/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // @flow import { getTokenLocation } from "."; import { isEqual } from "lodash"; function isInvalidTarget(target: HTMLElement): boolean { if (!target || !target.innerText) { return true; } const tokenText = target.innerText.trim(); const cursorPos = target.getBoundingClientRect(); // exclude literal tokens where it does not make sense to show a preview const invalidType = ["cm-atom", ""].includes(target.className); // exclude syntax where the expression would be a syntax error const invalidToken = tokenText === "" || tokenText.match(/^[(){}\|&%,.;=<>\+-/\*\s](?=)/); // exclude codemirror elements that are not tokens const invalidTarget = (target.parentElement && !target.parentElement.closest(".CodeMirror-line")) || cursorPos.top == 0; const invalidClasses = ["editor-mount"]; if (invalidClasses.some(className => target.classList.contains(className))) { return true; } if (target.closest(".popover")) { return true; } return !!(invalidTarget || invalidToken || invalidType); } function dispatch(codeMirror, eventName, data) { codeMirror.constructor.signal(codeMirror, eventName, data); } function invalidLeaveTarget(target: ?HTMLElement) { if (!target || target.closest(".popover")) { return true; } return false; } export function onMouseOver(codeMirror: any): any { let prevTokenPos = null; function onMouseLeave(event) { if (invalidLeaveTarget(event.relatedTarget)) { return addMouseLeave(event.target); } prevTokenPos = null; dispatch(codeMirror, "tokenleave", event); } function addMouseLeave(target) { target.addEventListener("mouseleave", onMouseLeave, { capture: true, once: true, }); } return (enterEvent: any) => { const { target } = enterEvent; if (isInvalidTarget(target)) { return; } const tokenPos = getTokenLocation(codeMirror, target); if (!isEqual(prevTokenPos, tokenPos)) { addMouseLeave(target); dispatch(codeMirror, "tokenenter", { event: enterEvent, target, tokenPos, }); prevTokenPos = tokenPos; } }; }