/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ClientSource.h" #include "ClientManager.h" #include "ClientManagerChild.h" #include "ClientPrincipalUtils.h" #include "ClientSourceChild.h" #include "ClientState.h" #include "ClientValidation.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BlobURLProtocolHandler.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ClientIPCTypes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DOMMozPromiseRequestHolder.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ipc/StructuredCloneData.h" #include "mozilla/dom/JSExecutionManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MessageEvent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MessageEventBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Navigator.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerPrivate.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerScope.h" #include "mozilla/dom/WorkerRef.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorker.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerContainer.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerManager.h" #include "mozilla/SchedulerGroup.h" #include "mozilla/StorageAccess.h" #include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsFocusManager.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundUtils.h" namespace mozilla::dom { using mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData; using mozilla::ipc::CSPInfo; using mozilla::ipc::CSPToCSPInfo; using mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo; using mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfoToPrincipal; void ClientSource::Shutdown() { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (IsShutdown()) { return; } ShutdownThing(); mManager = nullptr; } void ClientSource::ExecutionReady(const ClientSourceExecutionReadyArgs& aArgs) { // Fast fail if we don't understand this particular principal/URL combination. // This can happen since we use MozURL for validation which does not handle // some of the more obscure internal principal/url combinations. Normal // content pages will pass this check. if (NS_WARN_IF(!ClientIsValidCreationURL(mClientInfo.PrincipalInfo(), aArgs.url()))) { Shutdown(); return; } mClientInfo.SetURL(aArgs.url()); mClientInfo.SetFrameType(aArgs.frameType()); MaybeExecute([aArgs](PClientSourceChild* aActor) { aActor->SendExecutionReady(aArgs); }); } Result ClientSource::SnapshotWindowState() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = GetInnerWindow(); if (!window || !window->IsCurrentInnerWindow() || !window->HasActiveDocument()) { return ClientState(ClientWindowState(VisibilityState::Hidden, TimeStamp(), StorageAccess::eDeny, false)); } Document* doc = window->GetExtantDoc(); ErrorResult rv; if (NS_WARN_IF(!doc)) { rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Document not active"); return Err(std::move(rv)); } bool focused = doc->HasFocus(rv); if (NS_WARN_IF(rv.Failed())) { return Err(std::move(rv)); } StorageAccess storage = StorageAllowedForDocument(doc); return ClientState(ClientWindowState(doc->VisibilityState(), doc->LastFocusTime(), storage, focused)); } WorkerPrivate* ClientSource::GetWorkerPrivate() const { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (!mOwner.is()) { return nullptr; } return mOwner.as(); } nsIDocShell* ClientSource::GetDocShell() const { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (!mOwner.is>()) { return nullptr; } return mOwner.as>(); } nsIGlobalObject* ClientSource::GetGlobal() const { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); nsPIDOMWindowInner* win = GetInnerWindow(); if (win) { return win->AsGlobal(); } WorkerPrivate* wp = GetWorkerPrivate(); if (wp) { return wp->GlobalScope(); } // Note, ClientSource objects attached to docshell for conceptual // initial about:blank will get nullptr here. The caller should // use MaybeCreateIntitialDocument() to create the window before // GetGlobal() if it wants this before. return nullptr; } // We want to be explicit about possible invalid states and // return them as errors. Result ClientSource::MaybeCreateInitialDocument() { // If there is not even a docshell, we do not expect to have a document nsIDocShell* docshell = GetDocShell(); if (!docshell) { return false; } // Force the creation of the initial document if it does not yet exist. if (!docshell->GetDocument()) { ErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("No document available."); return Err(std::move(rv)); } return true; } ClientSource::ClientSource(ClientManager* aManager, nsISerialEventTarget* aEventTarget, const ClientSourceConstructorArgs& aArgs) : mManager(aManager), mEventTarget(aEventTarget), mOwner(AsVariant(Nothing())), mClientInfo(aArgs.id(), aArgs.type(), aArgs.principalInfo(), aArgs.creationTime()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mManager); MOZ_ASSERT(mEventTarget); } void