import { RemoteL10n, _RemoteL10n } from "lib/RemoteL10n.jsm"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; describe("RemoteL10n", () => { let sandbox; let globals; let domL10nStub; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); domL10nStub = sandbox.stub(); globals.set("DOMLocalization", domL10nStub); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe("#RemoteL10n", () => { it("should create a new instance", () => { assert.ok(new _RemoteL10n()); }); it("should create a DOMLocalization instance", () => { domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true }); const instance = new _RemoteL10n(); assert.propertyVal(instance._createDOML10n(), "instance", true); assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub); }); it("should create a new instance", () => { domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true }); const instance = new _RemoteL10n(); assert.ok(instance.l10n); instance.reloadL10n(); assert.ok(instance.l10n); assert.calledTwice(domL10nStub); }); it("should reuse the instance", () => { domL10nStub.returns({ instance: true }); const instance = new _RemoteL10n(); assert.ok(instance.l10n); assert.ok(instance.l10n); assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub); }); }); describe("#_createDOML10n", () => { it("should load the remote Fluent file if USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(true); RemoteL10n._createDOML10n(); assert.calledOnce(domL10nStub); const { args } = domL10nStub.firstCall; // The first arg is the resource array, // the second one is false (use async), // and the third one is the bundle generator. assert.equal(args.length, 3); assert.deepEqual(args[0], [ "browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl", "browser/branding/brandings.ftl", "browser/branding/sync-brand.ftl", "branding/brand.ftl", "browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl", ]); assert.isFalse(args[1]); assert.isFunction(args[2].generateBundles); }); it("should load the local Fluent file if USE_REMOTE_L10N_PREF is false", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref").returns(false); RemoteL10n._createDOML10n(); const { args } = domL10nStub.firstCall; // The first arg is the resource array, // the second one is false (use async), // and the third one is null. assert.equal(args.length, 3); assert.deepEqual(args[0], [ "browser/newtab/asrouter.ftl", "browser/branding/brandings.ftl", "browser/branding/sync-brand.ftl", "branding/brand.ftl", "browser/defaultBrowserNotification.ftl", ]); assert.isFalse(args[1]); assert.isEmpty(args[2]); }); }); describe("#createElement", () => { let doc; let instance; let setStringStub; let elem; beforeEach(() => { elem = document.createElement("div"); doc = { createElement: sandbox.stub().returns(elem), createElementNS: sandbox.stub().returns(elem), }; instance = new _RemoteL10n(); setStringStub = sandbox.stub(instance, "setString"); }); it("should call createElement if string_id is defined", () => { instance.createElement(doc, "span", { content: { string_id: "foo" } }); assert.calledOnce(doc.createElement); }); it("should call createElementNS if string_id is not present", () => { instance.createElement(doc, "span", { content: "foo" }); assert.calledOnce(doc.createElementNS); }); it("should set classList", () => { instance.createElement(doc, "span", { classList: "foo" }); assert.isTrue(elem.classList.contains("foo")); }); it("should call setString", () => { const options = { classList: "foo" }; instance.createElement(doc, "span", options); assert.calledOnce(setStringStub); assert.calledWithExactly(setStringStub, elem, options); }); }); describe("#setString", () => { let instance; beforeEach(() => { instance = new _RemoteL10n(); }); it("should set fluent variables and id", () => { let el = { setAttribute: sandbox.stub() }; instance.setString(el, { content: { string_id: "foo" }, attributes: { bar: "bar", baz: "baz" }, }); assert.calledThrice(el.setAttribute); assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-variable-bar", "bar"); assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-variable-baz", "baz"); assert.calledWithExactly(el.setAttribute, "fluent-remote-id", "foo"); }); it("should set content if no string_id", () => { let el = { setAttribute: sandbox.stub() }; instance.setString(el, { content: "foo" }); assert.notCalled(el.setAttribute); assert.equal(el.textContent, "foo"); }); }); describe("#isLocaleSupported", () => { it("should return true if the locale is en-US", () => { assert.ok(RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("en-US")); }); it("should return true if the locale is in all-locales", () => { assert.ok(RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("en-CA")); }); it("should return false if the locale is not in all-locales", () => { assert.ok(!RemoteL10n.isLocaleSupported("und")); }); }); });