/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "XULTreeAccessible.h" #include "Accessible-inl.h" #include "DocAccessible-inl.h" #include "nsAccCache.h" #include "nsAccUtils.h" #include "nsCoreUtils.h" #include "nsEventShell.h" #include "DocAccessible.h" #include "Relation.h" #include "Role.h" #include "States.h" #include "XULTreeGridAccessible.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "nsComponentManagerUtils.h" #include "nsIAutoCompletePopup.h" #include "nsIDOMXULMenuListElement.h" #include "nsITreeSelection.h" #include "nsTreeBodyFrame.h" #include "nsTreeColumns.h" #include "nsTreeUtils.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/dom/XULTreeElementBinding.h" using namespace mozilla::a11y; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XULTreeAccessible::XULTreeAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc, nsTreeBodyFrame* aTreeFrame) : AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc), mAccessibleCache(kDefaultTreeCacheLength) { mType = eXULTreeType; mGenericTypes |= eSelect; nsCOMPtr view = aTreeFrame->GetExistingView(); mTreeView = view; mTree = nsCoreUtils::GetTree(aContent); NS_ASSERTION(mTree, "Can't get mTree!\n"); nsIContent* parentContent = mContent->GetParent(); if (parentContent) { nsCOMPtr autoCompletePopupElm = do_QueryInterface(parentContent); if (autoCompletePopupElm) mGenericTypes |= eAutoCompletePopup; } } XULTreeAccessible::~XULTreeAccessible() {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: nsISupports and cycle collection implementation NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(XULTreeAccessible, Accessible, mTree, mAccessibleCache) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(XULTreeAccessible) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(Accessible) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(XULTreeAccessible, Accessible) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(XULTreeAccessible, Accessible) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: Accessible implementation uint64_t XULTreeAccessible::NativeState() const { // Get focus status from base class. uint64_t state = Accessible::NativeState(); // readonly state state |= states::READONLY; // multiselectable state. if (!mTreeView) return state; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(selection, state); bool isSingle = false; nsresult rv = selection->GetSingle(&isSingle); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, state); if (!isSingle) state |= states::MULTISELECTABLE; return state; } void XULTreeAccessible::Value(nsString& aValue) const { aValue.Truncate(); if (!mTreeView) return; // Return the value is the first selected child. nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) return; int32_t currentIndex; selection->GetCurrentIndex(¤tIndex); if (currentIndex >= 0) { RefPtr keyCol; RefPtr cols = mTree->GetColumns(); if (cols) keyCol = cols->GetKeyColumn(); mTreeView->GetCellText(currentIndex, keyCol, aValue); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: Accessible implementation void XULTreeAccessible::Shutdown() { if (mDoc && !mDoc->IsDefunct()) { UnbindCacheEntriesFromDocument(mAccessibleCache); } mTree = nullptr; mTreeView = nullptr; AccessibleWrap::Shutdown(); } role XULTreeAccessible::NativeRole() const { // No primary column means we're in a list. In fact, history and mail turn off // the primary flag when switching to a flat view. nsIContent* child = nsTreeUtils::GetDescendantChild(mContent, nsGkAtoms::treechildren); NS_ASSERTION(child, "tree without treechildren!"); nsTreeBodyFrame* treeFrame = do_QueryFrame(child->GetPrimaryFrame()); NS_ASSERTION(treeFrame, "xul tree accessible for tree without a frame!"); if (!treeFrame) return roles::LIST; RefPtr cols = treeFrame->Columns(); nsTreeColumn* primaryCol = cols->GetPrimaryColumn(); return primaryCol ? roles::OUTLINE : roles::LIST; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: Accessible implementation (DON'T put methods here) Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::ChildAtPoint(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, EWhichChildAtPoint aWhichChild) { nsIFrame* frame = GetFrame(); if (!frame) return nullptr; nsPresContext* presContext = frame->PresContext(); PresShell* presShell = presContext->PresShell(); nsIFrame* rootFrame = presShell->GetRootFrame(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(rootFrame, nullptr); CSSIntRect rootRect = rootFrame->GetScreenRect(); int32_t