/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const { Sqlite } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "TrackingDBService", "@mozilla.org/tracking-db-service;1", "nsITrackingDBService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "TRACK_DB_PATH", function() { return OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, "protections.sqlite"); }); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "ContentBlockingAllowList", "resource://gre/modules/ContentBlockingAllowList.jsm" ); var { UrlClassifierTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/UrlClassifierTestUtils.jsm" ); async function openProtectionsPanel(toast, win = window) { let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( win, "popupshown", true, e => e.target.id == "protections-popup" ); let shieldIconContainer = win.document.getElementById( "tracking-protection-icon-container" ); // Move out than move over the shield icon to trigger the hover event in // order to fetch tracker count. EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( win.gURLBar.textbox, { type: "mousemove", }, win ); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( shieldIconContainer, { type: "mousemove", }, win ); if (!toast) { EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(shieldIconContainer, {}, win); } else { win.gProtectionsHandler.showProtectionsPopup({ toast }); } await popupShownPromise; } async function openProtectionsPanelWithKeyNav() { let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( window, "popupshown", true, e => e.target.id == "protections-popup" ); gURLBar.focus(); // This will trigger the focus event for the shield icon for pre-fetching // the tracker count. EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true }); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter", {}); await popupShownPromise; } async function closeProtectionsPanel(win = window) { let protectionsPopup = win.document.getElementById("protections-popup"); if (!protectionsPopup) { return; } let popuphiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( protectionsPopup, "popuphidden" ); PanelMultiView.hidePopup(protectionsPopup); await popuphiddenPromise; } function checkClickTelemetry(objectName, value, source = "protectionspopup") { let events = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents( Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_PRERELEASE_CHANNELS ).parent; let buttonEvents = events.filter( e => e[1] == `security.ui.${source}` && e[2] == "click" && e[3] == objectName && e[4] === value ); is(buttonEvents.length, 1, `recorded ${objectName} telemetry event`); } async function addTrackerDataIntoDB(count) { const insertSQL = "INSERT INTO events (type, count, timestamp)" + "VALUES (:type, :count, date(:timestamp));"; let db = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: TRACK_DB_PATH }); let date = new Date().toISOString(); await db.execute(insertSQL, { type: TrackingDBService.TRACKERS_ID, count, timestamp: date, }); await db.close(); } async function waitForAboutProtectionsTab() { let tab = await BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, "about:protections", true ); // When the graph is built it means the messaging has finished, // we can close the tab. await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async function() { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { let bars = content.document.querySelectorAll(".graph-bar"); return bars.length; }, "The graph has been built"); }); return tab; } /** * Waits for a load (or custom) event to finish in a given tab. If provided * load an uri into the tab. * * @param tab * The tab to load into. * @param [optional] url * The url to load, or the current url. * @return {Promise} resolved when the event is handled. * @resolves to the received event * @rejects if a valid load event is not received within a meaningful interval */ function promiseTabLoadEvent(tab, url) { info("Wait tab event: load"); function handle(loadedUrl) { if (loadedUrl === "about:blank" || (url && loadedUrl !== url)) { info(`Skipping spurious load event for ${loadedUrl}`); return false; } info("Tab event received: load"); return true; } let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser, false, handle); if (url) { BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(tab.linkedBrowser, url); } return loaded; } function waitForSecurityChange(numChanges = 1, win = null) { if (!win) { win = window; } return new Promise(resolve => { let n = 0; let listener = { onSecurityChange() { n = n + 1; info("Received onSecurityChange event " + n + " of " + numChanges); if (n >= numChanges) { win.gBrowser.removeProgressListener(listener); resolve(n); } }, }; win.gBrowser.addProgressListener(listener); }); } function waitForContentBlockingEvent(numChanges = 1, win = null) { if (!win) { win = window; } return new Promise(resolve => { let n = 0; let listener = { onContentBlockingEvent(webProgress, request, event) { n = n + 1; info( `Received onContentBlockingEvent event: ${event} (${n} of ${numChanges})` ); if (n >= numChanges) { win.gBrowser.removeProgressListener(listener); resolve(n); } }, }; win.gBrowser.addProgressListener(listener); }); }