/* global Services */ import { actionCreators as ac, actionTypes as at, actionUtils as au, } from "common/Actions.jsm"; import { ASRouterEventPing, BasePing, ImpressionStatsPing, SessionPing, UserEventPing, } from "test/schemas/pings"; import { FakePrefs, GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { ASRouterPreferences } from "lib/ASRouterPreferences.jsm"; import injector from "inject!lib/TelemetryFeed.jsm"; import { MESSAGE_TYPE_HASH as msg } from "common/ActorConstants.jsm"; const FAKE_UUID = "{foo-123-foo}"; const FAKE_ROUTER_MESSAGE_PROVIDER = [{ id: "cfr", enabled: true }]; const FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID = "foo123"; describe("TelemetryFeed", () => { let globals; let sandbox; let expectedUserPrefs; let browser = { getAttribute() { return "true"; }, }; let instance; let clock; let fakeHomePageUrl; let fakeHomePage; let fakeExtensionSettingsStore; let ExperimentAPI = { getExperimentMetaData: () => {} }; class PingCentre { sendPing() {} uninit() {} sendStructuredIngestionPing() {} } class UTEventReporting { sendUserEvent() {} sendSessionEndEvent() {} uninit() {} } const { TelemetryFeed, USER_PREFS_ENCODING, PREF_IMPRESSION_ID, TELEMETRY_PREF, EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF, STRUCTURED_INGESTION_ENDPOINT_PREF, } = injector({ "lib/UTEventReporting.jsm": { UTEventReporting }, }); beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox = globals.sandbox; clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); fakeHomePageUrl = "about:home"; fakeHomePage = { get() { return fakeHomePageUrl; }, }; fakeExtensionSettingsStore = { initialize() { return Promise.resolve(); }, getSetting() {}, }; sandbox.spy(global.Cu, "reportError"); globals.set("AboutNewTab", { newTabURLOverridden: false, newTabURL: "", }); globals.set("HomePage", fakeHomePage); globals.set("ExtensionSettingsStore", fakeExtensionSettingsStore); globals.set("PingCentre", PingCentre); globals.set("UTEventReporting", UTEventReporting); globals.set("ClientID", { getClientID: sandbox.spy(async () => FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID), }); globals.set("ExperimentAPI", ExperimentAPI); sandbox .stub(ASRouterPreferences, "providers") .get(() => FAKE_ROUTER_MESSAGE_PROVIDER); instance = new TelemetryFeed(); }); afterEach(() => { clock.restore(); globals.restore(); FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; ASRouterPreferences.uninit(); }); describe("#init", () => { it("should create an instance", () => { const testInstance = new TelemetryFeed(); assert.isDefined(testInstance); }); it("should add .pingCentre, a PingCentre instance", () => { assert.instanceOf(instance.pingCentre, PingCentre); }); it("should add .utEvents, a UTEventReporting instance", () => { assert.instanceOf(instance.utEvents, UTEventReporting); }); it("should make this.browserOpenNewtabStart() observe browser-open-newtab-start", () => { sandbox.spy(Services.obs, "addObserver"); instance.init(); assert.calledTwice(Services.obs.addObserver); assert.calledWithExactly( Services.obs.addObserver, instance.browserOpenNewtabStart, "browser-open-newtab-start" ); }); it("should add window open listener", () => { sandbox.spy(Services.obs, "addObserver"); instance.init(); assert.calledTwice(Services.obs.addObserver); assert.calledWithExactly( Services.obs.addObserver, instance._addWindowListeners, "domwindowopened" ); }); it("should add TabPinned event listener on new windows", () => { const stub = { addEventListener: sandbox.stub() }; sandbox.spy(Services.obs, "addObserver"); instance.init(); assert.calledTwice(Services.obs.addObserver); const [cb] = Services.obs.addObserver.secondCall.args; cb(stub); assert.calledTwice(stub.addEventListener); assert.calledWithExactly( stub.addEventListener, "unload", instance.handleEvent ); assert.calledWithExactly( stub.addEventListener, "TabPinned", instance.handleEvent ); }); it("should create impression id if none exists", () => { assert.equal(instance._impressionId, FAKE_UUID); }); it("should set impression id if it exists", () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[PREF_IMPRESSION_ID] = "fakeImpressionId"; assert.equal(new TelemetryFeed()._impressionId, "fakeImpressionId"); }); it("should register listeners on existing windows", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(); globals.set({ Services: { ...Services, wm: { getEnumerator: () => [{ addEventListener: stub }] }, }, }); instance.init(); assert.calledTwice(stub); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, "unload", instance.handleEvent); assert.calledWithExactly(stub, "TabPinned", instance.handleEvent); }); describe("telemetry pref changes from false to true", () => { beforeEach(() => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = false; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); assert.propertyVal(instance, "telemetryEnabled", false); }); it("should set the enabled property to true", () => { instance._prefs.set(TELEMETRY_PREF, true); assert.propertyVal(instance, "telemetryEnabled", true); }); }); describe("events telemetry pref changes from false to true", () => { beforeEach(() => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF] = false; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); assert.propertyVal(instance, "eventTelemetryEnabled", false); }); it("should set the enabled property to true", () => { instance._prefs.set(EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF, true); assert.propertyVal(instance, "eventTelemetryEnabled", true); }); }); it("should set a scalar for deletion-request", () => { sandbox.spy(Services.telemetry, "scalarSet"); instance.init(); assert.calledOnce(Services.telemetry.scalarSet); assert.calledWith( Services.telemetry.scalarSet, "deletion.request.impression_id", instance._impressionId ); }); }); describe("#handleEvent", () => { it("should dispatch a TAB_PINNED_EVENT", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); globals.set({ Services: { ...Services, wm: { getEnumerator: () => [{ gBrowser: { tabs: [{ pinned: true }] } }], }, }, }); instance.handleEvent({ type: "TabPinned", target: {} }); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendEvent); const [ping] = instance.sendEvent.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(ping, "event", "TABPINNED"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "source", "TAB_CONTEXT_MENU"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", "n/a"); assert.propertyVal(ping.value, "total_pinned_tabs", 1); }); it("should skip private windows", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); globals.set({ PrivateBrowsingUtils: { isWindowPrivate: () => true } }); instance.handleEvent({ type: "TabPinned", target: {} }); assert.notCalled(instance.sendEvent); }); it("should return the correct value for total_pinned_tabs", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); globals.set({ Services: { ...Services, wm: { getEnumerator: () => [ { gBrowser: { tabs: [{ pinned: true }, { pinned: false }] }, }, ], }, }, }); instance.handleEvent({ type: "TabPinned", target: {} }); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendEvent); const [ping] = instance.sendEvent.