/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Unit tests for the PanelMultiView module. */ const { PanelMultiView } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/PanelMultiView.jsm" ); const PANELS_COUNT = 2; let gPanelAnchors = []; let gPanels = []; let gPanelMultiViews = []; const PANELVIEWS_COUNT = 4; let gPanelViews = []; let gPanelViewLabels = []; const EVENT_TYPES = [ "popupshown", "popuphidden", "PanelMultiViewHidden", "ViewShowing", "ViewShown", "ViewHiding", ]; /** * Checks that the element is displayed, including the state of the popup where * the element is located. This can trigger a synchronous reflow if necessary, * because even though the code under test is designed to avoid synchronous * reflows, it can raise completion events while a layout flush is still needed. * * In production code, event handlers for ViewShown have to wait for a flush if * they need to read style or layout information, like other code normally does. */ function is_visible(element) { var style = element.ownerGlobal.getComputedStyle(element); if (style.display == "none") { return false; } if (style.visibility != "visible") { return false; } if (style.display == "-moz-popup" && element.state != "open") { return false; } // Hiding a parent element will hide all its children if (element.parentNode != element.ownerDocument) { return is_visible(element.parentNode); } return true; } /** * Checks whether the label in the specified view is visible. */ function assertLabelVisible(viewIndex, expectedVisible) { Assert.equal( is_visible(gPanelViewLabels[viewIndex]), expectedVisible, `Visibility of label in view ${viewIndex}` ); } /** * Opens the specified view as the main view in the specified panel. */ async function openPopup(panelIndex, viewIndex) { gPanelMultiViews[panelIndex].setAttribute( "mainViewId", gPanelViews[viewIndex].id ); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanelViews[viewIndex], "ViewShown" ); PanelMultiView.openPopup( gPanels[panelIndex], gPanelAnchors[panelIndex], "bottomcenter topright" ); await promiseShown; Assert.ok(PanelView.forNode(gPanelViews[viewIndex]).active); assertLabelVisible(viewIndex, true); } /** * Closes the specified panel. */ async function hidePopup(panelIndex) { gPanelMultiViews[panelIndex].setAttribute( "mainViewId", gPanelViews[panelIndex].id ); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanels[panelIndex], "popuphidden" ); PanelMultiView.hidePopup(gPanels[panelIndex]); await promiseHidden; } /** * Opens the specified subview in the specified panel. */ async function showSubView(panelIndex, viewIndex) { let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanelViews[viewIndex], "ViewShown" ); gPanelMultiViews[panelIndex].showSubView(gPanelViews[viewIndex]); await promiseShown; Assert.ok(PanelView.forNode(gPanelViews[viewIndex]).active); assertLabelVisible(viewIndex, true); } /** * Navigates backwards to the specified view, which is displayed as a result. */ async function goBack(panelIndex, viewIndex) { let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanelViews[viewIndex], "ViewShown" ); gPanelMultiViews[panelIndex].goBack(); await promiseShown; Assert.ok(PanelView.forNode(gPanelViews[viewIndex]).active); assertLabelVisible(viewIndex, true); } /** * Records the specified events on an element into the specified array. An * optional callback can be used to respond to events and trigger nested events. */ function recordEvents( element, eventTypes, recordArray, eventCallback = () => {} ) { let nestedEvents = []; element.recorders = eventTypes.map(eventType => { let recorder = { eventType, listener(event) { let eventString = nestedEvents.join("") + `${event.originalTarget.id}: ${event.type}`; info(`Event on ${eventString}`); recordArray.push(eventString); // Any synchronous event triggered from within the given callback will // include information about the current event. nestedEvents.unshift(`${eventString} > `); eventCallback(event); nestedEvents.shift(); }, }; element.addEventListener(recorder.eventType, recorder.listener); return recorder; }); } /** * Stops recording events on an element. */ function stopRecordingEvents(element) { for (let recorder of element.recorders) { element.removeEventListener(recorder.eventType, recorder.listener); } delete element.recorders; } /** * Sets up the elements in the browser window that will be used by all the other * regression tests. Since the panel and view elements can live anywhere in the * document, they are simply added to the same toolbar