/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CustomizeMode", "_defaultImportantThemes"]; const kPrefCustomizationDebug = "browser.uiCustomization.debug"; const kPaletteId = "customization-palette"; const kDragDataTypePrefix = "text/toolbarwrapper-id/"; const kSkipSourceNodePref = "browser.uiCustomization.skipSourceNodeCheck"; const kDrawInTitlebarPref = "browser.tabs.drawInTitlebar"; const kExtraDragSpacePref = "browser.tabs.extraDragSpace"; const kBookmarksToolbarPref = "browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility"; const kKeepBroadcastAttributes = "keepbroadcastattributeswhencustomizing"; const kPanelItemContextMenu = "customizationPanelItemContextMenu"; const kPaletteItemContextMenu = "customizationPaletteItemContextMenu"; const kDownloadAutohideCheckboxId = "downloads-button-autohide-checkbox"; const kDownloadAutohidePanelId = "downloads-button-autohide-panel"; const kDownloadAutoHidePref = "browser.download.autohideButton"; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { CustomizableUI } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm" ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["CSS"]); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "AddonManager", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "AMTelemetry", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "DragPositionManager", "resource:///modules/DragPositionManager.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "BrowserUtils", "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "BrowserUsageTelemetry", "resource:///modules/BrowserUsageTelemetry.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "SessionStore", "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStore.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "gWidgetsBundle", function() { const kUrl = "chrome://browser/locale/customizableui/customizableWidgets.properties"; return Services.strings.createBundle(kUrl); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gTouchBarUpdater", "@mozilla.org/widget/touchbarupdater;1", "nsITouchBarUpdater" ); let gDebug; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { let scope = {}; ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm", scope); gDebug = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kPrefCustomizationDebug, false); let consoleOptions = { maxLogLevel: gDebug ? "all" : "log", prefix: "CustomizeMode", }; return new scope.ConsoleAPI(consoleOptions); }); const DEFAULT_THEME_ID = "default-theme@mozilla.org"; const LIGHT_THEME_ID = "firefox-compact-light@mozilla.org"; const DARK_THEME_ID = "firefox-compact-dark@mozilla.org"; const ALPENGLOW_THEME_ID = "firefox-alpenglow@mozilla.org"; const _defaultImportantThemes = [ DEFAULT_THEME_ID, LIGHT_THEME_ID, DARK_THEME_ID, ALPENGLOW_THEME_ID, ]; var gDraggingInToolbars; var gTab; function closeGlobalTab() { let win = gTab.ownerGlobal; if (win.gBrowser.browsers.length == 1) { win.BrowserOpenTab(); } win.gBrowser.removeTab(gTab, { animate: true }); gTab = null; } var gTabsProgressListener = { onLocationChange(aBrowser, aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation, aFlags) { // Tear down customize mode when the customize mode tab loads some other page. // Customize mode will be re-entered if "about:blank" is loaded again, so // don't tear down in this case. if ( !gTab || gTab.linkedBrowser != aBrowser || aLocation.spec == "about:blank" ) { return; } unregisterGlobalTab(); }, }; function unregisterGlobalTab() { gTab.removeEventListener("TabClose", unregisterGlobalTab); let win = gTab.ownerGlobal; win.removeEventListener("unload", unregisterGlobalTab); win.gBrowser.removeTabsProgressListener(gTabsProgressListener); gTab.removeAttribute("customizemode"); gTab = null; } function CustomizeMode(aWindow) { this.window = aWindow; this.document = aWindow.document; this.browser = aWindow.gBrowser; this.areas = new Set(); this._translationObserver = new aWindow.MutationObserver(mutations => this._onTranslations(mutations) ); this._ensureCustomizationPanels(); let content = this.$("customization-content-container"); if (!content) { this.window.MozXULElement.insertFTLIfNeeded("browser/customizeMode.ftl"); let container = this.$("customization-container"); container.replaceChild( this.window.MozXULElement.parseXULToFragment(container.firstChild.data), container.lastChild ); } // There are two palettes - there's the palette that can be overlayed with // toolbar items in browser.xhtml. This is invisible, and never seen by the // user. Then there's the visible palette, which gets populated and displayed // to the user when in customizing mode. this.visiblePalette = this.$(kPaletteId); this.pongArena = this.$("customization-pong-arena"); if (this._canDrawInTitlebar()) { this._updateTitlebarCheckbox(); this._updateDragSpaceCheckbox(); Services.prefs.addObserver(kDrawInTitlebarPref, this); Services.prefs.addObserver(kExtraDragSpacePref, this); } else { this.$("customization-titlebar-visibility-checkbox").hidden = true; this.$("customization-extra-drag-space-checkbox").hidden = true; } // Observe pref changes to the bookmarks toolbar visibility, // since we won't get a toolbarvisibilitychange event if the // toolbar is changing from 'newtab' to 'always' in Customize mode // since the toolbar is shown with the 'newtab' setting. Services.prefs.addObserver(kBookmarksToolbarPref, this); this.window.addEventListener("unload", this); } CustomizeMode.prototype = { _changed: false, _transitioning: false, window: null, document: null, // areas is used to cache the customizable areas when in customization mode. areas: null, // When in customizing mode, we swap out the reference to the invisible // palette in gNavToolbox.palette for our visiblePalette. This way, for the // customizing browser window, when widgets are removed from customizable // areas and added to the palette, they're added to the visible palette. // _stowedPalette is a reference to the old invisible palette so we can // restore gNavToolbox.palette to its original state after exiting // customization mode. _stowedPalette: null, _dragOverItem: null, _customizing: false, _skipSourceNodeCheck: null, _mainViewContext: null, // These are the commands we continue to leave enabled while in customize mode. // All other commands are disabled, and we remove the disabled attribute when // leaving customize mode. _enabledCommands: new Set([ "cmd_newNavigator", "cmd_newNavigatorTab", "cmd_newNavigatorTabNoEvent", "cmd_close", "cmd_closeWindow", "cmd_quitApplication", "View:FullScreen", "Browser:NextTab", "Browser:PrevTab", "Browser:NewUserContextTab", "Tools:PrivateBrowsing", "minimizeWindow", "zoomWindow", ]), get _handler() { return this.window.CustomizationHandler; }, uninit() { if (this._canDrawInTitlebar()) { Services.prefs.removeObserver(kDrawInTitlebarPref, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(kExtraDragSpacePref, this); } Services.prefs.removeObserver(kBookmarksToolbarPref, this); }, $(id) { return this.document.getElementById(id); }, toggle() { if ( this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode || this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode ) { this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode = !this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode; return; } if (this._customizing) { this.exit(); } else { this.enter(); } }, async _updateThemeButtonIcon() { let lwthemeButton = this.$("customization-lwtheme-button"); let lwthemeIcon = lwthemeButton.icon; let theme = (await AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["theme"])).find( addon => addon.isActive ); lwthemeIcon.style.backgroundImage = theme && theme.iconURL ? "url(" + theme.iconURL + ")" : ""; }, setTab(aTab) { if (gTab == aTab) { return; } if (gTab) { closeGlobalTab(); } gTab = aTab; gTab.setAttribute("customizemode", "true"); SessionStore.persistTabAttribute("customizemode"); if (gTab.linkedPanel) { gTab.linkedBrowser.stop(); } let win = gTab.ownerGlobal; win.gBrowser.setTabTitle(gTab); win.gBrowser.setIcon(gTab, "chrome://browser/skin/customize.svg"); gTab.addEventListener("TabClose", unregisterGlobalTab); win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(gTabsProgressListener); win.addEventListener("unload", unregisterGlobalTab); if (gTab.selected) { win.gCustomizeMode.enter(); } }, enter() { if (!this.window.toolbar.visible) { let w = this.window.getTopWin(true); if (w) { w.gCustomizeMode.enter(); return; } let obs = () => { Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); w = this.window.getTopWin(true); w.gCustomizeMode.enter(); }; Services.obs.addObserver(obs, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); this.window.openTrustedLinkIn("about:newtab", "window"); return; } this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode = true; if (this._customizing || this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode) { return; } // Exiting; want to re-enter once we've done that. if (this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode) { log.debug( "Attempted to enter while we're in the middle of exiting. " + "We'll exit after we've entered" ); return; } if (!gTab) { this.setTab( this.browser.loadOneTab("about:blank", { inBackground: false, forceNotRemote: true, skipAnimation: true, triggeringPrincipal: Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), }) ); return; } if (!gTab.selected) { // This will force another .enter() to be called via the // onlocationchange handler of the tabbrowser, so we return early. gTab.ownerGlobal.gBrowser.selectedTab = gTab; return; } gTab.ownerGlobal.focus(); if (gTab.ownerDocument != this.document) { return; } let window = this.window; let document = this.document; this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode = true; // Always disable the reset button at the start of customize mode, it'll be re-enabled // if necessary when we finish entering: let resetButton = this.