"use strict"; const { ctypes } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); let eseBackStage = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/ESEDBReader.jsm", null ); let ESE = eseBackStage.ESE; let KERNEL = eseBackStage.KERNEL; let gLibs = eseBackStage.gLibs; let COLUMN_TYPES = eseBackStage.COLUMN_TYPES; let declareESEFunction = eseBackStage.declareESEFunction; let loadLibraries = eseBackStage.loadLibraries; let gESEInstanceCounter = 1; ESE.JET_COLUMNCREATE_W = new ctypes.StructType("JET_COLUMNCREATE_W", [ { cbStruct: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { szColumnName: ESE.JET_PCWSTR }, { coltyp: ESE.JET_COLTYP }, { cbMax: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { grbit: ESE.JET_GRBIT }, { pvDefault: ctypes.voidptr_t }, { cbDefault: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { cp: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { columnid: ESE.JET_COLUMNID }, { err: ESE.JET_ERR }, ]); function createColumnCreationWrapper({ name, type, cbMax }) { // We use a wrapper object because we need to be sure the JS engine won't GC // data that we're "only" pointing to. let wrapper = {}; wrapper.column = new ESE.JET_COLUMNCREATE_W(); wrapper.column.cbStruct = ESE.JET_COLUMNCREATE_W.size; let wchar_tArray = ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char16_t); wrapper.name = new wchar_tArray(name.length + 1); wrapper.name.value = String(name); wrapper.column.szColumnName = wrapper.name; wrapper.column.coltyp = type; let fallback = 0; switch (type) { case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypText: fallback = 255; // Intentional fall-through case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText: wrapper.column.cbMax = cbMax || fallback || 64 * 1024; break; case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypGUID: wrapper.column.cbMax = 16; break; case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypBit: wrapper.column.cbMax = 1; break; case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongLong: wrapper.column.cbMax = 8; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown column type!"); } wrapper.column.columnid = new ESE.JET_COLUMNID(); wrapper.column.grbit = 0; wrapper.column.pvDefault = null; wrapper.column.cbDefault = 0; wrapper.column.cp = 0; return wrapper; } // "forward declarations" of indexcreate and setinfo structs, which we don't use. ESE.JET_INDEXCREATE = new ctypes.StructType("JET_INDEXCREATE"); ESE.JET_SETINFO = new ctypes.StructType("JET_SETINFO"); ESE.JET_TABLECREATE_W = new ctypes.StructType("JET_TABLECREATE_W", [ { cbStruct: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { szTableName: ESE.JET_PCWSTR }, { szTemplateTableName: ESE.JET_PCWSTR }, { ulPages: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { ulDensity: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { rgcolumncreate: ESE.JET_COLUMNCREATE_W.ptr }, { cColumns: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { rgindexcreate: ESE.JET_INDEXCREATE.ptr }, { cIndexes: ctypes.unsigned_long }, { grbit: ESE.JET_GRBIT }, { tableid: ESE.JET_TABLEID }, { cCreated: ctypes.unsigned_long }, ]); function createTableCreationWrapper(tableName, columns) { let wrapper = {}; let wchar_tArray = ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char16_t); wrapper.name = new wchar_tArray(tableName.length + 1); wrapper.name.value = String(tableName); wrapper.table = new ESE.JET_TABLECREATE_W(); wrapper.table.cbStruct = ESE.JET_TABLECREATE_W.size; wrapper.table.szTableName = wrapper.name; wrapper.table.szTemplateTableName = null; wrapper.table.ulPages = 1; wrapper.table.ulDensity = 0; let columnArrayType = ESE.JET_COLUMNCREATE_W.array(columns.length); wrapper.columnAry = new columnArrayType(); wrapper.table.rgcolumncreate = wrapper.columnAry.addressOfElement(0); wrapper.table.cColumns = columns.length; wrapper.columns = []; for (let i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { let column = columns[i]; let columnWrapper = createColumnCreationWrapper(column); wrapper.columnAry.addressOfElement(i).contents = columnWrapper.column; wrapper.columns.push(columnWrapper); } wrapper.table.rgindexcreate = null; wrapper.table.cIndexes = 