/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Many Gecko operations (painting, reflows, restyle, ...) can be tracked * in real time. A marker is a representation of one operation. A marker * has a name, start and end timestamps. Markers are stored in docShells. * * This module exposes this tracking mechanism. To use with devtools' RDP, * use devtools/server/actors/timeline.js directly. * * To start/stop recording markers: * timeline.start() * timeline.stop() * timeline.isRecording() * * When markers are available, an event is emitted: * timeline.on("markers", function(markers) {...}) */ const { Ci, Cu } = require("chrome"); // Be aggressive about lazy loading, as this will run on every // toolbox startup loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "Memory", "devtools/server/performance/memory", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "Framerate", "devtools/server/performance/framerate", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter( this, "StackFrameCache", "devtools/server/actors/utils/stack", true ); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "EventEmitter", "devtools/shared/event-emitter"); // How often do we pull markers from the docShells, and therefore, how often do // we send events to the front (knowing that when there are no markers in the // docShell, no event is sent). In milliseconds. const DEFAULT_TIMELINE_DATA_PULL_TIMEOUT = 200; /** * The timeline actor pops and forwards timeline markers registered in docshells. */ function Timeline(targetActor) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); this.targetActor = targetActor; this._isRecording = false; this._stackFrames = null; this._memory = null; this._framerate = null; // Make sure to get markers from new windows as they become available this._onWindowReady = this._onWindowReady.bind(this); this._onGarbageCollection = this._onGarbageCollection.bind(this); this.targetActor.on("window-ready", this._onWindowReady); } Timeline.prototype = { /** * Destroys this actor, stopping recording first. */ destroy: function() { this.stop(); this.targetActor.off("window-ready", this._onWindowReady); this.targetActor = null; }, /** * Get the list of docShells in the currently attached targetActor. Note that * we always list the docShells included in the real root docShell, even if * the targetActor was switched to a child frame. This is because for now, * paint markers are only recorded at parent frame level so switching the * timeline to a child frame would hide all paint markers. * See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1050773#c14 * @return {Array} */ get docShells() { let originalDocShell; if (this.targetActor.isRootActor) { originalDocShell = this.targetActor.docShell; } else { originalDocShell = this.targetActor.originalDocShell; } if (!originalDocShell) { return []; } const docShells = originalDocShell.getAllDocShellsInSubtree( Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem.typeAll, Ci.nsIDocShell.ENUMERATE_FORWARDS ); return docShells; }, /** * At regular intervals, pop the markers from the docshell, and forward * markers, memory, tick and frames events, if any. */ _pullTimelineData: function() { const docShells = this.docShells; if (!this._isRecording || !docShells.length) { return; } const endTime = docShells[0].now(); const markers = []; // Gather markers if requested. if (this._withMarkers || this._withDocLoadingEvents) { for (const docShell of docShells) { for (const marker of docShell.popProfileTimelineMarkers()) { markers.push(marker); // The docshell may return markers with stack traces attached. // Here we transform the stack traces via the stack frame cache, // which lets us preserve tail sharing when transferring the // frames to the client. We must waive xrays here because Firefox // doesn't understand that the Debugger.Frame object is safe to // use from chrome. See Tutorial-Alloc-Log-Tree.md. if (this._withFrames) { if (marker.stack) { marker.stack = this._stackFrames.addFrame( Cu.waiveXrays(marker.stack) ); } if (marker.endStack) { marker.endStack = this._stackFrames.addFrame( Cu.waiveXrays(marker.endStack) ); } } // Emit some helper events for "DOMContentLoaded" and "Load" markers. if (this._withDocLoadingEvents) { if ( marker.name == "document::DOMContentLoaded" || marker.name == "document::Load" ) { this.emit("doc-loading", marker, endTime); } } } } } // Emit markers if requested. if (this._withMarkers && markers.length > 0) { this.emit("markers", markers, endTime); } // Emit framerate data if requested. if (this._withTicks) { this.emit("ticks", endTime, this._framerate.getPendingTicks()); } // Emit memory data if requested. if (this._withMemory) { this.emit("memory", endTime, this._memory.measure()); } // Emit