/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { setNamedTimeout, } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/view-helpers"); const { getCurrentZoom } = require("devtools/shared/layout/utils"); const DevToolsUtils = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils"); const { DOMHelpers } = require("devtools/shared/dom-helpers"); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "EventEmitter", "devtools/shared/event-emitter"); loader.lazyImporter( this, "DevToolsWorker", "resource://devtools/shared/worker/worker.js" ); const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; const GRAPH_SRC = "chrome://devtools/content/shared/widgets/graphs-frame.xhtml"; const WORKER_URL = "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/GraphsWorker.js"; // Generic constants. const GRAPH_RESIZE_EVENTS_DRAIN = 100; // ms const GRAPH_WHEEL_ZOOM_SENSITIVITY = 0.00075; const GRAPH_WHEEL_SCROLL_SENSITIVITY = 0.1; const GRAPH_WHEEL_MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH = 10; // px const GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_LINE_WIDTH = 4; // px const GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_THRESHOLD = 10; // px const GRAPH_MAX_SELECTION_LEFT_PADDING = 1; // px const GRAPH_MAX_SELECTION_RIGHT_PADDING = 1; // px const GRAPH_REGION_LINE_WIDTH = 1; // px const GRAPH_REGION_LINE_COLOR = "rgba(237,38,85,0.8)"; const GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_WIDTH = 16; // px const GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_HEIGHT = 16; // px const GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_LINE_WIDTH = 2; // px const GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_LINE_SPACING = 4; // px /** * Small data primitives for all graphs. */ this.GraphCursor = function() { this.x = null; this.y = null; }; this.GraphArea = function() { this.start = null; this.end = null; }; this.GraphAreaDragger = function(anchor = new GraphArea()) { this.origin = null; this.anchor = anchor; }; this.GraphAreaResizer = function() { this.margin = null; }; /** * Base class for all graphs using a canvas to render the data source. Handles * frame creation, data source, selection bounds, cursor position, etc. * * Language: * - The "data" represents the values used when building the graph. * Its specific format is defined by the inheriting classes. * * - A "cursor" is the cliphead position across the X axis of the graph. * * - A "selection" is defined by a "start" and an "end" value and * represents the selected bounds in the graph. * * - A "region" is a highlighted area in the graph, also defined by a * "start" and an "end" value, but distinct from the "selection". It is * simply used to highlight important regions in the data. * * Instances of this class are EventEmitters with the following events: * - "ready": when the container iframe and canvas are created. * - "selecting": when the selection is set or changed. * - "deselecting": when the selection is dropped. * * @param Node parent * The parent node holding the graph. * @param string name * The graph type, used for setting the correct class names. * Currently supported: "line-graph" only. * @param number sharpness [optional] * Defaults to the current device pixel ratio. */ this.AbstractCanvasGraph = function(parent, name, sharpness) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this._parent = parent; this._uid = "canvas-graph-" + Date.now(); this._renderTargets = new Map(); this._ready = new Promise(resolve => { AbstractCanvasGraph.createIframe(GRAPH_SRC, parent, iframe => { this._iframe = iframe; this._window = iframe.contentWindow; this._topWindow = DevToolsUtils.getTopWindow(this._window); this._document = iframe.contentDocument; this._pixelRatio = sharpness || this._window.devicePixelRatio; const container = (this._container = this._document.getElementById( "graph-container" )); container.className = name + "-widget-container graph-widget-container"; const canvas = (this._canvas = this._document.getElementById( "graph-canvas" )); canvas.className = name + "-widget-canvas graph-widget-canvas"; const bounds = parent.getBoundingClientRect(); bounds.width = this.fixedWidth || bounds.width; bounds.height = this.fixedHeight || bounds.height; iframe.setAttribute("width", bounds.width); iframe.setAttribute("height", bounds.height); this._width = canvas.width = bounds.width * this._pixelRatio; this._height = canvas.height = bounds.height * this._pixelRatio; this._ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); this._ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false; this._cursor = new GraphCursor(); this._selection = new GraphArea(); this._selectionDragger = new GraphAreaDragger(); this._selectionResizer = new GraphAreaResizer(); this._isMouseActive = false; this._onAnimationFrame = this._onAnimationFrame.bind(this); this._onMouseMove = this._onMouseMove.bind(this); this._onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this); this._onMouseUp = this._onMouseUp.bind(this); this._onMouseWheel = this._onMouseWheel.bind(this); this._onMouseOut = this._onMouseOut.bind(this); this._onResize = this._onResize.bind(this); this.refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); this._window.