/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Check a frame actor's arguments property. */ add_task( threadFrontTest(async ({ threadFront, debuggee }) => { const packet = await executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => evalCode(debuggee), threadFront ); const args = packet.frame.arguments; Assert.equal(args.length, 6); Assert.equal(args[0], 42); Assert.equal(args[1], true); Assert.equal(args[2], "nasu"); Assert.equal(args[3].type, "null"); Assert.equal(args[4].type, "undefined"); Assert.equal(args[5].type, "object"); Assert.equal(args[5].class, "Object"); Assert.ok(!!args[5].actor); await threadFront.resume(); }) ); function evalCode(debuggee) { debuggee.eval( "(" + function() { function stopMe(number, bool, string, null_, undef, object) { debugger; } stopMe(42, true, "nasu", null, undefined, { foo: "bar" }); } + ")()" ); }