import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, actionUtils as au, } from "common/Actions.jsm"; import { combineReducers, createStore } from "redux"; import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { DiscoveryStreamFeed } from "lib/DiscoveryStreamFeed.jsm"; import { RecommendationProviderSwitcher } from "lib/RecommendationProviderSwitcher.jsm"; import { reducers } from "common/Reducers.jsm"; const CONFIG_PREF_NAME = "discoverystream.config"; const DUMMY_ENDPOINT = ""; const ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME = "discoverystream.endpoints"; const SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF = "discoverystream.spoc.impressions"; const REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF = "discoverystream.rec.impressions"; const THIRTY_MINUTES = 30 * 60 * 1000; const ONE_WEEK = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 1 week const FAKE_UUID = "{foo-123-foo}"; // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements describe("DiscoveryStreamFeed", () => { let feed; let feeds; let recommendationProviderSwitcher; let sandbox; let fetchStub; let clock; let fakeNewTabUtils; let globals; const setPref = (name, value) => { const action = { type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name, value: typeof value === "object" ? JSON.stringify(value) : value, }, };; feed.onAction(action); }; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); // Fetch fetchStub = sandbox.stub(global, "fetch"); // Time clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); globals = new GlobalOverrider(); globals.set("gUUIDGenerator", { generateUUID: () => FAKE_UUID }); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getBoolPref") .withArgs("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.enabled") .returns(true); recommendationProviderSwitcher = new RecommendationProviderSwitcher(); = createStore( combineReducers(reducers), {} ); feeds = { "feeds.recommendationproviderswitcher": recommendationProviderSwitcher, }; // Feed feed = new DiscoveryStreamFeed(); = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), { Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: false, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, }), [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, "discoverystream.enabled": true, "feeds.section.topstories": true, "feeds.system.topstories": true, "discoverystream.spocs.personalized": true, "discoverystream.recs.personalized": true, }, }, }); = { get: name => feeds[name], }; global.fetch.resetHistory(); sandbox.stub(feed, "_maybeUpdateCachedData").resolves(); globals.set("setTimeout", callback => { callback(); }); fakeNewTabUtils = { blockedLinks: { links: [], isBlocked: () => false, }, }; globals.set("NewTabUtils", fakeNewTabUtils); }); afterEach(() => { clock.restore(); sandbox.restore(); globals.restore(); }); describe("#fetchFromEndpoint", () => { beforeEach(() => { feed._prefCache = { config: { api_key_pref: "", }, }; fetchStub.resolves({ json: () => Promise.resolve("hi"), ok: true, }); }); it("should get a response", async () => { const response = await feed.fetchFromEndpoint(DUMMY_ENDPOINT); assert.equal(response, "hi"); }); it("should not send cookies", async () => { await feed.fetchFromEndpoint(DUMMY_ENDPOINT); assert.propertyVal(fetchStub.firstCall.args[1], "credentials", "omit"); }); it("should allow unexpected response", async () => { fetchStub.resolves({ ok: false }); const response = await feed.fetchFromEndpoint(DUMMY_ENDPOINT); assert.equal(response, null); }); it("should disallow unexpected endpoints", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: "" } }, }); const response = await feed.fetchFromEndpoint(DUMMY_ENDPOINT); assert.equal(response, null); }); it("should allow multiple endpoints", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: `,${DUMMY_ENDPOINT}`, }, }, }); const response = await feed.fetchFromEndpoint(DUMMY_ENDPOINT); assert.equal(response, "hi"); }); it("should replace urls with $apiKey", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getCharPref").returns("replaced"); await feed.fetchFromEndpoint( "$apiKey" ); assert.calledWithMatch( fetchStub, "", { credentials: "omit" } ); }); it("should replace locales with $locale", async () => { feed.locale = "replaced"; await feed.fetchFromEndpoint( "$locale" ); assert.calledWithMatch( fetchStub, "", { credentials: "omit" } ); }); it("should allow POST and with other options", async () => { await feed.fetchFromEndpoint("", { method: "POST", body: "{}", }); assert.calledWithMatch( fetchStub, "", { credentials: "omit", method: "POST", body: "{}", } ); }); }); describe("#getOrCreateImpressionId", () => { it("should create impression id in constructor", async () => { assert.equal(feed._impressionId, FAKE_UUID); }); it("should create impression id if none exists", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "setCharPref").returns(); const result = feed.getOrCreateImpressionId(); assert.equal(result, FAKE_UUID); assert.calledOnce(global.Services.prefs.setCharPref); }); it("should use impression id if exists", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.prefs, "getCharPref").returns("from get"); const result = feed.getOrCreateImpressionId(); assert.equal(result, "from get"); assert.calledOnce(global.Services.prefs.getCharPref); }); }); describe("#loadLayout", () => { it("should fetch data and populate the cache if it is empty", async () => { const resp = { layout: ["foo", "bar"] }; const fakeCache = {}; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); fetchStub.resolves({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve(resp) }); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.calledOnce(fetchStub); assert.equal(feed.cache.set.firstCall.args[0], "layout"); assert.deepEqual(feed.cache.set.firstCall.args[1].layout, resp.layout); }); it("should fetch data and populate the cache if the cached data is older than 30 mins", async () => { const resp = { layout: ["foo", "bar"] }; const fakeCache = { layout: { layout: ["hello"], lastUpdated: }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); fetchStub.resolves({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve(resp) }); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.calledOnce(fetchStub); assert.equal(feed.cache.set.firstCall.args[0], "layout"); assert.deepEqual(feed.cache.set.firstCall.args[1].layout, resp.layout); }); it("should use the cached data and not fetch if the cached data is less than 30 mins old", async () => { const fakeCache = { layout: { layout: ["hello"], lastUpdated: }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES - 1); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.notCalled(fetchStub); assert.notCalled(feed.cache.set); }); it("should set spocs_endpoint from layout", async () => { const resp = { layout: ["foo", "bar"], spocs: { url: "" } }; const fakeCache = {}; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); fetchStub.resolves({ ok: true, json: () => Promise.resolve(resp) }); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.equal(, "" ); }); it("should use local layout with hardcoded_layout being true", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = true; sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchLayout").returns(Promise.resolve("")); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.notCalled(feed.fetchLayout); assert.equal(, "" ); }); it("should use local basic layout with hardcoded_layout and hardcoded_basic_layout being true", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = true; feed.config.hardcoded_basic_layout = true; sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchLayout").returns(Promise.resolve("")); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.notCalled(feed.fetchLayout); assert.equal(, "" ); const { layout } =; assert.equal(layout[0].components[3].properties.items, 3); }); it("should use 1 row layout if specified", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = true; = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), { Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: true, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, }), [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, "discoverystream.enabled": true, "discoverystream.region-basic-layout": true, }, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchLayout").returns(Promise.resolve("")); await