$("customization-reset-button"); resetButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); (async () => { // We shouldn't start customize mode until after browser-delayed-startup has finished: if (!this.window.gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished) { await new Promise(resolve => { let delayedStartupObserver = aSubject => { if (aSubject == this.window) { Services.obs.removeObserver( delayedStartupObserver, "browser-delayed-startup-finished" ); resolve(); } }; Services.obs.addObserver( delayedStartupObserver, "browser-delayed-startup-finished" ); }); } CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("beforecustomization", {}, window); CustomizableUI.notifyStartCustomizing(this.window); // Add a keypress listener to the document so that we can quickly exit // customization mode when pressing ESC. document.addEventListener("keypress", this); // Same goes for the menu button - if we're customizing, a click on the // menu button means a quick exit from customization mode. window.PanelUI.hide(); let panelHolder = document.getElementById("customization-panelHolder"); let panelContextMenu = document.getElementById(kPanelItemContextMenu); this._previousPanelContextMenuParent = panelContextMenu.parentNode; document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(panelContextMenu); panelHolder.appendChild(window.PanelUI.overflowFixedList); window.PanelUI.overflowFixedList.setAttribute("customizing", true); window.PanelUI.menuButton.disabled = true; document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button").disabled = true; this._transitioning = true; let customizer = document.getElementById("customization-container"); let browser = document.getElementById("browser"); browser.collapsed = true; customizer.hidden = false; this._wrapToolbarItemSync(CustomizableUI.AREA_TABSTRIP); this.document.documentElement.setAttribute("customizing", true); let customizableToolbars = document.querySelectorAll( "toolbar[customizable=true]:not([autohide=true], [collapsed=true])" ); for (let toolbar of customizableToolbars) { toolbar.setAttribute("customizing", true); } this._updateOverflowPanelArrowOffset(); // Let everybody in this window know that we're about to customize. CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationstarting", {}, window); await this._wrapToolbarItems(); this.populatePalette(); this._setupPaletteDragging(); window.gNavToolbox.addEventListener("toolbarvisibilitychange", this); this._updateResetButton(); this._updateUndoResetButton(); this._updateTouchBarButton(); this._skipSourceNodeCheck = Services.prefs.getPrefType(kSkipSourceNodePref) == Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kSkipSourceNodePref); CustomizableUI.addListener(this); this._customizing = true; this._transitioning = false; // Show the palette now that the transition has finished. this.visiblePalette.hidden = false; window.setTimeout(() => { // Force layout reflow to ensure the animation runs, // and make it async so it doesn't affect the timing. this.visiblePalette.clientTop; this.visiblePalette.setAttribute("showing", "true"); }, 0); this._updateEmptyPaletteNotice(); this._updateThemeButtonIcon(); AddonManager.addAddonListener(this); this._setupDownloadAutoHideToggle(); this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode = false; CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationready", {}, window); if (!this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode) { this.exit(); } })().catch(e => { log.error("Error entering customize mode", e); this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode = false; // Exit customize mode to ensure proper clean-up when entering failed. this.exit(); }); }, exit() { this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode = false; if (!this._customizing || this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode) { return; } // Entering; want to exit once we've done that. if (this._handler.isEnteringCustomizeMode) { log.debug( "Attempted to exit while we're in the middle of entering. " + "We'll exit after we've entered" ); return; } if (this.resetting) { log.debug( "Attempted to exit while we're resetting. " + "We'll exit after resetting has finished." ); return; } this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode = true; this._translationObserver.disconnect(); this._teardownDownloadAutoHideToggle(); AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); CustomizableUI.removeListener(this); let window = this.window; let document = this.document; document.removeEventListener("keypress", this); this.togglePong(false); // Disable the reset and undo reset buttons while transitioning: let resetButton = this.$("customization-reset-button"); let undoResetButton = this.$("customization-undo-reset-button"); undoResetButton.hidden = resetButton.disabled = true; this._transitioning = true; this._depopulatePalette(); // We need to set this._customizing to false and remove the `customizing` // attribute before removing the tab or else // XULBrowserWindow.onLocationChange might think that we're still in // customization mode and need to exit it for a second time. this._customizing = false; document.documentElement.removeAttribute("customizing"); if (this.browser.selectedTab == gTab) { closeGlobalTab(); } let customizer = document.getElementById("customization-container"); let browser = document.getElementById("browser"); customizer.hidden = true; browser.collapsed = false; window.gNavToolbox.removeEventListener("toolbarvisibilitychange", this); this._teardownPaletteDragging(); (async () => { await this._unwrapToolbarItems(); // And drop all area references. this.areas.clear(); // Let everybody in this window know that we're starting to // exit customization mode. CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationending", {}, window); window.PanelUI.menuButton.disabled = false; let overflowContainer = document.getElementById( "widget-overflow-mainView" ).firstElementChild; overflowContainer.appendChild(window.PanelUI.overflowFixedList); document.getElementById("nav-bar-overflow-button").disabled = false; let panelContextMenu = document.getElementById(kPanelItemContextMenu); this._previousPanelContextMenuParent.appendChild(panelContextMenu); let customizableToolbars = document.querySelectorAll( "toolbar[customizable=true]:not([autohide=true])" ); for (let toolbar of customizableToolbars) { toolbar.removeAttribute("customizing"); } this._maybeMoveDownloadsButtonToNavBar(); delete this._lastLightweightTheme; this._changed = false; this._transitioning = false; this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode = false; CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("aftercustomization", {}, window); CustomizableUI.notifyEndCustomizing(window); if (this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode) { this.enter(); } })().catch(e => { log.error("Error exiting customize mode", e); this._handler.isExitingCustomizeMode = false; }); }, /** * The overflow panel in customize mode should have its arrow pointing * at the overflow button. In order to do this correctly, we pass the * distance between the inside of window and the middle of the button * to the customize mode markup in which the arrow and panel are placed. */ async _updateOverflowPanelArrowOffset() { let currentDensity = this.document.documentElement.getAttribute( "uidensity" ); let offset = await this.window.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => { let overflowButton = this.$("nav-bar-overflow-button"); let buttonRect = overflowButton.getBoundingClientRect(); let endDistance; if (this.window.RTL_UI) { endDistance = buttonRect.left; } else { endDistance = this.window.innerWidth - buttonRect.right; } return endDistance + buttonRect.width / 2; }); if ( !this.document || currentDensity != this.document.documentElement.getAttribute("uidensity") ) { return; } this.$("customization-panelWrapper").style.setProperty( "--panel-arrow-offset", offset + "px" ); }, _getCustomizableChildForNode(aNode) { // NB: adjusted from _getCustomizableParent to keep that method fast // (it's used during drags), and avoid multiple DOM loops let areas = CustomizableUI.areas; // Caching this length is important because otherwise we'll also iterate // over items we add to the end from within the loop. let numberOfAreas = areas.length; for (let i = 0; i < numberOfAreas; i++) { let area = areas[i]; let areaNode = aNode.ownerDocument.getElementById(area); let customizationTarget = CustomizableUI.getCustomizationTarget(areaNode); if (customizationTarget && customizationTarget != areaNode) { areas.push(customizationTarget.id); } let overflowTarget = areaNode && areaNode.getAttribute("overflowtarget"); if (overflowTarget) { areas.push(overflowTarget); } } areas.push(kPaletteId); while (aNode && aNode.parentNode) { let parent = aNode.parentNode; if (areas.includes(parent.id)) { return aNode; } aNode = parent; } return null; }, _promiseWidgetAnimationOut(aNode) { if ( this.window.gReduceMotion || aNode.getAttribute("cui-anchorid") == "nav-bar-overflow-button" || (aNode.tagName != "toolbaritem" && aNode.tagName != "toolbarbutton") || (aNode.id == "downloads-button" && aNode.hidden) ) { return null; } let animationNode; if (aNode.parentNode && aNode.parentNode.id.startsWith("wrapper-")) { animationNode = aNode.parentNode; } else { animationNode = aNode; } return new Promise(resolve => { function cleanupCustomizationExit() { resolveAnimationPromise(); } function cleanupWidgetAnimationEnd(e) { if ( e.animationName == "widget-animate-out" && e.target.id == animationNode.id ) { resolveAnimationPromise(); } } function resolveAnimationPromise() { animationNode.removeEventListener( "animationend", cleanupWidgetAnimationEnd ); animationNode.removeEventListener( "customizationending", cleanupCustomizationExit ); resolve(animationNode); } // Wait until the next frame before setting the class to ensure // we do start the animation. this.window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { animationNode.classList.add("animate-out"); animationNode.ownerGlobal.gNavToolbox.addEventListener( "customizationending", cleanupCustomizationExit ); animationNode.addEventListener( "animationend", cleanupWidgetAnimationEnd ); }); }); }); }, async addToToolbar(aNode, aReason) { aNode = this._getCustomizableChildForNode(aNode); if (aNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" && aNode.firstElementChild) { aNode = aNode.firstElementChild; } let widgetAnimationPromise = this._promiseWidgetAnimationOut(aNode); let animationNode; if (widgetAnimationPromise) { animationNode = await widgetAnimationPromise; } let widgetToAdd = aNode.id; if ( CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(widgetToAdd) && aNode.closest("#customization-palette") ) { widgetToAdd = widgetToAdd.match( /^customizableui-special-(spring|spacer|separator)/ )[1]; } CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(widgetToAdd, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange( widgetToAdd, CustomizableUI.AREA_NAVBAR ); if (!this._customizing) { CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationchange"); } // If the user explicitly moves this item, turn off autohide. if (aNode.id == "downloads-button") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDownloadAutoHidePref, false); if (this._customizing) { this._showDownloadsAutoHidePanel(); } } if (animationNode) { animationNode.classList.remove("animate-out"); } }, async addToPanel(aNode, aReason) { aNode = this._getCustomizableChildForNode(aNode); if (aNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" && aNode.firstElementChild) { aNode = aNode.firstElementChild; } let widgetAnimationPromise = this._promiseWidgetAnimationOut(aNode); let animationNode; if (widgetAnimationPromise) { animationNode = await widgetAnimationPromise; } let panel = CustomizableUI.AREA_FIXED_OVERFLOW_PANEL; CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(aNode.id, panel); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange(aNode.id, panel, aReason); if (!this._customizing) { CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationchange"); } // If the user explicitly moves this item, turn off autohide. if (aNode.id == "downloads-button") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDownloadAutoHidePref, false); if (this._customizing) { this._showDownloadsAutoHidePanel(); } } if (animationNode) { animationNode.classList.remove("animate-out"); } if (!this.window.gReduceMotion) { let overflowButton = this.