/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/SingleLineTextInputTypes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLInputElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindingDeclarations.h" #include "mozilla/TextUtils.h" #include "HTMLSplitOnSpacesTokenizer.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsCRTGlue.h" #include "nsIIDNService.h" #include "nsIIOService.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; bool SingleLineTextInputTypeBase::IsMutable() const { return !mInputElement->IsDisabled() && !mInputElement->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::readonly); } bool SingleLineTextInputTypeBase::IsTooLong() const { int32_t maxLength = mInputElement->MaxLength(); // Maxlength of -1 means attribute isn't set or parsing error. if (maxLength == -1) { return false; } int32_t textLength = mInputElement->InputTextLength(CallerType::System); return textLength > maxLength; } bool SingleLineTextInputTypeBase::IsTooShort() const { int32_t minLength = mInputElement->MinLength(); // Minlength of -1 means attribute isn't set or parsing error. if (minLength == -1) { return false; } int32_t textLength = mInputElement->InputTextLength(CallerType::System); return textLength && textLength < minLength; } bool SingleLineTextInputTypeBase::IsValueMissing() const { if (!mInputElement->IsRequired()) { return false; } if (!IsMutable()) { return false; } return IsValueEmpty(); } Maybe SingleLineTextInputTypeBase::HasPatternMismatch() const { if (!mInputElement->HasPatternAttribute()) { return Some(false); } nsAutoString pattern; if (!mInputElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::pattern, pattern)) { return Some(false); } nsAutoString value; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); if (value.IsEmpty()) { return Some(false); } Document* doc = mInputElement->OwnerDoc(); Maybe result = nsContentUtils::IsPatternMatching(value, pattern, doc); return result ? Some(!*result) : Nothing(); } /* input type=url */ bool URLInputType::HasTypeMismatch() const { nsAutoString value; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); if (value.IsEmpty()) { return false; } /** * TODO: * The URL is not checked as the HTML5 specifications want it to be because * there is no code to check for a valid URI/IRI according to 3986 and 3987 * RFC's at the moment, see bug 561586. * * RFC 3987 (IRI) implementation: bug 42899 * * HTML5 specifications: * http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/infrastructure.html#valid-url */ nsCOMPtr ioService = do_GetIOService(); nsCOMPtr uri; return !NS_SUCCEEDED(ioService->NewURI(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(value), nullptr, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(uri))); } nsresult URLInputType::GetTypeMismatchMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { return nsContentUtils::GetMaybeLocalizedString( nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationInvalidURL", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), aMessage); } /* input type=email */ bool EmailInputType::HasTypeMismatch() const { nsAutoString value; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); if (value.IsEmpty()) { return false; } return mInputElement->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::multiple) ? !IsValidEmailAddressList(value) : !IsValidEmailAddress(value); } bool EmailInputType::HasBadInput() const { // With regards to suffering from bad input the spec says that only the // punycode conversion works, so we don't care whether the email address is // valid or not here. (If the email address is invalid then we will be // suffering from a type mismatch.) nsAutoString value; nsAutoCString unused; uint32_t unused2; GetNonFileValueInternal(value); HTMLSplitOnSpacesTokenizer tokenizer(value, ','); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { if (!PunycodeEncodeEmailAddress(tokenizer.nextToken(), unused, &unused2)) { return true; } } return false; } nsresult EmailInputType::GetTypeMismatchMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { return nsContentUtils::GetMaybeLocalizedString( nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationInvalidEmail", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), aMessage); } nsresult EmailInputType::GetBadInputMessage(nsAString& aMessage) { return nsContentUtils::GetMaybeLocalizedString( nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES, "FormValidationInvalidEmail", mInputElement->OwnerDoc(), aMessage); } /* static */ bool EmailInputType::IsValidEmailAddressList(const nsAString& aValue) { HTMLSplitOnSpacesTokenizer tokenizer(aValue, ','); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { if (!IsValidEmailAddress(tokenizer.nextToken())) { return false; } } return !tokenizer.separatorAfterCurrentToken(); } /* static */ bool EmailInputType::IsValidEmailAddress(const nsAString& aValue) { // Email addresses can't be empty and can't end with a '.' or '-'. if (aValue.IsEmpty() || aValue.Last() == '.' || aValue.Last() == '-') { return false; } uint32_t atPos; nsAutoCString value; if (!PunycodeEncodeEmailAddress(aValue, value, &atPos) || atPos == (uint32_t)kNotFound || atPos == 0 || atPos == value.Length() - 1) { // Could not encode, or "@" was not found, or it was at the start or end // of the input - in all cases, not a valid email address. return false; } uint32_t length = value.Length(); uint32_t i = 0; // Parsing the username. for (; i < atPos; ++i) { char16_t c = value[i]; // The username characters have to be in this list to be valid. if (!(IsAsciiAlpha(c) || IsAsciiDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '!' || c == '#' || c == '$' || c == '%' || c == '&' || c == '\'' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '/' || c == '=' || c == '?' || c == '^' || c == '_' || c == '`' || c == '{' || c == '|' || c == '}' || c == '~')) { return false; } } // Skip the '@'. ++i; // The domain name can't begin with a dot or a dash. if (value[i] == '.' || value[i] == '-') { return false; } // Parsing the domain name. for (; i < length; ++i) { char16_t c = value[i]; if (c == '.') { // A dot can't follow a dot or a dash. if (value[i - 1] == '.' || value[i - 1] == '-') { return false; } } else if (c == '-') { // A dash can't follow a dot. if (value[i - 1] == '.') { return false; } } else if (!(IsAsciiAlpha(c) || IsAsciiDigit(c) || c == '-')) { // The domain characters have to be in this list to be valid. return false; } } return true; } /* static */ bool EmailInputType::PunycodeEncodeEmailAddress(const nsAString& aEmail, nsAutoCString& aEncodedEmail, uint32_t* aIndexOfAt) { nsAutoCString value = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aEmail); *aIndexOfAt = (uint32_t)value.FindChar('@'); if (*aIndexOfAt == (uint32_t)kNotFound || *aIndexOfAt == value.Length() - 1) { aEncodedEmail = value; return true; } nsCOMPtr idnSrv = do_GetService(NS_IDNSERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (!idnSrv) { NS_ERROR("nsIIDNService isn't present!"); return false; } uint32_t indexOfDomain = *aIndexOfAt + 1; const nsDependentCSubstring domain = Substring(value, indexOfDomain); bool ace; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(idnSrv->IsACE(domain, &ace)) && !ace) { nsAutoCString domainACE; if (NS_FAILED(idnSrv->ConvertUTF8toACE(domain, domainACE))) { return false; } value.Replace(indexOfDomain, domain.Length(), domainACE); } aEncodedEmail = value; return true; }