SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog(); ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/HandlerServiceTestUtils.jsm", this ); let gHandlerService = Cc[";1"].getService( Ci.nsIHandlerService ); let gOldMailHandlers = []; let gDummyHandlers = []; let gOriginalPreferredMailHandler; let gOriginalPreferredPDFHandler; registerCleanupFunction(function() { function removeDummyHandlers(handlers) { // Remove any of the dummy handlers we created. for (let i = handlers.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { try { if ( gDummyHandlers.some( h => h.uriTemplate == handlers.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp).uriTemplate ) ) { handlers.removeElementAt(i); } } catch (ex) { /* ignore non-web-app handlers */ } } } // Re-add the original protocol handlers: let mailHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("mailto"); let mailHandlers = mailHandlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers; for (let h of gOldMailHandlers) { mailHandlers.appendElement(h); } removeDummyHandlers(mailHandlers); mailHandlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = gOriginalPreferredMailHandler;; let pdfHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo( "application/pdf" ); removeDummyHandlers(pdfHandlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers); pdfHandlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler = gOriginalPreferredPDFHandler;; gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); function scrubMailtoHandlers(handlerInfo) { // Remove extant web handlers because they have icons that // we fetch from the web, which isn't allowed in tests. let handlers = handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers; for (let i = handlers.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { try { let handler = handlers.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp); gOldMailHandlers.push(handler); // If we get here, this is a web handler app. Remove it: handlers.removeElementAt(i); } catch (ex) {} } } add_task(async function setup() { // Create our dummy handlers let handler1 = Cc[";1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp ); = "Handler 1"; handler1.uriTemplate = ""; let handler2 = Cc[";1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp ); = "Handler 2"; handler2.uriTemplate = ""; gDummyHandlers.push(handler1, handler2); function substituteWebHandlers(handlerInfo) { // Append the dummy handlers to replace them: let handlers = handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers; handlers.appendElement(handler1); handlers.appendElement(handler2);; } // Set up our mailto handler test infrastructure. let mailtoHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo("mailto"); scrubMailtoHandlers(mailtoHandlerInfo); gOriginalPreferredMailHandler = mailtoHandlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler; substituteWebHandlers(mailtoHandlerInfo); // Now do the same for pdf handler: let pdfHandlerInfo = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo( "application/pdf" ); // PDF doesn't have built-in web handlers, so no need to scrub. gOriginalPreferredPDFHandler = pdfHandlerInfo.preferredApplicationHandler; substituteWebHandlers(pdfHandlerInfo); await openPreferencesViaOpenPreferencesAPI("general", { leaveOpen: true }); info("Preferences page opened on the general pane."); await gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow.promiseLoadHandlersList; info("Apps list loaded."); }); async function selectStandardOptions(itemToUse) { async function selectItemInPopup(item) { let popupShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popupshown"); // Synthesizing the mouse on the .actionsMenu menulist somehow just selects // the top row. Probably something to do with the multiple layers of anon // content - workaround by using the `.open` setter instead. = true; await popupShown; let popupHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popuphidden"); if (typeof item == "function") { item = item(); }; popup.hidePopup(); await popupHidden; return item; } let itemType = itemToUse.getAttribute("type"); // Center the item. Center rather than top so it doesn't get blocked by // the search header. itemToUse.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); itemToUse.closest("richlistbox").selectItem(itemToUse); Assert.ok(itemToUse.selected, "Should be able to select our item."); // Force reflow to make sure it's visible and the container dropdown isn't // hidden. itemToUse.getBoundingClientRect().top; let list = itemToUse.querySelector(".actionsMenu"); let popup = list.menupopup; // select one of our test cases: let handlerItem = list.querySelector("menuitem[data-l10n-args*='Handler 1']"); await selectItemInPopup(handlerItem); let { preferredAction, alwaysAskBeforeHandling, } = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(itemType); Assert.notEqual( preferredAction, Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.alwaysAsk, "Should have selected something other than 'always ask' (" + itemType + ")" ); Assert.ok( !alwaysAskBeforeHandling, "Should have turned off asking before handling (" + itemType + ")" ); // Test the alwaysAsk option let alwaysAskItem = list.getElementsByAttribute( "action", Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.alwaysAsk )[0]; await selectItemInPopup(alwaysAskItem); Assert.equal( list.selectedItem, alwaysAskItem, "Should have selected always ask item (" + itemType + ")" ); alwaysAskBeforeHandling = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(itemType) .alwaysAskBeforeHandling; Assert.ok( alwaysAskBeforeHandling, "Should have turned on asking before handling (" + itemType + ")" ); let useDefaultItem = list.getElementsByAttribute( "action", Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault ); useDefaultItem = useDefaultItem && useDefaultItem[0]; if (useDefaultItem) { await selectItemInPopup(useDefaultItem); Assert.equal( list.selectedItem, useDefaultItem, "Should have selected always ask item (" + itemType + ")" ); preferredAction = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(itemType) .preferredAction; Assert.equal( preferredAction, Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useSystemDefault, "Should