/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_indexeddb_filemanager_h__ #define mozilla_dom_indexeddb_filemanager_h__ #include "mozilla/dom/quota/PersistenceType.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/QuotaInfo.h" #include "mozilla/dom/quota/UsageInfo.h" #include "mozilla/InitializedOnce.h" #include "FileManagerBase.h" class nsIFile; class mozIStorageConnection; namespace mozilla { namespace dom { namespace indexedDB { // Implemented in ActorsParent.cpp. class FileManager final : public FileManagerBase, public AtomicSafeRefCounted { using PersistenceType = mozilla::dom::quota::PersistenceType; using FileManagerBase::MutexType; const PersistenceType mPersistenceType; const quota::GroupAndOrigin mGroupAndOrigin; const nsString mDatabaseName; LazyInitializedOnce mDirectoryPath; LazyInitializedOnce mJournalDirectoryPath; const bool mEnforcingQuota; // Lock protecting FileManager.mFileInfos. // It's s also used to atomically update FileInfo.mRefCnt and // FileInfo.mDBRefCnt static MutexType sMutex; public: [[nodiscard]] static nsCOMPtr GetFileForId(nsIFile* aDirectory, int64_t aId); [[nodiscard]] static nsCOMPtr GetCheckedFileForId( nsIFile* aDirectory, int64_t aId); static nsresult InitDirectory(nsIFile& aDirectory, nsIFile& aDatabaseFile, const nsACString& aOrigin, uint32_t aTelemetryId); static Result GetUsage(nsIFile* aDirectory); FileManager(PersistenceType aPersistenceType, const quota::GroupAndOrigin& aGroupAndOrigin, const nsAString& aDatabaseName, bool aEnforcingQuota); PersistenceType Type() const { return mPersistenceType; } const quota::GroupAndOrigin& GroupAndOrigin() const { return mGroupAndOrigin; } const nsACString& Origin() const { return mGroupAndOrigin.mOrigin; } const nsAString& DatabaseName() const { return mDatabaseName; } bool EnforcingQuota() const { return mEnforcingQuota; } nsresult Init(nsIFile* aDirectory, mozIStorageConnection& aConnection); [[nodiscard]] nsCOMPtr GetDirectory(); [[nodiscard]] nsCOMPtr GetCheckedDirectory(); [[nodiscard]] nsCOMPtr GetJournalDirectory(); [[nodiscard]] nsCOMPtr EnsureJournalDirectory(); [[nodiscard]] nsresult SyncDeleteFile(int64_t aId); // XXX When getting rid of FileHelper, this method should be removed/made // private. [[nodiscard]] nsresult SyncDeleteFile(nsIFile& aFile, nsIFile& aJournalFile); [[nodiscard]] nsresult AsyncDeleteFile(int64_t aFileId); MOZ_DECLARE_REFCOUNTED_TYPENAME(FileManager) static StaticMutex& Mutex() { return sMutex; } ~FileManager() = default; }; } // namespace indexedDB } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_indexeddb_filemanager_h__