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(ping, "event", "TABPINNED"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "source", "TAB_CONTEXT_MENU"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", "n/a"); assert.propertyVal(ping.value, "total_pinned_tabs", 1); }); it("should return the correct value for total_pinned_tabs (when private windows are open)", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); const privateWinStub = sandbox .stub() .onCall(0) .returns(false) .onCall(1) .returns(true); globals.set({ PrivateBrowsingUtils: { isWindowPrivate: privateWinStub }, }); globals.set({ Services: { ...Services, wm: { getEnumerator: () => [ { gBrowser: { tabs: [{ pinned: true }, { pinned: true }] }, }, ], }, }, }); instance.handleEvent({ type: "TabPinned", target: {} }); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendEvent); const [ping] = instance.sendEvent.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(ping.value, "total_pinned_tabs", 0); }); it("should unregister the event listeners", () => { const stub = { removeEventListener: sandbox.stub() }; instance.handleEvent({ type: "unload", target: stub }); assert.calledTwice(stub.removeEventListener); assert.calledWithExactly( stub.removeEventListener, "unload", instance.handleEvent ); assert.calledWithExactly( stub.removeEventListener, "TabPinned", instance.handleEvent ); }); }); describe("#addSession", () => { it("should add a session and return it", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo"); assert.equal(instance.sessions.get("foo"), session); }); it("should set the session_id", () => { sandbox.spy(global.gUUIDGenerator, "generateUUID"); const session = instance.addSession("foo"); assert.calledOnce(global.gUUIDGenerator.generateUUID); assert.equal( session.session_id, global.gUUIDGenerator.generateUUID.firstCall.returnValue ); }); it("should set the page if a url parameter is given", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo", "about:monkeys"); assert.propertyVal(session, "page", "about:monkeys"); }); it("should set the page prop to 'unknown' if no URL parameter given", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo"); assert.propertyVal(session, "page", "unknown"); }); it("should set the perf type when lacking timestamp", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo"); assert.propertyVal(session.perf, "load_trigger_type", "unexpected"); }); it("should set load_trigger_type to first_window_opened on the first about:home seen", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo", "about:home"); assert.propertyVal( session.perf, "load_trigger_type", "first_window_opened" ); }); it("should not set load_trigger_type to first_window_opened on the second about:home seen", () => { instance.addSession("foo", "about:home"); const session2 = instance.addSession("foo", "about:home"); assert.notPropertyVal( session2.perf, "load_trigger_type", "first_window_opened" ); }); it("should set load_trigger_ts to the value of the process start timestamp", () => { const session = instance.addSession("foo", "about:home"); assert.propertyVal(session.perf, "load_trigger_ts", 1588010448000); }); it("should create a valid session ping on the first about:home seen", () => { // Add a session const portID = "foo"; const session = instance.addSession(portID, "about:home"); // Create a ping referencing the session const ping = instance.createSessionEndEvent(session); assert.validate(ping, SessionPing); }); it("should be a valid ping with the data_late_by_ms perf", () => { // Add a session const portID = "foo"; const session = instance.addSession(portID, "about:home"); instance.saveSessionPerfData("foo", { topsites_data_late_by_ms: 10 }); instance.saveSessionPerfData("foo", { highlights_data_late_by_ms: 20 }); // Create a ping referencing the session const ping = instance.createSessionEndEvent(session); assert.validate(ping, SessionPing); assert.propertyVal( instance.sessions.get("foo").perf, "highlights_data_late_by_ms", 20 ); assert.propertyVal( instance.sessions.get("foo").perf, "topsites_data_late_by_ms", 10 ); }); it("should be a valid ping with the topsites stats perf", () => { // Add a session const portID = "foo"; const session = instance.addSession(portID, "about:home"); instance.saveSessionPerfData("foo", { topsites_icon_stats: { custom_screenshot: 0, screenshot_with_icon: 2, screenshot: 1, tippytop: 2, rich_icon: 1, no_image: 0, }, topsites_pinned: 3, topsites_search_shortcuts: 2, }); // Create a ping referencing the session const ping = instance.createSessionEndEvent(session); assert.validate(ping, SessionPing); assert.propertyVal( instance.sessions.get("foo").perf.topsites_icon_stats, "screenshot_with_icon", 2 ); assert.equal(instance.sessions.get("foo").perf.topsites_pinned, 3); assert.equal( instance.sessions.get("foo").perf.topsites_search_shortcuts, 2 ); }); }); describe("#browserOpenNewtabStart", () => { it("should call ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker with browser-open-newtab-start", () => { globals.set("ChromeUtils", { addProfilerMarker: sandbox.stub(), }); sandbox.stub(global.Cu, "now").returns(12345); instance.browserOpenNewtabStart(); assert.calledOnce(ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker); assert.calledWithExactly( ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker, "UserTiming", 12345, "browser-open-newtab-start" ); }); }); describe("#endSession", () => { it("should not throw if there is no session for the given port ID", () => { assert.doesNotThrow(() => instance.endSession("doesn't exist")); }); it("should add a session_duration integer if there is a visibility_event_rcvd_ts", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); const session = instance.addSession("foo"); session.perf.visibility_event_rcvd_ts = 444.4732; instance.endSession("foo"); assert.isNumber(session.session_duration); assert.ok( Number.isInteger(session.session_duration), "session_duration should be an integer" ); }); it("shouldn't send session ping if there's no visibility_event_rcvd_ts", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); instance.addSession("foo"); instance.endSession("foo"); assert.notCalled(instance.sendEvent); assert.isFalse(instance.sessions.has("foo")); }); it("should remove the session from .sessions", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); instance.addSession("foo"); instance.endSession("foo"); assert.isFalse(instance.sessions.has("foo")); }); it("should call createSessionSendEvent and sendEvent with the sesssion", () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); sandbox.stub(instance, "createSessionEndEvent"); sandbox.stub(instance.utEvents, "sendSessionEndEvent"); const session = instance.addSession("foo"); session.perf.visibility_event_rcvd_ts = 444.4732; instance.endSession("foo"); // Did we call sendEvent with the result of createSessionEndEvent? assert.calledWith(instance.createSessionEndEvent, session); let sessionEndEvent = instance.createSessionEndEvent.firstCall.returnValue; assert.calledWith(instance.sendEvent, sessionEndEvent); assert.calledWith(instance.utEvents.sendSessionEndEvent, sessionEndEvent); }); }); describe("ping creators", () => { beforeEach(() => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; for (const pref of Object.keys(USER_PREFS_ENCODING)) { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[pref] = true; expectedUserPrefs |= USER_PREFS_ENCODING[pref]; } instance.init(); }); describe("#createPing", () => { it("should create a valid base ping without a session if no portID is supplied", async () => { const ping = await instance.createPing(); assert.validate(ping, BasePing); assert.notProperty(ping, "session_id"); assert.notProperty(ping, "page"); }); it("should create a valid base ping with session info if a portID is supplied", async () => { // Add a session const portID = "foo"; instance.addSession(portID, "about:home"); const sessionID = instance.sessions.get(portID).session_id; // Create a ping referencing the session const ping = await instance.createPing(portID); assert.validate(ping, BasePing); // Make sure we added the right session-related stuff to the ping assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", sessionID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "page", "about:home"); }); it("should create an unexpected base ping if no session yet portID is supplied", async () => { const ping = await instance.createPing("foo"); assert.validate(ping, BasePing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "page", "unknown"); assert.propertyVal( instance.sessions.get("foo").perf, "load_trigger_type", "unexpected" ); }); it("should create a base ping with user_prefs", async () => { const ping = await instance.createPing("foo"); assert.validate(ping, BasePing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "user_prefs", expectedUserPrefs); }); }); describe("#createUserEvent", () => { it("should create a valid event", async () => { const portID = "foo"; const data = { source: "TOP_SITES", event: "CLICK" }; const action = ac.AlsoToMain(ac.UserEvent(data), portID); const session = instance.addSession(portID); const ping = await instance.createUserEvent(action); // Is it valid? assert.validate(ping, UserEventPing); // Does it have the right session_id? assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", session.session_id); }); }); describe("#createSessionEndEvent", () => { it("should create a valid event", async () => { const ping = await instance.createSessionEndEvent({ session_id: FAKE_UUID, page: "about:newtab", session_duration: 12345, perf: { load_trigger_ts: 10, load_trigger_type: "menu_plus_or_keyboard", visibility_event_rcvd_ts: 20, is_preloaded: true, }, }); // Is it valid? assert.validate(ping, SessionPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", FAKE_UUID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "page", "about:newtab"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_duration", 12345); }); it("should create a valid unexpected session event", async () => { const ping = await instance.createSessionEndEvent({ session_id: FAKE_UUID, page: "about:newtab", session_duration: 12345, perf: { load_trigger_type: "unexpected", is_preloaded: true, }, }); // Is it valid? assert.validate(ping, SessionPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_id", FAKE_UUID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "page", "about:newtab"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "session_duration", 12345); assert.propertyVal(ping.perf, "load_trigger_type", "unexpected"); }); }); }); describe("#createImpressionStats", () => { it("should create a valid impression stats ping", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001 }, { id: 10002 }, { id: 10003 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.validate(ping, ImpressionStatsPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "source", "POCKET"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "tiles", tiles); }); it("should create a valid click ping", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001, pos: 2 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles, click: 0 }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.validate(ping, ImpressionStatsPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "click", 0); assert.propertyVal(ping, "tiles", tiles); }); it("should create a valid block ping", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001, pos: 2 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles, block: 0 }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.validate(ping, ImpressionStatsPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "block", 0); assert.propertyVal(ping, "tiles", tiles); }); it("should create a valid pocket ping", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001, pos: 2 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles, pocket: 0 }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.validate(ping, ImpressionStatsPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "pocket", 0); assert.propertyVal(ping, "tiles", tiles); }); it("should pass shim if it is available to impression ping", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001, pos: 2, shim: 1234 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.propertyVal(ping, "tiles", tiles); assert.propertyVal(ping.tiles[0], "shim", tiles[0].shim); }); it("should not include client_id and session_id", async () => { const tiles = [{ id: 10001 }, { id: 10002 }, { id: 10003 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles }); const ping = await instance.createImpressionStats( au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.validate(ping, ImpressionStatsPing); assert.notProperty(ping, "client_id"); assert.notProperty(ping, "session_id"); }); }); describe("#applyCFRPolicy", () => { it("should use client_id and message_id in prerelease", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "nightly"; }, }); const data = { action: "cfr_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "cfr_message_01", bucket_id: "cfr_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyCFRPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "cfr"); assert.isUndefined(ping.impression_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "cfr_bucket_01"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "cfr_message_01"); }); it("should use impression_id and bucket_id in release", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "release"; }, }); const data = { action: "cfr_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "cfr_message_01", bucket_id: "cfr_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyCFRPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "cfr"); assert.isUndefined(ping.client_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "impression_id", FAKE_UUID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "n/a"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "cfr_bucket_01"); }); it("should use client_id and message_id in the experiment cohort in release", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "release"; }, }); sandbox.stub(ExperimentAPI, "getExperimentMetaData").returns({ slug: "SOME-CFR-EXP", }); const data = { action: "cfr_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "cfr_message_01", bucket_id: "cfr_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyCFRPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "cfr"); assert.isUndefined(ping.impression_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "cfr_bucket_01"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "cfr_message_01"); }); }); describe("#applyWhatsNewPolicy", () => { it("should set client_id and set pingType", async () => { const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyWhatsNewPolicy({}); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.equal(pingType, "whats-new-panel"); }); }); describe("#applyInfoBarPolicy", () => { it("should set client_id and set pingType", async () => { const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyInfoBarPolicy({}); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.equal(pingType, "infobar"); }); }); describe("#applyMomentsPolicy", () => { it("should use client_id and message_id in prerelease", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "nightly"; }, }); const data = { action: "moments_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "moments_message_01", bucket_id: "moments_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyMomentsPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "moments"); assert.isUndefined(ping.impression_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "moments_bucket_01"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "moments_message_01"); }); it("should use impression_id and bucket_id in release", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "release"; }, }); const data = { action: "moments_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "moments_message_01", bucket_id: "moments_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyMomentsPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "moments"); assert.isUndefined(ping.client_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "impression_id", FAKE_UUID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "n/a"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "moments_bucket_01"); }); it("should use client_id and message_id in the experiment cohort in release", async () => { globals.set("UpdateUtils", { getUpdateChannel() { return "release"; }, }); sandbox.stub(ExperimentAPI, "getExperimentMetaData").returns({ slug: "SOME-CFR-EXP", }); const data = { action: "moments_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "moments_message_01", bucket_id: "moments_bucket_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyMomentsPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "moments"); assert.isUndefined(ping.impression_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "bucket_id", "moments_bucket_01"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "moments_message_01"); }); }); describe("#applySnippetsPolicy", () => { it("should include client_id", async () => { const data = { action: "snippets_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "snippets_message_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applySnippetsPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "snippets"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "snippets_message_01"); }); }); describe("#applyOnboardingPolicy", () => { it("should include client_id", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTION", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyOnboardingPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "onboarding"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "client_id", FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "onboarding_message_01"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "browser_session_id", "fake_session_id"); }); it("should include page to event_context if there is a session", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTION", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", }; const session = { page: "about:welcome" }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyOnboardingPolicy( data, session ); assert.equal(pingType, "onboarding"); assert.propertyVal( ping, "event_context", JSON.stringify({ page: "about:welcome" }) ); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "onboarding_message_01"); }); it("should not set page if it is not in ONBOARDING_ALLOWED_PAGE_VALUES", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTION", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", }; const session = { page: "foo" }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyOnboardingPolicy( data, session ); assert.calledOnce(global.Cu.reportError); assert.equal(pingType, "onboarding"); assert.propertyVal(ping, "event_context", JSON.stringify({})); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "onboarding_message_01"); }); it("should append page to event_context if it is not empty", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTION", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", event_context: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" }), }; const session = { page: "about:welcome" }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyOnboardingPolicy( data, session ); assert.equal(pingType, "onboarding"); assert.propertyVal( ping, "event_context", JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar", page: "about:welcome" }) ); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "onboarding_message_01"); }); it("should append page to event_context if it is not a JSON serialized string", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTION", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", event_context: "foo", }; const session = { page: "about:welcome" }; const { ping, pingType } = await instance.applyOnboardingPolicy( data, session ); assert.equal(pingType, "onboarding"); assert.propertyVal( ping, "event_context", JSON.stringify({ value: "foo", page: "about:welcome" }) ); assert.propertyVal(ping, "message_id", "onboarding_message_01"); }); }); describe("#applyUndesiredEventPolicy", () => { it("should exclude client_id and use impression_id", () => { const data = { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "RS_MISSING_DATA", }; const { ping, pingType } = instance.applyUndesiredEventPolicy(data); assert.equal(pingType, "undesired-events"); assert.isUndefined(ping.client_id); assert.propertyVal(ping, "impression_id", FAKE_UUID); }); }); describe("#createASRouterEvent", () => { it("should create a valid AS Router event", async () => { const data = { action: "snippets_user_event", event: "CLICK", message_id: "snippets_message_01", }; const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); const { ping } = await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.validate(ping, ASRouterEventPing); assert.propertyVal(ping, "event", "CLICK"); }); it("should call applyCFRPolicy if action equals to cfr_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "cfr_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "cfr_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applyCFRPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applyCFRPolicy); }); it("should call applySnippetsPolicy if action equals to snippets_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "snippets_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "snippets_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applySnippetsPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applySnippetsPolicy); }); it("should call applySnippetsPolicy if action equals to snippets_local_testing_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "snippets_local_testing_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "snippets_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applySnippetsPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applySnippetsPolicy); }); it("should call applyOnboardingPolicy if action equals to onboarding_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTON", message_id: "onboarding_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applyOnboardingPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applyOnboardingPolicy); }); it("should call applyWhatsNewPolicy if action equals to whats-new-panel_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "whats-new-panel_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTON", message_id: "whats-new-panel_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applyWhatsNewPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applyWhatsNewPolicy); }); it("should call applyMomentsPolicy if action equals to moments_user_event", async () => { const data = { action: "moments_user_event", event: "CLICK_BUTTON", message_id: "moments_message_01", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applyMomentsPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applyMomentsPolicy); }); it("should call applyUndesiredEventPolicy if action equals to asrouter_undesired_event", async () => { const data = { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "UNDESIRED_EVENT", }; sandbox.stub(instance, "applyUndesiredEventPolicy"); const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.calledOnce(instance.applyUndesiredEventPolicy); }); it("should stringify event_context if it is an Object", async () => { const data = { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "UNDESIRED_EVENT", event_context: { foo: "bar" }, }; const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); const { ping } = await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.propertyVal(ping, "event_context", JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" })); }); it("should not stringify event_context if it is a String", async () => { const data = { action: "asrouter_undesired_event", event: "UNDESIRED_EVENT", event_context: "foo", }; const action = ac.ASRouterUserEvent(data); const { ping } = await instance.createASRouterEvent(action); assert.propertyVal(ping, "event_context", "foo"); }); }); describe("#sendEventPing", () => { it("should call sendStructuredIngestionEvent", async () => { const data = { action: "activity_stream_user_event", event: "CLICK", }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); await instance.sendEventPing(data); const expectedPayload = { client_id: FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID, event: "CLICK", browser_session_id: "fake_session_id", }; assert.calledWith(instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent, expectedPayload); }); it("should stringify value if it is an Object", async () => { const data = { action: "activity_stream_user_event", event: "CLICK", value: { foo: "bar" }, }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); await instance.sendEventPing(data); const expectedPayload = { client_id: FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID, event: "CLICK", browser_session_id: "fake_session_id", value: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" }), }; assert.calledWith(instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent, expectedPayload); }); }); describe("#sendSessionPing", () => { it("should call sendStructuredIngestionEvent", async () => { const data = { action: "activity_stream_session", page: "about:home", session_duration: 10000, }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); await instance.sendSessionPing(data); const expectedPayload = { client_id: FAKE_TELEMETRY_ID, page: "about:home", session_duration: 10000, }; assert.calledWith(instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent, expectedPayload); }); }); describe("#sendEvent", () => { it("should call sendEventPing on activity_stream_user_event", () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs.telemetry = true; const event = { action: "activity_stream_user_event" }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendEventPing"); instance.sendEvent(event); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendEventPing); }); it("should call sendSessionPing on activity_stream_session", () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs.telemetry = true; const event = { action: "activity_stream_session" }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendSessionPing"); instance.sendEvent(event); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendSessionPing); }); }); describe("#sendUTEvent", () => { it("should