feed.loadLayout(; const { layout } =; assert.equal(layout[0].components[3].properties.items, 3); }); it("should use 7 row layout if specified", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = true; = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), { Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: true, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, }), [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, "discoverystream.enabled": true, "discoverystream.region-basic-layout": false, }, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchLayout").returns(Promise.resolve("")); await feed.loadLayout(; const { layout } =; assert.equal(layout[0].components[3].properties.items, 21); }); it("should use new spocs endpoint if in the config", async () => { feed.config.spocs_endpoint = ""; await feed.loadLayout(; assert.equal(, "" ); }); it("should use local basic layout with hardcoded_layout and FF pref hardcoded_basic_layout", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = true; = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), { Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: false, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, }), [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, "discoverystream.enabled": true, "discoverystream.hardcoded-basic-layout": true, }, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchLayout").returns(Promise.resolve("")); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.notCalled(feed.fetchLayout); assert.equal(, "" ); const { layout } =; assert.equal(layout[0].components[3].properties.items, 3); }); it("should use new spocs endpoint if in a FF pref", async () => { = createStore(combineReducers(reducers), { Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: false, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, }), [ENDPOINTS_PREF_NAME]: DUMMY_ENDPOINT, "discoverystream.enabled": true, "discoverystream.spocs-endpoint": "", }, }, }); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.equal(, "" ); }); it("should fetch local layout for invalid layout endpoint or when fetch layout fails", async () => { feed.config.hardcoded_layout = false; fetchStub.resolves({ ok: false }); await feed.loadLayout(, true); assert.calledOnce(fetchStub); assert.equal(, "" ); }); }); describe("#updatePlacements", () => { it("should fire update placements without dupes with updatePlacements", () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); const fakeComponents = { components: [ { placement: { name: "first" } }, { placement: { name: "second" } }, ], }; const fakeLayout = [fakeComponents]; feed.updatePlacements(, fakeLayout); assert.calledOnce(; assert.calledWith(, { type: "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_PLACEMENTS", data: { placements: [{ name: "first" }, { name: "second" }] }, meta: { isStartup: false }, }); }); it("should fire update placements from loadLayout", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed, "updatePlacements"); await feed.loadLayout(; assert.calledOnce(feed.updatePlacements); }); }); describe("#placementsForEach", () => { it("should forEach through placements", () => { const fakeComponents = { components: [ { placement: { name: "first" } }, { placement: { name: "second" } }, ], }; const fakeLayout = [fakeComponents]; feed.updatePlacements(, fakeLayout); let items = []; feed.placementsForEach(item => items.push(; assert.deepEqual(items, ["first", "second"]); }); it("should forEach through placements for just spocs if no placements exist", () => { let items = []; feed.placementsForEach(item => items.push(; assert.deepEqual(items, ["spocs"]); }); }); describe("#loadLayoutEndPointUsingPref", () => { it("should return endpoint if valid key", async () => { const endpoint = feed.finalLayoutEndpoint( "$apiKey", "test_key_val" ); assert.equal( "", endpoint ); }); it("should throw error if key is empty", async () => { assert.throws(() => { feed.finalLayoutEndpoint( "$apiKey", "" ); }); }); it("should return url if $apiKey is missing in layout_endpoint", async () => { const endpoint = feed.finalLayoutEndpoint( "", "test_key_val" ); assert.equal("", endpoint); }); it("should update config layout_endpoint based on api_key_pref value", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ api_key_pref: "test_api_key_pref", enabled: true, layout_endpoint: "$apiKey", }), }, }, }); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getCharPref") .returns("test_api_key_val"); assert.equal( "", feed.config.layout_endpoint ); }); it("should not update config layout_endpoint if api_key_pref missing", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: true, layout_endpoint: "", }), }, }, }); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getCharPref") .returns("test_api_key_val"); assert.notCalled(global.Services.prefs.getCharPref); assert.equal( "", feed.config.layout_endpoint ); }); it("should not set config layout_endpoint if layout_endpoint missing in prefs", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { [CONFIG_PREF_NAME]: JSON.stringify({ enabled: true, }), }, }, }); sandbox .stub(global.Services.prefs, "getCharPref") .returns("test_api_key_val"); assert.notCalled(global.Services.prefs.getCharPref); assert.isUndefined(feed.config.layout_endpoint); }); }); describe("#loadComponentFeeds", () => { let fakeCache; let fakeDiscoveryStream; beforeEach(() => { fakeDiscoveryStream = { DiscoveryStream: { layout: [ { components: [{ feed: { url: "" } }] }, { components: [{}] }, {}, ], }, }; fakeCache = {}; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns(fakeDiscoveryStream); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); it("should not dispatch updates when layout is not defined", async () => { fakeDiscoveryStream = { DiscoveryStream: {}, };; sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.loadComponentFeeds(; assert.notCalled(; }); it("should populate feeds cache", async () => { fakeCache = { feeds: { "": { lastUpdated:, data: "data" } }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); await feed.loadComponentFeeds(; assert.calledWith(feed.cache.set, "feeds", { "": { data: "data", lastUpdated: 0 }, }); }); it("should send feed update events with new feed data", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); feed._prefCache = { config: { api_key_pref: "", }, }; await feed.loadComponentFeeds(; assert.calledWith(, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE, data: { feed: { data: { status: "failed" } }, url: "" }, meta: { isStartup: false }, }); assert.calledWith(, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE, meta: { isStartup: false }, }); }); it("should return number of promises equal to unique urls", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(global.Promise, "all").resolves(); fakeDiscoveryStream = { DiscoveryStream: { layout: [ { components: [ { feed: { url: "" } }, { feed: { url: "" } }, ], }, { components: [{ feed: { url: "" } }] }, {}, { components: [{ feed: { url: "" } }] }, ], }, };; await feed.loadComponentFeeds(; assert.calledOnce(global.Promise.all); const { args } = global.Promise.all.firstCall; assert.equal(args[0].length, 3); }); }); describe("#getComponentFeed", () => { it("should fetch fresh feed data if cache is empty", async () => { const fakeCache = {}; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed, "rotate").callsFake(val => val); sandbox .stub(feed, "scoreItems") .callsFake(val => ({ data: val, filtered: [] })); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ recommendations: "data", settings: { recsExpireTime: 1, }, }); const feedResp = await feed.getComponentFeed(""); assert.equal(, "data"); }); it("should fetch fresh feed data if cache is old", async () => { const fakeCache = { feeds: { "": { lastUpdated: } } }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ recommendations: "data", settings: { recsExpireTime: 1, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "rotate").callsFake(val => val); sandbox .stub(feed, "scoreItems") .callsFake(val => ({ data: val, filtered: [] })); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); const feedResp = await feed.getComponentFeed(""); assert.equal(, "data"); }); it("should return feed data from cache if it is fresh", async () => { const fakeCache = { feeds: { "": { lastUpdated:, data: "data" } }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").resolves(fakeCache); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves("old