/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_task(async function() { // Prevent the URL Bar to steal the focus. const preventUrlBarFocus = e => { e.preventDefault(); }; window.gURLBar.addEventListener("beforefocus", preventUrlBarFocus); registerCleanupFunction(() => { window.gURLBar.removeEventListener("beforefocus", preventUrlBarFocus); }); const AutocompletePopup = require("devtools/client/shared/autocomplete-popup"); info("Create an autocompletion popup and an input that will be bound to it"); const { doc } = await createHost(); const input = doc.createElement("input"); doc.body.append(input, doc.createElement("input")); const onSelectCalled = []; const onClickCalled = []; const popup = new AutocompletePopup(doc, { input, position: "top", autoSelect: true, onSelect: item => onSelectCalled.push(item), onClick: (e, item) => onClickCalled.push(item), }); input.focus(); ok(hasFocus(input), "input has focus"); info( "Check that Tab moves the focus out of the input when the popup isn't opened" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); is(onClickCalled.length, 0, "onClick wasn't called"); is(hasFocus(input), false, "input does not have the focus anymore"); info("Set the focus back to the input and open the popup"); input.focus(); await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 0)); ok(hasFocus(input), "input is focused"); await populateAndOpenPopup(popup); const checkSelectedItem = (expected, info) => checkPopupSelectedItem(popup, input, expected, info); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[0], "First item from top is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[0].label, popupItems[0].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); info("Check that arrow down/up navigates into the list"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[1], "item-1 is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[1].label, popupItems[1].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[2], "item-2 is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[2].label, popupItems[2].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowDown"); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[0], "item-0 is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[3].label, popupItems[0].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowUp"); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[2], "item-2 is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[4].label, popupItems[2].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowUp"); checkSelectedItem(popupItems[1], "item-2 is selected"); is( onSelectCalled[5].label, popupItems[1].label, "onSelect was called with expected param" ); info("Check that Escape closes the popup"); let onPopupClosed = popup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape"); await onPopupClosed; ok(true, "popup was closed with Escape key"); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); is(onClickCalled.length, 0, "onClick wasn't called"); info("Fill the input"); const value = "item"; EventUtils.sendString(value); is(input.value, value, "input has the expected value"); is( input.selectionStart, value.length, "input cursor is at expected position" ); info("Open the popup again"); await populateAndOpenPopup(popup); info("Check that Arrow Left + Shift does not close the popup"); const timeoutRes = "TIMED_OUT"; const onRaceEnded = Promise.race([ // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(timeoutRes), 500)), popup.once("popup-closed"), ]); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft", { shiftKey: true }); const raceResult = await onRaceEnded; is(raceResult, timeoutRes, "popup wasn't closed"); ok(popup.isOpen, "popup is still open"); is(input.selectionEnd - input.selectionStart, 1, "text was selected"); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info("Check that Arrow Left closes the popup"); onPopupClosed = popup.once("popup-closed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowLeft"); await onPopupClosed; is( input.selectionStart, value.length - 1, "input cursor was moved one char back" ); is(input.selectionEnd, input.selectionStart, "selection was removed"); is(onClickCalled.length, 0, "onClick wasn't called"); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info("Open the popup again"); await populateAndOpenPopup(popup); info("Check that Arrow Right + Shift does not trigger onClick"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight", { shiftKey: true }); is(onClickCalled.length, 0, "onClick wasn't called"); is(input.selectionEnd - input.selectionStart, 1, "input text was selected"); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info("Check that Arrow Right triggers onClick"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_ArrowRight"); is(onClickCalled.length, 1, "onClick was called"); is( onClickCalled[0], popupItems[0], "onClick was called with the selected item" ); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info("Check that Enter triggers onClick"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter"); is(onClickCalled.length, 2, "onClick was called"); is( onClickCalled[1], popupItems[0], "onClick was called with the selected item" ); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info("Check that Tab triggers onClick"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); is(onClickCalled.length, 3, "onClick was called"); is( onClickCalled[2], popupItems[0], "onClick was called with the selected item" ); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); info( "Check that Shift+Tab does not trigger onClick and move the focus out of the input" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", { shiftKey: true }); is(onClickCalled.length, 3, "onClick wasn't called"); is(hasFocus(input), false, "input does not have the focus anymore"); const onPopupClose = popup.once("popup-closed"); popup.hidePopup(); await onPopupClose; }); const popupItems = [ { label: "item-0", value: "value-0" }, { label: "item-1", value: "value-1" }, { label: "item-2", value: "value-2" }, ]; async function populateAndOpenPopup(popup) { popup.setItems(popupItems); await popup.openPopup(); } /** * Returns true if the give node is currently focused. */ function hasFocus(node) { return ( node.ownerDocument.activeElement == node && node.ownerDocument.hasFocus() ); } /** * Check that the selected item in the popup is the expected one. Also check that the * active descendant is properly set and that the popup has the focus. * * @param {AutocompletePopup} popup * @param {HTMLInput} input * @param {Object} expectedSelectedItem * @param {String} info */ function checkPopupSelectedItem(popup, input, expectedSelectedItem, info) { is(popup.selectedItem.label, expectedSelectedItem.label, info); checkActiveDescendant(popup, input); ok(hasFocus(input), "input still has the focus"); } function checkActiveDescendant(popup, input) { const activeElement = input.ownerDocument.activeElement; const descendantId = activeElement.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"); const popupItem = popup._tooltip.panel.querySelector(`#${descendantId}`); const cloneItem = input.ownerDocument.querySelector(`#${descendantId}`); ok(popupItem, "Active descendant is found in the popup list"); ok(cloneItem, "Active descendant is found in the list clone"); is( stripNS(popupItem.outerHTML), cloneItem.outerHTML, "Cloned item has the same HTML as the original element" ); } function stripNS(text) { return text.replace(RegExp(' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"', "g"), ""); }