/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Test the helper functions of the shapes highlighter. */ "use strict"; const { splitCoords, coordToPercent, evalCalcExpression, shapeModeToCssPropertyName, getCirclePath, getDecimalPrecision, getUnit, } = require("devtools/server/actors/highlighters/shapes"); function run_test() { test_split_coords(); test_coord_to_percent(); test_eval_calc_expression(); test_shape_mode_to_css_property_name(); test_get_circle_path(); test_get_decimal_precision(); test_get_unit(); run_next_test(); } function test_split_coords() { const tests = [ { desc: "splitCoords for basic coordinate pair", expr: "30% 20%", expected: ["30%", "20%"], }, { desc: "splitCoords for coord pair with calc()", expr: "calc(50px + 20%) 30%", expected: ["calc(50px\u00a0+\u00a020%)", "30%"], }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { deepEqual(splitCoords(expr), expected, desc); } } function test_coord_to_percent() { const size = 1000; const tests = [ { desc: "coordToPercent for percent value", expr: "50%", expected: 50, }, { desc: "coordToPercent for px value", expr: "500px", expected: 50, }, { desc: "coordToPercent for zero value", expr: "0", expected: 0, }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { equal(coordToPercent(expr, size), expected, desc); } } function test_eval_calc_expression() { const size = 1000; const tests = [ { desc: "evalCalcExpression with one value", expr: "50%", expected: 50, }, { desc: "evalCalcExpression with percent and px values", expr: "50% + 100px", expected: 60, }, { desc: "evalCalcExpression with a zero value", expr: "0 + 100px", expected: 10, }, { desc: "evalCalcExpression with a negative value", expr: "-200px+50%", expected: 30, }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { equal(evalCalcExpression(expr, size), expected, desc); } } function test_shape_mode_to_css_property_name() { const tests = [ { desc: "shapeModeToCssPropertyName for clip-path", expr: "cssClipPath", expected: "clipPath", }, { desc: "shapeModeToCssPropertyName for shape-outside", expr: "cssShapeOutside", expected: "shapeOutside", }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { equal(shapeModeToCssPropertyName(expr), expected, desc); } } function test_get_circle_path() { const tests = [ { desc: "getCirclePath with size 5, no resizing, no zoom, 1:1 ratio", size: 5, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 100, height: 100, zoom: 1, expected: "M-5,0a5,5 0 1,0 10,0a5,5 0 1,0 -10,0", }, { desc: "getCirclePath with size 7, resizing, no zoom, 1:1 ratio", size: 7, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 200, height: 200, zoom: 1, expected: "M-3.5,0a3.5,3.5 0 1,0 7,0a3.5,3.5 0 1,0 -7,0", }, { desc: "getCirclePath with size 5, resizing, zoom, 1:1 ratio", size: 5, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 200, height: 200, zoom: 2, expected: "M-1.25,0a1.25,1.25 0 1,0 2.5,0a1.25,1.25 0 1,0 -2.5,0", }, { desc: "getCirclePath with size 5, resizing, zoom, non-square ratio", size: 5, cx: 0, cy: 0, width: 100, height: 200, zoom: 2, expected: "M-2.5,0a2.5,1.25 0 1,0 5,0a2.5,1.25 0 1,0 -5,0", }, ]; for (const { desc, size, cx, cy, width, height, zoom, expected } of tests) { equal(getCirclePath(size, cx, cy, width, height, zoom), expected, desc); } } function test_get_decimal_precision() { const tests = [ { desc: "getDecimalPrecision with px", expr: "px", expected: 0, }, { desc: "getDecimalPrecision with %", expr: "%", expected: 2, }, { desc: "getDecimalPrecision with em", expr: "em", expected: 2, }, { desc: "getDecimalPrecision with undefined", expr: undefined, expected: 0, }, { desc: "getDecimalPrecision with empty string", expr: "", expected: 0, }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { equal(getDecimalPrecision(expr), expected, desc); } } function test_get_unit() { const tests = [ { desc: "getUnit with %", expr: "30%", expected: "%", }, { desc: "getUnit with px", expr: "400px", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with em", expr: "4em", expected: "em", }, { desc: "getUnit with 0", expr: "0", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with 0%", expr: "0%", expected: "%", }, { desc: "getUnit with 0.00%", expr: "0.00%", expected: "%", }, { desc: "getUnit with 0px", expr: "0px", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with 0em", expr: "0em", expected: "em", }, { desc: "getUnit with calc", expr: "calc(30px + 5%)", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with var", expr: "var(--variable)", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with closest-side", expr: "closest-side", expected: "px", }, { desc: "getUnit with farthest-side", expr: "farthest-side", expected: "px", }, ]; for (const { desc, expr, expected } of tests) { equal(getUnit(expr), expected, desc); } }