/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const AutocompletePopup = require("devtools/client/shared/autocomplete-popup"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "KeyCodes", "devtools/client/shared/keycodes", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "CSSCompleter", "devtools/client/shared/sourceeditor/css-autocompleter" ); const autocompleteMap = new WeakMap(); /** * Prepares an editor instance for autocompletion. */ function initializeAutoCompletion(ctx, options = {}) { const { cm, ed, Editor } = ctx; if (autocompleteMap.has(ed)) { return; } const win = ed.container.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject; const { CodeMirror } = win; let completer = null; const autocompleteKey = "Ctrl-" + Editor.keyFor("autocompletion", { noaccel: true }); if (ed.config.mode == Editor.modes.css) { completer = new CSSCompleter({ walker: options.walker, cssProperties: options.cssProperties, }); } function insertSelectedPopupItem() { const autocompleteState = autocompleteMap.get(ed); if (!popup || !popup.isOpen || !autocompleteState) { return false; } if (!autocompleteState.suggestionInsertedOnce && popup.selectedItem) { autocompleteMap.get(ed).insertingSuggestion = true; insertPopupItem(ed, popup.selectedItem); } popup.once("popup-closed", () => { // This event is used in tests. ed.emit("popup-hidden"); }); popup.hidePopup(); return true; } // Give each popup a new name to avoid sharing the elements. let popup = new AutocompletePopup(win.parent.document, { position: "bottom", autoSelect: true, onClick: insertSelectedPopupItem, }); const cycle = reverse => { if (popup?.isOpen) { // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-compare-against-boolean-literals cycleSuggestions(ed, reverse == true); return null; } return CodeMirror.Pass; }; let keyMap = { Tab: cycle, Down: cycle, "Shift-Tab": cycle.bind(null, true), Up: cycle.bind(null, true), Enter: () => { const wasHandled = insertSelectedPopupItem(); return wasHandled ? true : CodeMirror.Pass; }, }; const autoCompleteCallback = autoComplete.bind(null, ctx); const keypressCallback = onEditorKeypress.bind(null, ctx); keyMap[autocompleteKey] = autoCompleteCallback; cm.addKeyMap(keyMap); cm.on("keydown", keypressCallback); ed.on("change", autoCompleteCallback); ed.on("destroy", destroy); function destroy() { ed.off("destroy", destroy); cm.off("keydown", keypressCallback); ed.off("change", autoCompleteCallback); cm.removeKeyMap(keyMap); popup.destroy(); keyMap = popup = completer = null; autocompleteMap.delete(ed); } autocompleteMap.set(ed, { popup: popup, completer: completer, keyMap: keyMap, destroy: destroy, insertingSuggestion: false, suggestionInsertedOnce: false, }); } /** * Destroy autocompletion on an editor instance. */ function destroyAutoCompletion(ctx) { const { ed } = ctx; if (!autocompleteMap.has(ed)) { return; } const { destroy } = autocompleteMap.get(ed); destroy(); } /** * Provides suggestions to autocomplete the current token/word being typed. */ function autoComplete({ ed, cm }) { const autocompleteOpts = autocompleteMap.get(ed); const { completer, popup } = autocompleteOpts; if ( !completer || autocompleteOpts.insertingSuggestion || autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete ) { autocompleteOpts.insertingSuggestion = false; return; } const cur = ed.getCursor(); completer .complete(cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 }, cur), cur) .then(suggestions => { if ( !suggestions || !suggestions.length || suggestions[0].preLabel == null ) { autocompleteOpts.suggestionInsertedOnce = false; popup.once("popup-closed", () => { // This event is used in tests. ed.emit("after-suggest"); }); popup.hidePopup(); return; } // The cursor is at the end of the currently entered part of the token, // like "backgr|" but we need to open the popup at the beginning of the // character "b". Thus we need to calculate the width of the entered part // of the token ("backgr" here). const cursorElement = cm.display.cursorDiv.querySelector( ".CodeMirror-cursor" ); const left = suggestions[0].preLabel.length * cm.defaultCharWidth(); popup.hidePopup(); popup.setItems(suggestions); popup.once("popup-opened", () => { // This event is used in tests. ed.emit("after-suggest"); }); popup.openPopup(cursorElement, -1 * left, 0); autocompleteOpts.suggestionInsertedOnce = false; }) .catch(console.error); } /** * Inserts a popup item into the current cursor location * in the editor. */ function insertPopupItem(ed, popupItem) { const { preLabel, text } = popupItem; const cur = ed.getCursor(); const textBeforeCursor = ed.getText(cur.line).substring(0, cur.ch); const backwardsTextBeforeCursor = textBeforeCursor .split("") .reverse() .join(""); const backwardsPreLabel = preLabel .split("") .reverse() .join(""); // If there is additional text in the preLabel vs the line, then // just insert the entire autocomplete text. An example: // if you type 'a' and select '#about' from the autocomplete menu, // then the final text needs to the end up as '#about'. if (backwardsPreLabel.indexOf(backwardsTextBeforeCursor) === 0) { ed.replaceText(text, { line: cur.line, ch: 0 }, cur); } else { ed.replaceText(text.slice(preLabel.length), cur, cur); } } /** * Cycles through provided suggestions by the popup in a top to bottom manner * when `reverse` is not true. Opposite otherwise. */ function cycleSuggestions(ed, reverse) { const autocompleteOpts = autocompleteMap.get(ed); const { popup } = autocompleteOpts; const cur = ed.getCursor(); autocompleteOpts.insertingSuggestion = true; if (!autocompleteOpts.suggestionInsertedOnce) { autocompleteOpts.suggestionInsertedOnce = true; let firstItem; if (reverse) { firstItem = popup.getItemAtIndex(popup.itemCount - 1); popup.selectPreviousItem(); } else { firstItem = popup.getItemAtIndex(0); if (firstItem.label == firstItem.preLabel && popup.itemCount > 1) { firstItem = popup.getItemAtIndex(1); popup.selectNextItem(); } } if (popup.itemCount == 1) { popup.hidePopup(); } insertPopupItem(ed, firstItem); } else { const fromCur = { line: cur.line, ch: cur.ch - popup.selectedItem.text.length, }; if (reverse) { popup.selectPreviousItem(); } else { popup.selectNextItem(); } ed.replaceText(popup.selectedItem.text, fromCur, cur); } // This event is used in tests. ed.emit("suggestion-entered"); } /** * onkeydown handler for the editor instance to prevent autocompleting on some * keypresses. */ function onEditorKeypress({ ed, Editor }, cm, event) { const autocompleteOpts = autocompleteMap.get(ed); // Do not try to autocomplete with multiple selections. if (ed.hasMultipleSelections()) { autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; autocompleteOpts.popup.hidePopup(); return; } if ( (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && event.keyCode == KeyCodes.DOM_VK_SPACE ) { // When Ctrl/Cmd + Space is pressed, two simultaneous keypresses are emitted // first one for just the Ctrl/Cmd and second one for combo. The first one // leave the autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete as true, so we have to make // it false autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = false; return; } if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.altKey) { autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; autocompleteOpts.popup.hidePopup(); return; } switch (event.keyCode) { case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_RETURN: autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; break; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_ESCAPE: if (autocompleteOpts.popup.isOpen) { // Prevent the Console input to open, but still remove the autocomplete popup. autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; autocompleteOpts.popup.hidePopup(); event.preventDefault(); } break; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_LEFT: case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_RIGHT: case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_HOME: case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_END: autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; autocompleteOpts.popup.hidePopup(); break; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE: case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_DELETE: if (ed.config.mode == Editor.modes.css) { autocompleteOpts.completer.invalidateCache(ed.getCursor().line); } autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = true; autocompleteOpts.popup.hidePopup(); break; default: autocompleteOpts.doNotAutocomplete = false; } } /** * Returns the private popup. This method is used by tests to test the feature. */ function getPopup({ ed }) { if (autocompleteMap.has(ed)) { return autocompleteMap.get(ed).popup; } return null; } /** * Returns contextual information about the token covered by the caret if the * implementation of completer supports it. */ function getInfoAt({ ed }, caret) { if (autocompleteMap.has(ed)) { const completer = autocompleteMap.get(ed).completer; if (completer?.getInfoAt) { return completer.getInfoAt(ed.getText(), caret); } } return null; } /** * Returns whether autocompletion is enabled for this editor. * Used for testing */ function isAutocompletionEnabled({ ed }) { return autocompleteMap.has(ed); } // Export functions module.exports.initializeAutoCompletion = initializeAutoCompletion; module.exports.destroyAutoCompletion = destroyAutoCompletion; module.exports.getAutocompletionPopup = getPopup; module.exports.getInfoAt = getInfoAt; module.exports.isAutocompletionEnabled = isAutocompletionEnabled;