/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Error url MUST be formatted like this: // about:blocked?e=error_code&u=url(&o=1)? // (o=1 when user overrides are allowed) // Note that this file uses document.documentURI to get // the URL (with the format from above). This is because // document.location.href gets the current URI off the docshell, // which is the URL displayed in the location bar, i.e. // the URI that the user attempted to load. function getErrorCode() { var url = document.documentURI; var error = url.search(/e\=/); var duffUrl = url.search(/\&u\=/); return decodeURIComponent(url.slice(error + 2, duffUrl)); } function getURL() { var url = document.documentURI; var match = url.match(/&u=([^&]+)&/); // match == null if not found; if so, return an empty string // instead of what would turn out to be portions of the URI if (!match) { return ""; } url = decodeURIComponent(match[1]); // If this is a view-source page, then get then real URI of the page if (url.startsWith("view-source:")) { url = url.slice(12); } return url; } /** * Check whether this warning page is overridable or not, in which case * the "ignore the risk" suggestion in the error description * should not be shown. */ function getOverride() { var url = document.documentURI; var match = url.match(/&o=1&/); return !!match; } /** * Attempt to get the hostname via document.location. Fail back * to getURL so that we always return something meaningful. */ function getHostString() { try { return document.location.hostname; } catch (e) { return getURL(); } } function onClickSeeDetails() { let details = document.getElementById("errorDescriptionContainer"); if (details.hidden) { details.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { details.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); } } function initPage() { var error = ""; switch (getErrorCode()) { case "malwareBlocked": error = "malware"; break; case "deceptiveBlocked": error = "phishing"; break; case "unwantedBlocked": error = "unwanted"; break; case "harmfulBlocked": error = "harmful"; break; default: return; } // Set page contents depending on type of blocked page // Prepare the title and short description text let titleText = document.getElementById("errorTitleText"); document.l10n.setAttributes( titleText, "safeb-blocked-" + error + "-page-title" ); let shortDesc = document.getElementById("errorShortDescText"); document.l10n.setAttributes( shortDesc, "safeb-blocked-" + error + "-page-short-desc" ); // Prepare the inner description, ensuring any redundant inner elements are removed. let innerDesc = document.getElementById("errorInnerDescription"); let innerDescL10nID = "safeb-blocked-" + error + "-page-error-desc-"; if (!getOverride()) { innerDescL10nID += "no-override"; document.getElementById("ignore_warning_link").remove(); } else { innerDescL10nID += "override"; } if (error == "unwanted" || error == "harmful") { document.getElementById("report_detection").remove(); } // Add the inner description: // Map specific elements to a different message ID, to allow updates to // existing labels let descriptionMapping = { malware: innerDescL10nID + "-sumo", }; document.l10n.setAttributes( innerDesc, descriptionMapping[error] || innerDescL10nID, { sitename: getHostString(), } ); // Add the learn more content: // Map specific elements to a different message ID, to allow updates to // existing labels let stringMapping = { malware: "safeb-blocked-malware-page-learn-more-sumo", }; let learnMore = document.getElementById("learn_more"); document.l10n.setAttributes( learnMore, stringMapping[error] || `safeb-blocked-${error}-page-learn-more` ); // Set sitename to bold by adding class let errorSitename = document.getElementById("error_desc_sitename"); errorSitename.setAttribute("class", "sitename"); let titleEl = document.createElement("title"); document.l10n.setAttributes( titleEl, "safeb-blocked-" + error + "-page-title" ); document.head.appendChild(titleEl); // Inform the test harness that we're done loading the page. var event = new CustomEvent("AboutBlockedLoaded", { bubbles: true, detail: { url: this.getURL(), err: error, }, }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } let seeDetailsButton = document.getElementById("seeDetailsButton"); seeDetailsButton.addEventListener("click", onClickSeeDetails); // Note: It is important to run the script this way, instead of using // an onload handler. This is because error pages are loaded as // LOAD_BACKGROUND, which means that onload handlers will not be executed. initPage();