/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["WebRTCChild"]; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "MediaManagerService", "@mozilla.org/mediaManagerService;1", "nsIMediaManagerService" ); const kBrowserURL = AppConstants.BROWSER_CHROME_URL; /** * GlobalMuteListener is a process-global object that listens for changes to * the global mute state of the camera and microphone. When it notices a * change in that state, it tells the underlying platform code to mute or * unmute those devices. */ const GlobalMuteListener = { _initted: false, /** * Initializes the listener if it hasn't been already. This will also * ensure that the microphone and camera are initially in the right * muting state. */ init() { if (!this._initted) { Services.cpmm.sharedData.addEventListener("change", this); this._updateCameraMuteState(); this._updateMicrophoneMuteState(); this._initted = true; } }, handleEvent(event) { if (event.changedKeys.includes("WebRTC:GlobalCameraMute")) { this._updateCameraMuteState(); } if (event.changedKeys.includes("WebRTC:GlobalMicrophoneMute")) { this._updateMicrophoneMuteState(); } }, _updateCameraMuteState() { let shouldMute = Services.cpmm.sharedData.get("WebRTC:GlobalCameraMute"); let topic = shouldMute ? "getUserMedia:muteVideo" : "getUserMedia:unmuteVideo"; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic); }, _updateMicrophoneMuteState() { let shouldMute = Services.cpmm.sharedData.get( "WebRTC:GlobalMicrophoneMute" ); let topic = shouldMute ? "getUserMedia:muteAudio" : "getUserMedia:unmuteAudio"; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic); }, }; class WebRTCChild extends JSWindowActorChild { actorCreated() { // The user might request that DOM notifications be silenced // when sharing the screen. There doesn't seem to be a great // way of storing that state in any of the objects going into // the WebRTC API or coming out via the observer notification // service, so we store it here on the actor. // // If the user chooses to silence notifications during screen // share, this will get set to true. this.suppressNotifications = false; } // Called only for 'unload' to remove pending gUM prompts in reloaded frames. static handleEvent(aEvent) { let contentWindow = aEvent.target.defaultView; let actor = getActorForWindow(contentWindow); if (actor) { for (let key of contentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests.keys()) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:CancelRequest", key); } for (let key of contentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests.keys()) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("rtcpeer:CancelRequest", key); } } } // This observer is called from BrowserProcessChild to avoid // loading this .jsm when WebRTC is not in use. static observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "getUserMedia:request": handleGUMRequest(aSubject, aTopic, aData); break; case "recording-device-stopped": handleGUMStop(aSubject, aTopic, aData); break; case "PeerConnection:request": handlePCRequest(aSubject, aTopic, aData); break; case "recording-device-events": updateIndicators(aSubject, aTopic, aData); break; case "recording-window-ended": removeBrowserSpecificIndicator(aSubject, aTopic, aData); break; } } receiveMessage(aMessage) { switch (aMessage.name) { case "rtcpeer:Allow": case "rtcpeer:Deny": { let callID = aMessage.data.callID; let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId( aMessage.data.windowID ); forgetPCRequest(contentWindow, callID); let topic = aMessage.name == "rtcpeer:Allow" ? "PeerConnection:response:allow" : "PeerConnection:response:deny"; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, callID); break; } case "webrtc:Allow": { let callID = aMessage.data.callID; let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId( aMessage.data.windowID ); let devices = contentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests.get(callID); forgetGUMRequest(contentWindow, callID); let allowedDevices = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIMutableArray ); for (let deviceIndex of aMessage.data.devices) { allowedDevices.appendElement(devices[deviceIndex]); } Services.obs.notifyObservers( allowedDevices, "getUserMedia:response:allow", callID ); this.suppressNotifications = !!aMessage.data.suppressNotifications; break; } case "webrtc:Deny": denyGUMRequest(aMessage.data); break; case "webrtc:StopSharing": Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "getUserMedia:revoke", aMessage.data ); break; case "webrtc:MuteCamera": Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "getUserMedia:muteVideo", aMessage.data ); break; case "webrtc:UnmuteCamera": Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "getUserMedia:unmuteVideo", aMessage.data ); break; case "webrtc:MuteMicrophone": Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "getUserMedia:muteAudio", aMessage.data ); break; case "webrtc:UnmuteMicrophone": Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "getUserMedia:unmuteAudio", aMessage.data ); break; } } } function getActorForWindow(window) { let windowGlobal = window.windowGlobalChild; try { if (windowGlobal) { return windowGlobal.getActor("WebRTC"); } } catch (ex) { // There might not be an actor for a parent process chrome URL. } return null; } function