$("nav-bar-overflow-button"); BrowserUtils.setToolbarButtonHeightProperty(overflowButton).then(() => { overflowButton.setAttribute("animate", "true"); overflowButton.addEventListener("animationend", function onAnimationEnd( event ) { if (event.animationName.startsWith("overflow-animation")) { this.setAttribute("fade", "true"); } else if (event.animationName == "overflow-fade") { this.removeEventListener("animationend", onAnimationEnd); this.removeAttribute("animate"); this.removeAttribute("fade"); } }); }); } }, async removeFromArea(aNode, aReason) { aNode = this._getCustomizableChildForNode(aNode); if (aNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" && aNode.firstElementChild) { aNode = aNode.firstElementChild; } let widgetAnimationPromise = this._promiseWidgetAnimationOut(aNode); let animationNode; if (widgetAnimationPromise) { animationNode = await widgetAnimationPromise; } CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(aNode.id); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange(aNode.id, null, aReason); if (!this._customizing) { CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationchange"); } // If the user explicitly removes this item, turn off autohide. if (aNode.id == "downloads-button") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDownloadAutoHidePref, false); if (this._customizing) { this._showDownloadsAutoHidePanel(); } } if (animationNode) { animationNode.classList.remove("animate-out"); } }, populatePalette() { let fragment = this.document.createDocumentFragment(); let toolboxPalette = this.window.gNavToolbox.palette; try { let unusedWidgets = CustomizableUI.getUnusedWidgets(toolboxPalette); for (let widget of unusedWidgets) { let paletteItem = this.makePaletteItem(widget, "palette"); if (!paletteItem) { continue; } fragment.appendChild(paletteItem); } let flexSpace = CustomizableUI.createSpecialWidget( "spring", this.document ); fragment.appendChild(this.wrapToolbarItem(flexSpace, "palette")); this.visiblePalette.appendChild(fragment); this._stowedPalette = this.window.gNavToolbox.palette; this.window.gNavToolbox.palette = this.visiblePalette; // Now that the palette items are all here, disable all commands. // We do this here rather than directly in `enter` because we // need to do/undo this when we're called from reset(), too. this._updateCommandsDisabledState(true); } catch (ex) { log.error(ex); } }, // XXXunf Maybe this should use -moz-element instead of wrapping the node? // Would ensure no weird interactions/event handling from original node, // and makes it possible to put this in a lazy-loaded iframe/real tab // while still getting rid of the need for overlays. makePaletteItem(aWidget, aPlace) { let widgetNode = aWidget.forWindow(this.window).node; if (!widgetNode) { log.error( "Widget with id " + aWidget.id + " does not return a valid node" ); return null; } // Do not build a palette item for hidden widgets; there's not much to show. if (widgetNode.hidden) { return null; } let wrapper = this.createOrUpdateWrapper(widgetNode, aPlace); wrapper.appendChild(widgetNode); return wrapper; }, _depopulatePalette() { // Quick, undo the command disabling before we depopulate completely: this._updateCommandsDisabledState(false); this.visiblePalette.hidden = true; let paletteChild = this.visiblePalette.firstElementChild; let nextChild; while (paletteChild) { nextChild = paletteChild.nextElementSibling; let itemId = paletteChild.firstElementChild.id; if (CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(itemId)) { this.visiblePalette.removeChild(paletteChild); } else { // XXXunf Currently this doesn't destroy the (now unused) node in the // API provider case. It would be good to do so, but we need to // keep strong refs to it in CustomizableUI (can't iterate of // WeakMaps), and there's the question of what behavior // wrappers should have if consumers keep hold of them. let unwrappedPaletteItem = this.unwrapToolbarItem(paletteChild); this._stowedPalette.appendChild(unwrappedPaletteItem); } paletteChild = nextChild; } this.visiblePalette.hidden = false; this.window.gNavToolbox.palette = this._stowedPalette; }, _updateCommandsDisabledState(shouldBeDisabled) { for (let command of this.document.querySelectorAll("command")) { if (!command.id || !this._enabledCommands.has(command.id)) { if (shouldBeDisabled) { if (command.getAttribute("disabled") != "true") { command.setAttribute("disabled", true); } else { command.setAttribute("wasdisabled", true); } } else if (command.getAttribute("wasdisabled") != "true") { command.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { command.removeAttribute("wasdisabled"); } } } }, isCustomizableItem(aNode) { return ( aNode.localName == "toolbarbutton" || aNode.localName == "toolbaritem" || aNode.localName == "toolbarseparator" || aNode.localName == "toolbarspring" || aNode.localName == "toolbarspacer" ); }, isWrappedToolbarItem(aNode) { return aNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem"; }, deferredWrapToolbarItem(aNode, aPlace) { return new Promise(resolve => { dispatchFunction(() => { let wrapper = this.wrapToolbarItem(aNode, aPlace); resolve(wrapper); }); }); }, wrapToolbarItem(aNode, aPlace) { if (!this.isCustomizableItem(aNode)) { return aNode; } let wrapper = this.createOrUpdateWrapper(aNode, aPlace); // It's possible that this toolbar node is "mid-flight" and doesn't have // a parent, in which case we skip replacing it. This can happen if a // toolbar item has been dragged into the palette. In that case, we tell // CustomizableUI to remove the widget from its area before putting the // widget in the palette - so the node will have no parent. if (aNode.parentNode) { aNode = aNode.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, aNode); } wrapper.appendChild(aNode); return wrapper; }, /** * Helper to set the label, either directly or to set up the translation * observer so we can set the label once it's available. */ _updateWrapperLabel(aNode, aIsUpdate, aWrapper = aNode.parentElement) { if (aNode.hasAttribute("label")) { aWrapper.setAttribute("title", aNode.getAttribute("label")); aWrapper.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aNode.getAttribute("label")); } else if (aNode.hasAttribute("title")) { aWrapper.setAttribute("title", aNode.getAttribute("title")); aWrapper.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aNode.getAttribute("title")); } else if (aNode.hasAttribute("data-l10n-id") && !aIsUpdate) { this._translationObserver.observe(aNode, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["label", "title"], }); } }, /** * Called when a node without a label or title is updated. */ _onTranslations(aMutations) { for (let mut of aMutations) { let { target } = mut; if ( target.parentElement?.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" && (target.hasAttribute("label") || mut.target.hasAttribute("title")) ) { this._updateWrapperLabel(target, true); } } }, createOrUpdateWrapper(aNode, aPlace, aIsUpdate) { let wrapper; if ( aIsUpdate && aNode.parentNode && aNode.parentNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" ) { wrapper = aNode.parentNode; aPlace = wrapper.getAttribute("place"); } else { wrapper = this.document.createXULElement("toolbarpaletteitem"); // "place" is used to show the label when it's sitting in the palette. wrapper.setAttribute("place", aPlace); } // Ensure the wrapped item doesn't look like it's in any special state, and // can't be interactved with when in the customization palette. // Note that some buttons opt out of this with the // keepbroadcastattributeswhencustomizing attribute. if ( aNode.hasAttribute("command") && aNode.getAttribute(kKeepBroadcastAttributes) != "true" ) { wrapper.setAttribute("itemcommand", aNode.getAttribute("command")); aNode.removeAttribute("command"); } if ( aNode.hasAttribute("observes") && aNode.getAttribute(kKeepBroadcastAttributes) != "true" ) { wrapper.setAttribute("itemobserves", aNode.getAttribute("observes")); aNode.removeAttribute("observes"); } if (aNode.getAttribute("checked") == "true") { wrapper.setAttribute("itemchecked", "true"); aNode.removeAttribute("checked"); } if (aNode.hasAttribute("id")) { wrapper.setAttribute("id", "wrapper-" + aNode.getAttribute("id")); } this._updateWrapperLabel(aNode, aIsUpdate, wrapper); if (aNode.hasAttribute("flex")) { wrapper.setAttribute("flex", aNode.getAttribute("flex")); } let removable = aPlace == "palette" || CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(aNode); wrapper.setAttribute("removable", removable); // Allow touch events to initiate dragging in customize mode. // This is only supported on Windows for now. wrapper.setAttribute("touchdownstartsdrag", "true"); let contextMenuAttrName = ""; if (aNode.getAttribute("context")) { contextMenuAttrName = "context"; } else if (aNode.getAttribute("contextmenu")) { contextMenuAttrName = "contextmenu"; } let currentContextMenu = aNode.getAttribute(contextMenuAttrName); let contextMenuForPlace = aPlace == "menu-panel" ? kPanelItemContextMenu : kPaletteItemContextMenu; if (aPlace != "toolbar") { wrapper.setAttribute("context", contextMenuForPlace); } // Only keep track of the menu if it is non-default. if (currentContextMenu && currentContextMenu != contextMenuForPlace) { aNode.setAttribute("wrapped-context", currentContextMenu); aNode.setAttribute("wrapped-contextAttrName", contextMenuAttrName); aNode.removeAttribute(contextMenuAttrName); } else if (currentContextMenu == contextMenuForPlace) { aNode.removeAttribute(contextMenuAttrName); } // Only add listeners for newly created wrappers: if (!aIsUpdate) { wrapper.addEventListener("mousedown", this); wrapper.addEventListener("mouseup", this); } if (CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(aNode.id)) { wrapper.setAttribute( "title", gWidgetsBundle.GetStringFromName(aNode.nodeName + ".label") ); } return wrapper; }, deferredUnwrapToolbarItem(aWrapper) { return new Promise(resolve => { dispatchFunction(() => { let item = null; try { item = this.unwrapToolbarItem(aWrapper); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } resolve(item); }); }); }, unwrapToolbarItem(aWrapper) { if (aWrapper.nodeName != "toolbarpaletteitem") { return aWrapper; } aWrapper.removeEventListener("mousedown", this); aWrapper.removeEventListener("mouseup", this); let place = aWrapper.getAttribute("place"); let toolbarItem = aWrapper.firstElementChild; if (!toolbarItem) { log.error( "no toolbarItem child for " + aWrapper.tagName + "#" + aWrapper.id ); aWrapper.remove(); return null; } if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemobserves")) { toolbarItem.setAttribute( "observes", aWrapper.getAttribute("itemobserves") ); } if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemchecked")) { toolbarItem.checked = true; } if (aWrapper.hasAttribute("itemcommand")) { let commandID = aWrapper.getAttribute("itemcommand"); toolbarItem.setAttribute("command", commandID); // XXX Bug 309953 - toolbarbuttons aren't in sync with their commands after customizing let command = this.