/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* * This module tests TRR performance by issuing DNS requests to TRRs and * recording telemetry for the network time for each request. * * We test each TRR with 5 random subdomains of a canonical domain and also * a "popular" domain (which the TRR likely have cached). * * To ensure data integrity, we run the requests in an aggregator wrapper * and collect all the results before sending telemetry. If we detect network * loss, the results are discarded. A new run is triggered upon detection of * usable network until a full set of results has been captured. We stop retrying * after 5 attempts. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TRRRacer", "DNSLookup", "LookupAggregator"]; const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled( "security.doh.trrPerformance", true ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gNetworkLinkService", "@mozilla.org/network/network-link-service;1", "nsINetworkLinkService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gCaptivePortalService", "@mozilla.org/network/captive-portal-service;1", "nsICaptivePortalService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gDNSService", "@mozilla.org/network/dns-service;1", "nsIDNSService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "gUUIDGenerator", "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1", "nsIUUIDGenerator" ); // The list of participating TRRs. const kTRRs = JSON.parse( Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").getCharPref("network.trr.resolvers") ).map(trr => trr.url); // The canonical domain whose subdomains we will be resolving. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "kCanonicalDomain", "doh-rollout.trrRace.canonicalDomain", "firefox-dns-perf-test.net." ); // The number of random subdomains to resolve per TRR. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "kRepeats", "doh-rollout.trrRace.randomSubdomainCount", 5 ); // The "popular" domain that we expect the TRRs to have cached. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "kPopularDomains", "doh-rollout.trrRace.popularDomains", null, null, val => val ? val.split(",").map(t => t.trim()) : [ "google.com.", "youtube.com.", "amazon.com.", "facebook.com.", "yahoo.com.", ] ); function getRandomSubdomain() { let uuid = gUUIDGenerator .generateUUID() .toString() .slice(1, -1); // Discard surrounding braces return `${uuid}.${kCanonicalDomain}`; } // A wrapper around async DNS lookups. The results are passed on to the supplied // callback. The wrapper attempts the lookup 3 times before passing on a failure. // If a false-y `domain` is supplied, a random subdomain will be used. Each retry // will use a different random subdomain to ensure we bypass chached responses. class DNSLookup { constructor(domain, trrServer, callback) { this._domain = domain; this.trrServer = trrServer; this.callback = callback; this.retryCount = 0; } doLookup() { this.retryCount++; try { this.usedDomain = this._domain || getRandomSubdomain(); gDNSService.asyncResolve( this.usedDomain, Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_TYPE_DEFAULT, Ci.nsIDNSService.RESOLVE_BYPASS_CACHE, gDNSService.newTRRResolverInfo(this.trrServer), this, Services.tm.currentThread, {} ); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } onLookupComplete(request, record, status) { // Try again if we failed... if (!Components.isSuccessCode(status) && this.retryCount < 3) { this.doLookup(); return; } // But after the third try, just pass the status on. this.callback(request, record, status, this.usedDomain, this.retryCount); } } DNSLookup.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIDNSListener"]); // A wrapper around a single set of measurements. The required lookups are // triggered and the results aggregated before telemetry is sent. If aborted, // any aggregated results are discarded. class LookupAggregator { constructor(onCompleteCallback) { this.onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback; this.aborted = false; this.networkUnstable = false; this.captivePortal = false; this.domains = []; for (let i = 0; i < kRepeats; ++i) { // false-y domain will cause DNSLookup to generate a random one. this.domains.push(null); } this.domains.push(...kPopularDomains); this.totalLookups = kTRRs.length * this.domains.length; this.completedLookups = 0; this.results = []; } run() { if (this._ran || this._aborted) { Cu.reportError("Trying to re-run a LookupAggregator."); return; } this._ran = true; for (let trr of kTRRs) { for (let domain of this.domains) { new DNSLookup( domain, trr, (request, record, status, usedDomain, retryCount) => { this.results.push({ domain: usedDomain, trr, status, time: record ? record.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDNSAddrRecord) .trrFetchDurationNetworkOnly : -1, retryCount, }); this.completedLookups++; if (this.completedLookups == this.totalLookups) { this.recordResults(); } } ).doLookup(); } } } abort() { this.aborted = true; } markUnstableNetwork() { this.networkUnstable = true; } markCaptivePortal() { this.captivePortal = true; } recordResults() { if (this.aborted) { return; } for (let { domain, trr, status, time, retryCount } of this.results) { if ( !