0; return wrapper; } function convertValueForWriting(value, valueType) { let buffer; let valueOfValueType = ctypes.UInt64.lo(valueType); switch (valueOfValueType) { case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongLong: if (value instanceof Date) { buffer = new KERNEL.FILETIME(); let sysTime = new KERNEL.SYSTEMTIME(); sysTime.wYear = value.getUTCFullYear(); sysTime.wMonth = value.getUTCMonth() + 1; sysTime.wDay = value.getUTCDate(); sysTime.wHour = value.getUTCHours(); sysTime.wMinute = value.getUTCMinutes(); sysTime.wSecond = value.getUTCSeconds(); sysTime.wMilliseconds = value.getUTCMilliseconds(); let rv = KERNEL.SystemTimeToFileTime( sysTime.address(), buffer.address() ); if (!rv) { throw new Error("Failed to get FileTime."); } return [buffer, KERNEL.FILETIME.size]; } throw new Error("Unrecognized value for longlong column"); case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText: let wchar_tArray = ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char16_t); buffer = new wchar_tArray(value.length + 1); buffer.value = String(value); return [buffer, buffer.length * 2]; case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypBit: buffer = new ctypes.uint8_t(); // Bizarre boolean values, but whatever: buffer.value = value ? 255 : 0; return [buffer, 1]; case COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypGUID: let byteArray = ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.uint8_t); buffer = new byteArray(16); let j = 0; for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { if (!/[0-9a-f]/i.test(value[i])) { continue; } let byteAsHex = value.substr(i, 2); buffer[j++] = parseInt(byteAsHex, 16); i++; } return [buffer, 16]; } throw new Error("Unknown type " + valueType); } let initializedESE = false; let eseDBWritingHelpers = { setupDB(dbFile, tables) { if (!initializedESE) { initializedESE = true; loadLibraries(); KERNEL.SystemTimeToFileTime = gLibs.kernel.declare( "SystemTimeToFileTime", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, KERNEL.SYSTEMTIME.ptr, KERNEL.FILETIME.ptr ); declareESEFunction( "CreateDatabaseW", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_PCWSTR, ESE.JET_PCWSTR, ESE.JET_DBID.ptr, ESE.JET_GRBIT ); declareESEFunction( "CreateTableColumnIndexW", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_DBID, ESE.JET_TABLECREATE_W.ptr ); declareESEFunction("BeginTransaction", ESE.JET_SESID); declareESEFunction("CommitTransaction", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_GRBIT); declareESEFunction( "PrepareUpdate", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_TABLEID, ctypes.unsigned_long ); declareESEFunction( "Update", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_TABLEID, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.unsigned_long, ctypes.unsigned_long.ptr ); declareESEFunction( "SetColumn", ESE.JET_SESID, ESE.JET_TABLEID, ESE.JET_COLUMNID, ctypes.voidptr_t, ctypes.unsigned_long, ESE.JET_GRBIT, ESE.JET_SETINFO.ptr ); ESE.SetSystemParameterW( null, 0, 64 /* JET_paramDatabasePageSize*/, 8192, null ); } let rootPath = dbFile.parent.path + "\\"; let logPath = rootPath + "LogFiles\\"; try { this._instanceId = new ESE.JET_INSTANCE(); ESE.CreateInstanceW( this._instanceId.address(), "firefox-dbwriter-" + gESEInstanceCounter++ ); this._instanceCreated = true; ESE.SetSystemParameterW( this._instanceId.address(), 0, 0 /* JET_paramSystemPath*/, 0, rootPath ); ESE.SetSystemParameterW( this._instanceId.address(), 0, 1 /* JET_paramTempPath */, 0, rootPath ); ESE.SetSystemParameterW( this._instanceId.address(), 0, 2 /* JET_paramLogFilePath*/, 0, logPath ); // Shouldn't try to call JetTerm if the following call fails. this._instanceCreated = false; ESE.Init(this._instanceId.address()); this._instanceCreated = true; this._sessionId = new ESE.JET_SESID(); ESE.BeginSessionW( this._instanceId, this._sessionId.address(), null, null ); this._sessionCreated = true; this._dbId = new ESE.JET_DBID(); this._dbPath = rootPath + "spartan.edb"; ESE.CreateDatabaseW( this._sessionId, this._dbPath, null, this._dbId.address(), 0 ); this._opened = this._attached = true; for (let [tableName, data] of tables) { let { rows, columns } = data; let