/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This enum lists all supported behaviors on the media controller. */ enum MediaControlKey { "focus", "play", "pause", "playpause", "previoustrack", "nexttrack", "seekbackward", "seekforward", "skipad", "seekto", "stop", }; /** * MediaController is used to control media playback for a tab, and each tab * would only have one media controller, which can be accessed from the * canonical browsing context. */ [Exposed=Window, ChromeOnly] interface MediaController : EventTarget { readonly attribute unsigned long long id; readonly attribute boolean isActive; readonly attribute boolean isAudible; readonly attribute boolean isPlaying; readonly attribute MediaSessionPlaybackState playbackState; [Throws] MediaMetadataInit getMetadata(); [Frozen, Cached, Pure] readonly attribute sequence supportedKeys; attribute EventHandler onactivated; attribute EventHandler ondeactivated; // Following events would only be dispatched after controller is active. attribute EventHandler onmetadatachange; attribute EventHandler onplaybackstatechange; attribute EventHandler onpositionstatechange; attribute EventHandler onsupportedkeyschange; void focus(); void play(); void pause(); void stop(); void prevTrack(); void nextTrack(); void seekBackward(); void seekForward(); void skipAd(); void seekTo(double seekTime, optional boolean fastSeek = false); }; [ChromeOnly,Exposed=Window,HeaderFile="mozilla/dom/MediaControlService.h"] namespace MediaControlService { // This is used to generate fake media control keys event in testing. void generateMediaControlKey(MediaControlKey aKey); // This is used to get the media metadata from the current main controller in // testing. MediaMetadataInit getCurrentActiveMediaMetadata(); // This is used to get the actual media playback state from the current main // controller in testing. MediaSessionPlaybackState getCurrentMediaSessionPlaybackState(); };