var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); function openIdentityPopup() { gIdentityHandler._initializePopup(); let mainView = document.getElementById("identity-popup-mainView"); let viewShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(mainView, "ViewShown");; return viewShown; } /** * Waits for a load (or custom) event to finish in a given tab. If provided * load an uri into the tab. * * @param tab * The tab to load into. * @param [optional] url * The url to load, or the current url. * @return {Promise} resolved when the event is handled. * @resolves to the received event * @rejects if a valid load event is not received within a meaningful interval */ function promiseTabLoadEvent(tab, url) { info("Wait tab event: load"); function handle(loadedUrl) { if (loadedUrl === "about:blank" || (url && loadedUrl !== url)) { info(`Skipping spurious load event for ${loadedUrl}`); return false; } info("Tab event received: load"); return true; } let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser, false, handle); if (url) { BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(tab.linkedBrowser, url); } return loaded; } // Compares the security state of the page with what is expected function isSecurityState(browser, expectedState) { let ui = browser.securityUI; if (!ui) { ok(false, "No security UI to get the security state"); return; } const wpl = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener; // determine the security state let isSecure = ui.state & wpl.STATE_IS_SECURE; let isBroken = ui.state & wpl.STATE_IS_BROKEN; let isInsecure = ui.state & wpl.STATE_IS_INSECURE; let actualState; if (isSecure && !(isBroken || isInsecure)) { actualState = "secure"; } else if (isBroken && !(isSecure || isInsecure)) { actualState = "broken"; } else if (isInsecure && !(isSecure || isBroken)) { actualState = "insecure"; } else { actualState = "unknown"; } is( expectedState, actualState, "Expected state " + expectedState + " and the actual state is " + actualState + "." ); } /** * Test the state of the identity box and control center to make * sure they are correctly showing the expected mixed content states. * * @note The checks are done synchronously, but new code should wait on the * returned Promise object to ensure the identity panel has closed. * Bug 1221114 is filed to fix the existing code. * * @param tabbrowser * @param Object states * MUST include the following properties: * { * activeLoaded: true|false, * activeBlocked: true|false, * passiveLoaded: true|false, * } * * @return {Promise} * @resolves When the operation has finished and the identity panel has closed. */ async function assertMixedContentBlockingState(tabbrowser, states = {}) { if ( !tabbrowser || !("activeLoaded" in states) || !("activeBlocked" in states) || !("passiveLoaded" in states) ) { throw new Error( "assertMixedContentBlockingState requires a browser and a states object" ); } let { passiveLoaded, activeLoaded, activeBlocked } = states; let { gIdentityHandler } = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal; let doc = tabbrowser.ownerDocument; let identityBox = gIdentityHandler._identityBox; let classList = identityBox.classList; let identityIcon = doc.getElementById("identity-icon"); let identityIconImage = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal .getComputedStyle(identityIcon) .getPropertyValue("list-style-image"); let stateSecure = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_SECURE; let stateBroken = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_BROKEN; let stateInsecure = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_INSECURE; let stateActiveBlocked = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_BLOCKED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT; let stateActiveLoaded = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_LOADED_MIXED_ACTIVE_CONTENT; let statePassiveLoaded = gIdentityHandler._state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_LOADED_MIXED_DISPLAY_CONTENT; is( activeBlocked, !!stateActiveBlocked, "Expected state for activeBlocked matches UI state" ); is( activeLoaded, !!stateActiveLoaded, "Expected state for activeLoaded matches UI state" ); is( passiveLoaded, !!statePassiveLoaded, "Expected state for passiveLoaded matches UI state" ); if (stateInsecure) { const insecureConnectionIcon = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "security.insecure_connection_icon.enabled" ); if (!insecureConnectionIcon) { // HTTP request, there should be no MCB classes for the identity box and the non secure icon // should always be visible regardless of MCB state. ok(classList.contains("unknownIdentity"), "unknownIdentity on HTTP page"); ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(identityIcon), "information icon should be still visible" ); } else { // HTTP request, there should be a broken padlock shown always. ok(classList.contains("notSecure"), "notSecure on HTTP page"); ok( !BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(identityIcon), "information icon should be visible" ); } ok(!classList.contains("mixedActiveContent"), "No MCB icon on HTTP page"); ok(!classList.contains("mixedActiveBlocked"), "No MCB icon on HTTP page"); ok(!classList.contains("mixedDisplayContent"), "No MCB icon on HTTP page"); ok( !classList.contains("mixedDisplayContentLoadedActiveBlocked"), "No MCB icon on HTTP page" ); } else { // Make sure the identity box UI has the correct mixedcontent states and icons is( classList.contains("mixedActiveContent"), activeLoaded, "identityBox has expected class for activeLoaded" ); is( classList.contains("mixedActiveBlocked"), activeBlocked && !passiveLoaded, "identityBox has expected class for activeBlocked && !passiveLoaded" ); is( classList.contains("mixedDisplayContent"), passiveLoaded && !