3, 4, 5, 5], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "array without item 5 is invalid", + "data": [1, 2, 3, 4], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"contains": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is valid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "contains keyword with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"contains": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any non-empty array is invalid", + "data": ["foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/default.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/default.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17629779fb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/default.json @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +[ + { + "description": "invalid type for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "integer", + "default": [] + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"foo": 13}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid string value for default", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "bar": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 4, + "default": "bad" + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid when property is specified", + "data": {"bar": "good"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "still valid when the invalid default is used", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/defs.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/defs.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2fbec42b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/defs.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +[ + { + "description": "valid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid definition schema", + "data": {"$defs": {"foo": {"type": "integer"}}}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "invalid definition", + "schema": {"$ref": ""}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "invalid definition schema", + "data": {"$defs": {"foo": {"type": 1}}}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/dependencies.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/dependencies.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8dd78aa5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/dependencies.json @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +[ + { + "description": "dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": ["foo"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependant", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": ["bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with empty array", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"bar": []} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "empty object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with one property", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": {"quux": ["foo", "bar"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "neither", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "nondependants", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "with dependencies", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "quux": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "missing dependency", + "data": {"foo": 1, "quux": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing other dependency", + "data": {"bar": 1, "quux": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "missing both dependencies", + "data": {"quux": 1}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple dependencies subschema", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "bar": { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "integer"}, + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "no dependency", + "data": {"foo": "quux"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "wrong type", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type other", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "wrong type both", + "data": {"foo": "quux", "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with boolean subschemas", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo": true, + "bar": false + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with property having schema true is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object with property having schema false is invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "object with both properties is invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "empty array of dependencies", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo": [] + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "object with property is valid", + "data": { "foo": 1 }, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "empty object is valid", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-object is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "dependencies with escaped characters", + "schema": { + "dependencies": { + "foo\nbar": ["foo\rbar"], + "foo\tbar": { + "minProperties": 4 + }, + "foo'bar": {"required": ["foo\"bar"]}, + "foo\"bar": ["foo'bar"] + } + }, + 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b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/enum.json @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +[ + { + "description": "simple enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [1, 2, 3]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": 4, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "heterogeneous enum validation", + "schema": {"enum": [6, "foo", [], true, {"foo": 12}]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one of the enum is valid", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "something else is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "objects are deep compared", + "data": {"foo": false}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enums in properties", + "schema": { + "type":"object", + "properties": { + "foo": {"enum":["foo"]}, + "bar": {"enum":["bar"]} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both properties are valid", + 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"valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float zero is invalid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with true does not match 1", + "schema": {"enum": [true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is valid", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "integer one is invalid", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "float one is invalid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 0 does not match false", + "schema": {"enum": [0]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "false is invalid", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer zero is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float zero is valid", + "data": 0.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "enum with 1 does not match true", + "schema": {"enum": [1]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "true is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "integer one is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "float one is valid", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/exclusiveMaximum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/exclusiveMaximum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc3cd709d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/exclusiveMaximum.json @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +[ + { + "description": "exclusiveMaximum validation", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 3.0 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "below the exclusiveMaximum is valid", + "data": 2.2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is invalid", + "data": 3.0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "above the exclusiveMaximum is invalid", + "data": 3.5, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git 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@@ +[ + { + "description": "minItems validation", + "schema": {"minItems": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": [1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-arrays", + "data": "", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minLength.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minLength.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f09158dee --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minLength.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minLength validation", + "schema": {"minLength": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": "fo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": "f", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + "data": "\uD83D\uDCA9", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49a0726e01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minProperties validation", + "schema": {"minProperties": 1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "longer is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "exact length is valid", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "too short is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores arrays", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores strings", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "ignores other non-objects", + "data": 12, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minimum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minimum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a9c42b3c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/minimum.json @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +[ + { + "description": "minimum validation", + "schema": {"minimum": 1.1}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "above the minimum is valid", + "data": 2.6, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": 0.6, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "minimum validation with signed integer", + "schema": {"minimum": -2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "negative above the minimum is valid", + "data": -1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "positive above the minimum is valid", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "boundary point is valid", + "data": -2, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "below the minimum is invalid", + "data": -3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "x", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/multipleOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/multipleOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca3b761805 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/multipleOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +[ + { + "description": "by int", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 2}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "int by int", + "data": 10, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "int by int fail", + "data": 7, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-numbers", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 1.5}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "zero is multiple of anything", + "data": 0, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "4.5 is multiple of 1.5", + "data": 4.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "35 is not multiple of 1.5", + "data": 35, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "by small number", + "schema": {"multipleOf": 0.0001}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "0.0075 is multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.0075, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0.00751 is not multiple of 0.0001", + "data": 0.00751, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/not.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/not.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..98de0eda8d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/not.json @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +[ + { + "description": "not", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "allowed", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "disallowed", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not multiple types", + "schema": { + "not": {"type": ["integer", "boolean"]} + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "other mismatch", + "data": true, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not more complex schema", + "schema": { + "not": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "foo": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "match", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "other match", + "data": {"foo": 1}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "mismatch", + "data": {"foo": "bar"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "forbidden property", + "schema": { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "not": {} + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "property present", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "property absent", + "data": {"bar": 1, "baz": 2}, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema true", + "schema": {"not": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "not with boolean schema false", + "schema": {"not": false}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/oneOf.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/oneOf.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..57640b7afb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/oneOf.json @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +[ + { + "description": "oneOf", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer" + }, + { + "minimum": 2 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid", + "data": 2.5, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid", + "data": 1.5, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with base schema", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "oneOf" : [ + { + "minLength": 2 + }, + { + "maxLength": 4 + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "mismatch base schema", + "data": 3, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "one oneOf valid", + "data": "foobar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, true]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, more than one true", + "schema": {"oneOf": [true, true, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with boolean schemas, all false", + "schema": {"oneOf": [false, false, false]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "any value is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf complex types", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "integer"} + }, + "required": ["bar"] + }, + { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"} + }, + "required": ["foo"] + } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "first oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz"}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": "baz", "bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "neither oneOf valid (complex)", + "data": {"foo": 2, "bar": "quux"}, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with empty schema", + "schema": { + "oneOf": [ + { "type": "number" }, + {} + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "one valid - valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "oneOf with required", + "schema": { + "type": "object", + "oneOf": [ + { "required": ["foo", "bar"] }, + { "required": ["foo", "baz"] } + ] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "both invalid - invalid", + "data": {"bar": 2}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "first valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "second valid - valid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "both valid - invalid", + "data": {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz" : 3}, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/bignum.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/bignum.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fac275e21f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/bignum.json @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +[ + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is an integer", + "data": 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is a number", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer", + "schema": {"type": "integer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is an integer", + "data": -12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "number", + "schema": {"type": "number"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a negative bignum is a number", + "data": -98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "string", + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a bignum is not a string", + "data": 98249283749234923498293171823948729348710298301928331, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"maximum": 18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMaximum": 972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for high numbers", + "data": 972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "integer comparison", + "schema": {"minimum": -18446744073709551615}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -18446744073709551600, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "float comparison with high precision on negative numbers", + "schema": { + "exclusiveMinimum": -972783798187987123879878123.18878137 + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "comparison works for very negative numbers", + "data": -972783798187987123879878123.188781371, + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/content.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/content.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5a7430b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/content.json @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of string-encoded content based on media type", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON document", + "data": "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid JSON document", + "data": "{:}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary string-encoding", + "schema": { + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64 string", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string (% is not a valid character)", + "data": "eyJmb28iOi%iYmFyIn0K", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "validation of binary-encoded media type documents", + "schema": { + "contentMediaType": "application/json", + "contentEncoding": "base64" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid base64-encoded JSON document", + "data": "eyJmb28iOiAiYmFyIn0K", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a validly-encoded invalid JSON document", + "data": "ezp9Cg==", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid base64 string that is valid JSON", + "data": "{}", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": 100, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/ecmascript-regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/ecmascript-regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d82e0feb03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/ecmascript-regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +[ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex non-compliance", + "schema": { "format": "regex" }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ECMA 262 has no support for \\Z anchor from .NET", + "data": "^\\S(|(.|\\n)*\\S)\\Z", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex $ does not match trailing newline", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^abc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches in Python, but should not in jsonschema", + "data": "abc\n", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "should match", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex converts \\a to ascii BEL", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\a$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0007", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and upper letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cC$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cC", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 regex escapes control codes with \\c and lower letter", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\cc$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "does not match", + "data": "\\cc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "matches", + "data": "\u0003", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\d matches ascii digits only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\d$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero matches", + "data": "0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) does not match", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\D matches everything but ascii digits", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\D$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII zero does not match", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "߀", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "NKO DIGIT ZERO (as \\u escape) matches", + "data": "\u07c0", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches ascii letters only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\w$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' matches", + "data": "a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\w matches everything but ascii letters", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\W$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII 'a' does not match", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 e-acute matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "é", + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\s matches ascii whitespace only", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\s$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space matches", + "data": " ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space does not match (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "ECMA 262 \\S matches everything but ascii whitespace", + "schema": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^\\S$" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "ASCII space does not match", + "data": " ", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "latin-1 non-breaking-space matches (unlike e.g. Python)", + "data": "\u00a0", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date-time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date-time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dfccee6e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date-time.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date-time strings", + "schema": {"format": "date-time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date-time string", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string without second fraction", + "data": "1963-06-19T08:30:06Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with plus offset", + "data": "1937-01-01T12:00:27.87+00:20", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid date-time string with minus offset", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:50.123-08:00", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a invalid day in date-time string", + "data": "1990-02-31T15:59:60.123-08:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid offset in date-time string", + "data": "1990-12-31T15:59:60-24:00", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963 08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "case-insensitive T and Z", + "data": "1963-06-19t08:30:06.283185z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350T01:01:01", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cd23baae3a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/date.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of date strings", + "schema": {"format": "date"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid date string", + "data": "1963-06-19", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid date-time string", + "data": "06/19/1963", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "2013-350", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c837c84bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid e-mail address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d22e57db03 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of host names", + "schema": {"format": "hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid punycoded IDN hostname", + "data": "xn--4gbwdl.xn--wgbh1c", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a host name starting with an illegal character", + "data": "-a-host-name-that-starts-with--", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name containing illegal characters", + "data": "not_a_valid_host_name", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "a-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-long-host-name-component", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-email.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-email.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..637409ea8f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-email.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of an internationalized e-mail addresses", + "schema": {"format": "idn-email"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid idn e-mail (example@example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례@실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid idn e-mail address", + "data": "2962", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-hostname.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-hostname.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3291820e6f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-hostname.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of internationalized host names", + "schema": {"format": "idn-hostname"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid host name (example.test in Hangul)", + "data": "실례.테스트", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "illegal first char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "〮실례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "contains illegal char U+302E Hangul single dot tone mark", + "data": "실〮례.테스트", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a host name with a component too long", + "data": "실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실실례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례례례례례례례례례례례테스트례례실례.테스트", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv4.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv4.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..661148a74d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv4.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IP addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv4"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IP address", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with too many components", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address with out-of-range values", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address without 4 components", + "data": "127.0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IP address as an integer", + "data": "0x7f000001", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv6.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv6.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f67559b35d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv6.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IPv6 addresses", + "schema": {"format": "ipv6"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IPv6 address", + "data": "::1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with out-of-range values", + "data": "12345::", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address with too many components", + "data": "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an IPv6 address containing illegal characters", + "data": "::laptop", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1fd779c23c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRI References", + "schema": {"format": "iri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative IRI Reference", + "data": "//ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI Reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒrägmênt", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI fragment", + "data": "#ƒräg\\mênt", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed54094c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri.json @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of IRIs", + "schema": {"format": "iri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?∂éœ=πîx#πîüx", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "http://ƒøø.com/blah_(wîkïpédiå)_blah#ßité-1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "http://ƒøø.ßår/?q=Test%20URL-encoded%20stuff", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://[2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334]", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI based on IPv6", + "data": "http://2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative IRI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\filëßåré", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid IRI though valid IRI reference", + "data": "âππ", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65c2f064f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of JSON-pointers (JSON String Representation)", + "schema": {"format": "json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid JSON-pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar~0/baz~1/%a", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (~ not escaped)", + "data": "/foo/bar~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with empty segment", + "data": "/foo//bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer with the last empty segment", + "data": "/foo/bar/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #1", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #2", + "data": "/foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #3", + "data": "/foo/0", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #4", + "data": "/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #5", + "data": "/a~1b", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #6", + "data": "/c%d", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #7", + "data": "/e^f", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #8", + "data": "/g|h", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #9", + "data": "/i\\j", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #10", + "data": "/k\"l", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #11", + "data": "/ ", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer as stated in RFC 6901 #12", + "data": "/m~0n", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer used adding to the last array position", + "data": "/foo/-", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (- used as object member name)", + "data": "/foo/-/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (multiple escaped characters)", + "data": "/~1~0~0~1~1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #1", + "data": "/~1.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "valid JSON-pointer (escaped with fraction part) #2", + "data": "/~0.1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #1", + "data": "#", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #2", + "data": "#/", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (URI Fragment Identifier) #3", + "data": "#a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #1", + "data": "/~0~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (some escaped, but not all) #2", + "data": "/~0/~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #1", + "data": "/~2", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (wrong escape character) #2", + "data": "/~-1", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (multiple characters not escaped)", + "data": "/~~", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #1", + "data": "a", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #2", + "data": "0", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "not a valid JSON-pointer (isn't empty nor starts with /) #3", + "data": "a/a", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/regex.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/regex.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d99d021ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/regex.json @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of regular expressions", + "schema": {"format": "regex"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid regular expression", + "data": "([abc])+\\s+$", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a regular expression with unclosed parens is invalid", + "data": "^(abc]", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceeb743a32 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of Relative JSON Pointers (RJP)", + "schema": {"format": "relative-json-pointer"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid upwards RJP", + "data": "1", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid downwards RJP", + "data": "0/foo/bar", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid up and then down RJP, with array index", + "data": "2/0/baz/1/zip", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid RJP taking the member or index name", + "data": "0#", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid RJP that is a valid JSON Pointer", + "data": "/foo/bar", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/time.