clientX = presContext->DevPixelsToIntCSSPixels(aX) - rootRect.X(); int32_t clientY = presContext->DevPixelsToIntCSSPixels(aY) - rootRect.Y(); ErrorResult rv; dom::TreeCellInfo cellInfo; mTree->GetCellAt(clientX, clientY, cellInfo, rv); // If we failed to find tree cell for the given point then it might be // tree columns. if (cellInfo.mRow == -1 || !cellInfo.mCol) return AccessibleWrap::ChildAtPoint(aX, aY, aWhichChild); Accessible* child = GetTreeItemAccessible(cellInfo.mRow); if (aWhichChild == eDeepestChild && child) { // Look for accessible cell for the found item accessible. RefPtr treeitem = do_QueryObject(child); Accessible* cell = treeitem->GetCellAccessible(cellInfo.mCol); if (cell) child = cell; } return child; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: SelectAccessible Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::CurrentItem() const { if (!mTreeView) return nullptr; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { int32_t currentIndex = -1; selection->GetCurrentIndex(¤tIndex); if (currentIndex >= 0) return GetTreeItemAccessible(currentIndex); } return nullptr; } void XULTreeAccessible::SetCurrentItem(const Accessible* aItem) { NS_ERROR("XULTreeAccessible::SetCurrentItem not implemented"); } void XULTreeAccessible::SelectedItems(nsTArray* aItems) { if (!mTreeView) return; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) return; int32_t rangeCount = 0; selection->GetRangeCount(&rangeCount); for (int32_t rangeIdx = 0; rangeIdx < rangeCount; rangeIdx++) { int32_t firstIdx = 0, lastIdx = -1; selection->GetRangeAt(rangeIdx, &firstIdx, &lastIdx); for (int32_t rowIdx = firstIdx; rowIdx <= lastIdx; rowIdx++) { Accessible* item = GetTreeItemAccessible(rowIdx); if (item) aItems->AppendElement(item); } } } uint32_t XULTreeAccessible::SelectedItemCount() { if (!mTreeView) return 0; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { int32_t count = 0; selection->GetCount(&count); return count; } return 0; } bool XULTreeAccessible::AddItemToSelection(uint32_t aIndex) { if (!mTreeView) return false; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool isSelected = false; selection->IsSelected(aIndex, &isSelected); if (!isSelected) selection->ToggleSelect(aIndex); return true; } return false; } bool XULTreeAccessible::RemoveItemFromSelection(uint32_t aIndex) { if (!mTreeView) return false; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool isSelected = false; selection->IsSelected(aIndex, &isSelected); if (isSelected) selection->ToggleSelect(aIndex); return true; } return false; } bool XULTreeAccessible::IsItemSelected(uint32_t aIndex) { if (!mTreeView) return false; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool isSelected = false; selection->IsSelected(aIndex, &isSelected); return isSelected; } return false; } bool XULTreeAccessible::UnselectAll() { if (!mTreeView) return false; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) return false; selection->ClearSelection(); return true; } Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::GetSelectedItem(uint32_t aIndex) { if (!mTreeView) return nullptr; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) return nullptr; uint32_t selCount = 0; int32_t rangeCount = 0; selection->GetRangeCount(&rangeCount); for (int32_t rangeIdx = 0; rangeIdx < rangeCount; rangeIdx++) { int32_t firstIdx = 0, lastIdx = -1; selection->GetRangeAt(rangeIdx, &firstIdx, &lastIdx); for (int32_t rowIdx = firstIdx; rowIdx <= lastIdx; rowIdx++) { if (selCount == aIndex) return GetTreeItemAccessible(rowIdx); selCount++; } } return nullptr; } bool XULTreeAccessible::SelectAll() { // see if we are multiple select if so set ourselves as such if (!mTreeView) return false; nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool single = false; selection->GetSingle(&single); if (!single) { selection->SelectAll(); return true; } } return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: Accessible implementation Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::GetChildAt(uint32_t aIndex) const { uint32_t childCount = Accessible::ChildCount(); if (aIndex < childCount) return Accessible::GetChildAt(aIndex); return GetTreeItemAccessible(aIndex - childCount); } uint32_t XULTreeAccessible::ChildCount() const { // Tree's children count is row count + treecols count. uint32_t childCount = Accessible::ChildCount(); if (!mTreeView) return childCount; int32_t rowCount = 0; mTreeView->GetRowCount(&rowCount); childCount += rowCount; return