as the panel anchors. * * * -> gPanelAnchors[panelIndex] * -> gPanels[panelIndex] * -> gPanelMultiViews[panelIndex] * * -> gPanelViews[viewIndex] * * */ add_task(async function test_setup() { let navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); for (let i = 0; i < PANELS_COUNT; i++) { gPanelAnchors[i] = document.createXULElement("toolbarbutton"); gPanelAnchors[i].classList.add( "toolbarbutton-1", "chromeclass-toolbar-additional" ); navBar.appendChild(gPanelAnchors[i]); gPanels[i] = document.createXULElement("panel"); gPanels[i].id = "panel-" + i; gPanels[i].setAttribute("type", "arrow"); gPanels[i].setAttribute("photon", true); navBar.appendChild(gPanels[i]); gPanelMultiViews[i] = document.createXULElement("panelmultiview"); gPanelMultiViews[i].id = "panelmultiview-" + i; gPanels[i].appendChild(gPanelMultiViews[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < PANELVIEWS_COUNT; i++) { gPanelViews[i] = document.createXULElement("panelview"); gPanelViews[i].id = "panelview-" + i; navBar.appendChild(gPanelViews[i]); gPanelViewLabels[i] = document.createXULElement("label"); gPanelViewLabels[i].setAttribute("value", "PanelView " + i); gPanelViews[i].appendChild(gPanelViewLabels[i]); } registerCleanupFunction(() => { [...gPanelAnchors, ...gPanels, ...gPanelViews].forEach(e => e.remove()); }); }); /** * Shows and hides all views in a panel with this static structure: * * - Panel 0 * - View 0 * - View 1 * - View 3 * - View 2 */ add_task(async function test_simple() { // Show main view 0. await openPopup(0, 0); // Show and hide subview 1. await showSubView(0, 1); assertLabelVisible(0, false); await goBack(0, 0); assertLabelVisible(1, false); // Show subview 3. await showSubView(0, 3); assertLabelVisible(0, false); // Show and hide subview 2. await showSubView(0, 2); assertLabelVisible(3, false); await goBack(0, 3); assertLabelVisible(2, false); // Hide subview 3. await goBack(0, 0); assertLabelVisible(3, false); // Hide main view 0. await hidePopup(0); assertLabelVisible(0, false); }); /** * Tests the event sequence in a panel with this static structure: * * - Panel 0 * - View 0 * - View 1 * - View 3 * - View 2 */ add_task(async function test_simple_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray); await openPopup(0, 0); await showSubView(0, 1); await goBack(0, 0); await showSubView(0, 3); await showSubView(0, 2); await goBack(0, 3); await goBack(0, 0); await hidePopup(0); stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panel-0: popupshown", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panelview-1: ViewShown", "panelview-1: ViewHiding", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panelview-3: ViewShowing", "panelview-3: ViewShown", "panelview-2: ViewShowing", "panelview-2: ViewShown", "panelview-2: ViewHiding", "panelview-3: ViewShown", "panelview-3: ViewHiding", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panel-0: popuphidden", ]); }); /** * Tests that further navigation is suppressed until the new view is shown. */ add_task(async function test_navigation_suppression() { await openPopup(0, 0); // Test re-entering the "showSubView" method. let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gPanelViews[1], "ViewShown"); gPanelMultiViews[0].showSubView(gPanelViews[1]); Assert.ok( !PanelView.forNode(gPanelViews[0]).active, "The previous view should become inactive synchronously." ); // The following call will have no effect. gPanelMultiViews[0].showSubView(gPanelViews[2]); await promiseShown; // Test re-entering the "goBack" method. promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gPanelViews[0], "ViewShown"); gPanelMultiViews[0].goBack(); Assert.ok( !PanelView.forNode(gPanelViews[1]).active, "The previous view should become inactive synchronously." ); // The following call will have no effect. gPanelMultiViews[0].goBack(); await promiseShown; // Main view 0 should be displayed. assertLabelVisible(0, true); await hidePopup(0); }); /** * Tests reusing views that are already open in another panel. In this test, the * structure of the first panel will change dynamically: * * - Panel 0 * - View 0 * - View 1 * - Panel 1 * - View 1 * - View 2 * - Panel 0 * - View 1 * - View 0 */ add_task(async function test_switch_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray); recordEvents(gPanels[1], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray); // Show panel 0. await openPopup(0, 0); await showSubView(0, 1); // Show panel 1 with the view that is already open and visible in panel 