/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ async function testSteps() { const principalInfos = [ { url: "http://localhost", attrs: {} }, { url: "http://www.mozilla.org", attrs: {} }, { url: "http://example.com", attrs: {} }, { url: "http://example.org", attrs: { userContextId: 5 } }, { url: "http://origin.test", attrs: {} }, { url: "http://prefix.test", attrs: {} }, { url: "http://prefix.test", attrs: { userContextId: 10 } }, { url: "http://pattern.test", attrs: { userContextId: 15 } }, { url: "http://pattern.test:8080", attrs: { userContextId: 15 } }, { url: "https://pattern.test", attrs: { userContextId: 15 } }, ]; const data = { key: "foo", value: "bar", }; function verifyData(clearedOrigins) { info("Getting storages"); let storages = []; for (let i = 0; i < principalInfos.length; i++) { let principalInfo = principalInfos[i]; let principal = getPrincipal(principalInfo.url, principalInfo.attrs); let storage = getLocalStorage(principal); storages.push(storage); } info("Verifying data"); for (let i = 0; i < storages.length; i++) { let value = storages[i].getItem(data.key + i); if (clearedOrigins.includes(i)) { is(value, null, "Correct value"); } else { is(value, data.value + i, "Correct value"); } } } info("Setting pref"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.storage.next_gen", true); info("Stage 1 - Testing archived data migration"); info("Clearing"); let request = clear(); await requestFinished(request); info("Installing package"); // The profile contains storage.sqlite and webappsstore.sqlite. The file // create_db.js in the package was run locally, specifically it was // temporarily added to xpcshell.ini and then executed: // mach xpcshell-test --interactive dom/localstorage/test/unit/create_db.js installPackage("migration_profile"); verifyData([]); info("Stage 2 - Testing archived data clearing"); for (let type of ["origin", "prefix", "pattern"]) { info("Clearing"); request = clear(); await requestFinished(request); info("Installing package"); // See the comment for the first installPackage() call. installPackage("migration_profile"); let clearedOrigins = []; switch (type) { case "origin": { let principal = getPrincipal("http://origin.test", {}); request = clearOrigin(principal, "default"); await requestFinished(request); clearedOrigins.push(4); break; } case "prefix": { let principal = getPrincipal("http://prefix.test", {}); request = clearOriginsByPrefix(principal, "default"); await requestFinished(request); clearedOrigins.push(5, 6); break; } case "pattern": { request = clearOriginsByPattern(JSON.stringify({ userContextId: 15 })); await requestFinished(request); clearedOrigins.push(7, 8, 9); break; } default: { throw new Error("Unknown type: " + type); } } verifyData(clearedOrigins); } }