/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm", RemoteL10n: "resource://activity-stream/lib/RemoteL10n.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( this, "TrackingDBService", "@mozilla.org/tracking-db-service;1", "nsITrackingDBService" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( this, "milestones", "browser.contentblocking.cfr-milestone.milestones", "[]", null, JSON.parse ); const POPUP_NOTIFICATION_ID = "contextual-feature-recommendation"; const ANIMATION_BUTTON_ID = "cfr-notification-footer-animation-button"; const ANIMATION_LABEL_ID = "cfr-notification-footer-animation-label"; const SUMO_BASE_URL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref( "app.support.baseURL" ); const ADDONS_API_URL = "https://services.addons.mozilla.org/api/v4/addons/addon"; const DELAY_BEFORE_EXPAND_MS = 1000; const CATEGORY_ICONS = { cfrAddons: "webextensions-icon", cfrFeatures: "recommendations-icon", cfrHeartbeat: "highlights-icon", }; /** * A WeakMap from browsers to {host, recommendation} pairs. Recommendations are * defined in the ExtensionDoorhanger.schema.json. * * A recommendation is specific to a browser and host and is active until the * given browser is closed or the user navigates (within that browser) away from * the host. */ let RecommendationMap = new WeakMap(); /** * A WeakMap from windows to their CFR PageAction. */ let PageActionMap = new WeakMap(); /** * We need one PageAction for each window */ class PageAction { constructor(win, dispatchCFRAction) { this.window = win; this.urlbar = win.gURLBar; // The global URLBar object this.urlbarinput = win.gURLBar.textbox; // The URLBar DOM node this.container = win.document.getElementById( "contextual-feature-recommendation" ); this.button = win.document.getElementById("cfr-button"); this.label = win.document.getElementById("cfr-label"); // This should NOT be use directly to dispatch message-defined actions attached to buttons. // Please use dispatchUserAction instead. this._dispatchCFRAction = dispatchCFRAction; this._popupStateChange = this._popupStateChange.bind(this); this._collapse = this._collapse.bind(this); this._cfrUrlbarButtonClick = this._cfrUrlbarButtonClick.bind(this); this._executeNotifierAction = this._executeNotifierAction.bind(this); this.dispatchUserAction = this.dispatchUserAction.bind(this); // Saved timeout IDs for scheduled state changes, so they can be cancelled this.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs = []; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "isDarkTheme", () => { try { return this.window.document.documentElement.hasAttribute( "lwt-toolbar-field-brighttext" ); } catch (e) { return false; } }); } addImpression(recommendation) { this._dispatchImpression(recommendation); // Only send an impression ping upon the first expansion. // Note that when the user clicks on the "show" button on the asrouter admin // page (both `bucket_id` and `id` will be set as null), we don't want to send // the impression ping in that case. if (!!recommendation.id && !!recommendation.content.bucket_id) { this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: recommendation.id, bucket_id: recommendation.content.bucket_id, event: "IMPRESSION", ...(recommendation.personalizedModelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion: recommendation.personalizedModelVersion, }, } : {}), }); } } reloadL10n() { RemoteL10n.reloadL10n(); } async showAddressBarNotifier(recommendation, shouldExpand = false) { this.container.hidden = false; let notificationText = await this.getStrings( recommendation.content.notification_text ); this.label.value = notificationText; if (notificationText.attributes) { this.button.setAttribute( "tooltiptext", notificationText.attributes.tooltiptext ); // For a11y, we want the more descriptive text. this.container.setAttribute( "aria-label", notificationText.attributes.tooltiptext ); } this.container.setAttribute( "data-cfr-icon", CATEGORY_ICONS[recommendation.content.category] ); if (recommendation.content.active_color) { this.container.style.setProperty( "--cfr-active-color", recommendation.content.active_color ); } // Wait for layout to flush to avoid a synchronous reflow then calculate the // label width. We can safely get the width even though the recommendation is // collapsed; the label itself remains full width (with its overflow hidden) let [{ width }] = await this.window.