call the UT event function passed in", async () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; const event = {}; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.stub(instance.utEvents, "sendUserEvent"); await instance.sendUTEvent(event, instance.utEvents.sendUserEvent); assert.calledWith(instance.utEvents.sendUserEvent, event); }); }); describe("#sendStructuredIngestionEvent", () => { it("should call PingCentre sendStructuredIngestionPing", async () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; const event = {}; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.stub(instance.pingCentre, "sendStructuredIngestionPing"); await instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent( event, "http://foo.com/base/" ); assert.calledWith(instance.pingCentre.sendStructuredIngestionPing, event); }); }); describe("#setLoadTriggerInfo", () => { it("should call saveSessionPerfData w/load_trigger_{ts,type} data", () => { sandbox.stub(global.Cu, "now").returns(12345); globals.set("ChromeUtils", { addProfilerMarker: sandbox.stub(), }); instance.browserOpenNewtabStart(); const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "saveSessionPerfData"); instance.addSession("port123"); instance.setLoadTriggerInfo("port123"); assert.calledWith(stub, "port123", { load_trigger_ts: 1588010448000 + 12345, load_trigger_type: "menu_plus_or_keyboard", }); }); it("should not call saveSessionPerfData when getting mark throws", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "saveSessionPerfData"); instance.addSession("port123"); instance.setLoadTriggerInfo("port123"); assert.notCalled(stub); }); }); describe("#saveSessionPerfData", () => { it("should update the given session with the given data", () => { instance.addSession("port123"); assert.notProperty(instance.sessions.get("port123"), "fake_ts"); const data = { fake_ts: 456, other_fake_ts: 789 }; instance.saveSessionPerfData("port123", data); assert.include(instance.sessions.get("port123").perf, data); }); it("should call setLoadTriggerInfo if data has visibility_event_rcvd_ts", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "setLoadTriggerInfo"); instance.addSession("port123"); const data = { visibility_event_rcvd_ts: 444455 }; instance.saveSessionPerfData("port123", data); assert.calledOnce(instance.setLoadTriggerInfo); assert.calledWithExactly(instance.setLoadTriggerInfo, "port123"); assert.include(instance.sessions.get("port123").perf, data); }); it("shouldn't call setLoadTriggerInfo if data has no visibility_event_rcvd_ts", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "setLoadTriggerInfo"); instance.addSession("port123"); instance.saveSessionPerfData("port123", { monkeys_ts: 444455 }); assert.notCalled(instance.setLoadTriggerInfo); }); it("should not call setLoadTriggerInfo when url is about:home", () => { sandbox.stub(instance, "setLoadTriggerInfo"); instance.addSession("port123", "about:home"); const data = { visibility_event_rcvd_ts: 444455 }; instance.saveSessionPerfData("port123", data); assert.notCalled(instance.setLoadTriggerInfo); }); it("should call maybeRecordTopsitesPainted when url is about:home and topsites_first_painted_ts is given", () => { const topsites_first_painted_ts = 44455; const data = { topsites_first_painted_ts }; const spy = sandbox.spy(); sandbox.stub(Services.prefs, "getIntPref").returns(1); globals.set("AboutNewTab", { maybeRecordTopsitesPainted: spy, }); instance.addSession("port123", "about:home"); instance.saveSessionPerfData("port123", data); assert.calledOnce(spy); assert.calledWith(spy, topsites_first_painted_ts); }); }); describe("#uninit", () => { it("should call .pingCentre.uninit", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance.pingCentre, "uninit"); instance.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should call .utEvents.uninit", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance.utEvents, "uninit"); instance.uninit(); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should make this.browserOpenNewtabStart() stop observing browser-open-newtab-start and domwindowopened", async () => { await instance.init(); sandbox.spy(Services.obs, "removeObserver"); sandbox.stub(instance.pingCentre, "uninit"); await instance.uninit(); assert.calledTwice(Services.obs.removeObserver); assert.calledWithExactly( Services.obs.removeObserver, instance.browserOpenNewtabStart, "browser-open-newtab-start" ); assert.calledWithExactly( Services.obs.removeObserver, instance._addWindowListeners, "domwindowopened" ); }); }); describe("#onAction", () => { beforeEach(() => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; }); it("should call .init() on an INIT action", () => { const init = sandbox.stub(instance, "init"); const sendPageTakeoverData = sandbox.stub( instance, "sendPageTakeoverData" ); instance.onAction({ type: at.INIT }); assert.calledOnce(init); assert.calledOnce(sendPageTakeoverData); }); it("should call .uninit() on an UNINIT action", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "uninit"); instance.onAction({ type: at.UNINIT }); assert.calledOnce(stub); }); it("should call .handleNewTabInit on a NEW_TAB_INIT action", () => { sandbox.spy(instance, "handleNewTabInit"); instance.onAction( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_INIT, data: { url: "about:newtab", browser }, }) ); assert.calledOnce(instance.handleNewTabInit); }); it("should call .addSession() on a NEW_TAB_INIT action", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "addSession").returns({ perf: {} }); sandbox.stub(instance, "setLoadTriggerInfo"); instance.onAction( ac.AlsoToMain( { type: at.NEW_TAB_INIT, data: { url: "about:monkeys", browser }, }, "port123" ) ); assert.calledOnce(stub); assert.calledWith(stub, "port123", "about:monkeys"); }); it("should call .endSession() on a NEW_TAB_UNLOAD action", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "endSession"); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_UNLOAD }, "port123")); assert.calledWith(stub, "port123"); }); it("should call .saveSessionPerfData on SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA", () => { const stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "saveSessionPerfData"); const data = { some_ts: 10 }; const action = { type: at.SAVE_SESSION_PERF_DATA, data }; instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain(action, "port123")); assert.calledWith(stub, "port123", data); }); it("should send an event on a TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT action", () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); const utSendUserEvent = sandbox.stub(instance.utEvents, "sendUserEvent"); const