handlePCRequest(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let { windowID, innerWindowID, callID, isSecure } = aSubject; let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(windowID); if (!contentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests) { setupPendingListsInitially(contentWindow); } contentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests.add(callID); let request = { windowID, innerWindowID, callID, documentURI: contentWindow.document.documentURI, secure: isSecure, }; let actor = getActorForWindow(contentWindow); if (actor) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("rtcpeer:Request", request); } } function handleGUMStop(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(aSubject.windowID); let request = { windowID: aSubject.windowID, rawID: aSubject.rawID, mediaSource: aSubject.mediaSource, }; let actor = getActorForWindow(contentWindow); if (actor) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:StopRecording", request); } } function handleGUMRequest(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // Now that a getUserMedia request has been created, we should check // to see if we're supposed to have any devices muted. This needs // to occur after the getUserMedia request is made, since the global // mute state is associated with the GetUserMediaWindowListener, which // is only created after a getUserMedia request. GlobalMuteListener.init(); let constraints = aSubject.getConstraints(); let secure = aSubject.isSecure; let isHandlingUserInput = aSubject.isHandlingUserInput; let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(aSubject.windowID); contentWindow.navigator.mozGetUserMediaDevices( constraints, function(devices) { // If the window has been closed while we were waiting for the list of // devices, there's nothing to do in the callback anymore. if (contentWindow.closed) { return; } prompt( contentWindow, aSubject.windowID, aSubject.callID, constraints, devices, secure, isHandlingUserInput ); }, function(error) { // Device enumeration is done ahead of handleGUMRequest, so we're not // responsible for handling the NotFoundError spec case. denyGUMRequest({ callID: aSubject.callID }); }, aSubject.innerWindowID, aSubject.callID ); } function prompt( aContentWindow, aWindowID, aCallID, aConstraints, aDevices, aSecure, aIsHandlingUserInput ) { let audioDevices = []; let videoDevices = []; let devices = []; // MediaStreamConstraints defines video as 'boolean or MediaTrackConstraints'. let video = aConstraints.video || aConstraints.picture; let audio = aConstraints.audio; let sharingScreen = video && typeof video != "boolean" && video.mediaSource != "camera"; let sharingAudio = audio && typeof audio != "boolean" && audio.mediaSource != "microphone"; for (let device of aDevices) { device = device.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIMediaDevice); switch (device.type) { case "audioinput": // Check that if we got a microphone, we have not requested an audio // capture, and if we have requested an audio capture, we are not // getting a microphone instead. if (audio && (device.mediaSource == "microphone") != sharingAudio) { audioDevices.push({ name: device.rawName, // unfiltered device name to show to the user deviceIndex: devices.length, id: device.rawId, mediaSource: device.mediaSource, }); devices.push(device); } break; case "videoinput": // Verify that if we got a camera, we haven't requested a screen share, // or that if we requested a screen share we aren't getting a camera. if (video && (device.mediaSource == "camera") != sharingScreen) { let deviceObject = { name: device.rawName, // unfiltered device name to show to the user deviceIndex: devices.length, id: device.rawId, mediaSource: device.mediaSource, }; if (device.scary) { deviceObject.scary = true; } videoDevices.push(deviceObject); devices.push(device); } break; } } let requestTypes = []; if (videoDevices.length) { requestTypes.push(sharingScreen ? "Screen" : "Camera"); } if (audioDevices.length) { requestTypes.push(sharingAudio ? "AudioCapture" : "Microphone"); } if (!requestTypes.length) { // Device enumeration is done ahead of handleGUMRequest, so we're not // responsible for handling the NotFoundError spec case. denyGUMRequest({ callID: aCallID }); return; } if (!aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests) { setupPendingListsInitially(aContentWindow); } aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests.set(aCallID, devices); // WebRTC prompts have a bunch of special requirements, such as being able to // grant two permissions (microphone and camera), selecting devices and showing // a screen sharing preview. All this could have probably been baked into // nsIContentPermissionRequest prompts, but the team that implemented this back // then chose to just build their own prompting mechanism instead. // // So, what you are looking at here is not a real nsIContentPermissionRequest, but // something that looks really similar and will be transmitted to webrtcUI.jsm // for showing the prompt. // Note that we basically do the permission delegate check in // nsIContentPermissionRequest, but because webrtc uses their own prompting // system, we should manually apply the delegate policy here. Permission // should be delegated using Feature Policy and top principal const permDelegateHandler = aContentWindow.document.permDelegateHandler.