data"); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES - 1); const feedResp = await feed.getComponentFeed(""); assert.equal(, "data"); }); it("should return null if no response was received", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves(null); const feedResp = await feed.getComponentFeed(""); assert.deepEqual(feedResp, { data: { status: "failed" } }); }); }); describe("#personalizationVersionOverride", () => { it("should dispatch setPref", async () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.personalization.version": 2, }, }, }); feed.personalizationVersionOverride(false); assert.calledWithMatch(, { data: { name: "discoverystream.personalization.overrideVersion", value: 1, }, type: at.SET_PREF, }); }); it("should dispatch CLEAR_PREF", async () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.personalization.version": 2, "discoverystream.personalization.overrideVersion": 1, }, }, }); feed.personalizationVersionOverride(true); assert.calledWithMatch(, { data: { name: "discoverystream.personalization.overrideVersion", }, type: at.CLEAR_PREF, }); }); }); describe("#loadSpocs", () => { beforeEach(() => { feed._prefCache = { config: { api_key_pref: "", }, }; Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); }); it("should not fetch or update cache if no spocs endpoint is defined", async () => { ac.BroadcastToContent({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_ENDPOINT, data: "", }) ); sandbox.spy(feed.cache, "set"); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.notCalled(global.fetch); assert.notCalled(feed.cache.set); }); it("should fetch fresh spocs data if cache is empty", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ placement: "data" }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.calledWith(feed.cache.set, "spocs", { spocs: { placement: "data" }, lastUpdated: 0, }); assert.equal(, "data" ); }); it("should fetch fresh data if cache is old", async () => { const cachedSpoc = { spocs: { placement: "old" }, lastUpdated:, }; const cachedData = { spocs: cachedSpoc }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(cachedData)); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ placement: "new" }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.equal(, "new" ); }); it("should return spoc data from cache if it is fresh", async () => { const cachedSpoc = { spocs: { placement: "old" }, lastUpdated:, }; const cachedData = { spocs: cachedSpoc }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(cachedData)); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ placement: "new" }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES - 1); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.equal(, "old" ); }); it("should properly transform spocs using placements", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox .stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint") .resolves({ spocs: { items: [{ id: "data" }] } }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.calledWith(feed.cache.set, "spocs", { spocs: { spocs: { context: "", title: "", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "data", min_score: 0, score: 1 }], }, }, lastUpdated: 0, }); assert.deepEqual([0], { id: "data", min_score: 0, score: 1 } ); }); it("should normalizeSpocsItems for older spoc data", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox .stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint") .resolves({ spocs: [{ id: "data" }] }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.deepEqual([0], { id: "data", min_score: 0, score: 1 } ); }); it("should call personalizationVersionOverride with feature_flags", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "personalizationVersionOverride").returns(); sandbox .stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint") .resolves({ settings: { feature_flags: {} }, spocs: [{ id: "data" }] }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.calledOnce(feed.personalizationVersionOverride); }); it("should return expected data if normalizeSpocsItems returns no spoc data", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox .stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint") .resolves({ placement1: [{ id: "data" }], placement2: [] }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); const fakeComponents = { components: [ { placement: { name: "placement1" } }, { placement: { name: "placement2" } }, ], }; feed.updatePlacements(, [fakeComponents]); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.deepEqual(, { placement1: { title: "", context: "", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "data", score: 1, min_score: 0 }], }, placement2: { title: "", context: "", items: [], }, }); }); it("should use title and context on spoc data", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ placement1: { title: "title", context: "context", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "data" }], }, }); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); const fakeComponents = { components: [{ placement: { name: "placement1" } }], }; feed.updatePlacements(, [fakeComponents]); await feed.loadSpocs(; assert.deepEqual(, { placement1: { title: "title", context: "context", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "data", score: 1, min_score: 0 }], }, }); }); }); describe("#normalizeSpocsItems", () => { it("should return correct data if new data passed in", async () => { const spocs = { title: "title", context: "context", sponsor: "sponsor", sponsored_by_override: "override", items: [{ id: "id" }], }; const result = feed.normalizeSpocsItems(spocs); assert.deepEqual(result, spocs); }); it("should return normalized data if new data passed in without title or context", async () => { const spocs = { items: [{ id: "id" }], }; const result = feed.normalizeSpocsItems(spocs); assert.deepEqual(result, { title: "", context: "", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "id" }], }); }); it("should return normalized data if old data passed in", async () => { const spocs = [{ id: "id" }]; const result = feed.normalizeSpocsItems(spocs); assert.deepEqual(result, { title: "", context: "", sponsor: "", sponsored_by_override: undefined, items: [{ id: "id" }], }); }); }); describe("#showSpocs", () => { it("should return false from showSpocs if user pref showSponsored is false", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { showSponsored: false } }, }); Object.defineProperty(feed, "config", { get: () => ({ show_spocs: true }), }); assert.isFalse(feed.showSpocs); }); it("should return false from showSpocs if DiscoveryStream pref show_spocs is false", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { showSponsored: true } }, }); Object.defineProperty(feed, "config", { get: () => ({ show_spocs: false }), }); assert.isFalse(feed.showSpocs); }); it("should return true from showSpocs if both prefs are true", async () => { = () => ({ Prefs: { values: { showSponsored: true } }, }); Object.defineProperty(feed, "config", { get: () => ({ show_spocs: true }), }); assert.isTrue(feed.showSpocs); }); }); describe("#clearSpocs", () => { it("should not fail with no endpoint", async () => { sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns({ Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.endpointSpocsClear": null }, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves(null); await feed.clearSpocs(); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); }); it("should call DELETE with endpoint", async () => { sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns({ Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.endpointSpocsClear": "https://spocs/user", }, }, }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves(null); feed._impressionId = "1234"; await feed.clearSpocs(); assert.equal( feed.fetchFromEndpoint.firstCall.args[0], "https://spocs/user" ); assert.equal(feed.fetchFromEndpoint.firstCall.args[1].method, "DELETE"); assert.equal( feed.fetchFromEndpoint.firstCall.args[1].body, '{"pocket_id":"1234"}' ); }); }); describe("#rotate", () => { it("should move seen first story to the back of the response", () => { const recsExpireTime = 5600; const feedResponse = { recommendations: [ { id: "first", }, { id: "second", }, { id: "third", }, { id: "fourth", }, ], settings: { recsExpireTime, }, }; const fakeImpressions = { first: - recsExpireTime * 1000, third:, }; sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); const result = feed.rotate( feedResponse.recommendations, feedResponse.settings.recsExpireTime ); assert.equal(result[3].id, "first"); }); }); describe("#reset", () => { it("should fire all teardown based functions", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "removeObserver").returns(); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetDataPrefs").returns(); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetCache").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetState").returns(); feed.affinityProvider = { teardown: sandbox.stub().returns(), }; feed.loaded = true; await feed.reset(); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetDataPrefs); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetCache); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetState); assert.calledOnce(global.Services.obs.removeObserver); }); }); describe("#resetCache", () => { it("should set .layout, .feeds .spocs and .affinities to {}", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.resetCache(); assert.callCount(feed.cache.set, 4); const firstCall = feed.cache.set.getCall(0); const secondCall = feed.cache.set.getCall(1); const thirdCall = feed.cache.set.getCall(2); const fourthCall = feed.cache.set.getCall(3); assert.deepEqual(firstCall.args, ["layout", {}]); assert.deepEqual(secondCall.args, ["feeds", {}]); assert.deepEqual(thirdCall.args, ["spocs", {}]); assert.deepEqual(fourthCall.args, ["affinities", {}]); }); }); describe("#scoreItems", () => { it("should return initial data if spocs are empty", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([]); assert.equal(result.length, 0); }); it("should sort based on item_score", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { id: 2, flight_id: 2, item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 1, flight_id: 1, item_score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(result, [ { id: 1, flight_id: 1, item_score: 0.9, score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 2, flight_id: 2, item_score: 0.8, score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.7, score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); }); it("should sort based on priority", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { id: 6, flight_id: 6, priority: 2, item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 2, flight_id: 3, priority: 1, item_score: 0.2, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 4, flight_id: 4, item_score: 0.6, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 5, flight_id: 5, priority: 2, item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 1, flight_id: 1, priority: 1, item_score: 0.3, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(result, [ { id: 1, flight_id: 1, priority: 1, score: 0.3, item_score: 0.3, min_score: 0.1, }, { id: 2, flight_id: 3, priority: 1, score: 0.2, item_score: 0.2, min_score: 0.1, }, { id: 5, flight_id: 5, priority: 2, score: 0.8, item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1, }, { id: 6, flight_id: 6, priority: 2, score: 0.7, item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1, }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.8, score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { id: 4, flight_id: 4, item_score: 0.6, score: 0.6, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); }); it("should remove items with scores lower than min_score", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { id: 2, flight_id: 2, item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.9 }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.7 }, { id: 1, flight_id: 1, item_score: 0.9, min_score: 0.8 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(result, [ { id: 1, flight_id: 1, item_score: 0.9, score: 0.9, min_score: 0.8 }, { id: 3, flight_id: 3, item_score: 0.7, score: 0.7, min_score: 0.7 }, ]); }); it("should add a score prop to spocs", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { flight_id: 1, item_score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); assert.equal(result[0].score, 0.9); }); it("should score items using item_score and min_score", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.5, min_score: 0.6 }, { item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(result, [ { item_score: 0.9, score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.8, score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.7, score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); }); }); describe("#filterBlocked", () => { it("should return initial data if spocs are empty", () => { const { data: result } = feed.filterBlocked([]); assert.equal(result.length, 0); }); it("should return initial data if links are not blocked", () => { const { data: result } = feed.filterBlocked([ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ]); assert.equal(result.length, 2); }); it("should return initial recommendations data if links are not blocked", () => { const { data: result } = feed.filterBlocked([ { url: "" }, { url: "" }, ]); assert.equal(result.length, 2); }); it("filterRecommendations based on blockedlist by passing feed data", () => { fakeNewTabUtils.blockedLinks.links = [{ url: "" }]; fakeNewTabUtils.blockedLinks.isBlocked = site => fakeNewTabUtils.blockedLinks.links[0].url === site.url; const result = feed.filterRecommendations({ lastUpdated: 4, data: { recommendations: [{ url: "" }, { url: "" }], }, }); assert.equal(result.lastUpdated, 4); assert.lengthOf(, 1); assert.equal([0].url, ""); assert.notInclude(, fakeNewTabUtils.blockedLinks.links[0] ); }); }); describe("#frequencyCapSpocs", () => { it("should return filtered out spocs based on frequency caps", () => { const fakeSpocs = [ { id: 1, flight_id: "seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, { id: 2, flight_id: "not-seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ]; const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); const { data: result, filtered } = feed.frequencyCapSpocs(fakeSpocs); assert.equal(result.length, 1); assert.equal(result[0].flight_id, "not-seen"); assert.deepEqual(filtered, [fakeSpocs[0]]); }); it("should return simple structure and do nothing with no spocs", () => { const { data: result, filtered } = feed.frequencyCapSpocs([]); assert.equal(result.length, 0); assert.equal(filtered.length, 0); }); }); describe("#migrateFlightId", () => { it("should migrate campaign to flight if no flight exists", () => { const fakeSpocs = [ { id: 1, campaign_id: "campaign", caps: { lifetime: 3, campaign: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ]; const { data: result } = feed.migrateFlightId(fakeSpocs); assert.deepEqual(result[0], { id: 1, flight_id: "campaign", campaign_id: "campaign", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, campaign: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }); }); it("should not migrate campaign to flight if caps or id don't exist", () => { const fakeSpocs = [{ id: 1 }]; const { data: result } = feed.migrateFlightId(fakeSpocs); assert.deepEqual(result[0], { id: 1 }); }); it("should return simple structure and do nothing with no spocs", () => { const { data: result } = feed.migrateFlightId([]); assert.equal(result.length, 0); }); }); describe("#isBelowFrequencyCap", () => { it("should return true if there are no flight impressions", () => { const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; const fakeSpoc = { flight_id: "not-seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }; const result = feed.isBelowFrequencyCap(fakeImpressions, fakeSpoc); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return true if there are no flight caps", () => { const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; const fakeSpoc = { flight_id: "seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, }, }; const result = feed.isBelowFrequencyCap(fakeImpressions, fakeSpoc); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return false if lifetime cap is hit", () => { const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; const fakeSpoc = { flight_id: "seen", caps: { lifetime: 1, flight: { count: 3, period: 1, }, }, }; const result = feed.isBelowFrequencyCap(fakeImpressions, fakeSpoc); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return false if time based cap is hit", () => { const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; const