/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "AccessibleHyperlink.h" #include "AccessibleHyperlink_i.c" #include "AccessibleWrap.h" #include "IUnknownImpl.h" #include "nsIURI.h" using namespace mozilla::a11y; // IUnknown STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void** ppv) { if (!ppv) return E_INVALIDARG; *ppv = nullptr; if (IID_IAccessibleHyperlink == iid) { auto accWrap = static_cast(this); if (accWrap->IsProxy() ? !(accWrap->ProxyInterfaces() & Interfaces::HYPERLINK) : !accWrap->IsLink()) return E_NOINTERFACE; *ppv = static_cast(this); (reinterpret_cast(*ppv))->AddRef(); return S_OK; } return ia2AccessibleAction::QueryInterface(iid, ppv); } // IAccessibleHyperlink STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_anchor(long aIndex, VARIANT* aAnchor) { if (!aAnchor) return E_INVALIDARG; VariantInit(aAnchor); Accessible* thisObj = static_cast(this); MOZ_ASSERT(!thisObj->IsProxy()); if (thisObj->IsDefunct()) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= static_cast(thisObj->AnchorCount())) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!thisObj->IsLink()) return S_FALSE; AccessibleWrap* anchor = static_cast(thisObj->AnchorAt(aIndex)); if (!anchor) return S_FALSE; void* instancePtr = nullptr; HRESULT result = anchor->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, &instancePtr); if (FAILED(result)) return result; aAnchor->punkVal = static_cast(instancePtr); aAnchor->vt = VT_UNKNOWN; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_anchorTarget(long aIndex, VARIANT* aAnchorTarget) { if (!aAnchorTarget) { return E_INVALIDARG; } VariantInit(aAnchorTarget); Accessible* thisObj = static_cast(this); nsAutoCString uriStr; MOZ_ASSERT(!thisObj->IsProxy()); if (thisObj->IsDefunct()) { return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; } if (aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= static_cast(thisObj->AnchorCount())) { return E_INVALIDARG; } if (!thisObj->IsLink()) { return S_FALSE; } nsCOMPtr uri = thisObj->AnchorURIAt(aIndex); if (!uri) { return S_FALSE; } nsresult rv = uri->GetSpec(uriStr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return GetHRESULT(rv); } nsAutoString stringURI; AppendUTF8toUTF16(uriStr, stringURI); aAnchorTarget->vt = VT_BSTR; aAnchorTarget->bstrVal = ::SysAllocStringLen(stringURI.get(), stringURI.Length()); return aAnchorTarget->bstrVal ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_startIndex(long* aIndex) { if (!aIndex) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIndex = 0; MOZ_ASSERT(!HyperTextProxyFor(this)); Accessible* thisObj = static_cast(this); if (thisObj->IsDefunct()) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (!thisObj->IsLink()) return S_FALSE; *aIndex = thisObj->StartOffset(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_endIndex(long* aIndex) { if (!aIndex) return E_INVALIDARG; *aIndex = 0; MOZ_ASSERT(!HyperTextProxyFor(this)); Accessible* thisObj = static_cast(this); if (thisObj->IsDefunct()) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (!thisObj->IsLink()) return S_FALSE; *aIndex = thisObj->EndOffset(); return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ia2AccessibleHyperlink::get_valid(boolean* aValid) { if (!aValid) return E_INVALIDARG; *aValid = false; MOZ_ASSERT(!HyperTextProxyFor(this)); Accessible* thisObj = static_cast(this); if (thisObj->IsDefunct()) return CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED; if (!thisObj->IsLink()) return S_FALSE; *aValid = thisObj->IsLinkValid(); return S_OK; }