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._window.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onMouseDown); this._window.addEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", this._onMouseWheel); this._window.addEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut); const ownerWindow = this._parent.ownerDocument.defaultView; ownerWindow.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize); this._animationId = this._window.requestAnimationFrame( this._onAnimationFrame ); resolve(this); this.emit("ready", this); }); }); }; AbstractCanvasGraph.prototype = { /** * Read-only width and height of the canvas. * @return number */ get width() { return this._width; }, get height() { return this._height; }, /** * Return true if the mouse is actively messing with the selection, false * otherwise. */ get isMouseActive() { return this._isMouseActive; }, /** * Returns a promise resolved once this graph is ready to receive data. */ ready: function() { return this._ready; }, /** * Destroys this graph. */ async destroy() { await this.ready(); this._topWindow.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._topWindow.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this._window.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._window.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._onMouseDown); this._window.removeEventListener("MozMousePixelScroll", this._onMouseWheel); this._window.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._onMouseOut); const ownerWindow = this._parent.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (ownerWindow) { ownerWindow.removeEventListener("resize", this._onResize); } this._window.cancelAnimationFrame(this._animationId); this._iframe.remove(); this._cursor = null; this._selection = null; this._selectionDragger = null; this._selectionResizer = null; this._data = null; this._mask = null; this._maskArgs = null; this._regions = null; this._cachedBackgroundImage = null; this._cachedGraphImage = null; this._cachedMaskImage = null; this._renderTargets.clear(); gCachedStripePattern.clear(); this.emit("destroyed"); }, /** * Rendering options. Subclasses should override these. */ clipheadLineWidth: 1, clipheadLineColor: "transparent", selectionLineWidth: 1, selectionLineColor: "transparent", selectionBackgroundColor: "transparent", selectionStripesColor: "transparent", regionBackgroundColor: "transparent", regionStripesColor: "transparent", /** * Makes sure the canvas graph is of the specified width or height, and * doesn't flex to fit all the available space. */ fixedWidth: null, fixedHeight: null, /** * Optionally builds and caches a background image for this graph. * Inheriting classes may override this method. */ buildBackgroundImage: function() { return null; }, /** * Builds and caches a graph image, based on the data source supplied * in `setData`. The graph image is not rebuilt on each frame, but * only when the data source changes. */ buildGraphImage: function() { const error = "This method needs to be implemented by inheriting classes."; throw new Error(error); }, /** * Optionally builds and caches a mask image for this graph, composited * over the data image created via `buildGraphImage`. Inheriting classes * may override this method. */ buildMaskImage: function() { return null; }, /** * When setting the data source, the coordinates and values may be * stretched or squeezed on the X/Y axis, to fit into the available space. */ dataScaleX: 1, dataScaleY: 1, /** * Sets the data source for this graph. * * @param object data * The data source. The actual format is specified by subclasses. */ setData: function(data) { this._data = data; this._cachedBackgroundImage = this.buildBackgroundImage(); this._cachedGraphImage = this.buildGraphImage(); this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Same as `setData`, but waits for this graph to finish initializing first. * * @param object data * The data source. The actual format is specified by subclasses. * @return promise * A promise resolved once the data is set. */ async setDataWhenReady(data) { await this.ready(); this.setData(data); }, /** * Adds a mask to this graph. * * @param any mask, options * See `buildMaskImage` in inheriting classes for the required args. */ setMask: function(mask, ...options) { this._mask = mask; this._maskArgs = [mask, ...options]; this._cachedMaskImage = this.buildMaskImage.apply(this, this._maskArgs); this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Adds regions to this graph. * * See the "Language" section in the constructor documentation * for details about what "regions" represent. * * @param array regions * A list of { start, end } values. */ setRegions: function(regions) { if (!this._cachedGraphImage) { throw new Error( "Can't highlight regions on a graph with " + "no data displayed." ); } if (this._regions) { throw new Error("Regions were already