childCount; } Relation XULTreeAccessible::RelationByType(RelationType aType) const { if (aType == RelationType::NODE_PARENT_OF) { if (mTreeView) return Relation(new XULTreeItemIterator(this, mTreeView, -1)); return Relation(); } return Accessible::RelationByType(aType); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: Widgets bool XULTreeAccessible::IsWidget() const { return true; } bool XULTreeAccessible::IsActiveWidget() const { if (IsAutoCompletePopup()) { nsCOMPtr autoCompletePopupElm = do_QueryInterface(mContent->GetParent()); if (autoCompletePopupElm) { bool isOpen = false; autoCompletePopupElm->GetPopupOpen(&isOpen); return isOpen; } } return FocusMgr()->HasDOMFocus(mContent); } bool XULTreeAccessible::AreItemsOperable() const { if (IsAutoCompletePopup()) { nsCOMPtr autoCompletePopupElm = do_QueryInterface(mContent->GetParent()); if (autoCompletePopupElm) { bool isOpen = false; autoCompletePopupElm->GetPopupOpen(&isOpen); return isOpen; } } return true; } Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::ContainerWidget() const { if (IsAutoCompletePopup() && mContent->GetParent()) { // This works for XUL autocompletes. It doesn't work for HTML forms // autocomplete because of potential crossprocess calls (when autocomplete // lives in content process while popup lives in chrome process). If that's // a problem then rethink Widgets interface. nsCOMPtr menuListElm = mContent->GetParent()->AsElement()->AsXULMenuList(); if (menuListElm) { RefPtr inputElm; menuListElm->GetInputField(getter_AddRefs(inputElm)); if (inputElm) { Accessible* input = mDoc->GetAccessible(inputElm); return input ? input->ContainerWidget() : nullptr; } } } return nullptr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: public implementation Accessible* XULTreeAccessible::GetTreeItemAccessible(int32_t aRow) const { if (aRow < 0 || IsDefunct() || !mTreeView) return nullptr; int32_t rowCount = 0; nsresult rv = mTreeView->GetRowCount(&rowCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || aRow >= rowCount) return nullptr; void* key = reinterpret_cast(intptr_t(aRow)); Accessible* cachedTreeItem = mAccessibleCache.GetWeak(key); if (cachedTreeItem) return cachedTreeItem; RefPtr treeItem = CreateTreeItemAccessible(aRow); if (treeItem) { mAccessibleCache.Put(key, RefPtr{treeItem}); Document()->BindToDocument(treeItem, nullptr); return treeItem; } return nullptr; } void XULTreeAccessible::InvalidateCache(int32_t aRow, int32_t aCount) { if (IsDefunct()) return; if (!mTreeView) { UnbindCacheEntriesFromDocument(mAccessibleCache); return; } // Do not invalidate the cache if rows have been inserted. if (aCount > 0) return; DocAccessible* document = Document(); // Fire destroy event for removed tree items and delete them from caches. for (int32_t rowIdx = aRow; rowIdx < aRow - aCount; rowIdx++) { void* key = reinterpret_cast(intptr_t(rowIdx)); Accessible* treeItem = mAccessibleCache.GetWeak(key); if (treeItem) { RefPtr event = new AccEvent(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_HIDE, treeItem); nsEventShell::FireEvent(event); // Unbind from document, shutdown and remove from tree cache. document->UnbindFromDocument(treeItem); mAccessibleCache.Remove(key); } } // We dealt with removed tree items already however we may keep tree items // having row indexes greater than row count. We should remove these dead tree // items silently from caches. int32_t newRowCount = 0; nsresult rv = mTreeView->GetRowCount(&newRowCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; int32_t oldRowCount = newRowCount - aCount; for (int32_t rowIdx = newRowCount; rowIdx < oldRowCount; ++rowIdx) { void* key = reinterpret_cast(intptr_t(rowIdx)); Accessible* treeItem = mAccessibleCache.GetWeak(key); if (treeItem) { // Unbind from document, shutdown and remove from tree cache. document->UnbindFromDocument(treeItem); mAccessibleCache.Remove(key); } } } void XULTreeAccessible::TreeViewInvalidated(int32_t aStartRow, int32_t aEndRow, int32_t aStartCol, int32_t aEndCol) { if (IsDefunct()) return; if (!mTreeView) { UnbindCacheEntriesFromDocument(mAccessibleCache); return; } int32_t endRow = aEndRow; nsresult rv; if (endRow == -1) { int32_t rowCount = 0; rv = mTreeView->GetRowCount(&rowCount); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return; endRow = rowCount - 1; } RefPtr treeColumns = mTree->GetColumns(); if (!treeColumns) return; int32_t endCol = aEndCol; if (endCol == -1) { // We need to make sure to cast to int32_t before we do