/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_BodyConsumer_h #define mozilla_dom_BodyConsumer_h #include "mozilla/dom/AbortSignal.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MutableBlobStorage.h" #include "nsIInputStreamPump.h" #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsWeakReference.h" class nsIThread; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { class Promise; class ThreadSafeWorkerRef; // In order to keep alive the object all the time, we use a ThreadSafeWorkerRef, // if created on workers. class BodyConsumer final : public nsIObserver, public nsSupportsWeakReference, public AbortFollower { public: NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER enum ConsumeType { CONSUME_ARRAYBUFFER, CONSUME_BLOB, CONSUME_FORMDATA, CONSUME_JSON, CONSUME_TEXT, }; /** * Returns a promise which will be resolved when the body is completely * consumed and converted to the wanted type (See ConsumeType). * * @param aGlobal the global to construct the Promise. * @param aMainThreadEventTarget the main-thread event target. The reading * needs to start on the main-thread because of nsIInputStreamPump. * @param aBodyStream the stream to read. * @param aSignalImpl an AbortSignal object. Optional. * @param aType the consume type. * @param aBodyBlobURISpec this is used only if the consume type is * CONSUME_BLOB. Optional. * @param aBodyLocalPath local path in case the blob is created from a local * file. Used only by CONSUME_BLOB. Optional. * @param aBodyMimeType the mime-type for blob. Used only by CONSUME_BLOB. * Optional. * @param aBlobStorageType Blobs can be saved in temporary file. This is the * type of blob storage to use. Used only by CONSUME_BLOB. * @param aRv An ErrorResult. */ static already_AddRefed Create( nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal, nsIEventTarget* aMainThreadEventTarget, nsIInputStream* aBodyStream, AbortSignalImpl* aSignalImpl, ConsumeType aType, const nsACString& aBodyBlobURISpec, const nsAString& aBodyLocalPath, const nsACString& aBodyMimeType, MutableBlobStorage::MutableBlobStorageType aBlobStorageType, ErrorResult& aRv); void ReleaseObject(); void BeginConsumeBodyMainThread(ThreadSafeWorkerRef* aWorkerRef); void OnBlobResult(BlobImpl* aBlobImpl, ThreadSafeWorkerRef* aWorkerRef = nullptr); void ContinueConsumeBody(nsresult aStatus, uint32_t aLength, uint8_t* aResult, bool aShuttingDown = false); void ContinueConsumeBlobBody(BlobImpl* aBlobImpl, bool aShuttingDown = false); void DispatchContinueConsumeBlobBody(BlobImpl* aBlobImpl, ThreadSafeWorkerRef* aWorkerRef); void ShutDownMainThreadConsuming(); void NullifyConsumeBodyPump() { mShuttingDown = true; mConsumeBodyPump = nullptr; } // AbortFollower void RunAbortAlgorithm() override; private: BodyConsumer(nsIEventTarget* aMainThreadEventTarget, nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, nsIInputStream* aBodyStream, Promise* aPromise, ConsumeType aType, const nsACString& aBodyBlobURISpec, const nsAString& aBodyLocalPath, const nsACString& aBodyMimeType, MutableBlobStorage::MutableBlobStorageType aBlobStorageType); ~BodyConsumer(); nsresult GetBodyLocalFile(nsIFile** aFile) const; void AssertIsOnTargetThread() const; nsCOMPtr mTargetThread; nsCOMPtr mMainThreadEventTarget; // This is nullified when the consuming of the body starts. nsCOMPtr mBodyStream; MutableBlobStorage::MutableBlobStorageType mBlobStorageType; nsCString mBodyMimeType; nsCString mBodyBlobURISpec; nsString mBodyLocalPath; nsCOMPtr mGlobal; // Touched on the main-thread only. nsCOMPtr mConsumeBodyPump; // Only ever set once, always on target thread. ConsumeType mConsumeType; RefPtr mConsumePromise; // touched only on the target thread. bool mBodyConsumed; // touched only on the main-thread. bool mShuttingDown; }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_BodyConsumer_h