eventCreator = sandbox.stub(instance, "createUserEvent"); const action = { type: at.TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT }; instance.onAction(action); assert.calledWith(eventCreator, action); assert.calledWith(sendEvent, eventCreator.returnValue); assert.calledWith(utSendUserEvent, eventCreator.returnValue); }); describe("should call handleASRouterUserEvent on x action", () => { const actions = [ at.AS_ROUTER_TELEMETRY_USER_EVENT, msg.TOOLBAR_BADGE_TELEMETRY, msg.TOOLBAR_PANEL_TELEMETRY, msg.MOMENTS_PAGE_TELEMETRY, msg.DOORHANGER_TELEMETRY, ]; actions.forEach(type => { it(`${type} action`, () => { FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[EVENTS_TELEMETRY_PREF] = true; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); const eventHandler = sandbox.spy(instance, "handleASRouterUserEvent"); const action = { type, data: { event: "CLICK" }, }; instance.onAction(action); assert.calledWith(eventHandler, action); }); }); }); it("should send an event on a TELEMETRY_IMPRESSION_STATS action", () => { const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); const eventCreator = sandbox.stub(instance, "createImpressionStats"); const tiles = [{ id: 10001 }, { id: 10002 }, { id: 10003 }]; const action = ac.ImpressionStats({ source: "POCKET", tiles }); instance.onAction(action); assert.calledWith( eventCreator, au.getPortIdOfSender(action), action.data ); assert.calledWith(sendEvent, eventCreator.returnValue); }); it("should call .handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats on a DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS action", () => { const session = {}; sandbox.stub(instance.sessions, "get").returns(session); const data = { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 1 }] }; const action = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_IMPRESSION_STATS, data }; sandbox.spy(instance, "handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats"); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain(action, "port123")); assert.calledWith( instance.handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats, "port123", data ); }); it("should call .handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent on a DISCOVERY_STREAM_LOADED_CONTENT action", () => { const session = {}; sandbox.stub(instance.sessions, "get").returns(session); const data = { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 1 }] }; const action = { type: at.DISCOVERY_STREAM_LOADED_CONTENT, data }; sandbox.spy(instance, "handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent"); instance.onAction(ac.AlsoToMain(action, "port123")); assert.calledWith( instance.handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent, "port123", data ); }); }); describe("#handleNewTabInit", () => { it("should set the session as preloaded if the browser is preloaded", () => { const session = { perf: {} }; let preloadedBrowser = { getAttribute() { return "preloaded"; }, }; sandbox.stub(instance, "addSession").returns(session); instance.onAction( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_INIT, data: { url: "about:newtab", browser: preloadedBrowser }, }) ); assert.ok(session.perf.is_preloaded); }); it("should set the session as non-preloaded if the browser is non-preloaded", () => { const session = { perf: {} }; let nonPreloadedBrowser = { getAttribute() { return ""; }, }; sandbox.stub(instance, "addSession").returns(session); instance.onAction( ac.AlsoToMain({ type: at.NEW_TAB_INIT, data: { url: "about:newtab", browser: nonPreloadedBrowser }, }) ); assert.ok(!session.perf.is_preloaded); }); }); describe("#SendASRouterUndesiredEvent", () => { it("should call handleASRouterUserEvent", () => { let stub = sandbox.stub(instance, "handleASRouterUserEvent"); instance.SendASRouterUndesiredEvent({ foo: "bar" }); assert.calledOnce(stub); let [payload] = stub.firstCall.args; assert.propertyVal(payload.data, "action", "asrouter_undesired_event"); assert.propertyVal(payload.data, "foo", "bar"); }); }); describe("#sendPageTakeoverData", () => { let fakePrefs = { "browser.newtabpage.enabled": true }; beforeEach(() => { globals.set( "Services", Object.assign({}, Services, { prefs: { getBoolPref: key => fakePrefs[key] }, }) ); // Services.prefs = {getBoolPref: key => fakePrefs[key]}; }); it("should send correct event data for about:home set to custom URL", async () => { fakeHomePageUrl = "https://searchprovider.com"; instance._prefs.set(TELEMETRY_PREF, true); instance._classifySite = () => Promise.resolve("other"); const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); await instance.sendPageTakeoverData(); assert.calledOnce(sendEvent); assert.equal(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].event, "PAGE_TAKEOVER_DATA"); assert.deepEqual(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].value, { home_url_category: "other", }); assert.validate(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0], UserEventPing); }); it("should send correct event data for about:newtab set to custom URL", async () => { globals.set("AboutNewTab", { newTabURLOverridden: true, newTabURL: "https://searchprovider.com", }); instance._prefs.set(TELEMETRY_PREF, true); instance._classifySite = () => Promise.resolve("other"); const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); await instance.sendPageTakeoverData(); assert.calledOnce(sendEvent); assert.equal(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].event, "PAGE_TAKEOVER_DATA"); assert.deepEqual(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].value, { newtab_url_category: "other", }); assert.validate(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0], UserEventPing); }); it("should not send an event if neither about:{home,newtab} are set to custom URL", async () => { instance._prefs.set(TELEMETRY_PREF, true); const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); await instance.sendPageTakeoverData(); assert.notCalled(sendEvent); }); it("should send home_extension_id and newtab_extension_id when appropriate", async () => { const ID = "{abc-foo-bar}"; fakeExtensionSettingsStore.getSetting = () => ({ id: ID }); instance._prefs.set(TELEMETRY_PREF, true); instance._classifySite = () => Promise.resolve("other"); const sendEvent = sandbox.stub(instance, "sendEvent"); await instance.sendPageTakeoverData(); assert.calledOnce(sendEvent); assert.equal(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].event, "PAGE_TAKEOVER_DATA"); assert.deepEqual(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0].value, { home_extension_id: ID, newtab_extension_id: ID, }); assert.validate(sendEvent.firstCall.args[0], UserEventPing); }); }); describe("#sendDiscoveryStreamImpressions", () => { it("should not send impression