$(commandID); if (command && command.hasAttribute("disabled")) { toolbarItem.setAttribute("disabled", command.getAttribute("disabled")); } } let wrappedContext = toolbarItem.getAttribute("wrapped-context"); if (wrappedContext) { let contextAttrName = toolbarItem.getAttribute("wrapped-contextAttrName"); toolbarItem.setAttribute(contextAttrName, wrappedContext); toolbarItem.removeAttribute("wrapped-contextAttrName"); toolbarItem.removeAttribute("wrapped-context"); } else if (place == "menu-panel") { toolbarItem.setAttribute("context", kPanelItemContextMenu); } if (aWrapper.parentNode) { aWrapper.parentNode.replaceChild(toolbarItem, aWrapper); } return toolbarItem; }, async _wrapToolbarItem(aArea) { let target = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea(aArea, this.window); if (!target || this.areas.has(target)) { return null; } this._addDragHandlers(target); for (let child of target.children) { if (this.isCustomizableItem(child) && !this.isWrappedToolbarItem(child)) { await this.deferredWrapToolbarItem( child, CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(child) ).catch(log.error); } } this.areas.add(target); return target; }, _wrapToolbarItemSync(aArea) { let target = CustomizableUI.getCustomizeTargetForArea(aArea, this.window); if (!target || this.areas.has(target)) { return null; } this._addDragHandlers(target); try { for (let child of target.children) { if ( this.isCustomizableItem(child) && !this.isWrappedToolbarItem(child) ) { this.wrapToolbarItem(child, CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(child)); } } } catch (ex) { log.error(ex, ex.stack); } this.areas.add(target); return target; }, async _wrapToolbarItems() { for (let area of CustomizableUI.areas) { await this._wrapToolbarItem(area); } }, _addDragHandlers(aTarget) { // Allow dropping on the padding of the arrow panel. if (aTarget.id == CustomizableUI.AREA_FIXED_OVERFLOW_PANEL) { aTarget = this.$("customization-panelHolder"); } aTarget.addEventListener("dragstart", this, true); aTarget.addEventListener("dragover", this, true); aTarget.addEventListener("dragexit", this, true); aTarget.addEventListener("drop", this, true); aTarget.addEventListener("dragend", this, true); }, _wrapItemsInArea(target) { for (let child of target.children) { if (this.isCustomizableItem(child)) { this.wrapToolbarItem(child, CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(child)); } } }, _removeDragHandlers(aTarget) { // Remove handler from different target if it was added to // allow dropping on the padding of the arrow panel. if (aTarget.id == CustomizableUI.AREA_FIXED_OVERFLOW_PANEL) { aTarget = this.$("customization-panelHolder"); } aTarget.removeEventListener("dragstart", this, true); aTarget.removeEventListener("dragover", this, true); aTarget.removeEventListener("dragexit", this, true); aTarget.removeEventListener("drop", this, true); aTarget.removeEventListener("dragend", this, true); }, _unwrapItemsInArea(target) { for (let toolbarItem of target.children) { if (this.isWrappedToolbarItem(toolbarItem)) { this.unwrapToolbarItem(toolbarItem); } } }, _unwrapToolbarItems() { return (async () => { for (let target of this.areas) { for (let toolbarItem of target.children) { if (this.isWrappedToolbarItem(toolbarItem)) { await this.deferredUnwrapToolbarItem(toolbarItem); } } this._removeDragHandlers(target); } this.areas.clear(); })().catch(log.error); }, reset() { this.resetting = true; // Disable the reset button temporarily while resetting: let btn = this.$("customization-reset-button"); btn.disabled = true; return (async () => { this._depopulatePalette(); await this._unwrapToolbarItems(); CustomizableUI.reset(); await this._wrapToolbarItems(); this.populatePalette(); this._updateResetButton(); this._updateUndoResetButton(); this._updateEmptyPaletteNotice(); this._moveDownloadsButtonToNavBar = false; this.resetting = false; if (!this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode) { this.exit(); } })().catch(log.error); }, undoReset() { this.resetting = true; return (async () => { this._depopulatePalette(); await this._unwrapToolbarItems(); CustomizableUI.undoReset(); await this._wrapToolbarItems(); this.populatePalette(); this._updateResetButton(); this._updateUndoResetButton(); this._updateEmptyPaletteNotice(); this._moveDownloadsButtonToNavBar = false; this.resetting = false; })().catch(log.error); }, _onToolbarVisibilityChange(aEvent) { let toolbar = aEvent.target; if ( aEvent.detail.visible && toolbar.getAttribute("customizable") == "true" ) { toolbar.setAttribute("customizing", "true"); } else { toolbar.removeAttribute("customizing"); } this._onUIChange(); }, onWidgetMoved(aWidgetId, aArea, aOldPosition, aNewPosition) { this._onUIChange(); }, onWidgetAdded(aWidgetId, aArea, aPosition) { this._onUIChange(); }, onWidgetRemoved(aWidgetId, aArea) { this._onUIChange(); }, onWidgetBeforeDOMChange(aNodeToChange, aSecondaryNode, aContainer) { if (aContainer.ownerGlobal != this.window || this.resetting) { return; } // If we get called for widgets that aren't in the window yet, they might not have // a parentNode at all. if (aNodeToChange.parentNode) { this.unwrapToolbarItem(aNodeToChange.parentNode); } if (aSecondaryNode) { this.unwrapToolbarItem(aSecondaryNode.parentNode); } }, onWidgetAfterDOMChange(aNodeToChange, aSecondaryNode, aContainer) { if (aContainer.ownerGlobal != this.window || this.resetting) { return; } // If the node is still attached to the container, wrap it again: if (aNodeToChange.parentNode) { let place = CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(aNodeToChange); this.wrapToolbarItem(aNodeToChange, place); if (aSecondaryNode) { this.wrapToolbarItem(aSecondaryNode, place); } } else { // If not, it got removed. // If an API-based widget is removed while customizing, append it to the palette. // The _applyDrop code itself will take care of positioning it correctly, if // applicable. We need the code to be here so removing widgets using CustomizableUI's // API also does the right thing (and adds it to the palette) let widgetId = aNodeToChange.id; let widget = CustomizableUI.getWidget(widgetId); if (widget.provider == CustomizableUI.PROVIDER_API) { let paletteItem = this.makePaletteItem(widget, "palette"); this.visiblePalette.appendChild(paletteItem); } } }, onWidgetDestroyed(aWidgetId) { let wrapper = this.$("wrapper-" + aWidgetId); if (wrapper) { wrapper.remove(); } }, onWidgetAfterCreation(aWidgetId, aArea) { // If the node was added to an area, we would have gotten an onWidgetAdded notification, // plus associated DOM change notifications, so only do stuff for the palette: if (!aArea) { let widgetNode = this.$(aWidgetId); if (widgetNode) { this.wrapToolbarItem(widgetNode, "palette"); } else { let widget = CustomizableUI.getWidget(aWidgetId); this.visiblePalette.appendChild( this.makePaletteItem(widget, "palette") ); } } }, onAreaNodeRegistered(aArea, aContainer) { if (aContainer.ownerDocument == this.document) { this._wrapItemsInArea(aContainer); this._addDragHandlers(aContainer); this.areas.add(aContainer); } }, onAreaNodeUnregistered(aArea, aContainer, aReason) { if ( aContainer.ownerDocument == this.document && aReason == CustomizableUI.REASON_AREA_UNREGISTERED ) { this._unwrapItemsInArea(aContainer); this._removeDragHandlers(aContainer); this.areas.delete(aContainer); } }, openAddonsManagerThemes(aEvent) { aEvent.target.parentNode.parentNode.hidePopup(); AMTelemetry.recordLinkEvent({ object: "customize", value: "manageThemes" }); this.window.BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://list/theme"); }, getMoreThemes(aEvent) { aEvent.target.parentNode.parentNode.hidePopup(); AMTelemetry.recordLinkEvent({ object: "customize", value: "getThemes" }); let getMoreURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref( "lightweightThemes.getMoreURL" ); this.window.openTrustedLinkIn(getMoreURL, "tab"); }, updateUIDensity(mode) { this.window.gUIDensity.update(mode); this._updateOverflowPanelArrowOffset(); }, setUIDensity(mode) { let win = this.window; let gUIDensity = win.gUIDensity; let currentDensity = gUIDensity.getCurrentDensity(); let panel = win.document.getElementById("customization-uidensity-menu"); Services.prefs.setIntPref(gUIDensity.uiDensityPref, mode); // If the user is choosing a different UI density mode while // the mode is overriden to Touch, remove the override. if (currentDensity.overridden) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(gUIDensity.autoTouchModePref, false); } this._onUIChange(); panel.hidePopup(); this._updateOverflowPanelArrowOffset(); }, resetUIDensity() { this.window.gUIDensity.update(); this._updateOverflowPanelArrowOffset(); }, onUIDensityMenuShowing() { let win = this.window; let doc = win.document; let gUIDensity = win.gUIDensity; let currentDensity = gUIDensity.getCurrentDensity(); let normalItem = doc.getElementById( "customization-uidensity-menuitem-normal" ); normalItem.mode = gUIDensity.MODE_NORMAL; let compactItem = doc.getElementById( "customization-uidensity-menuitem-compact" ); compactItem.mode = gUIDensity.MODE_COMPACT; let items = [normalItem, compactItem]; let touchItem = doc.getElementById( "customization-uidensity-menuitem-touch" ); // Touch mode can not be enabled in OSX right now. if (touchItem) { touchItem.mode = gUIDensity.MODE_TOUCH; items.push(touchItem); } // Mark the active mode menuitem. for (let item of items) { if (item.mode == currentDensity.mode) { item.setAttribute("aria-checked", "true"); item.setAttribute("active", "true"); } else { item.removeAttribute("aria-checked"); item.removeAttribute("active"); } } // Add menu items for automatically switching to Touch mode in Windows Tablet Mode, // which is only available in Windows 10. if (AppConstants.isPlatformAndVersionAtLeast("win", "10")) { let spacer = doc.getElementById("customization-uidensity-touch-spacer"); let checkbox = doc.getElementById( "customization-uidensity-autotouchmode-checkbox" ); spacer.removeAttribute("hidden"); checkbox.removeAttribute("hidden"); // Show a hint that the UI density was overridden automatically. if (currentDensity.overridden) { let sb = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://browser/locale/uiDensity.properties" ); touchItem.setAttribute( "acceltext", sb.GetStringFromName("uiDensity.menuitem-touch.acceltext") ); } else { touchItem.removeAttribute("acceltext"); } let autoTouchMode = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( win.gUIDensity.autoTouchModePref ); if (autoTouchMode) { checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else { checkbox.removeAttribute("checked"); } } }, updateAutoTouchMode(checked) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.touchmode.auto", checked); // Re-render the menu items since the active mode might have // change because of this. this.onUIDensityMenuShowing(); this._onUIChange(); }, async onThemesMenuShowing(aEvent) { const MAX_THEME_COUNT = 6; this._clearThemesMenu(aEvent.target); let onThemeSelected = panel => { // This causes us to call _onUIChange when the LWT actually changes, // so the restore defaults / undo reset button is updated correctly. this._nextThemeChangeUserTriggered = true; panel.hidePopup(); }; let doc = this.window.document; function buildToolbarButton(aTheme) { let tbb = doc.createXULElement("toolbarbutton"); tbb.theme = aTheme; tbb.setAttribute("label", aTheme.name); tbb.setAttribute( "image", aTheme.iconURL || "chrome://mozapps/skin/extensions/themeGeneric.svg" ); if (aTheme.description) { tbb.setAttribute("tooltiptext", aTheme.description); } tbb.