/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Services = require("Services"); const InspectorUtils = require("InspectorUtils"); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "CssLogic", "devtools/server/actors/inspector/css-logic", true ); const INACTIVE_CSS_ENABLED = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "devtools.inspector.inactive.css.enabled", false ); const VISITED_MDN_LINK = "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/:visited"; const VISITED_INVALID_PROPERTIES = allCssPropertiesExcept([ "all", "color", "background", "background-color", "border", "border-color", "border-bottom-color", "border-left-color", "border-right-color", "border-top-color", "border-block", "border-block-color", "border-block-start-color", "border-block-end-color", "border-inline", "border-inline-color", "border-inline-start-color", "border-inline-end-color", "column-rule", "column-rule-color", "outline", "outline-color", "text-decoration-color", "text-emphasis-color", ]); class InactivePropertyHelper { /** * A list of rules for when CSS properties have no effect. * * In certain situations, CSS properties do not have any effect. A common * example is trying to set a width on an inline element like a . * * There are so many properties in CSS that it's difficult to remember which * ones do and don't apply in certain situations. Some are straight-forward * like `flex-wrap` only applying to an element that has `display:flex`. * Others are less trivial like setting something other than a color on a * `:visited` pseudo-class. * * This file contains "rules" in the form of objects with the following * properties: * { * invalidProperties: * Array of CSS property names that are inactive if the rule matches. * when: * The rule itself, a JS function used to identify the conditions * indicating whether a property is valid or not. * fixId: * A Fluent id containing a suggested solution to the problem that is * causing a property to be inactive. * msgId: * A Fluent id containing an error message explaining why a property is * inactive in this situation. * numFixProps: * The number of properties we suggest in the fixId string. * } * * If you add a new rule, also add a test for it in: * server/tests/chrome/test_inspector-inactive-property-helper.html * * The main export is `isPropertyUsed()`, which can be used to check if a * property is used or not, and why. */ get VALIDATORS() { return [ // Flex container property used on non-flex container. { invalidProperties: ["flex-direction", "flex-flow", "flex-wrap"], when: () => !this.flexContainer, fixId: "inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-flex-container", numFixProps: 2, }, // Flex item property used on non-flex item. { invalidProperties: ["flex", "flex-basis", "flex-grow", "flex-shrink"], when: () => !this.flexItem, fixId: "inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2", msgId: "inactive-css-not-flex-item", numFixProps: 2, }, // Grid container property used on non-grid container. { invalidProperties: [ "grid-auto-columns", "grid-auto-flow", "grid-auto-rows", "grid-template", "justify-items", ], when: () => !this.gridContainer, fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-container", numFixProps: 2, }, // Grid item property used on non-grid item. { invalidProperties: [ "grid-area", "grid-column", "grid-column-end", "grid-column-start", "grid-row", "grid-row-end", "grid-row-start", "justify-self", ], when: () => !this.gridItem && !this.isAbsPosGridElement(), fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-item", numFixProps: 2, }, // Grid and flex item properties used on non-grid or non-flex item. { invalidProperties: ["align-self", "place-self", "order"], when: () => !this.gridItem && !this.flexItem && !this.isAbsPosGridElement(), fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-2", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item", numFixProps: 4, }, // Grid and flex container properties used on non-grid or non-flex container. { invalidProperties: [ "align-items", "justify-content", "place-content", "place-items", "row-gap", // grid-*-gap are supported legacy shorthands for the corresponding *-gap properties. // See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align-3/#gap-legacy for more information. "grid-gap", "grid-row-gap", ], when: () => !this.gridContainer && !this.flexContainer, fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container", numFixProps: 2, }, // align-content is special as align-content:baseline does have an effect on all // grid items, flex items and table cells, regardless of what type of box they are. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1598730 { invalidProperties: ["align-content"], when: () => !this.style["align-content"].includes("baseline") && !this.gridContainer && !this.flexContainer, fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container", numFixProps: 2, }, // column-gap and shorthands used on non-grid or non-flex or non-multi-col container. { invalidProperties: [ "column-gap", "gap", // grid-*-gap are supported legacy shorthands for the corresponding *-gap properties. // See https://drafts.csswg.org/css-align-3/#gap-legacy for more information. "grid-column-gap", ], when: () => !this.gridContainer && !this.flexContainer && !this.multiColContainer, fixId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container", numFixProps: 3, }, // Inline properties used on non-inline-level elements. { invalidProperties: ["vertical-align"], when: () => { const { selectorText } = this.cssRule; const isFirstLetter = selectorText && selectorText.includes("::first-letter"); const isFirstLine = selectorText && selectorText.includes("::first-line"); return !this.isInlineLevel() && !isFirstLetter && !isFirstLine; }, fixId: "inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell", numFixProps: 2, }, // (max-|min-)width used on inline elements, table rows, or row groups. { invalidProperties: ["max-width", "min-width", "width"], when: () => this.nonReplacedInlineBox || this.horizontalTableTrack || this.horizontalTableTrackGroup, fixId: "inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-property-because-of-display", numFixProps: 2, }, // (max-|min-)height used on inline elements, table columns, or column groups. { invalidProperties: ["max-height", "min-height", "height"], when: () => this.nonReplacedInlineBox || this.verticalTableTrack || this.verticalTableTrackGroup, fixId: "inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-column-or-column-group-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-property-because-of-display", numFixProps: 1, }, { invalidProperties: ["display"], when: () => this.isFloated && this.checkResolvedStyle("display", [ "inline", "inline-block", "inline-table", "inline-flex", "inline-grid", "table-cell", "table-row", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-column", "table-column-group", "table-caption", ]), fixId: "inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated", numFixProps: 2, }, // The property is impossible to override due to :visited restriction. { invalidProperties: VISITED_INVALID_PROPERTIES, when: () => this.isVisitedRule(), fixId: "learn-more", msgId: "inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited", numFixProps: 1, learnMoreURL: VISITED_MDN_LINK, }, // top, right, bottom, left properties used on non positioned boxes. { invalidProperties: ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], when: () => !this.isPositioned, fixId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box", numFixProps: 1, }, // z-index property used on non positioned boxes that are not grid/flex items. { invalidProperties: ["z-index"], when: () => !this.isPositioned && !this.gridItem && !this.flexItem, fixId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box", numFixProps: 1, }, // text-overflow property used on elements for which overflow is not set to hidden. // Note that this validator only checks if overflow:hidden is set on the element. // In theory, we should also be checking if the element is a block as this doesn't // normally work on inline element. However there are many edge cases that made it // impossible for the JS code to determine whether the type of box would support // text-overflow. So, rather than risking to show invalid warnings, we decided to // only warn when overflow:hidden wasn't set. There is more information about this // in this discussion https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D62407 and on the bug // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1551578 { invalidProperties: ["text-overflow"], when: () => !this.checkComputedStyle("overflow", ["hidden"]), fixId: "inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix", msgId: "inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow", numFixProps: 1, }, // -moz-outline-radius doesn't apply when outline-style is auto or none. { invalidProperties: [ "-moz-outline-radius", "-moz-outline-radius-topleft", "-moz-outline-radius-topright", "-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft", "-moz-outline-radius-bottomright", ], when: () => this.checkComputedStyle("outline-style", ["auto", "none"]), fixId: "inactive-outline-radius-when-outline-style-auto-or-none-fix", msgId: "inactive-outline-radius-when-outline-style-auto-or-none", numFixProps: 1, }, // margin properties used on table internal elements. { invalidProperties: [ "margin", "margin-block", "margin-block-end", "margin-block-start", "margin-bottom", "margin-inline", "margin-inline-end", "margin-inline-start", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", ], when: () => this.internalTableElement, fixId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements", numFixProps: 1, }, // padding properties used on