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIPermissionDelegateHandler ); const shouldDelegatePermission = permDelegateHandler.permissionDelegateFPEnabled; let secondOrigin = undefined; if ( shouldDelegatePermission && permDelegateHandler.maybeUnsafePermissionDelegate(requestTypes) ) { // We are going to prompt both first party and third party origin. // SecondOrigin should be third party secondOrigin = aContentWindow.document.nodePrincipal.origin; } let request = { callID: aCallID, windowID: aWindowID, secondOrigin, documentURI: aContentWindow.document.documentURI, secure: aSecure, isHandlingUserInput: aIsHandlingUserInput, shouldDelegatePermission, requestTypes, sharingScreen, sharingAudio, audioDevices, videoDevices, }; let actor = getActorForWindow(aContentWindow); if (actor) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:Request", request); } } function denyGUMRequest(aData) { let subject; if (aData.noOSPermission) { subject = "getUserMedia:response:noOSPermission"; } else { subject = "getUserMedia:response:deny"; } Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, subject, aData.callID); if (!aData.windowID) { return; } let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(aData.windowID); if (contentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests) { forgetGUMRequest(contentWindow, aData.callID); } } function forgetGUMRequest(aContentWindow, aCallID) { aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests.delete(aCallID); forgetPendingListsEventually(aContentWindow); } function forgetPCRequest(aContentWindow, aCallID) { aContentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests.delete(aCallID); forgetPendingListsEventually(aContentWindow); } function setupPendingListsInitially(aContentWindow) { if (aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests) { return; } aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests = new Map(); aContentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests = new Set(); aContentWindow.addEventListener("unload", WebRTCChild.handleEvent); } function forgetPendingListsEventually(aContentWindow) { if ( aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests.size || aContentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests.size ) { return; } aContentWindow.pendingGetUserMediaRequests = null; aContentWindow.pendingPeerConnectionRequests = null; aContentWindow.removeEventListener("unload", WebRTCChild.handleEvent); } function updateIndicators(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if ( aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag && aSubject.getProperty("requestURL") == kBrowserURL ) { // Ignore notifications caused by the browser UI showing previews. return; } let contentWindow = aSubject.getProperty("window"); let actor = contentWindow ? getActorForWindow(contentWindow) : null; if (actor) { let tabState = getTabStateForContentWindow(contentWindow, false); tabState.windowId = getInnerWindowIDForWindow(contentWindow); // If we were silencing DOM notifications before, but we've updated // state such that we're no longer sharing one of our displays, then // reset the silencing state. if (actor.suppressNotifications) { if (!tabState.screen && !tabState.window && !tabState.browser) { actor.suppressNotifications = false; } } tabState.suppressNotifications = actor.suppressNotifications; actor.sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:UpdateIndicators", tabState); } } function removeBrowserSpecificIndicator(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { let contentWindow = Services.wm.getOuterWindowWithId(aData); if (contentWindow.document.documentURI == kBrowserURL) { // Ignore notifications caused by the browser UI showing previews. return; } let tabState = getTabStateForContentWindow(contentWindow, true); tabState.windowId = aData; let actor = getActorForWindow(contentWindow); if (actor) { actor.sendAsyncMessage("webrtc:UpdateIndicators", tabState); } } function getTabStateForContentWindow(aContentWindow, aForRemove = false) { let camera = {}, microphone = {}, screen = {}, window = {}, browser = {}, devices = {}; MediaManagerService.mediaCaptureWindowState( aContentWindow, camera, microphone, screen, window, browser, devices ); if ( camera.value == MediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE && microphone.value == MediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE && screen.value == MediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE && window.value == MediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE && browser.value == MediaManagerService.STATE_NOCAPTURE ) { return { remove: true }; } if (aForRemove) { return { remove: true }; } let serializedDevices = []; if (Array.isArray(devices.value)) { serializedDevices = devices.value.map(device => { return { type: device.type, mediaSource: device.mediaSource, rawId: device.rawId, scary: device.scary, }; }); } return { camera: camera.value, microphone: microphone.value, screen: screen.value, window: window.value, browser: browser.value, devices: serializedDevices, }; } function getInnerWindowIDForWindow(aContentWindow) { return aContentWindow.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId; }