/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Test stepping from inside a blackboxed function * test-page: https://dbg-blackbox-stepping2.glitch.me/ */ async function invokeAndPause({ global, threadFront }, expression, url) { return executeOnNextTickAndWaitForPause( () => Cu.evalInSandbox(expression, global, "1.8", url, 1), threadFront ); } add_task( threadFrontTest(async ({ threadFront, targetFront, debuggee }) => { const consoleFront = await targetFront.getFront("console"); const dbg = { global: debuggee, threadFront, consoleFront }; invokeAndPause( dbg, `function outermost() { blackboxed( function inner1() { return 1; }, function inner2() { return 2; } ); }`, "http://example.com/unblackboxed.js" ); invokeAndPause( dbg, `function blackboxed(...args) { for (const arg of args) { arg(); } }`, "http://example.com/blackboxed.js" ); const { sources } = await getSources(threadFront); const blackboxedSourceFront = threadFront.source( sources.find(source => source.url == "http://example.com/blackboxed.js") ); const unblackboxedSource = sources.find( source => source.url == "http://example.com/unblackboxed.js" ); const unblackboxedActor = unblackboxedSource.actor; const unblackboxedSourceFront = threadFront.source(unblackboxedSource); await setBreakpoint(threadFront, { sourceUrl: unblackboxedSourceFront.url, line: 4, }); blackBox(blackboxedSourceFront); async function testStepping(action, expectedLine) { consoleFront.evaluateJSAsync("outermost()"); await waitForPause(threadFront); await stepOver(threadFront); const packet = await action(threadFront); const { actor, line } = packet.frame.where; equal(actor, unblackboxedActor, "Paused in unblackboxed source"); equal(line, expectedLine, "Paused at correct line"); await threadFront.resume(); } info("Step Out to outermost"); await testStepping(stepOut, 10); info("Step Over to outermost"); await testStepping(stepOver, 10); info("Step In to inner2"); await testStepping(stepIn, 7); }) );