/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at . */
"use strict";
* Test loading inline scripts from cache:
* - Load document with inline script
* - Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled
* - Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled
// Breakpoint position calculations can throw when interrupted by a navigation.
PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally(/Resource .*? does not exist/);
const server = createTestHTTPServer();
let docValue = 1;
server.registerPathHandler("/inline-cache.html", (request, response) => {
response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
// HTTP should assume cacheable by default.
// Toolbox defaults to disabling cache for subsequent loads when open.
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600");
const SOURCE_URL = `http://localhost:${
add_task(async function() {
info("Load document with inline script");
const tab = await addTab(SOURCE_URL);
info("Open debugger");
const toolbox = await openToolboxForTab(tab, "jsdebugger");
const dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox);
info("Reload tab to ensure debugger finds script");
await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);
let pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);
is(pageValue, "let x = 1;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 1");
await waitForSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
await selectSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
let dbgValue = findSourceContent(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.value}`);
"Debugger loads from cache, gets value 1 like page"
info("Disable HTTP cache for page");
await toolbox.target.reconfigure({ options: { cacheDisabled: true } });
info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled (attempt 1)");
await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);
pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);
is(pageValue, "let x = 2;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 2");
await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
dbgValue = findSourceContent(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.value}`);
"Debugger loads from network, gets value 2 like page"
info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled (attempt 2)");
await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);
pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);
is(pageValue, "let x = 3;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 3");
await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
dbgValue = findSourceContent(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.value}`);
"Debugger loads from network, gets value 3 like page"
info("Enable HTTP cache for page");
await toolbox.target.reconfigure({ options: { cacheDisabled: false } });
// Even though the HTTP cache is now enabled, Gecko sets the VALIDATE_ALWAYS flag when
// reloading the page. So, it will always make a request to the server for the main
// document contents.
info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled (attempt 1)");
await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);
pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);
is(pageValue, "let x = 4;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 4");
await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
dbgValue = findSourceContent(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.value}`);
"Debugger loads from cache, gets value 4 like page"
info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled (attempt 2)");
await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);
pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);
is(pageValue, "let x = 5;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 5");
await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
await waitForSelectedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
dbgValue = findSourceContent(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.value}`);
"Debugger loads from cache, gets value 5 like page"
await toolbox.destroy();
await removeTab(tab);
* This is meant to simulate the developer editing the inline source and saving.
* Effectively, we change the source during the test at specific controlled points.
function makeChanges() {
function getPageValue(tab) {
return SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], function() {
return content.document.querySelector("script").textContent.trim();
async function reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg) {
let navigated = waitForDispatch(dbg, "NAVIGATE");
let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
await reload(dbg, "inline-cache.html");
return Promise.all([navigated, loaded]);