ClientSource::Activate(PClientManagerChild* aActor) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); MOZ_ASSERT(!GetActor()); if (IsShutdown()) { return; } // Fast fail if we don't understand this particular kind of PrincipalInfo. // This can happen since we use MozURL for validation which does not handle // some of the more obscure internal principal/url combinations. Normal // content pages will pass this check. if (NS_WARN_IF(!ClientIsValidPrincipalInfo(mClientInfo.PrincipalInfo()))) { Shutdown(); return; } ClientSourceConstructorArgs args(mClientInfo.Id(), mClientInfo.Type(), mClientInfo.PrincipalInfo(), mClientInfo.CreationTime()); PClientSourceChild* actor = aActor->SendPClientSourceConstructor(args); if (!actor) { Shutdown(); return; } ActivateThing(static_cast(actor)); } ClientSource::~ClientSource() { Shutdown(); } nsPIDOMWindowInner* ClientSource::GetInnerWindow() const { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (!mOwner.is>()) { return nullptr; } return mOwner.as>(); } void ClientSource::WorkerExecutionReady(WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aWorkerPrivate); aWorkerPrivate->AssertIsOnWorkerThread(); if (IsShutdown()) { return; } // A client without access to storage should never be controlled by // a service worker. Check this here in case we were controlled before // execution ready. We can't reliably determine what our storage policy // is before execution ready, unfortunately. if (mController.isSome()) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT( aWorkerPrivate->StorageAccess() > StorageAccess::ePrivateBrowsing || (ShouldPartitionStorage(aWorkerPrivate->StorageAccess()) && StoragePartitioningEnabled(aWorkerPrivate->StorageAccess(), aWorkerPrivate->CookieJarSettings())) || StringBeginsWith(aWorkerPrivate->ScriptURL(), u"blob:"_ns)); } // Its safe to store the WorkerPrivate* here because the ClientSource // is explicitly destroyed by WorkerPrivate before exiting its run loop. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mOwner.is()); mOwner = AsVariant(aWorkerPrivate); ClientSourceExecutionReadyArgs args(aWorkerPrivate->GetLocationInfo().mHref, FrameType::None); ExecutionReady(args); } nsresult ClientSource::WindowExecutionReady(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aInnerWindow) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aInnerWindow); MOZ_ASSERT(aInnerWindow->IsCurrentInnerWindow()); MOZ_ASSERT(aInnerWindow->HasActiveDocument()); if (IsShutdown()) { return NS_OK; } Document* doc = aInnerWindow->GetExtantDoc(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(doc, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsIURI* uri = doc->GetOriginalURI(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(uri, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // Don't use nsAutoCString here since IPC requires a full nsCString anyway. nsCString spec; nsresult rv = uri->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // A client without access to storage should never be controlled by // a service worker. Check this here in case we were controlled before // execution ready. We can't reliably determine what our storage policy // is before execution ready, unfortunately. // // Note, explicitly avoid checking storage policy for windows that inherit // service workers from their parent. If a user opens a controlled window // and then blocks storage, that window will continue to be controlled by // the SW until the window is closed. Any about:blank or blob URL should // continue to inherit the SW as well. We need to avoid triggering the // assertion in this corner case. if (mController.isSome()) { MOZ_ASSERT(spec.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("about:blank") || StringBeginsWith(spec, "blob:"_ns) || StorageAllowedForWindow(aInnerWindow) == StorageAccess::eAllow); } nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = aInnerWindow->GetOuterWindow(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(outer, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); FrameType frameType = FrameType::Top_level; if (!outer->GetBrowsingContext()->IsTop()) { frameType = FrameType::Nested; } else if (outer->HadOriginalOpener()) { frameType = FrameType::Auxiliary; } // We should either be setting a window execution ready for the // first time or setting the same window execution ready again. // The secondary calls are due to initial about:blank replacement. