/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-disable no-shadow, max-nested-callbacks */ "use strict"; add_task( threadFrontTest(async ({ threadFront, debuggee, client }) => { const packet = await executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => evalCode(debuggee), threadFront ); const environment = await packet.frame.getEnvironment(); Assert.equal(environment.type, "function"); Assert.equal(environment.bindings.arguments[0].z.value, "z"); const parent = environment.parent; Assert.equal(parent.type, "block"); Assert.equal(parent.bindings.variables.banana3.value.class, "Function"); const grandpa = parent.parent; Assert.equal(grandpa.type, "function"); Assert.equal(grandpa.bindings.arguments[0].y.value, "y"); await threadFront.resume(); }) ); function evalCode(debuggee) { debuggee.eval( "function banana(x) {\n" + " return function banana2(y) {\n" + " return function banana3(z) {\n" + ' eval("");\n' + " debugger;\n" + " };\n" + " };\n" + "}\n" + "banana('x')('y')('z');\n" ); }