the subtraction, in // case the column count is 0. endCol = static_cast(treeColumns->Count()) - 1; } for (int32_t rowIdx = aStartRow; rowIdx <= endRow; ++rowIdx) { void* key = reinterpret_cast(intptr_t(rowIdx)); Accessible* accessible = mAccessibleCache.GetWeak(key); if (accessible) { RefPtr treeitemAcc = do_QueryObject(accessible); NS_ASSERTION(treeitemAcc, "Wrong accessible at the given key!"); treeitemAcc->RowInvalidated(aStartCol, endCol); } } } void XULTreeAccessible::TreeViewChanged(nsITreeView* aView) { if (IsDefunct()) return; // Fire reorder event on tree accessible on accessible tree (do not fire // show/hide events on tree items because it can be expensive to fire them for // each tree item. RefPtr reorderEvent = new AccReorderEvent(this); Document()->FireDelayedEvent(reorderEvent); // Clear cache. UnbindCacheEntriesFromDocument(mAccessibleCache); mTreeView = aView; Accessible* item = CurrentItem(); if (item) { FocusMgr()->ActiveItemChanged(item, true); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeAccessible: protected implementation already_AddRefed XULTreeAccessible::CreateTreeItemAccessible( int32_t aRow) const { RefPtr accessible = new XULTreeItemAccessible( mContent, mDoc, const_cast(this), mTree, mTreeView, aRow); return accessible.forget(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::XULTreeItemAccessibleBase( nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc, Accessible* aParent, dom::XULTreeElement* aTree, nsITreeView* aTreeView, int32_t aRow) : AccessibleWrap(aContent, aDoc), mTree(aTree), mTreeView(aTreeView), mRow(aRow) { mParent = aParent; mStateFlags |= eSharedNode; } XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::~XULTreeItemAccessibleBase() {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: nsISupports implementation NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(XULTreeItemAccessibleBase, Accessible, mTree) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(XULTreeItemAccessibleBase, Accessible, XULTreeItemAccessibleBase) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: Accessible Accessible* XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::FocusedChild() { return FocusMgr()->FocusedAccessible() == this ? this : nullptr; } nsIntRect XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::BoundsInCSSPixels() const { // Get x coordinate and width from treechildren element, get y coordinate and // height from tree cell. RefPtr column = nsCoreUtils::GetFirstSensibleColumn(mTree); nsresult rv; nsIntRect rect = mTree->GetCoordsForCellItem(mRow, column, u"cell"_ns, rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return nsIntRect(); } RefPtr bodyElement = mTree->GetTreeBody(); if (!bodyElement || !bodyElement->IsXULElement()) { return nsIntRect(); } rect.width = bodyElement->ClientWidth(); nsIFrame* bodyFrame = bodyElement->GetPrimaryFrame(); if (!bodyFrame) { return nsIntRect(); } CSSIntRect screenRect = bodyFrame->GetScreenRect(); rect.x = screenRect.x; rect.y += screenRect.y; return rect; } nsRect XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::BoundsInAppUnits() const { nsIntRect bounds = BoundsInCSSPixels(); nsPresContext* presContext = mDoc->PresContext(); return nsRect(presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(bounds.X()), presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(bounds.Y()), presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(bounds.Width()), presContext->CSSPixelsToAppUnits(bounds.Height())); } void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::SetSelected(bool aSelect) { nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool isSelected = false; selection->IsSelected(mRow, &isSelected); if (isSelected != aSelect) selection->ToggleSelect(mRow); } } void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::TakeFocus() const { nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) selection->SetCurrentIndex(mRow); // focus event will be fired here Accessible::TakeFocus(); } Relation XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::RelationByType(RelationType aType) const { switch (aType) { case RelationType::NODE_CHILD_OF: { int32_t parentIndex = -1; if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(mTreeView->GetParentIndex(mRow, &parentIndex))) return Relation(); if (parentIndex == -1) return Relation(mParent); XULTreeAccessible* treeAcc = mParent->AsXULTree(); return Relation(treeAcc->GetTreeItemAccessible(parentIndex)); } case RelationType::NODE_PARENT_OF: { bool isTrue = false; if (NS_FAILED(mTreeView->IsContainerEmpty(mRow, &isTrue)) || isTrue) return Relation(); if (NS_FAILED(mTreeView->IsContainerOpen(mRow, &isTrue)) || !isTrue) return Relation(); XULTreeAccessible* tree = mParent->AsXULTree(); return Relation(new XULTreeItemIterator(tree, mTreeView, mRow)); } default: return Relation(); } } uint8_t XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::ActionCount() const { // "activate" action is available for all treeitems, "expand/collapse" action // is avaible for treeitem which is container. return IsExpandable() ? 