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); tbb.classList.add("customization-lwtheme-menu-theme"); let isActive = aTheme.isActive; tbb.setAttribute("aria-checked", isActive); tbb.setAttribute("role", "menuitemradio"); if (isActive) { tbb.setAttribute("active", "true"); } return tbb; } let themes = await AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["theme"]); let currentTheme = themes.find(theme => theme.isActive); // Move the current theme (if any) and the default themes to the start: let importantThemes = new Set(_defaultImportantThemes); if (currentTheme) { importantThemes.add(currentTheme.id); } let importantList = []; for (let importantTheme of importantThemes) { importantList.push( ...themes.splice( themes.findIndex(theme => theme.id == importantTheme), 1 ) ); } // Sort the remainder alphabetically: themes.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); themes = importantList.concat(themes); if (themes.length > MAX_THEME_COUNT) { themes.length = MAX_THEME_COUNT; } let footer = doc.getElementById("customization-lwtheme-menu-footer"); let panel = footer.parentNode; for (let theme of themes) { let button = buildToolbarButton(theme); button.addEventListener("command", async () => { await button.theme.enable(); onThemeSelected(panel); AMTelemetry.recordActionEvent({ object: "customize", action: "enable", extra: { type: "theme", addonId: theme.id }, }); }); panel.insertBefore(button, footer); } }, _clearThemesMenu(panel) { let footer = this.$("customization-lwtheme-menu-footer"); let element = footer; while ( element.previousElementSibling && element.previousElementSibling.localName == "toolbarbutton" ) { element.previousElementSibling.remove(); } // Workaround for bug 1059934 panel.removeAttribute("height"); }, _onUIChange() { this._changed = true; if (!this.resetting) { this._updateResetButton(); this._updateUndoResetButton(); this._updateEmptyPaletteNotice(); } CustomizableUI.dispatchToolboxEvent("customizationchange"); }, _updateEmptyPaletteNotice() { let paletteItems = this.visiblePalette.getElementsByTagName( "toolbarpaletteitem" ); let whimsyButton = this.$("whimsy-button"); if ( paletteItems.length == 1 && paletteItems[0].id.includes("wrapper-customizableui-special-spring") ) { whimsyButton.hidden = false; } else { this.togglePong(false); whimsyButton.hidden = true; } }, _updateResetButton() { let btn = this.$("customization-reset-button"); btn.disabled = CustomizableUI.inDefaultState; }, _updateUndoResetButton() { let undoResetButton = this.$("customization-undo-reset-button"); undoResetButton.hidden = !CustomizableUI.canUndoReset; }, _updateTouchBarButton() { if (AppConstants.platform != "macosx") { return; } let touchBarButton = this.$("customization-touchbar-button"); let touchBarSpacer = this.$("customization-touchbar-spacer"); let isTouchBarInitialized = gTouchBarUpdater.isTouchBarInitialized(); touchBarButton.hidden = !isTouchBarInitialized; touchBarSpacer.hidden = !isTouchBarInitialized; }, handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "toolbarvisibilitychange": this._onToolbarVisibilityChange(aEvent); break; case "dragstart": this._onDragStart(aEvent); break; case "dragover": this._onDragOver(aEvent); break; case "drop": this._onDragDrop(aEvent); break; case "dragexit": this._onDragExit(aEvent); break; case "dragend": this._onDragEnd(aEvent); break; case "mousedown": this._onMouseDown(aEvent); break; case "mouseup": this._onMouseUp(aEvent); break; case "keypress": if (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_ESCAPE) { this.exit(); } break; case "unload": this.uninit(); break; } }, /** * We handle dragover/drop on the outer palette separately * to avoid overlap with other drag/drop handlers. */ _setupPaletteDragging() { this._addDragHandlers(this.visiblePalette); this.paletteDragHandler = aEvent => { let originalTarget = aEvent.originalTarget; if ( this._isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent) || this.visiblePalette.contains(originalTarget) || this.$("customization-panelHolder").contains(originalTarget) ) { return; } // We have a dragover/drop on the palette. if (aEvent.type == "dragover") { this._onDragOver(aEvent, this.visiblePalette); } else { this._onDragDrop(aEvent, this.visiblePalette); } }; let contentContainer = this.$("customization-content-container"); contentContainer.addEventListener( "dragover", this.paletteDragHandler, true ); contentContainer.addEventListener("drop", this.paletteDragHandler, true); }, _teardownPaletteDragging() { DragPositionManager.stop(); this._removeDragHandlers(this.visiblePalette); let contentContainer = this.$("customization-content-container"); contentContainer.removeEventListener( "dragover", this.paletteDragHandler, true ); contentContainer.removeEventListener("drop", this.paletteDragHandler, true); delete this.paletteDragHandler; }, observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aTopic) { case "nsPref:changed": this._updateResetButton(); this._updateUndoResetButton(); if (this._canDrawInTitlebar()) { this._updateTitlebarCheckbox(); this._updateDragSpaceCheckbox(); } break; } }, async onInstalled(addon) { await this.onEnabled(addon); }, async onEnabled(addon) { if (addon.type != "theme") { return; } await this._updateThemeButtonIcon(); if (this._nextThemeChangeUserTriggered) { this._onUIChange(); } this._nextThemeChangeUserTriggered = false; }, _canDrawInTitlebar() { return this.window.TabsInTitlebar.systemSupported; }, _ensureCustomizationPanels() { let template = this.$("customizationPanel"); template.replaceWith(template.content); let wrapper = this.$("customModeWrapper"); wrapper.replaceWith(wrapper.content); }, _updateTitlebarCheckbox() { let drawInTitlebar = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( kDrawInTitlebarPref, this.window.matchMedia("(-moz-gtk-csd-hide-titlebar-by-default)").matches ); let checkbox = this.$("customization-titlebar-visibility-checkbox"); // Drawing in the titlebar means 'hiding' the titlebar. // We use the attribute rather than a property because if we're not in // customize mode the button is hidden and properties don't work. if (drawInTitlebar) { checkbox.removeAttribute("checked"); } else { checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } }, _updateDragSpaceCheckbox() { let extraDragSpace = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(kExtraDragSpacePref); let drawInTitlebar = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( kDrawInTitlebarPref, this.window.matchMedia("(-moz-gtk-csd-hide-titlebar-by-default)").matches ); let menuBar = this.$("toolbar-menubar"); let menuBarEnabled = menuBar && AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && menuBar.getAttribute("autohide") != "true"; let checkbox = this.$("customization-extra-drag-space-checkbox"); if (extraDragSpace) { checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else { checkbox.removeAttribute("checked"); } if (!drawInTitlebar || menuBarEnabled) { checkbox.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { checkbox.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, toggleTitlebar(aShouldShowTitlebar) { // Drawing in the titlebar means not showing the titlebar, hence the negation: Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDrawInTitlebarPref, !aShouldShowTitlebar); this._updateDragSpaceCheckbox(); }, toggleDragSpace(aShouldShowDragSpace) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kExtraDragSpacePref, aShouldShowDragSpace); }, _getBoundsWithoutFlushing(element) { return this.window.windowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(element); }, _onDragStart(aEvent) { __dumpDragData(aEvent); let item = aEvent.target; while (item && item.localName != "toolbarpaletteitem") { if ( item.localName == "toolbar" || item.id == kPaletteId || item.id == "customization-panelHolder" ) { return; } item = item.parentNode; } let draggedItem = item.firstElementChild; let placeForItem = CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(item); let dt = aEvent.dataTransfer; let documentId = aEvent.target.ownerDocument.documentElement.id; dt.mozSetDataAt(kDragDataTypePrefix + documentId, draggedItem.id, 0); dt.effectAllowed = "move"; let itemRect = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(draggedItem); let itemCenter = { x: itemRect.left + itemRect.width / 2, y: itemRect.top + itemRect.height / 2, }; this._dragOffset = { x: aEvent.clientX - itemCenter.x, y: aEvent.clientY - itemCenter.y, }; let toolbarParent = draggedItem.closest("toolbar"); if (toolbarParent) { let toolbarRect = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(toolbarParent); toolbarParent.style.minHeight = toolbarRect.height + "px"; } gDraggingInToolbars = new Set(); // Hack needed so that the dragimage will still show the // item as it appeared before it was hidden. this._initializeDragAfterMove = () => { // For automated tests, we sometimes start exiting customization mode // before this fires, which leaves us with placeholders inserted after // we've exited. So we need to check that we are indeed customizing. if (this._customizing && !this._transitioning) { item.hidden = true; DragPositionManager.start(this.window); let canUsePrevSibling = placeForItem == "toolbar" || placeForItem == "menu-panel"; if (item.nextElementSibling) { this._setDragActive( item.nextElementSibling, "before", draggedItem.id, placeForItem ); this._dragOverItem = item.nextElementSibling; } else if (canUsePrevSibling && item.previousElementSibling) { this._setDragActive( item.previousElementSibling, "after", draggedItem.id, placeForItem ); this._dragOverItem = item.previousElementSibling; } let currentArea = this._getCustomizableParent(item); currentArea.setAttribute("draggingover", "true"); } this._initializeDragAfterMove = null; this.window.clearTimeout(this._dragInitializeTimeout); }; this._dragInitializeTimeout = this.window.setTimeout( this._initializeDragAfterMove, 0 ); }, _onDragOver(aEvent, aOverrideTarget) { if (this._isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent)) { return; } if (this._initializeDragAfterMove) { this._initializeDragAfterMove(); } __dumpDragData(aEvent); let document = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let documentId = document.documentElement.id; if (!aEvent.dataTransfer.mozTypesAt(0).length) { return; } let draggedItemId = aEvent.