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/time.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ec8a01a3e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/time.json @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of time strings", + "schema": {"format": "time"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid time string", + "data": "08:30:06.283185Z", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid time string", + "data": "08:30:06 PST", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "only RFC3339 not all of ISO 8601 are valid", + "data": "01:01:01,1111", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-reference.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-reference.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e4c9eef63c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-reference.json @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URI References", + "schema": {"format": "uri-reference"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI Reference", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI Reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URI fragment", + "data": "#fragment", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI fragment", + "data": "#frag\\ment", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-template.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-template.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..33ab76ee73 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-template.json @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +[ + { + "description": "format: uri-template", + "schema": {"format": "uri-template"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid uri-template", + "data": "{term:1}/{term", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a valid uri-template without variables", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid relative uri-template", + "data": "dictionary/{term:1}/{term}", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25cc40c80a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri.json @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +[ + { + "description": "validation of URIs", + "schema": {"format": "uri"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with anchor tag and parantheses", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with URL-encoded stuff", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid puny-coded URL ", + "data": "http://xn--nw2a.xn--j6w193g/", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with many special characters", + "data": "http://-.~_!$&'()*+,;", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL based on IPv4", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL with ftp scheme", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL for a simple text file", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URL ", + "data": "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid mailto URI", + "data": "", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid newsgroup URI", + "data": "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid tel URI", + "data": "tel:+1-816-555-1212", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a valid URN", + "data": "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an invalid protocol-relative URI Reference", + "data": "//", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid relative URI Reference", + "data": "/abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI", + "data": "\\\\WINDOWS\\fileshare", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI though valid URI reference", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces", + "data": "http://", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an invalid URI with spaces and missing scheme", + "data": ":// should fail", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1bcdf96036 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[ + { + "description": "some languages do not distinguish between different types of numeric value", + "schema": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a float without fractional part is an integer", + "data": 1.0, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/pattern.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/pattern.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..25e7299731 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/pattern.json @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +[ + { + "description": "pattern validation", + "schema": {"pattern": "^a*$"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a matching pattern is valid", + "data": "aaa", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a non-matching pattern is invalid", + "data": "abc", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "ignores non-strings", + "data": true, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "pattern is not anchored", + "schema": {"pattern": "a+"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "matches a substring", + "data": "xxaayy", + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/patternProperties.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/patternProperties.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d04a1675c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/patternProperties.json @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +[ + { + "description": + "patternProperties validates properties matching a regex", + "schema": { + "patternProperties": { + "f.*o": {"type": "integer"} + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "a single valid match is 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"description": "an integer is not an object", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an object", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an object", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is an object", + "data": {}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "an array is not an object", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an object", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an object", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "array type matches arrays", + "schema": {"type": "array"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not an array", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not an array", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not an array", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not an array", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is an array", + "data": [], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is not an array", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is not an array", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "boolean type matches booleans", + "schema": {"type": "boolean"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not a boolean", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not a boolean", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not a boolean", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not a boolean", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not a boolean", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not a boolean", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not a boolean", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is a boolean", + "data": true, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "false is a boolean", + "data": false, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is not a boolean", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "null type matches only the null object", + "schema": {"type": "null"}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is not null", + "data": 1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a float is not null", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "zero is not null", + "data": 0, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a string is not null", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an empty string is not null", + "data": "", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is not null", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is not null", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "true is not null", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not null", + "data": false, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is null", + "data": null, + "valid": true + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "multiple types can be specified in an array", + "schema": {"type": ["integer", "string"]}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "an integer is valid", + "data": 1, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "a float is invalid", + "data": 1.1, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an object is invalid", + "data": {}, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "an array is invalid", + "data": [], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "a boolean is invalid", + "data": true, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type as array with one item", + "schema": { + "type": ["string"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "string is valid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array or object", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "null is invalid", + "data": null, + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "type: array, object or null", + "schema": { + "type": ["array", "object", "null"] + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "array is valid", + "data": [1,2,3], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "object is valid", + "data": {"foo": 123}, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "null is valid", + "data": null, + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "number is invalid", + "data": 123, + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "string is invalid", + "data": "foo", + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/uniqueItems.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/uniqueItems.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d312ad71ab --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tests/latest/uniqueItems.json @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +[ + { + "description": "uniqueItems validation", + "schema": {"uniqueItems": true}, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "unique array of integers is valid", + "data": [1, 2], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of integers is invalid", + "data": [1, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "numbers are unique if mathematically unequal", + "data": [1.0, 1.00, 1], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "false is not equal to zero", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "true is not equal to one", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array of objects is valid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of objects is invalid", + "data": [{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "bar"}], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of nested objects is valid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : false}}} + ], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of nested objects is invalid", + "data": [ + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}}, + {"foo": {"bar" : {"baz" : true}}} + ], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array of arrays is valid", + "data": [["foo"], ["bar"]], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array of arrays is invalid", + "data": [["foo"], ["foo"]], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "1 and true are unique", + "data": [1, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "0 and false are unique", + "data": [0, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique heterogeneous types are valid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, 1], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique heterogeneous types are invalid", + "data": [{}, [1], true, null, {}, 1], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [false, true] is valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "unique array extended from [true, false] is valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "bar"], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [false, true] is not valid", + "data": [false, true, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "non-unique array extended from [true, false] is not valid", + "data": [true, false, "foo", "foo"], + "valid": false + } + ] + }, + { + "description": "uniqueItems with an array of items and additionalItems=false", + "schema": { + "items": [{"type": "boolean"}, {"type": "boolean"}], + "uniqueItems": true, + "additionalItems": false + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "[false, true] from items array is valid", + "data": [false, true], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[true, false] from items array is valid", + "data": [true, false], + "valid": true + }, + { + "description": "[false, false] from items array is not valid", + "data": [false, false], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "[true, true] from items array is not valid", + "data": [true, true], + "valid": false + }, + { + "description": "extra items are invalid even if unique", + "data": [false, true, null], + "valid": false + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tox.ini b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tox.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9c4e94990d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/json/tox.ini @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +[tox] +minversion = 1.6 +envlist = sanity +skipsdist = True + +[testenv:sanity] +# used just for validating the structure of the test case files themselves +deps = jsonschema +commands = {envpython} bin/jsonschema_suite check diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/PKG-INFO b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/PKG-INFO new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc0c592f96 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/PKG-INFO @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +Metadata-Version: 2.1 +Name: jsonschema +Version: 3.2.0 +Summary: An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python +Home-page: +Author: Julian Berman +Author-email: +License: UNKNOWN +Project-URL: Docs, +Description: ========== + jsonschema + ========== + + |PyPI| |Pythons| |Travis| |AppVeyor| |Codecov| |ReadTheDocs| + + .. |PyPI| image:: + :alt: PyPI version + :target: + + .. |Pythons| image:: + :alt: Supported Python versions + :target: + + .. |Travis| image:: + :alt: Travis build status + :target: + + .. |AppVeyor| image:: + :alt: AppVeyor build status + :target: + + .. |Codecov| image:: + :alt: Codecov Code coverage + :target: + + .. |ReadTheDocs| image:: + :alt: ReadTheDocs status + :target: + + + ``jsonschema`` is an implementation of `JSON Schema `_ + for Python (supporting 2.7+ including Python 3). + + .. code-block:: python + + >>> from jsonschema import validate + + >>> # A sample schema, like what we'd get from json.load() + >>> schema = { + ... "type" : "object", + ... "properties" : { + ... "price" : {"type" : "number"}, + ... "name" : {"type" : "string"}, + ... }, + ... } + + >>> # If no exception is raised by validate(), the instance is valid. + >>> validate(instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : 34.99}, schema=schema) + + >>> validate( + ... instance={"name" : "Eggs", "price" : "Invalid"}, schema=schema, + ... ) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValidationError: 'Invalid' is not of type 'number' + + It can also be used from console: + + .. code-block:: bash + + $ jsonschema -i sample.json sample.schema + + Features + -------- + + * Full support for + `Draft 7 `_, + `Draft 6 `_, + `Draft 4 `_ + and + `Draft 3 `_ + + * `Lazy validation `_ + that can iteratively report *all* validation errors. + + * `Programmatic querying `_ + of which properties or items failed validation. + + + Installation + ------------ + + ``jsonschema`` is available on `PyPI `_. You can install using `pip `_: + + .. code-block:: bash + + $ pip install jsonschema + + + Demo + ---- + + Try ``jsonschema`` interactively in this online demo: + + .. image:: + :target: + :alt: Open Live Demo + + + Online demo Notebook will look similar to this: + + + .. image:: + :alt: Open Live Demo + :width: 480 px + + + Release Notes + ------------- + + v3.1 brings support for ECMA 262 dialect regular expressions + throughout schemas, as recommended by the specification. Big + thanks to @Zac-HD for authoring support in a new `js-regex + `_ library. + + + Running the Test Suite + ---------------------- + + If you have ``tox`` installed (perhaps via ``pip install tox`` or your + package manager), running ``tox`` in the directory of your source + checkout will run ``jsonschema``'s test suite on all of the versions + of Python ``jsonschema`` supports. If you don't have all of the + versions that ``jsonschema`` is tested under, you'll likely want to run + using ``tox``'s ``--skip-missing-interpreters`` option. + + Of course you're also free to just run the tests on a single version with your + favorite test runner. The tests live in the ``jsonschema.tests`` package. + + + Benchmarks + ---------- + + ``jsonschema``'s benchmarks make use of `pyperf + `_. + + Running them can be done via ``tox -e perf``, or by invoking the ``pyperf`` + commands externally (after ensuring that both it and ``jsonschema`` itself are + installed):: + + $ python -m pyperf jsonschema/benchmarks/ --hist --output results.json + + To compare to a previous run, use:: + + $ python -m pyperf compare_to --table reference.json results.json + + See the ``pyperf`` documentation for more details. + + + Community + --------- + + There's a `mailing list `_ + for this implementation on Google Groups. + + Please join, and feel free to send questions there. + + + Contributing + ------------ + + I'm Julian Berman. + + ``jsonschema`` is on `GitHub `_. + + Get in touch, via GitHub or otherwise, if you've got something to contribute, + it'd be most welcome! + + You can also generally find me on Freenode (nick: ``tos9``) in various + channels, including ``#python``. + + If you feel overwhelmingly grateful, you can also woo me with beer money + via Google Pay with the email in my GitHub profile. + + And for companies who appreciate ``jsonschema`` and its continued support + and growth, ``jsonschema`` is also now supportable via `TideLift + `_. + +Platform: UNKNOWN +Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable +Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers +Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License +Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython +Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy +Provides-Extra: format +Provides-Extra: format_nongpl diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/SOURCES.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70a10f20fc --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/SOURCES.txt @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +.appveyor.yml +.coveragerc +.gitignore +.travis.yml +CHANGELOG.rst +COPYING +DEMO.ipynb +README.rst +codecov.yml +demo.yml +pyproject.toml +setup.cfg +test-requirements.txt +tox.ini +.github/FUNDING.yml +.github/ +docs/Makefile +docs/ +docs/creating.rst +docs/errors.rst +docs/faq.rst +docs/index.rst +docs/ +docs/make.bat +docs/references.rst +docs/ +docs/requirements.txt +docs/spelling-wordlist.txt +docs/validate.rst +json/.gitignore +json/.travis.yml +json/LICENSE +json/ +json/index.js +json/package.json +json/test-schema.json +json/tox.ini +json/bin/jsonschema_suite 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+json/tests/draft7/items.json +json/tests/draft7/maxItems.json +json/tests/draft7/maxLength.json +json/tests/draft7/maxProperties.json +json/tests/draft7/maximum.json +json/tests/draft7/minItems.json +json/tests/draft7/minLength.json +json/tests/draft7/minProperties.json +json/tests/draft7/minimum.json +json/tests/draft7/multipleOf.json +json/tests/draft7/not.json +json/tests/draft7/oneOf.json +json/tests/draft7/pattern.json +json/tests/draft7/patternProperties.json +json/tests/draft7/properties.json +json/tests/draft7/propertyNames.json +json/tests/draft7/ref.json +json/tests/draft7/refRemote.json +json/tests/draft7/required.json +json/tests/draft7/type.json +json/tests/draft7/uniqueItems.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/bignum.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/content.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/ecmascript-regex.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date-time.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/date.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/email.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/hostname.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-email.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/idn-hostname.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv4.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/ipv6.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri-reference.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/iri.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/json-pointer.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/regex.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/time.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-reference.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri-template.json +json/tests/draft7/optional/format/uri.json +json/tests/latest/additionalItems.json +json/tests/latest/additionalProperties.json +json/tests/latest/allOf.json +json/tests/latest/anchor.json +json/tests/latest/anyOf.json +json/tests/latest/boolean_schema.json +json/tests/latest/const.json +json/tests/latest/contains.json +json/tests/latest/default.json +json/tests/latest/defs.json +json/tests/latest/dependencies.json +json/tests/latest/enum.json +json/tests/latest/exclusiveMaximum.json +json/tests/latest/exclusiveMinimum.json +json/tests/latest/format.json +json/tests/latest/if-then-else.json +json/tests/latest/items.json +json/tests/latest/maxItems.json +json/tests/latest/maxLength.json +json/tests/latest/maxProperties.json +json/tests/latest/maximum.json +json/tests/latest/minItems.json +json/tests/latest/minLength.json +json/tests/latest/minProperties.json +json/tests/latest/minimum.json +json/tests/latest/multipleOf.json +json/tests/latest/not.json +json/tests/latest/oneOf.json +json/tests/latest/pattern.json +json/tests/latest/patternProperties.json +json/tests/latest/properties.json +json/tests/latest/propertyNames.json +json/tests/latest/ref.json +json/tests/latest/refRemote.json +json/tests/latest/required.json +json/tests/latest/type.json +json/tests/latest/uniqueItems.json +json/tests/latest/optional/bignum.json +json/tests/latest/optional/content.json +json/tests/latest/optional/ecmascript-regex.json +json/tests/latest/optional/zeroTerminatedFloats.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/date-time.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/date.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/email.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/hostname.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-email.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/idn-hostname.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv4.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/ipv6.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri-reference.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/iri.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/json-pointer.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/regex.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/relative-json-pointer.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/time.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-reference.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri-template.json +json/tests/latest/optional/format/uri.json +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema/ +jsonschema.egg-info/PKG-INFO +jsonschema.egg-info/SOURCES.txt +jsonschema.egg-info/dependency_links.txt +jsonschema.egg-info/entry_points.txt +jsonschema.egg-info/requires.txt +jsonschema.egg-info/top_level.txt +jsonschema/benchmarks/ +jsonschema/benchmarks/ +jsonschema/benchmarks/ +jsonschema/benchmarks/issue232/issue.json +jsonschema/schemas/draft3.json +jsonschema/schemas/draft4.json +jsonschema/schemas/draft6.json +jsonschema/schemas/draft7.json +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ +jsonschema/tests/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/dependency_links.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/dependency_links.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b13789179 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/dependency_links.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/entry_points.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/entry_points.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c627b310cd --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/entry_points.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +[console_scripts] +jsonschema = jsonschema.cli:main + diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/requires.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/requires.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8b31c58109 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/requires.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +attrs>=17.4.0 +pyrsistent>=0.14.0 +setuptools +six>=1.11.0 + +[:python_version < "3"] +functools32 + +[:python_version < "3.8"] +importlib_metadata + +[format] +idna +jsonpointer>1.13 +rfc3987 +strict-rfc3339 +webcolors + +[format_nongpl] +idna +jsonpointer>1.13 +webcolors +rfc3986-validator>0.1.0 +rfc3339-validator diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/top_level.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/top_level.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d89304b1a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema.egg-info/top_level.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +jsonschema diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b630cdfbb --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +""" +An implementation of JSON Schema for Python + +The main functionality is provided by the validator classes for each of the +supported JSON Schema versions. + +Most commonly, `validate` is the quickest way to simply validate a given +instance under a schema, and will create a validator for you. +""" + +from jsonschema.exceptions import ( + ErrorTree, FormatError, RefResolutionError, SchemaError, ValidationError +) +from jsonschema._format import ( + FormatChecker, + draft3_format_checker, + draft4_format_checker, + draft6_format_checker, + draft7_format_checker, +) +from jsonschema._types import TypeChecker +from jsonschema.validators import ( + Draft3Validator, + Draft4Validator, + Draft6Validator, + Draft7Validator, + RefResolver, + validate, +) +try: + from importlib import metadata +except ImportError: # for Python<3.8 + import importlib_metadata as metadata +__version__ = metadata.version("jsonschema") diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82c29fd39e --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +from jsonschema.cli import main +main() diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..281a7cfcff --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +import datetime +import re +import socket +import struct + +from jsonschema.compat import str_types +from jsonschema.exceptions import FormatError + + +class FormatChecker(object): + """ + A ``format`` property checker. + + JSON Schema does not mandate that the ``format`` property actually do any + validation. If validation is desired however, instances of this class can + be hooked into validators to enable format validation. + + `FormatChecker` objects always return ``True`` when asked about + formats that they do not know how to validate. + + To check a custom format using a function that takes an instance and + returns a ``bool``, use the `FormatChecker.checks` or + `FormatChecker.cls_checks` decorators. + + Arguments: + + formats (~collections.Iterable): + + The known formats to validate. This argument can be used to + limit which formats will be used during validation. + """ + + checkers = {} + + def __init__(self, formats=None): + if formats is None: + self.checkers = self.checkers.copy() + else: + self.checkers = dict((k, self.checkers[k]) for k in formats) + + def __repr__(self): + return "".format(sorted(self.checkers)) + + def checks(self, format, raises=()): + """ + Register a decorated function as validating a new format. + + Arguments: + + format (str): + + The format that the decorated function will check. + + raises (Exception): + + The exception(s) raised by the decorated function when an + invalid instance is found. + + The exception object will be accessible as the + `jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError.cause` attribute of the + resulting validation error. + """ + + def _checks(func): + self.checkers[format] = (func, raises) + return func + return _checks + + cls_checks = classmethod(checks) + + def check(self, instance, format): + """ + Check whether the instance conforms to the given format. + + Arguments: + + instance (*any primitive type*, i.e. str, number, bool): + + The instance to check + + format (str): + + The format that instance should conform to + + + Raises: + + FormatError: if the instance does not conform to ``format`` + """ + + if format not in self.checkers: + return + + func, raises = self.checkers[format] + result, cause = None, None + try: + result = func(instance) + except raises as e: + cause = e + if not result: + raise FormatError( + "%r is not a %r" % (instance, format), cause=cause, + ) + + def conforms(self, instance, format): + """ + Check whether the instance conforms to the given format. + + Arguments: + + instance (*any primitive type*, i.e. str, number, bool): + + The instance to check + + format (str): + + The format that instance should conform to + + Returns: + + bool: whether it conformed + """ + + try: + self.check(instance, format) + except FormatError: + return False + else: + return True + + +draft3_format_checker = FormatChecker() +draft4_format_checker = FormatChecker() +draft6_format_checker = FormatChecker() +draft7_format_checker = FormatChecker() + + +_draft_checkers = dict( + draft3=draft3_format_checker, + draft4=draft4_format_checker, + draft6=draft6_format_checker, + draft7=draft7_format_checker, +) + + +def _checks_drafts( + name=None, + draft3=None, + draft4=None, + draft6=None, + draft7=None, + raises=(), +): + draft3 = draft3 or name + draft4 = draft4 or name + draft6 = draft6 or name + draft7 = draft7 or name + + def wrap(func): + if draft3: + func = _draft_checkers["draft3"].checks(draft3, raises)(func) + if draft4: + func = _draft_checkers["draft4"].checks(draft4, raises)(func) + if draft6: + func = _draft_checkers["draft6"].checks(draft6, raises)(func) + if draft7: + func = _draft_checkers["draft7"].checks(draft7, raises)(func) + + # Oy. This is bad global state, but relied upon for now, until + # deprecation. See + # and test_format_checkers_come_with_defaults + FormatChecker.cls_checks(draft7 or draft6 or draft4 or draft3, raises)( + func, + ) + return func + return wrap + + +@_checks_drafts(name="idn-email") +@_checks_drafts(name="email") +def is_email(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return "@" in instance + + +_ipv4_re = re.compile(r"^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") + + +@_checks_drafts( + draft3="ip-address", draft4="ipv4", draft6="ipv4", draft7="ipv4", +) +def is_ipv4(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + if not _ipv4_re.match(instance): + return False + return all(0 <= int(component) <= 255 for component in instance.split(".")) + + +if hasattr(socket, "inet_pton"): + # FIXME: Really this only should raise struct.error, but see the sadness + # that is + @_checks_drafts( + name="ipv6", raises=(socket.error, struct.error, ValueError), + ) + def is_ipv6(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, instance) + + +_host_name_re = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\.