/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Checks for the AccessibleActor add_task(async function() { const { target, walker, a11yWalker, parentAccessibility, } = await initAccessibilityFrontsForUrl( MAIN_DOMAIN + "doc_accessibility.html" ); const modifiers = Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin" ? "\u2303\u2325" : "Alt+Shift+"; const buttonNode = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#button"); const accessibleFront = await a11yWalker.getAccessibleFor(buttonNode); checkA11yFront(accessibleFront, { name: "Accessible Button", role: "pushbutton", childCount: 1, }); await accessibleFront.hydrate(); checkA11yFront(accessibleFront, { name: "Accessible Button", role: "pushbutton", value: "", description: "Accessibility Test", keyboardShortcut: modifiers + "b", childCount: 1, domNodeType: 1, indexInParent: 1, states: ["focusable", "opaque", "enabled", "sensitive"], actions: ["Press"], attributes: { "margin-top": "0px", display: "inline-block", "text-align": "center", "text-indent": "0px", "margin-left": "0px", tag: "button", "margin-right": "0px", id: "button", "margin-bottom": "0px", }, }); info("Children"); const children = await accessibleFront.children(); is(children.length, 1, "Accessible Front has correct number of children"); checkA11yFront(children[0], { name: "Accessible Button", role: "text leaf", }); info("Relations"); const labelNode = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#label"); const controlNode = await walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#control"); const labelAccessibleFront = await a11yWalker.getAccessibleFor(labelNode); const controlAccessibleFront = await a11yWalker.getAccessibleFor(controlNode); const docAccessibleFront = await a11yWalker.getAccessibleFor(walker.rootNode); const relations = await labelAccessibleFront.getRelations(); is(relations.length, 2, "Accessible front has a correct number of relations"); is(relations[0].type, "label for", "Label has a label for relation"); is(relations[0].targets.length, 1, "Label is a label for one target"); is( relations[0].targets[0], controlAccessibleFront, "Label is a label for control accessible front" ); is( relations[1].type, "containing document", "Label has a containing document relation" ); is(relations[1].targets.length, 1, "Label is contained by just one document"); is( relations[1].targets[0], docAccessibleFront, "Label's containing document is a root document" ); info("Snapshot"); const snapshot = await controlAccessibleFront.snapshot(); Assert.deepEqual(snapshot, { name: "Label", role: "entry", actions: ["Activate"], value: "", nodeCssSelector: "#control", nodeType: 1, description: "", keyboardShortcut: "", childCount: 0, indexInParent: 1, states: [ "focusable", "autocompletion", "selectable text", "editable", "opaque", "single line", "enabled", "sensitive", ], children: [], attributes: { "margin-left": "0px", "text-align": "start", "text-indent": "0px", id: "control", tag: "input", "margin-top": "0px", "margin-bottom": "0px", "margin-right": "0px", display: "inline-block", "explicit-name": "true", }, }); await waitForA11yShutdown(parentAccessibility); await target.destroy(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); });