/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; function maybeAsyncStack(offset, column) { if ( Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "javascript.options.asyncstack_capture_debuggee_only" ) ) { return ""; } let stack = Error().stack.replace(/^.*?\n/, ""); return ( "JSActor query*" + stack.replace( /^([^\n]+?):(\d+):\d+/, (m0, m1, m2) => `${m1}:${+m2 + offset}:${column}` ) ); } declTest("sendQuery Error", { async test(browser) { let parent = browser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.domProcess; let actorParent = parent.getActor("TestProcessActor"); let asyncStack = maybeAsyncStack(2, 8); let error = await actorParent .sendQuery("error", { message: "foo" }) .catch(e => e); is(error.message, "foo", "Error should have the correct message"); is(error.name, "SyntaxError", "Error should have the correct name"); is( error.stack, "receiveMessage@resource://testing-common/TestProcessActorChild.jsm:33:31\n" + asyncStack, "Error should have the correct stack" ); }, }); declTest("sendQuery Exception", { async test(browser) { let parent = browser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.domProcess; let actorParent = parent.getActor("TestProcessActor"); let asyncStack = maybeAsyncStack(2, 8); let error = await actorParent .sendQuery("exception", { message: "foo", result: Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, }) .catch(e => e); is(error.message, "foo", "Error should have the correct message"); is( error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG, "Error should have the correct result code" ); is( error.stack, "receiveMessage@resource://testing-common/TestProcessActorChild.jsm:36:22\n" + asyncStack, "Error should have the correct stack" ); }, }); declTest("sendQuery testing", { async test(browser) { let parent = browser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.domProcess; let actorParent = parent.getActor("TestProcessActor"); ok(actorParent, "JSWindowActorParent should have value."); let { result } = await actorParent.sendQuery("asyncAdd", { a: 10, b: 20 }); is(result, 30); }, });