tableCreationWrapper = createTableCreationWrapper( tableName, columns ); ESE.CreateTableColumnIndexW( this._sessionId, this._dbId, tableCreationWrapper.table.address() ); this._tableId = tableCreationWrapper.table.tableid; let columnIdMap = new Map(); if (rows.length) { // Iterate over the struct we passed into ESENT because they have the // created column ids. let columnCount = ctypes.UInt64.lo( tableCreationWrapper.table.cColumns ); let columnsPassed = tableCreationWrapper.table.rgcolumncreate; for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { let column = columnsPassed.contents; columnIdMap.set(column.szColumnName.readString(), column); columnsPassed = columnsPassed.increment(); } ESE.ManualMove( this._sessionId, this._tableId, -2147483648 /* JET_MoveFirst */, 0 ); ESE.BeginTransaction(this._sessionId); for (let row of rows) { ESE.PrepareUpdate( this._sessionId, this._tableId, 0 /* JET_prepInsert */ ); for (let columnName in row) { let col = columnIdMap.get(columnName); let colId = col.columnid; let [val, valSize] = convertValueForWriting( row[columnName], col.coltyp ); /* JET_bitSetOverwriteLV */ ESE.SetColumn( this._sessionId, this._tableId, colId, val.address(), valSize, 4, null ); } let actualBookmarkSize = new ctypes.unsigned_long(); ESE.Update( this._sessionId, this._tableId, null, 0, actualBookmarkSize.address() ); } ESE.CommitTransaction( this._sessionId, 0 /* JET_bitWaitLastLevel0Commit */ ); } } } finally { try { this._close(); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(ex); } } }, _close() { if (this._tableId) { ESE.FailSafeCloseTable(this._sessionId, this._tableId); delete this._tableId; } if (this._opened) { ESE.FailSafeCloseDatabase(this._sessionId, this._dbId, 0); this._opened = false; } if (this._attached) { ESE.FailSafeDetachDatabaseW(this._sessionId, this._dbPath); this._attached = false; } if (this._sessionCreated) { ESE.FailSafeEndSession(this._sessionId, 0); this._sessionCreated = false; } if (this._instanceCreated) { ESE.FailSafeTerm(this._instanceId); this._instanceCreated = false; } }, }; add_task(async function() { let tempFile = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); tempFile.append("fx-xpcshell-edge-db"); tempFile.createUnique(tempFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o600); let db = tempFile.clone(); db.append("spartan.edb"); let logs = tempFile.clone(); logs.append("LogFiles"); logs.create(tempFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o600); let creationDate = new Date(Date.now() - 5000); const kEdgeMenuParent = "62d07e2b-5f0d-4e41-8426-5f5ec9717beb"; let bookmarkReferenceItems = [ { URL: "http://www.mozilla.org/", Title: "Mozilla", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 100), ItemId: "1c00c10a-15f6-4618-92dd-22575102a4da", ParentId: kEdgeMenuParent, IsFolder: false, IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "Folder", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 200), ItemId: "564b21f2-05d6-4f7d-8499-304d00ccc3aa", ParentId: kEdgeMenuParent, IsFolder: true, IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "Item in folder", URL: "http://www.iteminfolder.org/", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 300), ItemId: "c295ddaf-04a1-424a-866c-0ebde011e7c8", ParentId: "564b21f2-05d6-4f7d-8499-304d00ccc3aa", IsFolder: false, IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "Deleted folder", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 400), ItemId: "a547573c-4d4d-4406-a736-5b5462d93bca", ParentId: kEdgeMenuParent, IsFolder: true, IsDeleted: true, }, { Title: "Deleted item", URL: "http://www.deleteditem.org/", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 500), ItemId: "37a574bb-b44b-4bbc-a414-908615536435", ParentId: kEdgeMenuParent, IsFolder: false, IsDeleted: true, }, { Title: "Item in deleted folder (should be in root)", URL: "http://www.itemindeletedfolder.org/", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 600), ItemId: "74dd1cc3-4c5d-471f-bccc-7bc7c72fa621", ParentId: "a547573c-4d4d-4406-a736-5b5462d93bca", IsFolder: false, IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "_Favorites_Bar_", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 