have selected 'use default' (" + itemType + ")" ); } else { // Whether there's a "use default" item depends on the OS, so it's not // possible to rely on it being the case or not. info("No 'Use default' item, so not testing (" + itemType + ")"); } // Select a web app item. let webAppItems = Array.from( popup.getElementsByAttribute("action", Ci.nsIHandlerInfo.useHelperApp) ); webAppItems = webAppItems.filter( item => item.handlerApp instanceof Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp ); Assert.equal( webAppItems.length, 2, "Should have 2 web application handler. (" + itemType + ")" ); Assert.notEqual( webAppItems[0].label, webAppItems[1].label, "Should have 2 different web app handlers" ); let selectedItem = await selectItemInPopup(webAppItems[0]); // Test that the selected item label is the same as the label // of the menu item. let win = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; await win.document.l10n.translateFragment(selectedItem); await win.document.l10n.translateFragment(itemToUse); Assert.equal( selectedItem.label, itemToUse.querySelector(".actionContainer label").value, "Should have selected correct item (" + itemType + ")" ); let { preferredApplicationHandler } = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo( itemType ); preferredApplicationHandler.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp); Assert.equal( selectedItem.handlerApp.uriTemplate, preferredApplicationHandler.uriTemplate, "App should actually be selected in the backend. (" + itemType + ")" ); // select the other web app item selectedItem = await selectItemInPopup(webAppItems[1]); // Test that the selected item label is the same as the label // of the menu item await win.document.l10n.translateFragment(selectedItem); await win.document.l10n.translateFragment(itemToUse); Assert.equal( selectedItem.label, itemToUse.querySelector(".actionContainer label").value, "Should have selected correct item (" + itemType + ")" ); preferredApplicationHandler = HandlerServiceTestUtils.getHandlerInfo(itemType) .preferredApplicationHandler; preferredApplicationHandler.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp); Assert.equal( selectedItem.handlerApp.uriTemplate, preferredApplicationHandler.uriTemplate, "App should actually be selected in the backend. (" + itemType + ")" ); } add_task(async function checkDropdownBehavior() { let win = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; let container = win.document.getElementById("handlersView"); // First check a protocol handler item. let mailItem = container.querySelector("richlistitem[type='mailto']"); Assert.ok(mailItem, "mailItem is present in handlersView."); await selectStandardOptions(mailItem); // Then check a content menu item. let pdfItem = container.querySelector("richlistitem[type='application/pdf']"); Assert.ok(pdfItem, "pdfItem is present in handlersView."); await selectStandardOptions(pdfItem); }); add_task(async function sortingCheck() { let win = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; const handlerView = win.document.getElementById("handlersView"); const typeColumn = win.document.getElementById("typeColumn"); Assert.ok(typeColumn, "typeColumn is present in handlersView."); let expectedNumberOfItems = handlerView.querySelectorAll("richlistitem") .length; // Test default sorting assertSortByType("ascending"); const oldDir = typeColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"); // click on an item and sort again: let itemToUse = handlerView.querySelector("richlistitem[type=mailto]"); itemToUse.scrollIntoView({ block: "center" }); itemToUse.closest("richlistbox").selectItem(itemToUse); // Test sorting on the type column; assertSortByType("descending"); Assert.notEqual( oldDir, typeColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"), "Sort direction should change" );; assertSortByType("ascending"); const actionColumn = win.document.getElementById("actionColumn"); Assert.ok(actionColumn, "actionColumn is present in handlersView."); // Test sorting on the action column const oldActionDir = actionColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection");; assertSortByAction("ascending"); Assert.notEqual( oldActionDir, actionColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"), "Sort direction should change" );; assertSortByAction("descending"); // Restore the default sort order; assertSortByType("ascending"); function assertSortByAction(order) { Assert.equal( actionColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"), order, `Sort direction should be ${order}` ); let siteItems = handlerView.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem"); Assert.equal( siteItems.length, expectedNumberOfItems, "Number of items should not change." ); for (let i = 0; i < siteItems.length - 1; ++i) { let aType = siteItems[i].getAttribute("actionDescription").toLowerCase(); let bType = siteItems[i + 1] .getAttribute("actionDescription") .toLowerCase(); let result = 0; if (aType > bType) { result = 1; } else if (bType > aType) { result = -1; } if (order == "ascending") { Assert.lessOrEqual( result, 0, "Should sort applications in the ascending order by action" ); } else { Assert.greaterOrEqual( result, 0, "Should sort applications in the descending order by action" ); } } } function assertSortByType(order) { Assert.equal( typeColumn.getAttribute("sortDirection"), order, `Sort direction should be ${order}` ); let siteItems = handlerView.getElementsByTagName("richlistitem"); Assert.equal( siteItems.length, expectedNumberOfItems, "Number of items should not change." ); for (let i = 0; i < siteItems.length - 1; ++i) { let aType = siteItems[i].getAttribute("typeDescription").toLowerCase(); let bType = siteItems[i + 1] .getAttribute("typeDescription") .toLowerCase(); let result = 0; if (aType > bType) { result = 1; } else if (bType > aType) { result = -1; } if (order == "ascending") { Assert.lessOrEqual( result, 0, "Should sort applications in the ascending order by type" ); } else { Assert.greaterOrEqual( result, 0, "Should sort applications in the descending order by type" ); } } } });