\-]{1,255}$") + + +@_checks_drafts( + draft3="host-name", + draft4="hostname", + draft6="hostname", + draft7="hostname", +) +def is_host_name(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + if not _host_name_re.match(instance): + return False + components = instance.split(".") + for component in components: + if len(component) > 63: + return False + return True + + +try: + # The built-in `idna` codec only implements RFC 3890, so we go elsewhere. + import idna +except ImportError: + pass +else: + @_checks_drafts(draft7="idn-hostname", raises=idna.IDNAError) + def is_idn_host_name(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + idna.encode(instance) + return True + + +try: + import rfc3987 +except ImportError: + try: + from rfc3986_validator import validate_rfc3986 + except ImportError: + pass + else: + @_checks_drafts(name="uri") + def is_uri(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return validate_rfc3986(instance, rule="URI") + + @_checks_drafts( + draft6="uri-reference", + draft7="uri-reference", + raises=ValueError, + ) + def is_uri_reference(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return validate_rfc3986(instance, rule="URI_reference") + +else: + @_checks_drafts(draft7="iri", raises=ValueError) + def is_iri(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return rfc3987.parse(instance, rule="IRI") + + @_checks_drafts(draft7="iri-reference", raises=ValueError) + def is_iri_reference(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return rfc3987.parse(instance, rule="IRI_reference") + + @_checks_drafts(name="uri", raises=ValueError) + def is_uri(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return rfc3987.parse(instance, rule="URI") + + @_checks_drafts( + draft6="uri-reference", + draft7="uri-reference", + raises=ValueError, + ) + def is_uri_reference(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return rfc3987.parse(instance, rule="URI_reference") + + +try: + from strict_rfc3339 import validate_rfc3339 +except ImportError: + try: + from rfc3339_validator import validate_rfc3339 + except ImportError: + validate_rfc3339 = None + +if validate_rfc3339: + @_checks_drafts(name="date-time") + def is_datetime(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return validate_rfc3339(instance) + + @_checks_drafts(draft7="time") + def is_time(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return is_datetime("1970-01-01T" + instance) + + +@_checks_drafts(name="regex", raises=re.error) +def is_regex(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return re.compile(instance) + + +@_checks_drafts(draft3="date", draft7="date", raises=ValueError) +def is_date(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return datetime.datetime.strptime(instance, "%Y-%m-%d") + + +@_checks_drafts(draft3="time", raises=ValueError) +def is_draft3_time(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return datetime.datetime.strptime(instance, "%H:%M:%S") + + +try: + import webcolors +except ImportError: + pass +else: + def is_css_color_code(instance): + return webcolors.normalize_hex(instance) + + @_checks_drafts(draft3="color", raises=(ValueError, TypeError)) + def is_css21_color(instance): + if ( + not isinstance(instance, str_types) or + instance.lower() in webcolors.css21_names_to_hex + ): + return True + return is_css_color_code(instance) + + def is_css3_color(instance): + if instance.lower() in webcolors.css3_names_to_hex: + return True + return is_css_color_code(instance) + + +try: + import jsonpointer +except ImportError: + pass +else: + @_checks_drafts( + draft6="json-pointer", + draft7="json-pointer", + raises=jsonpointer.JsonPointerException, + ) + def is_json_pointer(instance): + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + return jsonpointer.JsonPointer(instance) + + # TODO: I don't want to maintain this, so it + # needs to go either into jsonpointer (pending + # or + # into a new external library. + @_checks_drafts( + draft7="relative-json-pointer", + raises=jsonpointer.JsonPointerException, + ) + def is_relative_json_pointer(instance): + # Definition taken from: + # + if not isinstance(instance, str_types): + return True + non_negative_integer, rest = [], "" + for i, character in enumerate(instance): + if character.isdigit(): + non_negative_integer.append(character) + continue + + if not non_negative_integer: + return False + + rest = instance[i:] + break + return (rest == "#") or jsonpointer.JsonPointer(rest) + + +try: + import uritemplate.exceptions +except ImportError: + pass +else: + @_checks_drafts( + draft6="uri-template", + draft7="uri-template", + raises=uritemplate.exceptions.InvalidTemplate, + ) + def is_uri_template( + instance, + template_validator=uritemplate.Validator().force_balanced_braces(), + ): + template = uritemplate.URITemplate(instance) + return template_validator.validate(template) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..264ff7d713 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +from jsonschema import _utils +from jsonschema.compat import iteritems +from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError + + +def dependencies_draft3(validator, dependencies, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for property, dependency in iteritems(dependencies): + if property not in instance: + continue + + if validator.is_type(dependency, "object"): + for error in validator.descend( + instance, dependency, schema_path=property, + ): + yield error + elif validator.is_type(dependency, "string"): + if dependency not in instance: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is a dependency of %r" % (dependency, property) + ) + else: + for each in dependency: + if each not in instance: + message = "%r is a dependency of %r" + yield ValidationError(message % (each, property)) + + +def disallow_draft3(validator, disallow, instance, schema): + for disallowed in _utils.ensure_list(disallow): + if validator.is_valid(instance, {"type": [disallowed]}): + yield ValidationError( + "%r is disallowed for %r" % (disallowed, instance) + ) + + +def extends_draft3(validator, extends, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(extends, "object"): + for error in validator.descend(instance, extends): + yield error + return + for index, subschema in enumerate(extends): + for error in validator.descend(instance, subschema, schema_path=index): + yield error + + +def items_draft3_draft4(validator, items, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "array"): + return + + if validator.is_type(items, "object"): + for index, item in enumerate(instance): + for error in validator.descend(item, items, path=index): + yield error + else: + for (index, item), subschema in zip(enumerate(instance), items): + for error in validator.descend( + item, subschema, path=index, schema_path=index, + ): + yield error + + +def minimum_draft3_draft4(validator, minimum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if schema.get("exclusiveMinimum", False): + failed = instance <= minimum + cmp = "less than or equal to" + else: + failed = instance < minimum + cmp = "less than" + + if failed: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is %s the minimum of %r" % (instance, cmp, minimum) + ) + + +def maximum_draft3_draft4(validator, maximum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if schema.get("exclusiveMaximum", False): + failed = instance >= maximum + cmp = "greater than or equal to" + else: + failed = instance > maximum + cmp = "greater than" + + if failed: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is %s the maximum of %r" % (instance, cmp, maximum) + ) + + +def properties_draft3(validator, properties, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for property, subschema in iteritems(properties): + if property in instance: + for error in validator.descend( + instance[property], + subschema, + path=property, + schema_path=property, + ): + yield error + elif subschema.get("required", False): + error = ValidationError("%r is a required property" % property) + error._set( + validator="required", + validator_value=subschema["required"], + instance=instance, + schema=schema, + ) + error.path.appendleft(property) + error.schema_path.extend([property, "required"]) + yield error + + +def type_draft3(validator, types, instance, schema): + types = _utils.ensure_list(types) + + all_errors = [] + for index, type in enumerate(types): + if validator.is_type(type, "object"): + errors = list(validator.descend(instance, type, schema_path=index)) + if not errors: + return + all_errors.extend(errors) + else: + if validator.is_type(instance, type): + return + else: + yield ValidationError( + _utils.types_msg(instance, types), context=all_errors, + ) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d09e38fbdc --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_reflect -*- +# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. +# See LICENSE for details. + +""" +Standardized versions of various cool and/or strange things that you can do +with Python's reflection capabilities. +""" + +import sys + +from jsonschema.compat import PY3 + + +class _NoModuleFound(Exception): + """ + No module was found because none exists. + """ + + + +class InvalidName(ValueError): + """ + The given name is not a dot-separated list of Python objects. + """ + + + +class ModuleNotFound(InvalidName): + """ + The module associated with the given name doesn't exist and it can't be + imported. + """ + + + +class ObjectNotFound(InvalidName): + """ + The object associated with the given name doesn't exist and it can't be + imported. + """ + + + +if PY3: + def reraise(exception, traceback): + raise exception.with_traceback(traceback) +else: + exec("""def reraise(exception, traceback): + raise exception.__class__, exception, traceback""") + +reraise.__doc__ = """ +Re-raise an exception, with an optional traceback, in a way that is compatible +with both Python 2 and Python 3. + +Note that on Python 3, re-raised exceptions will be mutated, with their +C{__traceback__} attribute being set. + +@param exception: The exception instance. +@param traceback: The traceback to use, or C{None} indicating a new traceback. +""" + + +def _importAndCheckStack(importName): + """ + Import the given name as a module, then walk the stack to determine whether + the failure was the module not existing, or some code in the module (for + example a dependent import) failing. This can be helpful to determine + whether any actual application code was run. For example, to distiguish + administrative error (entering the wrong module name), from programmer + error (writing buggy code in a module that fails to import). + + @param importName: The name of the module to import. + @type importName: C{str} + @raise Exception: if something bad happens. This can be any type of + exception, since nobody knows what loading some arbitrary code might + do. + @raise _NoModuleFound: if no module was found. + """ + try: + return __import__(importName) + except ImportError: + excType, excValue, excTraceback = sys.exc_info() + while excTraceback: + execName = excTraceback.tb_frame.f_globals["__name__"] + # in Python 2 execName is None when an ImportError is encountered, + # where in Python 3 execName is equal to the importName. + if execName is None or execName == importName: + reraise(excValue, excTraceback) + excTraceback = excTraceback.tb_next + raise _NoModuleFound() + + + +def namedAny(name): + """ + Retrieve a Python object by its fully qualified name from the global Python + module namespace. The first part of the name, that describes a module, + will be discovered and imported. Each subsequent part of the name is + treated as the name of an attribute of the object specified by all of the + name which came before it. For example, the fully-qualified name of this + object is 'twisted.python.reflect.namedAny'. + + @type name: L{str} + @param name: The name of the object to return. + + @raise InvalidName: If the name is an empty string, starts or ends with + a '.', or is otherwise syntactically incorrect. + + @raise ModuleNotFound: If the name is syntactically correct but the + module it specifies cannot be imported because it does not appear to + exist. + + @raise ObjectNotFound: If the name is syntactically correct, includes at + least one '.', but the module it specifies cannot be imported because + it does not appear to exist. + + @raise AttributeError: If an attribute of an object along the way cannot be + accessed, or a module along the way is not found. + + @return: the Python object identified by 'name'. + """ + if not name: + raise InvalidName('Empty module name') + + names = name.split('.') + + # if the name starts or ends with a '.' or contains '..', the __import__ + # will raise an 'Empty module name' error. This will provide a better error + # message. + if '' in names: + raise InvalidName( + "name must be a string giving a '.'-separated list of Python " + "identifiers, not %r" % (name,)) + + topLevelPackage = None + moduleNames = names[:] + while not topLevelPackage: + if moduleNames: + trialname = '.'.join(moduleNames) + try: + topLevelPackage = _importAndCheckStack(trialname) + except _NoModuleFound: + moduleNames.pop() + else: + if len(names) == 1: + raise ModuleNotFound("No module named %r" % (name,)) + else: + raise ObjectNotFound('%r does not name an object' % (name,)) + + obj = topLevelPackage + for n in names[1:]: + obj = getattr(obj, n) + + return obj diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a71a4e34bd --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +import numbers + +from pyrsistent import pmap +import attr + +from jsonschema.compat import int_types, str_types +from jsonschema.exceptions import UndefinedTypeCheck + + +def is_array(checker, instance): + return isinstance(instance, list) + + +def is_bool(checker, instance): + return isinstance(instance, bool) + + +def is_integer(checker, instance): + # bool inherits from int, so ensure bools aren't reported as ints + if isinstance(instance, bool): + return False + return isinstance(instance, int_types) + + +def is_null(checker, instance): + return instance is None + + +def is_number(checker, instance): + # bool inherits from int, so ensure bools aren't reported as ints + if isinstance(instance, bool): + return False + return isinstance(instance, numbers.Number) + + +def is_object(checker, instance): + return isinstance(instance, dict) + + +def is_string(checker, instance): + return isinstance(instance, str_types) + + +def is_any(checker, instance): + return True + + +@attr.s(frozen=True) +class TypeChecker(object): + """ + A ``type`` property checker. + + A `TypeChecker` performs type checking for an `IValidator`. Type + checks to perform are updated using `TypeChecker.redefine` or + `TypeChecker.redefine_many` and removed via `TypeChecker.remove`. + Each of these return a new `TypeChecker` object. + + Arguments: + + type_checkers (dict): + + The initial mapping of types to their checking functions. + """ + _type_checkers = attr.ib(default=pmap(), converter=pmap) + + def is_type(self, instance, type): + """ + Check if the instance is of the appropriate type. + + Arguments: + + instance (object): + + The instance to check + + type (str): + + The name of the type that is expected. + + Returns: + + bool: Whether it conformed. + + + Raises: + + `jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck`: + if type is unknown to this object. + """ + try: + fn = self._type_checkers[type] + except KeyError: + raise UndefinedTypeCheck(type) + + return fn(self, instance) + + def redefine(self, type, fn): + """ + Produce a new checker with the given type redefined. + + Arguments: + + type (str): + + The name of the type to check. + + fn (collections.Callable): + + A function taking exactly two parameters - the type + checker calling the function and the instance to check. + The function should return true if instance is of this + type and false otherwise. + + Returns: + + A new `TypeChecker` instance. + """ + return self.redefine_many({type: fn}) + + def redefine_many(self, definitions=()): + """ + Produce a new checker with the given types redefined. + + Arguments: + + definitions (dict): + + A dictionary mapping types to their checking functions. + + Returns: + + A new `TypeChecker` instance. + """ + return attr.evolve( + self, type_checkers=self._type_checkers.update(definitions), + ) + + def remove(self, *types): + """ + Produce a new checker with the given types forgotten. + + Arguments: + + types (~collections.Iterable): + + the names of the types to remove. + + Returns: + + A new `TypeChecker` instance + + Raises: + + `jsonschema.exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck`: + + if any given type is unknown to this object + """ + + checkers = self._type_checkers + for each in types: + try: + checkers = checkers.remove(each) + except KeyError: + raise UndefinedTypeCheck(each) + return attr.evolve(self, type_checkers=checkers) + + +draft3_type_checker = TypeChecker( + { + u"any": is_any, + u"array": is_array, + u"boolean": is_bool, + u"integer": is_integer, + u"object": is_object, + u"null": is_null, + u"number": is_number, + u"string": is_string, + }, +) +draft4_type_checker = draft3_type_checker.remove(u"any") +draft6_type_checker = draft4_type_checker.redefine( + u"integer", + lambda checker, instance: ( + is_integer(checker, instance) or + isinstance(instance, float) and instance.is_integer() + ), +) +draft7_type_checker = draft6_type_checker diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ceb880198d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +import itertools +import json +import pkgutil +import re + +from jsonschema.compat import MutableMapping, str_types, urlsplit + + +class URIDict(MutableMapping): + """ + Dictionary which uses normalized URIs as keys. + """ + + def normalize(self, uri): + return urlsplit(uri).geturl() + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + = dict() +*args, **kwargs) + + def __getitem__(self, uri): + return[self.normalize(uri)] + + def __setitem__(self, uri, value): +[self.normalize(uri)] = value + + def __delitem__(self, uri): + del[self.normalize(uri)] + + def __iter__(self): + return iter( + + def __len__(self): + return len( + + def __repr__(self): + return repr( + + +class Unset(object): + """ + An as-of-yet unset attribute or unprovided default parameter. + """ + + def __repr__(self): + return "" + + +def load_schema(name): + """ + Load a schema from ./schemas/``name``.json and return it. + """ + + data = pkgutil.get_data("jsonschema", "schemas/{0}.json".format(name)) + return json.loads(data.decode("utf-8")) + + +def indent(string, times=1): + """ + A dumb version of `textwrap.indent` from Python 3.3. + """ + + return "\n".join(" " * (4 * times) + line for line in string.splitlines()) + + +def format_as_index(indices): + """ + Construct a single string containing indexing operations for the indices. + + For example, [1, 2, "foo"] -> [1][2]["foo"] + + Arguments: + + indices (sequence): + + The indices to format. + """ + + if not indices: + return "" + return "[%s]" % "][".join(repr(index) for index in indices) + + +def find_additional_properties(instance, schema): + """ + Return the set of additional properties for the given ``instance``. + + Weeds out properties that should have been validated by ``properties`` and + / or ``patternProperties``. + + Assumes ``instance`` is dict-like already. + """ + + properties = schema.get("properties", {}) + patterns = "|".join(schema.get("patternProperties", {})) + for property in instance: + if property not in properties: + if patterns and, property): + continue + yield property + + +def extras_msg(extras): + """ + Create an error message for extra items or properties. + """ + + if len(extras) == 1: + verb = "was" + else: + verb = "were" + return ", ".join(repr(extra) for extra in extras), verb + + +def types_msg(instance, types): + """ + Create an error message for a failure to match the given types. + + If the ``instance`` is an object and contains a ``name`` property, it will + be considered to be a description of that object and used as its type. + + Otherwise the message is simply the reprs of the given ``types``. + """ + + reprs = [] + for type in types: + try: + reprs.append(repr(type["name"])) + except Exception: + reprs.append(repr(type)) + return "%r is not of type %s" % (instance, ", ".join(reprs)) + + +def flatten(suitable_for_isinstance): + """ + isinstance() can accept a bunch of really annoying different types: + * a single type + * a tuple of types + * an arbitrary nested tree of tuples + + Return a flattened tuple of the given argument. + """ + + types = set() + + if not isinstance(suitable_for_isinstance, tuple): + suitable_for_isinstance = (suitable_for_isinstance,) + for thing in suitable_for_isinstance: + if isinstance(thing, tuple): + types.update(flatten(thing)) + else: + types.add(thing) + return tuple(types) + + +def ensure_list(thing): + """ + Wrap ``thing`` in a list if it's a single str. + + Otherwise, return it unchanged. + """ + + if isinstance(thing, str_types): + return [thing] + return thing + + +def equal(one, two): + """ + Check if two things are equal, but evade booleans and ints being equal. + """ + return unbool(one) == unbool(two) + + +def unbool(element, true=object(), false=object()): + """ + A hack to make True and 1 and False and 0 unique for ``uniq``. + """ + + if element is True: + return true + elif element is False: + return false + return element + + +def uniq(container): + """ + Check if all of a container's elements are unique. + + Successively tries first to rely that the elements are hashable, then + falls back on them being sortable, and finally falls back on brute + force. + """ + + try: + return len(set(unbool(i) for i in container)) == len(container) + except TypeError: + try: + sort = sorted(unbool(i) for i in container) + sliced = itertools.islice(sort, 1, None) + for i, j in zip(sort, sliced): + if i == j: + return False + except (NotImplementedError, TypeError): + seen = [] + for e in container: + e = unbool(e) + if e in seen: + return False + seen.append(e) + return True diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..179fec09a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +import re + +from jsonschema._utils import ( + ensure_list, + equal, + extras_msg, + find_additional_properties, + types_msg, + unbool, + uniq, +) +from jsonschema.exceptions import FormatError, ValidationError +from jsonschema.compat import iteritems + + +def patternProperties(validator, patternProperties, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for pattern, subschema in iteritems(patternProperties): + for k, v in iteritems(instance): + if, k): + for error in validator.descend( + v, subschema, path=k, schema_path=pattern, + ): + yield error + + +def propertyNames(validator, propertyNames, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for property in instance: + for error in validator.descend( + instance=property, + schema=propertyNames, + ): + yield error + + +def additionalProperties(validator, aP, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + extras = set(find_additional_properties(instance, schema)) + + if validator.is_type(aP, "object"): + for extra in extras: + for error in validator.descend(instance[extra], aP, path=extra): + yield error + elif not aP and extras: + if "patternProperties" in schema: + patterns = sorted(schema["patternProperties"]) + if len(extras) == 1: + verb = "does" + else: + verb = "do" + error = "%s %s not match any of the regexes: %s" % ( + ", ".join(map(repr, sorted(extras))), + verb, + ", ".join(map(repr, patterns)), + ) + yield ValidationError(error) + else: + error = "Additional properties are not allowed (%s %s unexpected)" + yield ValidationError(error % extras_msg(extras)) + + +def items(validator, items, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "array"): + return + + if validator.is_type(items, "array"): + for (index, item), subschema in zip(enumerate(instance), items): + for error in validator.descend( + item, subschema, path=index, schema_path=index, + ): + yield error + else: + for index, item in enumerate(instance): + for error in validator.descend(item, items, path=index): + yield error + + +def additionalItems(validator, aI, instance, schema): + if ( + not validator.is_type(instance, "array") or + validator.is_type(schema.get("items", {}), "object") + ): + return + + len_items = len(schema.get("items", [])) + if validator.is_type(aI, "object"): + for index, item in enumerate(instance[len_items:], start=len_items): + for error in validator.descend(item, aI, path=index): + yield error + elif not aI and len(instance) > len(schema.get("items", [])): + error = "Additional items are not allowed (%s %s unexpected)" + yield ValidationError( + error % + extras_msg(instance[len(schema.get("items", [])):]) + ) + + +def const(validator, const, instance, schema): + if not equal(instance, const): + yield ValidationError("%r was expected" % (const,)) + + +def contains(validator, contains, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "array"): + return + + if not any(validator.is_valid(element, contains) for element in instance): + yield ValidationError( + "None of %r are valid under the given schema" % (instance,) + ) + + +def exclusiveMinimum(validator, minimum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if instance <= minimum: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is less than or equal to the minimum of %r" % ( + instance, minimum, + ), + ) + + +def exclusiveMaximum(validator, maximum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if instance >= maximum: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is greater than or equal to the maximum of %r" % ( + instance, maximum, + ), + ) + + +def minimum(validator, minimum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if instance < minimum: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is less than the minimum of %r" % (instance, minimum) + ) + + +def maximum(validator, maximum, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if instance > maximum: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is greater than the maximum of %r" % (instance, maximum) + ) + + +def multipleOf(validator, dB, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "number"): + return + + if isinstance(dB, float): + quotient = instance / dB + failed = int(quotient) != quotient + else: + failed = instance % dB + + if failed: + yield ValidationError("%r is not a multiple of %r" % (instance, dB)) + + +def minItems(validator, mI, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(instance, "array") and len(instance) < mI: + yield ValidationError("%r is too short" % (instance,)) + + +def maxItems(validator, mI, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(instance, "array") and len(instance) > mI: + yield ValidationError("%r is too long" % (instance,)) + + +def uniqueItems(validator, uI, instance, schema): + if ( + uI and + validator.is_type(instance, "array") and + not uniq(instance) + ): + yield ValidationError("%r has non-unique elements" % (instance,)) + + +def pattern(validator, patrn, instance, schema): + if ( + validator.is_type(instance, "string") and + not, instance) + ): + yield ValidationError("%r does not match %r" % (instance, patrn)) + + +def format(validator, format, instance, schema): + if validator.format_checker is not None: + try: + validator.format_checker.check(instance, format) + except FormatError as error: + yield ValidationError(error.message, cause=error.cause) + + +def minLength(validator, mL, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(instance, "string") and len(instance) < mL: + yield ValidationError("%r is too short" % (instance,)) + + +def maxLength(validator, mL, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(instance, "string") and len(instance) > mL: + yield ValidationError("%r is too long" % (instance,)) + + +def dependencies(validator, dependencies, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for property, dependency in iteritems(dependencies): + if property not in instance: + continue + + if validator.is_type(dependency, "array"): + for each in dependency: + if each not in instance: + message = "%r is a dependency of %r" + yield ValidationError(message % (each, property)) + else: + for error in validator.descend( + instance, dependency, schema_path=property, + ): + yield error + + +def enum(validator, enums, instance, schema): + if instance == 0 or instance == 1: + unbooled = unbool(instance) + if all(unbooled != unbool(each) for each in enums): + yield ValidationError("%r is not one of %r" % (instance, enums)) + elif instance not in enums: + yield ValidationError("%r is not one of %r" % (instance, enums)) + + +def ref(validator, ref, instance, schema): + resolve = getattr(validator.resolver, "resolve", None) + if resolve is None: + with validator.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + for error in validator.descend(instance, resolved): + yield error + else: + scope, resolved = validator.resolver.resolve(ref) + validator.resolver.push_scope(scope) + + try: + for error in validator.descend(instance, resolved): + yield error + finally: + validator.resolver.pop_scope() + + +def type(validator, types, instance, schema): + types = ensure_list(types) + + if not any(validator.is_type(instance, type) for type in types): + yield ValidationError(types_msg(instance, types)) + + +def properties(validator, properties, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + + for property, subschema in iteritems(properties): + if property in instance: + for error in validator.descend( + instance[property], + subschema, + path=property, + schema_path=property, + ): + yield error + + +def required(validator, required, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + for property in required: + if property not in instance: + yield ValidationError("%r is a required property" % property) + + +def minProperties(validator, mP, instance, schema): + if validator.is_type(instance, "object") and len(instance) < mP: + yield ValidationError( + "%r does not have enough properties" % (instance,) + ) + + +def maxProperties(validator, mP, instance, schema): + if not validator.is_type(instance, "object"): + return + if validator.is_type(instance, "object") and len(instance) > mP: + yield ValidationError("%r has too many properties" % (instance,)) + + +def allOf(validator, allOf, instance, schema): + for index, subschema in enumerate(allOf): + for error in validator.descend(instance, subschema, schema_path=index): + yield error + + +def anyOf(validator, anyOf, instance, schema): + all_errors = [] + for index, subschema in enumerate(anyOf): + errs = list(validator.descend(instance, subschema, schema_path=index)) + if not errs: + break + all_errors.extend(errs) + else: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is not valid under any of the given schemas" % (instance,), + context=all_errors, + ) + + +def oneOf(validator, oneOf, instance, schema): + subschemas = enumerate(oneOf) + all_errors = [] + for index, subschema in subschemas: + errs = list(validator.descend(instance, subschema, schema_path=index)) + if not errs: + first_valid = subschema + break + all_errors.extend(errs) + else: + yield ValidationError( + "%r is not valid under any of the given schemas" % (instance,), + context=all_errors, + ) + + more_valid = [s for i, s in subschemas if validator.is_valid(instance, s)] + if more_valid: + more_valid.append(first_valid) + reprs = ", ".join(repr(schema) for schema in more_valid) + yield ValidationError( + "%r is valid under each of %s" % (instance, reprs) + ) + + +def not_(validator, not_schema, instance, schema): + if validator.is_valid(instance, not_schema): + yield ValidationError( + "%r is not allowed for %r" % (not_schema, instance) + ) + + +def if_(validator, if_schema, instance, schema): + if validator.is_valid(instance, if_schema): + if u"then" in schema: + then = schema[u"then"] + for error in validator.descend(instance, then, schema_path="then"): + yield error + elif u"else" in schema: + else_ = schema[u"else"] + for error in validator.descend(instance, else_, schema_path="else"): + yield error diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3dcc68993 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +""" +Benchmarks for validation. + +This package is *not* public API. +""" diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..65e3aedf79 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +""" +A performance benchmark using the example from issue #232. + +See +""" +from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath +from pyperf import Runner +from pyrsistent import m + +from jsonschema.tests._suite import Version +import jsonschema + + +issue232 = Version( + path=FilePath(__file__).sibling("issue232"), + remotes=m(), + name="issue232", +) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + issue232.benchmark( + runner=Runner(), + Validator=jsonschema.Draft4Validator, + ) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/issue232/issue.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/issue232/issue.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..804c340845 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/issue232/issue.json @@ -0,0 +1,2653 @@ +[ + { + "description": "Petstore", + "schema": { + "title": "A JSON Schema for Swagger 2.0 API.", + "id": "", + "$schema": "", + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "swagger", + "info", + "paths" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + }, + "properties": { + "swagger": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "2.0" + ], + "description": "The Swagger version of this document." + }, + "info": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/info" + }, + "host": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^[^{}/ :\\\\]+(?::\\d+)?