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mOwner.is() || mOwner.is>() || GetInnerWindow() == aInnerWindow); // This creates a cycle with the window. It is broken when // nsGlobalWindow::FreeInnerObjects() deletes the ClientSource. mOwner = AsVariant(RefPtr(aInnerWindow)); ClientSourceExecutionReadyArgs args(spec, frameType); ExecutionReady(args); return NS_OK; } nsresult ClientSource::DocShellExecutionReady(nsIDocShell* aDocShell) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aDocShell); if (IsShutdown()) { return NS_OK; } nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = aDocShell->GetWindow(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!outer)) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } // Note: We don't assert storage access for a controlled client. If // the about:blank actually gets used then WindowExecutionReady() will // get called which asserts storage access. // TODO: dedupe this with WindowExecutionReady FrameType frameType = FrameType::Top_level; if (!outer->GetBrowsingContext()->IsTop()) { frameType = FrameType::Nested; } else if (outer->HadOriginalOpener()) { frameType = FrameType::Auxiliary; } MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mOwner.is()); // This creates a cycle with the docshell. It is broken when // nsDocShell::Destroy() deletes the ClientSource. mOwner = AsVariant(nsCOMPtr(aDocShell)); ClientSourceExecutionReadyArgs args("about:blank"_ns, frameType); ExecutionReady(args); return NS_OK; } void ClientSource::Freeze() { MaybeExecute([](PClientSourceChild* aActor) { aActor->SendFreeze(); }); } void ClientSource::Thaw() { MaybeExecute([](PClientSourceChild* aActor) { aActor->SendThaw(); }); } const ClientInfo& ClientSource::Info() const { return mClientInfo; } void ClientSource::WorkerSyncPing(WorkerPrivate* aWorkerPrivate) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aWorkerPrivate); if (IsShutdown()) { return; } // We need to make sure the mainthread is unblocked. AutoYieldJSThreadExecution yield; MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(aWorkerPrivate == mManager->GetWorkerPrivate()); aWorkerPrivate->AssertIsOnWorkerThread(); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(GetActor()); GetActor()->SendWorkerSyncPing(); } void ClientSource::SetController( const ServiceWorkerDescriptor& aServiceWorker) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); // We should never have a cross-origin controller. Since this would be // same-origin policy violation we do a full release assertion here. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(ClientMatchPrincipalInfo(mClientInfo.PrincipalInfo(), aServiceWorker.PrincipalInfo())); // A client in private browsing mode should never be controlled by // a service worker. The principal origin attributes should guarantee // this invariant. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mClientInfo.IsPrivateBrowsing()); // A client without access to storage should never be controlled a // a service worker. If we are already execution ready with a real // window or worker, then verify assert the storage policy is correct. // // Note, explicitly avoid checking storage policy for clients that inherit // service workers from their parent. This basically means blob: URLs // and about:blank windows. if (GetInnerWindow()) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(Info().URL().LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("about:blank") || StringBeginsWith(Info().URL(), "blob:"_ns) || StorageAllowedForWindow(GetInnerWindow()) == StorageAccess::eAllow); } else if (GetWorkerPrivate()) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT( GetWorkerPrivate()->StorageAccess() > StorageAccess::ePrivateBrowsing || StringBeginsWith(GetWorkerPrivate()->ScriptURL(), u"blob:"_ns)); } if (mController.isSome() && mController.ref() == aServiceWorker) { return; } mController.reset(); mController.emplace(aServiceWorker); RefPtr swc; nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = GetInnerWindow(); if (window) { swc = window->Navigator()->ServiceWorker(); } // TODO: Also self.navigator.serviceWorker on workers when its exposed there if (swc && nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript()) { swc->ControllerChanged(IgnoreErrors()); } } RefPtr ClientSource::Control( const ClientControlledArgs& aArgs) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); // Determine if the client is allowed to be controlled. Currently we // prevent service workers from controlling clients that cannot access // storage. We exempt this restriction for local URL clients, like // about:blank and blob:, since access to service workers is dictated by their // parent. // // Note, we default to allowing the client to be controlled in the case // where we are not execution ready yet. This can only happen if the // the non-subresource load is intercepted by a service worker. Since // ServiceWorkerInterceptController() uses StorageAllowedForChannel() // it should be fine to accept these control messages. // // Its also fine to default to allowing ClientSource attached to a docshell // to be controlled. These clients represent inital about:blank windows // that do not have an inner window created yet. We explicitly allow initial // about:blank. bool