pings if there is no impression data", () => { const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendEvent"); const session = {}; instance.sendDiscoveryStreamImpressions("foo", session); assert.notCalled(spy); }); it("should send impression pings if there is impression data", () => { const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); const session = { impressionSets: { source_foo: [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ], source_bar: [ { id: 3, pos: 0 }, { id: 4, pos: 1 }, ], }, }; instance.sendDiscoveryStreamImpressions("foo", session); assert.calledTwice(spy); }); }); describe("#sendDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent", () => { it("should not send loaded content pings if there is no loaded content data", () => { const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendEvent"); const session = {}; instance.sendDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("foo", session); assert.notCalled(spy); }); it("should send loaded content pings if there is loaded content data", () => { const spy = sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); const session = { loadedContentSets: { source_foo: [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ], source_bar: [ { id: 3, pos: 0 }, { id: 4, pos: 1 }, ], }, }; instance.sendDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("foo", session); assert.calledTwice(spy); let [payload] = spy.firstCall.args; let sources = new Set([]); sources.add(payload.source); assert.equal(payload.loaded, 2); assert.deepEqual( payload.tiles, session.loadedContentSets[payload.source] ); [payload] = spy.secondCall.args; sources.add(payload.source); assert.equal(payload.loaded, 2); assert.deepEqual( payload.tiles, session.loadedContentSets[payload.source] ); assert.deepEqual(sources, new Set(["source_foo", "source_bar"])); }); }); describe("#handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats", () => { it("should throw for a missing session", () => { assert.throws(() => { instance.handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats("a_missing_port", {}); }, "Session does not exist."); }); it("should store impression to impressionSets", () => { const session = instance.addSession("new_session", "about:newtab"); instance.handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats("new_session", { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 1, pos: 0 }], }); assert.equal(Object.keys(session.impressionSets).length, 1); assert.deepEqual(session.impressionSets.foo, [{ id: 1, pos: 0 }]); // Add another ping with the same source instance.handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats("new_session", { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 2, pos: 1 }], }); assert.deepEqual(session.impressionSets.foo, [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ]); // Add another ping with a different source instance.handleDiscoveryStreamImpressionStats("new_session", { source: "bar", tiles: [{ id: 3, pos: 2 }], }); assert.equal(Object.keys(session.impressionSets).length, 2); assert.deepEqual(session.impressionSets.foo, [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(session.impressionSets.bar, [{ id: 3, pos: 2 }]); }); }); describe("#handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent", () => { it("should throw for a missing session", () => { assert.throws(() => { instance.handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("a_missing_port", {}); }, "Session does not exist."); }); it("should store loaded content to loadedContentSets", () => { const session = instance.addSession("new_session", "about:newtab"); instance.handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("new_session", { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 1, pos: 0 }], }); assert.equal(Object.keys(session.loadedContentSets).length, 1); assert.deepEqual(session.loadedContentSets.foo, [{ id: 1, pos: 0 }]); // Add another ping with the same source instance.handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("new_session", { source: "foo", tiles: [{ id: 2, pos: 1 }], }); assert.deepEqual(session.loadedContentSets.foo, [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ]); // Add another ping with a different source instance.handleDiscoveryStreamLoadedContent("new_session", { source: "bar", tiles: [{ id: 3, pos: 2 }], }); assert.equal(Object.keys(session.loadedContentSets).length, 2); assert.deepEqual(session.loadedContentSets.foo, [ { id: 1, pos: 0 }, { id: 2, pos: 1 }, ]); assert.deepEqual(session.loadedContentSets.bar, [{ id: 3, pos: 2 }]); }); }); describe("#_generateStructuredIngestionEndpoint", () => { it("should generate a valid endpoint", () => { const fakeEndpoint = "http://fakeendpoint.com/base/"; const fakeUUID = "{34f24486-f01a-9749-9c5b-21476af1fa77}"; const fakeUUIDWithoutBraces = fakeUUID.substring(1, fakeUUID.length - 1); FakePrefs.prototype.prefs = {}; FakePrefs.prototype.prefs[ STRUCTURED_INGESTION_ENDPOINT_PREF ] = fakeEndpoint; sandbox.stub(global.gUUIDGenerator, "generateUUID").returns(fakeUUID); const feed = new TelemetryFeed(); const url = feed._generateStructuredIngestionEndpoint( "testNameSpace", "testPingType", "1" ); assert.equal( url, `${fakeEndpoint}/testNameSpace/testPingType/1/${fakeUUIDWithoutBraces}` ); }); }); describe("#handleASRouterUserEvent", () => { it("should call sendStructuredIngestionEvent on known pingTypes", async () => { const data = { action: "onboarding_user_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "12345", }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); await instance.handleASRouterUserEvent({ data }); assert.calledOnce(instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent); }); it("should reportError on unknown pingTypes", async () => { const data = { action: "unknown_event", event: "IMPRESSION", message_id: "12345", }; instance = new TelemetryFeed(); sandbox.spy(instance, "sendStructuredIngestionEvent"); await instance.handleASRouterUserEvent({ data }); assert.calledOnce(global.Cu.reportError); assert.notCalled(instance.sendStructuredIngestionEvent); }); }); describe("#isInCFRCohort", () => { it("should return false if there is no CFR experiment registered", () => { assert.ok(!instance.isInCFRCohort); }); it("should return false if getExperimentMetaData throws", () => { sandbox.stub(ExperimentAPI, "getExperimentMetaData").throws(); assert.ok(!instance.isInCFRCohort); }); it("should return true if there is a CFR experiment registered", () => { sandbox.stub(ExperimentAPI, "getExperimentMetaData").returns({ slug: "SOME-CFR-EXP", }); assert.ok(instance.isInCFRCohort); assert.propertyVal( ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData.firstCall.args[0], "featureId", "cfr" ); }); }); });