SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); // The main testing function. var test = function(isContent) { // Each definition is [eventType, prefSetting] // Where we are setting the "privacy.resistFingerprinting" pref. let eventDefs = [ ["mousedown", true], ["mouseup", true], ["mousedown", false], ["mouseup", false], ]; let testCounter = 0; // Declare ahead of time. let setup; // This function is called when the event handler fires. let handleEvent = function(event, prefVal) { let resisting = prefVal && isContent; if (resisting) { is( event.screenX, event.clientX, "event.screenX and event.clientX should be the same" ); is( event.screenY, event.clientY, "event.screenY and event.clientY should be the same" ); } else { // We can't be sure about X coordinates not being equal, but we can test Y. isnot(event.screenY, event.clientY, "event.screenY !== event.clientY"); } ++testCounter; if (testCounter < eventDefs.length) { nextTest(); } else { SimpleTest.finish(); } }; // In this function, we set up the nth div and event handler, // and then synthesize a mouse event in the div, to test // whether the resulting events resist fingerprinting by // suppressing absolute screen coordinates. nextTest = function() { let [eventType, prefVal] = eventDefs[testCounter]; SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv( { set: [["privacy.resistFingerprinting", prefVal]] }, function() { // The following code creates a new div for each event in eventDefs, // attaches a listener to listen for the event, and then generates // a fake event at the center of the div. let div = document.createElementNS( "", "div" ); = "10px"; = "10px"; = "red"; // Name the div after the event we're listening for. = eventType; document.getElementById("body").appendChild(div); // Seems we can't add an event listener in chrome unless we run // it in a later task. window.setTimeout(function() { div.addEventListener(eventType, event => handleEvent(event, prefVal)); // For some reason, the following synthesizeMouseAtCenter call only seems to run if we // wrap it in a window.setTimeout(..., 0). window.setTimeout(function() { synthesizeMouseAtCenter(div, { type: eventType }); }, 0); }, 0); } ); }; // Now run by starting with the 0th event. nextTest(); };