0. // This will close panel 0 automatically. await openPopup(1, 1); await showSubView(1, 2); // Show panel 0 with a view that is already open but invisible in panel 1. // This will close panel 1 automatically. await openPopup(0, 1); await showSubView(0, 0); // Hide panel 0. await hidePopup(0); stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[1]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panel-0: popupshown", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panelview-1: ViewShown", "panelview-1: ViewHiding", "panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panel-0: popuphidden", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panel-1: popupshown", "panelview-1: ViewShown", "panelview-2: ViewShowing", "panelview-2: ViewShown", "panel-1: popuphidden", "panelview-2: ViewHiding", "panelview-1: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-1: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panelview-1: ViewShown", "panel-0: popupshown", "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelview-1: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panel-0: popuphidden", ]); }); /** * Tests the event sequence when opening the main view is canceled. */ add_task(async function test_cancel_mainview_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray, event => { if (event.type == "ViewShowing") { event.preventDefault(); } }); gPanelMultiViews[0].setAttribute("mainViewId", gPanelViews[0].id); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gPanels[0], "popuphidden"); PanelMultiView.openPopup( gPanels[0], gPanelAnchors[0], "bottomcenter topright" ); await promiseHidden; stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panelmultiview-0: popuphidden", ]); }); /** * Tests the event sequence when opening a subview is canceled. */ add_task(async function test_cancel_subview_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray, event => { if ( event.type == "ViewShowing" && event.originalTarget.id == gPanelViews[1].id ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); await openPopup(0, 0); let promiseHiding = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanelViews[1], "ViewHiding" ); gPanelMultiViews[0].showSubView(gPanelViews[1]); await promiseHiding; // Only the subview should have received the hidden event at this point. Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panel-0: popupshown", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panelview-1: ViewHiding", ]); recordArray.length = 0; await hidePopup(0); stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panel-0: popuphidden", ]); }); /** * Tests the event sequence when closing the panel while opening the main view. */ add_task(async function test_close_while_showing_mainview_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray, event => { if (event.type == "ViewShowing") { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(gPanels[0]); } }); gPanelMultiViews[0].setAttribute("mainViewId", gPanelViews[0].id); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gPanels[0], "popuphidden"); let promiseHiding = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gPanelViews[0], "ViewHiding" ); PanelMultiView.openPopup( gPanels[0], gPanelAnchors[0], "bottomcenter topright" ); await promiseHiding; await promiseHidden; stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShowing > panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelview-0: ViewShowing > panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panelview-0: ViewShowing > panelmultiview-0: popuphidden", ]); }); /** * Tests the event sequence when closing the panel while opening a subview. */ add_task(async function test_close_while_showing_subview_event_sequence() { let recordArray = []; recordEvents(gPanels[0], EVENT_TYPES, recordArray, event => { if ( event.type == "ViewShowing" && event.originalTarget.id == gPanelViews[1].id ) { PanelMultiView.hidePopup(gPanels[0]); } }); await openPopup(0, 0); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gPanels[0], "popuphidden"); gPanelMultiViews[0].showSubView(gPanelViews[1]); await promiseHidden; stopRecordingEvents(gPanels[0]); Assert.deepEqual(recordArray, [ "panelview-0: ViewShowing", "panelview-0: ViewShown", "panel-0: popupshown", "panelview-1: ViewShowing", "panelview-1: ViewShowing > panelview-1: ViewHiding", "panelview-1: ViewShowing > panelview-0: ViewHiding", "panelview-1: ViewShowing > panelmultiview-0: PanelMultiViewHidden", "panelview-1: ViewShowing > panel-0: popuphidden", ]); });