fakeSpoc = { flight_id: "seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }; const result = feed.isBelowFrequencyCap(fakeImpressions, fakeSpoc); assert.isFalse(result); }); }); describe("#retryFeed", () => { it("should retry a feed fetch", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "getComponentFeed").returns(Promise.resolve({})); sandbox.stub(feed, "filterRecommendations").returns({}); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.retryFeed({ url: "" }); assert.calledOnce(feed.getComponentFeed); assert.calledOnce(feed.filterRecommendations); assert.calledOnce(; assert.equal([0].type, "DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE" ); assert.deepEqual([0].data, { feed: {}, url: "", }); }); }); describe("#recordFlightImpression", () => { it("should return false if time based cap is hit", () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns({}); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref").returns(); feed.recordFlightImpression("seen"); assert.calledWith(feed.writeDataPref, SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, { seen: [0], }); }); }); describe("#recordBlockFlightId", () => { it("should call writeDataPref with new flight id added", () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns({ "1234": 1 }); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref").returns(); feed.recordBlockFlightId("5678"); assert.calledOnce(feed.readDataPref); assert.calledWith(feed.writeDataPref, "discoverystream.flight.blocks", { "1234": 1, "5678": 1, }); }); }); describe("#cleanUpFlightImpressionPref", () => { it("should remove flight-3 because it is no longer being used", async () => { const fakeSpocs = { spocs: { items: [ { flight_id: "flight-1", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, { flight_id: "flight-2", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ], }, }; const fakeImpressions = { "flight-2": [ - 1], "flight-3": [ - 1], }; sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref").returns(); feed.cleanUpFlightImpressionPref(fakeSpocs); assert.calledWith(feed.writeDataPref, SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, { "flight-2": [-1], }); }); }); describe("#recordTopRecImpressions", () => { it("should add a rec id to the rec impression pref", () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns({}); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref"); feed.recordTopRecImpressions("rec"); assert.calledWith(feed.writeDataPref, REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, { rec: 0, }); }); it("should not add an impression if it already exists", () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns({ rec: 4 }); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref"); feed.recordTopRecImpressions("rec"); assert.notCalled(feed.writeDataPref); }); }); describe("#cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref", () => { it("should remove recs no longer being used", () => { const newFeeds = { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "rec1", }, { id: "rec2", }, ], }, }, "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "rec3", }, { id: "rec4", }, ], }, }, }; const fakeImpressions = { rec2: - 1, rec3: - 1, rec5: - 1, }; sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); sandbox.stub(feed, "writeDataPref").returns(); feed.cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref(newFeeds); assert.calledWith(feed.writeDataPref, REC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, { rec2: -1, rec3: -1, }); }); }); describe("#writeDataPref", () => { it("should call Services.prefs.setStringPref", () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); const fakeImpressions = { foo: [ - 1], bar: [ - 1], }; feed.writeDataPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, fakeImpressions); assert.calledWithMatch(, { data: { name: SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, value: JSON.stringify(fakeImpressions), }, type: at.SET_PREF, }); }); }); describe("#addEndpointQuery", () => { const url = ""; it("should return same url with no query", () => { const result = feed.addEndpointQuery(url, ""); assert.equal(result, url); }); it("should add multiple query params to standard url", () => { const params = "?first=first&second=second"; const result = feed.addEndpointQuery(url, params); assert.equal(result, url + params); }); it("should add multiple query params to url with a query already", () => { const params = "first=first&second=second"; const initialParams = "?zero=zero"; const result = feed.addEndpointQuery( `${url}${initialParams}`, `?${params}` ); assert.equal(result, `${url}${initialParams}&${params}`); }); }); describe("#readDataPref", () => { it("should return what's in Services.prefs.getStringPref", () => { const fakeImpressions = { foo: [ - 1], bar: [ - 1], }; setPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF, fakeImpressions); const result = feed.readDataPref(SPOC_IMPRESSION_TRACKING_PREF); assert.deepEqual(result, fakeImpressions); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS", () => { it("should call recordTopRecImpressions from DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "recordTopRecImpressions").returns(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS, data: { tiles: [{ id: "seen" }] }, }); assert.calledWith(feed.recordTopRecImpressions, "seen"); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION", () => { beforeEach(() => { const data = { spocs: { items: [ { id: 1, flight_id: "seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, { id: 2, flight_id: "not-seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ], }, }; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns({ DiscoveryStream: { spocs: { data, }, }, }); }); it("should call dispatch to ac.AlsoToPreloaded with filtered spoc data", async () => { Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); const fakeImpressions = { seen: [ - 1], }; const result = { spocs: { items: [ { id: 2, flight_id: "not-seen", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ], }, }; sandbox.stub(feed, "recordFlightImpression").returns(); sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION, data: { flightId: "seen" }, }); assert.deepEqual([0].data.spocs, result ); }); it("should not call dispatch to ac.AlsoToPreloaded if spocs were not changed by frequency capping", async () => { Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); const fakeImpressions = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "recordFlightImpression").returns(); sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION, data: { flight_id: "seen" }, }); assert.notCalled(; }); it("should attempt feq cap on valid spocs with placements on impression", async () => { sandbox.restore(); Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); const fakeImpressions = {}; sandbox.stub(feed, "recordFlightImpression").returns(); sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); sandbox.spy(feed, "frequencyCapSpocs"); const data = { spocs: { items: [ { id: 2, flight_id: "seen-2", caps: { lifetime: 3, flight: { count: 1, period: 1, }, }, }, ], }, }; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns({ DiscoveryStream: { spocs: { data, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }, { name: "notSpocs" }], }, }, }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_IMPRESSION, data: { flight_id: "doesn't matter" }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.frequencyCapSpocs); assert.calledWith(feed.frequencyCapSpocs, data.spocs.items); }); }); describe("#onAction: PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED", () => { beforeEach(() => { const data = { spocs: { items: [ { id: 1, flight_id: "foo", url: "", }, { id: 2, flight_id: "bar", url: "", }, ], }, }; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns({ DiscoveryStream: { spocs: { data, placements: [{ name: "spocs" }], }, }, }); }); it("should call dispatch if found a blocked spoc", async () => { Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }); assert.deepEqual([0].data.url, "" ); }); it("should dispatch once if the blocked is not a SPOC", async () => { Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }); assert.calledOnce(; assert.deepEqual([0].data.url, "" ); }); it("should dispatch a DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED for a blocked spoc", async () => { Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PLACES_LINK_BLOCKED, data: { url: "" }, }); assert.equal([0].type, "DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOC_BLOCKED" ); }); }); describe("#onAction: BLOCK_URL", () => { it("should call recordBlockFlightId whith BLOCK_URL", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "recordBlockFlightId").returns(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.BLOCK_URL, data: [ { flight_id: "1234", }, ], }); assert.calledWith(feed.recordBlockFlightId, "1234"); }); }); describe("#onAction: INIT", () => { it("should be .loaded=false before initialization", () => { assert.isFalse(feed.loaded); }); it("should load data and set .loaded=true if config.enabled is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadLayout").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadLayout); assert.isTrue(feed.loaded); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SET_VALUE", async () => { it("should add the new value to the pref without changing the existing values", async () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true, other: "value" }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_SET_VALUE, data: { name: "layout_endpoint", value: "" }, }); assert.calledWithMatch(, { data: { name: CONFIG_PREF_NAME, value: JSON.stringify({ enabled: true, other: "value", layout_endpoint: "", }), }, type: at.SET_PREF, }); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET", async () => { it("should call configReset", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed, "configReset"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.configReset); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET_DEFAULTS", async () => { it("Should dispatch CLEAR_PREF with pref name", async () => { sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_RESET_DEFAULTS, }); assert.calledWithMatch(, { data: { name: CONFIG_PREF_NAME, }, type: at.CLEAR_PREF, }); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_RETRY_FEED", async () => { it("should call retryFeed", async () => { sandbox.spy(feed, "retryFeed"); feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_RETRY_FEED, data: { feed: { url: "" } }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.retryFeed); assert.calledWith(feed.retryFeed, { url: "" }); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE", () => { it("should call this.loadLayout if config.enabled changes to true ", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); // First initialize await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.isFalse(feed.loaded); // force clear cached pref value feed._prefCache = {}; setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetCache").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadLayout").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE }); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadLayout); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetCache); assert.isTrue(feed.loaded); }); it("should clear the cache if a config change happens and config.enabled is true", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); // force clear cached pref value feed._prefCache = {}; setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetCache").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE }); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetCache); }); it("should dispatch DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET from DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "resetDataPrefs"); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetCache").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "enable").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE }); assert.calledWithMatch(, { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_RESET, }); }); it("should not call this.loadLayout if config.enabled changes to false", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").returns(Promise.resolve()); // force clear cached pref value feed._prefCache = {}; setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.isTrue(feed.loaded); feed._prefCache = {}; setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: false }); sandbox.stub(feed, "resetCache").returns(Promise.resolve()); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadLayout").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_CONFIG_CHANGE }); assert.notCalled(feed.loadLayout); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetCache); assert.isFalse(feed.loaded); }); }); describe("#onAction: UNINIT", () => { it("should reset pref cache", async () => { feed._prefCache = { cached: "value" }; await feed.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.deepEqual(feed._prefCache, {}); }); }); describe("#onAction: PREF_CHANGED", () => { it("should update state.DiscoveryStream.config when the pref changes", async () => { setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: "foo", }); assert.deepEqual(, { enabled: true, show_spocs: false, layout_endpoint: "foo", }); }); it("should fire loadSpocs is showSponsored pref changes", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "loadSpocs").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "showSponsored" }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadSpocs); }); it("should call clearSpocs when sponsored content is turned off", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "clearSpocs").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "showSponsored", value: false }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.clearSpocs); }); it("should call clearSpocs when top stories is turned off", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "clearSpocs").returns(Promise.resolve()); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "feeds.section.topstories", value: false }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.clearSpocs); }); it("should re enable stories when top stories is turned on", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").returns(Promise.resolve()); feed.loaded = true; setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true, }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "feeds.section.topstories", value: true }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.refreshAll); }); }); describe("#onAction: SYSTEM_TICK", () => { it("should not refresh if DiscoveryStream has not been loaded", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.notCalled(feed.refreshAll); }); it("should not refresh if no caches are expired", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); sandbox.stub(feed, "checkIfAnyCacheExpired").resolves(false); sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").resolves(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.notCalled(feed.refreshAll); }); it("should refresh if DiscoveryStream has been loaded at least once and a cache has expired", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); sandbox.stub(feed, "checkIfAnyCacheExpired").resolves(true); sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").resolves(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.calledOnce(feed.refreshAll); }); it("should refresh and not update open tabs if DiscoveryStream has been loaded at least once", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); sandbox.stub(feed, "checkIfAnyCacheExpired").resolves(true); sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").resolves(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.calledWith(feed.refreshAll, { updateOpenTabs: false }); }); }); describe("#onAction: PREF_SHOW_SPONSORED", () => { it("should call loadSpocs when preference changes", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "loadSpocs").resolves(); sandbox.stub(, "dispatch"); await feed.onAction({ type: at.PREF_CHANGED, data: { name: "showSponsored" }, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadSpocs); const [dispatchFn] = feed.loadSpocs.firstCall.args; dispatchFn({}); assert.calledWith(, ac.BroadcastToContent({})); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_IDLE_DAILY", () => { it("should trigger idle-daily observer", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Services.obs, "notifyObservers").returns(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_IDLE_DAILY, }); assert.calledWith( global.Services.obs.notifyObservers, null, "idle-daily" ); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYNC_RS", () => { it("should fire remote settings pollChanges", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.RemoteSettings, "pollChanges").returns(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYNC_RS, }); assert.calledOnce(global.RemoteSettings.pollChanges); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYSTEM_TICK", () => { it("should refresh if DiscoveryStream has been loaded at least once and a cache has expired", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); setPref(CONFIG_PREF_NAME, { enabled: true }); await feed.