/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Test enabling and disabling a debugger statement using editor context menu add_task(async function() { const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-pause-points.html", "pause-points.js"); await selectSource(dbg, "pause-points.js"); await waitForSelectedSource(dbg, "pause-points.js"); info("Disable the first debugger statement on line 12 by gutter menu"); rightClickElement(dbg, "gutter", 12); selectContextMenuItem( dbg, selectors.breakpointContextMenu.disableDbgStatement ); await waitForCondition(dbg, "false"); let bp = findBreakpoint(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12); is( bp.options.condition, "false", "The debugger statement has a conditional breakpoint with 'false' as statement" ); info("Enable the previously disabled debugger statement by gutter menu"); rightClickElement(dbg, "gutter", 12); selectContextMenuItem( dbg, selectors.breakpointContextMenu.enableDbgStatement ); await waitForBreakpointWithoutCondition(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12, 0); bp = findBreakpoint(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12); is(bp.options.condition, null, "The conditional statement is removed"); info("Enable the breakpoint for the second debugger statement on line 12"); let bpElements = await waitForAllElements(dbg, "columnBreakpoints"); ok(bpElements.length === 2, "2 column breakpoints"); assertClass(bpElements[0], "active"); assertClass(bpElements[1], "active", false); bpElements[1].click(); await waitForBreakpointCount(dbg, 2); bpElements = findAllElements(dbg, "columnBreakpoints"); assertClass(bpElements[1], "active"); info("Disable the second debugger statement by breakpoint menu"); rightClickEl(dbg, bpElements[1]); selectContextMenuItem( dbg, selectors.breakpointContextMenu.disableDbgStatement ); await waitForCondition(dbg, "false"); bp = findBreakpoints(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12)[1]; is( bp.options.condition, "false", "The second debugger statement has a conditional breakpoint with 'false' as statement" ); info("Enable the second debugger statement by breakpoint menu"); bpElements = findAllElements(dbg, "columnBreakpoints"); assertClass(bpElements[1], "has-condition"); rightClickEl(dbg, bpElements[1]); selectContextMenuItem( dbg, selectors.breakpointContextMenu.enableDbgStatement ); await waitForBreakpointWithoutCondition(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12, 1); bp = findBreakpoints(dbg, "pause-points.js", 12)[1]; is(bp.options.condition, null, "The conditional statement is removed"); }); function waitForBreakpointWithoutCondition(dbg, url, line, index) { return waitForState(dbg, () => { const bp = findBreakpoints(dbg, url, line)[index]; return bp && !bp.options.condition; }); } function findBreakpoints(dbg, url, line) { const source = findSource(dbg, url); return dbg.selectors.getBreakpointsForSource(source.id, line); }