700), ItemId: "921dc8a0-6c83-40ef-8df1-9bd1c5c56aaf", ParentId: kEdgeMenuParent, IsFolder: true, IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "Item in favorites bar", URL: "http://www.iteminfavoritesbar.org/", DateUpdated: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 800), ItemId: "9f2b1ff8-b651-46cf-8f41-16da8bcb6791", ParentId: "921dc8a0-6c83-40ef-8df1-9bd1c5c56aaf", IsFolder: false, IsDeleted: false, }, ]; let readingListReferenceItems = [ { Title: "Some mozilla page", URL: "http://www.mozilla.org/somepage/", AddedDate: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 900), ItemId: "c88426fd-52a7-419d-acbc-d2310e8afebe", IsDeleted: false, }, { Title: "Some other page", URL: "https://www.example.org/somepage/", AddedDate: new Date(creationDate.valueOf() + 1000), ItemId: "a35fc843-5d5a-4d1e-9be8-45214be24b5c", IsDeleted: false, }, ]; eseDBWritingHelpers.setupDB( db, new Map([ [ "Favorites", { columns: [ { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText, name: "URL", cbMax: 4096 }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText, name: "Title", cbMax: 4096, }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongLong, name: "DateUpdated" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypGUID, name: "ItemId" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypBit, name: "IsDeleted" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypBit, name: "IsFolder" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypGUID, name: "ParentId" }, ], rows: bookmarkReferenceItems, }, ], [ "ReadingList", { columns: [ { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText, name: "URL", cbMax: 4096 }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongText, name: "Title", cbMax: 4096, }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypLongLong, name: "AddedDate" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypGUID, name: "ItemId" }, { type: COLUMN_TYPES.JET_coltypBit, name: "IsDeleted" }, ], rows: readingListReferenceItems, }, ], ]) ); let migrator = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/profile/migrator;1?app=browser&type=edge" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator); let bookmarksMigrator = migrator.wrappedJSObject.getBookmarksMigratorForTesting( db ); Assert.ok(bookmarksMigrator.exists, "Should recognize db we just created"); let source = await MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString("source-name-edge"); let sourceLabel = await MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString( "imported-bookmarks-source", { source } ); let seenBookmarks = []; let listener = events => { for (let event of events) { let { id, itemType, url, title, dateAdded, guid, index, parentGuid, parentId, } = event; if (title.startsWith("Deleted")) { ok(false, "Should not see deleted items being bookmarked!"); } seenBookmarks.push({ id, parentId, index, itemType, url, title, dateAdded, guid, parentGuid, }); } }; PlacesUtils.observers.addListener(["bookmark-added"], listener); let migrateResult = await new Promise(resolve => bookmarksMigrator.migrate(resolve) ).catch(ex => { Cu.reportError(ex); Assert.ok(false, "Got an exception trying to migrate data! " + ex); return false; }); PlacesUtils.observers.removeListener(["bookmark-added"], listener); Assert.ok(migrateResult, "Migration should succeed"); Assert.equal( seenBookmarks.length, 5, "Should have seen 5 items being bookmarked." ); Assert.equal( seenBookmarks.filter(bm => bm.title != sourceLabel).length, MigrationUtils._importQuantities.bookmarks, "Telemetry should have items except for 'From Microsoft Edge' folders" ); let menuParents = seenBookmarks.filter( item => item.parentGuid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid ); Assert.equal( menuParents.length, 3, "Bookmarks are added to the menu without a folder" ); let toolbarParents = seenBookmarks.filter( item => item.parentGuid == PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid ); Assert.equal( toolbarParents.length, 1, "Should have a single item added to the toolbar" ); let menuParentGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid; let toolbarParentGuid = PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid; let