2 : 1; } void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::ActionNameAt(uint8_t aIndex, nsAString& aName) { if (aIndex == eAction_Click) { aName.AssignLiteral("activate"); return; } if (aIndex == eAction_Expand && IsExpandable()) { bool isContainerOpen = false; mTreeView->IsContainerOpen(mRow, &isContainerOpen); if (isContainerOpen) aName.AssignLiteral("collapse"); else aName.AssignLiteral("expand"); } } bool XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::DoAction(uint8_t aIndex) const { if (aIndex != eAction_Click && (aIndex != eAction_Expand || !IsExpandable())) return false; DoCommand(nullptr, aIndex); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: Accessible implementation void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::Shutdown() { mTree = nullptr; mTreeView = nullptr; mRow = -1; mParent = nullptr; // null-out to prevent base class's shutdown ops AccessibleWrap::Shutdown(); } GroupPos XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::GroupPosition() { GroupPos groupPos; int32_t level; nsresult rv = mTreeView->GetLevel(mRow, &level); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, groupPos); int32_t topCount = 1; for (int32_t index = mRow - 1; index >= 0; index--) { int32_t lvl = -1; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mTreeView->GetLevel(index, &lvl))) { if (lvl < level) break; if (lvl == level) topCount++; } } int32_t rowCount = 0; rv = mTreeView->GetRowCount(&rowCount); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, groupPos); int32_t bottomCount = 0; for (int32_t index = mRow + 1; index < rowCount; index++) { int32_t lvl = -1; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mTreeView->GetLevel(index, &lvl))) { if (lvl < level) break; if (lvl == level) bottomCount++; } } groupPos.level = level + 1; groupPos.setSize = topCount + bottomCount; groupPos.posInSet = topCount; return groupPos; } uint64_t XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::NativeState() const { // focusable and selectable states uint64_t state = NativeInteractiveState(); // expanded/collapsed state if (IsExpandable()) { bool isContainerOpen; mTreeView->IsContainerOpen(mRow, &isContainerOpen); state |= isContainerOpen ? states::EXPANDED : states::COLLAPSED; } // selected state nsCOMPtr selection; mTreeView->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { bool isSelected; selection->IsSelected(mRow, &isSelected); if (isSelected) state |= states::SELECTED; } // focused state if (FocusMgr()->IsFocused(this)) state |= states::FOCUSED; // invisible state int32_t firstVisibleRow = mTree->GetFirstVisibleRow(); int32_t lastVisibleRow = mTree->GetLastVisibleRow(); if (mRow < firstVisibleRow || mRow > lastVisibleRow) state |= states::INVISIBLE; return state; } uint64_t XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::NativeInteractiveState() const { return states::FOCUSABLE | states::SELECTABLE; } int32_t XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::IndexInParent() const { return mParent ? mParent->ContentChildCount() + mRow : -1; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: Widgets Accessible* XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::ContainerWidget() const { return mParent; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: Accessible protected methods void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::DispatchClickEvent( nsIContent* aContent, uint32_t aActionIndex) const { if (IsDefunct()) return; RefPtr columns = mTree->GetColumns(); if (!columns) return; // Get column and pseudo element. RefPtr column; nsAutoString pseudoElm; if (aActionIndex == eAction_Click) { // Key column is visible and clickable. column = columns->GetKeyColumn(); } else { // Primary column contains a twisty we should click on. column = columns->GetPrimaryColumn(); pseudoElm = u"twisty"_ns; } if (column) { RefPtr tree = mTree; nsCoreUtils::DispatchClickEvent(tree, mRow, column, pseudoElm); } } Accessible* XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::GetSiblingAtOffset( int32_t aOffset, nsresult* aError) const { if (aError) *aError = NS_OK; // fail peacefully return mParent->GetChildAt(IndexInParent() + aOffset); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessibleBase: protected implementation bool XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::IsExpandable() const { bool isContainer = false; mTreeView->IsContainer(mRow, &isContainer); if (isContainer) { bool isEmpty = false; mTreeView->IsContainerEmpty(mRow, &isEmpty); if (!isEmpty) { RefPtr columns = mTree->GetColumns(); if (columns) { nsTreeColumn* primaryColumn = columns->GetPrimaryColumn(); if (primaryColumn && !nsCoreUtils::IsColumnHidden(primaryColumn)) return true; } } } return false; } void XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::GetCellName(nsTreeColumn* aColumn, nsAString& aName) const { mTreeView->GetCellText(mRow, aColumn, aName); // If there is still no name try the cell value: // This is for graphical cells. We need tree/table view implementors to // implement FooView::GetCellValue to return a meaningful string for cases // where there is something shown in the cell (non-text) such as a star icon; // in which case GetCellValue for that cell would return "starred" or // "flagged" for example. if (aName.IsEmpty()) mTreeView->GetCellValue(mRow, aColumn, aName); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XULTreeItemAccessible::XULTreeItemAccessible( nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc, Accessible* aParent, dom::XULTreeElement* aTree, nsITreeView* aTreeView, int32_t aRow) : XULTreeItemAccessibleBase(aContent, aDoc, aParent, aTree, aTreeView, aRow) { mStateFlags |= eNoKidsFromDOM; mColumn = nsCoreUtils::GetFirstSensibleColumn(mTree, FlushType::None); GetCellName(mColumn, mCachedName); } XULTreeItemAccessible::~XULTreeItemAccessible() {} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessible: nsISupports implementation NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(XULTreeItemAccessible, XULTreeItemAccessibleBase, mColumn) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(XULTreeItemAccessible) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(XULTreeItemAccessibleBase) NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(XULTreeItemAccessible, XULTreeItemAccessibleBase) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(XULTreeItemAccessible, XULTreeItemAccessibleBase) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessible: nsIAccessible implementation ENameValueFlag XULTreeItemAccessible::Name(nsString& aName) const { aName.Truncate(); GetCellName(mColumn, aName); return eNameOK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessible: Accessible implementation void XULTreeItemAccessible::Shutdown() { mColumn = nullptr; XULTreeItemAccessibleBase::Shutdown(); } role XULTreeItemAccessible::NativeRole() const { RefPtr columns = mTree->GetColumns(); if (!columns) { NS_ERROR("No tree columns object in the tree!"); return roles::NOTHING; } nsTreeColumn* primaryColumn = columns->GetPrimaryColumn(); return primaryColumn ? roles::OUTLINEITEM : roles::LISTITEM; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeItemAccessible: XULTreeItemAccessibleBase implementation void XULTreeItemAccessible::RowInvalidated(int32_t aStartColIdx, int32_t aEndColIdx) { nsAutoString name; Name(name); if (name != mCachedName) { nsEventShell::FireEvent(nsIAccessibleEvent::EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, this); mCachedName = name; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // XULTreeColumAccessible //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XULTreeColumAccessible::XULTreeColumAccessible(nsIContent* aContent, DocAccessible* aDoc) : XULColumAccessible(aContent, aDoc) {} Accessible* XULTreeColumAccessible::GetSiblingAtOffset(int32_t aOffset, nsresult* aError) const { if (aOffset < 0) return XULColumAccessible::GetSiblingAtOffset(aOffset, aError); if (aError) *aError = NS_OK; // fail peacefully RefPtr tree = nsCoreUtils::GetTree(mContent); if (tree) { nsCOMPtr treeView = tree->GetView(FlushType::None); if (treeView) { int32_t rowCount = 0; treeView->GetRowCount(&rowCount); if (rowCount > 0 && aOffset <= rowCount) { XULTreeAccessible* treeAcc = Parent()->AsXULTree(); if (treeAcc) return treeAcc->GetTreeItemAccessible(aOffset - 1); } } } return nullptr; }