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); sandbox.stub(feed, "checkIfAnyCacheExpired").resolves(true); sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshAll").resolves(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_SYSTEM_TICK }); assert.calledOnce(feed.refreshAll); }); }); describe("#onAction: DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_EXPIRE_CACHE", () => { it("should fire resetCache", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "resetContentCache").returns(); await feed.onAction({ type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_DEV_EXPIRE_CACHE, }); assert.calledOnce(feed.resetContentCache); }); }); describe("#isExpired", () => { it("should throw if the key is not valid", () => { assert.throws(() => { feed.isExpired({}, "foo"); }); }); it("should return false for layout on startup for content under 1 week", () => { const layout = { lastUpdated: }; const result = feed.isExpired({ cachedData: { layout }, key: "layout", isStartup: true, }); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return true for layout for isStartup=false after 30 mins", () => { const layout = { lastUpdated: }; clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); const result = feed.isExpired({ cachedData: { layout }, key: "layout" }); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return true for layout on startup for content over 1 week", () => { const layout = { lastUpdated: }; clock.tick(ONE_WEEK + 1); const result = feed.isExpired({ cachedData: { layout }, key: "layout", isStartup: true, }); assert.isTrue(result); }); it("should return false for hardcoded layout on startup for content over 1 week", () => { feed._prefCache.config = { hardcoded_layout: true, }; const layout = { lastUpdated: }; clock.tick(ONE_WEEK + 1); const result = feed.isExpired({ cachedData: { layout }, key: "layout", isStartup: true, }); assert.isFalse(result); }); }); describe("#checkIfAnyCacheExpired", () => { let cache; beforeEach(() => { cache = { layout: { lastUpdated: }, feeds: { "": { lastUpdated: } }, spocs: { lastUpdated: }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").resolves(cache); }); it("should return false if nothing in the cache is expired", async () => { const result = await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired(); assert.isFalse(result); }); it("should return true if .layout is missing", async () => { delete cache.layout; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if .layout is expired", async () => { clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); // Update other caches we aren't testing cache.feeds[""].lastUpdate =; cache.spocs.lastUpdate =; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if .spocs is missing", async () => { delete cache.spocs; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if .spocs is expired", async () => { clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); // Update other caches we aren't testing cache.layout.lastUpdated =; cache.feeds[""].lastUpdate =; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if .feeds is missing", async () => { delete cache.feeds; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if data for .feeds[url] is missing", async () => { cache.feeds[""] = null; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); it("should return true if data for .feeds[url] is expired", async () => { clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); // Update other caches we aren't testing cache.layout.lastUpdated =; cache.spocs.lastUpdate =; assert.isTrue(await feed.checkIfAnyCacheExpired()); }); }); describe("#refreshAll", () => { beforeEach(() => { sandbox.stub(feed, "loadLayout").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadComponentFeeds").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadSpocs").resolves(); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); Object.defineProperty(feed, "showSpocs", { get: () => true }); }); it("should call layout, component, spocs update and telemetry reporting functions", async () => { await feed.refreshAll(); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadLayout); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadComponentFeeds); assert.calledOnce(feed.loadSpocs); }); it("should pass in dispatch wrapped with broadcast if options.updateOpenTabs is true", async () => { await feed.refreshAll({ updateOpenTabs: true }); [feed.loadLayout, feed.loadComponentFeeds, feed.loadSpocs].forEach(fn => { assert.calledOnce(fn); const result = fn.firstCall.args[0]({ type: "FOO" }); assert.isTrue(au.isBroadcastToContent(result)); }); }); it("should pass in dispatch with regular actions if options.updateOpenTabs is false", async () => { await feed.refreshAll({ updateOpenTabs: false }); [feed.loadLayout, feed.loadComponentFeeds, feed.loadSpocs].forEach(fn => { assert.calledOnce(fn); const result = fn.firstCall.args[0]({ type: "FOO" }); assert.deepEqual(result, { type: "FOO" }); }); }); it("should set loaded to true if loadSpocs and loadComponentFeeds fails", async () => { feed.loadComponentFeeds.rejects("loadComponentFeeds error"); feed.loadSpocs.rejects("loadSpocs error"); await feed.enable(); assert.isTrue(feed.loaded); }); it("should call loadComponentFeeds and loadSpocs in Promise.all", async () => { sandbox.stub(global.Promise, "all").resolves(); await feed.refreshAll(); assert.calledOnce(global.Promise.all); const { args } = global.Promise.all.firstCall; assert.equal(args[0].length, 2); }); describe("test startup cache behaviour", () => { beforeEach(() => { feed._maybeUpdateCachedData.restore(); sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); }); it("should refresh layout on startup if it was served from cache", async () => { feed.loadLayout.restore(); sandbox .stub(feed.cache, "get") .resolves({ layout: { lastUpdated:, layout: {} } }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ layout: {} }); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); await feed.refreshAll({ isStartup: true }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); // Once from cache, once to update the store assert.calledTwice(; assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LAYOUT_UPDATE ); }); it("should not refresh layout on startup if it is under THIRTY_MINUTES", async () => { feed.loadLayout.restore(); sandbox .stub(feed.cache, "get") .resolves({ layout: { lastUpdated:, layout: {} } }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ layout: {} }); await feed.refreshAll({ isStartup: true }); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); }); it("should refresh spocs on startup if it was served from cache", async () => { feed.loadSpocs.restore(); sandbox .stub(feed.cache, "get") .resolves({ spocs: { lastUpdated: } }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves("data"); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); await feed.refreshAll({ isStartup: true }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); // Once from cache, once to update the store assert.calledTwice(; assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE ); }); it("should not refresh spocs on startup if it is under THIRTY_MINUTES", async () => { feed.loadSpocs.restore(); sandbox .stub(feed.cache, "get") .resolves({ spocs: { lastUpdated: } }); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves("data"); await feed.refreshAll({ isStartup: true }); assert.notCalled(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); }); it("should refresh feeds on startup if it was served from cache", async () => { feed.loadComponentFeeds.restore(); const fakeComponents = { components: [{ feed: { url: "" } }] }; const fakeLayout = [fakeComponents]; const fakeDiscoveryStream = { DiscoveryStream: { layout: fakeLayout, }, Prefs: { values: { "feeds.section.topstories": true, "feeds.system.topstories": true, }, }, }; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns(fakeDiscoveryStream); sandbox.stub(feed, "rotate").callsFake(val => val); sandbox .stub(feed, "scoreItems") .callsFake(val => ({ data: val, filtered: [] })); sandbox.stub(feed, "cleanUpTopRecImpressionPref").callsFake(val => val); const fakeCache = { feeds: { "": { lastUpdated:, data: "data" } }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").resolves(fakeCache); clock.tick(THIRTY_MINUTES + 1); sandbox.stub(feed, "fetchFromEndpoint").resolves({ recommendations: "data", settings: { recsExpireTime: 1, }, }); await feed.refreshAll({ isStartup: true }); assert.calledOnce(feed.fetchFromEndpoint); // Once from cache, once to update the feed, once to update that all feeds are done. assert.calledThrice(; assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEEDS_UPDATE ); }); }); }); describe("#scoreFeeds", () => { it("should score feeds and set cache, and dispatch", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); const recsExpireTime = 5600; const fakeImpressions = { first: - recsExpireTime * 1000, third:, }; sandbox.stub(feed, "readDataPref").returns(fakeImpressions); const fakeFeeds = { data: { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "first", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.7, }, { id: "second", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, }, ], settings: { recsExpireTime, }, }, }, "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "third", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.4, }, { id: "fourth", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, }, { id: "fifth", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.8, }, ], settings: { recsExpireTime, }, }, }, }, }; const feedsTestResult = { "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "second", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, score: 0.6, }, { id: "first", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.7, score: 0.7, }, ], settings: { recsExpireTime, }, }, }, "": { data: { recommendations: [ { id: "fifth", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.8, score: 0.8, }, { id: "fourth", min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, score: 0.6, }, ], settings: { recsExpireTime, }, }, }, }; await feed.scoreFeeds(fakeFeeds); assert.calledWith(feed.cache.set, "feeds", feedsTestResult); assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE ); assert.deepEqual([0].data, { url: "", feed: feedsTestResult[""], }); assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_FEED_UPDATE ); assert.deepEqual([0].data, { url: "", feed: feedsTestResult[""], }); }); }); describe("#scoreSpocs", () => { it("should score spocs and set cache, dispatch", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "set").resolves(); sandbox.spy(, "dispatch"); const fakeDiscoveryStream = { Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.spocs.personalized": true, "discoverystream.recs.personalized": false, }, }, DiscoveryStream: { spocs: { placements: [ { name: "placement1" }, { name: "placement2" }, { name: "placement3" }, ], }, }, }; sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns(fakeDiscoveryStream); const fakeSpocs = { lastUpdated: 1234, data: { placement1: { items: [ { min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, }, { min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.4, }, { min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.8, }, ], }, placement2: { items: [ { min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.6, }, { min_score: 0.5, item_score: 0.8, }, ], }, placement3: { items: [] }, }, }; await feed.scoreSpocs(fakeSpocs); const spocsTestResult = { lastUpdated: 1234, spocs: { placement1: { items: [ { min_score: 0.5, score: 0.8, item_score: 0.8, }, { min_score: 0.5, score: 0.6, item_score: 0.6, }, ], }, placement2: { items: [ { min_score: 0.5, score: 0.8, item_score: 0.8, }, { min_score: 0.5, score: 0.6, item_score: 0.6, }, ], }, placement3: { items: [] }, }, }; assert.calledWith(feed.cache.set, "spocs", spocsTestResult); assert.equal([0].type, at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_SPOCS_UPDATE ); assert.deepEqual([0].data, spocsTestResult ); }); }); describe("#scoreContent", () => { it("should call scoreFeeds and scoreSpocs if loaded", async () => { const fakeDiscoveryStream = { Prefs: { values: { "discoverystream.spocs.personalized": true, "discoverystream.recs.personalized": true, }, }, DiscoveryStream: { feeds: { loaded: false }, spocs: { loaded: false }, }, }; sandbox.stub(feed, "scoreFeeds").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "scoreSpocs").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "refreshContent").resolves(); sandbox.stub(feed, "loadAffinityScoresCache").resolves(); sandbox.stub(, "getState").returns(fakeDiscoveryStream); sandbox.stub(feed, "_checkExpirationPerComponent").resolves({ feeds: true, spocs: true, }); feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; await feed.refreshAll(); assert.notCalled(feed.scoreFeeds); assert.notCalled(feed.scoreSpocs); fakeDiscoveryStream.DiscoveryStream.feeds.loaded = true; fakeDiscoveryStream.DiscoveryStream.spocs.loaded = true; await feed.refreshAll(); assert.calledOnce(feed.scoreFeeds); assert.calledOnce(feed.scoreSpocs); }); }); describe("#loadAffinityScoresCache", () => { it("should create an affinity provider from cached affinities", async () => { feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; const fakeCache = { affinities: { scores: 123, _timestamp: 456, }, }; sandbox.stub(feed.cache, "get").returns(Promise.resolve(fakeCache)); await feed.loadAffinityScoresCache(); assert.equal(feed.domainAffinitiesLastUpdated, 456); }); }); describe("#updateDomainAffinityScores", () => { it("should call updateDomainAffinityScores on idle daily", async () => { sandbox.stub(feed, "updateDomainAffinityScores").returns(); feed.observe(null, "idle-daily"); assert.calledOnce(feed.updateDomainAffinityScores); }); it("should update affinity provider on updateDomainAffinityScores", async () => { feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; const DEFAULT_TIME_SEGMENTS = [ { id: "hour", startTime: 3600, endTime: 0, weightPosition: 1 }, { id: "day", startTime: 86400, endTime: 3600, weightPosition: 0.75 }, { id: "week", startTime: 604800, endTime: 86400, weightPosition: 0.5 }, { id: "weekPlus", startTime: 0, endTime: 604800, weightPosition: 0.25 }, { id: "alltime", startTime: 0, endTime: 0, weightPosition: 0.25 }, ]; feed.affinities = { parameterSets: { default: {}, }, maxHistoryQueryResults: 1000, timeSegments: DEFAULT_TIME_SEGMENTS, version: "123", }; await feed.updateDomainAffinityScores(); assert.equal(feed.providerSwitcher.affinityProvider.version, "123"); }); it("should not update affinity provider on updateDomainAffinityScores", async () => { feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: false, }; await feed.updateDomainAffinityScores(); assert.isTrue(!feed.affinityProvider); }); }); describe("#scoreItems", () => { it("should score items using item_score and min_score", async () => { const { data: result } = await feed.scoreItems([ { item_score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.5, min_score: 0.6 }, { item_score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(result, [ { item_score: 0.9, score: 0.9, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.8, score: 0.8, min_score: 0.1 }, { item_score: 0.7, score: 0.7, min_score: 0.1 }, ]); }); }); describe("#scoreItem", () => { it("should call calculateItemRelevanceScore with affinity provider", async () => { const item = {}; feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; feed.providerSwitcher.calculateItemRelevanceScore = sandbox .stub() .returns(); await feed.scoreItem(item, true); assert.calledOnce(feed.providerSwitcher.calculateItemRelevanceScore); }); it("should use item_score score without affinity provider score", async () => { const item = { item_score: 0.6, }; feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; feed.affinityProvider = { calculateItemRelevanceScore: () => {}, }; const result = await feed.scoreItem(item); assert.equal(result.score, 0.6); }); it("should add min_score of 0 if undefined", async () => { const item = {}; feed._prefCache.config = { personalized: true, }; feed.affinityProvider = { calculateItemRelevanceScore: () => 0.5, }; const result = await feed.scoreItem(item); assert.equal(result.min_score, 0); }); }); });