import WebIDL def WebIDLTest(parser, harness): parser.parse( """ [Global, Exposed=Foo] interface Foo {}; [Global=(Bar, Bar1,Bar2), Exposed=Bar] interface Bar {}; [Global=(Baz, Baz2), Exposed=Baz] interface Baz {}; [Exposed=(Foo,Bar1)] interface Iface { void method1(); [Exposed=Bar1] readonly attribute any attr; }; [Exposed=Foo] partial interface Iface { void method2(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.check(len(results), 5, "Should know about five things") iface = results[3] harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should have an interface here") members = iface.members harness.check(len(members), 3, "Should have three members") harness.ok( members[0].exposureSet == set(["Foo", "Bar"]), "method1 should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[0]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo", "Bar1"]), "method1 should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( members[1].exposureSet == set(["Bar"]), "attr should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[1]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Bar1"]), "attr should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( members[2].exposureSet == set(["Foo"]), "method2 should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[2]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo"]), "method2 should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( iface.exposureSet == set(["Foo", "Bar"]), "Iface should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( iface._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo", "Bar1"]), "Iface should have the right exposure global names", ) parser = parser.reset() parser.parse( """ [Global, Exposed=Foo] interface Foo {}; [Global=(Bar, Bar1, Bar2), Exposed=Bar] interface Bar {}; [Global=(Baz, Baz2), Exposed=Baz] interface Baz {}; [Exposed=Foo] interface Iface2 { void method3(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.check(len(results), 4, "Should know about four things") iface = results[3] harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should have an interface here") members = iface.members harness.check(len(members), 1, "Should have one member") harness.ok( members[0].exposureSet == set(["Foo"]), "method3 should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[0]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo"]), "method3 should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( iface.exposureSet == set(["Foo"]), "Iface2 should have the right exposure set" ) harness.ok( iface._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo"]), "Iface2 should have the right exposure global names", ) parser = parser.reset() parser.parse( """ [Global, Exposed=Foo] interface Foo {}; [Global=(Bar, Bar1, Bar2), Exposed=Bar] interface Bar {}; [Global=(Baz, Baz2), Exposed=Baz] interface Baz {}; [Exposed=Foo] interface Iface3 { void method4(); }; [Exposed=(Foo,Bar1)] interface mixin Mixin { void method5(); }; Iface3 includes Mixin; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.check(len(results), 6, "Should know about six things") iface = results[3] harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should have an interface here") members = iface.members harness.check(len(members), 2, "Should have two members") harness.ok( members[0].exposureSet == set(["Foo"]), "method4 should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[0]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo"]), "method4 should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( members[1].exposureSet == set(["Foo", "Bar"]), "method5 should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[1]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo", "Bar1"]), "method5 should have the right exposure global names", ) parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ [Exposed=Foo] interface Bar { }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should have thrown on invalid Exposed value on interface.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Bar { [Exposed=Foo] readonly attribute bool attr; }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should have thrown on invalid Exposed value on attribute.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Bar { [Exposed=Foo] void operation(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should have thrown on invalid Exposed value on operation.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ interface Bar { [Exposed=Foo] const long constant = 5; }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok(threw, "Should have thrown on invalid Exposed value on constant.") parser = parser.reset() threw = False try: parser.parse( """ [Global, Exposed=Foo] interface Foo {}; [Global, Exposed=Bar] interface Bar {}; [Exposed=Foo] interface Baz { [Exposed=Bar] void method(); }; """ ) results = parser.finish() except Exception as x: threw = True harness.ok( threw, "Should have thrown on member exposed where its interface is not." ) parser = parser.reset() parser.parse( """ [Global, Exposed=Foo] interface Foo {}; [Global, Exposed=Bar] interface Bar {}; [Exposed=Foo] interface Baz { void method(); }; [Exposed=Bar] interface mixin Mixin { void otherMethod(); }; Baz includes Mixin; """ ) results = parser.finish() harness.check(len(results), 5, "Should know about five things") iface = results[2] harness.ok(isinstance(iface, WebIDL.IDLInterface), "Should have an interface here") members = iface.members harness.check(len(members), 2, "Should have two members") harness.ok( members[0].exposureSet == set(["Foo"]), "method should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[0]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Foo"]), "method should have the right exposure global names", ) harness.ok( members[1].exposureSet == set(["Bar"]), "otherMethod should have the right exposure set", ) harness.ok( members[1]._exposureGlobalNames == set(["Bar"]), "otherMethod should have the right exposure global names", )