highlighted on the graph."); } this._regions = regions.map(e => ({ start: e.start * this.dataScaleX, end: e.end * this.dataScaleX, })); this._bakeRegions(this._regions, this._cachedGraphImage); this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Gets whether or not this graph has a data source. * @return boolean */ hasData: function() { return !!this._data; }, /** * Gets whether or not this graph has any mask applied. * @return boolean */ hasMask: function() { return !!this._mask; }, /** * Gets whether or not this graph has any regions. * @return boolean */ hasRegions: function() { return !!this._regions; }, /** * Sets the selection bounds. * Use `dropSelection` to remove the selection. * * If the bounds aren't different, no "selection" event is emitted. * * See the "Language" section in the constructor documentation * for details about what a "selection" represents. * * @param object selection * The selection's { start, end } values. */ setSelection: function(selection) { if (!selection || selection.start == null || selection.end == null) { throw new Error("Invalid selection coordinates"); } if (!this.isSelectionDifferent(selection)) { return; } this._selection.start = selection.start; this._selection.end = selection.end; this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("selecting"); }, /** * Gets the selection bounds. * If there's no selection, the bounds have null values. * * @return object * The selection's { start, end } values. */ getSelection: function() { if (this.hasSelection()) { return { start: this._selection.start, end: this._selection.end }; } if (this.hasSelectionInProgress()) { return { start: this._selection.start, end: this._cursor.x }; } return { start: null, end: null }; }, /** * Sets the selection bounds, scaled to correlate with the data source ranges, * such that a [0, max width] selection maps to [first value, last value]. * * @param object selection * The selection's { start, end } values. * @param object { mapStart, mapEnd } mapping [optional] * Invoked when retrieving the numbers in the data source representing * the first and last values, on the X axis. */ setMappedSelection: function(selection, mapping = {}) { if (!this.hasData()) { throw new Error( "A data source is necessary for retrieving " + "a mapped selection." ); } if (!selection || selection.start == null || selection.end == null) { throw new Error("Invalid selection coordinates"); } const { mapStart, mapEnd } = mapping; const startTime = (mapStart || (e => e.delta))(this._data[0]); const endTime = (mapEnd || (e => e.delta))( this._data[this._data.length - 1] ); // The selection's start and end values are not guaranteed to be ascending. // Also make sure that the selection bounds fit inside the data bounds. let min = Math.max(Math.min(selection.start, selection.end), startTime); let max = Math.min(Math.max(selection.start, selection.end), endTime); min = map(min, startTime, endTime, 0, this._width); max = map(max, startTime, endTime, 0, this._width); this.setSelection({ start: min, end: max }); }, /** * Gets the selection bounds, scaled to correlate with the data source ranges, * such that a [0, max width] selection maps to [first value, last value]. * * @param object { mapStart, mapEnd } mapping [optional] * Invoked when retrieving the numbers in the data source representing * the first and last values, on the X axis. * @return object * The mapped selection's { min, max } values. */ getMappedSelection: function(mapping = {}) { if (!this.hasData()) { throw new Error( "A data source is necessary for retrieving a " + "mapped selection." ); } if (!this.hasSelection() && !this.hasSelectionInProgress()) { return { min: null, max: null }; } const { mapStart, mapEnd } = mapping; const startTime = (mapStart || (e => e.delta))(this._data[0]); const endTime = (mapEnd || (e => e.delta))( this._data[this._data.length - 1] ); // The selection's start and end values are not guaranteed to be ascending. // This can happen, for example, when click & dragging from right to left. // Also make sure that the selection bounds fit inside the canvas bounds. const selection = this.getSelection(); let min = Math.max(Math.min(selection.start, selection.end), 0); let max = Math.min(Math.max(selection.start, selection.end), this._width); min = map(min, 0, this._width, startTime, endTime); max = map(max, 0, this._width, startTime, endTime); return { min: min, max: max }; }, /** * Removes the selection. */ dropSelection: function() { if (!this.hasSelection() && !this.hasSelectionInProgress()) { return; } this._selection.start = null; this._selection.end = null; this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("deselecting"); }, /** * Gets whether or not this graph has a selection. * @return boolean */ hasSelection: function() { return ( this._selection && this._selection.start != null && this._selection.end != null ); }, /** * Gets whether or not a selection is currently being made, for example * via a click+drag operation. * @return boolean */ hasSelectionInProgress: function() { return ( this._selection && this._selection.start != null && this._selection.end == null ); }, /** * Specifies whether or not mouse selection is allowed. * @type boolean */ selectionEnabled: true, /** * Sets the selection bounds. * Use `dropCursor` to hide the cursor. * * @param object cursor * The cursor's { x, y } position. */ setCursor: function(cursor) { if (!cursor || cursor.x == null || cursor.y == null) { throw new Error("Invalid cursor coordinates"); } if (!this.isCursorDifferent(cursor)) { return; } this._cursor.x = cursor.x; this._cursor.y = cursor.y; this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Gets the cursor position. * If there's no cursor, the position has null values. * * @return object * The cursor's { x, y } values. */ getCursor: function() { return { x: this._cursor.x, y: this._cursor.y }; }, /** * Hides the cursor. */ dropCursor: function() { if (!this.hasCursor()) { return; } this._cursor.x = null; this._cursor.y = null; this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Gets whether or not this graph has a visible cursor. * @return boolean */ hasCursor: function() { return this._cursor && this._cursor.x != null; }, /** * Specifies if this graph's selection is different from another one. * * @param object other * The other graph's selection, as { start, end } values. */ isSelectionDifferent: function(other) { if (!other) { return true; } const current = this.getSelection(); return current.start != other.start || current.end != other.end; }, /** * Specifies if this graph's cursor is different from another one. * * @param object other * The other graph's position, as { x, y } values. */ isCursorDifferent: function(other) { if (!other) { return true; } const current = this.getCursor(); return current.x != other.x || current.y != other.y; }, /** * Gets the width of the current selection. * If no selection is available, 0 is returned. * * @return number * The selection width. */ getSelectionWidth: function() { const selection = this.getSelection(); return Math.abs(selection.start - selection.end); }, /** * Gets the currently hovered region, if any. * If no region is currently hovered, null is returned. * * @return object * The hovered region, as { start, end } values. */ getHoveredRegion: function() { if (!this.hasRegions() || !this.hasCursor()) { return null; } const { x } = this._cursor; return this._regions.find( ({ start, end }) => (start < end && start < x && end > x) || (start > end && end < x && start > x) ); }, /** * Updates this graph to reflect the new dimensions of the parent node. * * @param boolean options.force * Force redrawing everything */ refresh: function(options = {}) { const bounds = this._parent.getBoundingClientRect(); const newWidth = this.fixedWidth || bounds.width; const newHeight = this.fixedHeight || bounds.height; // Prevent redrawing everything if the graph's width & height won't change, // except if force=true. if ( !options.force && this._width == newWidth * this._pixelRatio && this._height == newHeight * this._pixelRatio ) { this.emit("refresh-cancelled"); return; } // Handle a changed size by mapping the old selection to the new width if (this._width && newWidth && this.hasSelection()) { const ratio = this._width / (newWidth * this._pixelRatio); this._selection.start = Math.round(this._selection.start / ratio); this._selection.end = Math.round(this._selection.end / ratio); } bounds.width = newWidth; bounds.height = newHeight; this._iframe.setAttribute("width", bounds.width); this._iframe.setAttribute("height", bounds.height); this._width = this._canvas.width = bounds.width * this._pixelRatio; this._height = this._canvas.height = bounds.height * this._pixelRatio; if (this.hasData()) { this._cachedBackgroundImage = this.buildBackgroundImage(); this._cachedGraphImage = this.buildGraphImage(); } if (this.hasMask()) { this._cachedMaskImage = this.buildMaskImage.apply(this, this._maskArgs); } if (this.hasRegions()) { this._bakeRegions(this._regions, this._cachedGraphImage); } this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("refresh"); }, /** * Gets a canvas with the specified name, for this graph. * * If it doesn't exist yet, it will be created, otherwise the cached instance * will be cleared and returned. * * @param string name * The canvas name. * @param number width, height [optional] * A custom width and height for the canvas. Defaults to this graph's * container canvas width and height. */ _getNamedCanvas: function(name, width = this._width, height = this._height) { const cachedRenderTarget = this._renderTargets.get(name); if (cachedRenderTarget) { const { canvas, ctx } = cachedRenderTarget; canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); return cachedRenderTarget; } const canvas = this._document.