$", + "description": "The host (name or ip) of the API. Example: ''" + }, + "basePath": { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^/", + "description": "The base path to the API. Example: '/api'." + }, + "schemes": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schemesList" + }, + "consumes": { + "description": "A list of MIME types accepted by the API.", + "allOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" + } + ] + }, + "produces": { + "description": "A list of MIME types the API can produce.", + "allOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/mediaTypeList" + } + ] + }, + "paths": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/paths" + }, + "definitions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/definitions" + }, + "parameters": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/parameterDefinitions" + }, + "responses": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/responseDefinitions" + }, + "security": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/security" + }, + "securityDefinitions": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/securityDefinitions" + }, + "tags": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/tag" + }, + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "externalDocs": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/externalDocs" + } + }, + "definitions": { + "info": { + "type": "object", + "description": "General information about the API.", + "required": [ + "version", + "title" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + }, + "properties": { + "title": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A unique and precise title of the API." + }, + "version": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A semantic version number of the API." + }, + "description": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A longer description of the API. Should be different from the title. GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed." + }, + "termsOfService": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The terms of service for the API." + }, + "contact": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/contact" + }, + "license": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/license" + } + } + }, + "contact": { + "type": "object", + "description": "Contact information for the owners of the API.", + "additionalProperties": false, + "properties": { + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The identifying name of the contact person/organization." + }, + "url": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The URL pointing to the contact information.", + "format": "uri" + }, + "email": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The email address of the contact person/organization.", + "format": "email" + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + } + }, + "license": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "name" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "properties": { + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the license type. It's encouraged to use an OSI compatible license." + }, + "url": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The URL pointing to the license.", + "format": "uri" + } + }, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + } + }, + "paths": { + "type": "object", + "description": "Relative paths to the individual endpoints. 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GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed." + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the parameter." + }, + "in": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Determines the location of the parameter.", + "enum": [ + "body" + ] + }, + "required": { + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", + "default": false + }, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schema" + } + }, + "additionalProperties": false + }, + "headerParameterSubSchema": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + }, + "properties": { + "required": { + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", + "default": false + }, + "in": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Determines the location of the parameter.", + "enum": [ + "header" + ] + }, + "description": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A brief description of the parameter. 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GitHub Flavored Markdown is allowed." + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the parameter." + }, + "allowEmptyValue": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false, + "description": "allows sending a parameter by name only or with an empty value." + }, + "type": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "string", + "number", + "boolean", + "integer", + "array" + ] + }, + "format": { + "type": "string" + }, + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/primitivesItems" + }, + "collectionFormat": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/collectionFormatWithMulti" + }, + "default": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/default" + }, + "maximum": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/maximum" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/exclusiveMaximum" + }, + "minimum": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/minimum" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/exclusiveMinimum" + }, + "maxLength": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/maxLength" + }, + "minLength": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/minLength" + }, + "pattern": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/pattern" + }, + "maxItems": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/maxItems" + }, + "minItems": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/minItems" + }, + "uniqueItems": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/uniqueItems" + }, + "enum": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/enum" + }, + "multipleOf": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/multipleOf" + } + } + }, + "formDataParameterSubSchema": { + "additionalProperties": false, + "patternProperties": { + "^x-": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/vendorExtension" + } + }, + "properties": { + "required": { + "type": "boolean", + "description": "Determines whether or not this parameter is required or optional.", + "default": false + }, + "in": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Determines the location of the parameter.", + "enum": [ + "formData" + ] + }, + "description": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A brief description of the parameter. 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+ }, + "multipleOf": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "maximum": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "minimum": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "maxLength": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "minLength": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "pattern": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "maxItems": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "minItems": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "uniqueItems": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "enum": { + "$ref": "" + }, + "jsonReference": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "$ref" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "properties": { + "$ref": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + } + }, + "tests": [ + { + "description": "Example petsore", + "data": { + "swagger": "2.0", + "info": { + "description": "This is a sample server Petstore server. You can find out more about Swagger at []( or on [, #swagger]( For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization filters.", + "version": "1.0.0", + "title": "Swagger Petstore", + "termsOfService": "", + "contact": { + "email": "" + }, + "license": { + "name": "Apache 2.0", + "url": "" + } + }, + "host": "", + "basePath": "/v2", + "tags": [ + { + "name": "pet", + "description": "Everything about your Pets", + "externalDocs": { + "description": "Find out more", + "url": "" + } + }, + { + "name": "store", + "description": "Access to Petstore orders" + }, + { + "name": "user", + "description": "Operations about user", + "externalDocs": { + "description": "Find out more about our store", + "url": "" + } + } + ], + "schemes": [ + "http" + ], + "paths": { + "/pet": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Add a new pet to the store", + "description": "", + "operationId": "addPet", + "consumes": [ + "application/json", + "application/xml" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "Pet object that needs to be added to the store", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "405": { + "description": "Invalid input" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + }, + "put": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Update an existing pet", + "description": "", + "operationId": "updatePet", + "consumes": [ + "application/json", + "application/xml" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "Pet object that needs to be added to the store", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "400": { + "description": "Invalid ID supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "Pet not found" + }, + "405": { + "description": "Validation exception" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "/pet/findByStatus": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Finds Pets by status", + "description": "Multiple status values can be provided with comma separated strings", + "operationId": "findPetsByStatus", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "status", + "in": "query", + "description": "Status values that need to be considered for filter", + "required": true, + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "available", + "pending", + "sold" + ], + "default": "available" + }, + "collectionFormat": "multi" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet" + } + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid status value" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "/pet/findByTags": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Finds Pets by tags", + "description": "Muliple tags can be provided with comma separated strings. Use tag1, tag2, tag3 for testing.", + "operationId": "findPetsByTags", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "tags", + "in": "query", + "description": "Tags to filter by", + "required": true, + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "collectionFormat": "multi" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet" + } + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid tag value" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ], + "deprecated": true + } + }, + "/pet/{petId}": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Find pet by ID", + "description": "Returns a single pet", + "operationId": "getPetById", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "petId", + "in": "path", + "description": "ID of pet to return", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid ID supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "Pet not found" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "api_key": [] + } + ] + }, + "post": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Updates a pet in the store with form data", + "description": "", + "operationId": "updatePetWithForm", + "consumes": [ + "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "petId", + "in": "path", + "description": "ID of pet that needs to be updated", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + { + "name": "name", + "in": "formData", + "description": "Updated name of the pet", + "required": false, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "status", + "in": "formData", + "description": "Updated status of the pet", + "required": false, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "responses": { + "405": { + "description": "Invalid input" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + }, + "delete": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "Deletes a pet", + "description": "", + "operationId": "deletePet", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "api_key", + "in": "header", + "required": false, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "petId", + "in": "path", + "description": "Pet id to delete", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + } + ], + "responses": { + "400": { + "description": "Invalid ID supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "Pet not found" + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "/pet/{petId}/uploadImage": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "pet" + ], + "summary": "uploads an image", + "description": "", + "operationId": "uploadFile", + "consumes": [ + "multipart/form-data" + ], + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "petId", + "in": "path", + "description": "ID of pet to update", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + { + "name": "additionalMetadata", + "in": "formData", + "description": "Additional data to pass to server", + "required": false, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "file", + "in": "formData", + "description": "file to upload", + "required": false, + "type": "file" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ApiResponse" + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "petstore_auth": [ + "write:pets", + "read:pets" + ] + } + ] + } + }, + "/store/inventory": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "store" + ], + "summary": "Returns pet inventories by status", + "description": "Returns a map of status codes to quantities", + "operationId": "getInventory", + "produces": [ + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int32" + } + } + } + }, + "security": [ + { + "api_key": [] + } + ] + } + }, + "/store/order": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "store" + ], + "summary": "Place an order for a pet", + "description": "", + "operationId": "placeOrder", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "order placed for purchasing the pet", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Order" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Order" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid Order" + } + } + } + }, + "/store/order/{orderId}": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "store" + ], + "summary": "Find purchase order by ID", + "description": "For valid response try integer IDs with value >= 1 and <= 10. Other values will generated exceptions", + "operationId": "getOrderById", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "orderId", + "in": "path", + "description": "ID of pet that needs to be fetched", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "maximum": 10.0, + "minimum": 1.0, + "format": "int64" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Order" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid ID supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "Order not found" + } + } + }, + "delete": { + "tags": [ + "store" + ], + "summary": "Delete purchase order by ID", + "description": "For valid response try integer IDs with positive integer value. Negative or non-integer values will generate API errors", + "operationId": "deleteOrder", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "orderId", + "in": "path", + "description": "ID of the order that needs to be deleted", + "required": true, + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 1.0, + "format": "int64" + } + ], + "responses": { + "400": { + "description": "Invalid ID supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "Order not found" + } + } + } + }, + "/user": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Create user", + "description": "This can only be done by the logged in user.", + "operationId": "createUser", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "Created user object", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/User" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "default": { + "description": "successful operation" + } + } + } + }, + "/user/createWithArray": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Creates list of users with given input array", + "description": "", + "operationId": "createUsersWithArrayInput", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "List of user object", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/User" + } + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "default": { + "description": "successful operation" + } + } + } + }, + "/user/createWithList": { + "post": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Creates list of users with given input array", + "description": "", + "operationId": "createUsersWithListInput", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "List of user object", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/User" + } + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "default": { + "description": "successful operation" + } + } + } + }, + "/user/login": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Logs user into the system", + "description": "", + "operationId": "loginUser", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "username", + "in": "query", + "description": "The user name for login", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "name": "password", + "in": "query", + "description": "The password for login in clear text", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "type": "string" + }, + "headers": { + "X-Rate-Limit": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int32", + "description": "calls per hour allowed by the user" + }, + "X-Expires-After": { + "type": "string", + "format": "date-time", + "description": "date in UTC when token expires" + } + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid username/password supplied" + } + } + } + }, + "/user/logout": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Logs out current logged in user session", + "description": "", + "operationId": "logoutUser", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [], + "responses": { + "default": { + "description": "successful operation" + } + } + } + }, + "/user/{username}": { + "get": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Get user by user name", + "description": "", + "operationId": "getUserByName", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "username", + "in": "path", + "description": "The name that needs to be fetched. Use user1 for testing. ", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "successful operation", + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/User" + } + }, + "400": { + "description": "Invalid username supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "User not found" + } + } + }, + "put": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Updated user", + "description": "This can only be done by the logged in user.", + "operationId": "updateUser", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "username", + "in": "path", + "description": "name that need to be updated", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + }, + { + "in": "body", + "name": "body", + "description": "Updated user object", + "required": true, + "schema": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/User" + } + } + ], + "responses": { + "400": { + "description": "Invalid user supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "User not found" + } + } + }, + "delete": { + "tags": [ + "user" + ], + "summary": "Delete user", + "description": "This can only be done by the logged in user.", + "operationId": "deleteUser", + "produces": [ + "application/xml", + "application/json" + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "name": "username", + "in": "path", + "description": "The name that needs to be deleted", + "required": true, + "type": "string" + } + ], + "responses": { + "400": { + "description": "Invalid username supplied" + }, + "404": { + "description": "User not found" + } + } + } + } + }, + "securityDefinitions": { + "petstore_auth": { + "type": "oauth2", + "authorizationUrl": "", + "flow": "implicit", + "scopes": { + "write:pets": "modify pets in your account", + "read:pets": "read your pets" + } + }, + "api_key": { + "type": "apiKey", + "name": "api_key", + "in": "header" + } + }, + "definitions": { + "Order": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "petId": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "quantity": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int32" + }, + "shipDate": { + "type": "string", + "format": "date-time" + }, + "status": { + "type": "string", + "description": "Order Status", + "enum": [ + "placed", + "approved", + "delivered" + ] + }, + "complete": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false + } + }, + "xml": { + "name": "Order" + } + }, + "Category": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "name": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "xml": { + "name": "Category" + } + }, + "User": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "username": { + "type": "string" + }, + "firstName": { + "type": "string" + }, + "lastName": { + "type": "string" + }, + "email": { + "type": "string" + }, + "password": { + "type": "string" + }, + "phone": { + "type": "string" + }, + "userStatus": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int32", + "description": "User Status" + } + }, + "xml": { + "name": "User" + } + }, + "Tag": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "name": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "xml": { + "name": "Tag" + } + }, + "Pet": { + "type": "object", + "required": [ + "name", + "photoUrls" + ], + "properties": { + "id": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int64" + }, + "category": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Category" + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "example": "doggie" + }, + "photoUrls": { + "type": "array", + "xml": { + "name": "photoUrl", + "wrapped": true + }, + "items": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + "tags": { + "type": "array", + "xml": { + "name": "tag", + "wrapped": true + }, + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/Tag" + } + }, + "status": { + "type": "string", + "description": "pet status in the store", + "enum": [ + "available", + "pending", + "sold" + ] + } + }, + "xml": { + "name": "Pet" + } + }, + "ApiResponse": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "code": { + "type": "integer", + "format": "int32" + }, + "type": { + "type": "string" + }, + "message": { + "type": "string" + } + } + } + }, + "externalDocs": { + "description": "Find out more about Swagger", + "url": "" + } + }, + "valid": true + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5add5051df --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/benchmarks/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python +""" +A performance benchmark using the official test suite. + +This benchmarks jsonschema using every valid example in the +JSON-Schema-Test-Suite. It will take some time to complete. +""" +from pyperf import Runner + +from jsonschema.tests._suite import Suite + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + Suite().benchmark(runner=Runner()) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ab3335b27c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +""" +The ``jsonschema`` command line. +""" +from __future__ import absolute_import +import argparse +import json +import sys + +from jsonschema import __version__ +from jsonschema._reflect import namedAny +from jsonschema.validators import validator_for + + +def _namedAnyWithDefault(name): + if "." not in name: + name = "jsonschema." + name + return namedAny(name) + + +def _json_file(path): + with open(path) as file: + return json.load(file) + + +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description="JSON Schema Validation CLI", +) +parser.add_argument( + "-i", "--instance", + action="append", + dest="instances", + type=_json_file, + help=( + "a path to a JSON instance (i.e. filename.json) " + "to validate (may be specified multiple times)" + ), +) +parser.add_argument( + "-F", "--error-format", + default="{error.instance}: {error.message}\n", + help=( + "the format to use for each error output message, specified in " + "a form suitable for passing to str.format, which will be called " + "with 'error' for each error" + ), +) +parser.add_argument( + "-V", "--validator", + type=_namedAnyWithDefault, + help=( + "the fully qualified object name of a validator to use, or, for " + "validators that are registered with jsonschema, simply the name " + "of the class." + ), +) +parser.add_argument( + "--version", + action="version", + version=__version__, +) +parser.add_argument( + "schema", + help="the JSON Schema to validate with (i.e. schema.json)", + type=_json_file, +) + + +def parse_args(args): + arguments = vars(parser.parse_args(args=args or ["--help"])) + if arguments["validator"] is None: + arguments["validator"] = validator_for(arguments["schema"]) + return arguments + + +def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): + sys.exit(run(arguments=parse_args(args=args))) + + +def run(arguments, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): + error_format = arguments["error_format"] + validator = arguments["validator"](schema=arguments["schema"]) + + validator.check_schema(arguments["schema"]) + + errored = False + for instance in arguments["instances"] or (): + for error in validator.iter_errors(instance): + stderr.write(error_format.format(error=error)) + errored = True + return errored diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..47e0980455 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +""" +Python 2/3 compatibility helpers. + +Note: This module is *not* public API. +""" +import contextlib +import operator +import sys + + +try: + from import MutableMapping, Sequence # noqa +except ImportError: + from collections import MutableMapping, Sequence # noqa + +PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 + +if PY3: + zip = zip + from functools import lru_cache + from io import StringIO as NativeIO + from urllib.parse import ( + unquote, urljoin, urlunsplit, SplitResult, urlsplit + ) + from urllib.request import pathname2url, urlopen + str_types = str, + int_types = int, + iteritems = operator.methodcaller("items") +else: + from itertools import izip as zip # noqa + from io import BytesIO as NativeIO + from urlparse import urljoin, urlunsplit, SplitResult, urlsplit + from urllib import pathname2url, unquote # noqa + import urllib2 # noqa + def urlopen(*args, **kwargs): + return contextlib.closing(urllib2.urlopen(*args, **kwargs)) + + str_types = basestring + int_types = int, long + iteritems = operator.methodcaller("iteritems") + + from functools32 import lru_cache + + +def urldefrag(url): + if "#" in url: + s, n, p, q, frag = urlsplit(url) + defrag = urlunsplit((s, n, p, q, "")) + else: + defrag = url + frag = "" + return defrag, frag + + +# flake8: noqa diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..691dcffe6c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +""" +Validation errors, and some surrounding helpers. +""" +from collections import defaultdict, deque +import itertools +import pprint +import textwrap + +import attr + +from jsonschema import _utils +from jsonschema.compat import PY3, iteritems + + +WEAK_MATCHES = frozenset(["anyOf", "oneOf"]) +STRONG_MATCHES = frozenset() + +_unset = _utils.Unset() + + +class _Error(Exception): + def __init__( + self, + message, + validator=_unset, + path=(), + cause=None, + context=(), + validator_value=_unset, + instance=_unset, + schema=_unset, + schema_path=(), + parent=None, + ): + super(_Error, self).__init__( + message, + validator, + path, + cause, + context, + validator_value, + instance, + schema, + schema_path, + parent, + ) + self.message = message + self.path = self.relative_path = deque(path) + self.schema_path = self.relative_schema_path = deque(schema_path) + self.context = list(context) + self.cause = self.__cause__ = cause + self.validator = validator + self.validator_value = validator_value + self.instance = instance + self.schema = schema + self.parent = parent + + for error in context: + error.parent = self + + def __repr__(self): + return "<%s: %r>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.message) + + def __unicode__(self): + essential_for_verbose = ( + self.validator, self.validator_value, self.instance, self.schema, + ) + if any(m is _unset for m in essential_for_verbose): + return self.message + + pschema = pprint.pformat(self.schema, width=72) + pinstance = pprint.pformat(self.instance, width=72) + return self.message + textwrap.dedent(""" + + Failed validating %r in %s%s: + %s + + On %s%s: + %s + """.rstrip() + ) % ( + self.validator, + self._word_for_schema_in_error_message, + _utils.format_as_index(list(self.relative_schema_path)[:-1]), + _utils.indent(pschema), + self._word_for_instance_in_error_message, + _utils.format_as_index(self.relative_path), + _utils.indent(pinstance), + ) + + if PY3: + __str__ = __unicode__ + else: + def __str__(self): + return unicode(self).encode("utf-8") + + @classmethod + def create_from(cls, other): + return cls(**other._contents()) + + @property + def absolute_path(self): + parent = self.parent + if parent is None: + return self.relative_path + + path = deque(self.relative_path) + path.extendleft(reversed(parent.absolute_path)) + return path + + @property + def absolute_schema_path(self): + parent = self.parent + if parent is None: + return self.relative_schema_path + + path = deque(self.relative_schema_path) + path.extendleft(reversed(parent.absolute_schema_path)) + return path + + def _set(self, **kwargs): + for k, v in iteritems(kwargs): + if getattr(self, k) is _unset: + setattr(self, k, v) + + def _contents(self): + attrs = ( + "message", "cause", "context", "validator", "validator_value", + "path", "schema_path", "instance", "schema", "parent", + ) + return dict((attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in attrs) + + +class ValidationError(_Error): + """ + An instance was invalid under a provided schema. + """ + + _word_for_schema_in_error_message = "schema" + _word_for_instance_in_error_message = "instance" + + +class SchemaError(_Error): + """ + A schema was invalid under its corresponding metaschema. + """ + + _word_for_schema_in_error_message = "metaschema" + _word_for_instance_in_error_message = "schema" + + +@attr.s(hash=True) +class RefResolutionError(Exception): + """ + A ref could not be resolved. + """ + + _cause = attr.ib() + + def __str__(self): + return str(self._cause) + + +class UndefinedTypeCheck(Exception): + """ + A type checker was asked to check a type it did not have registered. + """ + + def __init__(self, type): + self.type = type + + def __unicode__(self): + return "Type %r is unknown to this type checker" % self.type + + if PY3: + __str__ = __unicode__ + else: + def __str__(self): + return unicode(self).encode("utf-8") + + +class UnknownType(Exception): + """ + A validator was asked to validate an instance against an unknown type. + """ + + def __init__(self, type, instance, schema): + self.type = type + self.instance = instance + self.schema = schema + + def __unicode__(self): + pschema = pprint.pformat(self.schema, width=72) + pinstance = pprint.pformat(self.instance, width=72) + return textwrap.dedent(""" + Unknown type %r for validator with schema: + %s + + While checking instance: + %s + """.rstrip() + ) % (self.type, _utils.indent(pschema), _utils.indent(pinstance)) + + if PY3: + __str__ = __unicode__ + else: + def __str__(self): + return unicode(self).encode("utf-8") + + +class FormatError(Exception): + """ + Validating a format failed. + """ + + def __init__(self, message, cause=None): + super(FormatError, self).__init__(message, cause) + self.message = message + self.cause = self.__cause__ = cause + + def __unicode__(self): + return self.message + + if PY3: + __str__ = __unicode__ + else: + def __str__(self): + return self.message.encode("utf-8") + + +class ErrorTree(object): + """ + ErrorTrees make it easier to check which validations failed. + """ + + _instance = _unset + + def __init__(self, errors=()): + self.errors = {} + self._contents = defaultdict(self.__class__) + + for error in errors: + container = self + for element in error.path: + container = container[element] + container.errors[error.validator] = error + + container._instance = error.instance + + def __contains__(self, index): + """ + Check whether ``instance[index]`` has any errors. + """ + + return index in self._contents + + def __getitem__(self, index): + """ + Retrieve the child tree one level down at the given ``index``. + + If the index is not in the instance that this tree corresponds to and + is not known by this tree, whatever error would be raised by + ``instance.