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => this.label.getClientRects() ); this.urlbarinput.style.setProperty("--cfr-label-width", `${width}px`); this.container.addEventListener("click", this._cfrUrlbarButtonClick); // Collapse the recommendation on url bar focus in order to free up more // space to display and edit the url this.urlbar.addEventListener("focus", this._collapse); if (shouldExpand) { this._clearScheduledStateChanges(); // After one second, expand this._expand(DELAY_BEFORE_EXPAND_MS); this.addImpression(recommendation); } if (notificationText.attributes) { this.window.A11yUtils.announce({ raw: notificationText.attributes["a11y-announcement"], source: this.container, }); } } hideAddressBarNotifier() { this.container.hidden = true; this._clearScheduledStateChanges(); this.urlbarinput.removeAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state"); this.container.removeEventListener("click", this._cfrUrlbarButtonClick); this.urlbar.removeEventListener("focus", this._collapse); if (this.currentNotification) { this.window.PopupNotifications.remove(this.currentNotification); this.currentNotification = null; } } _expand(delay) { if (delay > 0) { this.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs.push( this.window.setTimeout(() => { this.urlbarinput.setAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state", "expanded"); }, delay) ); } else { // Non-delayed state change overrides any scheduled state changes this._clearScheduledStateChanges(); this.urlbarinput.setAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state", "expanded"); } } _collapse(delay) { if (delay > 0) { this.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs.push( this.window.setTimeout(() => { if ( this.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state") === "expanded" ) { this.urlbarinput.setAttribute( "cfr-recommendation-state", "collapsed" ); } }, delay) ); } else { // Non-delayed state change overrides any scheduled state changes this._clearScheduledStateChanges(); if ( this.urlbarinput.getAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state") === "expanded" ) { this.urlbarinput.setAttribute("cfr-recommendation-state", "collapsed"); } } // TODO: FIXME: find a nicer way of cleaning this up. Maybe listening to "popuphidden"? // Remove click listener on pause button; if (this.onAnimationButtonClick) { this.window.document .getElementById(ANIMATION_BUTTON_ID) .removeEventListener("click", this.onAnimationButtonClick); delete this.onAnimationButtonClick; } } _clearScheduledStateChanges() { while (this.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs.length) { // clearTimeout is safe even with invalid/expired IDs this.window.clearTimeout(this.stateTransitionTimeoutIDs.pop()); } } // This is called when the popup closes as a result of interaction _outside_ // the popup, e.g. by hitting _popupStateChange(state) { if (state === "shown") { if (this._autoFocus) { this.window.document.commandDispatcher.advanceFocusIntoSubtree( this.currentNotification.owner.panel ); this._autoFocus = false; } } else if (state === "removed") { if (this.currentNotification) { this.window.PopupNotifications.remove(this.currentNotification); this.currentNotification = null; } } else if (state === "dismissed") { this._collapse(); } } shouldShowDoorhanger(recommendation) { if (recommendation.content.layout === "chiclet_open_url") { return false; } return true; } dispatchUserAction(action) { this._dispatchCFRAction( { type: "USER_ACTION", data: action }, this.window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); } _dispatchImpression(message) { this._dispatchCFRAction({ type: "IMPRESSION", data: message }); } _sendTelemetry(ping) { this._dispatchCFRAction({ type: "DOORHANGER_TELEMETRY", data: { action: "cfr_user_event", source: "CFR", ...ping }, }); } _blockMessage(messageID) { this._dispatchCFRAction({ type: "BLOCK_MESSAGE_BY_ID", data: { id: messageID }, }); } maybeLoadCustomElement(win) { if (!win.customElements.get("remote-text")) { Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "resource://activity-stream/data/custom-elements/paragraph.js", win ); } } /** * getStrings - Handles getting the localized strings vs message overrides. * If string_id is not defined it assumes you passed in an override * message and it just returns it. * If subAttribute is provided, the string for it is returned. * @return A string. One of 1) passed in string 2) a String object with * attributes property if there are attributes 3) the sub attribute. */ async getStrings(string, subAttribute = "") { if (!string.string_id) { if (subAttribute) { if (string.attributes) { return string.attributes[subAttribute]; } Cu.reportError( `String ${string.value} does not contain any attributes` ); return subAttribute; } if (typeof string.value === "string") { const stringWithAttributes = new String(string.value); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers stringWithAttributes.attributes = string.attributes; return stringWithAttributes; } return string; } const [localeStrings] = await RemoteL10n.l10n.formatMessages([ { id: string.string_id, args: string.args, }, ]); const mainString = new String(localeStrings.value); // eslint-disable-line no-new-wrappers if (localeStrings.attributes) { const attributes = localeStrings.attributes.reduce((acc, attribute) => { acc[attribute.name] = attribute.value; return acc; }, {}); mainString.attributes = attributes; } return subAttribute ? mainString.attributes[subAttribute] : mainString; } async _setAddonAuthorAndRating(document, content) { const author = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-author" ); const footerFilledStars = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-filled-stars" ); const footerEmptyStars = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-empty-stars" ); const footerUsers = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-users" ); const footerSpacer = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-spacer" ); author.textContent = await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-author", args: { name: content.addon.author }, }); const { rating } = content.addon; if (rating) { const MAX_RATING = 5; const STARS_WIDTH = 17 * MAX_RATING; const calcWidth = stars => `${(stars / MAX_RATING) * STARS_WIDTH}px`; footerFilledStars.style.width = calcWidth(rating); footerEmptyStars.style.width = calcWidth(MAX_RATING - rating); const ratingString = await this.getStrings( { string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-rating", args: { total: rating }, }, "tooltiptext" ); footerFilledStars.setAttribute("tooltiptext", ratingString); footerEmptyStars.setAttribute("tooltiptext", ratingString); } else { footerFilledStars.style.width = ""; footerEmptyStars.style.width = ""; footerFilledStars.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); footerEmptyStars.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); } const { users } = content.addon; if (users) { footerUsers.setAttribute( "value", await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-total-users", args: { total: users }, }) ); footerUsers.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { // Prevent whitespace around empty label from affecting other spacing footerUsers.setAttribute("hidden", true); footerUsers.removeAttribute("value"); } // Spacer pushes the link to the opposite end when there's other content if (rating || users) { footerSpacer.removeAttribute("hidden"); } else { footerSpacer.setAttribute("hidden", true); } } _createElementAndAppend({ type, id }, parent) { let element = this.window.document.createXULElement(type); if (id) { element.setAttribute("id", id); } parent.appendChild(element); return element; } async _renderPinTabAnimation() { const ANIMATION_CONTAINER_ID = "cfr-notification-footer-pintab-animation-container"; const footer = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer" ); let animationContainer = this.window.document.getElementById( ANIMATION_CONTAINER_ID ); if (!animationContainer) { animationContainer = this._createElementAndAppend( { type: "vbox", id: ANIMATION_CONTAINER_ID }, footer ); let controlsContainer = this._createElementAndAppend( { type: "hbox", id: "cfr-notification-footer-animation-controls" }, animationContainer ); // spacer this._createElementAndAppend( { type: "vbox" }, controlsContainer ).setAttribute("flex", 1); let animationButton = this._createElementAndAppend( { type: "hbox", id: ANIMATION_BUTTON_ID }, controlsContainer ); // animation button label this._createElementAndAppend( { type: "label", id: ANIMATION_LABEL_ID }, animationButton ); } animationContainer.toggleAttribute( "animate", !this.window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)").matches ); animationContainer.removeAttribute("paused"); this.window.document.getElementById( ANIMATION_LABEL_ID ).textContent = await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-pintab-animation-pause", }); if (!this.onAnimationButtonClick) { let animationButton = this.window.document.getElementById( ANIMATION_BUTTON_ID ); this.onAnimationButtonClick = async () => { let animationLabel = this.window.document.getElementById( ANIMATION_LABEL_ID ); if (animationContainer.toggleAttribute("paused")) { animationLabel.textContent = await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-pintab-animation-resume", }); } else { animationLabel.textContent = await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-pintab-animation-pause", }); } }; animationButton.addEventListener("click", this.onAnimationButtonClick); } } async _renderMilestonePopup(message, browser) { this.maybeLoadCustomElement(this.window); let { content, id } = message; let { primary, secondary } = content.buttons; let dateFormat = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat( this.window.gBrowser.ownerGlobal.navigator.language, { month: "long", year: "numeric", } ).format; let earliestDate = await TrackingDBService.getEarliestRecordedDate(); let monthName = dateFormat(new Date(earliestDate)); let panelTitle = ""; let headerLabel = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-header-label" ); let reachedMilestone = 0; let totalSaved = await TrackingDBService.sumAllEvents(); for (let milestone of milestones) { if (totalSaved >= milestone) { reachedMilestone = milestone; } } if (headerLabel.firstChild) { headerLabel.firstChild.remove(); } headerLabel.appendChild( RemoteL10n.createElement(this.window.document, "span", { content: message.content.heading_text, attributes: { blockedCount: reachedMilestone, date: monthName, }, }) ); // Use the message layout as a CSS selector to hide different parts of the // notification template markup this.window.document .getElementById("contextual-feature-recommendation-notification") .setAttribute("data-notification-category", content.layout); this.window.document .getElementById("contextual-feature-recommendation-notification") .setAttribute("data-notification-bucket", content.bucket_id); let notification = this.window.document.getElementById( "notification-popup" ); let primaryBtnString = await this.getStrings(primary.label); let primaryActionCallback = () => { this.dispatchUserAction(primary.action); this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "CLICK_BUTTON", }); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); // Invalidate the pref after the user interacts with the button. // We don't need to show the illustration in the privacy panel. Services.prefs.clearUserPref( "browser.contentblocking.cfr-milestone.milestone-shown-time" ); }; let secondaryBtnString = await this.getStrings(secondary[0].label); let secondaryActionsCallback = () => { this.dispatchUserAction(secondary[0].action); this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "DISMISS", }); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); }; let mainAction = { label: primaryBtnString, accessKey: primaryBtnString.attributes.accesskey, callback: primaryActionCallback, }; let secondaryActions = [ { label: secondaryBtnString, accessKey: secondaryBtnString.attributes.accesskey, callback: secondaryActionsCallback, }, ]; let style = this.window.document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = ` .cfr-notification-milestone .panel-arrow { fill: #0250BB !important; } `; style.classList.add("milestone-style"); let arrow; let manageClass = event => { if (event === "dismissed" || event === "removed") { style = notification.shadowRoot.querySelector(".milestone-style"); if (style) { notification.shadowRoot.removeChild(style); } arrow.classList.remove("cfr-notification-milestone"); } else if (event === "showing") { notification.shadowRoot.appendChild(style); arrow = notification.shadowRoot.querySelector(".panel-arrowcontainer"); arrow.classList.add("cfr-notification-milestone"); } }; // Actually show the notification this.currentNotification = this.window.PopupNotifications.show( browser, POPUP_NOTIFICATION_ID, panelTitle, "cfr", mainAction, secondaryActions, { hideClose: true, eventCallback: manageClass, persistWhileVisible: true, } ); Services.prefs.setIntPref( "browser.contentblocking.cfr-milestone.milestone-achieved", reachedMilestone ); Services.prefs.setStringPref( "browser.contentblocking.cfr-milestone.milestone-shown-time", Date.now().toString() ); } // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements async _renderPopup(message, browser) { this.maybeLoadCustomElement(this.window); const { id, content, modelVersion } = message; const headerLabel = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-header-label" ); const headerLink = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-header-link" ); const headerImage = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-header-image" ); const footerText = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-text" ); const footerLink = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-footer-learn-more-link" ); const { primary, secondary } = content.buttons; let primaryActionCallback; let options = { persistent: !!content.persistent_doorhanger }; let panelTitle; headerLabel.value = await this.getStrings(content.heading_text); headerLink.setAttribute( "href", SUMO_BASE_URL + content.info_icon.sumo_path ); headerImage.setAttribute( "tooltiptext", await