expectedTitlesInMenu = bookmarkReferenceItems .filter(item => item.ParentId == kEdgeMenuParent) .map(item => item.Title); // Hacky, but seems like much the simplest way: expectedTitlesInMenu.push("Item in deleted folder (should be in root)"); let expectedTitlesInToolbar = bookmarkReferenceItems .filter(item => item.ParentId == "921dc8a0-6c83-40ef-8df1-9bd1c5c56aaf") .map(item => item.Title); let importParentFolderName = sourceLabel; for (let bookmark of seenBookmarks) { let shouldBeInMenu = expectedTitlesInMenu.includes(bookmark.title); let shouldBeInToolbar = expectedTitlesInToolbar.includes(bookmark.title); if ( bookmark.title == "Folder" || bookmark.title == importParentFolderName ) { Assert.equal( bookmark.itemType, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, "Bookmark " + bookmark.title + " should be a folder" ); } else { Assert.notEqual( bookmark.itemType, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, "Bookmark " + bookmark.title + " should not be a folder" ); } if (shouldBeInMenu) { Assert.equal( bookmark.parentGuid, menuParentGuid, "Item '" + bookmark.title + "' should be in menu" ); } else if (shouldBeInToolbar) { Assert.equal( bookmark.parentGuid, toolbarParentGuid, "Item '" + bookmark.title + "' should be in toolbar" ); } else if ( bookmark.guid == menuParentGuid || bookmark.guid == toolbarParentGuid ) { Assert.ok( true, "Expect toolbar and menu folders to not be in menu or toolbar" ); } else { // Bit hacky, but we do need to check this. Assert.equal( bookmark.title, "Item in folder", "Subfoldered item shouldn't be in menu or toolbar" ); let parent = seenBookmarks.find( maybeParent => maybeParent.guid == bookmark.parentGuid ); Assert.equal( parent && parent.title, "Folder", "Subfoldered item should be in subfolder labeled 'Folder'" ); } let dbItem = bookmarkReferenceItems.find( someItem => bookmark.title == someItem.Title ); if (!dbItem) { Assert.equal( bookmark.title, importParentFolderName, "Only the extra layer of folders isn't in the input we stuck in the DB." ); Assert.ok( [menuParentGuid, toolbarParentGuid].includes(bookmark.guid), "This item should be one of the containers" ); } else { Assert.equal(dbItem.URL || "", bookmark.url, "URL is correct"); Assert.equal( dbItem.DateUpdated.valueOf(), new Date(bookmark.dateAdded).valueOf(), "Date added is correct" ); } } MigrationUtils._importQuantities.bookmarks = 0; seenBookmarks = []; listener = events => { for (let event of events) { let { id, itemType, url, title, dateAdded, guid, index, parentGuid, parentId, } = event; seenBookmarks.push({ id, parentId, index, itemType, url, title, dateAdded, guid, parentGuid, }); } }; PlacesUtils.observers.addListener(["bookmark-added"], listener); let readingListMigrator = migrator.wrappedJSObject.getReadingListMigratorForTesting( db ); Assert.ok(readingListMigrator.exists, "Should recognize db we just created"); migrateResult = await new Promise(resolve => readingListMigrator.migrate(resolve) ).catch(ex => { Cu.reportError(ex); Assert.ok(false, "Got an exception trying to migrate data! " + ex); return false; }); PlacesUtils.observers.removeListener(["bookmark-added"], listener); Assert.ok(migrateResult, "Migration should succeed"); Assert.equal( seenBookmarks.length, 3, "Should have seen 3 items being bookmarked (2 items + 1 folder)." ); Assert.equal( seenBookmarks.filter(bm => bm.title != sourceLabel).length, MigrationUtils._importQuantities.bookmarks, "Telemetry should have items except for 'From Microsoft Edge' folders" ); let readingListContainerLabel = await MigrationUtils.getLocalizedString( "imported-edge-reading-list" ); for (let bookmark of seenBookmarks) { if (readingListContainerLabel == bookmark.title) { continue; } let referenceItem = readingListReferenceItems.find( item => item.Title == bookmark.title ); Assert.ok(referenceItem, "Should have imported what we expected"); Assert.equal(referenceItem.URL, bookmark.url, "Should have the right URL"); readingListReferenceItems.splice( readingListReferenceItems.findIndex(item => item.Title == bookmark.title), 1 ); } Assert.ok( !readingListReferenceItems.length, "Should have seen all expected items." ); });