/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Check to make sure that a worker can be attached to a toolbox // and that the console works. // Import helpers for the workers /* import-globals-from helper_workers.js */ Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/shared/test/helper_workers.js", this ); var TAB_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "doc_WorkerTargetActor.attachThread-tab.html"; var WORKER_URL = "code_WorkerTargetActor.attachThread-worker.js"; add_task(async function testWhilePaused() { const dbg = await initWorkerDebugger(TAB_URL, WORKER_URL); const { client, tab, workerDescriptorFront, toolbox } = dbg; const workerThreadFront = await workerDescriptorFront.getFront("thread"); // Execute some basic math to make sure evaluations are working. const hud = await getSplitConsole(toolbox); await executeAndWaitForMessage(hud, "10000+1", "10001"); ok(true, "Text for message appeared correct"); await clickElement(dbg, "pause"); workerThreadFront.once("willInterrupt").then(() => { info("Posting message to worker, then waiting for a pause"); postMessageToWorkerInTab(tab, WORKER_URL, "ping"); }); await waitForPaused(dbg); const command1 = executeAndWaitForMessage(hud, "10000+2", "10002"); const command2 = executeAndWaitForMessage(hud, "10000+3", "10003"); // throw an error const command3 = executeAndWaitForMessage( hud, "foobar", "ReferenceError: foobar is not defined", "error" ); info("Trying to get the result of command1"); let executed = await command1; ok(executed, "command1 executed successfully"); info("Trying to get the result of command2"); executed = await command2; ok(executed, "command2 executed successfully"); info("Trying to get the result of command3"); executed = await command3; ok(executed, "command3 executed successfully"); await resume(dbg); terminateWorkerInTab(tab, WORKER_URL); await waitForWorkerClose(workerDescriptorFront); await toolbox.destroy(); await close(client); await removeTab(tab); });