this.getStrings(content.info_icon.label, "tooltiptext") ); headerLink.onclick = () => this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "RATIONALE", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); // Use the message layout as a CSS selector to hide different parts of the // notification template markup this.window.document .getElementById("contextual-feature-recommendation-notification") .setAttribute("data-notification-category", content.layout); this.window.document .getElementById("contextual-feature-recommendation-notification") .setAttribute("data-notification-bucket", content.bucket_id); switch (content.layout) { case "icon_and_message": const author = this.window.document.getElementById( "cfr-notification-author" ); if (author.firstChild) { author.firstChild.remove(); } author.appendChild( RemoteL10n.createElement(this.window.document, "span", { content: content.text, }) ); primaryActionCallback = () => { this._blockMessage(id); this.dispatchUserAction(primary.action); this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "ENABLE", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); }; let getIcon = () => { if (content.icon_dark_theme && this.isDarkTheme) { return content.icon_dark_theme; } return content.icon; }; let learnMoreURL = content.learn_more ? SUMO_BASE_URL + content.learn_more : null; panelTitle = await this.getStrings(content.heading_text); options = { popupIconURL: getIcon(), popupIconClass: content.icon_class, learnMoreURL, ...options, }; break; case "message_and_animation": footerText.textContent = await this.getStrings(content.text); const stepsContainerId = "cfr-notification-feature-steps"; let stepsContainer = this.window.document.getElementById( stepsContainerId ); primaryActionCallback = () => { this._blockMessage(id); this.dispatchUserAction(primary.action); this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "PIN", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); }; panelTitle = await this.getStrings(content.heading_text); if (content.descriptionDetails) { if (stepsContainer) { // If it exists we need to empty it stepsContainer.remove(); stepsContainer = stepsContainer.cloneNode(false); } else { stepsContainer = this.window.document.createXULElement("vbox"); stepsContainer.setAttribute("id", stepsContainerId); } footerText.parentNode.appendChild(stepsContainer); for (let step of content.descriptionDetails.steps) { // This li is a generic xul element with custom styling const li = this.window.document.createXULElement("li"); li.appendChild( RemoteL10n.createElement(this.window.document, "span", { content: step, }) ); stepsContainer.appendChild(li); } } await this._renderPinTabAnimation(); break; default: panelTitle = await this.getStrings(content.addon.title); await this._setAddonAuthorAndRating(this.window.document, content); if (footerText.firstChild) { footerText.firstChild.remove(); } // Main body content of the dropdown footerText.appendChild( RemoteL10n.createElement(this.window.document, "span", { content: content.text, }) ); options = { popupIconURL: content.addon.icon, ...options }; footerLink.value = await this.getStrings({ string_id: "cfr-doorhanger-extension-learn-more-link", }); footerLink.setAttribute("href", content.addon.amo_url); footerLink.onclick = () => this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "LEARN_MORE", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); primaryActionCallback = async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define primary.action.data.url = await CFRPageActions._fetchLatestAddonVersion( content.addon.id ); this._blockMessage(id); this.dispatchUserAction(primary.action); this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "INSTALL", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); }; } const primaryBtnStrings = await this.getStrings(primary.label); const mainAction = { label: primaryBtnStrings, accessKey: primaryBtnStrings.attributes.accesskey, callback: primaryActionCallback, }; let _renderSecondaryButtonAction = async (event, button) => { let label = await this.getStrings(button.label); let { attributes } = label; return { label, accessKey: attributes.accesskey, callback: () => { if (button.action) { this.dispatchUserAction(button.action); } else { this._blockMessage(id); this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); } this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event, ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); // We want to collapse if needed when we dismiss this._collapse(); }, }; }; // For each secondary action, define default telemetry event const defaultSecondaryEvent = ["DISMISS", "BLOCK", "MANAGE"]; const secondaryActions = await Promise.all( secondary.map((button, i) => { return _renderSecondaryButtonAction( button.event || defaultSecondaryEvent[i], button ); }) ); // If the recommendation button is focused, it was probably activated via // the keyboard. Therefore, focus the first element in the notification when // it appears. // We don't use the autofocus option provided by PopupNotifications.show // because it doesn't focus the first element; i.e. the user still has to // press tab once. That's not good enough, especially for screen reader // users. Instead, we handle this ourselves in _popupStateChange. this._autoFocus = this.window.document.activeElement === this.container; // Actually show the notification this.currentNotification = this.window.PopupNotifications.show( browser, POPUP_NOTIFICATION_ID, panelTitle, "cfr", mainAction, secondaryActions, { ...options, hideClose: true, eventCallback: this._popupStateChange, } ); } _executeNotifierAction(browser, message) { switch (message.content.layout) { case "chiclet_open_url": this._dispatchCFRAction( { type: "USER_ACTION", data: { type: "OPEN_URL", data: { args: message.content.action.url, where: message.content.action.where, }, }, }, this.window ); break; } this._blockMessage(message.id); this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); RecommendationMap.delete(browser); } /** * Respond to a user click on the recommendation by showing a doorhanger/ * popup notification or running the action defined in the message */ async _cfrUrlbarButtonClick(event) { const browser = this.window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; if (!RecommendationMap.has(browser)) { // There's no recommendation for this browser, so the user shouldn't have // been able to click this.hideAddressBarNotifier(); return; } const message = RecommendationMap.get(browser); const { id, content, modelVersion } = message; this._sendTelemetry({ message_id: id, bucket_id: content.bucket_id, event: "CLICK_DOORHANGER", ...(modelVersion ? { event_context: { modelVersion } } : {}), }); if (this.shouldShowDoorhanger(message)) { // The recommendation should remain either collapsed or expanded while the // doorhanger is showing this._clearScheduledStateChanges(browser, message); await this.showPopup(); } else { await this._executeNotifierAction(browser, message); } } async showPopup() { const browser = this.window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; const message = RecommendationMap.get(browser); const { content } = message; // A hacky way of setting the popup anchor outside the usual url bar icon box // See https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/847b64cc28b74b44c379f9bff4f415b97da1c6d7/toolkit/modules/PopupNotifications.jsm#42 browser.cfrpopupnotificationanchor = this.window.document.getElementById(content.anchor_id) || this.container; await this._renderPopup(message, browser); } async showMilestonePopup() { const browser = this.window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser; const message = RecommendationMap.get(browser); const { content } = message; // A hacky way of setting the popup anchor outside the usual url bar icon box // See https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/847b64cc28b74b44c379f9bff4f415b97da1c6d7/toolkit/modules/PopupNotifications.jsm#42 browser.cfrpopupnotificationanchor = this.window.document.getElementById(content.anchor_id) || this.container; await this._renderMilestonePopup(message, browser); return true; } } function isHostMatch(browser, host) { return ( browser.documentURI.scheme.startsWith("http") && browser.documentURI.host === host ); } const CFRPageActions = { // For testing purposes RecommendationMap, PageActionMap, /** * To be called from browser.js on a location change, passing in the browser * that's been updated */ updatePageActions(browser) { const win = browser.ownerGlobal; const pageAction = PageActionMap.get(win); if (!pageAction || browser !== win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser) { return; } if (RecommendationMap.has(browser)) { const recommendation = RecommendationMap.get(browser); if ( !recommendation.content.skip_address_bar_notifier && (isHostMatch(browser, recommendation.host) || // If there is no host associated we assume we're back on a tab // that had a CFR message so we should show it again !recommendation.host) ) { // The browser has a recommendation specified with this host, so show // the page action pageAction.showAddressBarNotifier(recommendation); } else if (recommendation.retain) { // Keep the recommendation first time the user navigates away just in // case they will go back to the previous page pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier(); recommendation.retain = false; } else { // The user has navigated away from the specified host in the given // browser, so the recommendation is no longer valid and should be removed RecommendationMap.delete(browser); pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier(); } } else { // There's no recommendation specified for this browser, so hide the page action pageAction.hideAddressBarNotifier(); } }, /** * Fetch the URL to the latest add-on xpi so the recommendation can download it. * @param id The add-on ID * @return A string for the URL that was fetched */ async _fetchLatestAddonVersion(id) { let url = null; try { const response = await fetch(`${ADDONS_API_URL}/${id}/`, { credentials: "omit", }); if (response.status !== 204 && response.ok) { const json = await response.json(); url = json.current_version.files[0].url; } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError( "Failed to get the latest add-on version for this recommendation" ); } return url; }, /** * Force a recommendation to be shown. Should only happen via the Admin page. * @param browser The browser for the recommendation * @param recommendation The recommendation to show * @param dispatchCFRAction A function to dispatch resulting actions to * @return Did adding the recommendation succeed? */ async forceRecommendation(browser, recommendation, dispatchCFRAction) { // If we are forcing via the Admin page, the browser comes in a different format const win = browser.ownerGlobal; const { id, content, personalizedModelVersion } = recommendation; RecommendationMap.set(browser, { id, content, retain: true, modelVersion: personalizedModelVersion, }); if (!PageActionMap.has(win)) { PageActionMap.set(win, new PageAction(win, dispatchCFRAction)); } if (content.skip_address_bar_notifier) { if (recommendation.template === "milestone_message") { await PageActionMap.get(win).showMilestonePopup(); PageActionMap.get(win).addImpression(recommendation); } else { await PageActionMap.get(win).showPopup(); PageActionMap.get(win).addImpression(recommendation); } } else { await PageActionMap.get(win).showAddressBarNotifier(recommendation, true); } return true; }, /** * Add a recommendation specific to the given browser and host. * @param browser The browser for the recommendation * @param host The host for the recommendation * @param recommendation The recommendation to show * @param dispatchCFRAction A function to dispatch resulting actions to * @return Did adding the recommendation succeed? */ async addRecommendation(browser, host, recommendation, dispatchCFRAction) { const win = browser.ownerGlobal; if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win)) { return false; } if ( browser !== win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser || // We can have recommendations without URL restrictions (host && !isHostMatch(browser, host)) ) { return false; } if (RecommendationMap.has(browser)) { // Don't replace an existing message return false; } const { id, content, personalizedModelVersion } = recommendation; RecommendationMap.set(browser, { id, host, content, retain: true, modelVersion: personalizedModelVersion, }); if (!PageActionMap.has(win)) { PageActionMap.set(win, new PageAction(win, dispatchCFRAction)); } if (content.skip_address_bar_notifier) { if (recommendation.template === "milestone_message") { await PageActionMap.get(win).showMilestonePopup(); PageActionMap.get(win).addImpression(recommendation); } else { // Tracking protection messages await PageActionMap.get(win).showPopup(); PageActionMap.get(win).addImpression(recommendation); } } else { // Doorhanger messages await PageActionMap.get(win).showAddressBarNotifier(recommendation, true); } return true; }, /** * Clear all recommendations and hide all PageActions */ clearRecommendations() { // WeakMaps aren't iterable so we have to test all existing windows for (const win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { if (win.closed || !PageActionMap.has(win)) { continue; } PageActionMap.get(win).hideAddressBarNotifier(); } // WeakMaps don't have a `clear` method PageActionMap = new WeakMap(); RecommendationMap = new WeakMap(); this.PageActionMap = PageActionMap; this.RecommendationMap = RecommendationMap; }, /** * Reload the l10n Fluent files for all PageActions */ reloadL10n() { for (const win of Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser")) { if (win.closed || !PageActionMap.has(win)) { continue; } PageActionMap.get(win).reloadL10n(); } }, }; this.PageAction = PageAction; this.CFRPageActions = CFRPageActions; const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CFRPageActions", "PageAction"];