/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * SidebarUI controls showing and hiding the browser sidebar. */ var SidebarUI = { get sidebars() { if (this._sidebars) { return this._sidebars; } return (this._sidebars = new Map([ [ "viewBookmarksSidebar", { title: document .getElementById("sidebar-switcher-bookmarks") .getAttribute("label"), url: "chrome://browser/content/places/bookmarksSidebar.xhtml", menuId: "menu_bookmarksSidebar", buttonId: "sidebar-switcher-bookmarks", }, ], [ "viewHistorySidebar", { title: document .getElementById("sidebar-switcher-history") .getAttribute("label"), url: "chrome://browser/content/places/historySidebar.xhtml", menuId: "menu_historySidebar", buttonId: "sidebar-switcher-history", triggerButtonId: "appMenuViewHistorySidebar", }, ], [ "viewTabsSidebar", { title: document .getElementById("sidebar-switcher-tabs") .getAttribute("label"), url: "chrome://browser/content/syncedtabs/sidebar.xhtml", menuId: "menu_tabsSidebar", buttonId: "sidebar-switcher-tabs", triggerButtonId: "PanelUI-remotetabs-view-sidebar", }, ], ])); }, // Avoid getting the browser element from init() to avoid triggering the // constructor during startup if the sidebar is hidden. get browser() { if (this._browser) { return this._browser; } return (this._browser = document.getElementById("sidebar")); }, POSITION_START_PREF: "sidebar.position_start", DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_ID: "viewBookmarksSidebar", // lastOpenedId is set in show() but unlike currentID it's not cleared out on hide // and isn't persisted across windows lastOpenedId: null, _box: null, // The constructor of this label accesses the browser element due to the // control="sidebar" attribute, so avoid getting this label during startup. get _title() { if (this.__title) { return this.__title; } return (this.__title = document.getElementById("sidebar-title")); }, _splitter: null, _icon: null, _reversePositionButton: null, _switcherPanel: null, _switcherTarget: null, _switcherArrow: null, _inited: false, _initDeferred: PromiseUtils.defer(), get promiseInitialized() { return this._initDeferred.promise; }, get initialized() { return this._inited; }, init() { this._box = document.getElementById("sidebar-box"); this._splitter = document.getElementById("sidebar-splitter"); this._icon = document.getElementById("sidebar-icon"); this._reversePositionButton = document.getElementById( "sidebar-reverse-position" ); this._switcherPanel = document.getElementById("sidebarMenu-popup"); this._switcherTarget = document.getElementById("sidebar-switcher-target"); this._switcherArrow = document.getElementById("sidebar-switcher-arrow"); this._switcherTarget.addEventListener("command", () => { this.toggleSwitcherPanel(); }); this._inited = true; this._initDeferred.resolve(); }, uninit() { // If this is the last browser window, persist various values that should be // remembered for after a restart / reopening a browser window. let enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); if (!enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { let xulStore = Services.xulStore; xulStore.persist(this._box, "sidebarcommand"); if (this._box.hasAttribute("positionend")) { xulStore.persist(this._box, "positionend"); } else { xulStore.removeValue( document.documentURI, "sidebar-box", "positionend" ); } if (this._box.hasAttribute("checked")) { xulStore.persist(this._box, "checked"); } else { xulStore.removeValue(document.documentURI, "sidebar-box", "checked"); } xulStore.persist(this._box, "width"); xulStore.persist(this._title, "value"); } }, /** * Opens the switcher panel if it's closed, or closes it if it's open. */ toggleSwitcherPanel() { if ( this._switcherPanel.state == "open" || this._switcherPanel.state == "showing" ) { this.hideSwitcherPanel(); } else if (this._switcherPanel.state == "closed") { this.showSwitcherPanel(); } }, hideSwitcherPanel() { this._switcherPanel.hidePopup(); }, showSwitcherPanel() { this._ensureShortcutsShown(); this._switcherPanel.addEventListener( "popuphiding", () => { this._switcherTarget.classList.remove("active"); }, { once: true } ); // Combine start/end position with ltr/rtl to set the label in the popup appropriately. let label = this._positionStart == RTL_UI ? gNavigatorBundle.getString("sidebar.moveToLeft") : gNavigatorBundle.getString("sidebar.moveToRight"); this._reversePositionButton.setAttribute("label", label); this._switcherPanel.hidden = false; this._switcherPanel.openPopup(this._icon); this._switcherTarget.classList.add("active"); }, updateShortcut({ button, key }) { // If the shortcuts haven't been rendered yet then it will be set correctly // on the first render so there's nothing to do now. if (!this._addedShortcuts) { return; } if (key) { let keyId = key.getAttribute("id"); button = this._switcherPanel.querySelector(`[key="${keyId}"]`); } else if (button) { let keyId = button.getAttribute("key"); key = document.getElementById(keyId); } if (!button || !key) { return; } button.setAttribute("shortcut", ShortcutUtils.prettifyShortcut(key)); }, _addedShortcuts: false, _ensureShortcutsShown() { if (this._addedShortcuts) { return; } this._addedShortcuts = true; for (let button of this._switcherPanel.querySelectorAll( "toolbarbutton[key]" )) { this.updateShortcut({ button }); } }, /** * Change the pref that will trigger a call to setPosition */ reversePosition() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(this.POSITION_START_PREF, !this._positionStart); }, /** * Read the positioning pref