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt( kDragDataTypePrefix + documentId, 0 ); let draggedWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + draggedItemId); let targetArea = this._getCustomizableParent( aOverrideTarget || aEvent.currentTarget ); let originArea = this._getCustomizableParent(draggedWrapper); // Do nothing if the target or origin are not customizable. if (!targetArea || !originArea) { return; } // Do nothing if the widget is not allowed to be removed. if ( targetArea.id == kPaletteId && !CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(draggedItemId) ) { return; } // Do nothing if the widget is not allowed to move to the target area. if ( targetArea.id != kPaletteId && !CustomizableUI.canWidgetMoveToArea(draggedItemId, targetArea.id) ) { return; } let targetAreaType = CustomizableUI.getPlaceForItem(targetArea); let targetNode = this._getDragOverNode( aEvent, targetArea, targetAreaType, draggedItemId ); // We need to determine the place that the widget is being dropped in // the target. let dragOverItem, dragValue; if (targetNode == CustomizableUI.getCustomizationTarget(targetArea)) { // We'll assume if the user is dragging directly over the target, that // they're attempting to append a child to that target. dragOverItem = (targetAreaType == "toolbar" ? this._findVisiblePreviousSiblingNode(targetNode.lastElementChild) : targetNode.lastElementChild) || targetNode; dragValue = "after"; } else { let targetParent = targetNode.parentNode; let position = Array.prototype.indexOf.call( targetParent.children, targetNode ); if (position == -1) { dragOverItem = targetAreaType == "toolbar" ? this._findVisiblePreviousSiblingNode(targetNode.lastElementChild) : targetNode.lastElementChild; dragValue = "after"; } else { dragOverItem = targetParent.children[position]; if (targetAreaType == "toolbar") { // Check if the aDraggedItem is hovered past the first half of dragOverItem let itemRect = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(dragOverItem); let dropTargetCenter = itemRect.left + itemRect.width / 2; let existingDir = dragOverItem.getAttribute("dragover"); let dirFactor = this.window.RTL_UI ? -1 : 1; if (existingDir == "before") { dropTargetCenter += ((parseInt(dragOverItem.style.borderInlineStartWidth) || 0) / 2) * dirFactor; } else { dropTargetCenter -= ((parseInt(dragOverItem.style.borderInlineEndWidth) || 0) / 2) * dirFactor; } let before = this.window.RTL_UI ? aEvent.clientX > dropTargetCenter : aEvent.clientX < dropTargetCenter; dragValue = before ? "before" : "after"; } else if (targetAreaType == "menu-panel") { let itemRect = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(dragOverItem); let dropTargetCenter = itemRect.top + itemRect.height / 2; let existingDir = dragOverItem.getAttribute("dragover"); if (existingDir == "before") { dropTargetCenter += (parseInt(dragOverItem.style.borderBlockStartWidth) || 0) / 2; } else { dropTargetCenter -= (parseInt(dragOverItem.style.borderBlockEndWidth) || 0) / 2; } dragValue = aEvent.clientY < dropTargetCenter ? "before" : "after"; } else { dragValue = "before"; } } } if (this._dragOverItem && dragOverItem != this._dragOverItem) { this._cancelDragActive(this._dragOverItem, dragOverItem); } if ( dragOverItem != this._dragOverItem || dragValue != dragOverItem.getAttribute("dragover") ) { if (dragOverItem != CustomizableUI.getCustomizationTarget(targetArea)) { this._setDragActive( dragOverItem, dragValue, draggedItemId, targetAreaType ); } this._dragOverItem = dragOverItem; targetArea.setAttribute("draggingover", "true"); } aEvent.preventDefault(); aEvent.stopPropagation(); }, _onDragDrop(aEvent, aOverrideTarget) { if (this._isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent)) { return; } __dumpDragData(aEvent); this._initializeDragAfterMove = null; this.window.clearTimeout(this._dragInitializeTimeout); let targetArea = this._getCustomizableParent( aOverrideTarget || aEvent.currentTarget ); let document = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let documentId = document.documentElement.id; let draggedItemId = aEvent.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt( kDragDataTypePrefix + documentId, 0 ); let draggedWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + draggedItemId); let originArea = this._getCustomizableParent(draggedWrapper); if (this._dragSizeMap) { this._dragSizeMap = new WeakMap(); } // Do nothing if the target area or origin area are not customizable. if (!targetArea || !originArea) { return; } let targetNode = this._dragOverItem; let dropDir = targetNode.getAttribute("dragover"); // Need to insert *after* this node if we promised the user that: if (targetNode != targetArea && dropDir == "after") { if (targetNode.nextElementSibling) { targetNode = targetNode.nextElementSibling; } else { targetNode = targetArea; } } if (targetNode.tagName == "toolbarpaletteitem") { targetNode = targetNode.firstElementChild; } this._cancelDragActive(this._dragOverItem, null, true); try { this._applyDrop( aEvent, targetArea, originArea, draggedItemId, targetNode ); } catch (ex) { log.error(ex, ex.stack); } // If the user explicitly moves this item, turn off autohide. if (draggedItemId == "downloads-button") { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDownloadAutoHidePref, false); this._showDownloadsAutoHidePanel(); } }, _applyDrop(aEvent, aTargetArea, aOriginArea, aDraggedItemId, aTargetNode) { let document = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; let draggedItem = document.getElementById(aDraggedItemId); draggedItem.hidden = false; draggedItem.removeAttribute("mousedown"); let toolbarParent = draggedItem.closest("toolbar"); if (toolbarParent) { toolbarParent.style.removeProperty("min-height"); } // Do nothing if the target was dropped onto itself (ie, no change in area // or position). if (draggedItem == aTargetNode) { return; } // Is the target area the customization palette? if (aTargetArea.id == kPaletteId) { // Did we drag from outside the palette? if (aOriginArea.id !== kPaletteId) { if (!CustomizableUI.isWidgetRemovable(aDraggedItemId)) { return; } CustomizableUI.removeWidgetFromArea(aDraggedItemId, "drag"); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange(aDraggedItemId, null, "drag"); // Special widgets are removed outright, we can return here: if (CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(aDraggedItemId)) { return; } } draggedItem = draggedItem.parentNode; // If the target node is the palette itself, just append if (aTargetNode == this.visiblePalette) { this.visiblePalette.appendChild(draggedItem); } else { // The items in the palette are wrapped, so we need the target node's parent here: this.visiblePalette.insertBefore(draggedItem, aTargetNode.parentNode); } this._onDragEnd(aEvent); return; } if (!CustomizableUI.canWidgetMoveToArea(aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id)) { return; } // Skipintoolbarset items won't really be moved: let areaCustomizationTarget = CustomizableUI.getCustomizationTarget( aTargetArea ); if (draggedItem.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset") == "true") { // These items should never leave their area: if (aTargetArea != aOriginArea) { return; } let place = draggedItem.parentNode.getAttribute("place"); this.unwrapToolbarItem(draggedItem.parentNode); if (aTargetNode == areaCustomizationTarget) { areaCustomizationTarget.appendChild(draggedItem); } else { this.unwrapToolbarItem(aTargetNode.parentNode); areaCustomizationTarget.insertBefore(draggedItem, aTargetNode); this.wrapToolbarItem(aTargetNode, place); } this.wrapToolbarItem(draggedItem, place); return; } // Force creating a new spacer/spring/separator if dragging from the palette if ( CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(aDraggedItemId) && aOriginArea.id == kPaletteId ) { aDraggedItemId = aDraggedItemId.match( /^customizableui-special-(spring|spacer|separator)/ )[1]; } // Is the target the customization area itself? If so, we just add the // widget to the end of the area. if (aTargetNode == areaCustomizationTarget) { CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange( aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id, "drag" ); this._onDragEnd(aEvent); return; } // We need to determine the place that the widget is being dropped in // the target. let placement; let itemForPlacement = aTargetNode; // Skip the skipintoolbarset items when determining the place of the item: while ( itemForPlacement && itemForPlacement.getAttribute("skipintoolbarset") == "true" && itemForPlacement.parentNode && itemForPlacement.parentNode.nodeName == "toolbarpaletteitem" ) { itemForPlacement = itemForPlacement.parentNode.nextElementSibling; if ( itemForPlacement && itemForPlacement.nodeName == "toolbarpaletteitem" ) { itemForPlacement = itemForPlacement.firstElementChild; } } if (itemForPlacement) { let targetNodeId = itemForPlacement.nodeName == "toolbarpaletteitem" ? itemForPlacement.firstElementChild && itemForPlacement.firstElementChild.id : itemForPlacement.id; placement = CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget(targetNodeId); } if (!placement) { log.debug( "Could not get a position for " + aTargetNode.nodeName + "#" + aTargetNode.id + "." + aTargetNode.className ); } let position = placement ? placement.position : null; // Is the target area the same as the origin? Since we've already handled // the possibility that the target is the customization palette, we know // that the widget is moving within a customizable area. if (aTargetArea == aOriginArea) { CustomizableUI.moveWidgetWithinArea(aDraggedItemId, position); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange( aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id, "drag" ); } else { CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea(aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id, position); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange( aDraggedItemId, aTargetArea.id, "drag" ); } this._onDragEnd(aEvent); // If we dropped onto a skipintoolbarset item, manually correct the drop location: if (aTargetNode != itemForPlacement) { let draggedWrapper = draggedItem.parentNode; let container = draggedWrapper.parentNode; container.insertBefore(draggedWrapper, aTargetNode.parentNode); } }, _onDragExit(aEvent) { if (this._isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent)) { return; } __dumpDragData(aEvent); // When leaving customization areas, cancel the drag on the last dragover item // We've attached the listener to areas, so aEvent.currentTarget will be the area. // We don't care about dragexit events fired on descendants of the area, // so we check that the event's target is the same as the area to which the listener // was attached. if (this._dragOverItem && aEvent.target == aEvent.currentTarget) { this._cancelDragActive(this._dragOverItem); this._dragOverItem = null; } }, /** * To workaround bug 