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "canvas"); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; const renderTarget = { canvas: canvas, ctx: ctx }; this._renderTargets.set(name, renderTarget); return renderTarget; }, /** * The contents of this graph are redrawn only when something changed, * like the data source, or the selection bounds etc. This flag tracks * if the rendering is "dirty" and needs to be refreshed. */ _shouldRedraw: false, /** * Animation frame callback, invoked on each tick of the refresh driver. */ _onAnimationFrame: function() { this._animationId = this._window.requestAnimationFrame( this._onAnimationFrame ); this._drawWidget(); }, /** * Redraws the widget when necessary. The actual graph is not refreshed * every time this function is called, only the cliphead, selection etc. */ _drawWidget: function() { if (!this._shouldRedraw) { return; } const ctx = this._ctx; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this._width, this._height); if (this._cachedGraphImage) { ctx.drawImage(this._cachedGraphImage, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); } if (this._cachedMaskImage) { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; ctx.drawImage(this._cachedMaskImage, 0, 0, this._width, this._height); } if (this._cachedBackgroundImage) { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"; ctx.drawImage( this._cachedBackgroundImage, 0, 0, this._width, this._height ); } // Revert to the original global composition operation. if (this._cachedMaskImage || this._cachedBackgroundImage) { ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"; } if (this.hasCursor()) { this._drawCliphead(); } if (this.hasSelection() || this.hasSelectionInProgress()) { this._drawSelection(); } this._shouldRedraw = false; }, /** * Draws the cliphead, if available and necessary. */ _drawCliphead: function() { if ( this._isHoveringSelectionContentsOrBoundaries() || this._isHoveringRegion() ) { return; } const ctx = this._ctx; ctx.lineWidth = this.clipheadLineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = this.clipheadLineColor; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this._cursor.x, 0); ctx.lineTo(this._cursor.x, this._height); ctx.stroke(); }, /** * Draws the selection, if available and necessary. */ _drawSelection: function() { const { start, end } = this.getSelection(); const input = this._canvas.getAttribute("input"); const ctx = this._ctx; ctx.strokeStyle = this.selectionLineColor; // Fill selection. const pattern = AbstractCanvasGraph.getStripePattern({ ownerDocument: this._document, backgroundColor: this.selectionBackgroundColor, stripesColor: this.selectionStripesColor, }); ctx.fillStyle = pattern; const rectStart = Math.min(this._width, Math.max(0, start)); const rectEnd = Math.min(this._width, Math.max(0, end)); ctx.fillRect(rectStart, 0, rectEnd - rectStart, this._height); // Draw left boundary. if (input == "hovering-selection-start-boundary") { ctx.lineWidth = GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_LINE_WIDTH; } else { ctx.lineWidth = this.clipheadLineWidth; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(start, 0); ctx.lineTo(start, this._height); ctx.stroke(); // Draw right boundary. if (input == "hovering-selection-end-boundary") { ctx.lineWidth = GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_LINE_WIDTH; } else { ctx.lineWidth = this.clipheadLineWidth; } ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(end, this._height); ctx.lineTo(end, 0); ctx.stroke(); }, /** * Draws regions into the cached graph image, created via `buildGraphImage`. * Called when new regions are set. */ _bakeRegions: function(regions, destination) { const ctx = destination.getContext("2d"); const pattern = AbstractCanvasGraph.getStripePattern({ ownerDocument: this._document, backgroundColor: this.regionBackgroundColor, stripesColor: this.regionStripesColor, }); ctx.fillStyle = pattern; ctx.strokeStyle = GRAPH_REGION_LINE_COLOR; ctx.lineWidth = GRAPH_REGION_LINE_WIDTH; const y = -GRAPH_REGION_LINE_WIDTH; const height = this._height + GRAPH_REGION_LINE_WIDTH; for (const { start, end } of regions) { const x = start; const width = end - start; ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); ctx.strokeRect(x, y, width, height); } }, /** * Checks whether the start handle of the selection is hovered. * @return boolean */ _isHoveringStartBoundary: function() { if (!this.hasSelection() || !this.hasCursor()) { return false; } const { x } = this._cursor; const { start } = this._selection; const threshold = GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_THRESHOLD * this._pixelRatio; return Math.abs(start - x) < threshold; }, /** * Checks whether the end handle of the selection is hovered. * @return boolean */ _isHoveringEndBoundary: function() { if (!this.hasSelection() || !this.hasCursor()) { return false; } const { x } = this._cursor; const { end } = this._selection; const threshold = GRAPH_SELECTION_BOUNDARY_HOVER_THRESHOLD * this._pixelRatio; return Math.abs(end - x) < threshold; }, /** * Checks whether the selection is hovered. * @return boolean */ _isHoveringSelectionContents: function() { if (!this.hasSelection() || !this.hasCursor()) { return false; } const { x } = this._cursor; const { start, end } = this._selection; return ( (start < end && start < x && end > x) || (start > end && end < x && start > x) ); }, /** * Checks whether the selection or its handles are hovered. * @return boolean */ _isHoveringSelectionContentsOrBoundaries: function() { return ( this._isHoveringSelectionContents() || this._isHoveringStartBoundary() || this._isHoveringEndBoundary() ); }, /** * Checks whether a region is hovered. * @return boolean */ _isHoveringRegion: function() { return !!this.getHoveredRegion(); }, /** * Given a MouseEvent, make it relative to this._canvas. * @return object {mouseX,mouseY} */ _getRelativeEventCoordinates: function(e) { // For ease of testing, testX and testY can be passed in as the event // object. If so, just return this. if ("testX" in e && "testY" in e) { return { mouseX: e.testX * this._pixelRatio, mouseY: e.testY * this._pixelRatio, }; } // This method is concerned with converting mouse event coordinates from // "screen space" to "local space" (in other words, relative to this // canvas's position, thus (0,0) would correspond to the upper left corner). // We can't simply use `clientX` and `clientY` because the given MouseEvent // object may be generated from events coming from other DOM nodes. // Therefore, we need to get a bounding box relative to the top document and // do some simple math to convert screen coords into local coords. // However, `getBoxQuads` may be a very costly operation depending on the // complexity of the "outside world" DOM, so cache the results until we // suspect they might change (e.g. on a resize). // It'd sure be nice if we could use `getBoundsWithoutFlushing`, but it's // not taking the document zoom factor into consideration consistently. if (!this._boundingBox || this._maybeDirtyBoundingBox) { const topDocument = this._topWindow.document; const boxQuad = this._canvas.getBoxQuads({ relativeTo: topDocument, createFramesForSuppressedWhitespace: false, })[0]; this._boundingBox = boxQuad; this._maybeDirtyBoundingBox = false; } const bb = this._boundingBox; const x = e.screenX - this._topWindow.screenX - bb.p1.x; const y = e.screenY - this._topWindow.screenY - bb.p1.y; // Don't allow the event coordinates to be bigger than the canvas // or less than 0. const maxX = bb.p2.x - bb.p1.x; const maxY = bb.p3.y - bb.p1.y; let mouseX = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, maxX)) * this._pixelRatio; let mouseY = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, maxY)) * this._pixelRatio; // The coordinates need to be modified with the current zoom level // to prevent them from being wrong. const zoom = getCurrentZoom(this._canvas); mouseX /= zoom; mouseY /= zoom; return { mouseX, mouseY }; }, /** * Listener for the "mousemove" event on the graph's container. */ _onMouseMove: function(e) { const resizer = this._selectionResizer; const dragger = this._selectionDragger; // Need to stop propagation here, since this function can be bound // to both this._window and this._topWindow. It's only attached to // this._topWindow during a drag event. Null check here since tests // don't pass this method into the event object. if (e.stopPropagation && this._isMouseActive) { e.stopPropagation(); } // If a mouseup happened outside the window and the current operation // is causing the selection to change, then end it. if ( e.buttons == 0 && (this.hasSelectionInProgress() || resizer.margin != null || dragger.origin != null) ) { this._onMouseUp(); return; } const { mouseX, mouseY } = this._getRelativeEventCoordinates(e); this._cursor.x = mouseX; this._cursor.y = mouseY; if (resizer.margin != null) { this._selection[resizer.margin] = mouseX; this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("selecting"); return; } if (dragger.origin != null) { this._selection.start = dragger.anchor.start - dragger.origin + mouseX; this._selection.end = dragger.anchor.end - dragger.origin + mouseX; this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("selecting"); return; } if (this.hasSelectionInProgress()) { this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("selecting"); return; } if (this.hasSelection()) { if (this._isHoveringStartBoundary()) { this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-selection-start-boundary"); this._shouldRedraw = true; return; } if (this._isHoveringEndBoundary()) { this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-selection-end-boundary"); this._shouldRedraw = true; return; } if (this._isHoveringSelectionContents()) { this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-selection-contents"); this._shouldRedraw = true; return; } } const region = this.getHoveredRegion(); if (region) { this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-region"); } else { this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-background"); } this._shouldRedraw = true; }, /** * Listener for the "mousedown" event on the graph's container. */ _onMouseDown: function(e) { this._isMouseActive = true; const { mouseX } = this._getRelativeEventCoordinates(e); switch (this._canvas.getAttribute("input")) { case "hovering-background": case "hovering-region": if (!this.selectionEnabled) { break; } this._selection.start = mouseX; this._selection.end = null; this.emit("selecting"); break; case "hovering-selection-start-boundary": this._selectionResizer.margin = "start"; break; case "hovering-selection-end-boundary": this._selectionResizer.margin = "end"; break; case "hovering-selection-contents": this._selectionDragger.origin = mouseX; this._selectionDragger.anchor.start = this._selection.start; this._selectionDragger.anchor.end = this._selection.end; this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "dragging-selection-contents"); break; } // During a drag, bind to the top level window so that mouse movement // outside of this frame will still work. this._topWindow.