(kPopularDomains.includes(domain) || domain.includes(kCanonicalDomain)) ) { Cu.reportError("Expected known domain for reporting, got " + domain); return; } Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "security.doh.trrPerformance", "resolved", "record", "success", { domain, trr, status: status.toString(), time: time.toString(), retryCount: retryCount.toString(), networkUnstable: this.networkUnstable.toString(), captivePortal: this.captivePortal.toString(), } ); } this.onCompleteCallback(); } } // This class monitors the network and spawns a new LookupAggregator when ready. // When the network goes down, an ongoing aggregator is aborted and a new one // spawned next time we get a link, up to 5 times. On the fifth time, we just // let the aggegator complete and mark it as tainted. class TRRRacer { constructor(onCompleteCallback) { this._aggregator = null; this._retryCount = 0; this._complete = false; this._onCompleteCallback = onCompleteCallback; } run() { if ( gNetworkLinkService.isLinkUp && gCaptivePortalService.state != gCaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL ) { this._runNewAggregator(); if ( gCaptivePortalService.state == gCaptivePortalService.UNLOCKED_PORTAL ) { this._aggregator.markCaptivePortal(); } } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "ipc:network:captive-portal-set-state"); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "network:link-status-changed"); } onComplete() { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "ipc:network:captive-portal-set-state"); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "network:link-status-changed"); this._complete = true; if (this._onCompleteCallback) { this._onCompleteCallback(); } } getFastestTRR(returnRandomDefault = false) { if (!this._complete) { throw new Error("getFastestTRR: Measurement still running."); } return this._getFastestTRRFromResults( this._aggregator.results, returnRandomDefault ); } /* * Given an array of { trr, time }, returns the trr with smallest mean time. * Separate from _getFastestTRR for easy unit-testing. * * @returns The TRR with the fastest average time. * If returnRandomDefault is false-y, returns undefined if no valid * times were present in the results. Otherwise, returns one of the * present TRRs at random. */ _getFastestTRRFromResults(results, returnRandomDefault = false) { // First, organize the results into a map of TRR -> array of times let TRRTimingMap = new Map(); let TRRErrorCount = new Map(); for (let { trr, time } of results) { if (!TRRTimingMap.has(trr)) { TRRTimingMap.set(trr, []); } if (time != -1) { TRRTimingMap.get(trr).push(time); } else { TRRErrorCount.set(trr, 1 + (TRRErrorCount.get(trr) || 0)); } } // Loop through each TRR's array of times, compute the geometric means, // and remember the fastest TRR. Geometric mean is a bit more forgiving // in the presence of noise (anomalously high values). // We don't need the full geometric mean, we simply calculate the arithmetic // means in log-space and then compare those values. let fastestTRR; let fastestAverageTime = -1; let trrs = [...TRRTimingMap.keys()]; for (let trr of trrs) { let times = TRRTimingMap.get(trr); if (!times.length) { continue; } // Skip TRRs that had an error rate of more than 30%. let errorCount = TRRErrorCount.get(trr) || 0; let totalResults = times.length + errorCount; if (errorCount / totalResults > 0.3) { continue; } // Arithmetic mean in log space. Take log of (a + 1) to ensure we never // take log(0) which would be -Infinity. let averageTime = times.map(a => Math.log(a + 1)).reduce((a, b) => a + b) / times.length; if (fastestAverageTime == -1 || averageTime < fastestAverageTime) { fastestAverageTime = averageTime; fastestTRR = trr; } } if (returnRandomDefault && !fastestTRR) { fastestTRR = trrs[Math.floor(Math.random() * trrs.length)]; } return fastestTRR; } _runNewAggregator() { this._aggregator = new LookupAggregator(() => this.onComplete()); this._aggregator.run(); this._retryCount++; } // When the link goes *down*, or when we detect a locked captive portal, we // abort any ongoing LookupAggregator run. When the link goes *up*, or we // detect a newly unlocked portal, we start a run if one isn't ongoing. observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "network:link-status-changed": if (this._aggregator && data == "down") { if (this._retryCount < 5) { this._aggregator.abort(); } else { this._aggregator.markUnstableNetwork(); } } else if ( data == "up" && (!this._aggregator || this._aggregator.aborted) ) { this._runNewAggregator(); } break; case "ipc:network:captive-portal-set-state": if ( this._aggregator && gCaptivePortalService.state == gCaptivePortalService.LOCKED_PORTAL ) { if (this._retryCount < 5) { this._aggregator.abort(); } else { this._aggregator.markCaptivePortal(); } } else if ( gCaptivePortalService.state == gCaptivePortalService.UNLOCKED_PORTAL && (!this._aggregator || this._aggregator.aborted) ) { this._runNewAggregator(); } break; } } }