// This file supports translating W3C tests // to tests on auto MochiTest system with minimum changes. // Author: Maksim Lebedev const PARENT_ORIGIN = "http://mochi.test:8888/"; // Since web platform tests don't check pointerId, we have to use some heuristic // to test them. and thus pointerIds are send to mochitest_support_external.js // before we start sending synthesized widget events. Here, we avoid using // default values used in Gecko to insure everything works as expected. const POINTER_MOUSE_ID = 7; const POINTER_PEN_ID = 8; const POINTER_TOUCH_ID = 9; // Extend for multiple touch points if needed. // Setup environment. addListeners(document.getElementById("target0")); addListeners(document.getElementById("target1")); // Setup communication between mochitest_support_external.js. // Function allows to initialize prerequisites before testing // and adds some callbacks to support mochitest system. function resultCallback(aTestObj) { var message = aTestObj.name + " ("; message += "Get: " + JSON.stringify(aTestObj.status) + ", "; message += "Expect: " + JSON.stringify(aTestObj.PASS) + ")"; window.opener.postMessage( { type: "RESULT", message, result: aTestObj.status === aTestObj.PASS, }, PARENT_ORIGIN ); } add_result_callback(resultCallback); add_completion_callback(() => { window.opener.postMessage({ type: "FIN" }, PARENT_ORIGIN); }); window.addEventListener("load", () => { // Start testing. var startMessage = { type: "START", message: { mouseId: POINTER_MOUSE_ID, penId: POINTER_PEN_ID, touchId: POINTER_TOUCH_ID, }, }; window.opener.postMessage(startMessage, PARENT_ORIGIN); }); function addListeners(elem) { if (!elem) { return; } var All_Events = [ "pointerdown", "pointerup", "pointercancel", "pointermove", "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointerenter", "pointerleave", "gotpointercapture", "lostpointercapture", ]; All_Events.forEach(function(name) { elem.addEventListener(name, function(event) { console.log("(" + event.type + ")-(" + event.pointerType + ")"); // Perform checks only for trusted events. if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } // Compute the desired event.pointerId from event.pointerType. var pointerId = { mouse: POINTER_MOUSE_ID, pen: POINTER_PEN_ID, touch: POINTER_TOUCH_ID, }[event.pointerType]; // Compare the pointerId. resultCallback({ name: "Mismatched event.pointerId recieved.", status: event.pointerId, PASS: pointerId, }); }); }); } // mock the touchScrollInTarget to make the test work. function touchScrollInTarget() { return Promise.resolve(); } // mock test_driver to make the test work. function Actions() {} Actions.prototype = { addPointer() { return this; }, pointerMove() { return this; }, pointerDown() { return this; }, pause() { return this; }, pointerUp() { return this; }, send() { return Promise.resolve(); }, }; const test_driver = { Actions, };