/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test some edge cases of the CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper event handling // mechanism. const TEST_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper test"; add_task(async function() { const browser = await addTab(TEST_URL); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function() { const { require } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://devtools/shared/Loader.jsm" ); const { HighlighterEnvironment, } = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighters"); const { CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper, } = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighters/utils/markup"); const doc = content.document; const nodeBuilder = () => { const root = doc.createElement("div"); const parent = doc.createElement("div"); parent.style = "pointer-events:auto;width:300px;height:300px;background:yellow;"; parent.id = "parent-element"; root.appendChild(parent); const child = doc.createElement("div"); child.style = "pointer-events:auto;width:200px;height:200px;background:red;"; child.id = "child-element"; parent.appendChild(child); return root; }; info("Building the helper"); const env = new HighlighterEnvironment(); env.initFromWindow(doc.defaultView); const helper = new CanvasFrameAnonymousContentHelper(env, nodeBuilder); await helper.initialize(); info("Getting the parent and child elements"); const parentEl = helper.getElement("parent-element"); const childEl = helper.getElement("child-element"); info("Adding an event listener on both elements"); let mouseDownHandled = []; function onMouseDown(e, id) { mouseDownHandled.push(id); } parentEl.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); childEl.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); function once(target, event) { return new Promise(done => { target.addEventListener(event, done, { once: true }); }); } info("Synthesizing an event on the child element"); let onDocMouseDown = once(doc, "mousedown"); synthesizeMouseDown(100, 100, doc.defaultView); await onDocMouseDown; is(mouseDownHandled.length, 2, "The mousedown event was handled twice"); is( mouseDownHandled[0], "child-element", "The mousedown event was handled on the child element" ); is( mouseDownHandled[1], "parent-element", "The mousedown event was handled on the parent element" ); info("Synthesizing an event on the parent, outside of the child element"); mouseDownHandled = []; onDocMouseDown = once(doc, "mousedown"); synthesizeMouseDown(250, 250, doc.defaultView); await onDocMouseDown; is(mouseDownHandled.length, 1, "The mousedown event was handled only once"); is( mouseDownHandled[0], "parent-element", "The mousedown event was handled on the parent element" ); info("Removing the event listener"); parentEl.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); childEl.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); info("Adding an event listener on the parent element only"); mouseDownHandled = []; parentEl.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); info("Synthesizing an event on the child element"); onDocMouseDown = once(doc, "mousedown"); synthesizeMouseDown(100, 100, doc.defaultView); await onDocMouseDown; is(mouseDownHandled.length, 1, "The mousedown event was handled once"); is( mouseDownHandled[0], "parent-element", "The mousedown event did bubble to the parent element" ); info("Removing the parent listener"); parentEl.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown); env.destroy(); helper.destroy(); function synthesizeMouseDown(x, y, win) { // We need to make sure the inserted anonymous content can be targeted by the // event right after having been inserted, and so we need to force a sync // reflow. win.document.documentElement.offsetWidth; EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtPoint(x, y, { type: "mousedown" }, win); } }); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); });