body { background-color: green; } .test > .blox1 { background-color: lime; } /* test 2 : attribute existence selector */ /* attribute with a value */ .blox2[align] { background-color: lime; } /* attribute with empty value */ .blox3[align] { background-color: lime; } /* attribute with almost similar name */ .blox4, .blox5 { background-color: lime } .blox4[align], .blox5[align] { background-color: red; } /* test3 : attribute value selector */ .blox6[align="center"] { background-color: lime; } .blox6[align="c"] { background-color: red; } .blox6[align="centera"] { background-color: red; } .blox6[foo="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } .blox6[\_foo="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test 4 : [~=] */ .blox7[class~="foo"] { background-color: lime; } .blox8, .blox9, .blox10 { background-color: lime; } .blox8[class~=""] { background-color: red; } .blox9[foo~=""] { background-color: red; } .blox10[foo~="foo"] { background-color: red; } /* test5 [^=] */ .attrStart > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t1[class^="unit"] { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrStart > .t2[class^="nit"] { background-color: red; } .attrStart > .t3[align^=""] { background-color: red; } .attrStart > .t4[foo^="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test6 [$=] */ .attrEnd > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t1[class$="t1"] { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrEnd > .t2[class$="unit"] { background-color: red; } .attrEnd > .t3[align$=""] { background-color: red; } .attrEnd > .t4[foo$="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* test7 [*=] */ .attrMiddle > .t3 { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t1[class*="t t"] { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t2 { background-color: lime; } .attrMiddle > .t2[class*="a"] { background-color: red; } .attrMiddle > .t3[align*=""] { background-color: red; } .attrMiddle > .t4[foo*="\e9"] { background-color: lime; } /* :first-child tests */ .firstChild .unitTest:first-child { background-color: lime; } .blox12:first-child { background-color: red; } .blox13:first-child { background-color: red; } .blox12, .blox13 { background-color: lime } /* :root tests */ :root { background-color: green; } /* :scope tests */ :scope { background-color: green; } /* :nth-child(n) tests */ .nthchild1 > :nth-last-child(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild1 > :nth-child(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild2 > :nth-last-child(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild2 > :nth-child(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-child(3n+2) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-last-child(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthchild3 > :nth-last-child(3n+3) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > div:nth-of-type(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > div:nth-last-of-type(odd) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype1 > p { background-color: green; } .nthoftype2 > div:nth-of-type(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype2 > div:nth-last-of-type(even) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype2 > p { background-color: green; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-of-type(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-last-of-type(3n+1) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > div:nth-last-of-type(3n+2) { background-color: lime; } .nthoftype3 > p { background-color: green; } /* :not() tests */ .blox14:not(span) { background-color: lime; } .blox15:not([foo="blox14"]) { background-color: lime; } .blox16:not(.blox15) { background-color: lime; } /* :only-of-type tests */ .blox17:only-of-type { background-color: lime; } .blox18:only-of-type { background-color: red; } .blox18:not(:only-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :last-child tests */ .lastChild > :last-child { background-color: lime } .lastChild > :not(:last-child) { background-color: lime } /* :first-of-type tests */ .firstOfType > *:first-of-type { background-color: lime; } *.firstOfType > :not(:first-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :last-of-type tests */ .lastOfType > *:last-of-type { background-color: lime; } *.lastOfType > :not(:last-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :only-child tests */ .onlyChild > *:not(:only-child) { background-color: lime; } .onlyChild > .unitTest > *:only-child { background-color: lime; } /* :only-of-type tests */ .onlyOfType *:only-of-type { background-color: lime; } .onlyOfType *:not(:only-of-type) { background-color: lime; } /* :empty tests */ .empty > *.isEmpty:empty { background-color: lime; color: lime; } .empty > .isNotEmpty { background-color: blue; color: blue; } .empty > .isNotEmpty:empty { background-color: red; color: red; } .empty > .isNotEmpty:not(:empty) { background-color: lime; color: lime; } /* :lang() tests */ .lang :lang(en) { background-color: lime; } .lang :lang(fr) { background-color: lime; } .lang .t1 { background-color: blue; } .lang .t1:lang(es) { background-color: lime; } .lang :lang(es-AR) { background-color: red; } /* [|=] tests */ .attrLang .t1 { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t1[lang|="en"] { background-color: red; } .attrLang [lang|="fr"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t2[lang|="en"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang .t3 { background-color: blue; } .attrLang .t3[lang|="es"] { background-color: lime; } .attrLang [lang|="es-AR"] { background-color: red; } /* UI tests */ .UI .t1:enabled > .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .UI .t2:disabled > .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .UI .t3:checked + div { background-color: lime; } .UI .t4:not(:checked) + div { background-color: lime; } /* ~ combinator tests */ .tilda .t1 { background-color: white; } .tilda .t1 ~ .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .tilda .t1:hover ~ .unitTest { background-color: red; } /* ~ combinator tests */ .plus .t1, .plus .t2 { background-color: white; } .plus .t1 + .unitTest + .unitTest { background-color: lime; } .plus .t1:hover + .unitTest + .unitTest { background-color: red; } ]]> /* Tests from */ div, { background: red; } .5cm { background: red; } foo & address, p { background: red; } [*=test] { background: red; } [*|*=test] { background: red; } div:subject { background: red; } :canvas { background: red; } :viewport { background: red; } :window { background: red; } :menu { background: red; } :table { background: red; } :select { background: red; } ::canvas { background: red; } ::viewport { background: red; } ::window { background: red; } ::menu { background: red; } ::table { background: red; } ::select { background: red; } ..test { background: red; color: yellow; } .foo..quux { background: red; color: yellow; } .bar. { background: red; color: yellow; }

Selectors API Test Suite

Testrunner by John Resig, tests by John Resig, Disruptive Innovations, W3C CSS Working Group, jQuery JavaScript Library.

CSS 3 Selectors tests

(c) Disruptive Innovations 2008
Last update: 2008-06-06


the previous square should be green when the checkbox is checked and become red when you uncheck it
the previous square should be green when the checkbox is NOT checked and become red when you check it
the three last squares should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the white square
the last square should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the FIRST white square

CSS 3 Selectors tests

(c) Disruptive Innovations 2008
Last update: 2008-06-06


the previous square should be green when the checkbox is checked and become red when you uncheck it
the previous square should be green when the checkbox is NOT checked and become red when you check it
the three last squares should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the white square
the last square should be green and become red when the pointer hovers over the FIRST white square
Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue Example circle01 - circle filled with red and stroked with blue

jQuery Test Suite