/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; declTest("destroy actor by iframe remove", { allFrames: true, async test(browser) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async function() { // Create and append an iframe into the window's document. let frame = content.document.createElement("iframe"); frame.id = "frame"; content.document.body.appendChild(frame); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(frame, "load"); is(content.window.frames.length, 1, "There should be an iframe."); let child = frame.contentWindow.windowGlobalChild; let actorChild = child.getActor("TestWindow"); ok(actorChild, "JSWindowActorChild should have value."); { let error = actorChild.uninitializedGetterError; const prop = "contentWindow"; Assert.ok( error, `Should get error accessing '${prop}' before actor initialization` ); if (error) { Assert.equal( error.name, "InvalidStateError", "Error should be an InvalidStateError" ); Assert.equal( error.message, `JSWindowActorChild.${prop} getter: Cannot access property '${prop}' before actor is initialized`, "Error should have informative message" ); } } let didDestroyPromise = new Promise(resolve => { const TOPIC = "test-js-window-actor-diddestroy"; Services.obs.addObserver(function obs(subject, topic, data) { ok(data, "didDestroyCallback data should be true."); is(subject, actorChild, "Should have this value"); Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, TOPIC); // Make a trip through the event loop to ensure that the // actor's manager has been cleared before running remaining // checks. Services.tm.dispatchToMainThread(resolve); }, TOPIC); }); info("Remove frame"); content.document.getElementById("frame").remove(); await didDestroyPromise; Assert.throws( () => child.getActor("TestWindow"), /InvalidStateError/, "Should throw if frame destroy." ); for (let prop of [ "document", "browsingContext", "docShell", "contentWindow", ]) { let error; try { void actorChild[prop]; } catch (e) { error = e; } Assert.ok( error, `Should get error accessing '${prop}' after actor destruction` ); if (error) { Assert.equal( error.name, "InvalidStateError", "Error should be an InvalidStateError" ); Assert.equal( error.message, `JSWindowActorChild.${prop} getter: Cannot access property '${prop}' after actor 'TestWindow' has been destroyed`, "Error should have informative message" ); } } }); }, }); declTest("destroy actor by page navigates", { allFrames: true, async test(browser) { info("creating an in-process frame"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [URL], async function(url) { let frame = content.document.createElement("iframe"); frame.src = url; content.document.body.appendChild(frame); }); info("navigating page"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [TEST_URL], async function(url) { let frame = content.document.querySelector("iframe"); frame.contentWindow.location = url; let child = frame.contentWindow.windowGlobalChild; let actorChild = child.getActor("TestWindow"); ok(actorChild, "JSWindowActorChild should have value."); let didDestroyPromise = new Promise(resolve => { const TOPIC = "test-js-window-actor-diddestroy"; Services.obs.addObserver(function obs(subject, topic, data) { ok(data, "didDestroyCallback data should be true."); is(subject, actorChild, "Should have this value"); Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, TOPIC); resolve(); }, TOPIC); }); await Promise.all([ didDestroyPromise, ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(frame, "load"), ]); Assert.throws( () => child.getActor("TestWindow"), /InvalidStateError/, "Should throw if frame destroy." ); }); }, }); declTest("destroy actor by tab being closed", { allFrames: true, async test(browser) { info("creating a new tab"); let newTab = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, URL); let newTabBrowser = newTab.linkedBrowser; let parent = newTabBrowser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "TestWindow" ); ok(parent, "JSWindowActorParent should have value."); // We can't depend on `SpecialPowers.spawn` to resolve our promise, as the // frame message manager will be being shut down at the same time. Instead // send messages over the per-process message manager which should still be // active. let didDestroyPromise = new Promise(resolve => { Services.ppmm.addMessageListener( "test-jswindowactor-diddestroy", function onmessage(msg) { Services.ppmm.removeMessageListener( "test-jswindowactor-diddestroy", onmessage ); resolve(); } ); }); info("setting up destroy listeners"); await SpecialPowers.spawn(newTabBrowser, [], () => { let child = content.windowGlobalChild; let actorChild = child.getActor("TestWindow"); ok(actorChild, "JSWindowActorChild should have value."); Services.obs.addObserver(function obs(subject, topic, data) { if (subject != actorChild) { return; } dump("DidDestroy called\n"); Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, "test-js-window-actor-diddestroy"); Services.cpmm.sendAsyncMessage("test-jswindowactor-diddestroy", data); }, "test-js-window-actor-diddestroy"); }); info("removing new tab"); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(newTab); info("waiting for destroy callbacks to fire"); await didDestroyPromise; info("got didDestroy callback"); }, });