/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { PureComponent } = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react"); const dom = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-factories"); const PropTypes = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-prop-types"); const { isKeyIn } = require("devtools/client/responsive/utils/key"); const { MIN_VIEWPORT_DIMENSION, } = require("devtools/client/responsive/constants"); const Types = require("devtools/client/responsive/types"); class ViewportDimension extends PureComponent { static get propTypes() { return { doResizeViewport: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onRemoveDeviceAssociation: PropTypes.func.isRequired, viewport: PropTypes.shape(Types.viewport).isRequired, }; } constructor(props) { super(props); const { width, height } = props.viewport; this.state = { width, height, isEditing: false, isWidthValid: true, isHeightValid: true, }; this.isInputValid = this.isInputValid.bind(this); this.onInputBlur = this.onInputBlur.bind(this); this.onInputChange = this.onInputChange.bind(this); this.onInputFocus = this.onInputFocus.bind(this); this.onInputKeyDown = this.onInputKeyDown.bind(this); this.onInputKeyUp = this.onInputKeyUp.bind(this); this.onInputSubmit = this.onInputSubmit.bind(this); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { width, height } = nextProps.viewport; this.setState({ width, height, }); } /** * Return true if the given value is a number and greater than MIN_VIEWPORT_DIMENSION * and false otherwise. */ isInputValid(value) { return ( /^\d{2,4}$/.test(value) && parseInt(value, 10) >= MIN_VIEWPORT_DIMENSION ); } onInputBlur() { const { width, height } = this.props.viewport; if (this.state.width != width || this.state.height != height) { this.onInputSubmit(); } this.setState({ isEditing: false }); } onInputChange({ target }, callback) { if (target.value.length > 4) { return; } if (this.widthInput == target) { this.setState( { width: target.value, isWidthValid: this.isInputValid(target.value), }, callback ); } if (this.heightInput == target) { this.setState( { height: target.value, isHeightValid: this.isInputValid(target.value), }, callback ); } } onInputFocus(e) { this.setState({ isEditing: true }); e.target.select(); } onInputKeyDown(event) { const increment = getIncrement(event); if (!increment) { return; } const { target } = event; target.value = parseInt(target.value, 10) + increment; this.onInputChange(event, this.onInputSubmit); // Keep this event from having default processing. Since the field is a // number field, default processing would trigger additional manipulations // of the value, and we've already applied the desired amount. event.preventDefault(); } onInputKeyUp({ target, keyCode }) { // On Enter, submit the input if (keyCode == 13) { this.onInputSubmit(); } // On Esc, blur the target if (keyCode == 27) { target.blur(); } } onInputSubmit() { const { viewport, onRemoveDeviceAssociation, doResizeViewport, } = this.props; if (!this.state.isWidthValid || !this.state.isHeightValid) { const { width, height } = viewport; this.setState({ width, height, isWidthValid: true, isHeightValid: true, }); return; } // Change the device selector back to an unselected device // TODO: Bug 1332754: Logic like this probably belongs in the action creator. if (viewport.device) { onRemoveDeviceAssociation(viewport.id); } doResizeViewport( viewport.id, parseInt(this.state.width, 10), parseInt(this.state.height, 10) ); } render() { return dom.div( { className: "viewport-dimension" + (this.state.isEditing ? " editing" : "") + (!this.state.isWidthValid || !this.state.isHeightValid ? " invalid" : ""), }, dom.input({ ref: input => { this.widthInput = input; }, className: "text-input viewport-dimension-input" + (this.state.isWidthValid ? "" : " invalid"), size: 4, type: "number", value: this.state.width, onBlur: this.onInputBlur, onChange: this.onInputChange, onFocus: this.onInputFocus, onKeyDown: this.onInputKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.onInputKeyUp, }), dom.span( { className: "viewport-dimension-separator", }, "×" ), dom.input({ ref: input => { this.heightInput = input; }, className: "text-input viewport-dimension-input" + (this.state.isHeightValid ? "" : " invalid"), size: 4, type: "number", value: this.state.height, onBlur: this.onInputBlur, onChange: this.onInputChange, onFocus: this.onInputFocus, onKeyDown: this.onInputKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.onInputKeyUp, }) ); } } /** * Get the increment/decrement step to use for the provided key event. */ function getIncrement(event) { const defaultIncrement = 1; const largeIncrement = 100; const mediumIncrement = 10; let increment = 0; const key = event.keyCode; if (isKeyIn(key, "UP", "PAGE_UP")) { increment = 1 * defaultIncrement; } else if (isKeyIn(key, "DOWN", "PAGE_DOWN")) { increment = -1 * defaultIncrement; } if (event.shiftKey) { if (isKeyIn(key, "PAGE_UP", "PAGE_DOWN")) { increment *= largeIncrement; } else { increment *= mediumIncrement; } } return increment; } module.exports = ViewportDimension;