/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { webrtcUI } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/webrtcUI.jsm"); const BUNDLE_URL = "chrome://browser/locale/webrtcIndicator.properties"; var gStringBundle; function init(event) { gStringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(BUNDLE_URL); let brand = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties" ); let brandShortName = brand.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); document.title = gStringBundle.formatStringFromName( "webrtcIndicator.windowtitle", [brandShortName] ); for (let id of ["audioVideoButton", "screenSharePopup"]) { let popup = document.getElementById(id); popup.addEventListener("popupshowing", onPopupMenuShowing); popup.addEventListener("popuphiding", onPopupMenuHiding); popup.addEventListener("command", onPopupMenuCommand); } let fxButton = document.getElementById("firefoxButton"); fxButton.addEventListener("click", onFirefoxButtonClick); fxButton.addEventListener("mousedown", PositionHandler); updateIndicatorState(); // Alert accessibility implementations stuff just changed. We only need to do // this initially, because changes after this will automatically fire alert // events if things change materially. let ev = new CustomEvent("AlertActive", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); document.documentElement.dispatchEvent(ev); } function updateIndicatorState() { // If gStringBundle isn't set, the window hasn't finished loading. if (!gStringBundle) { return; } updateWindowAttr("sharingvideo", webrtcUI.showCameraIndicator); updateWindowAttr("sharingaudio", webrtcUI.showMicrophoneIndicator); updateWindowAttr("sharingscreen", webrtcUI.showScreenSharingIndicator); // Camera and microphone button tooltip. let shareTypes = []; if (webrtcUI.showCameraIndicator) { shareTypes.push("Camera"); } if (webrtcUI.showMicrophoneIndicator) { shareTypes.push("Microphone"); } let audioVideoButton = document.getElementById("audioVideoButton"); if (shareTypes.length) { let stringId = "webrtcIndicator.sharing" + shareTypes.join("And") + ".tooltip"; audioVideoButton.setAttribute( "tooltiptext", gStringBundle.GetStringFromName(stringId) ); } else { audioVideoButton.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); } // Screen sharing button tooltip. let screenShareButton = document.getElementById("screenShareButton"); if (webrtcUI.showScreenSharingIndicator) { let stringId = "webrtcIndicator.sharing" + webrtcUI.showScreenSharingIndicator + ".tooltip"; screenShareButton.setAttribute( "tooltiptext", gStringBundle.GetStringFromName(stringId) ); } else { screenShareButton.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); } // Resize and ensure the window position is correct // (sizeToContent messes with our position). window.sizeToContent(); PositionHandler.adjustPosition(); } function updateWindowAttr(attr, value) { let docEl = document.documentElement; if (value) { docEl.setAttribute(attr, "true"); } else { docEl.removeAttribute(attr); } } function onPopupMenuShowing(event) { let popup = event.target; let activeStreams; if (popup.getAttribute("type") == "Devices") { activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(true, true, false); } else { activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(false, false, true, true); } if (activeStreams.length) { let index = activeStreams.length - 1; webrtcUI.showSharingDoorhanger(activeStreams[index]); event.preventDefault(); return; } for (let stream of activeStreams) { let item = document.createElement("menuitem"); item.setAttribute("label", stream.browser.contentTitle || stream.uri); item.setAttribute("tooltiptext", stream.uri); item.stream = stream; popup.appendChild(item); } } function onPopupMenuHiding(event) { let popup = event.target; while (popup.firstChild) { popup.firstChild.remove(); } } function onPopupMenuCommand(event) { webrtcUI.showSharingDoorhanger(event.target.stream); } function onFirefoxButtonClick(event) { event.target.blur(); let activeStreams = webrtcUI.getActiveStreams(true, true, true, true); activeStreams[0].browser.ownerGlobal.focus(); } var PositionHandler = { positionCustomized: false, threshold: 10, adjustPosition() { if (!this.positionCustomized) { // Center the window horizontally on the screen (not the available area). // Until we have moved the window to y=0, 'screen.width' may give a value // for a secondary screen, so use values from the screen manager instead. let primaryScreen = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIScreenManager ).primaryScreen; let widthDevPix = {}; primaryScreen.GetRect({}, {}, widthDevPix, {}); let availTopDevPix = {}; primaryScreen.GetAvailRect({}, availTopDevPix, {}, {}); let scaleFactor = primaryScreen.defaultCSSScaleFactor; let widthCss = widthDevPix.value / scaleFactor; window.moveTo( (widthCss - document.documentElement.clientWidth) / 2, availTopDevPix.value / scaleFactor ); } else { // This will ensure we're at y=0. this.setXPosition(window.screenX); } }, setXPosition(desiredX) { // Ensure the indicator isn't moved outside the available area of the screen. desiredX = Math.max(desiredX, screen.availLeft); let maxX = screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; window.moveTo(Math.min(desiredX, maxX), screen.availTop); }, handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "mousedown": if (aEvent.button != 0 || aEvent.defaultPrevented) { return; } this._startMouseX = aEvent.screenX; this._startWindowX = window.screenX; this._deltaX = this._startMouseX - this._startWindowX; window.addEventListener("mousemove", this); window.addEventListener("mouseup", this); break; case "mousemove": let moveOffset = Math.abs(aEvent.screenX - this._startMouseX); if (this._dragFullyStarted || moveOffset > this.threshold) { this.setXPosition(aEvent.screenX - this._deltaX); this._dragFullyStarted = true; } break; case "mouseup": this._dragFullyStarted = false; window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this); window.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); this.positionCustomized = Math.abs(this._startWindowX - window.screenX) >= this.threshold; break; } }, };