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._topWindow.addEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("mousedown"); }, /** * Listener for the "mouseup" event on the graph's container. */ _onMouseUp: function() { this._isMouseActive = false; switch (this._canvas.getAttribute("input")) { case "hovering-background": case "hovering-region": if (!this.selectionEnabled) { break; } if (this.getSelectionWidth() < 1) { const region = this.getHoveredRegion(); if (region) { this._selection.start = region.start; this._selection.end = region.end; this.emit("selecting"); } else { this._selection.start = null; this._selection.end = null; this.emit("deselecting"); } } else { this._selection.end = this._cursor.x; this.emit("selecting"); } break; case "hovering-selection-start-boundary": case "hovering-selection-end-boundary": this._selectionResizer.margin = null; break; case "dragging-selection-contents": this._selectionDragger.origin = null; this._canvas.setAttribute("input", "hovering-selection-contents"); break; } // No longer dragging, no need to bind to the top level window. this._topWindow.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove); this._topWindow.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._onMouseUp); this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("mouseup"); }, /** * Listener for the "wheel" event on the graph's container. */ _onMouseWheel: function(e) { if (!this.hasSelection()) { return; } const { mouseX } = this._getRelativeEventCoordinates(e); const focusX = mouseX; const selection = this._selection; let vector = 0; // If the selection is hovered, "zoom" towards or away the cursor, // by shrinking or growing the selection. if (this._isHoveringSelectionContentsOrBoundaries()) { const distStart = selection.start - focusX; const distEnd = selection.end - focusX; vector = e.detail * GRAPH_WHEEL_ZOOM_SENSITIVITY; selection.start = selection.start + distStart * vector; selection.end = selection.end + distEnd * vector; } else { // Otherwise, simply pan the selection towards the left or right. let direction = 0; if (focusX > selection.end) { direction = Math.sign(focusX - selection.end); } else if (focusX < selection.start) { direction = Math.sign(focusX - selection.start); } vector = direction * e.detail * GRAPH_WHEEL_SCROLL_SENSITIVITY; selection.start -= vector; selection.end -= vector; } // Make sure the selection bounds are still comfortably inside the // graph's bounds when zooming out, to keep the margin handles accessible. const minStart = GRAPH_MAX_SELECTION_LEFT_PADDING; const maxEnd = this._width - GRAPH_MAX_SELECTION_RIGHT_PADDING; if (selection.start < minStart) { selection.start = minStart; } if (selection.start > maxEnd) { selection.start = maxEnd; } if (selection.end < minStart) { selection.end = minStart; } if (selection.end > maxEnd) { selection.end = maxEnd; } // Make sure the selection doesn't get too narrow when zooming in. const thickness = Math.abs(selection.start - selection.end); if (thickness < GRAPH_WHEEL_MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH) { const midPoint = (selection.start + selection.end) / 2; selection.start = midPoint - GRAPH_WHEEL_MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH / 2; selection.end = midPoint + GRAPH_WHEEL_MIN_SELECTION_WIDTH / 2; } this._shouldRedraw = true; this.emit("selecting"); this.emit("scroll"); }, /** * Listener for the "mouseout" event on the graph's container. * Clear any active cursors if a drag isn't happening. */ _onMouseOut: function(e) { if (!this._isMouseActive) { this._cursor.x = null; this._cursor.y = null; this._canvas.removeAttribute("input"); this._shouldRedraw = true; } }, /** * Listener for the "resize" event on the graph's parent node. */ _onResize: function() { if (this.hasData()) { // The assumption is that resize events may change the outside world // layout in a way that affects this graph's bounding box location // relative to the top window's document. Graphs aren't currently // (or ever) expected to move around on their own. this._maybeDirtyBoundingBox = true; setNamedTimeout(this._uid, GRAPH_RESIZE_EVENTS_DRAIN, this.refresh); } }, }; // Helper functions. /** * Creates an iframe element with the provided source URL, appends it to * the specified node and invokes the callback once the content is loaded. * * @param string url * The desired source URL for the