__getitem__`` will be propagated (usually this is some + subclass of `exceptions.LookupError`. + """ + + if self._instance is not _unset and index not in self: + self._instance[index] + return self._contents[index] + + def __setitem__(self, index, value): + """ + Add an error to the tree at the given ``index``. + """ + self._contents[index] = value + + def __iter__(self): + """ + Iterate (non-recursively) over the indices in the instance with errors. + """ + + return iter(self._contents) + + def __len__(self): + """ + Return the `total_errors`. + """ + return self.total_errors + + def __repr__(self): + return "<%s (%s total errors)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) + + @property + def total_errors(self): + """ + The total number of errors in the entire tree, including children. + """ + + child_errors = sum(len(tree) for _, tree in iteritems(self._contents)) + return len(self.errors) + child_errors + + +def by_relevance(weak=WEAK_MATCHES, strong=STRONG_MATCHES): + """ + Create a key function that can be used to sort errors by relevance. + + Arguments: + weak (set): + a collection of validator names to consider to be "weak". + If there are two errors at the same level of the instance + and one is in the set of weak validator names, the other + error will take priority. By default, :validator:`anyOf` and + :validator:`oneOf` are considered weak validators and will + be superseded by other same-level validation errors. + + strong (set): + a collection of validator names to consider to be "strong" + """ + def relevance(error): + validator = error.validator + return -len(error.path), validator not in weak, validator in strong + return relevance + + +relevance = by_relevance() + + +def best_match(errors, key=relevance): + """ + Try to find an error that appears to be the best match among given errors. + + In general, errors that are higher up in the instance (i.e. for which + `ValidationError.path` is shorter) are considered better matches, + since they indicate "more" is wrong with the instance. + + If the resulting match is either :validator:`oneOf` or :validator:`anyOf`, + the *opposite* assumption is made -- i.e. the deepest error is picked, + since these validators only need to match once, and any other errors may + not be relevant. + + Arguments: + errors (collections.Iterable): + + the errors to select from. Do not provide a mixture of + errors from different validation attempts (i.e. from + different instances or schemas), since it won't produce + sensical output. + + key (collections.Callable): + + the key to use when sorting errors. See `relevance` and + transitively `by_relevance` for more details (the default is + to sort with the defaults of that function). Changing the + default is only useful if you want to change the function + that rates errors but still want the error context descent + done by this function. + + Returns: + the best matching error, or ``None`` if the iterable was empty + + .. note:: + + This function is a heuristic. Its return value may change for a given + set of inputs from version to version if better heuristics are added. + """ + errors = iter(errors) + best = next(errors, None) + if best is None: + return + best = max(itertools.chain([best], errors), key=key) + + while best.context: + best = min(best.context, key=key) + return best diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft3.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft3.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8a09c563b --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft3.json @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "dependencies": { + "exclusiveMaximum": "maximum", + "exclusiveMinimum": "minimum" + }, + "id": "", + "properties": { + "$ref": { + "format": "uri", + "type": "string" + }, + "$schema": { + "format": "uri", + "type": "string" + }, + "additionalItems": { + "default": {}, + "type": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "boolean" + ] + }, + "additionalProperties": { + "default": {}, + "type": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "boolean" + ] + }, + "default": { + "type": "any" + }, + "dependencies": { + "additionalProperties": { + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "type": [ + "string", + "array", + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ] + }, + "default": {}, + "type": [ + "string", + "array", + "object" + ] + }, + "description": { + "type": "string" + }, + "disallow": { + "items": { + "type": [ + "string", + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ] + }, + "type": [ + "string", + "array" + ], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "divisibleBy": { + "default": 1, + "exclusiveMinimum": true, + "minimum": 0, + "type": "number" + }, + "enum": { + "type": "array" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + }, + "extends": { + "default": {}, + "items": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "type": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "array" + ] + }, + "format": { + "type": "string" + }, + "id": { + "format": "uri", + "type": "string" + }, + "items": { + "default": {}, + "items": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "type": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "array" + ] + }, + "maxDecimal": { + "minimum": 0, + "type": "number" + }, + "maxItems": { + "minimum": 0, + "type": "integer" + }, + "maxLength": { + "type": "integer" + }, + "maximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "minItems": { + "default": 0, + "minimum": 0, + "type": "integer" + }, + "minLength": { + "default": 0, + "minimum": 0, + "type": "integer" + }, + "minimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "pattern": { + "format": "regex", + "type": "string" + }, + "patternProperties": { + "additionalProperties": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "default": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "properties": { + "additionalProperties": { + "$ref": "#", + "type": "object" + }, + "default": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "required": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + }, + "title": { + "type": "string" + }, + "type": { + "default": "any", + "items": { + "type": [ + "string", + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ] + }, + "type": [ + "string", + "array" + ], + "uniqueItems": true + }, + "uniqueItems": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft4.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft4.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b666cff88 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft4.json @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "default": {}, + "definitions": { + "positiveInteger": { + "minimum": 0, + "type": "integer" + }, + "positiveIntegerDefault0": { + "allOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveInteger" + }, + { + "default": 0 + } + ] + }, + "schemaArray": { + "items": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "minItems": 1, + "type": "array" + }, + "simpleTypes": { + "enum": [ + "array", + "boolean", + "integer", + "null", + "number", + "object", + "string" + ] + }, + "stringArray": { + "items": { + "type": "string" + }, + "minItems": 1, + "type": "array", + "uniqueItems": true + } + }, + "dependencies": { + "exclusiveMaximum": [ + "maximum" + ], + "exclusiveMinimum": [ + "minimum" + ] + }, + "description": "Core schema meta-schema", + "id": "", + "properties": { + "$schema": { + "format": "uri", + "type": "string" + }, + "additionalItems": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean" + }, + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ], + "default": {} + }, + "additionalProperties": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean" + }, + { + "$ref": "#" + } + ], + "default": {} + }, + "allOf": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" + }, + "anyOf": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" + }, + "default": {}, + "definitions": { + "additionalProperties": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "default": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "dependencies": { + "additionalProperties": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" + } + ] + }, + "type": "object" + }, + "description": { + "type": "string" + }, + "enum": { + "type": "array" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + }, + "format": { + "type": "string" + }, + "id": { + "format": "uri", + "type": "string" + }, + "items": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#" + }, + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" + } + ], + "default": {} + }, + "maxItems": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveInteger" + }, + "maxLength": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveInteger" + }, + "maxProperties": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveInteger" + }, + "maximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "minItems": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" + }, + "minLength": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" + }, + "minProperties": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/positiveIntegerDefault0" + }, + "minimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "multipleOf": { + "exclusiveMinimum": true, + "minimum": 0, + "type": "number" + }, + "not": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "oneOf": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" + }, + "pattern": { + "format": "regex", + "type": "string" + }, + "patternProperties": { + "additionalProperties": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "default": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "properties": { + "additionalProperties": { + "$ref": "#" + }, + "default": {}, + "type": "object" + }, + "required": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" + }, + "title": { + "type": "string" + }, + "type": { + "anyOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" + }, + { + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" + }, + "minItems": 1, + "type": "array", + "uniqueItems": true + } + ] + }, + "uniqueItems": { + "default": false, + "type": "boolean" + } + }, + "type": "object" +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft6.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft6.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0d2bf7896 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft6.json @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "$id": "", + "title": "Core schema meta-schema", + "definitions": { + "schemaArray": { + "type": "array", + "minItems": 1, + "items": { "$ref": "#" } + }, + "nonNegativeInteger": { + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 0 + }, + "nonNegativeIntegerDefault0": { + "allOf": [ + { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + { "default": 0 } + ] + }, + "simpleTypes": { + "enum": [ + "array", + "boolean", + "integer", + "null", + "number", + "object", + "string" + ] + }, + "stringArray": { + "type": "array", + "items": { "type": "string" }, + "uniqueItems": true, + "default": [] + } + }, + "type": ["object", "boolean"], + "properties": { + "$id": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri-reference" + }, + "$schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri" + }, + "$ref": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri-reference" + }, + "title": { + "type": "string" + }, + "description": { + "type": "string" + }, + "default": {}, + "examples": { + "type": "array", + "items": {} + }, + "multipleOf": { + "type": "number", + "exclusiveMinimum": 0 + }, + "maximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "minimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "maxLength": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minLength": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "pattern": { + "type": "string", + "format": "regex" + }, + "additionalItems": { "$ref": "#" }, + "items": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#" }, + { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" } + ], + "default": {} + }, + "maxItems": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minItems": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "uniqueItems": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false + }, + "contains": { "$ref": "#" }, + "maxProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "required": { "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" }, + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "definitions": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "default": {} + }, + "properties": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "default": {} + }, + "patternProperties": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "propertyNames": { "format": "regex" }, + "default": {} + }, + "dependencies": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#" }, + { "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" } + ] + } + }, + "propertyNames": { "$ref": "#" }, + "const": {}, + "enum": { + "type": "array" + }, + "type": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, + { + "type": "array", + "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, + "minItems": 1, + "uniqueItems": true + } + ] + }, + "format": { "type": "string" }, + "allOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "anyOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "oneOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "not": { "$ref": "#" } + }, + "default": {} +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft7.json b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft7.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..746cde9690 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/schemas/draft7.json @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +{ + "$schema": "", + "$id": "", + "title": "Core schema meta-schema", + "definitions": { + "schemaArray": { + "type": "array", + "minItems": 1, + "items": { "$ref": "#" } + }, + "nonNegativeInteger": { + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 0 + }, + "nonNegativeIntegerDefault0": { + "allOf": [ + { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + { "default": 0 } + ] + }, + "simpleTypes": { + "enum": [ + "array", + "boolean", + "integer", + "null", + "number", + "object", + "string" + ] + }, + "stringArray": { + "type": "array", + "items": { "type": "string" }, + "uniqueItems": true, + "default": [] + } + }, + "type": ["object", "boolean"], + "properties": { + "$id": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri-reference" + }, + "$schema": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri" + }, + "$ref": { + "type": "string", + "format": "uri-reference" + }, + "$comment": { + "type": "string" + }, + "title": { + "type": "string" + }, + "description": { + "type": "string" + }, + "default": true, + "readOnly": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false + }, + "examples": { + "type": "array", + "items": true + }, + "multipleOf": { + "type": "number", + "exclusiveMinimum": 0 + }, + "maximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "exclusiveMaximum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "minimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "exclusiveMinimum": { + "type": "number" + }, + "maxLength": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minLength": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "pattern": { + "type": "string", + "format": "regex" + }, + "additionalItems": { "$ref": "#" }, + "items": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#" }, + { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" } + ], + "default": true + }, + "maxItems": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minItems": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "uniqueItems": { + "type": "boolean", + "default": false + }, + "contains": { "$ref": "#" }, + "maxProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeInteger" }, + "minProperties": { "$ref": "#/definitions/nonNegativeIntegerDefault0" }, + "required": { "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" }, + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "definitions": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "default": {} + }, + "properties": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "default": {} + }, + "patternProperties": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#" }, + "propertyNames": { "format": "regex" }, + "default": {} + }, + "dependencies": { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#" }, + { "$ref": "#/definitions/stringArray" } + ] + } + }, + "propertyNames": { "$ref": "#" }, + "const": true, + "enum": { + "type": "array", + "items": true + }, + "type": { + "anyOf": [ + { "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, + { + "type": "array", + "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/simpleTypes" }, + "minItems": 1, + "uniqueItems": true + } + ] + }, + "format": { "type": "string" }, + "contentMediaType": { "type": "string" }, + "contentEncoding": { "type": "string" }, + "if": {"$ref": "#"}, + "then": {"$ref": "#"}, + "else": {"$ref": "#"}, + "allOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "anyOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "oneOf": { "$ref": "#/definitions/schemaArray" }, + "not": { "$ref": "#" } + }, + "default": true +} diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70f291fe2a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +def bug(issue=None): + message = "A known bug." + if issue is not None: + message += " See issue #{issue}.".format(issue=issue) + return message diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b68a7b668c --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +""" +Python representations of the JSON Schema Test Suite tests. +""" + +from functools import partial +import json +import os +import re +import subprocess +import sys +import unittest + +from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath +import attr + +from jsonschema.compat import PY3 +from jsonschema.validators import validators +import jsonschema + + +def _find_suite(): + root = os.environ.get("JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE") + if root is not None: + return FilePath(root) + + root = FilePath(jsonschema.__file__).parent().sibling("json") + if not root.isdir(): # pragma: no cover + raise ValueError( + ( + "Can't find the JSON-Schema-Test-Suite directory. " + "Set the 'JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE' environment " + "variable or run the tests from alongside a checkout " + "of the suite." + ), + ) + return root + + +@attr.s(hash=True) +class Suite(object): + + _root = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(_find_suite)) + + def _remotes(self): + jsonschema_suite = self._root.descendant(["bin", "jsonschema_suite"]) + remotes = subprocess.check_output( + [sys.executable, jsonschema_suite.path, "remotes"], + ) + return { + "http://localhost:1234/" + name: schema + for name, schema in json.loads(remotes.decode("utf-8")).items() + } + + def benchmark(self, runner): # pragma: no cover + for name in validators: + self.version(name=name).benchmark(runner=runner) + + def version(self, name): + return Version( + name=name, + path=self._root.descendant(["tests", name]), + remotes=self._remotes(), + ) + + +@attr.s(hash=True) +class Version(object): + + _path = attr.ib() + _remotes = attr.ib() + + name = attr.ib() + + def benchmark(self, runner, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover + for suite in self.tests(): + for test in suite: + runner.bench_func( + test.fully_qualified_name, + partial(test.validate_ignoring_errors, **kwargs), + ) + + def tests(self): + return ( + test + for child in self._path.globChildren("*.json") + for test in self._tests_in( + subject=child.basename()[:-5], + path=child, + ) + ) + + def format_tests(self): + path = self._path.descendant(["optional", "format"]) + return ( + test + for child in path.globChildren("*.json") + for test in self._tests_in( + subject=child.basename()[:-5], + path=child, + ) + ) + + def tests_of(self, name): + return self._tests_in( + subject=name, + path=self._path.child(name + ".json"), + ) + + def optional_tests_of(self, name): + return self._tests_in( + subject=name, + path=self._path.descendant(["optional", name + ".json"]), + ) + + def to_unittest_testcase(self, *suites, **kwargs): + name = kwargs.pop("name", "Test" + + methods = { + test.method_name: test.to_unittest_method(**kwargs) + for suite in suites + for tests in suite + for test in tests + } + cls = type(name, (unittest.TestCase,), methods) + + try: + cls.__module__ = _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller() + except Exception: # pragma: no cover + # We're doing crazy things, so if they go wrong, like a function + # behaving differently on some other interpreter, just make them + # not happen. + pass + + return cls + + def _tests_in(self, subject, path): + for each in json.loads(path.getContent().decode("utf-8")): + yield ( + _Test( + version=self, + subject=subject, + case_description=each["description"], + schema=each["schema"], + remotes=self._remotes, + **test + ) for test in each["tests"] + ) + + +@attr.s(hash=True, repr=False) +class _Test(object): + + version = attr.ib() + + subject = attr.ib() + case_description = attr.ib() + description = attr.ib() + + data = attr.ib() + schema = attr.ib(repr=False) + + valid = attr.ib() + + _remotes = attr.ib() + + def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover + return "".format(self.fully_qualified_name) + + @property + def fully_qualified_name(self): # pragma: no cover + return " > ".join( + [ +, + self.subject, + self.case_description, + self.description, + ] + ) + + @property + def method_name(self): + delimiters = r"[\W\- ]+" + name = "test_%s_%s_%s" % ( + re.sub(delimiters, "_", self.subject), + re.sub(delimiters, "_", self.case_description), + re.sub(delimiters, "_", self.description), + ) + + if not PY3: # pragma: no cover + name = name.encode("utf-8") + return name + + def to_unittest_method(self, skip=lambda test: None, **kwargs): + if self.valid: + def fn(this): + self.validate(**kwargs) + else: + def fn(this): + with this.assertRaises(jsonschema.ValidationError): + self.validate(**kwargs) + + fn.__name__ = self.method_name + reason = skip(self) + return unittest.skipIf(reason is not None, reason)(fn) + + def validate(self, Validator, **kwargs): + resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver.from_schema( + schema=self.schema, + store=self._remotes, + id_of=Validator.ID_OF, + ) + jsonschema.validate( +, + schema=self.schema, + cls=Validator, + resolver=resolver, + **kwargs + ) + + def validate_ignoring_errors(self, Validator): # pragma: no cover + try: + self.validate(Validator=Validator) + except jsonschema.ValidationError: + pass + + +def _someone_save_us_the_module_of_the_caller(): + """ + The FQON of the module 2nd stack frames up from here. + + This is intended to allow us to dynamicallly return test case classes that + are indistinguishable from being defined in the module that wants them. + + Otherwise, trial will mis-print the FQON, and copy pasting it won't re-run + the class that really is running. + + Save us all, this is all so so so so so terrible. + """ + + return sys._getframe(2).f_globals["__name__"] diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed820ba3f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +from unittest import TestCase +import json +import subprocess +import sys + +from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, ValidationError, cli, __version__ +from jsonschema.compat import NativeIO +from jsonschema.exceptions import SchemaError + + +def fake_validator(*errors): + errors = list(reversed(errors)) + + class FakeValidator(object): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + pass + + def iter_errors(self, instance): + if errors: + return errors.pop() + return [] + + def check_schema(self, schema): + pass + + return FakeValidator + + +class TestParser(TestCase): + + FakeValidator = fake_validator() + instance_file = "foo.json" + schema_file = "schema.json" + + def setUp(self): + = self.fake_open + self.addCleanup(delattr, cli, "open") + + def fake_open(self, path): + if path == self.instance_file: + contents = "" + elif path == self.schema_file: + contents = {} + else: # pragma: no cover +"What is {!r}".format(path)) + return NativeIO(json.dumps(contents)) + + def test_find_validator_by_fully_qualified_object_name(self): + arguments = cli.parse_args( + [ + "--validator", + "jsonschema.tests.test_cli.TestParser.FakeValidator", + "--instance", self.instance_file, + self.schema_file, + ] + ) + self.assertIs(arguments["validator"], self.FakeValidator) + + def test_find_validator_in_jsonschema(self): + arguments = cli.parse_args( + [ + "--validator", "Draft4Validator", + "--instance", self.instance_file, + self.schema_file, + ] + ) + self.assertIs(arguments["validator"], Draft4Validator) + + +class TestCLI(TestCase): + def test_draft3_schema_draft4_validator(self): + stdout, stderr = NativeIO(), NativeIO() + with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): + + { + "validator": Draft4Validator, + "schema": { + "anyOf": [ + {"minimum": 20}, + {"type": "string"}, + {"required": True}, + ], + }, + "instances": [1], + "error_format": "{error.message}", + }, + stdout=stdout, + stderr=stderr, + ) + + def test_successful_validation(self): + stdout, stderr = NativeIO(), NativeIO() + exit_code = + { + "validator": fake_validator(), + "schema": {}, + "instances": [1], + "error_format": "{error.message}", + }, + stdout=stdout, + stderr=stderr, + ) + self.assertFalse(stdout.getvalue()) + self.assertFalse(stderr.getvalue()) + self.assertEqual(exit_code, 0) + + def test_unsuccessful_validation(self): + error = ValidationError("I am an error!", instance=1) + stdout, stderr = NativeIO(), NativeIO() + exit_code = + { + "validator": fake_validator([error]), + "schema": {}, + "instances": [1], + "error_format": "{error.instance} - {error.message}", + }, + stdout=stdout, + stderr=stderr, + ) + self.assertFalse(stdout.getvalue()) + self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), "1 - I am an error!") + self.assertEqual(exit_code, 1) + + def test_unsuccessful_validation_multiple_instances(self): + first_errors = [ + ValidationError("9", instance=1), + ValidationError("8", instance=1), + ] + second_errors = [ValidationError("7", instance=2)] + stdout, stderr = NativeIO(), NativeIO() + exit_code = + { + "validator": fake_validator(first_errors, second_errors), + "schema": {}, + "instances": [1, 2], + "error_format": "{error.instance} - {error.message}\t", + }, + stdout=stdout, + stderr=stderr, + ) + self.assertFalse(stdout.getvalue()) + self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), "1 - 9\t1 - 8\t2 - 7\t") + self.assertEqual(exit_code, 1) + + def test_version(self): + version = subprocess.check_output( + [sys.executable, "-m", "jsonschema", "--version"], + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, + ) + version = version.decode("utf-8").strip() + self.assertEqual(version, __version__) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..eae00d76d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +from unittest import TestCase +import textwrap + +from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, exceptions +from jsonschema.compat import PY3 + + +class TestBestMatch(TestCase): + def best_match(self, errors): + errors = list(errors) + best = exceptions.best_match(errors) + reversed_best = exceptions.best_match(reversed(errors)) + msg = "Didn't return a consistent best match!\nGot: {0}\n\nThen: {1}" + self.assertEqual( + best._contents(), reversed_best._contents(), + msg=msg.format(best, reversed_best), + ) + return best + + def test_shallower_errors_are_better_matches(self): + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "minProperties": 2, + "properties": {"bar": {"type": "object"}}, + }, + }, + }, + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({"foo": {"bar": []}})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator, "minProperties") + + def test_oneOf_and_anyOf_are_weak_matches(self): + """ + A property you *must* match is probably better than one you have to + match a part of. + """ + + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "minProperties": 2, + "anyOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "number"}], + "oneOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "number"}], + } + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator, "minProperties") + + def test_if_the_most_relevant_error_is_anyOf_it_is_traversed(self): + """ + If the most relevant error is an anyOf, then we traverse its context + and select the otherwise *least* relevant error, since in this case + that means the most specific, deep, error inside the instance. + + I.e. since only one of the schemas must match, we look for the most + relevant one. + """ + + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "anyOf": [ + {"type": "string"}, + {"properties": {"bar": {"type": "array"}}}, + ], + }, + }, + }, + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({"foo": {"bar": 12}})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator_value, "array") + + def test_if_the_most_relevant_error_is_oneOf_it_is_traversed(self): + """ + If the most relevant error is an oneOf, then we traverse its context + and select the otherwise *least* relevant error, since in this case + that means the most specific, deep, error inside the instance. + + I.e. since only one of the schemas must match, we look for the most + relevant one. + """ + + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "oneOf": [ + {"type": "string"}, + {"properties": {"bar": {"type": "array"}}}, + ], + }, + }, + }, + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({"foo": {"bar": 12}})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator_value, "array") + + def test_if_the_most_relevant_error_is_allOf_it_is_traversed(self): + """ + Now, if the error is allOf, we traverse but select the *most* relevant + error from the context, because all schemas here must match anyways. + """ + + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "allOf": [ + {"type": "string"}, + {"properties": {"bar": {"type": "array"}}}, + ], + }, + }, + }, + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({"foo": {"bar": 12}})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator_value, "string") + + def test_nested_context_for_oneOf(self): + validator = Draft4Validator( + { + "properties": { + "foo": { + "oneOf": [ + {"type": "string"}, + { + "oneOf": [ + {"type": "string"}, + { + "properties": { + "bar": {"type": "array"}, + }, + }, + ], + }, + ], + }, + }, + }, + ) + best = self.best_match(validator.iter_errors({"foo": {"bar": 12}})) + self.assertEqual(best.validator_value, "array") + + def test_one_error(self): + validator = Draft4Validator({"minProperties": 2}) + error, = validator.iter_errors({}) + self.assertEqual( + exceptions.best_match(validator.iter_errors({})).validator, + "minProperties", + ) + + def test_no_errors(self): + validator = Draft4Validator({}) + self.assertIsNone(exceptions.best_match(validator.iter_errors({}))) + + +class TestByRelevance(TestCase): + def test_short_paths_are_better_matches(self): + shallow = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh no!", path=["baz"]) + deep = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh yes!", path=["foo", "bar"]) + match = max([shallow, deep], key=exceptions.relevance) + self.assertIs(match, shallow) + + match = max([deep, shallow], key=exceptions.relevance) + self.assertIs(match, shallow) + + def test_global_errors_are_even_better_matches(self): + shallow = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh no!", path=[]) + deep = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh yes!", path=["foo"]) + + errors = sorted([shallow, deep], key=exceptions.relevance) + self.assertEqual( + [list(error.path) for error in errors], + [["foo"], []], + ) + + errors = sorted([deep, shallow], key=exceptions.relevance) + self.assertEqual( + [list(error.path) for error in errors], + [["foo"], []], + ) + + def test_weak_validators_are_lower_priority(self): + weak = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh no!", path=[], validator="a") + normal = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh yes!", path=[], validator="b") + + best_match = exceptions.by_relevance(weak="a") + + match = max([weak, normal], key=best_match) + self.assertIs(match, normal) + + match = max([normal, weak], key=best_match) + self.assertIs(match, normal) + + def test_strong_validators_are_higher_priority(self): + weak = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh no!", path=[], validator="a") + normal = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh yes!", path=[], validator="b") + strong = exceptions.ValidationError("Oh fine!", path=[], validator="c") + + best_match = exceptions.by_relevance(weak="a", strong="c") + + match = max([weak, normal, strong], key=best_match) + self.assertIs(match, strong) + + match = max([strong, normal, weak], key=best_match) + self.assertIs(match, strong) + + +class TestErrorTree(TestCase): + def test_it_knows_how_many_total_errors_it_contains(self): + # FIXME: + errors = [ + exceptions.ValidationError("Something", validator=i) + for i in range(8) + ] + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree(errors) + self.assertEqual(tree.total_errors, 8) + + def test_it_contains_an_item_if_the_item_had_an_error(self): + errors = [exceptions.ValidationError("a message", path=["bar"])] + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree(errors) + self.assertIn("bar", tree) + + def test_it_does_not_contain_an_item_if_the_item_had_no_error(self): + errors = [exceptions.ValidationError("a message", path=["bar"])] + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree(errors) + self.assertNotIn("foo", tree) + + def test_validators_that_failed_appear_in_errors_dict(self): + error = exceptions.ValidationError("a message", validator="foo") + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree([error]) + self.assertEqual(tree.errors, {"foo": error}) + + def test_it_creates_a_child_tree_for_each_nested_path(self): + errors = [ + exceptions.ValidationError("a bar message", path=["bar"]), + exceptions.ValidationError("a