/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["BrowserSearchTelemetry"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { PartnerLinkAttribution: "resource:///modules/PartnerLinkAttribution.jsm", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm", SearchSERPTelemetry: "resource:///modules/SearchSERPTelemetry.jsm", Services: "resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.jsm", }); // A map of known search origins. // The keys of this map are used in the calling code to recordSearch, and in // the SEARCH_COUNTS histogram. // The values of this map are used in the names of scalars for the following // scalar groups: // browser.engagement.navigation.* // browser.search.withads.* // browser.search.adclicks.* const KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES = new Map([ ["abouthome", "about_home"], ["contextmenu", "contextmenu"], ["newtab", "about_newtab"], ["searchbar", "searchbar"], ["system", "system"], ["urlbar", "urlbar"], ["urlbar-searchmode", "urlbar_searchmode"], ["webextension", "webextension"], ]); /** * This class handles saving search telemetry related to the url bar, * search bar and other areas as per the sources above. */ class BrowserSearchTelemetryHandler { KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES = KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES; /** * Determines if we should record a search for this browser instance. * Private Browsing mode is normally skipped. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser where the search was loaded. * @returns {boolean} * True if the search should be recorded, false otherwise. */ shouldRecordSearchCount(browser) { return ( !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(browser.ownerGlobal) || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.engagement.search_counts.pbm", false) ); } /** * Records the method by which the user selected a result from the urlbar or * searchbar. * * @param {Event} event * The event that triggered the selection. * @param {string} source * Either "urlbar" or "searchbar" depending on the source. * @param {number} index * The index that the user chose in the popup, or -1 if there wasn't a * selection. * @param {string} userSelectionBehavior * How the user cycled through results before picking the current match. * Could be one of "tab", "arrow" or "none". */ recordSearchSuggestionSelectionMethod( event, source, index, userSelectionBehavior = "none" ) { // If the contents of the histogram are changed then // `UrlbarTestUtils.SELECTED_RESULT_METHODS` should also be updated. if (source == "searchbar" && userSelectionBehavior != "none") { throw new Error("Did not expect a selection behavior for the searchbar."); } let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( source == "urlbar" ? "FX_URLBAR_SELECTED_RESULT_METHOD" : "FX_SEARCHBAR_SELECTED_RESULT_METHOD" ); // command events are from the one-off context menu. Treat them as clicks. // Note that we don't care about MouseEvent subclasses here, since // those are not clicks. let isClick = event && (ChromeUtils.getClassName(event) == "MouseEvent" || event.type == "command"); let category; if (isClick) { category = "click"; } else if (index >= 0) { switch (userSelectionBehavior) { case "tab": category = "tabEnterSelection"; break; case "arrow": category = "arrowEnterSelection"; break; case "rightClick": // Selected by right mouse button. category = "rightClickEnter"; break; default: category = "enterSelection"; } } else { category = "enter"; } histogram.add(category); } /** * Records entry into the Urlbar's search mode. * * Telemetry records only which search mode is entered and how it was entered. * It does not record anything pertaining to searches made within search mode. * @param {object} searchMode * A search mode object. See UrlbarInput.setSearchMode documentation for * details. */ recordSearchMode(searchMode) { // Search mode preview is not search mode. Recording it would just create // noise. if (searchMode.isPreview) { return; } let scalarKey; if (searchMode.engineName) { let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName(searchMode.engineName); let resultDomain = engine.getResultDomain(); // For built-in engines, sanitize the data in a few special cases to make // analysis easier. if (!engine.isAppProvided) { scalarKey = "other"; } else if (resultDomain.includes("amazon.")) { // Group all the localized Amazon sites together. scalarKey = "Amazon"; } else if (resultDomain.endsWith("wikipedia.org")) { // Group all the localized Wikipedia sites together. scalarKey = "Wikipedia"; } else { scalarKey = searchMode.engineName; } } else if (searchMode.source) { scalarKey = UrlbarUtils.getResultSourceName(searchMode.source) || "other"; } Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd( "urlbar.searchmode." + searchMode.entry, scalarKey, 1 ); } /** * The main entry point for recording search related Telemetry. This includes * search counts and engagement measurements. * * Telemetry records only search counts per engine and action origin, but * nothing pertaining to the search contents themselves. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser where the search originated. * @param {nsISearchEngine} engine * The engine handling the search. * @param {string} source * Where the search originated from. See KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES for allowed * values. * @param {object} [details] Options object. * @param {boolean} [details.isOneOff=false] * true if this event was generated by a one-off search. * @param {boolean} [details.isSuggestion=false] * true if this event was generated by a suggested search. * @param {boolean} [details.isFormHistory=false] * true if this event was generated by a form history result. * @param {string} [details.alias=null] * The search engine alias used in the search, if any. * @throws if source is not in the known sources list. */ recordSearch(browser, engine, source, details = {}) { try { if (!this.shouldRecordSearchCount(browser)) { return; } if (!KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES.has(source)) { console.error("Unknown source for search: ", source); return; } const countIdPrefix = `${engine.telemetryId}.`; const countIdSource = countIdPrefix + source; let histogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("SEARCH_COUNTS"); if ( details.alias && engine.isAppProvided && engine.aliases.includes(details.alias) ) { // This is a keyword search using an AppProvided engine. // Record the source as "alias", not "urlbar". histogram.add(countIdPrefix + "alias"); } else { histogram.add(countIdSource); } // Dispatch the search signal to other handlers. switch (source) { case "urlbar": case "searchbar": case "urlbar-searchmode": this._handleSearchAndUrlbar(browser, engine, source, details); break; case "abouthome": case "newtab": this._recordSearch(browser, engine, details.url, source, "enter"); break; default: this._recordSearch(browser, engine, details.url, source); break; } } catch (ex) { // Catch any errors here, so that search actions are not broken if // telemetry is broken for some reason. console.error(ex); } } /** * This function handles the "urlbar", "urlbar-oneoff", "searchbar" and * "searchbar-oneoff" sources. * * @param {browser} browser * The browser where the search originated. * @param {nsISearchEngine} engine * The engine handling the search. * @param {string} source * Where the search originated from. * @param {object} details * @see recordSearch */ _handleSearchAndUrlbar(browser, engine, source, details) { const isOneOff = !!details.isOneOff; let action = "enter"; if (isOneOff) { action = "oneoff"; } else if (details.isFormHistory) { action = "formhistory"; } else if (details.isSuggestion) { action = "suggestion"; } else if (details.alias) { action = "alias"; } this._recordSearch(browser, engine, details.url, source, action); } _recordSearch(browser, engine, url, source, action = null) { if (url) { PartnerLinkAttribution.makeSearchEngineRequest(engine, url).catch( Cu.reportError ); } let scalarSource = KNOWN_SEARCH_SOURCES.get(source); SearchSERPTelemetry.recordBrowserSource(browser, scalarSource); let scalarKey = action ? "search_" + action : "search"; Services.telemetry.keyedScalarAdd( "browser.engagement.navigation." + scalarSource, scalarKey, 1 ); Services.telemetry.recordEvent( "navigation", "search", scalarSource, action, { engine: engine.telemetryId, } ); } } var BrowserSearchTelemetry = new BrowserSearchTelemetryHandler();