iframe. * @param Node parent * The desired parent node for the iframe. * @param function callback * Invoked once the content is loaded, with the iframe as an argument. */ AbstractCanvasGraph.createIframe = function(url, parent, callback) { const iframe = parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "iframe"); // Setting 100% width on the frame and flex on the parent allows the graph // to properly shrink when the window is resized to be smaller. iframe.setAttribute("frameborder", "0"); iframe.style.width = "100%"; iframe.style.minWidth = "50px"; parent.style.display = "flex"; parent.appendChild(iframe); // Use DOMHelpers to wait for the frame load. DOMHelpers relies on chromeEventHandler // so this will still work if DevTools are loaded in a content frame. DOMHelpers.onceDOMReady(iframe.contentWindow, function() { callback(iframe); }); iframe.src = url; }; /** * Gets a striped pattern used as a background in selections and regions. * * @param object data * The following properties are required: * - ownerDocument: the nsIDocumentElement owning the canvas * - backgroundColor: a string representing the fill style * - stripesColor: a string representing the stroke style * @return nsIDOMCanvasPattern * The custom striped pattern. */ AbstractCanvasGraph.getStripePattern = function(data) { const { ownerDocument, backgroundColor, stripesColor } = data; const id = [backgroundColor, stripesColor].join(","); if (gCachedStripePattern.has(id)) { return gCachedStripePattern.get(id); } const canvas = ownerDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "canvas"); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); const width = (canvas.width = GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_WIDTH); const height = (canvas.height = GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_HEIGHT); ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); const pixelRatio = ownerDocument.defaultView.devicePixelRatio; const scaledLineWidth = GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_LINE_WIDTH * pixelRatio; const scaledLineSpacing = GRAPH_STRIPE_PATTERN_LINE_SPACING * pixelRatio; ctx.strokeStyle = stripesColor; ctx.lineWidth = scaledLineWidth; ctx.lineCap = "square"; ctx.beginPath(); for (let i = -height; i <= height; i += scaledLineSpacing) { ctx.moveTo(width, i); ctx.lineTo(0, i + height); } ctx.stroke(); const pattern = ctx.createPattern(canvas, "repeat"); gCachedStripePattern.set(id, pattern); return pattern; }; /** * Cache used by `AbstractCanvasGraph.getStripePattern`. */ const gCachedStripePattern = new Map(); /** * Utility functions for graph canvases. */ this.CanvasGraphUtils = { _graphUtilsWorker: null, _graphUtilsTaskId: 0, /** * Merges the animation loop of two graphs. */ async linkAnimation(graph1, graph2) { if (!graph1 || !graph2) { return; } await graph1.ready(); await graph2.ready(); const window = graph1._window; window.cancelAnimationFrame(graph1._animationId); window.cancelAnimationFrame(graph2._animationId); const loop = () => { window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); graph1._drawWidget(); graph2._drawWidget(); }; window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); }, /** * Makes sure selections in one graph are reflected in another. */ linkSelection: function(graph1, graph2) { if (!graph1 || !graph2) { return; } if (graph1.hasSelection()) { graph2.setSelection(graph1.getSelection()); } else { graph2.dropSelection(); } graph1.on("selecting", () => { graph2.setSelection(graph1.getSelection()); }); graph2.on("selecting", () => { graph1.setSelection(graph2.getSelection()); }); graph1.on("deselecting", () => { graph2.dropSelection(); }); graph2.on("deselecting", () => { graph1.dropSelection(); }); }, /** * Performs the given task in a chrome worker, assuming it exists. * * @param string task * The task name. Currently supported: "plotTimestampsGraph". * @param any data * Extra arguments to pass to the worker. * @return object * A promise that is resolved once the worker finishes the task. */ _performTaskInWorker: function(task, data) { const worker = this._graphUtilsWorker || new DevToolsWorker(WORKER_URL); return worker.performTask(task, data); }, }; /** * Maps a value from one range to another. * @param number value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop * @return number */ function map(value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop) { const ratio = istop - istart; if (ratio == 0) { return value; } return ostart + (ostop - ostart) * ((value - istart) / ratio); } /** * Constrains a value to a range. * @param number value, min, max * @return number */ function clamp(value, min, max) { if (value < min) { return min; } if (value > max) { return max; } return value; } exports.GraphCursor = GraphCursor; exports.GraphArea = GraphArea; exports.GraphAreaDragger = GraphAreaDragger; exports.GraphAreaResizer = GraphAreaResizer; exports.AbstractCanvasGraph = AbstractCanvasGraph; exports.CanvasGraphUtils = CanvasGraphUtils; exports.CanvasGraphUtils.map = map; exports.CanvasGraphUtils.clamp = clamp;