table internal elements except table cells. { invalidProperties: [ "padding", "padding-block", "padding-block-end", "padding-block-start", "padding-bottom", "padding-inline", "padding-inline-end", "padding-inline-start", "padding-left", "padding-right", "padding-top", ], when: () => this.internalTableElement && !this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["table-cell"]), fixId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells-fix", msgId: "inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells", numFixProps: 1, }, ]; } /** * Get a list of unique CSS property names for which there are checks * for used/unused state. * * @return {Set} * List of CSS properties */ get invalidProperties() { if (!this._invalidProperties) { const allProps = this.VALIDATORS.map(v => v.invalidProperties).flat(); this._invalidProperties = new Set(allProps); } return this._invalidProperties; } /** * Is this CSS property having any effect on this element? * * @param {DOMNode} el * The DOM element. * @param {Style} elStyle * The computed style for this DOMNode. * @param {DOMRule} cssRule * The CSS rule the property is defined in. * @param {String} property * The CSS property name. * * @return {Object} object * @return {String} object.display * The element computed display value. * @return {String} object.fixId * A Fluent id containing a suggested solution to the problem that is * causing a property to be inactive. * @return {String} object.msgId * A Fluent id containing an error message explaining why a property * is inactive in this situation. * @return {Integer} object.numFixProps * The number of properties we suggest in the fixId string. * @return {String} object.property * The inactive property name. * @return {String} object.learnMoreURL * An optional link if we need to open an other link than * the default MDN property one. * @return {Boolean} object.used * true if the property is used. */ isPropertyUsed(el, elStyle, cssRule, property) { // Assume the property is used when: // - the Inactive CSS pref is not enabled // - the property is not in the list of properties to check if (!INACTIVE_CSS_ENABLED || !this.invalidProperties.has(property)) { return { used: true }; } let fixId = ""; let msgId = ""; let numFixProps = 0; let learnMoreURL = null; let used = true; this.VALIDATORS.some(validator => { // First check if this rule cares about this property. let isRuleConcerned = false; if (validator.invalidProperties) { isRuleConcerned = validator.invalidProperties.includes(property); } if (!isRuleConcerned) { return false; } this.select(el, elStyle, cssRule, property); // And then run the validator, gathering the error message if the // validator passes. if (validator.when()) { fixId = validator.fixId; msgId = validator.msgId; numFixProps = validator.numFixProps; learnMoreURL = validator.learnMoreURL; used = false; return true; } return false; }); this.unselect(); // Accessing elStyle might throws, we wrap it in a try/catch block to avoid test // failures. let display; try { display = elStyle ? elStyle.display : null; } catch (e) {} return { display, fixId, msgId, numFixProps, property, learnMoreURL, used, }; } /** * Focus on a node. * * @param {DOMNode} node * Node to focus on. */ select(node, style, cssRule, property) { this._node = node; this._cssRule = cssRule; this._property = property; this._style = style; } /** * Clear references to avoid leaks. */ unselect() { this._node = null; this._cssRule = null; this._property = null; this._style = null; } /** * Provide a public reference to node. */ get node() { return this._node; } /** * Cache and provide node's computed style. */ get style() { return this._style; } /** * Provide a public reference to the css rule. */ get cssRule() { return this._cssRule; } /** * Check if the current node's propName is set to one of the values passed in * the values array. * * @param {String} propName * Property name to check. * @param {Array} values * Values to compare against. */ checkComputedStyle(propName, values) { if (!this.style) { return false; } return values.some(value => this.style[propName] === value); } /** * Check if a rule's propName is set to one of the values passed in the values * array. * * @param {String} propName * Property name to check. * @param {Array} values * Values to compare against. */ checkResolvedStyle(propName, values) { if (!