bar -> 0 message", path=["bar", 0]), + ] + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree(errors) + self.assertIn(0, tree["bar"]) + self.assertNotIn(1, tree["bar"]) + + def test_children_have_their_errors_dicts_built(self): + e1, e2 = ( + exceptions.ValidationError("1", validator="foo", path=["bar", 0]), + exceptions.ValidationError("2", validator="quux", path=["bar", 0]), + ) + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree([e1, e2]) + self.assertEqual(tree["bar"][0].errors, {"foo": e1, "quux": e2}) + + def test_multiple_errors_with_instance(self): + e1, e2 = ( + exceptions.ValidationError( + "1", + validator="foo", + path=["bar", "bar2"], + instance="i1"), + exceptions.ValidationError( + "2", + validator="quux", + path=["foobar", 2], + instance="i2"), + ) + exceptions.ErrorTree([e1, e2]) + + def test_it_does_not_contain_subtrees_that_are_not_in_the_instance(self): + error = exceptions.ValidationError("123", validator="foo", instance=[]) + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree([error]) + + with self.assertRaises(IndexError): + tree[0] + + def test_if_its_in_the_tree_anyhow_it_does_not_raise_an_error(self): + """ + If a validator is dumb (like :validator:`required` in draft 3) and + refers to a path that isn't in the instance, the tree still properly + returns a subtree for that path. + """ + + error = exceptions.ValidationError( + "a message", validator="foo", instance={}, path=["foo"], + ) + tree = exceptions.ErrorTree([error]) + self.assertIsInstance(tree["foo"], exceptions.ErrorTree) + + +class TestErrorInitReprStr(TestCase): + def make_error(self, **kwargs): + defaults = dict( + message=u"hello", + validator=u"type", + validator_value=u"string", + instance=5, + schema={u"type": u"string"}, + ) + defaults.update(kwargs) + return exceptions.ValidationError(**defaults) + + def assertShows(self, expected, **kwargs): + if PY3: # pragma: no cover + expected = expected.replace("u'", "'") + expected = textwrap.dedent(expected).rstrip("\n") + + error = self.make_error(**kwargs) + message_line, _, rest = str(error).partition("\n") + self.assertEqual(message_line, error.message) + self.assertEqual(rest, expected) + + def test_it_calls_super_and_sets_args(self): + error = self.make_error() + self.assertGreater(len(error.args), 1) + + def test_repr(self): + self.assertEqual( + repr(exceptions.ValidationError(message="Hello!")), + "" % "Hello!", + ) + + def test_unset_error(self): + error = exceptions.ValidationError("message") + self.assertEqual(str(error), "message") + + kwargs = { + "validator": "type", + "validator_value": "string", + "instance": 5, + "schema": {"type": "string"}, + } + # Just the message should show if any of the attributes are unset + for attr in kwargs: + k = dict(kwargs) + del k[attr] + error = exceptions.ValidationError("message", **k) + self.assertEqual(str(error), "message") + + def test_empty_paths(self): + self.assertShows( + """ + Failed validating u'type' in schema: + {u'type': u'string'} + + On instance: + 5 + """, + path=[], + schema_path=[], + ) + + def test_one_item_paths(self): + self.assertShows( + """ + Failed validating u'type' in schema: + {u'type': u'string'} + + On instance[0]: + 5 + """, + path=[0], + schema_path=["items"], + ) + + def test_multiple_item_paths(self): + self.assertShows( + """ + Failed validating u'type' in schema[u'items'][0]: + {u'type': u'string'} + + On instance[0][u'a']: + 5 + """, + path=[0, u"a"], + schema_path=[u"items", 0, 1], + ) + + def test_uses_pprint(self): + self.assertShows( + """ + Failed validating u'maxLength' in schema: + {0: 0, + 1: 1, + 2: 2, + 3: 3, + 4: 4, + 5: 5, + 6: 6, + 7: 7, + 8: 8, + 9: 9, + 10: 10, + 11: 11, + 12: 12, + 13: 13, + 14: 14, + 15: 15, + 16: 16, + 17: 17, + 18: 18, + 19: 19} + + On instance: + [0, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7, + 8, + 9, + 10, + 11, + 12, + 13, + 14, + 15, + 16, + 17, + 18, + 19, + 20, + 21, + 22, + 23, + 24] + """, + instance=list(range(25)), + schema=dict(zip(range(20), range(20))), + validator=u"maxLength", + ) + + def test_str_works_with_instances_having_overriden_eq_operator(self): + """ + Check for which + rendered exceptions unusable when a `ValidationError` involved + instances with an `__eq__` method that returned truthy values. + """ + + class DontEQMeBro(object): + def __eq__(this, other): # pragma: no cover +"Don't!") + + def __ne__(this, other): # pragma: no cover +"Don't!") + + instance = DontEQMeBro() + error = exceptions.ValidationError( + "a message", + validator="foo", + instance=instance, + validator_value="some", + schema="schema", + ) + self.assertIn(repr(instance), str(error)) + + +class TestHashable(TestCase): + def test_hashable(self): + set([exceptions.ValidationError("")]) + set([exceptions.SchemaError("")]) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..254985f615 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +""" +Tests for the parts of jsonschema related to the :validator:`format` property. +""" + +from unittest import TestCase + +from jsonschema import FormatError, ValidationError, FormatChecker +from jsonschema.validators import Draft4Validator + + +BOOM = ValueError("Boom!") +BANG = ZeroDivisionError("Bang!") + + +def boom(thing): + if thing == "bang": + raise BANG + raise BOOM + + +class TestFormatChecker(TestCase): + def test_it_can_validate_no_formats(self): + checker = FormatChecker(formats=()) + self.assertFalse(checker.checkers) + + def test_it_raises_a_key_error_for_unknown_formats(self): + with self.assertRaises(KeyError): + FormatChecker(formats=["o noes"]) + + def test_it_can_register_cls_checkers(self): + original = dict(FormatChecker.checkers) + self.addCleanup(FormatChecker.checkers.pop, "boom") + FormatChecker.cls_checks("boom")(boom) + self.assertEqual( + FormatChecker.checkers, + dict(original, boom=(boom, ())), + ) + + def test_it_can_register_checkers(self): + checker = FormatChecker() + checker.checks("boom")(boom) + self.assertEqual( + checker.checkers, + dict(FormatChecker.checkers, boom=(boom, ())) + ) + + def test_it_catches_registered_errors(self): + checker = FormatChecker() + checker.checks("boom", raises=type(BOOM))(boom) + + with self.assertRaises(FormatError) as cm: + checker.check(instance=12, format="boom") + + self.assertIs(cm.exception.cause, BOOM) + self.assertIs(cm.exception.__cause__, BOOM) + + # Unregistered errors should not be caught + with self.assertRaises(type(BANG)): + checker.check(instance="bang", format="boom") + + def test_format_error_causes_become_validation_error_causes(self): + checker = FormatChecker() + checker.checks("boom", raises=ValueError)(boom) + validator = Draft4Validator({"format": "boom"}, format_checker=checker) + + with self.assertRaises(ValidationError) as cm: + validator.validate("BOOM") + + self.assertIs(cm.exception.cause, BOOM) + self.assertIs(cm.exception.__cause__, BOOM) + + def test_format_checkers_come_with_defaults(self): + # This is bad :/ but relied upon. + # The docs for quite awhile recommended people do things like + # validate(..., format_checker=FormatChecker()) + # We should change that, but we can't without deprecation... + checker = FormatChecker() + with self.assertRaises(FormatError): + checker.check(instance="not-an-ipv4", format="ipv4") + + def test_repr(self): + checker = FormatChecker(formats=()) + checker.checks("foo")(lambda thing: True) + checker.checks("bar")(lambda thing: True) + checker.checks("baz")(lambda thing: True) + self.assertEqual( + repr(checker), + "", + ) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebccf29735 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,277 @@ +""" +Test runner for the JSON Schema official test suite + +Tests comprehensive correctness of each draft's validator. + +See for details. +""" + +import sys +import warnings + +from jsonschema import ( + Draft3Validator, + Draft4Validator, + Draft6Validator, + Draft7Validator, + draft3_format_checker, + draft4_format_checker, + draft6_format_checker, + draft7_format_checker, +) +from jsonschema.tests._helpers import bug +from jsonschema.tests._suite import Suite +from jsonschema.validators import _DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES, create + + +SUITE = Suite() +DRAFT3 = SUITE.version(name="draft3") +DRAFT4 = SUITE.version(name="draft4") +DRAFT6 = SUITE.version(name="draft6") +DRAFT7 = SUITE.version(name="draft7") + + +def skip(message, **kwargs): + def skipper(test): + if all(value == getattr(test, attr) for attr, value in kwargs.items()): + return message + return skipper + + +def missing_format(checker): + def missing_format(test): + schema = test.schema + if schema is True or schema is False or "format" not in schema: + return + + if schema["format"] not in checker.checkers: + return "Format checker {0!r} not found.".format(schema["format"]) + return missing_format + + +is_narrow_build = sys.maxunicode == 2 ** 16 - 1 +if is_narrow_build: # pragma: no cover + message = "Not running surrogate Unicode case, this Python is narrow." + + def narrow_unicode_build(test): # pragma: no cover + return skip( + message=message, + description="one supplementary Unicode code point is not long enough", + )(test) or skip( + message=message, + description="two supplementary Unicode code points is long enough", + )(test) +else: + def narrow_unicode_build(test): # pragma: no cover + return + + +TestDraft3 = DRAFT3.to_unittest_testcase( + DRAFT3.tests(), + DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), + DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="format"), + DRAFT3.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), + Validator=Draft3Validator, + format_checker=draft3_format_checker, + skip=lambda test: ( + narrow_unicode_build(test) + or missing_format(draft3_format_checker)(test) + or skip( + message="Upstream bug in strict_rfc3339", + subject="format", + description="case-insensitive T and Z", + )(test) + ), +) + + +TestDraft4 = DRAFT4.to_unittest_testcase( + DRAFT4.tests(), + DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), + DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="format"), + DRAFT4.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), + Validator=Draft4Validator, + format_checker=draft4_format_checker, + skip=lambda test: ( + narrow_unicode_build(test) + or missing_format(draft4_format_checker)(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="ref", + case_description="Recursive references between schemas", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description="Location-independent identifier", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="refRemote", + case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", + )(test) + or skip( + message="Upstream bug in strict_rfc3339", + subject="format", + description="case-insensitive T and Z", + )(test) + ), +) + + +TestDraft6 = DRAFT6.to_unittest_testcase( + DRAFT6.tests(), + DRAFT6.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), + DRAFT6.optional_tests_of(name="format"), + DRAFT6.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), + Validator=Draft6Validator, + format_checker=draft6_format_checker, + skip=lambda test: ( + narrow_unicode_build(test) + or missing_format(draft6_format_checker)(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="ref", + case_description="Recursive references between schemas", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description="Location-independent identifier", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="refRemote", + case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", + )(test) + or skip( + message="Upstream bug in strict_rfc3339", + subject="format", + description="case-insensitive T and Z", + )(test) + ), +) + + +TestDraft7 = DRAFT7.to_unittest_testcase( + DRAFT7.tests(), + DRAFT7.format_tests(), + DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="bignum"), + DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="content"), + DRAFT7.optional_tests_of(name="zeroTerminatedFloats"), + Validator=Draft7Validator, + format_checker=draft7_format_checker, + skip=lambda test: ( + narrow_unicode_build(test) + or missing_format(draft7_format_checker)(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="ref", + case_description="Recursive references between schemas", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description="Location-independent identifier", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with absolute URI" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(371), + subject="ref", + case_description=( + "Location-independent identifier with base URI change in subschema" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(), + subject="refRemote", + case_description="base URI change - change folder in subschema", + )(test) + or skip( + message="Upstream bug in strict_rfc3339", + subject="date-time", + description="case-insensitive T and Z", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(593), + subject="content", + case_description=( + "validation of string-encoded content based on media type" + ), + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(593), + subject="content", + case_description="validation of binary string-encoding", + )(test) + or skip( + message=bug(593), + subject="content", + case_description=( + "validation of binary-encoded media type documents" + ), + )(test) + ), +) + + +with warnings.catch_warnings(): + warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) + + TestDraft3LegacyTypeCheck = DRAFT3.to_unittest_testcase( + # Interestingly the any part couldn't really be done w/the old API. + ( + (test for test in each if test.schema != {"type": "any"}) + for each in DRAFT3.tests_of(name="type") + ), + name="TestDraft3LegacyTypeCheck", + Validator=create( + meta_schema=Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA, + validators=Draft3Validator.VALIDATORS, + default_types=_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES, + ), + ) + + TestDraft4LegacyTypeCheck = DRAFT4.to_unittest_testcase( + DRAFT4.tests_of(name="type"), + name="TestDraft4LegacyTypeCheck", + Validator=create( + meta_schema=Draft4Validator.META_SCHEMA, + validators=Draft4Validator.VALIDATORS, + default_types=_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES, + ), + ) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2280cc395b --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +""" +Tests on the new type interface. The actual correctness of the type checking +is handled in test_jsonschema_test_suite; these tests check that TypeChecker +functions correctly and can facilitate extensions to type checking +""" +from collections import namedtuple +from unittest import TestCase + +from jsonschema import ValidationError, _validators +from jsonschema._types import TypeChecker +from jsonschema.exceptions import UndefinedTypeCheck +from jsonschema.validators import Draft4Validator, extend + + +def equals_2(checker, instance): + return instance == 2 + + +def is_namedtuple(instance): + return isinstance(instance, tuple) and getattr(instance, "_fields", None) + + +def is_object_or_named_tuple(checker, instance): + if Draft4Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "object"): + return True + return is_namedtuple(instance) + + +def coerce_named_tuple(fn): + def coerced(validator, value, instance, schema): + if is_namedtuple(instance): + instance = instance._asdict() + return fn(validator, value, instance, schema) + return coerced + + +required = coerce_named_tuple(_validators.required) +properties = coerce_named_tuple( + + +class TestTypeChecker(TestCase): + def test_is_type(self): + checker = TypeChecker({"two": equals_2}) + self.assertEqual( + ( + checker.is_type(instance=2, type="two"), + checker.is_type(instance="bar", type="two"), + ), + (True, False), + ) + + def test_is_unknown_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(UndefinedTypeCheck) as context: + TypeChecker().is_type(4, "foobar") + self.assertIn("foobar", str(context.exception)) + + def test_checks_can_be_added_at_init(self): + checker = TypeChecker({"two": equals_2}) + self.assertEqual(checker, TypeChecker().redefine("two", equals_2)) + + def test_redefine_existing_type(self): + self.assertEqual( + TypeChecker().redefine("two", object()).redefine("two", equals_2), + TypeChecker().redefine("two", equals_2), + ) + + def test_remove(self): + self.assertEqual( + TypeChecker({"two": equals_2}).remove("two"), + TypeChecker(), + ) + + def test_remove_unknown_type(self): + with self.assertRaises(UndefinedTypeCheck) as context: + TypeChecker().remove("foobar") + self.assertIn("foobar", str(context.exception)) + + def test_redefine_many(self): + self.assertEqual( + TypeChecker().redefine_many({"foo": int, "bar": str}), + TypeChecker().redefine("foo", int).redefine("bar", str), + ) + + def test_remove_multiple(self): + self.assertEqual( + TypeChecker({"foo": int, "bar": str}).remove("foo", "bar"), + TypeChecker(), + ) + + def test_type_check_can_raise_key_error(self): + """ + Make sure no one writes: + + try: + self._type_checkers[type](...) + except KeyError: + + ignoring the fact that the function itself can raise that. + """ + + error = KeyError("Stuff") + + def raises_keyerror(checker, instance): + raise error + + with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context: + TypeChecker({"foo": raises_keyerror}).is_type(4, "foo") + + self.assertIs(context.exception, error) + + +class TestCustomTypes(TestCase): + def test_simple_type_can_be_extended(self): + def int_or_str_int(checker, instance): + if not isinstance(instance, (int, str)): + return False + try: + int(instance) + except ValueError: + return False + return True + + CustomValidator = extend( + Draft4Validator, + type_checker=Draft4Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + "integer", int_or_str_int, + ), + ) + validator = CustomValidator({"type": "integer"}) + + validator.validate(4) + validator.validate("4") + + with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): + validator.validate(4.4) + + def test_object_can_be_extended(self): + schema = {"type": "object"} + + Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"]) + + type_checker = Draft4Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + u"object", is_object_or_named_tuple, + ) + + CustomValidator = extend(Draft4Validator, type_checker=type_checker) + validator = CustomValidator(schema) + + validator.validate(Point(x=4, y=5)) + + def test_object_extensions_require_custom_validators(self): + schema = {"type": "object", "required": ["x"]} + + type_checker = Draft4Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + u"object", is_object_or_named_tuple, + ) + + CustomValidator = extend(Draft4Validator, type_checker=type_checker) + validator = CustomValidator(schema) + + Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"]) + # Cannot handle required + with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): + validator.validate(Point(x=4, y=5)) + + def test_object_extensions_can_handle_custom_validators(self): + schema = { + "type": "object", + "required": ["x"], + "properties": {"x": {"type": "integer"}}, + } + + type_checker = Draft4Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + u"object", is_object_or_named_tuple, + ) + + CustomValidator = extend( + Draft4Validator, + type_checker=type_checker, + validators={"required": required, "properties": properties}, + ) + + validator = CustomValidator(schema) + + Point = namedtuple("Point", ["x", "y"]) + # Can now process required and properties + validator.validate(Point(x=4, y=5)) + + with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): + validator.validate(Point(x="not an integer", y=5)) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07be4f08bc --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/tests/ @@ -0,0 +1,1762 @@ +from collections import deque +from contextlib import contextmanager +from decimal import Decimal +from io import BytesIO +from unittest import TestCase +import json +import os +import sys +import tempfile +import unittest + +from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase +import attr + +from jsonschema import FormatChecker, TypeChecker, exceptions, validators +from jsonschema.compat import PY3, pathname2url +from jsonschema.tests._helpers import bug + + +def startswith(validator, startswith, instance, schema): + if not instance.startswith(startswith): + yield exceptions.ValidationError(u"Whoops!") + + +class TestCreateAndExtend(SynchronousTestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.addCleanup( + self.assertEqual, + validators.meta_schemas, + dict(validators.meta_schemas), + ) + + self.meta_schema = {u"$id": "some://meta/schema"} + self.validators = {u"startswith": startswith} + self.type_checker = TypeChecker() + self.Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema=self.meta_schema, + validators=self.validators, + type_checker=self.type_checker, + ) + + def test_attrs(self): + self.assertEqual( + ( + self.Validator.VALIDATORS, + self.Validator.META_SCHEMA, + self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER, + ), ( + self.validators, + self.meta_schema, + self.type_checker, + ), + ) + + def test_init(self): + schema = {u"startswith": u"foo"} + self.assertEqual(self.Validator(schema).schema, schema) + + def test_iter_errors(self): + schema = {u"startswith": u"hel"} + iter_errors = self.Validator(schema).iter_errors + + errors = list(iter_errors(u"hello")) + self.assertEqual(errors, []) + + expected_error = exceptions.ValidationError( + u"Whoops!", + instance=u"goodbye", + schema=schema, + validator=u"startswith", + validator_value=u"hel", + schema_path=deque([u"startswith"]), + ) + + errors = list(iter_errors(u"goodbye")) + self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1) + self.assertEqual(errors[0]._contents(), expected_error._contents()) + + def test_if_a_version_is_provided_it_is_registered(self): + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={u"$id": "something"}, + version="my version", + ) + self.addCleanup(validators.meta_schemas.pop, "something") + self.assertEqual(Validator.__name__, "MyVersionValidator") + + def test_if_a_version_is_not_provided_it_is_not_registered(self): + original = dict(validators.meta_schemas) + validators.create(meta_schema={u"id": "id"}) + self.assertEqual(validators.meta_schemas, original) + + def test_validates_registers_meta_schema_id(self): + meta_schema_key = "meta schema id" + my_meta_schema = {u"id": meta_schema_key} + + validators.create( + meta_schema=my_meta_schema, + version="my version", + id_of=lambda s: s.get("id", ""), + ) + self.addCleanup(validators.meta_schemas.pop, meta_schema_key) + + self.assertIn(meta_schema_key, validators.meta_schemas) + + def test_validates_registers_meta_schema_draft6_id(self): + meta_schema_key = "meta schema $id" + my_meta_schema = {u"$id": meta_schema_key} + + validators.create( + meta_schema=my_meta_schema, + version="my version", + ) + self.addCleanup(validators.meta_schemas.pop, meta_schema_key) + + self.assertIn(meta_schema_key, validators.meta_schemas) + + def test_create_default_types(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators=()) + self.assertTrue( + all( + Validator({}).is_type(instance=instance, type=type) + for type, instance in [ + (u"array", []), + (u"boolean", True), + (u"integer", 12), + (u"null", None), + (u"number", 12.0), + (u"object", {}), + (u"string", u"foo"), + ] + ), + ) + + def test_extend(self): + original = dict(self.Validator.VALIDATORS) + new = object() + + Extended = validators.extend( + self.Validator, + validators={u"new": new}, + ) + self.assertEqual( + ( + Extended.VALIDATORS, + Extended.META_SCHEMA, + Extended.TYPE_CHECKER, + self.Validator.VALIDATORS, + ), ( + dict(original, new=new), + self.Validator.META_SCHEMA, + self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER, + original, + ), + ) + + def test_extend_idof(self): + """ + Extending a validator preserves its notion of schema IDs. + """ + def id_of(schema): + return schema.get(u"__test__", self.Validator.ID_OF(schema)) + correct_id = "the://correct/id/" + meta_schema = { + u"$id": "the://wrong/id/", + u"__test__": correct_id, + } + Original = validators.create( + meta_schema=meta_schema, + validators=self.validators, + type_checker=self.type_checker, + id_of=id_of, + ) + self.assertEqual(Original.ID_OF(Original.META_SCHEMA), correct_id) + + Derived = validators.extend(Original) + self.assertEqual(Derived.ID_OF(Derived.META_SCHEMA), correct_id) + + +class TestLegacyTypeChecking(SynchronousTestCase): + def test_create_default_types(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators=()) + self.assertEqual( + set(Validator.DEFAULT_TYPES), { + u"array", + u"boolean", + u"integer", + u"null", + u"number", + u"object", u"string", + }, + ) + self.flushWarnings() + + def test_extend(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators=()) + original = dict(Validator.VALIDATORS) + new = object() + + Extended = validators.extend( + Validator, + validators={u"new": new}, + ) + self.assertEqual( + ( + Extended.VALIDATORS, + Extended.META_SCHEMA, + Extended.TYPE_CHECKER, + Validator.VALIDATORS, + + Extended.DEFAULT_TYPES, + Extended({}).DEFAULT_TYPES, + self.flushWarnings()[0]["message"], + ), ( + dict(original, new=new), + Validator.META_SCHEMA, + Validator.TYPE_CHECKER, + original, + + Validator.DEFAULT_TYPES, + Validator.DEFAULT_TYPES, + self.flushWarnings()[0]["message"], + ), + ) + + def test_types_redefines_the_validators_type_checker(self): + schema = {"type": "string"} + self.assertFalse(validators.Draft7Validator(schema).is_valid(12)) + + validator = validators.Draft7Validator( + schema, + types={"string": (str, int)}, + ) + self.assertTrue(validator.is_valid(12)) + self.flushWarnings() + + def test_providing_default_types_warns(self): + self.assertWarns( + category=DeprecationWarning, + message=( + "The default_types argument is deprecated. " + "Use the type_checker argument instead." + ), + # :'( + filename=sys.modules[self.assertWarns.__module__].__file__, + + f=validators.create, + meta_schema={}, + validators={}, + default_types={"foo": object}, + ) + + def test_cannot_ask_for_default_types_with_non_default_type_checker(self): + """ + We raise an error when you ask a validator with non-default + type checker for its DEFAULT_TYPES. + + The type checker argument is new, so no one but this library + itself should be trying to use it, and doing so while then + asking for DEFAULT_TYPES makes no sense (not to mention is + deprecated), since type checkers are not strictly about Python + type. + """ + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={}, + validators={}, + type_checker=TypeChecker(), + ) + with self.assertRaises(validators._DontDoThat) as e: + Validator.DEFAULT_TYPES + + self.assertIn( + "DEFAULT_TYPES cannot be used on Validators using TypeCheckers", + str(e.exception), + ) + with self.assertRaises(validators._DontDoThat): + Validator({}).DEFAULT_TYPES + + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + def test_providing_explicit_type_checker_does_not_warn(self): + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={}, + validators={}, + type_checker=TypeChecker(), + ) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + Validator({}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + def test_providing_neither_does_not_warn(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators={}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + Validator({}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + def test_providing_default_types_with_type_checker_errors(self): + with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as e: + validators.create( + meta_schema={}, + validators={}, + default_types={"foo": object}, + type_checker=TypeChecker(), + ) + + self.assertIn( + "Do not specify default_types when providing a type checker", + str(e.exception), + ) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + def test_extending_a_legacy_validator_with_a_type_checker_errors(self): + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={}, + validators={}, + default_types={u"array": list} + ) + with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as e: + validators.extend( + Validator, + validators={}, + type_checker=TypeChecker(), + ) + + self.assertIn( + ( + "Cannot extend a validator created with default_types " + "with a type_checker. Update the validator to use a " + "type_checker when created." + ), + str(e.exception), + ) + self.flushWarnings() + + def test_extending_a_legacy_validator_does_not_rewarn(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, default_types={}) + self.assertTrue(self.flushWarnings()) + + validators.extend(Validator) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + def test_accessing_default_types_warns(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators={}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + self.assertWarns( + DeprecationWarning, + ( + "The DEFAULT_TYPES attribute is deprecated. " + "See the type checker attached to this validator instead." + ), + # :'( + sys.modules[self.assertWarns.__module__].__file__, + + getattr, + Validator, + "DEFAULT_TYPES", + ) + + def test_accessing_default_types_on_the_instance_warns(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators={}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + self.assertWarns( + DeprecationWarning, + ( + "The DEFAULT_TYPES attribute is deprecated. " + "See the type checker attached to this validator instead." + ), + # :'( + sys.modules[self.assertWarns.__module__].__file__, + + getattr, + Validator({}), + "DEFAULT_TYPES", + ) + + def test_providing_types_to_init_warns(self): + Validator = validators.create(meta_schema={}, validators={}) + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + self.assertWarns( + category=DeprecationWarning, + message=( + "The types argument is deprecated. " + "Provide a type_checker to jsonschema.validators.extend " + "instead." + ), + # :'( + filename=sys.modules[self.assertWarns.__module__].__file__, + + f=Validator, + schema={}, + types={"bar": object}, + ) + + +class TestIterErrors(TestCase): + def setUp(self): + self.validator = validators.Draft3Validator({}) + + def test_iter_errors(self): + instance = [1, 2] + schema = { + u"disallow": u"array", + u"enum": [["a", "b", "c"], ["d", "e", "f"]], + u"minItems": 3, + } + + got = (e.message for e in self.validator.iter_errors(instance, schema)) + expected = [ + "%r is disallowed for [1, 2]" % (schema["disallow"],), + "[1, 2] is too short", + "[1, 2] is not one of %r" % (schema["enum"],), + ] + self.assertEqual(sorted(got), sorted(expected)) + + def test_iter_errors_multiple_failures_one_validator(self): + instance = {"foo": 2, "bar": [1], "baz": 15, "quux": "spam"} + schema = { + u"properties": { + "foo": {u"type": "string"}, + "bar": {u"minItems": 2}, + "baz": {u"maximum": 10, u"enum": [2, 4, 6, 8]}, + }, + } + + errors = list(self.validator.iter_errors(instance, schema)) + self.assertEqual(len(errors), 4) + + +class TestValidationErrorMessages(TestCase): + def message_for(self, instance, schema, *args, **kwargs): + kwargs.setdefault("cls", validators.Draft3Validator) + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as e: + validators.validate(instance, schema, *args, **kwargs) + return e.exception.message + + def test_single_type_failure(self): + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={u"type": u"string"}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is not of type %r" % u"string") + + def test_single_type_list_failure(self): + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={u"type": [u"string"]}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is not of type %r" % u"string") + + def test_multiple_type_failure(self): + types = u"string", u"object" + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={u"type": list(types)}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is not of type %r, %r" % types) + + def test_object_without_title_type_failure(self): + type = {u"type": [{u"minimum": 3}]} + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={u"type": [type]}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is less than the minimum of 3") + + def test_object_with_named_type_failure(self): + schema = {u"type": [{u"name": "Foo", u"minimum": 3}]} + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema=schema) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is less than the minimum of 3") + + def test_minimum(self): + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={"minimum": 2}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is less than the minimum of 2") + + def test_maximum(self): + message = self.message_for(instance=1, schema={"maximum": 0}) + self.assertEqual(message, "1 is greater than the maximum of 0") + + def test_dependencies_single_element(self): + depend, on = "bar", "foo" + schema = {u"dependencies": {depend: on}} + message = self.message_for( + instance={"bar": 2}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + self.assertEqual(message, "%r is a dependency of %r" % (on, depend)) + + def test_dependencies_list_draft3(self): + depend, on = "bar", "foo" + schema = {u"dependencies": {depend: [on]}} + message = self.message_for( + instance={"bar": 2}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + self.assertEqual(message, "%r is a dependency of %r" % (on, depend)) + + def test_dependencies_list_draft7(self): + depend, on = "bar", "foo" + schema = {u"dependencies": {depend: [on]}} + message = self.message_for( + instance={"bar": 2}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + self.assertEqual(message, "%r is a dependency of %r" % (on, depend)) + + def test_additionalItems_single_failure(self): + message = self.message_for( + instance=[2], + schema={u"items": [], u"additionalItems": False}, + ) + self.assertIn("(2 was unexpected)", message) + + def test_additionalItems_multiple_failures(self): + message = self.message_for( + instance=[1, 2, 3], + schema={u"items": [], u"additionalItems": False} + ) + self.assertIn("(1, 2, 3 were unexpected)", message) + + def test_additionalProperties_single_failure(self): + additional = "foo" + schema = {u"additionalProperties": False} + message = self.message_for(instance={additional: 2}, schema=schema) + self.assertIn("(%r was unexpected)" % (additional,), message) + + def test_additionalProperties_multiple_failures(self): + schema = {u"additionalProperties": False} + message = self.message_for( + instance=dict.fromkeys(["foo", "bar"]), + schema=schema, + ) + + self.assertIn(repr("foo"), message) + self.assertIn(repr("bar"), message) + self.assertIn("were unexpected)", message) + + def test_const(self): + schema = {u"const": 12} + message = self.message_for( + instance={"foo": "bar"}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + self.assertIn("12 was expected", message) + + def test_contains(self): + schema = {u"contains": {u"const": 12}} + message = self.message_for( + instance=[2, {}, []], + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + self.assertIn( + "None of [2, {}, []] are valid under the given schema", + message, + ) + + def test_invalid_format_default_message(self): + checker = FormatChecker(formats=()) + checker.checks(u"thing")(lambda value: False) + + schema = {u"format": u"thing"} + message = self.message_for( + instance="bla", + schema=schema, + format_checker=checker, + ) + + self.assertIn(repr("bla"), message) + self.assertIn(repr("thing"), message) + self.assertIn("is not a", message) + + def test_additionalProperties_false_patternProperties(self): + schema = {u"type": u"object", + u"additionalProperties": False, + u"patternProperties": { + u"^abc$": {u"type": u"string"}, + u"^def$": {u"type": u"string"}, + }} + message = self.message_for( + instance={u"zebra": 123}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + self.assertEqual( + message, + "{} does not match any of the regexes: {}, {}".format( + repr(u"zebra"), repr(u"^abc$"), repr(u"^def$"), + ), + ) + message = self.message_for( + instance={u"zebra": 123, u"fish": 456}, + schema=schema, + cls=validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + self.assertEqual( + message, + "{}, {} do not match any of the regexes: {}, {}".format( + repr(u"fish"), repr(u"zebra"), repr(u"^abc$"), repr(u"^def$") + ), + ) + + def test_False_schema(self): + message = self.message_for( + instance="something", + schema=False, + cls=validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + self.assertIn("False schema does not allow 'something'", message) + + +class TestValidationErrorDetails(TestCase): + # TODO: These really need unit tests for each individual validator, rather + # than just these higher level tests. + def test_anyOf(self): + instance = 5 + schema = { + "anyOf": [ + {"minimum": 20}, + {"type": "string"}, + ], + } + + validator = validators.Draft4Validator(schema) + errors = list(validator.iter_errors(instance)) + self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1) + e = errors[0] + + self.assertEqual(e.validator, "anyOf") + self.assertEqual(e.validator_value, schema["anyOf"]) + self.assertEqual(e.instance, instance) + self.assertEqual(e.schema, schema) + self.assertIsNone(e.parent) + + self.assertEqual(e.