/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Detaching a tab to a new window shouldn't break the menu panel. */ "use strict"; var gTestTab; var gContentAPI; var gContentWindow; var gContentDoc; function test() { registerCleanupFunction(function() { gContentDoc = null; }); UITourTest(); } /** * When tab is changed we're tearing the tour down. So the UITour client has to always be aware of this * fact and therefore listens to pageshow events. * In particular this scenario happens for detaching the tab (ie. moving it to a new window). */ var tests = [ taskify(async function test_move_tab_to_new_window() { const myDocIdentifier = "Hello, I'm a unique expando to identify this document."; let highlight = document.getElementById("UITourHighlight"); let windowDestroyedDeferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); let onDOMWindowDestroyed = aWindow => { if (gContentWindow && aWindow == gContentWindow) { Services.obs.removeObserver( onDOMWindowDestroyed, "dom-window-destroyed" ); windowDestroyedDeferred.resolve(); } }; let browserStartupDeferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); Services.obs.addObserver(function onBrowserDelayedStartup(aWindow) { Services.obs.removeObserver( onBrowserDelayedStartup, "browser-delayed-startup-finished" ); browserStartupDeferred.resolve(aWindow); }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [myDocIdentifier], contentMyDocIdentifier => { let onPageShow = () => { if (!content.document.hidden) { let win = Cu.waiveXrays(content); win.Mozilla.UITour.showHighlight("appMenu"); } }; content.window.addEventListener("pageshow", onPageShow, { mozSystemGroup: true, }); content.document.myExpando = contentMyDocIdentifier; } ); gContentAPI.showHighlight("appMenu"); await elementVisiblePromise(highlight, "old window highlight"); gContentWindow = gBrowser.replaceTabWithWindow(gBrowser.selectedTab); await browserStartupDeferred.promise; // This highlight should be shown thanks to the pageshow listener. let newWindowHighlight = UITour.getHighlightAndMaybeCreate( gContentWindow.document ); await elementVisiblePromise(newWindowHighlight, "new window highlight"); let selectedTab = gContentWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab; await SpecialPowers.spawn( selectedTab.linkedBrowser, [myDocIdentifier], contentMyDocIdentifier => { is( content.document.myExpando, contentMyDocIdentifier, "Document should be selected in new window" ); } ); ok( UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow && UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow.has(gContentWindow), "Window should be known" ); ok( UITour.tourBrowsersByWindow .get(gContentWindow) .has(selectedTab.linkedBrowser), "Selected browser should be known" ); // Need this because gContentAPI in e10s land will try to use gTestTab to // spawn a content task, which doesn't work if the tab is dead, for obvious // reasons. gTestTab = gContentWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab; let shownPromise = promisePanelShown(gContentWindow); gContentAPI.showMenu("appMenu"); await shownPromise; isnot(gContentWindow.PanelUI.panel.state, "closed", "Panel should be open"); gContentAPI.hideHighlight(); gContentAPI.hideMenu("appMenu"); gTestTab = null; Services.obs.addObserver(onDOMWindowDestroyed, "dom-window-destroyed"); gContentWindow.close(); await windowDestroyedDeferred.promise; }), ];