(this.cssRule && this.cssRule.style)) { return false; } const { style } = this.cssRule; return values.some(value => style[propName] === value); } /** * Check if the current node is an inline-level box. */ isInlineLevel() { return this.checkComputedStyle("display", [ "inline", "inline-block", "inline-table", "inline-flex", "inline-grid", "table-cell", "table-row", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", ]); } /** * Check if the current node is a flex container i.e. a node that has a style * of `display:flex` or `display:inline-flex`. */ get flexContainer() { return this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["flex", "inline-flex"]); } /** * Check if the current node is a flex item. */ get flexItem() { return this.isFlexItem(this.node); } /** * Check if the current node is a grid container i.e. a node that has a style * of `display:grid` or `display:inline-grid`. */ get gridContainer() { return this.checkComputedStyle("display", ["grid", "inline-grid"]); } /** * Check if the current node is a grid item. */ get gridItem() { return this.isGridItem(this.node); } /** * Check if the current node is a multi-column container, i.e. a node element whose * `column-width` or `column-count` property is not `auto`. */ get multiColContainer() { const autoColumnWidth = this.checkComputedStyle("column-width", ["auto"]); const autoColumnCount = this.checkComputedStyle("column-count", ["auto"]); return !autoColumnWidth || !autoColumnCount; } /** * Check if the current node is a table row. */ get tableRow() { return this.style && this.style.display === "table-row"; } /** * Check if the current node is a table column. */ get tableColumn() { return this.style && this.style.display === "table-column"; } /** * Check if the current node is an internal table element. */ get internalTableElement() { return this.checkComputedStyle("display", [ "table-cell", "table-row", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-column", "table-column-group", ]); } /** * Check if the current node is a horizontal table track. That is: either a table row * displayed in horizontal writing mode, or a table column displayed in vertical writing * mode. */ get horizontalTableTrack() { if (!this.tableRow && !this.tableColumn) { return false; } const wm = this.getTableTrackParentWritingMode(); const isVertical = wm.includes("vertical") || wm.includes("sideways"); return isVertical ? this.tableColumn : this.tableRow; } /** * Check if the current node is a vertical table track. That is: either a table row * displayed in vertical writing mode, or a table column displayed in horizontal writing * mode. */ get verticalTableTrack() { if (!this.tableRow && !this.tableColumn) { return false; } const wm = this.getTableTrackParentWritingMode(); const isVertical = wm.includes("vertical") || wm.includes("sideways"); return isVertical ? this.tableRow : this.tableColumn; } /** * Check if the current node is a row group. */ get rowGroup() { return this.isRowGroup(this.node); } /** * Check if the current node is a table column group. */ get columnGroup() { return this.isColumnGroup(this.node); } /** * Check if the current node is a horizontal table track group. That is: either a table * row group displayed in horizontal writing mode, or a table column group displayed in * vertical writing mode. */ get horizontalTableTrackGroup() { if (!this.rowGroup && !this.columnGroup) { return false; } const wm = this.getTableTrackParentWritingMode(true); const isVertical = wm.includes("vertical") || wm.includes("sideways"); const isHorizontalRowGroup = this.rowGroup && !isVertical; const isHorizontalColumnGroup = this.columnGroup && isVertical; return isHorizontalRowGroup || isHorizontalColumnGroup; } /** * Check if the current node is a vertical table track group. That is: either a table row * group displayed in vertical writing mode, or a table column group displayed in * horizontal writing mode. */ get verticalTableTrackGroup() { if (!this.rowGroup && !this.columnGroup) { return false; } const wm = this.getTableTrackParentWritingMode(true); const isVertical = wm.includes("vertical") || wm.includes("sideways"); const isVerticalRowGroup = this.rowGroup && isVertical; const isVerticalColumnGroup = this.columnGroup && !isVertical; return isVerticalRowGroup || isVerticalColumnGroup; } /** * Returns whether this element uses CSS layout. */ get hasCssLayout() { return !this.isSvg && !this.isMathMl; } /** * Check if the current node is a non-replaced CSS inline box. */ get nonReplacedInlineBox() { return ( this.hasCssLayout && this.nonReplaced && this.style && this.style.display === "inline" ); } /** * Check if the current node is a non-replaced element. See `replaced()` for * a description of what a replaced element is. */ get nonReplaced() { return !this.replaced; } /** * Check if the current node is an absolutely-positioned element. */ get isAbsolutelyPositioned() { return this.checkComputedStyle("position", ["absolute", "fixed"]); } /** * Check if the current node is positioned (i.e. its position property has a value other * than static). */ get isPositioned() { return this.checkComputedStyle("position", [ "relative", "absolute", "fixed", "sticky", ]); } /** * Check if the current node is floated */ get isFloated() { return this.style && this.style.cssFloat !== "none"; } /** * Check if the current node is a replaced element i.e. an element with * content that will be replaced e.g. ,