(activeLoaded || activeBlocked), "identityBox has expected class for passiveLoaded && !(activeLoaded || activeBlocked)" ); is( classList.contains("mixedDisplayContentLoadedActiveBlocked"), passiveLoaded && activeBlocked, "identityBox has expected class for passiveLoaded && activeBlocked" ); ok( !BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(identityIcon), "information icon should be visible" ); if (activeLoaded) { is( identityIconImage, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-active-loaded.svg")', "Using active loaded icon" ); } if (activeBlocked && !passiveLoaded) { is( identityIconImage, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/connection-secure.svg")', "Using active blocked icon" ); } if (passiveLoaded && !(activeLoaded || activeBlocked)) { is( identityIconImage, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-passive-loaded.svg")', "Using passive loaded icon" ); } if (passiveLoaded && activeBlocked) { is( identityIconImage, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-passive-loaded.svg")', "Using active blocked and passive loaded icon" ); } } // Make sure the identity popup has the correct mixedcontent states let promisePanelOpen = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( tabbrowser.ownerGlobal, "popupshown", true, event => == gIdentityHandler._identityPopup );; await promisePanelOpen; let popupAttr = doc .getElementById("identity-popup") .getAttribute("mixedcontent"); let bodyAttr = doc .getElementById("identity-popup-securityView-body") .getAttribute("mixedcontent"); is( popupAttr.includes("active-loaded"), activeLoaded, "identity-popup has expected attr for activeLoaded" ); is( bodyAttr.includes("active-loaded"), activeLoaded, "securityView-body has expected attr for activeLoaded" ); is( popupAttr.includes("active-blocked"), activeBlocked, "identity-popup has expected attr for activeBlocked" ); is( bodyAttr.includes("active-blocked"), activeBlocked, "securityView-body has expected attr for activeBlocked" ); is( popupAttr.includes("passive-loaded"), passiveLoaded, "identity-popup has expected attr for passiveLoaded" ); is( bodyAttr.includes("passive-loaded"), passiveLoaded, "securityView-body has expected attr for passiveLoaded" ); // Make sure the correct icon is visible in the Control Center. // This logic is controlled with CSS, so this helps prevent regressions there. let securityViewBG = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal .getComputedStyle( document .getElementById("identity-popup-securityView") .getElementsByClassName("identity-popup-security-connection")[0] ) .getPropertyValue("background-image"); let securityContentBG = tabbrowser.ownerGlobal .getComputedStyle( document .getElementById("identity-popup-mainView") .getElementsByClassName("identity-popup-security-connection")[0] ) .getPropertyValue("background-image"); if (stateInsecure) { is( securityViewBG, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-active-loaded.svg")', "CC using 'not secure' icon" ); is( securityContentBG, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-active-loaded.svg")', "CC using 'not secure' icon" ); } if (stateSecure) { is( securityViewBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/connection-secure.svg")', "CC using secure icon" ); is( securityContentBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/connection-secure.svg")', "CC using secure icon" ); } if (stateBroken) { if (activeLoaded) { is( securityViewBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/controlcenter/mcb-disabled.svg")', "CC using active loaded icon" ); is( securityContentBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/controlcenter/mcb-disabled.svg")', "CC using active loaded icon" ); } else if (activeBlocked || passiveLoaded) { is( securityViewBG, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-passive-loaded.svg")', "CC using degraded icon" ); is( securityContentBG, 'url("chrome://global/skin/icons/connection-mixed-passive-loaded.svg")', "CC using degraded icon" ); } else { // There is a case here with weak ciphers, but no bc tests are handling this yet. is( securityViewBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/connection-secure.svg")', "CC using degraded icon" ); is( securityContentBG, 'url("chrome://browser/skin/connection-secure.svg")', "CC using degraded icon" ); } } if (activeLoaded || activeBlocked || passiveLoaded) { let promiseViewShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gIdentityHandler._identityPopup, "ViewShown" ); doc.getElementById("identity-popup-security-expander").click(); await promiseViewShown; is( doc .getElementById("identity-popup-securityView") .querySelectorAll(".identity-popup-mcb-learn-more"), element => !BrowserTestUtils.is_hidden(element) ).length, 1, "The 'Learn more' link should be visible once." ); } if (gIdentityHandler._identityPopup.state != "closed") { let hideEvent = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gIdentityHandler._identityPopup, "popuphidden" ); info("Hiding identity popup"); gIdentityHandler._identityPopup.hidePopup(); await hideEvent; } } async function loadBadCertPage(url) { let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.waitForErrorPage(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, url); await loaded; await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], async function() { content.document.getElementById("exceptionDialogButton").click(); }); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); }