460801 we manually forward the drop event here when dragend wouldn't be fired. * * Note that that means that this function may be called multiple times by a single drag operation. */ _onDragEnd(aEvent) { if (this._isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent)) { return; } this._initializeDragAfterMove = null; this.window.clearTimeout(this._dragInitializeTimeout); __dumpDragData(aEvent, "_onDragEnd"); let document = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; document.documentElement.removeAttribute("customizing-movingItem"); let documentId = document.documentElement.id; if (!aEvent.dataTransfer.mozTypesAt(0)) { return; } let draggedItemId = aEvent.dataTransfer.mozGetDataAt( kDragDataTypePrefix + documentId, 0 ); let draggedWrapper = document.getElementById("wrapper-" + draggedItemId); // DraggedWrapper might no longer available if a widget node is // destroyed after starting (but before stopping) a drag. if (draggedWrapper) { draggedWrapper.hidden = false; draggedWrapper.removeAttribute("mousedown"); let toolbarParent = draggedWrapper.closest("toolbar"); if (toolbarParent) { toolbarParent.style.removeProperty("min-height"); } } if (this._dragOverItem) { this._cancelDragActive(this._dragOverItem); this._dragOverItem = null; } DragPositionManager.stop(); }, _isUnwantedDragDrop(aEvent) { // The synthesized events for tests generated by synthesizePlainDragAndDrop // and synthesizeDrop in mochitests are used only for testing whether the // right data is being put into the dataTransfer. Neither cause a real drop // to occur, so they don't set the source node. There isn't a means of // testing real drag and drops, so this pref skips the check but it should // only be set by test code. if (this._skipSourceNodeCheck) { return false; } /* Discard drag events that originated from a separate window to prevent content->chrome privilege escalations. */ let mozSourceNode = aEvent.dataTransfer.mozSourceNode; // mozSourceNode is null in the dragStart event handler or if // the drag event originated in an external application. return !mozSourceNode || mozSourceNode.ownerGlobal != this.window; }, _setDragActive(aItem, aValue, aDraggedItemId, aAreaType) { if (!aItem) { return; } if (aItem.getAttribute("dragover") != aValue) { aItem.setAttribute("dragover", aValue); let window = aItem.ownerGlobal; let draggedItem = window.document.getElementById(aDraggedItemId); if (aAreaType == "palette") { this._setGridDragActive(aItem, draggedItem, aValue); } else { let targetArea = this._getCustomizableParent(aItem); let makeSpaceImmediately = false; if (!gDraggingInToolbars.has(targetArea.id)) { gDraggingInToolbars.add(targetArea.id); let draggedWrapper = this.$("wrapper-" + aDraggedItemId); let originArea = this._getCustomizableParent(draggedWrapper); makeSpaceImmediately = originArea == targetArea; } let propertyToMeasure = aAreaType == "toolbar" ? "width" : "height"; // Calculate width/height of the item when it'd be dropped in this position. let borderWidth = this._getDragItemSize(aItem, draggedItem)[ propertyToMeasure ]; let layoutSide = aAreaType == "toolbar" ? "Inline" : "Block"; let prop, otherProp; if (aValue == "before") { prop = "border" + layoutSide + "StartWidth"; otherProp = "border-" + layoutSide.toLowerCase() + "-end-width"; } else { prop = "border" + layoutSide + "EndWidth"; otherProp = "border-" + layoutSide.toLowerCase() + "-start-width"; } if (makeSpaceImmediately) { aItem.setAttribute("notransition", "true"); } aItem.style[prop] = borderWidth + "px"; aItem.style.removeProperty(otherProp); if (makeSpaceImmediately) { // Force a layout flush: aItem.getBoundingClientRect(); aItem.removeAttribute("notransition"); } } } }, _cancelDragActive(aItem, aNextItem, aNoTransition) { let currentArea = this._getCustomizableParent(aItem); if (!currentArea) { return; } let nextArea = aNextItem ? this._getCustomizableParent(aNextItem) : null; if (currentArea != nextArea) { currentArea.removeAttribute("draggingover"); } let areaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(currentArea.id); if (areaType) { if (aNoTransition) { aItem.setAttribute("notransition", "true"); } aItem.removeAttribute("dragover"); // Remove all property values in the case that the end padding // had been set. aItem.style.removeProperty("border-inline-start-width"); aItem.style.removeProperty("border-inline-end-width"); aItem.style.removeProperty("border-block-start-width"); aItem.style.removeProperty("border-block-end-width"); if (aNoTransition) { // Force a layout flush: aItem.getBoundingClientRect(); aItem.removeAttribute("notransition"); } } else { aItem.removeAttribute("dragover"); if (aNextItem) { if (nextArea == currentArea) { // No need to do anything if we're still dragging in this area: return; } } // Otherwise, clear everything out: let positionManager = DragPositionManager.getManagerForArea(currentArea); positionManager.clearPlaceholders(currentArea, aNoTransition); } }, _setGridDragActive(aDragOverNode, aDraggedItem, aValue) { let targetArea = this._getCustomizableParent(aDragOverNode); let draggedWrapper = this.$("wrapper-" + aDraggedItem.id); let originArea = this._getCustomizableParent(draggedWrapper); let positionManager = DragPositionManager.getManagerForArea(targetArea); let draggedSize = this._getDragItemSize(aDragOverNode, aDraggedItem); positionManager.insertPlaceholder( targetArea, aDragOverNode, draggedSize, originArea == targetArea ); }, _getDragItemSize(aDragOverNode, aDraggedItem) { // Cache it good, cache it real good. if (!this._dragSizeMap) { this._dragSizeMap = new WeakMap(); } if (!this._dragSizeMap.has(aDraggedItem)) { this._dragSizeMap.set(aDraggedItem, new WeakMap()); } let itemMap = this._dragSizeMap.get(aDraggedItem); let targetArea = this._getCustomizableParent(aDragOverNode); let currentArea = this._getCustomizableParent(aDraggedItem); // Return the size for this target from cache, if it exists. let size = itemMap.get(targetArea); if (size) { return size; } // Calculate size of the item when it'd be dropped in this position. let currentParent = aDraggedItem.parentNode; let currentSibling = aDraggedItem.nextElementSibling; const kAreaType = "cui-areatype"; let areaType, currentType; if (targetArea != currentArea) { // Move the widget temporarily next to the placeholder. aDragOverNode.parentNode.insertBefore(aDraggedItem, aDragOverNode); // Update the node's areaType. areaType = CustomizableUI.getAreaType(targetArea.id); currentType = aDraggedItem.hasAttribute(kAreaType) && aDraggedItem.getAttribute(kAreaType); if (areaType) { aDraggedItem.setAttribute(kAreaType, areaType); } this.wrapToolbarItem(aDraggedItem, areaType || "palette"); CustomizableUI.onWidgetDrag(aDraggedItem.id, targetArea.id); } else { aDraggedItem.parentNode.hidden = false; } // Fetch the new size. let rect = aDraggedItem.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); size = { width: rect.width, height: rect.height }; // Cache the found value of size for this target. itemMap.set(targetArea, size); if (targetArea != currentArea) { this.unwrapToolbarItem(aDraggedItem.parentNode); // Put the item back into its previous position. currentParent.insertBefore(aDraggedItem, currentSibling); // restore the areaType if (areaType) { if (currentType === false) { aDraggedItem.removeAttribute(kAreaType); } else { aDraggedItem.setAttribute(kAreaType, currentType); } } this.createOrUpdateWrapper(aDraggedItem, null, true); CustomizableUI.onWidgetDrag(aDraggedItem.id); } else { aDraggedItem.parentNode.hidden = true; } return size; }, _getCustomizableParent(aElement) { if (aElement) { // Deal with drag/drop on the padding of the panel. let containingPanelHolder = aElement.closest( "#customization-panelHolder" ); if (containingPanelHolder) { return containingPanelHolder.querySelector( "#widget-overflow-fixed-list" ); } } let areas = CustomizableUI.areas; areas.push(kPaletteId); return aElement.closest(areas.map(a => "#" + CSS.escape(a)).join(",")); }, _getDragOverNode(aEvent, aAreaElement, aAreaType, aDraggedItemId) { let expectedParent = CustomizableUI.getCustomizationTarget(aAreaElement) || aAreaElement; if (!expectedParent.contains(aEvent.target)) { return expectedParent; } // Offset the drag event's position with the offset to the center of // the thing we're dragging let dragX = aEvent.clientX - this._dragOffset.x; let dragY = aEvent.clientY - this._dragOffset.y; // Ensure this is within the container let boundsContainer = expectedParent; let bounds = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(boundsContainer); dragX = Math.min(bounds.right, Math.max(dragX, bounds.left)); dragY = Math.min(bounds.bottom, Math.max(dragY, bounds.top)); let targetNode; if (aAreaType == "toolbar" || aAreaType == "menu-panel") { targetNode = aAreaElement.ownerDocument.elementFromPoint(dragX, dragY); while (targetNode && targetNode.parentNode != expectedParent) { targetNode = targetNode.parentNode; } } else { let positionManager = DragPositionManager.getManagerForArea(aAreaElement); // Make it relative to the container: dragX -= bounds.left; dragY -= bounds.top; // Find the closest node: targetNode = positionManager.find(aAreaElement, dragX, dragY); } return targetNode || aEvent.target; }, _onMouseDown(aEvent) { log.debug("_onMouseDown"); if (aEvent.button != 0) { return; } let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; doc.documentElement.setAttribute("customizing-movingItem", true); let item = this._getWrapper(aEvent.target); if (item) { item.setAttribute("mousedown", "true"); } }, _onMouseUp(aEvent) { log.debug("_onMouseUp"); if (aEvent.button != 0) { return; } let doc = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; doc.documentElement.removeAttribute("customizing-movingItem"); let item = this._getWrapper(aEvent.target); if (item) { item.removeAttribute("mousedown"); } }, _getWrapper(aElement) { while (aElement && aElement.localName != "toolbarpaletteitem") { if (aElement.localName == "toolbar") { return null; } aElement = aElement.parentNode; } return aElement; }, _findVisiblePreviousSiblingNode(aReferenceNode) { while ( aReferenceNode && aReferenceNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" && aReferenceNode.firstElementChild.hidden ) { aReferenceNode = aReferenceNode.previousElementSibling; } return aReferenceNode; }, onPaletteContextMenuShowing(event) { let isFlexibleSpace = event.target.triggerNode.id.includes( "wrapper-customizableui-special-spring" ); event.target.querySelector( ".customize-context-addToPanel" ).disabled = isFlexibleSpace; }, onPanelContextMenuShowing(event) { let inPermanentArea = !!event.target.triggerNode.closest( "#widget-overflow-fixed-list" ); let doc = event.target.ownerDocument; doc.getElementById( "customizationPanelItemContextMenuUnpin" ).hidden = !inPermanentArea; doc.getElementById( "customizationPanelItemContextMenuPin" ).hidden = inPermanentArea; doc.ownerGlobal.MozXULElement.insertFTLIfNeeded( "browser/toolbarContextMenu.ftl" ); event.target.querySelectorAll("[data-lazy-l10n-id]").forEach(el => { el.setAttribute("data-l10n-id", el.getAttribute("data-lazy-l10n-id")); el.removeAttribute("data-lazy-l10n-id"); }); }, _checkForDownloadsClick(event) { if ( event.target.closest("#wrapper-downloads-button") && event.button == 0 ) { event.view.gCustomizeMode._showDownloadsAutoHidePanel(); } }, _setupDownloadAutoHideToggle() { this.window.addEventListener("click", this._checkForDownloadsClick, true); }, _teardownDownloadAutoHideToggle() { this.window.removeEventListener( "click", this._checkForDownloadsClick, true ); this.