stack frames data if requested. if (this._withFrames && this._withMarkers) { const frames = this._stackFrames.makeEvent(); if (frames) { this.emit("frames", endTime, frames); } } this._dataPullTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._pullTimelineData(); }, DEFAULT_TIMELINE_DATA_PULL_TIMEOUT); }, /** * Are we recording profile markers currently? */ isRecording: function() { return this._isRecording; }, /** * Start recording profile markers. * * @option {boolean} withMarkers * Boolean indicating whether or not timeline markers are emitted * once they're accumulated every `DEFAULT_TIMELINE_DATA_PULL_TIMEOUT` * milliseconds. * @option {boolean} withTicks * Boolean indicating whether a `ticks` event is fired and a * FramerateActor is created. * @option {boolean} withMemory * Boolean indiciating whether we want memory measurements sampled. * @option {boolean} withFrames * Boolean indicating whether or not stack frames should be handled * from timeline markers. * @option {boolean} withGCEvents * Boolean indicating whether or not GC markers should be emitted. * TODO: Remove these fake GC markers altogether in bug 1198127. * @option {boolean} withDocLoadingEvents * Boolean indicating whether or not DOMContentLoaded and Load * marker events are emitted. */ async start({ withMarkers, withTicks, withMemory, withFrames, withGCEvents, withDocLoadingEvents, }) { const docShells = this.docShells; if (!docShells.length) { return -1; } const startTime = (this._startTime = docShells[0].now()); if (this._isRecording) { return startTime; } this._isRecording = true; this._withMarkers = !!withMarkers; this._withTicks = !!withTicks; this._withMemory = !!withMemory; this._withFrames = !!withFrames; this._withGCEvents = !!withGCEvents; this._withDocLoadingEvents = !!withDocLoadingEvents; if (this._withMarkers || this._withDocLoadingEvents) { for (const docShell of docShells) { docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = true; } } if (this._withTicks) { this._framerate = new Framerate(this.targetActor); this._framerate.startRecording(); } if (this._withMemory || this._withGCEvents) { this._memory = new Memory(this.targetActor, this._stackFrames); this._memory.attach(); } if (this._withGCEvents) { this._memory.on("garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection); } if (this._withFrames && this._withMarkers) { this._stackFrames = new StackFrameCache(); this._stackFrames.initFrames(); } this._pullTimelineData(); return startTime; }, /** * Stop recording profile markers. */ async stop() { const docShells = this.docShells; if (!docShells.length) { return -1; } const endTime = (this._startTime = docShells[0].now()); if (!this._isRecording) { return endTime; } if (this._withMarkers || this._withDocLoadingEvents) { for (const docShell of docShells) { docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = false; } } if (this._withTicks) { this._framerate.stopRecording(); this._framerate.destroy(); this._framerate = null; } if (this._withMemory || this._withGCEvents) { this._memory.detach(); this._memory.destroy(); } if (this._withGCEvents) { this._memory.off("garbage-collection", this._onGarbageCollection); } if (this._withFrames && this._withMarkers) { this._stackFrames = null; } this._isRecording = false; this._withMarkers = false; this._withTicks = false; this._withMemory = false; this._withFrames = false; this._withDocLoadingEvents = false; this._withGCEvents = false; clearTimeout(this._dataPullTimeout); return endTime; }, /** * When a new window becomes available in the targetActor, start recording its * markers if we were recording. */ _onWindowReady: function({ window }) { if (this._isRecording) { const docShell = window.docShell; docShell.recordProfileTimelineMarkers = true; } }, /** * Fired when the Memory component emits a `garbage-collection` event. Used to * take the data and make it look like the rest of our markers. * * A GC "marker" here represents a full GC cycle, which may contain several incremental * events within its `collection` array. The marker contains a `reason` field, * indicating why there was a GC, and may contain a `nonincrementalReason` when * SpiderMonkey could not incrementally collect garbage. */ _onGarbageCollection: function({ collections, gcCycleNumber, reason, nonincrementalReason, }) { const docShells = this.docShells; if (!this._isRecording || !docShells.length) { return; } const endTime = docShells[0].now(); this.emit( "markers", collections.map(({ startTimestamp: start, endTimestamp: end }) => { return { name: "GarbageCollection", causeName: reason, nonincrementalReason: nonincrementalReason, cycle: gcCycleNumber, start, end, }; }), endTime ); }, }; exports.Timeline = Timeline;