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e.relative_path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e.absolute_path, deque([])) + + self.assertEqual(e.schema_path, deque(["anyOf"])) + self.assertEqual(e.relative_schema_path, deque(["anyOf"])) + self.assertEqual(e.absolute_schema_path, deque(["anyOf"])) + + self.assertEqual(len(e.context), 2) + + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(e.context) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "minimum") + self.assertEqual(e1.validator_value, schema["anyOf"][0]["minimum"]) + self.assertEqual(e1.instance, instance) + self.assertEqual(e1.schema, schema["anyOf"][0]) + self.assertIs(e1.parent, e) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e1.absolute_path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e1.relative_path, deque([])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.schema_path, deque([0, "minimum"])) + self.assertEqual(e1.relative_schema_path, deque([0, "minimum"])) + self.assertEqual( + e1.absolute_schema_path, deque(["anyOf", 0, "minimum"]), + ) + + self.assertFalse(e1.context) + + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator_value, schema["anyOf"][1]["type"]) + self.assertEqual(e2.instance, instance) + self.assertEqual(e2.schema, schema["anyOf"][1]) + self.assertIs(e2.parent, e) + + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e2.relative_path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e2.absolute_path, deque([])) + + self.assertEqual(e2.schema_path, deque([1, "type"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.relative_schema_path, deque([1, "type"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.absolute_schema_path, deque(["anyOf", 1, "type"])) + + self.assertEqual(len(e2.context), 0) + + def test_type(self): + instance = {"foo": 1} + schema = { + "type": [ + {"type": "integer"}, + { + "type": "object", + "properties": {"foo": {"enum": [2]}}, + }, + ], + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = list(validator.iter_errors(instance)) + self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1) + e = errors[0] + + self.assertEqual(e.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e.validator_value, schema["type"]) + self.assertEqual(e.instance, instance) + self.assertEqual(e.schema, schema) + self.assertIsNone(e.parent) + + self.assertEqual(e.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e.relative_path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e.absolute_path, deque([])) + + self.assertEqual(e.schema_path, deque(["type"])) + self.assertEqual(e.relative_schema_path, deque(["type"])) + self.assertEqual(e.absolute_schema_path, deque(["type"])) + + self.assertEqual(len(e.context), 2) + + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(e.context) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e1.validator_value, schema["type"][0]["type"]) + self.assertEqual(e1.instance, instance) + self.assertEqual(e1.schema, schema["type"][0]) + self.assertIs(e1.parent, e) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e1.relative_path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e1.absolute_path, deque([])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.schema_path, deque([0, "type"])) + self.assertEqual(e1.relative_schema_path, deque([0, "type"])) + self.assertEqual(e1.absolute_schema_path, deque(["type", 0, "type"])) + + self.assertFalse(e1.context) + + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "enum") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator_value, [2]) + self.assertEqual(e2.instance, 1) + self.assertEqual(e2.schema, {u"enum": [2]}) + self.assertIs(e2.parent, e) + + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque(["foo"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.relative_path, deque(["foo"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.absolute_path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual( + e2.schema_path, deque([1, "properties", "foo", "enum"]), + ) + self.assertEqual( + e2.relative_schema_path, deque([1, "properties", "foo", "enum"]), + ) + self.assertEqual( + e2.absolute_schema_path, + deque(["type", 1, "properties", "foo", "enum"]), + ) + + self.assertFalse(e2.context) + + def test_single_nesting(self): + instance = {"foo": 2, "bar": [1], "baz": 15, "quux": "spam"} + schema = { + "properties": { + "foo": {"type": "string"}, + "bar": {"minItems": 2}, + "baz": {"maximum": 10, "enum": [2, 4, 6, 8]}, + }, + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2, e3, e4 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque(["bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e3.path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e4.path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.relative_path, deque(["bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.relative_path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e3.relative_path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e4.relative_path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.absolute_path, deque(["bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.absolute_path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e3.absolute_path, deque(["baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e4.absolute_path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "minItems") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "enum") + self.assertEqual(e3.validator, "maximum") + self.assertEqual(e4.validator, "type") + + def test_multiple_nesting(self): + instance = [1, {"foo": 2, "bar": {"baz": [1]}}, "quux"] + schema = { + "type": "string", + "items": { + "type": ["string", "object"], + "properties": { + "foo": {"enum": [1, 3]}, + "bar": { + "type": "array", + "properties": { + "bar": {"required": True}, + "baz": {"minItems": 2}, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque([0])) + self.assertEqual(e3.path, deque([1, "bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e4.path, deque([1, "bar", "bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e5.path, deque([1, "bar", "baz"])) + self.assertEqual(e6.path, deque([1, "foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.schema_path, deque(["type"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.schema_path, deque(["items", "type"])) + self.assertEqual( + list(e3.schema_path), ["items", "properties", "bar", "type"], + ) + self.assertEqual( + list(e4.schema_path), + ["items", "properties", "bar", "properties", "bar", "required"], + ) + self.assertEqual( + list(e5.schema_path), + ["items", "properties", "bar", "properties", "baz", "minItems"] + ) + self.assertEqual( + list(e6.schema_path), ["items", "properties", "foo", "enum"], + ) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e3.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e4.validator, "required") + self.assertEqual(e5.validator, "minItems") + self.assertEqual(e6.validator, "enum") + + def test_recursive(self): + schema = { + "definitions": { + "node": { + "anyOf": [{ + "type": "object", + "required": ["name", "children"], + "properties": { + "name": { + "type": "string", + }, + "children": { + "type": "object", + "patternProperties": { + "^.*$": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/node", + }, + }, + }, + }, + }], + }, + }, + "type": "object", + "required": ["root"], + "properties": {"root": {"$ref": "#/definitions/node"}}, + } + + instance = { + "root": { + "name": "root", + "children": { + "a": { + "name": "a", + "children": { + "ab": { + "name": "ab", + # missing "children" + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + validator = validators.Draft4Validator(schema) + + e, = validator.iter_errors(instance) + self.assertEqual(e.absolute_path, deque(["root"])) + self.assertEqual( + e.absolute_schema_path, deque(["properties", "root", "anyOf"]), + ) + + e1, = e.context + self.assertEqual(e1.absolute_path, deque(["root", "children", "a"])) + self.assertEqual( + e1.absolute_schema_path, deque( + [ + "properties", + "root", + "anyOf", + 0, + "properties", + "children", + "patternProperties", + "^.*$", + "anyOf", + ], + ), + ) + + e2, = e1.context + self.assertEqual( + e2.absolute_path, deque( + ["root", "children", "a", "children", "ab"], + ), + ) + self.assertEqual( + e2.absolute_schema_path, deque( + [ + "properties", + "root", + "anyOf", + 0, + "properties", + "children", + "patternProperties", + "^.*$", + "anyOf", + 0, + "properties", + "children", + "patternProperties", + "^.*$", + "anyOf", + ], + ), + ) + + def test_additionalProperties(self): + instance = {"bar": "bar", "foo": 2} + schema = {"additionalProperties": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 5}} + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque(["bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "minimum") + + def test_patternProperties(self): + instance = {"bar": 1, "foo": 2} + schema = { + "patternProperties": { + "bar": {"type": "string"}, + "foo": {"minimum": 5}, + }, + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque(["bar"])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque(["foo"])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "minimum") + + def test_additionalItems(self): + instance = ["foo", 1] + schema = { + "items": [], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 5}, + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque([0])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque([1])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "minimum") + + def test_additionalItems_with_items(self): + instance = ["foo", "bar", 1] + schema = { + "items": [{}], + "additionalItems": {"type": "integer", "minimum": 5}, + } + + validator = validators.Draft3Validator(schema) + errors = validator.iter_errors(instance) + e1, e2 = sorted_errors(errors) + + self.assertEqual(e1.path, deque([1])) + self.assertEqual(e2.path, deque([2])) + + self.assertEqual(e1.validator, "type") + self.assertEqual(e2.validator, "minimum") + + def test_propertyNames(self): + instance = {"foo": 12} + schema = {"propertyNames": {"not": {"const": "foo"}}} + + validator = validators.Draft7Validator(schema) + error, = validator.iter_errors(instance) + + self.assertEqual(error.validator, "not") + self.assertEqual( + error.message, + "%r is not allowed for %r" % ({"const": "foo"}, "foo"), + ) + self.assertEqual(error.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(error.schema_path, deque(["propertyNames", "not"])) + + def test_if_then(self): + schema = { + "if": {"const": 12}, + "then": {"const": 13}, + } + + validator = validators.Draft7Validator(schema) + error, = validator.iter_errors(12) + + self.assertEqual(error.validator, "const") + self.assertEqual(error.message, "13 was expected") + self.assertEqual(error.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(error.schema_path, deque(["if", "then", "const"])) + + def test_if_else(self): + schema = { + "if": {"const": 12}, + "else": {"const": 13}, + } + + validator = validators.Draft7Validator(schema) + error, = validator.iter_errors(15) + + self.assertEqual(error.validator, "const") + self.assertEqual(error.message, "13 was expected") + self.assertEqual(error.path, deque([])) + self.assertEqual(error.schema_path, deque(["if", "else", "const"])) + + def test_boolean_schema_False(self): + validator = validators.Draft7Validator(False) + error, = validator.iter_errors(12) + + self.assertEqual( + ( + error.message, + error.validator, + error.validator_value, + error.instance, + error.schema, + error.schema_path, + ), + ( + "False schema does not allow 12", + None, + None, + 12, + False, + deque([]), + ), + ) + + def test_ref(self): + ref, schema = "someRef", {"additionalProperties": {"type": "integer"}} + validator = validators.Draft7Validator( + {"$ref": ref}, + resolver=validators.RefResolver("", {}, store={ref: schema}), + ) + error, = validator.iter_errors({"foo": "notAnInteger"}) + + self.assertEqual( + ( + error.message, + error.validator, + error.validator_value, + error.instance, + error.absolute_path, + error.schema, + error.schema_path, + ), + ( + "'notAnInteger' is not of type 'integer'", + "type", + "integer", + "notAnInteger", + deque(["foo"]), + {"type": "integer"}, + deque(["additionalProperties", "type"]), + ), + ) + + +class MetaSchemaTestsMixin(object): + # TODO: These all belong upstream + def test_invalid_properties(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.SchemaError): + self.Validator.check_schema({"properties": {"test": object()}}) + + def test_minItems_invalid_string(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.SchemaError): + # needs to be an integer + self.Validator.check_schema({"minItems": "1"}) + + def test_enum_allows_empty_arrays(self): + """ + Technically, all the spec says is they SHOULD have elements, not MUST. + + See + """ + self.Validator.check_schema({"enum": []}) + + def test_enum_allows_non_unique_items(self): + """ + Technically, all the spec says is they SHOULD be unique, not MUST. + + See + """ + self.Validator.check_schema({"enum": [12, 12]}) + + +class ValidatorTestMixin(MetaSchemaTestsMixin, object): + def test_valid_instances_are_valid(self): + schema, instance = self.valid + self.assertTrue(self.Validator(schema).is_valid(instance)) + + def test_invalid_instances_are_not_valid(self): + schema, instance = self.invalid + self.assertFalse(self.Validator(schema).is_valid(instance)) + + def test_non_existent_properties_are_ignored(self): + self.Validator({object(): object()}).validate(instance=object()) + + def test_it_creates_a_ref_resolver_if_not_provided(self): + self.assertIsInstance( + self.Validator({}).resolver, + validators.RefResolver, + ) + + def test_it_delegates_to_a_ref_resolver(self): + ref, schema = "someCoolRef", {"type": "integer"} + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}, store={ref: schema}) + validator = self.Validator({"$ref": ref}, resolver=resolver) + + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError): + validator.validate(None) + + def test_it_delegates_to_a_legacy_ref_resolver(self): + """ + Legacy RefResolvers support only the context manager form of + resolution. + """ + + class LegacyRefResolver(object): + @contextmanager + def resolving(this, ref): + self.assertEqual(ref, "the ref") + yield {"type": "integer"} + + resolver = LegacyRefResolver() + schema = {"$ref": "the ref"} + + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError): + self.Validator(schema, resolver=resolver).validate(None) + + def test_is_type_is_true_for_valid_type(self): + self.assertTrue(self.Validator({}).is_type("foo", "string")) + + def test_is_type_is_false_for_invalid_type(self): + self.assertFalse(self.Validator({}).is_type("foo", "array")) + + def test_is_type_evades_bool_inheriting_from_int(self): + self.assertFalse(self.Validator({}).is_type(True, "integer")) + self.assertFalse(self.Validator({}).is_type(True, "number")) + + @unittest.skipIf(PY3, "In Python 3 json.load always produces unicode") + def test_string_a_bytestring_is_a_string(self): + self.Validator({"type": "string"}).validate(b"foo") + + def test_patterns_can_be_native_strings(self): + """ + See + """ + self.Validator({"pattern": "foo"}).validate("foo") + + def test_it_can_validate_with_decimals(self): + schema = {"items": {"type": "number"}} + Validator = validators.extend( + self.Validator, + type_checker=self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + "number", + lambda checker, thing: isinstance( + thing, (int, float, Decimal), + ) and not isinstance(thing, bool), + ) + ) + + validator = Validator(schema) + validator.validate([1, 1.1, Decimal(1) / Decimal(8)]) + + invalid = ["foo", {}, [], True, None] + self.assertEqual( + [error.instance for error in validator.iter_errors(invalid)], + invalid, + ) + + def test_it_returns_true_for_formats_it_does_not_know_about(self): + validator = self.Validator( + {"format": "carrot"}, format_checker=FormatChecker(), + ) + validator.validate("bugs") + + def test_it_does_not_validate_formats_by_default(self): + validator = self.Validator({}) + self.assertIsNone(validator.format_checker) + + def test_it_validates_formats_if_a_checker_is_provided(self): + checker = FormatChecker() + bad = ValueError("Bad!") + + @checker.checks("foo", raises=ValueError) + def check(value): + if value == "good": + return True + elif value == "bad": + raise bad + else: # pragma: no cover +"What is {}? [Baby Don't Hurt Me]".format(value)) + + validator = self.Validator( + {"format": "foo"}, format_checker=checker, + ) + + validator.validate("good") + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: + validator.validate("bad") + + # Make sure original cause is attached + self.assertIs(cm.exception.cause, bad) + + def test_non_string_custom_type(self): + non_string_type = object() + schema = {"type": [non_string_type]} + Crazy = validators.extend( + self.Validator, + type_checker=self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + non_string_type, + lambda checker, thing: isinstance(thing, int), + ) + ) + Crazy(schema).validate(15) + + def test_it_properly_formats_tuples_in_errors(self): + """ + A tuple instance properly formats validation errors for uniqueItems. + + See + """ + TupleValidator = validators.extend( + self.Validator, + type_checker=self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + "array", + lambda checker, thing: isinstance(thing, tuple), + ) + ) + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as e: + TupleValidator({"uniqueItems": True}).validate((1, 1)) + self.assertIn("(1, 1) has non-unique elements", str(e.exception)) + + +class AntiDraft6LeakMixin(object): + """ + Make sure functionality from draft 6 doesn't leak backwards in time. + """ + + def test_True_is_not_a_schema(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.SchemaError) as e: + self.Validator.check_schema(True) + self.assertIn("True is not of type", str(e.exception)) + + def test_False_is_not_a_schema(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.SchemaError) as e: + self.Validator.check_schema(False) + self.assertIn("False is not of type", str(e.exception)) + + @unittest.skip(bug(523)) + def test_True_is_not_a_schema_even_if_you_forget_to_check(self): + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}) + with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: + self.Validator(True, resolver=resolver).validate(12) + self.assertNotIsInstance(e.exception, exceptions.ValidationError) + + @unittest.skip(bug(523)) + def test_False_is_not_a_schema_even_if_you_forget_to_check(self): + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}) + with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: + self.Validator(False, resolver=resolver).validate(12) + self.assertNotIsInstance(e.exception, exceptions.ValidationError) + + +class TestDraft3Validator(AntiDraft6LeakMixin, ValidatorTestMixin, TestCase): + Validator = validators.Draft3Validator + valid = {}, {} + invalid = {"type": "integer"}, "foo" + + def test_any_type_is_valid_for_type_any(self): + validator = self.Validator({"type": "any"}) + validator.validate(object()) + + def test_any_type_is_redefinable(self): + """ + Sigh, because why not. + """ + Crazy = validators.extend( + self.Validator, + type_checker=self.Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( + "any", lambda checker, thing: isinstance(thing, int), + ) + ) + validator = Crazy({"type": "any"}) + validator.validate(12) + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError): + validator.validate("foo") + + def test_is_type_is_true_for_any_type(self): + self.assertTrue(self.Validator({}).is_valid(object(), {"type": "any"})) + + def test_is_type_does_not_evade_bool_if_it_is_being_tested(self): + self.assertTrue(self.Validator({}).is_type(True, "boolean")) + self.assertTrue(self.Validator({}).is_valid(True, {"type": "any"})) + + +class TestDraft4Validator(AntiDraft6LeakMixin, ValidatorTestMixin, TestCase): + Validator = validators.Draft4Validator + valid = {}, {} + invalid = {"type": "integer"}, "foo" + + +class TestDraft6Validator(ValidatorTestMixin, TestCase): + Validator = validators.Draft6Validator + valid = {}, {} + invalid = {"type": "integer"}, "foo" + + +class TestDraft7Validator(ValidatorTestMixin, TestCase): + Validator = validators.Draft7Validator + valid = {}, {} + invalid = {"type": "integer"}, "foo" + + +class TestValidatorFor(SynchronousTestCase): + def test_draft_3(self): + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + + def test_draft_4(self): + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + + def test_draft_6(self): + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + + def test_draft_7(self): + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + + schema = {"$schema": ""} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + + def test_True(self): + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(True), + validators._LATEST_VERSION, + ) + + def test_False(self): + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(False), + validators._LATEST_VERSION, + ) + + def test_custom_validator(self): + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={"id": "meta schema id"}, + version="12", + id_of=lambda s: s.get("id", ""), + ) + schema = {"$schema": "meta schema id"} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + Validator, + ) + + def test_custom_validator_draft6(self): + Validator = validators.create( + meta_schema={"$id": "meta schema $id"}, + version="13", + ) + schema = {"$schema": "meta schema $id"} + self.assertIs( + validators.validator_for(schema), + Validator, + ) + + def test_validator_for_jsonschema_default(self): + self.assertIs(validators.validator_for({}), validators._LATEST_VERSION) + + def test_validator_for_custom_default(self): + self.assertIs(validators.validator_for({}, default=None), None) + + def test_warns_if_meta_schema_specified_was_not_found(self): + self.assertWarns( + category=DeprecationWarning, + message=( + "The metaschema specified by $schema was not found. " + "Using the latest draft to validate, but this will raise " + "an error in the future." + ), + # :'( + filename=sys.modules[self.assertWarns.__module__].__file__, + + f=validators.validator_for, + schema={u"$schema": "unknownSchema"}, + default={}, + ) + + def test_does_not_warn_if_meta_schema_is_unspecified(self): + validators.validator_for(schema={}, default={}), + self.assertFalse(self.flushWarnings()) + + +class TestValidate(SynchronousTestCase): + def assertUses(self, schema, Validator): + result = [] + self.patch(Validator, "check_schema", result.append) + validators.validate({}, schema) + self.assertEqual(result, [schema]) + + def test_draft3_validator_is_chosen(self): + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + # Make sure it works without the empty fragment + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft3Validator, + ) + + def test_draft4_validator_is_chosen(self): + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + # Make sure it works without the empty fragment + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft4Validator, + ) + + def test_draft6_validator_is_chosen(self): + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + # Make sure it works without the empty fragment + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft6Validator, + ) + + def test_draft7_validator_is_chosen(self): + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + # Make sure it works without the empty fragment + self.assertUses( + schema={"$schema": ""}, + Validator=validators.Draft7Validator, + ) + + def test_draft7_validator_is_the_default(self): + self.assertUses(schema={}, Validator=validators.Draft7Validator) + + def test_validation_error_message(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as e: + validators.validate(12, {"type": "string"}) + self.assertRegexpMatches( + str(e.exception), + "(?s)Failed validating u?'.*' in schema.*On instance", + ) + + def test_schema_error_message(self): + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.SchemaError) as e: + validators.validate(12, {"type": 12}) + self.assertRegexpMatches( + str(e.exception), + "(?s)Failed validating u?'.*' in metaschema.*On schema", + ) + + def test_it_uses_best_match(self): + # This is a schema that best_match will recurse into + schema = {"oneOf": [{"type": "string"}, {"type": "array"}]} + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as e: + validators.validate(12, schema) + self.assertIn("12 is not of type", str(e.exception)) + + +class TestRefResolver(SynchronousTestCase): + + base_uri = "" + stored_uri = "foo://stored" + stored_schema = {"stored": "schema"} + + def setUp(self): + self.referrer = {} + = {self.stored_uri: self.stored_schema} + self.resolver = validators.RefResolver( + self.base_uri, self.referrer,, + ) + + def test_it_does_not_retrieve_schema_urls_from_the_network(self): + ref = validators.Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA["id"] + self.patch( + self.resolver, + "resolve_remote", + lambda *args, **kwargs:"Should not have been called!"), + ) + with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + pass + self.assertEqual(resolved, validators.Draft3Validator.META_SCHEMA) + + def test_it_resolves_local_refs(self): + ref = "#/properties/foo" + self.referrer["properties"] = {"foo": object()} + with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, self.referrer["properties"]["foo"]) + + def test_it_resolves_local_refs_with_id(self): + schema = {"id": "http://bar/schema#", "a": {"foo": "bar"}} + resolver = validators.RefResolver.from_schema( + schema, + id_of=lambda schema: schema.get(u"id", u""), + ) + with resolver.resolving("#/a") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"]) + with resolver.resolving("http://bar/schema#/a") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema["a"]) + + def test_it_retrieves_stored_refs(self): + with self.resolver.resolving(self.stored_uri) as resolved: + self.assertIs(resolved, self.stored_schema) + +["cached_ref"] = {"foo": 12} + with self.resolver.resolving("cached_ref#/foo") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, 12) + + def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_requests(self): + ref = "http://bar#baz" + schema = {"baz": 12} + + if "requests" in sys.modules: + self.addCleanup( + sys.modules.__setitem__, "requests", sys.modules["requests"], + ) + sys.modules["requests"] = ReallyFakeRequests({"http://bar": schema}) + + with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, 12) + + def test_it_retrieves_unstored_refs_via_urlopen(self): + ref = "http://bar#baz" + schema = {"baz": 12} + + if "requests" in sys.modules: + self.addCleanup( + sys.modules.