controlAllowed = true; if (GetInnerWindow()) { // Local URL windows and windows with access to storage can be controlled. controlAllowed = Info().URL().LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("about:blank") || StringBeginsWith(Info().URL(), "blob:"_ns) || StorageAllowedForWindow(GetInnerWindow()) == StorageAccess::eAllow; } else if (GetWorkerPrivate()) { // Local URL workers and workers with access to storage cna be controlled. controlAllowed = GetWorkerPrivate()->StorageAccess() > StorageAccess::ePrivateBrowsing || StringBeginsWith(GetWorkerPrivate()->ScriptURL(), u"blob:"_ns); } if (NS_WARN_IF(!controlAllowed)) { CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Client cannot be controlled"); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } SetController(ServiceWorkerDescriptor(aArgs.serviceWorker())); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndResolve(CopyableErrorResult(), __func__); } void ClientSource::InheritController( const ServiceWorkerDescriptor& aServiceWorker) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); // If we are in legacy child-side intercept mode then we must tell the current // process SWM that this client inherited a controller. This will only update // the local SWM data and not send any messages to the ClientManagerService. if (!ServiceWorkerParentInterceptEnabled()) { if (GetDocShell()) { AssertIsOnMainThread(); RefPtr swm = ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance(); if (swm) { swm->NoteInheritedController(mClientInfo, aServiceWorker); } } else { WorkerPrivate* workerPrivate = GetCurrentThreadWorkerPrivate(); MOZ_ASSERT(workerPrivate); RefPtr strongWorkerRef = StrongWorkerRef::Create( workerPrivate, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(workerPrivate->WorkerName()).get()); auto threadSafeWorkerRef = MakeRefPtr(strongWorkerRef); nsCOMPtr r = NS_NewRunnableFunction( __func__, [workerRef = threadSafeWorkerRef, clientInfo = mClientInfo, serviceWorker = aServiceWorker]() { MOZ_ASSERT(IsBlobURI(workerRef->Private()->GetBaseURI())); RefPtr swm = ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance(); if (swm) { swm->NoteInheritedController(clientInfo, serviceWorker); } }); Unused << NS_WARN_IF( NS_FAILED(workerPrivate->DispatchToMainThread(r.forget()))); } } // Also tell the parent-side ClientManagerService that the controller was // inherited. This is necessary for clients.matchAll() to work properly. // In parent-side intercept mode this will also note the inheritance in // the parent-side SWM. MaybeExecute([aServiceWorker](PClientSourceChild* aActor) { aActor->SendInheritController(ClientControlledArgs(aServiceWorker.ToIPC())); }); // Finally, record the new controller in our local ClientSource for any // immediate synchronous access. SetController(aServiceWorker); } const Maybe& ClientSource::GetController() const { return mController; } void ClientSource::NoteDOMContentLoaded() { if (mController.isSome() && !ServiceWorkerParentInterceptEnabled()) { AssertIsOnMainThread(); RefPtr swm = ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance(); if (swm) { swm->MaybeCheckNavigationUpdate(mClientInfo); } } MaybeExecute( [](PClientSourceChild* aActor) { aActor->SendNoteDOMContentLoaded(); }); } RefPtr ClientSource::Focus(const ClientFocusArgs& aArgs) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (mClientInfo.Type() != ClientType::Window) { CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowNotSupportedError("Not a Window client"); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } nsPIDOMWindowOuter* outer = nullptr; nsPIDOMWindowInner* inner = GetInnerWindow(); if (inner) { outer = inner->GetOuterWindow(); } else { nsIDocShell* docshell = GetDocShell(); if (docshell) { outer = docshell->GetWindow(); } } if (!outer) { CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Browsing context discarded"); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsFocusManager::FocusWindow(outer, aArgs.callerType()); Result state = SnapshotState(); if (state.isErr()) { return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject( CopyableErrorResult(state.unwrapErr()), __func__); } return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndResolve(state.inspect().ToIPC(), __func__); } RefPtr ClientSource::PostMessage( const ClientPostMessageArgs& aArgs) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); // TODO: Currently this function only supports clients whose global // object is a Window; it should also support those whose global // object is a WorkerGlobalScope. if (nsPIDOMWindowInner* const window = GetInnerWindow()) { const RefPtr container = window->Navigator()->ServiceWorker(); container->ReceiveMessage(aArgs); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndResolve(CopyableErrorResult(), __func__); } CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowNotSupportedError( "postMessage to non-Window clients is not supported yet"); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } RefPtr ClientSource::Claim(const ClientClaimArgs& aArgs) { // The ClientSource::Claim method is only needed in the legacy // mode where the ServiceWorkerManager is run in each child-process. // In parent-process mode this method should not be called. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!ServiceWorkerParentInterceptEnabled()); nsIGlobalObject* global = GetGlobal(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Browsing context torn down"); return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject(rv, __func__); } // Note, we cannot just mark the ClientSource controlled. We must go through // the SWM so that it can keep track of which clients are controlled by each // registration. We must tell the child-process SWM in legacy child-process // mode. In parent-process service worker mode the SWM is notified in the // parent-process in ClientManagerService::Claim(). RefPtr innerPromise = new GenericErrorResultPromise::Private(__func__); ServiceWorkerDescriptor swd(aArgs.serviceWorker()); nsCOMPtr r = NS_NewRunnableFunction( "ClientSource::Claim", [innerPromise, clientInfo = mClientInfo, swd]() mutable { RefPtr swm = ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!swm)) { CopyableErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Browser shutting down"); innerPromise->Reject(rv, __func__); return; } RefPtr p = swm->MaybeClaimClient(clientInfo, swd); p->ChainTo(innerPromise.forget(), __func__); }); if (NS_IsMainThread()) { r->Run(); } else { MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS( SchedulerGroup::Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, r.forget())); } RefPtr outerPromise = new ClientOpPromise::Private(__func__); auto holder = MakeRefPtr>(global); innerPromise ->Then( mEventTarget, __func__, [outerPromise, holder](bool aResult) { holder->Complete(); outerPromise->Resolve(CopyableErrorResult(), __func__); }, [outerPromise, holder](const CopyableErrorResult& aResult) { holder->Complete(); outerPromise->Reject(aResult, __func__); }) ->Track(*holder); return outerPromise; } RefPtr ClientSource::GetInfoAndState( const ClientGetInfoAndStateArgs& aArgs) { Result state = SnapshotState(); if (state.isErr()) { return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndReject( CopyableErrorResult(state.unwrapErr()), __func__); } return ClientOpPromise::CreateAndResolve( ClientInfoAndState(mClientInfo.ToIPC(), state.inspect().ToIPC()), __func__); } Result ClientSource::SnapshotState() { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (mClientInfo.Type() == ClientType::Window) { // If there is a docshell, try to create a document, too. MOZ_TRY(MaybeCreateInitialDocument()); // SnapshotWindowState can deal with a missing inner window return SnapshotWindowState(); } WorkerPrivate* workerPrivate = GetWorkerPrivate(); if (!workerPrivate) { ErrorResult rv; rv.ThrowInvalidStateError("Worker terminated"); return Err(std::move(rv)); } return ClientState(ClientWorkerState(workerPrivate->StorageAccess())); } nsISerialEventTarget* ClientSource::EventTarget() const { return mEventTarget; } void ClientSource::SetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCsp) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (!aCsp) { return; } CSPInfo cspInfo; nsresult rv = CSPToCSPInfo(aCsp, &cspInfo); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return; } mClientInfo.SetCspInfo(cspInfo); } void ClientSource::SetPreloadCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aPreloadCsp) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); if (!aPreloadCsp) { return; } CSPInfo cspPreloadInfo; nsresult rv = CSPToCSPInfo(aPreloadCsp, &cspPreloadInfo); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return; } mClientInfo.SetPreloadCspInfo(cspPreloadInfo); } void ClientSource::SetCspInfo(const CSPInfo& aCSPInfo) { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); mClientInfo.SetCspInfo(aCSPInfo); } const Maybe& ClientSource::GetCspInfo() { NS_ASSERT_OWNINGTHREAD(ClientSource); return mClientInfo.GetCspInfo(); } void ClientSource::Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCallback, const char* aName, uint32_t aFlags) { if (mOwner.is>()) { ImplCycleCollectionTraverse( aCallback, mOwner.as>(), aName, aFlags); } else if (mOwner.is>()) { ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(aCallback, mOwner.as>(), aName, aFlags); } } void ClientSource::NoteCalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope( const nsACString& aScope) { if (mRegisteringScopeList.Contains(aScope)) { return; } mRegisteringScopeList.AppendElement(aScope); } bool ClientSource::CalledRegisterForServiceWorkerScope( const nsACString& aScope) { return mRegisteringScopeList.Contains(aScope); } } // namespace mozilla::dom