and position the sidebar and the splitter * appropriately within the browser container. */ setPosition() { // First reset all ordinals to match DOM ordering. let browser = document.getElementById("browser"); [...browser.children].forEach((node, i) => { node.style.MozBoxOrdinalGroup = i + 1; }); if (!this._positionStart) { // DOM ordering is: | sidebar-box | splitter | appcontent | // Want to display as: | appcontent | splitter | sidebar-box | // So we just swap box and appcontent ordering let appcontent = document.getElementById("appcontent"); let boxOrdinal = this._box.style.MozBoxOrdinalGroup; this._box.style.MozBoxOrdinalGroup = appcontent.style.MozBoxOrdinalGroup; appcontent.style.MozBoxOrdinalGroup = boxOrdinal; // Indicate we've switched ordering to the box this._box.setAttribute("positionend", true); } else { this._box.removeAttribute("positionend"); } this.hideSwitcherPanel(); let content = SidebarUI.browser.contentWindow; if (content && content.updatePosition) { content.updatePosition(); } }, /** * Try and adopt the status of the sidebar from another window. * @param {Window} sourceWindow - Window to use as a source for sidebar status. * @return true if we adopted the state, or false if the caller should * initialize the state itself. */ adoptFromWindow(sourceWindow) { // If the opener had a sidebar, open the same sidebar in our window. // The opener can be the hidden window too, if we're coming from the state // where no windows are open, and the hidden window has no sidebar box. let sourceUI = sourceWindow.SidebarUI; if (!sourceUI || !sourceUI._box) { // no source UI or no _box means we also can't adopt the state. return false; } // Set sidebar command even if hidden, so that we keep the same sidebar // even if it's currently closed. let commandID = sourceUI._box.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); if (commandID) { this._box.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", commandID); } if (sourceUI._box.hidden) { // just hidden means we have adopted the hidden state. return true; } // dynamically generated sidebars will fail this check, but we still // consider it adopted. if (!this.sidebars.has(commandID)) { return true; } this._box.setAttribute( "width", sourceUI._box.getBoundingClientRect().width ); this.showInitially(commandID); return true; }, windowPrivacyMatches(w1, w2) { return ( PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(w1) === PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(w2) ); }, /** * If loading a sidebar was delayed on startup, start the load now. */ startDelayedLoad() { let sourceWindow = window.opener; // No source window means this is the initial window. If we're being // opened from another window, check that it is one we might open a sidebar // for. if (sourceWindow) { if ( sourceWindow.closed || sourceWindow.location.protocol != "chrome:" || !this.windowPrivacyMatches(sourceWindow, window) ) { return; } // Try to adopt the sidebar state from the source window if (this.adoptFromWindow(sourceWindow)) { return; } } // If we're not adopting settings from a parent window, set them now. let wasOpen = this._box.getAttribute("checked"); if (!wasOpen) { return; } let commandID = this._box.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); if (commandID && this.sidebars.has(commandID)) { this.showInitially(commandID); } else { this._box.removeAttribute("checked"); // Remove the |sidebarcommand| attribute, because the element it // refers to no longer exists, so we should assume this sidebar // panel has been uninstalled. (249883) // We use setAttribute rather than removeAttribute so it persists // correctly. this._box.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", ""); // On a startup in which the startup cache was invalidated (e.g. app update) // extensions will not be started prior to delayedLoad, thus the // sidebarcommand element will not exist yet. Store the commandID so // extensions may reopen if necessary. A startup cache invalidation // can be forced (for testing) by deleting compatibility.ini from the // profile. this.lastOpenedId = commandID; } }, /** * Fire a "SidebarShown" event on the sidebar to give any interested parties * a chance to update the button or whatever. */ _fireShowEvent() { let event = new CustomEvent("SidebarShown", { bubbles: true }); this._switcherTarget.dispatchEvent(event); }, /** * Fire a "SidebarFocused" event on the sidebar's |window| to give the sidebar * a chance to adjust focus as needed. An additional event is needed, because * we don't want to focus the sidebar when it's opened on startup or in a new * window, only when the user opens the sidebar. */ _fireFocusedEvent() { let event = new CustomEvent("SidebarFocused", { bubbles: true }); this.browser.contentWindow.dispatchEvent(event); }, /** * True if the sidebar is currently open. */ get isOpen() { return !this._box.hidden; }, /** * The ID of the current sidebar. */ get currentID() { return this.isOpen ? this._box.getAttribute("sidebarcommand") : ""; }, get title() { return this._title.value; }, set title(value) { this._title.value = value; }, /** * Toggle the visibility of the sidebar. If the sidebar is hidden or is open * with a different commandID, then the sidebar will be opened using the * specified commandID. Otherwise the sidebar will be hidden. * * @param {string} commandID ID of the sidebar. * @param {DOMNode} [triggerNode] Node, usually a button, that triggered the * visibility toggling of the sidebar. * @return {Promise} */ toggle(commandID = this.lastOpenedId, triggerNode) { // First priority for a default value is this.lastOpenedId which is set during show() // and not reset in hide(), unlike currentID. If show() hasn't been called and we don't // have a persisted command either, or the command doesn't exist anymore, then // fallback to a default sidebar. if (!commandID) { commandID = this._box.getAttribute("sidebarcommand"); } if (!commandID || !this.sidebars.has(commandID)) { commandID = this.DEFAULT_SIDEBAR_ID; } if (this.isOpen && commandID == this.currentID) { this.hide(triggerNode); return Promise.resolve(); } return this.show(commandID, triggerNode); }, _loadSidebarExtension(commandID) { let sidebar = this.sidebars.get(commandID); let { extensionId } = sidebar; if (extensionId) { SidebarUI.browser.contentWindow.loadPanel( extensionId, sidebar.panel, sidebar.browserStyle ); } }, /** * Show the sidebar. * * This wraps the internal method, including a ping to telemetry. * * @param {string} commandID ID of the sidebar to use. * @param {DOMNode} [triggerNode] Node, usually a button, that triggered the * showing of the sidebar. * @return {Promise} */ async show(commandID, triggerNode) { let panelType = commandID.substring(4, commandID.length - 7); Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd("sidebar.opened", panelType, 1); // Extensions without private window access wont be in the // sidebars map. if (!this.sidebars.has(commandID)) { return false; } return this._show(commandID).then(() => { this._loadSidebarExtension(commandID); if (triggerNode) { updateToggleControlLabel(triggerNode); } this._fireFocusedEvent(); return true; }); }, /** * Show the sidebar, without firing the focused event or logging telemetry. * This is intended to be used when the sidebar is opened automatically * when a window opens (not triggered by user interaction). * * @param {string} commandID ID of the sidebar. * @return {Promise} */ async showInitially(commandID) { let panelType = commandID.substring(4, commandID.length - 7); Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd("sidebar.opened", panelType, 1); // Extensions without private window access wont be in the // sidebars map. if (!this.sidebars.has(commandID)) { return false; } return this._show(commandID).then(() => { this._loadSidebarExtension(commandID); return true; }); }, /** * Implementation for show. Also used internally for sidebars that are shown * when a window is opened and we don't want to ping telemetry. * * @param {string} commandID ID of the sidebar. * @return {Promise} */ _show(commandID) { return new Promise(resolve => { this.selectMenuItem(commandID); this._box.hidden = this._splitter.hidden = false; this.setPosition(); this.hideSwitcherPanel(); this._box.setAttribute("checked", "true"); this._box.setAttribute("sidebarcommand", commandID); this.lastOpenedId = commandID; let { url, title } = this.sidebars.get(commandID); this.title = title; this.browser.setAttribute("src", url); // kick off async load if (this.browser.contentDocument.location.href != url) { this.browser.addEventListener( "load", event => { // We're handling the 'load' event before it bubbles up to the usual // (non-capturing) event handlers. Let it bubble up before resolving. setTimeout(() => { resolve(); // Now that the currentId is updated, fire a show event. this._fireShowEvent(); }, 0); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); } else { resolve(); // Now that the currentId is updated, fire a show event. this._fireShowEvent(); } }); }, /** * Hide the sidebar. * * @param {DOMNode} [triggerNode] Node, usually a button, that triggered the * hiding of the sidebar. */ hide(triggerNode) { if (!this.isOpen) { return; } this.hideSwitcherPanel(); this.selectMenuItem(""); // Replace the document currently displayed in the sidebar with about:blank // so that we can free memory by unloading the page. We need to explicitly // create a new content viewer because the old one doesn't get destroyed // until about:blank has loaded (which does not happen as long as the // element is hidden). this.browser.setAttribute("src", "about:blank"); this.browser.docShell.createAboutBlankContentViewer(null, null); this._box.removeAttribute("checked"); this._box.hidden = this._splitter.hidden = true; let selBrowser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; selBrowser.focus(); if (triggerNode) { updateToggleControlLabel(triggerNode); } }, /** * Sets the checked state only on the menu items of the specified sidebar, or * none if the argument is an empty string. */ selectMenuItem(commandID) { for (let [id, { menuId, buttonId, triggerButtonId }] of this.sidebars) { let menu = document.getElementById(menuId); let button = document.getElementById(buttonId); let triggerbutton = triggerButtonId && document.getElementById(triggerButtonId); if (id == commandID) { menu.setAttribute("checked", "true"); button.setAttribute("checked", "true"); if (triggerbutton) { triggerbutton.setAttribute("checked", "true"); updateToggleControlLabel(triggerbutton); } } else { menu.removeAttribute("checked"); button.removeAttribute("checked"); if (triggerbutton) { triggerbutton.removeAttribute("checked"); updateToggleControlLabel(triggerbutton); } } } }, }; // Add getters related to the position here, since we will want them // available for both startDelayedLoad and init. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( SidebarUI, "_positionStart", SidebarUI.POSITION_START_PREF, true, SidebarUI.setPosition.bind(SidebarUI) );