__setitem__, "requests", sys.modules["requests"], + ) + sys.modules["requests"] = None + + @contextmanager + def fake_urlopen(url): + self.assertEqual(url, "http://bar") + yield BytesIO(json.dumps(schema).encode("utf8")) + + self.addCleanup(setattr, validators, "urlopen", validators.urlopen) + validators.urlopen = fake_urlopen + + with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + pass + self.assertEqual(resolved, 12) + + def test_it_retrieves_local_refs_via_urlopen(self): + with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode="wt") as tempf: + self.addCleanup(os.remove, + json.dump({"foo": "bar"}, tempf) + + ref = "file://{}#foo".format(pathname2url( + with self.resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, "bar") + + def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema(self): + schema = {"id": "foo"} + resolver = validators.RefResolver.from_schema( + schema, + id_of=lambda schema: schema.get(u"id", u""), + ) + self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "foo") + self.assertEqual(resolver.resolution_scope, "foo") + with resolver.resolving("") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + with resolver.resolving("foo") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + with resolver.resolving("foo#") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + + def test_it_can_construct_a_base_uri_from_a_schema_without_id(self): + schema = {} + resolver = validators.RefResolver.from_schema(schema) + self.assertEqual(resolver.base_uri, "") + self.assertEqual(resolver.resolution_scope, "") + with resolver.resolving("") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + with resolver.resolving("#") as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + + def test_custom_uri_scheme_handlers(self): + def handler(url): + self.assertEqual(url, ref) + return schema + + schema = {"foo": "bar"} + ref = "foo://bar" + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": handler}) + with resolver.resolving(ref) as resolved: + self.assertEqual(resolved, schema) + + def test_cache_remote_on(self): + response = [object()] + + def handler(url): + try: + return response.pop() + except IndexError: # pragma: no cover +"Response must not have been cached!") + + ref = "foo://bar" + resolver = validators.RefResolver( + "", {}, cache_remote=True, handlers={"foo": handler}, + ) + with resolver.resolving(ref): + pass + with resolver.resolving(ref): + pass + + def test_cache_remote_off(self): + response = [object()] + + def handler(url): + try: + return response.pop() + except IndexError: # pragma: no cover +"Handler called twice!") + + ref = "foo://bar" + resolver = validators.RefResolver( + "", {}, cache_remote=False, handlers={"foo": handler}, + ) + with resolver.resolving(ref): + pass + + def test_if_you_give_it_junk_you_get_a_resolution_error(self): + error = ValueError("Oh no! What's this?") + + def handler(url): + raise error + + ref = "foo://bar" + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}, handlers={"foo": handler}) + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.RefResolutionError) as err: + with resolver.resolving(ref): +"Shouldn't get this far!") # pragma: no cover + self.assertEqual(err.exception, exceptions.RefResolutionError(error)) + + def test_helpful_error_message_on_failed_pop_scope(self): + resolver = validators.RefResolver("", {}) + resolver.pop_scope() + with self.assertRaises(exceptions.RefResolutionError) as exc: + resolver.pop_scope() + self.assertIn("Failed to pop the scope", str(exc.exception)) + + +def sorted_errors(errors): + def key(error): + return ( + [str(e) for e in error.path], + [str(e) for e in error.schema_path], + ) + return sorted(errors, key=key) + + +@attr.s +class ReallyFakeRequests(object): + + _responses = attr.ib() + + def get(self, url): + response = self._responses.get(url) + if url is None: # pragma: no cover + raise ValueError("Unknown URL: " + repr(url)) + return _ReallyFakeJSONResponse(json.dumps(response)) + + +@attr.s +class _ReallyFakeJSONResponse(object): + + _response = attr.ib() + + def json(self): + return json.loads(self._response) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1dc420c70d --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,970 @@ +""" +Creation and extension of validators, with implementations for existing drafts. +""" +from __future__ import division + +from warnings import warn +import contextlib +import json +import numbers + +from six import add_metaclass + +from jsonschema import ( + _legacy_validators, + _types, + _utils, + _validators, + exceptions, +) +from jsonschema.compat import ( + Sequence, + int_types, + iteritems, + lru_cache, + str_types, + unquote, + urldefrag, + urljoin, + urlopen, + urlsplit, +) + +# Sigh. +# +# Imported for backwards compatibility. +from jsonschema.exceptions import ErrorTree +ErrorTree + + +class _DontDoThat(Exception): + """ + Raised when a Validators with non-default type checker is misused. + + Asking one for DEFAULT_TYPES doesn't make sense, since type checkers + exist for the unrepresentable cases where DEFAULT_TYPES can't + represent the type relationship. + """ + + def __str__(self): + return "DEFAULT_TYPES cannot be used on Validators using TypeCheckers" + + +validators = {} +meta_schemas = _utils.URIDict() + + +def _generate_legacy_type_checks(types=()): + """ + Generate newer-style type checks out of JSON-type-name-to-type mappings. + + Arguments: + + types (dict): + + A mapping of type names to their Python types + + Returns: + + A dictionary of definitions to pass to `TypeChecker` + """ + types = dict(types) + + def gen_type_check(pytypes): + pytypes = _utils.flatten(pytypes) + + def type_check(checker, instance): + if isinstance(instance, bool): + if bool not in pytypes: + return False + return isinstance(instance, pytypes) + + return type_check + + definitions = {} + for typename, pytypes in iteritems(types): + definitions[typename] = gen_type_check(pytypes) + + return definitions + + +_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES = { + u"array": list, + u"boolean": bool, + u"integer": int_types, + u"null": type(None), + u"number": numbers.Number, + u"object": dict, + u"string": str_types, +} +_TYPE_CHECKER_FOR_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES = _types.TypeChecker( + type_checkers=_generate_legacy_type_checks(_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES), +) + + +def validates(version): + """ + Register the decorated validator for a ``version`` of the specification. + + Registered validators and their meta schemas will be considered when + parsing ``$schema`` properties' URIs. + + Arguments: + + version (str): + + An identifier to use as the version's name + + Returns: + + collections.Callable: + + a class decorator to decorate the validator with the version + """ + + def _validates(cls): + validators[version] = cls + meta_schema_id = cls.ID_OF(cls.META_SCHEMA) + if meta_schema_id: + meta_schemas[meta_schema_id] = cls + return cls + return _validates + + +def _DEFAULT_TYPES(self): + if self._CREATED_WITH_DEFAULT_TYPES is None: + raise _DontDoThat() + + warn( + ( + "The DEFAULT_TYPES attribute is deprecated. " + "See the type checker attached to this validator instead." + ), + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + return self._DEFAULT_TYPES + + +class _DefaultTypesDeprecatingMetaClass(type): + DEFAULT_TYPES = property(_DEFAULT_TYPES) + + +def _id_of(schema): + if schema is True or schema is False: + return u"" + return schema.get(u"$id", u"") + + +def create( + meta_schema, + validators=(), + version=None, + default_types=None, + type_checker=None, + id_of=_id_of, +): + """ + Create a new validator class. + + Arguments: + + meta_schema (collections.Mapping): + + the meta schema for the new validator class + + validators (collections.Mapping): + + a mapping from names to callables, where each callable will + validate the schema property with the given name. + + Each callable should take 4 arguments: + + 1. a validator instance, + 2. the value of the property being validated within the + instance + 3. the instance + 4. the schema + + version (str): + + an identifier for the version that this validator class will + validate. If provided, the returned validator class will + have its ``__name__`` set to include the version, and also + will have `jsonschema.validators.validates` automatically + called for the given version. + + type_checker (jsonschema.TypeChecker): + + a type checker, used when applying the :validator:`type` validator. + + If unprovided, a `jsonschema.TypeChecker` will be created + with a set of default types typical of JSON Schema drafts. + + default_types (collections.Mapping): + + .. deprecated:: 3.0.0 + + Please use the type_checker argument instead. + + If set, it provides mappings of JSON types to Python types + that will be converted to functions and redefined in this + object's `jsonschema.TypeChecker`. + + id_of (collections.Callable): + + A function that given a schema, returns its ID. + + Returns: + + a new `jsonschema.IValidator` class + """ + + if default_types is not None: + if type_checker is not None: + raise TypeError( + "Do not specify default_types when providing a type checker.", + ) + _created_with_default_types = True + warn( + ( + "The default_types argument is deprecated. " + "Use the type_checker argument instead." + ), + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + type_checker = _types.TypeChecker( + type_checkers=_generate_legacy_type_checks(default_types), + ) + else: + default_types = _DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES + if type_checker is None: + _created_with_default_types = False + type_checker = _TYPE_CHECKER_FOR_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES + elif type_checker is _TYPE_CHECKER_FOR_DEPRECATED_DEFAULT_TYPES: + _created_with_default_types = False + else: + _created_with_default_types = None + + @add_metaclass(_DefaultTypesDeprecatingMetaClass) + class Validator(object): + + VALIDATORS = dict(validators) + META_SCHEMA = dict(meta_schema) + TYPE_CHECKER = type_checker + ID_OF = staticmethod(id_of) + + DEFAULT_TYPES = property(_DEFAULT_TYPES) + _DEFAULT_TYPES = dict(default_types) + _CREATED_WITH_DEFAULT_TYPES = _created_with_default_types + + def __init__( + self, + schema, + types=(), + resolver=None, + format_checker=None, + ): + if types: + warn( + ( + "The types argument is deprecated. Provide " + "a type_checker to jsonschema.validators.extend " + "instead." + ), + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + + self.TYPE_CHECKER = self.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine_many( + _generate_legacy_type_checks(types), + ) + + if resolver is None: + resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(schema, id_of=id_of) + + self.resolver = resolver + self.format_checker = format_checker + self.schema = schema + + @classmethod + def check_schema(cls, schema): + for error in cls(cls.META_SCHEMA).iter_errors(schema): + raise exceptions.SchemaError.create_from(error) + + def iter_errors(self, instance, _schema=None): + if _schema is None: + _schema = self.schema + + if _schema is True: + return + elif _schema is False: + yield exceptions.ValidationError( + "False schema does not allow %r" % (instance,), + validator=None, + validator_value=None, + instance=instance, + schema=_schema, + ) + return + + scope = id_of(_schema) + if scope: + self.resolver.push_scope(scope) + try: + ref = _schema.get(u"$ref") + if ref is not None: + validators = [(u"$ref", ref)] + else: + validators = iteritems(_schema) + + for k, v in validators: + validator = self.VALIDATORS.get(k) + if validator is None: + continue + + errors = validator(self, v, instance, _schema) or () + for error in errors: + # set details if not already set by the called fn + error._set( + validator=k, + validator_value=v, + instance=instance, + schema=_schema, + ) + if k != u"$ref": + error.schema_path.appendleft(k) + yield error + finally: + if scope: + self.resolver.pop_scope() + + def descend(self, instance, schema, path=None, schema_path=None): + for error in self.iter_errors(instance, schema): + if path is not None: + error.path.appendleft(path) + if schema_path is not None: + error.schema_path.appendleft(schema_path) + yield error + + def validate(self, *args, **kwargs): + for error in self.iter_errors(*args, **kwargs): + raise error + + def is_type(self, instance, type): + try: + return self.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, type) + except exceptions.UndefinedTypeCheck: + raise exceptions.UnknownType(type, instance, self.schema) + + def is_valid(self, instance, _schema=None): + error = next(self.iter_errors(instance, _schema), None) + return error is None + + if version is not None: + Validator = validates(version)(Validator) + Validator.__name__ = version.title().replace(" ", "") + "Validator" + + return Validator + + +def extend(validator, validators=(), version=None, type_checker=None): + """ + Create a new validator class by extending an existing one. + + Arguments: + + validator (jsonschema.IValidator): + + an existing validator class + + validators (collections.Mapping): + + a mapping of new validator callables to extend with, whose + structure is as in `create`. + + .. note:: + + Any validator callables with the same name as an + existing one will (silently) replace the old validator + callable entirely, effectively overriding any validation + done in the "parent" validator class. + + If you wish to instead extend the behavior of a parent's + validator callable, delegate and call it directly in + the new validator function by retrieving it using + ``OldValidator.VALIDATORS["validator_name"]``. + + version (str): + + a version for the new validator class + + type_checker (jsonschema.TypeChecker): + + a type checker, used when applying the :validator:`type` validator. + + If unprovided, the type checker of the extended + `jsonschema.IValidator` will be carried along.` + + Returns: + + a new `jsonschema.IValidator` class extending the one provided + + .. note:: Meta Schemas + + The new validator class will have its parent's meta schema. + + If you wish to change or extend the meta schema in the new + validator class, modify ``META_SCHEMA`` directly on the returned + class. Note that no implicit copying is done, so a copy should + likely be made before modifying it, in order to not affect the + old validator. + """ + + all_validators = dict(validator.VALIDATORS) + all_validators.update(validators) + + if type_checker is None: + type_checker = validator.TYPE_CHECKER + elif validator._CREATED_WITH_DEFAULT_TYPES: + raise TypeError( + "Cannot extend a validator created with default_types " + "with a type_checker. Update the validator to use a " + "type_checker when created." + ) + return create( + meta_schema=validator.META_SCHEMA, + validators=all_validators, + version=version, + type_checker=type_checker, + id_of=validator.ID_OF, + ) + + +Draft3Validator = create( + meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft3"), + validators={ + u"$ref": _validators.ref, + u"additionalItems": _validators.additionalItems, + u"additionalProperties": _validators.additionalProperties, + u"dependencies": _legacy_validators.dependencies_draft3, + u"disallow": _legacy_validators.disallow_draft3, + u"divisibleBy": _validators.multipleOf, + u"enum": _validators.enum, + u"extends": _legacy_validators.extends_draft3, + u"format": _validators.format, + u"items": _legacy_validators.items_draft3_draft4, + u"maxItems": _validators.maxItems, + u"maxLength": _validators.maxLength, + u"maximum": _legacy_validators.maximum_draft3_draft4, + u"minItems": _validators.minItems, + u"minLength": _validators.minLength, + u"minimum": _legacy_validators.minimum_draft3_draft4, + u"pattern": _validators.pattern, + u"patternProperties": _validators.patternProperties, + u"properties": _legacy_validators.properties_draft3, + u"type": _legacy_validators.type_draft3, + u"uniqueItems": _validators.uniqueItems, + }, + type_checker=_types.draft3_type_checker, + version="draft3", + id_of=lambda schema: schema.get(u"id", ""), +) + +Draft4Validator = create( + meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft4"), + validators={ + u"$ref": _validators.ref, + u"additionalItems": _validators.additionalItems, + u"additionalProperties": _validators.additionalProperties, + u"allOf": _validators.allOf, + u"anyOf": _validators.anyOf, + u"dependencies": _validators.dependencies, + u"enum": _validators.enum, + u"format": _validators.format, + u"items": _legacy_validators.items_draft3_draft4, + u"maxItems": _validators.maxItems, + u"maxLength": _validators.maxLength, + u"maxProperties": _validators.maxProperties, + u"maximum": _legacy_validators.maximum_draft3_draft4, + u"minItems": _validators.minItems, + u"minLength": _validators.minLength, + u"minProperties": _validators.minProperties, + u"minimum": _legacy_validators.minimum_draft3_draft4, + u"multipleOf": _validators.multipleOf, + u"not": _validators.not_, + u"oneOf": _validators.oneOf, + u"pattern": _validators.pattern, + u"patternProperties": _validators.patternProperties, + u"properties":, + u"required": _validators.required, + u"type": _validators.type, + u"uniqueItems": _validators.uniqueItems, + }, + type_checker=_types.draft4_type_checker, + version="draft4", + id_of=lambda schema: schema.get(u"id", ""), +) + +Draft6Validator = create( + meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft6"), + validators={ + u"$ref": _validators.ref, + u"additionalItems": _validators.additionalItems, + u"additionalProperties": _validators.additionalProperties, + u"allOf": _validators.allOf, + u"anyOf": _validators.anyOf, + u"const": _validators.const, + u"contains": _validators.contains, + u"dependencies": _validators.dependencies, + u"enum": _validators.enum, + u"exclusiveMaximum": _validators.exclusiveMaximum, + u"exclusiveMinimum": _validators.exclusiveMinimum, + u"format": _validators.format, + u"items": _validators.items, + u"maxItems": _validators.maxItems, + u"maxLength": _validators.maxLength, + u"maxProperties": _validators.maxProperties, + u"maximum": _validators.maximum, + u"minItems": _validators.minItems, + u"minLength": _validators.minLength, + u"minProperties": _validators.minProperties, + u"minimum": _validators.minimum, + u"multipleOf": _validators.multipleOf, + u"not": _validators.not_, + u"oneOf": _validators.oneOf, + u"pattern": _validators.pattern, + u"patternProperties": _validators.patternProperties, + u"properties":, + u"propertyNames": _validators.propertyNames, + u"required": _validators.required, + u"type": _validators.type, + u"uniqueItems": _validators.uniqueItems, + }, + type_checker=_types.draft6_type_checker, + version="draft6", +) + +Draft7Validator = create( + meta_schema=_utils.load_schema("draft7"), + validators={ + u"$ref": _validators.ref, + u"additionalItems": _validators.additionalItems, + u"additionalProperties": _validators.additionalProperties, + u"allOf": _validators.allOf, + u"anyOf": _validators.anyOf, + u"const": _validators.const, + u"contains": _validators.contains, + u"dependencies": _validators.dependencies, + u"enum": _validators.enum, + u"exclusiveMaximum": _validators.exclusiveMaximum, + u"exclusiveMinimum": _validators.exclusiveMinimum, + u"format": _validators.format, + u"if": _validators.if_, + u"items": _validators.items, + u"maxItems": _validators.maxItems, + u"maxLength": _validators.maxLength, + u"maxProperties": _validators.maxProperties, + u"maximum": _validators.maximum, + u"minItems": _validators.minItems, + u"minLength": _validators.minLength, + u"minProperties": _validators.minProperties, + u"minimum": _validators.minimum, + u"multipleOf": _validators.multipleOf, + u"oneOf": _validators.oneOf, + u"not": _validators.not_, + u"pattern": _validators.pattern, + u"patternProperties": _validators.patternProperties, + u"properties":, + u"propertyNames": _validators.propertyNames, + u"required": _validators.required, + u"type": _validators.type, + u"uniqueItems": _validators.uniqueItems, + }, + type_checker=_types.draft7_type_checker, + version="draft7", +) + +_LATEST_VERSION = Draft7Validator + + +class RefResolver(object): + """ + Resolve JSON References. + + Arguments: + + base_uri (str): + + The URI of the referring document + + referrer: + + The actual referring document + + store (dict): + + A mapping from URIs to documents to cache + + cache_remote (bool): + + Whether remote refs should be cached after first resolution + + handlers (dict): + + A mapping from URI schemes to functions that should be used + to retrieve them + + urljoin_cache (:func:`functools.lru_cache`): + + A cache that will be used for caching the results of joining + the resolution scope to subscopes. + + remote_cache (:func:`functools.lru_cache`): + + A cache that will be used for caching the results of + resolved remote URLs. + + Attributes: + + cache_remote (bool): + + Whether remote refs should be cached after first resolution + """ + + def __init__( + self, + base_uri, + referrer, + store=(), + cache_remote=True, + handlers=(), + urljoin_cache=None, + remote_cache=None, + ): + if urljoin_cache is None: + urljoin_cache = lru_cache(1024)(urljoin) + if remote_cache is None: + remote_cache = lru_cache(1024)(self.resolve_from_url) + + self.referrer = referrer + self.cache_remote = cache_remote + self.handlers = dict(handlers) + + self._scopes_stack = [base_uri] + = _utils.URIDict( + (id, validator.META_SCHEMA) + for id, validator in iteritems(meta_schemas) + ) + +[base_uri] = referrer + + self._urljoin_cache = urljoin_cache + self._remote_cache = remote_cache + + @classmethod + def from_schema(cls, schema, id_of=_id_of, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object. + + Arguments: + + schema: + + the referring schema + + Returns: + + `RefResolver` + """ + + return cls(base_uri=id_of(schema), referrer=schema, *args, **kwargs) + + def push_scope(self, scope): + """ + Enter a given sub-scope. + + Treats further dereferences as being performed underneath the + given scope. + """ + self._scopes_stack.append( + self._urljoin_cache(self.resolution_scope, scope), + ) + + def pop_scope(self): + """ + Exit the most recent entered scope. + + Treats further dereferences as being performed underneath the + original scope. + + Don't call this method more times than `push_scope` has been + called. + """ + try: + self._scopes_stack.pop() + except IndexError: + raise exceptions.RefResolutionError( + "Failed to pop the scope from an empty stack. " + "`pop_scope()` should only be called once for every " + "`push_scope()`" + ) + + @property + def resolution_scope(self): + """ + Retrieve the current resolution scope. + """ + return self._scopes_stack[-1] + + @property + def base_uri(self): + """ + Retrieve the current base URI, not including any fragment. + """ + uri, _ = urldefrag(self.resolution_scope) + return uri + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def in_scope(self, scope): + """ + Temporarily enter the given scope for the duration of the context. + """ + self.push_scope(scope) + try: + yield + finally: + self.pop_scope() + + @contextlib.contextmanager + def resolving(self, ref): + """ + Resolve the given ``ref`` and enter its resolution scope. + + Exits the scope on exit of this context manager. + + Arguments: + + ref (str): + + The reference to resolve + """ + + url, resolved = self.resolve(ref) + self.push_scope(url) + try: + yield resolved + finally: + self.pop_scope() + + def resolve(self, ref): + """ + Resolve the given reference. + """ + url = self._urljoin_cache(self.resolution_scope, ref) + return url, self._remote_cache(url) + + def resolve_from_url(self, url): + """ + Resolve the given remote URL. + """ + url, fragment = urldefrag(url) + try: + document =[url] + except KeyError: + try: + document = self.resolve_remote(url) + except Exception as exc: + raise exceptions.RefResolutionError(exc) + + return self.resolve_fragment(document, fragment) + + def resolve_fragment(self, document, fragment): + """ + Resolve a ``fragment`` within the referenced ``document``. + + Arguments: + + document: + + The referent document + + fragment (str): + + a URI fragment to resolve within it + """ + + fragment = fragment.lstrip(u"/") + parts = unquote(fragment).split(u"/") if fragment else [] + + for part in parts: + part = part.replace(u"~1", u"/").replace(u"~0", u"~") + + if isinstance(document, Sequence): + # Array indexes should be turned into integers + try: + part = int(part) + except ValueError: + pass + try: + document = document[part] + except (TypeError, LookupError): + raise exceptions.RefResolutionError( + "Unresolvable JSON pointer: %r" % fragment + ) + + return document + + def resolve_remote(self, uri): + """ + Resolve a remote ``uri``. + + If called directly, does not check the store first, but after + retrieving the document at the specified URI it will be saved in + the store if :attr:`cache_remote` is True. + + .. note:: + + If the requests_ library is present, ``jsonschema`` will use it to + request the remote ``uri``, so that the correct encoding is + detected and used. + + If it isn't, or if the scheme of the ``uri`` is not ``http`` or + ``https``, UTF-8 is assumed. + + Arguments: + + uri (str): + + The URI to resolve + + Returns: + + The retrieved document + + .. _requests: + """ + try: + import requests + except ImportError: + requests = None + + scheme = urlsplit(uri).scheme + + if scheme in self.handlers: + result = self.handlers[scheme](uri) + elif scheme in [u"http", u"https"] and requests: + # Requests has support for detecting the correct encoding of + # json over http + result = requests.get(uri).json() + else: + # Otherwise, pass off to urllib and assume utf-8 + with urlopen(uri) as url: + result = json.loads("utf-8")) + + if self.cache_remote: +[uri] = result + return result + + +def validate(instance, schema, cls=None, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Validate an instance under the given schema. + + >>> validate([2, 3, 4], {"maxItems": 2}) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValidationError: [2, 3, 4] is too long + + :func:`validate` will first verify that the provided schema is + itself valid, since not doing so can lead to less obvious error + messages and fail in less obvious or consistent ways. + + If you know you have a valid schema already, especially if you + intend to validate multiple instances with the same schema, you + likely would prefer using the `IValidator.validate` method directly + on a specific validator (e.g. ``Draft7Validator.validate``). + + + Arguments: + + instance: + + The instance to validate + + schema: + + The schema to validate with + + cls (IValidator): + + The class that will be used to validate the instance. + + If the ``cls`` argument is not provided, two things will happen + in accordance with the specification. First, if the schema has a + :validator:`$schema` property containing a known meta-schema [#]_ + then the proper validator will be used. The specification recommends + that all schemas contain :validator:`$schema` properties for this + reason. If no :validator:`$schema` property is found, the default + validator class is the latest released draft. + + Any other provided positional and keyword arguments will be passed + on when instantiating the ``cls``. + + Raises: + + `jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError` if the instance + is invalid + + `jsonschema.exceptions.SchemaError` if the schema itself + is invalid + + .. rubric:: Footnotes + .. [#] known by a validator registered with + `jsonschema.validators.validates` + """ + if cls is None: + cls = validator_for(schema) + + cls.check_schema(schema) + validator = cls(schema, *args, **kwargs) + error = exceptions.best_match(validator.iter_errors(instance)) + if error is not None: + raise error + + +def validator_for(schema, default=_LATEST_VERSION): + """ + Retrieve the validator class appropriate for validating the given schema. + + Uses the :validator:`$schema` property that should be present in the + given schema to look up the appropriate validator class. + + Arguments: + + schema (collections.Mapping or bool): + + the schema to look at + + default: + + the default to return if the appropriate validator class + cannot be determined. + + If unprovided, the default is to return the latest supported + draft. + """ + if schema is True or schema is False or u"$schema" not in schema: + return default + if schema[u"$schema"] not in meta_schemas: + warn( + ( + "The metaschema specified by $schema was not found. " + "Using the latest draft to validate, but this will raise " + "an error in the future." + ), + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + return meta_schemas.get(schema[u"$schema"], _LATEST_VERSION) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/pyproject.toml b/third_party/python/jsonschema/pyproject.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8fac02e398 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/pyproject.toml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[build-system] +requires = [ + # The minimum setuptools version is specific to the PEP 517 backend, + # and may be stricter than the version required in `` + "setuptools>=40.6.0", + "wheel", +] +build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/setup.cfg b/third_party/python/jsonschema/setup.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..285e3b228f --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/setup.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +[metadata] +name = jsonschema +url = +project_urls = + Docs = +description = An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python +long_description = file: README.rst +author = Julian Berman +author_email = +classifiers = + Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable + Intended Audience :: Developers + License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License + Operating System :: OS Independent + Programming Language :: Python + Programming Language :: Python :: 2 + Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 + Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 + Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython + Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy + +[options] +packages = find: +setup_requires = setuptools_scm +install_requires = + attrs>=17.4.0 + importlib_metadata;python_version<'3.8' + pyrsistent>=0.14.0 + setuptools + six>=1.11.0 + functools32;python_version<'3' + +[options.extras_require] +format = + idna + jsonpointer>1.13 + rfc3987 + strict-rfc3339 + webcolors +format_nongpl = + idna + jsonpointer>1.13 + webcolors + rfc3986-validator>0.1.0 + rfc3339-validator + +[options.entry_points] +console_scripts = + jsonschema = jsonschema.cli:main + +[options.package_data] +jsonschema = schemas/*.json + +[bdist_wheel] +universal = 1 + +[flake8] +builtins = unicode +exclude = + jsonschema/ + jsonschema/ + +[pydocstyle] +match = (?!(test_|_|compat|cli)).*\.py # see PyCQA/pydocstyle#323 +add-select = + D410, # Trailing whitespace plz +add-ignore = + D107, # Hah, no + D200, # 1-line docstrings don't need to be on one line + D202, # One line is fine. + D412, # Trailing whitespace plz + D413, # No trailing whitespace plz + +[egg_info] +tag_build = +tag_date = 0 + diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..460aabeb2a --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +from setuptools import setup +setup(use_scm_version=True) diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/test-requirements.txt b/third_party/python/jsonschema/test-requirements.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..082785c979 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/test-requirements.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Twisted diff --git a/third_party/python/jsonschema/tox.ini b/third_party/python/jsonschema/tox.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ed385bd40 --- /dev/null +++ b/third_party/python/jsonschema/tox.ini @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +[tox] +envlist = + py{35,36,37,38,py,py3}-{build,tests,tests_nongpl}, + demo + readme + safety + secrets + style + docs-{html,doctest,linkcheck,spelling,style} +skipsdist = True + +[testenv] +changedir = + !build: {envtmpdir} +setenv = + JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE = {toxinidir}/json +whitelist_externals = + python2.7 + mkdir + rm + sh + virtualenv +commands = + perf,tests: {envbindir}/python -m pip install '{toxinidir}[format]' + tests_nongpl: {envbindir}/python -m pip install '{toxinidir}[format_nongpl]' + + tests,tests_nongpl: {envbindir}/trial {posargs:jsonschema} + tests: {envpython} -m doctest {toxinidir}/README.rst + + perf: mkdir {envtmpdir}/benchmarks/ + perf: {envpython} {toxinidir}/jsonschema/benchmarks/ --inherit-environ JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE --output {envtmpdir}/benchmarks/issue232.json + perf: {envpython} {toxinidir}/jsonschema/benchmarks/ --inherit-environ JSON_SCHEMA_TEST_SUITE --output {envtmpdir}/benchmarks/json_schema_test_suite.json + + # Check to make sure that releases build and install properly + build: virtualenv --quiet --python=python2.7 {envtmpdir}/venv + build: {envtmpdir}/venv/bin/pip install --quiet wheel + + build: {envtmpdir}/venv/bin/python {toxinidir}/ --quiet bdist_wheel --dist-dir={envtmpdir}/wheel + build: sh -c '{envbindir}/pip install --quiet --upgrade --force-reinstall {envtmpdir}/wheel/jsonschema*.whl' + + build: python2.7 {toxinidir}/ --quiet sdist --dist-dir={envtmpdir}/sdist --format=gztar,zip + build: sh -c '{envbindir}/pip install --quiet --upgrade --force-reinstall {envtmpdir}/sdist/jsonschema*.tar.gz' + build: sh -c '{envbindir}/pip install --quiet --upgrade --force-reinstall {envtmpdir}/sdist/jsonschema*.zip' + + build: {envbindir}/python -m pep517.check {toxinidir} + + # FIXME: This has side effects! But it's not my fault... I can't + # figure out yet how to get setuptools to not create this directory + # here yet. But whatever, probably this will change to + # soon anways. + build: rm -rf {toxinidir}/jsonschema.egg-info +deps = + build: pep517 + + perf: pyperf + + tests,tests_nongpl,coverage,codecov: -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt + + coverage,codecov: coverage + codecov: codecov + +[testenv:bandit] +deps = bandit +commands = {envbindir}/bandit --recursive {toxinidir}/jsonschema + +[testenv:demo] +deps = jupyter +commands = + {envbindir}/jupyter nbconvert --output-dir {envtmpdir} {toxinidir}/DEMO.ipynb + +[testenv:readme] +changedir = {toxinidir} +deps = readme_renderer +commands = + {envbindir}/python check --restructuredtext --strict + +[testenv:safety] +deps = safety +commands = + {envbindir}/pip install '{toxinidir}[format]' + {envbindir}/safety check + +[testenv:secrets] +deps = detect-secrets +commands = {envbindir}/detect-secrets scan {toxinidir} + +[testenv:style] +basepython = pypy3 +deps = + ebb-lint>= +commands = + {envbindir}/flake8 {posargs} {toxinidir}/jsonschema {toxinidir}/docs {toxinidir}/ + +[testenv:coverage] +setenv = + {[testenv]setenv} + COVERAGE_DEBUG_FILE={envtmpdir}/coverage-debug + COVERAGE_FILE={envtmpdir}/coverage-data +commands = + {envbindir}/python -m pip install '{toxinidir}[format]' + {envbindir}/coverage run --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc {envbindir}/trial jsonschema + {envbindir}/coverage report --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc --show-missing + {envbindir}/coverage html --directory={envtmpdir}/htmlcov --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc {posargs} + +[testenv:docs-html] +basepython = pypy3 +commands = {envpython} -m sphinx -b html {toxinidir}/docs/ {envtmpdir}/build {posargs:-a -n -q -T -W} +deps = + -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt + {toxinidir} + +[testenv:docs-doctest] +basepython = pypy3 +commands = {envpython} -m sphinx -b doctest {toxinidir}/docs/ {envtmpdir}/build {posargs:-a -n -q -T -W} +deps = + -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt + {toxinidir} + +[testenv:docs-linkcheck] +basepython = pypy3 +commands = {envpython} -m sphinx -b linkcheck {toxinidir}/docs/ {envtmpdir}/build {posargs:-a -n -q -T -W} +deps = + -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt + {toxinidir} + +[testenv:docs-spelling] +basepython = pypy3 +commands = {envpython} -m sphinx -b spelling {toxinidir}/docs/ {envtmpdir}/build {posargs:-a -n -q -T -W} +deps = + -r{toxinidir}/docs/requirements.txt + {toxinidir} + +[testenv:docs-style] +basepython = pypy3 +commands = doc8 {posargs} {toxinidir}/docs +deps = + doc8 + pygments + pygments-github-lexers + +[testenv:codecov] +passenv = CODECOV* CI TRAVIS TRAVIS_* +setenv = {[testenv:coverage]setenv} +commands = + {envbindir}/python -m pip install '{toxinidir}[format]' + {envbindir}/coverage run --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc {envbindir}/trial jsonschema + {envbindir}/coverage xml -o {envtmpdir}/coverage.xml + codecov --required --disable gcov --file {envtmpdir}/coverage.xml + +[travis] +python = + pypy: pypy, readme, safety, secrets + pypy3: pypy3, demo, docs, style -- cgit v1.2.3