$(kDownloadAutohidePanelId).hidePopup(); }, _maybeMoveDownloadsButtonToNavBar() { // If the user toggled the autohide checkbox while the item was in the // palette, and hasn't moved it since, move the item to the default // location in the navbar for them. if ( !CustomizableUI.getPlacementOfWidget("downloads-button") && this._moveDownloadsButtonToNavBar && this.window.DownloadsButton.autoHideDownloadsButton ) { let navbarPlacements = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("nav-bar"); let insertionPoint = navbarPlacements.indexOf("urlbar-container"); while (++insertionPoint < navbarPlacements.length) { let widget = navbarPlacements[insertionPoint]; // If we find a non-searchbar, non-spacer node, break out of the loop: if ( widget != "search-container" && !(CustomizableUI.isSpecialWidget(widget) && widget.includes("spring")) ) { break; } } CustomizableUI.addWidgetToArea( "downloads-button", "nav-bar", insertionPoint ); BrowserUsageTelemetry.recordWidgetChange( "downloads-button", "nav-bar", "move-downloads" ); } }, async _showDownloadsAutoHidePanel() { let doc = this.document; let panel = doc.getElementById(kDownloadAutohidePanelId); panel.hidePopup(); let button = doc.getElementById("downloads-button"); // We don't show the tooltip if the button is in the panel. if (button.closest("#widget-overflow-fixed-list")) { return; } let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; let panelOnTheLeft = false; let toolbarContainer = button.closest("toolbar"); if (toolbarContainer && toolbarContainer.id == "nav-bar") { let navbarWidgets = CustomizableUI.getWidgetIdsInArea("nav-bar"); if ( navbarWidgets.indexOf("urlbar-container") <= navbarWidgets.indexOf("downloads-button") ) { panelOnTheLeft = true; } } else { await this.window.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => {}); if (!this._customizing || !this._wantToBeInCustomizeMode) { return; } let buttonBounds = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(button); let windowBounds = this._getBoundsWithoutFlushing(doc.documentElement); panelOnTheLeft = buttonBounds.left + buttonBounds.width / 2 > windowBounds.width / 2; } let position; if (panelOnTheLeft) { // Tested in RTL, these get inverted automatically, so this does the // right thing without taking RTL into account explicitly. position = "leftcenter topright"; if (toolbarContainer) { offsetX = 8; } } else { position = "rightcenter topleft"; if (toolbarContainer) { offsetX = -8; } } let checkbox = doc.getElementById(kDownloadAutohideCheckboxId); if (this.window.DownloadsButton.autoHideDownloadsButton) { checkbox.setAttribute("checked", "true"); } else { checkbox.removeAttribute("checked"); } // We don't use the icon to anchor because it might be resizing because of // the animations for drag/drop. Hence the use of offsets. panel.openPopup(button, position, offsetX, offsetY); }, onDownloadsAutoHideChange(event) { let checkbox = event.target.ownerDocument.getElementById( kDownloadAutohideCheckboxId ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDownloadAutoHidePref, checkbox.checked); // Ensure we move the button (back) after the user leaves customize mode. event.view.gCustomizeMode._moveDownloadsButtonToNavBar = checkbox.checked; }, customizeTouchBar() { let updater = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/touchbarupdater;1"].getService( Ci.nsITouchBarUpdater ); updater.enterCustomizeMode(); }, togglePong(enabled) { // It's possible we're toggling for a reason other than hitting // the button (we might be exiting, for example), so make sure that // the state and checkbox are in sync. let whimsyButton = this.$("whimsy-button"); whimsyButton.checked = enabled; if (enabled) { this.visiblePalette.setAttribute("whimsypong", "true"); this.pongArena.hidden = false; if (!this.uninitWhimsy) { this.uninitWhimsy = this.whimsypong(); } } else { this.visiblePalette.removeAttribute("whimsypong"); if (this.uninitWhimsy) { this.uninitWhimsy(); this.uninitWhimsy = null; } this.pongArena.hidden = true; } }, whimsypong() { function update() { updateBall(); updatePlayers(); } function updateBall() { if (ball[1] <= 0 || ball[1] >= gameSide) { if ( (ball[1] <= 0 && (ball[0] < p1 || ball[0] > p1 + paddleWidth)) || (ball[1] >= gameSide && (ball[0] < p2 || ball[0] > p2 + paddleWidth)) ) { updateScore(ball[1] <= 0 ? 0 : 1); } else { if ( (ball[1] <= 0 && (ball[0] - p1 < paddleEdge || p1 + paddleWidth - ball[0] < paddleEdge)) || (ball[1] >= gameSide && (ball[0] - p2 < paddleEdge || p2 + paddleWidth - ball[0] < paddleEdge)) ) { ballDxDy[0] *= Math.random() + 1.3; ballDxDy[0] = Math.max(Math.min(ballDxDy[0], 6), -6); if (Math.abs(ballDxDy[0]) == 6) { ballDxDy[0] += Math.sign(ballDxDy[0]) * Math.random(); } } else { ballDxDy[0] /= 1.1; } ballDxDy[1] *= -1; ball[1] = ball[1] <= 0 ? 0 : gameSide; } } ball = [ Math.max(Math.min(ball[0] + ballDxDy[0], gameSide), 0), Math.max(Math.min(ball[1] + ballDxDy[1], gameSide), 0), ]; if (ball[0] <= 0 || ball[0] >= gameSide) { ballDxDy[0] *= -1; } } function updatePlayers() { if (keydown) { let p1Adj = 1; if ( (keydown == 37 && !window.RTL_UI) || (keydown == 39 && window.RTL_UI) ) { p1Adj = -1; } p1 += p1Adj * 10 * keydownAdj; } let sign = Math.sign(ballDxDy[0]); if ( (sign > 0 && ball[0] > p2 + paddleWidth / 2) || (sign < 0 && ball[0] < p2 + paddleWidth / 2) ) { p2 += sign * 3; } else if ( (sign > 0 && ball[0] > p2 + paddleWidth / 1.1) || (sign < 0 && ball[0] < p2 + paddleWidth / 1.1) ) { p2 += sign * 9; } if (score >= winScore) { p1 = ball[0]; p2 = ball[0]; } p1 = Math.max(Math.min(p1, gameSide - paddleWidth), 0); p2 = Math.max(Math.min(p2, gameSide - paddleWidth), 0); } function updateScore(adj) { if (adj) { score += adj; } else if (--lives == 0) { quit = true; } ball = ballDef.slice(); ballDxDy = ballDxDyDef.slice(); ballDxDy[1] *= score / winScore + 1; } function draw() { let xAdj = window.RTL_UI ? -1 : 1; elements["wp-player1"].style.transform = "translate(" + xAdj * p1 + "px, -37px)"; elements["wp-player2"].style.transform = "translate(" + xAdj * p2 + "px, " + gameSide + "px)"; elements["wp-ball"].style.transform = "translate(" + xAdj * ball[0] + "px, " + ball[1] + "px)"; elements["wp-score"].textContent = score; elements["wp-lives"].setAttribute("lives", lives); if (score >= winScore) { let arena = elements.arena; let image = "url(chrome://browser/skin/customizableui/whimsy.png)"; let position = `${(window.RTL_UI ? gameSide : 0) + xAdj * ball[0] - 10}px ${ball[1] - 10}px`; let repeat = "no-repeat"; let size = "20px"; if (arena.style.backgroundImage) { if (arena.style.backgroundImage.split(",").length >= 160) { quit = true; } image += ", " + arena.style.backgroundImage; position += ", " + arena.style.backgroundPosition; repeat += ", " + arena.style.backgroundRepeat; size += ", " + arena.style.backgroundSize; } arena.style.backgroundImage = image; arena.style.backgroundPosition = position; arena.style.backgroundRepeat = repeat; arena.style.backgroundSize = size; } } function onkeydown(event) { keys.push(event.which); if (keys.length > 10) { keys.shift(); let codeEntered = true; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (keys[i] != keysCode[i]) { codeEntered = false; break; } } if (codeEntered) { elements.arena.setAttribute("kcode", "true"); let spacer = document.querySelector( "#customization-palette > toolbarpaletteitem" ); spacer.setAttribute("kcode", "true"); } } if (event.which == 37 /* left */ || event.which == 39 /* right */) { keydown = event.which; keydownAdj *= 1.05; } } function onkeyup(event) { if (event.which == 37 || event.which == 39) { keydownAdj = 1; keydown = 0; } } function uninit() { document.removeEventListener("keydown", onkeydown); document.removeEventListener("keyup", onkeyup); if (rAFHandle) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(rAFHandle); } let arena = elements.arena; while (arena.firstChild) { arena.firstChild.remove(); } arena.removeAttribute("score"); arena.removeAttribute("lives"); arena.removeAttribute("kcode"); arena.style.removeProperty("background-image"); arena.style.removeProperty("background-position"); arena.style.removeProperty("background-repeat"); arena.style.removeProperty("background-size"); let spacer = document.querySelector( "#customization-palette > toolbarpaletteitem" ); spacer.removeAttribute("kcode"); elements = null; document = null; quit = true; } if (this.uninitWhimsy) { return this.uninitWhimsy; } let ballDef = [10, 10]; let ball = [10, 10]; let ballDxDyDef = [2, 2]; let ballDxDy = [2, 2]; let score = 0; let p1 = 0; let p2 = 10; let gameSide = 300; let paddleEdge = 30; let paddleWidth = 84; let keydownAdj = 1; let keydown = 0; let keys = []; let keysCode = [38, 38, 40, 40, 37, 39, 37, 39, 66, 65]; let lives = 5; let winScore = 11; let quit = false; let document = this.document; let rAFHandle = 0; let elements = { arena: document.getElementById("customization-pong-arena"), }; document.addEventListener("keydown", onkeydown); document.addEventListener("keyup", onkeyup); for (let id of ["player1", "player2", "ball", "score", "lives"]) { let el = document.createXULElement("box"); el.id = "wp-" + id; elements[el.id] = elements.arena.appendChild(el); } let spacer = this.visiblePalette.querySelector("toolbarpaletteitem"); for (let player of ["#wp-player1", "#wp-player2"]) { let val = "-moz-element(#" + spacer.id + ") no-repeat"; elements.arena.querySelector(player).style.background = val; } let window = this.window; rAFHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(function animate() { update(); draw(); if (quit) { elements["wp-score"].textContent = score; elements["wp-lives"] && elements["wp-lives"].setAttribute("lives", lives); elements.arena.setAttribute("score", score); elements.arena.setAttribute("lives", lives); } else { rAFHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); } }); return uninit; }, }; function __dumpDragData(aEvent, caller) { if (!gDebug) { return; } let str = "Dumping drag data (" + (caller ? caller + " in " : "") + "CustomizeMode.jsm) {\n"; str += " type: " + aEvent.type + "\n"; for (let el of ["target", "currentTarget", "relatedTarget"]) { if (aEvent[el]) { str += " " + el + ": " + aEvent[el] + "(localName=" + aEvent[el].localName + "; id=" + aEvent[el].id + ")\n"; } } for (let prop in aEvent.dataTransfer) { if (typeof aEvent.dataTransfer[prop] != "function") { str += " dataTransfer[" + prop + "]: " + aEvent.dataTransfer[prop] + "\n"; } } str += "}"; log.debug(str); } function dispatchFunction(aFunc) { Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(aFunc); }